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Full text of "Old clocks and watches & their makers, being an historical and descriptive account of the different styles of clocks and watches of the past, in England and abroad, to which is added a list of ten thousand makers"

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OLD      CLOCKS      AND 





CLOCKS    AND    WATCHES    OE    THE     PAST,    IN 


TO    WHICH     IS    AI3DEI) 



F.   J.    BRITTEN 

Autlior  ot 

"  T/ie  Hatch  and  Clockmakers'  Handbook ,  Dictionary  and  Gitidc," 

" Hatch  Springing  and  Adjusting^^  Etc. 





B.    T.     BATSFORD,     94    HIGH     HOLBORN 




BRAUBUKY,    AGNEW,    &    CO.    LI).,    fKINTERS, 



immnwinn.i,  — i.ijii  .'MjammmmmmmmmmmKu.  m '"%«.  i  'amfm"^*^*' '""W -U" '  wigwwjgwte^- 


•Since  the  publication,  in  i<Sij4,  of  "  l-'ornier  Clock  unci  Watch- 
makers and  their  Work,"  so  many  suggestions  have  reached  nie 
from  lovers  of  old  clocks  and  watches  that  I  have  been  induced 
to  recast  the  volume.  Much  additional  information  of  a  general 
cliaracter  has  been  embodied  in  the  present  book,  and  details 
relating  to  modern  construction  wliich  appeared  before  are  now 

Technical  terms  are,  1  am  told,  particularly  exasperating  to  people 
unacquainted  with  horological  phrases,  and  I  ha\e  therefore  a\oided 
them  as  much  as  possible.  "The  Watch  and  Clockmakers'  Hand- 
book, Dictionary  and  Guide  "  may  be  consulted  by  those  especially 
interested  in  the  mechanism  of  clocks  and  watches,  and  who  desire 
more  explicit  details  than  I  have  given  here. 

Few  places  can  boast  of  a  finer  display  of  eighteenth-century 
clocks  than  Windsor  Castle.  The  principal  representative  specimens 
I  have  been  enabled  to  illustrate  and  describe  by  special  permission 
of  the  Queen. 

Additions  have  been  made  to  the  list  of  old  makers  and  some 
inaccuracies  corrected.  Se\eral  items  of  information  in  connection 
with  this  list  I  have  obtained  from  the  magnificent  collection  of 
tradesmen's  cards  owned  by  the  Hon.  Gerald  Ponsonby,  who 
allowed  me  free  access  to  this  most  interesting  record.  A  perusal 
of  the  Banks  collection  of  tradesmen's  cards  at  the  British  Museum 
has  also  elicited  particulars  not  to  be  met  with  in  ordinary  channels. 
^Ir.  J.  E.  Hodgkin,  F.S.A.,  furnished  me  with  a  list  of  the  clock  and 

vi  Prefatory  Notes. 

watchmakers  in  his  collection,  which  proved  a  useful  check  in  several 
instances.  Mr.  C.  H.  Read,  of  the  British  Museum,  has  given  me 
every  possible  help  in  going  over  the  unsurpassed  display  of  time- 
keepers in  his  charge,  for  the  purpose  of  revising  the  references 
thereto.  A  similar  favour  in  respect  of  the  collection  at  South 
Kensington  Museum  has  been  accorded  by  Mr.  A.  B.  Skinner. 

I  have  to  acknowledge  the  kindness  of  many  owners  of  old  time- 
keepers who  permitted  me  to  inspect  their  treasures.  In  particular 
I  should  mention  Mr.  Albert  Schloss,  who  has  choice  examples  of 
every  period  ;  he  placed  the  Avhole  of  them  in  my  hands  for  exami- 
nation, and  of  these  between  sixty  and  seventy  have  been  selected 

for  illustration. 

F.  J.  B. 

35,  Northampton  SyuARE,  London,   E.G. 
April,  iSgg. 


That  this  edition  is  so  much  larger  than  the  previous  one  is  due 
mainly  to  the  kindness  of  owners  of  old  timekeepers,  who  have 
permitted  me  to  illustrate  and  describe  them.  Altogether,  more 
than  three  hundred  new  illustrations  have  been  provided.  The 
chief  alteration  in  the  arrangement  is  di\ision  into  chapters,  which 
will,  I  trust,  prove  convenient  to  readers.  The  section  on  long  case 
clocks  has  been  entirely  re-written,  and  that  on  clocks  in  the  French 
style  considerably  extended.  To  all  friends  and  correspondents  who 
have  favoured  me  with  information  and  suggestions  I  offer  the  most 
grateful  acknowledgment,  and  I  must,  in  particular,  mention  the 
kind  assistance  of  Mr.  Albert  Schloss  and  Mr.  C.  F.  Bell. 

F.  J.  B. 

35,  Northampton  Square,  London,  E.C 
April,  1904. 




Solar  Time — Cycle  of  the  Sun — Sidereal  Time — Duration  of  a  Year- 
Golden  Number — Epact — Number  of  Direction — Roman  Indiction — 
Julian  Period  -Meridian  Dials — Horizontal  Sun  Dial  —  Ring  Dial — 
Clepsydra^ — Wick  and  Lamp  Timekeepers  — Sand  Glass 



Early  Clocks — Jacks — St.  Paul's — Westminster — Rouen — Glastonbury — 
Wimborne — De  Vick — Palais  de  Justice — Foliot  or  Verge — Exeter — 
Oxford — Strasburg — Lubeck — Hans  of  Jena — XVth  Century  Clocks  — 
Anne  Boleyn — Hampton  Court — Fine — Habrecht — Lyons — Venice 



Robert  Bruce — Henlein — Early  Examples — Zech — Mainspring  and  Fusee 
— Octagonal — Nef — Dresden — Pendulum  —Balance  Spring — Alarum — 
.\utomata — Bacchus — Crucifix — Elizabeth — Mary  of  Scots — Death's- 
head — Tambourine  Case — Spherical  Watch — Astronomical  Watch — 
P>ook — Padlock — Lion — Cruciform — Fancy  Shapes—  Tulip — Poppy — 
Floral  —  Olive  - —  Ring  extremely  diminutive  —  Horn  —  Butterfly — 
Octagonal — Reputed  Whiting — Square  Steel — Oval — Holbein — Salt- 
cellar  62 



Cromwell  —  Watch  Glasses  —  Cases  —  Enamel  —  Pair  Cases—  Chasing — 
Repoiissf — Steel — Carnelian — Tortoise-shell — Bull's-eye — Watch  Papers 
— Engine-turning — Parti-coloured  Gold  — Dials — Early  Minute  Indi- 
cators—Hands— Changing  Hour-Figures — Fencing  Soldiers — Pendulum 
Watches  —  Musical  Watches — Moving  Figures — Souvenir  Watch — 
Winged  Mercury — Tra\elling  Watches— Watch  Kejs    .... 

viii  Contents. 




Cratzer — Newsam — Bull — Nouwen — Garret— Grinkin  —  Henche  —  Flood- 
North  —  Crayle  —  Alcock — Ramsay  —  Partridge  —  The  Clockmakers' 
Company — East — Jones — Barlow — Betts — Tompion  — Graham  — Quare 
— Fromanteel — Hooke — Huygens — Barrow — Knibb — Harrys — Bradley 
— Ellicott — Sully — Harrison — Pinchbeck — Mudge — Arnold — Earnshaw 
— Ascertaining  the  longitude  at  sea  by  means  of  the  Chronometer — 
VuUiamy — Clay — Ferguson — Jenkins — Margetts  —  Breguet  —  Equation 
Clocks — Enderlin — Lichfield  Clock — Bridges — Lovelace — Cox — Horst- 
mann — Fan  Clocks  ...........     245 



Early  Records — Paris  Guild — Boulle  or  Buhl  Work — Clocks  at  Windsor 
Castle — Marot — Martinet — Le  Roy — Lepaute — Mantel  Clocks — Hang- 
ing or  Cartel  Clocks — Thuret — Courtois — Courvoisier — Gudin— Le  Noir 
— Robin  —  Leguesse  —  Dauthiau  —  Passement  —  Sotian  —  Berthoud  — 
Lepine — Bailly  I'Aine — Porcelain  Cases — Symbolical  Clock  Hands — 
Italian  Cartel  Timepieces — INIystery  Clocks — Falling  Ball — Grollier  de 
Serviere  —  Rolling  Ball  —  Atlas  —  Globes  —  Urns —  Vases  —  Marie 
Antoinette — Falconet — Three  Graces — Negress  Head — Rolling  Clock  — 
Schmidt's  Mystery  Clock — Fan-shaped  Clock— Bird  Cage — Magnetic 
Timekeepers — Congreve  Clock — Japanese  Clocks — Hogarth  .         .         .     378 



Lantern  Clocks—Bob  Pendulum  —  Bowyer  —  Knifton  —  Dyde  —  Frets  — 
Sheep"s  Head  Clocks — Hood  Clocks — Long  Case  Clocks — Smith- 
Clement — Dials — Prime — Tompion  —  Clay  —  Cornerpieces  of  Various 
Periods — Further  Examples  of  Dials  and  Hands — Cases — Examples — 
Marqueterie  — Oriental  Lacquer — Chippendale — Sheraton — Bracket  or 
Pedestal  Clocks — Basket  Top— Bell  Top — Engraved  Back  Plates — 
Musical  Clocks — Broken  Arch — Balloon — Lancet — Taxes  on  Clocks — • 
Act  of  Parliament  Clocks 445 



Pendulum — Striking  Work — Watch  Movements — Pendulum  Watches — 
Balance  Springs  —  Hog's  Bristle  —  Hooke  —  Huygens  —  Tompion  — 
Barrow — Le  Count  —  Enamelled  Balance  Covers  -  Watch  Cocks  — 
Pillars — Escapements  —  Watch  Jewelling  —  Compensation  —  Winding 
Mechanism— Self  Winding— Pedometer  Winding— Hall  Marks     .         .     51S 


FORMER   CLOCK    AND    WATCH    MAKERS  .......      544 





As  defined  by  the  title,  our  subject  may  be  said  to  begin  with  the 
introduction  of  clocks  ;  and,  although  primitive  methods  of  time- 
keeping should  not,  perhaps,  be  passed  over  without  notice,  it  will 
be  unnecessary  to  make  more  than  a  brief  reference  to  them.  It 
may  be  convenient  and  useful  to  begin  with  some  explanation  of  the 
various  time  standards. 

Solar  Time.  — Solar  time  is  marked  by  the  diurnal  revolution  of 
the  earth  with  regard  to  the  sun,  so  that  the  instant  the  sun  is  seen  at 
its  greatest  height  above  the  horizon  it  is  true  midday,  which  some- 
times takes  place  i6  min.  i8  sec.  sooner,  and  at  others  14  min. 
28  sec.  later,  than  twelve  o'clock  mean  time.  The  diurnal  rotation  of 
the  earth  on  its  axis  might  naturally  be  supposed  to  bring  each 
place  to  the  meridian  at  regular  intervals;  this  would  be  nearly  the 
case  if  the  earth  had  no  other  movement  ;  but  it  advances  at  the 
same  time  in  its  orbit,  and  as  the  meridians  are  not  perpendicular 
to  the  ecliptic,  the  days  are  not  of  equal  duration.  This  may  be 
easily  perceived  by  placing  a  mark  at  every  15°  of  the  equator  and 
ecliptic  on  a  terrestrial  globe,  as,  by  turning  it  to  the  westward,  the 
marks  on  the  ecliptic,  from  Aries  to  Cancer,  will  come  to  the  brazen 
meridian  sooner  than  the  corresponding  ones  on  the  equator,  those 
from  Cancer  to  Libra  later,  from  Libra  to  Capricornus  sooner,  and 
from  Capricornus  to  Aries  later ;  the  marks  on  the  ecliptic  and 
equator  only  coming  to  the  meridian  together  at  Aries,  Cancer, 
Libra,  and  Capricornus.  True  and  mean  time  do  not  agree  though 
on  the  days  in  which  the  sun  enters  these  signs,  in  March,  June, 

c.w.  B 

2  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

September,  and  December,  for  the  earth  moves  with  greater  rapidity 
in  December,  when  it  is  nearer  the  sun,  than  it  does  in  July,  when 
it  is  farther  from  it.  The  regularity  of  the  earth's  motion  is  also 
further  disturbed  by  the  attraction  of  the  moon,  Venus,  and  Jupiter. 
True  and  mean  agree  about  the  25th  December,  15th  April, 
14th  June,  and  31st  August;  these  coincidences  vary  slightly  in 
different  years,  because  the  earth  takes  about  a  quarter  of  a  day 
more  than  a  year  to  complete  a  revolution  in  its  orbit,  and  this 
error  accumulates  from  leap  year  till  the  fourth  year,  when  the  extra 
day  is  taken  in. 

Sun-dials  mark  apparent  time,  while  clocks  measure  equal  or 
mean  time ;  if,  therefore,  a  timekeeper,  perfectly  regular  in  its 
motion,  were  set  to  apparent  solar  time,  it  would  be  found  to  agree 
with  it  only  on  four  days  in  the  year. 

Cycle  of  the  Sun. — A  cycle  of  the  sun  is  a  period  of  twenty-eight 
years,  after  which  the  days  of  the  week  again  fall  on  the  same  days  of  the 
month  as  during  the  first  year  of  the  former  cycle.  The  cycle  of  the  sun 
has  no  relation  to  the  sun's  course,  but  was  invented  for  the  purpose 
of  finding  the  Dominical  Letter  which  points  out  the  days  of  the 
month  on  which  the  Sundays  fall  during  each  year  of  the  cycle. 

Sidereal  Time. — Sidereal  time,  the  standard  used  by  astronomers, 
is  measured  by  the  diurnal  rotation  of  the  earth,  which  turns  on  its 
axis  in  23  hours  56   min.   4-1   sec.     The  sidereal  day  is  therefore 

3  min.  56  sec.  less  than  the  mean  solar  day,  and  a  clock  to  show 
sidereal  time  must  have  its  pendulum  a  trifle  shorter  than  a  mean- 
time clock  with  the  same  train.  About  the  15th  of  April  the  sidereal 
clock  and  the  mean-time  clock  would  agree,  but  from  that  time 
the  divergence  between  the  two  would  be  increased  each  day  by 
3  min.  56  sec. 

Mean-time  clocks,  though,  can  be  regulated  by  the  stars  with 
greater  facility  than  by  the  sun,  for  the  motion  of  the  earth  with 
regard  to  the  fixed  stars  is  uniform,  and  a  star  will  always  appear  at 
the  meridian  3  min.  56  sec.  sooner  than  it  did  Oxi  the  preceding  day. 
In  the  absence  of  a  transit  instrument  and  a  table  giving  the  right 
ascension  of  particular  stars,  choose  a  window  having  a  southern 
aspect,  from  which  the  steeple  of  a  church,  a  chimney,  or  any  other 
fixed  point  may  be  seen.  To  the  side  of  the  window  attach  a  thin 
plate  of  brass  having  a  small  hole  in  it,  in  such  a  manner  that  by 
looking  through  the  hole  towards  the  edge  of  the  elevated  object, 
some  of  the  fixed  stars  may  be  seen  ;  the  progress  of  one  of  these 
being  watched,  the  instant  it  vanishes  behind  the  fixed  point  a  signal 

Time  and  Eavly  Time  Recorders.  3 

is  made  to  a  person  observing  the  clock,  who  then  notes  the  exact 
time  at  which  the  star  disappeared,  and  on  tlie  following  night  the 
same  star  will  vanish  behind  the  same  object  3  min.  56  sec.  sooner. 
If  a  clock  mark  ten  liours  when  tlie  observation  is  made,  when  the 
star  vanishes  the  following  night  it  should  indicate  3  min.  56  sec. 
less  than  ten  hours.  If  several  cloudy  nights  have  rendered  it 
impossible  to  compare  the  clock  with  the  star,  it  will  then  be 
necessary  to  multiply  3  min.  56  sec.  by  the  number  of  days  that 
have  elapsed  since  the  observation,  and  the  product  deducted  from 
the  hour  the  clock  then  indicates  gives  the  time  the  clock  ought  to 
show.  The  same  star  can  only  be  observed  during  a  few  weeks,  for 
as  it  gains  nearly  one  hour  in  a  fortnight,  it  will,  in  a  short  time, 
come  to  the  meridian  in  broad  daylight  and  become  invisible  ;  to 
continue  the  observation,  another  star  must  be  selected.  In  making 
the  observation,  care  must  be  taken  that  a  planet  is  not  observed 
instead  of  a  star  ;  Mars,  Jupiter,  and  Saturn  are  those  most  likely 
to  occasion  this  error,  more  especially  Saturn,  which,  from  being 
the  most  distant  of  the  three,  resembles  a  star  of  the  first  magnitude. 
The  planets  may,  however,  be  easily  distinguished,  for  being  com- 
paratively near  the  earth,  they  appear  larger  than  the  stars  ;  their 
light  also  is  steady  because  reflected,  while  the  fixed  stars  scintillate 
and  have  a  twinkling  light.  A  sure  means  of  distinguishing  between 
them  is  to  watch  a  star  attentively  for  a  few  nights  ;  if  it  change  its 
place  with  regard  to  the  other  stars  it  is  a  planet. 

Duration  of  a  Year. — The  earth  performs  its  revolution  round 
the  sun  in  365  days  6  hours  9  min.,  nearly,  and  this  constitutes 
the  sidereal  year.  Owing  to  the  precession  of  the  equinoxes,  the 
sidereal  year  hardly  accords  with  the  seasons,  and  so  the  tropical,  or 
equinoctial,  year  is  taken  as  365  days  5  hours  48  min.  48  sec. 
Among  the  Romans  no  regular  account  was  taken  of  the  difference 
between  the  year  and  365  days  till  b.c.  45.  Then  the  surplus  w^as 
reckoned  as  six  hours,  making  one  day  in  four  years  ;  and  one  day 
was  accordingly  added  to  every  fourth  year.  There  still  remained 
the  apparently  trifling  difference  of  1 1  min.  11  sec.  between  the  civil 
and  the  tropical  year  ;  this,  however,  produced  an  error  of  about 
seven  days  in  goo  years.  In  1582,  Pope  Gregory  XII.  struck  out 
ten  days,  which  represented  the  accumulated  error,  from  the  calendar, 
and  it  was  decided  that  three  leap  years  should  be  omitted  every  400 
years;  thus,  as  1600  was  leap  year,  the  years  1700,  1800,  and  1900 
were  not,  but  2000  will  be  leap  year.  This  rectification  was  not 
adopted  in  England  till   1752,  when  eleven  days  were  omitted  from 

B  2 

4  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  calendar.  As  our  year  still  exceeds  the  true  year,  although  by 
an  extremely  small  fraction,  another  leap  year  in  addition  to  those 
should  be  omitted  once  in  4000  years. 

The  Golden  Number. — Meton,  an  Athenian  astronomer,  b  c. 
432,  discovered  that  after  a  period  of  nineteen  years  the  new  and  full 
moons  returned  on  the  same  days  of  the  month  as  they  had  done 
before ;  this  period  is  called  the  cycle  of  the  moon.  The  Greeks 
thought  so  highly  of  this  calculation,  that  they  had  it  written  in 
letters  of  gold,  hence  the  name  Golden  Number  ;  and  at  the  Council 
of  Nice,  A.D.  325,  it  was  determined  that  Meton's  cycle  should  be 
used  to  regulate  the  movable  feasts  of  the  Church. 

The  Epact. — The  Epact  serves  to  find  the  moon's  age  by  showing 
the  number  of  days  which  must  be  added  to  each  lunar  year,  in  order 
to  complete  a  solar  year.  A  lunar  month  is  composed  of  29  days 
12  hours  44  min.  3  sec,  or  rather  more  than  29-5  days;  12  lunar 
months  are,  therefore,  nearly  1 1  days  short  of  the  solar  year — 
thus,  the  new  moons  in  one  year  will  fall  1 1  days  earlier  than  they 
did  in  the  preceding  year,  so  that  were  it  new  moon  on  ist  January, 
it  would  be  nearly  11  days  old  on  the  ist  of  January  of  the  ensuing 
year,  and  22  days  on  the  third  year  ;  on  the  fourth  year  it  would  be 
33  ;  but  30  days  are  taken  off  as  an  intercalary  month  (the  moon 
having  made  a  revolution  in  that  time),  and  the  3  remaining  would  be 
the  Epact ;  the  Epact  thus  continues  to  vary,  until,  at  the  expiration 
of  19  years,  the  new  moons  again  return  in  the  same  order  as  before. 

The  Number  of  Direction, — The  Council  of  Nice  decided, 
A.D.  325,  that  Easter  Day  is  always  the  first  Sunday  after  the  full 
moon  which  happens  upon  or  next  after  the  21st  of  March. 
Easter  Day,  therefore,  cannot  take  place  earlier  than  the  22nd  of 
March  or  later  than  the  25th  of  April.  The  Number  of  Direction 
is  that  day  of  the  thirty-five  on  which  Easter  Sunday  falls. 

The  Roman  Indiction. — The  Roman  Indiction  was  a  period  of 
fifteen  years,  appointed  a.d.  312  by  the  Emperor  Constantine  for 
the  payment  of  certain  taxes. 

The  Julian  Period. — The  Julian  Period  of  7980  years  is  the 
product  obtained  by  multiplying  together  29,  19  and  15,  which 
numbers  represent  the  cycles  of  the  sun,  the  moon,  and  the  Roman 
Indiction.  The  beginning  of  the  Julian  Period  is  reckoned  from 
709  before  the  creation  of  the  world,  so  that  its  completion  will 
occur  A.D.  3267,  until  which  time  there  cannot  be  two  years  having 
the  same  numbers  for  three  cycles. 

Timekeepers    are    more      immediately     concerned    with     the 

Time   and  Early   Time   Raoidcrs. 

sub-(li\isions  of  a  day.  The  Persians  divided  tlie  day  into  twenty- 
four  hours,  starting  from  sunrise ;  the  iVthenians  began  the  day  at 
sunset ;  the  present  civil  day  begins  at  midnight,  and  is  divided  into 
two  equal  periods  of  twel\-e  hours  eacli,  but  astronomers  reckon  from 
noon  and  count  the  hours  continuously  from  i  to  24. 

Sun-Dials.  — The  simplest  form  of  sun-dial,  and  a  useful  one  for 
setting  a  timekeeper  when  no  standard  is  available  for  comparison, 
is  one  for  showing  when  the  sun  is  on  the  meridian.  With  a  time- 
keeper showing  mean  time  and  an  equation  table,  a  meridian  line 
may,  of  course,  be  at  once  traced  for  future  reference.  In  the  absence 
of  these,  the  following,  which  are  practically  Ferguson's  instructions, 
may  be  followed  :  "  Make  four  or  five  concentric  circles,  a  quarter  of 
an  inch  from  one  another,  on  a  flat  stone,  and  let  the  outmost  circle 
be  but  little  less  than  the  stone 
will  contain.  Fix  a  pin  perpen- 
dicularly in  the  centre,  and  of  such 
a  length  that  its  whole  shadow 
may  fall  within  the  innermost 
circle  for  at  least  four  hours  in 
the  middle  of  the  day.  The  pin 
ought  to  be  about  an  eighth  of  an 
inch  thick,  with  a  round  blunt 
point.  The  stone  being  set  exactly 
level,  in  a  place  where  the  sun 
shines,  suppose  from  eight  in  the 
morning  till  four  in  the  afternoon, 

about  which  hours  the  end  of  the  shadow  should  fall  without  all 
the  circles ;  watch  the  times  in  the  forenoon  when  the  extremity 
of  the  shortening  shadow  just  touches  the  several  circles,  and  there 
make  marks.  Then,  in  the  afternoon  of  the  same  day,  watch  the 
lengthening  shadow,  and  where  its  end  touches  the  several  circles, 
in  going  over  them,  make  marks  also.  With  a  pair  of  compasses, 
find  exactly  the  middle  points  between  the  two  marks  on  any  circle, 
and  draw  a  straight  line  from  the  centre  to  that  point,  which  line 
will  be  covered  at  noon  by  the  shadow  of  a  small  upricht  wire, 
which  should  be  put  in  place  of  the  pin.  The  reason  for  drawing 
several  circles  is,  that  in  case  one  part  of  the  day  should  prove 
clear,  and  the  other  part  somewhat  cloudy,  if  you  miss  the  time 
when  the  point  of  the  shadow  should  touch  one  circle,  you  may 
perhaps  catch  it  in  touching  another." 

By  observation  the  hours  of  the  morning  and  afternoon  may  also 

Fig  I. 

Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

be  marked  on  the  meridian  dial,  and  it  will  be  noticed  that,  although 
the  position  of  the  hour  immediately  preceding  corresponds  with  the 
one  immediately  after  noon,  these  divisions  will  not  answer  for  any 
of  the  remaining  hours. 

Curious  Meridian   Dial. — The  very  ingeniously  contrived  meri- 
dian dial  shown  below  and  reproduced  from  L'Horlogerie  by  Joseph 


mm 'ipf 

2. — Curious  Meridian  Dial. 

Rambal,  formed  part  of  St.  Peter's  Cathedral,  Geneva,  from  1760 
till  the  renovation  of  the  building  in  1894,  ^^^^  has  since  been 
restored  on  the  initiative  of  the  Society  of  Arts.  The  white  spot  in 
the  centre  of  the  disc's  shadow  not  only  indicates  accurately  solar 
noon  when  it  is  bisected  by  the  central  vertical  line,  but  also 
approximately  mean  solar  noon  when  it  is  centrally  over  a  line  of 
the  figure-of-8  loop  which  allows  for  the  equation  of  time  on  each 

Time  and  Early  Time  Recorders.  y 

particular  clay.  Tlie  full  line  of  the  loop  serves  from  June  to 
December,  and  the  dotted  line  during  the  complement  of  the  year. 
As  the  year  is  not  made  up  of  a  complete  number  of  days,  and  a 
day  is  interpolated  every  fourth  year,  the  exact  equation  in  each  year 
of  the  four  is  different ;  still  the  approximate  equation  would  be 
practically  sufficient  for  all  but  scientific  purposes. 

The  art  of  dialling  is  somewhat  complex.  A  glance  at  the  figure 
below  will  show  why,  except  for  places  on  the  equator,  the  hour 
spaces  are  not  all  equal.  A  sun-dial  may  be  regarded  as  a  circle 
round  the  earth,  or  as  the  edge  of  a  disc  which  passes  through  the 
centre  of  the  earth  from  the  spot  where  the  dial  is  fixed,  a,  b,  c,  d, 
e,f,g,  etc.,  are  longitudinal  circles,  representing  the  hours,  B  the 

Fig.  3. 

spot  where  the  dial  is  situated,  D  the  corresponding  latitude,  P  P 
the  poles,  and  E  the  centre  of  the  earth. 

A  dial  prepared  for  any  particular  place  is  useless  for  another 
place  in  a  different  latitude,  with  the  exception  that  a  hoiizontal 
dial  for  a  certain  latitude  will  be  a  vertical  dial  for  a  latitude 
which  is  the  complement  of  the  first,  or  what  it  wants  of  90'''.  That 
is,  a  horizontal  dial  for  our  latitude  of  5ii''\  would  have  to  be  placed 
in  a  vertical  position  facing  the  south  in  latitude  38|^. 

Horizontal  Sun-dial. — To  set  out  a  horizontal  dial,  first  draw 
two  lines  parallel  to  each  other,  at  a  distance  equal  to  the  thickness 
of  the  gnomon  which  is  to  cast  the  shadow.  Next,  draw  a  line  at 
right  angles  to  these,  the  extremities  of  which  will  indicate  respec- 
tively the  hours  of  six  in  the  morning  and  six  in  the  evening.    Then, 

Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  ihcir  Makers. 

with  A  and  B  as  centres  (see  Fig.  4),  draw  quadrants  of  circles,  and 
divide  each  into  g6\  Now,  assuming  the  dial  to  be  for  the  latitude 
of  London,  lay  a  rule  over  B,  and  draw  the  first  line  through  ii|°, 
the  second  through  24^°,  third  38yV°>  fourth  53!°,  and  fifth  7iyV°- 
Proceed  the  same  with  the  other  side.  Extend  the  afternoon  hour 
lines  of  four  and  five  across  the  dial,  and  these  will  form  the  morning 
hours,  while  eight  and  seven  of  the  morning  hours  prolonged  will 
give  the  same  evening  hours.  To  form  the  style  or  gnomon,  draw 
a  radial  line  through  that  degree  of  the  quadrant  which  corresponds 
to   the  latitude  =  5i|°.     This  will  show  the  elevation  of  the  style. 

Fig.  4. — Horizontal  Sun-dial. 

Fig.  5.— Dials  at  Whitehall,  1669. 

which  is  here  represented  as  if  lying  on  the  surface  of  the  dial.  The 
thickness  of  the  style  must  be  equal  to  the  distance  between  A  and 
B.     Place  the  style  truly  upright  on  the  dial,  and  it  is  finished. 

A  dial,  or  rather  a  series  of  dials  of  every  conceivable  description, 
forming  a  structure,  as  shown  in  Fig.  5,  was  erected  in  Whitehall  in 
i66g,  by  order  of  Charles  II.  It  was  the  invention  of  Francis  Hall, 
alias  Line,  a  Jesuit  and  professor  of  mathematics  at  Liege.  Vertical 
dials,  inclining  dials,  and  dials  for  showing  time  as  computed  by 
various  nations  at  different  periods  were  all  included. 

Of  these,  the  bowls  or  brackets  appear  to  be  the  most  attractive. 
One,  on  the  first  platform,  to  show  the  hour  by  fire,  consisted  of  a 
little  trlass  bowl  filled  with  clear  water.     This  bowl  was  about  three 

Time  and  liarlx   Tiiuc   Recorders. 

inches  diameter,  placed  in  the  middle  of  another  sphere,  about  six 
inches  diameter,  consisting  of  several  iron  rings  or  circles,  repre- 
senting the  hour  circles  in  the  heavens.  The  hour  was  known  by 
applying  the  hand  to  these  circles  when  the  sun  shone,  and  that 
circle  where  you  felt  the  hand  burnt  by  the  sunbeams  passing 
through  the  bowl  lilled  with  water  showed  the  true  hour. 

This  curious  erection  had  no  covering ;  exposure  to  the  elements  and 
other  destroying  influences  led  to  its  speedy  decay  and  subsequent 
demolition.     The    engraving    is    taken    from   the    Mirror,  vol.    xi\-. 

The  commonest  form  of  portable  dial  is  shown  in  Fig.  6. 
When  held  to  the  sun,  by  means  of  the  small  ring  at  top, 
a  ray  of  light  passed  through  a  tiny  hole  and  impinged  on  the  inner 
surface  of  the  opposite  side  of  the  rim,  which  was  engra\ed  with 
numerals  corresponding  to  the  hours  of 
daylight.  The  hole  was  formed  in  a 
slide  which  covered  a  slit  in  the  rim. 
The  slide  could  be  moved  higher  or 
lower,  and  signs  of  the  zodiac  were 
engraved  on  the  rim  as  a  guide  to  its 
position  in  different  months  of  the  year. 
Dials  of  this  sort  were  in  general  use 
during  the  sixteenth  and  seventeenth 
centuries.  A  small  horizontal  dial  like 
Fig.  4,  but  with  a  hinged  style  and  a 
compass  attached,  formed  a  more  costly 
pocket  "  horologium." 

Clepsydrae,  or  Water  Clocks. — 
These  indicate  intervals  of  time  by  the  passage  of  water,  and  may 
be  divided  into  two  classes  :  the  ancient  recorders  for  hours  of 
\'arying  length,  and  the  more  simple  instruments  used  during  and 
after  the  seventeenth  century,  when  equal  hours  were  measured. 

Clepsydrae  are  of  remote  antiquity.  They  were  known  by  the 
Egyptians,  in  Judea,  Babylon,  Chaldea,  and  Phoenicia,  but  these 
contrivances  for  measuring  time  were  of  the  simplest  description. 
They  appear  to  have  consisted  each  of  a  basin  filled  with  water 
and  exposed  in  some  niche  or  corner  of  a  public  place.  At  the 
extreme  end  of  the  vessel  was  a  spout  or  tap,  from  which  trickled 
the  liquid,  drop  by  drop,  into  a  receiver  having  on  its  inside 
marks  for  indicating  the  hours  of  the  day  and  night. 

In  parts  of  Southern  India  was  used  a  thin  copper  bowl  about  five 
inches  in  diameter  and  rather  deeper  than  half  a  sphere,  having  a 

Fig.  6. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

very  small  hole  in  the  bottom.  The  bowl,  placed  in  a  vessel  con- 
taining water  and  floating  thereon,  gradually  filled.  At  the  expira- 
tion of  an  arranged  interval  it  sank,  and  a  boy  or  other  watcher 
then  struck  a  gong,  and  thus  announced  the  time.  One  of  these 
bowls  is  among  the  collection  of  the  Horological  Institute.  It  sinks 
after  the  lapse  of  forty-five  minutes  with  tolerable  accuracy,  but  the 
time  is  varied  somewhat  with  the  temperature  of  the  water. 

A  form  of  clepsydra,  said  to  have  been  in  use  in  Egypt  about 
300  B.C.,  is  shown  in  Fig.  7,  for  which  I  am  indebted  to  Dr.  Pearson's 
article  in  Rees'  Cyclopaedia.  A  supply  of  water  ran  through  the 
pipe  H  into  the  cone  A,  and  from  there  dropped  into  the  cylinder  E. 
A    conical    stopper    B    regulated    the    flow,    and    the    superfluous 

water  escaped  by  the  waste  pipe  I.  The 
Egyptians  divided  the  period  between 
sunrise  and  sunset  into  twelve  equal 
hours,  so  that  the  conical  stopper  had  to 
be  adjusted  each  day,  and  marks  for  every 
day  in  the  year,  and  for  the  particular 
latitude  of  the  place,  were  cut  on  the  stalk 
D  as  a  guide  to  the  position  of  the  stopper. 
A  floating  piston  terminating  in  a  rack 
ser\ed  to  actuate  a  pinion,  to  the  arbor  of 
which  an  hour  hand  was  fixed. 

In  Fig.  8  is  shown  an  improved  clep- 
sydra, constructed  so  that  its  aperture  is 
adjusted  as  the  year  advances  by  the 
putting  of  an  index  to  the  sun's  place  in 
an  ecliptic  circle.  It  consists,  first,  of  a 
reservoir  A,  to  the  top  of  which  is  attached 
a  waste  pipe  to  carry  off  the  superfluous  water^  and  thus  keep  it  at 
the  same  level.  A  pipe  B  projects  from  this  vessel  into  the  rim  of 
a  drum  M  N,  on  the  front  of  which  is  a  circle  with  the  signs 
of  the  ecliptic  engraved  thereon.  A  smaller  drum  O  F  L  passes 
within  the  large  one,  having  attached  to  it  an  index.  This  drum 
has  a  groove  or  slot  a  h  cut  through  it,  tapering  in  breadth  i^oth 
ways  to  a  point.  When  in  its  place,  this  tapering  groove  comes 
just  under  the  orifice  of  the  pipe  leading  from  the  reservoir.  This 
inner  drum  turns  on  a  pipe  or  tube  F,  which  is  continued  within 
and  has  a  funnel  at  the  end  (not  seen)  for  receiving  the  water  as  it 
drops  through  the  groo\e  in  the  drum.  The  index  is  double, 
L  for  day  and  O   for  night,   and   it   will  be   evident  that,   as  it  is 

Fig.  7. 

Time  and  Enrlv  Time  Recorders. 


turned,  the  capacity  of  the  orifice  is  altered,  and  the  water  passes 
more  or  less  rapidly  through  the  pipe.  The  ecliptic  being  pro- 
perly divided,  the  hand  was  set  to  the  proper  sign  in  which  the 
sun  then  was,  and  was  altered  as  he  shifted  round  the  ecliptic.  The 
water,  thus  regulated,  dropped  into  a  cylindrical  vessel  H,  within 
which  was  a  float  I,  connected  by  a  chain  passing  over  a  pulley  on 
an  arbor  P,  and  having  a  counterpoise  K  at  its  other  end.  This 
pulley  carried  an  index  which  pointed  out  the  hours  on  a  circle. 

The  next  is  ascribed  to  Ctesibius,  the  son  of  a  barber,  about 
200  B.C.  It  was  a  self-adjusting  machine,  and  is  shown  in  Fig.  g, 
taken  from  the  Horological  Journal.  The  water  dropped  into  a 
funnel  A,  from  the  eyes  of  a  figure  placed  over  it,  and  connected 

Fig.  8. 

with  a  full  reservoir,  thus  ensuring  a  constant  pressure.  The  tube 
conveyed  the  water  into  an  open  cylinder  with  a  float  and  a  light 
pillar  C  attached.  On  the  top  of  this  pillar  a  human  figure  is 
placed,  which  points  to  the  divisions  on  a  large  column.  As  the 
water  rises  in  the  cylinder,  it  also  rises  in  the  small  tube  or  short  leg 
of  a  syphon  F  B  E,  till  it  reaches  the  top,  when  it  flows  over  the 
bent  part,  and  quickly 'empties  the  cylinder,  bringing  down  the 
float,  and  with  it  the  index  to  the  starting-point.  So  far  it  would 
have  measured  hours  of  equal  length  ;  but  the  Egyptian  method 
required  some  further  contrivance  to  accommodate  it  to  hours  of 
varying  length.  This  was  done  by  drawing  the  divisions  around 
the  large  column  out  of  a  horizontal  line,  so  as  to  vary  in  their 
distance  on  different  sides.  The  water  as  it  came  from  the  syphon 
fell  into   a  chambered  drum    K,  which  turned   with  the  weight  as 


Old  Clocks  and  ]]\itchcs  and  their  Makers 

each  compartment  became  filled.  On  the  axis  of  this  drum  was 
placed  a  pinion  gearing  with  a  contrate  wheel  I,  which,  by  another 
pinion  H,  turned  a  wheel  G,  to  the  axis  L  of  which  the  column  Avas 
fixed.  The  lines  were  drawn  slanting  round  the  column  to  suit  the 
hours  of  varying  length  throughout  the  year.  The  clepsydra  was 
introduced  into  Greece  by  Plato.  The  introduction  of  the  clepsydra 
into  Rome  took  place  about  157  b.c,  by  Scipio  Nasica.     Pliny  tells 


Fig.  g. 

Fig.  10. 

us  that  Pompey  brought  a  valuable  one  among  the  spoils  from  the 
eastern  nations,  which  he  made  use  of  for  limiting  the  speeches  of 
the  Roman  orators.  Julius  Cffisar  is  said  to  have  met  with  an 
instrument  of  the  kind  in  England,  by  the  help  of  which  he 
observed  that  the  summer  nights  of  this  country  are  shorter  than 
they  are  in  Italy. 

With  the  decadence  of  Rome,  when  oraiiors  had  certain  periods  of 
time  allotted  to  them  in  the  law  courts  for  accusation  or  defence,  the 
clepsydra  was  often,   it  is  said,  tampered  with    in    the  interest  of 

Time  ami  luirly  Time  Rccordcys. 


particular  suitors  by  adding  to  or  subtracting  from  the  wax  used  in 
the  lawful  regulation  of  the  flow  of  water,  or  by  using  the  fluid  in 
an  impure  condition. 

In  807  a  water  clock  of  bronze  inlaid  with  gold  was  presented  by 
the  King  of  Persia  to  Charlemagne. 

Gifford  in  his  history  of  France  says  :  "  The  dial  was  composed 
of  twelve  small  doors,  which  represented  the  hours ;  each  door 
opened  at  the  hour  it  was  intended  to  represent,  and  out  of  it  came 
the  same  number  of  little  balls,  which  fell  one  by  one,  at  equal 
intervals  of  time,  on  a  brass  drum.  It  might  be  told  by  the  eye 
what  hour  it  was  by  the  number  of  doors  that  were  open,  and  by 
the   ear   by    the   number  of  balls  that  fell.     When  it  was  twelve 


I    ! 

Fig.  lOA. — Section  of  Drum.  Fig.   ii. 

Fig.   iia. 

o'clock  twelve  horsemen  in  miniature  issued  forth  at  the  same  time 
and  shut  all  the  doors." 

Hamburger,  in  Beckmann's  "  History  of  Inventions,"  dates  the 
revival  of  clepsydra^  to  some  time  betv/een  1643  and  1646;  and 
Dr.  Hutton  asserts  that  in  1693  the  first  water  clock  was  brought  to 
Paris  from  Burgundy. 

Fig.  10  represents  a  clepsydra  of  the  seventeenth  century,  con- 
sisting of  an  oblong  frame  of  wood,  A  B  C  D,  to  the  upper  part  of 
which  two  cords  are  fixed,  their  lower  ends  being  wound  round  the 
axis  of  the  drum  E.  The  drum  is  shown  in  section  at  Fig.  ioa.  It 
has  seven  water-jtight  metallic  partitions,  F /,  G  g,  H  //,  I  i,  K  k, 
L  /,  and  M  m.  If,  now,  the  cord  be  wound  around  the  axis  until  the 
drum  rises  to  the  top  of  the  frame,  and  the  drum  be  left  to  obey  the 
force  of  gravity,  it  will  of  course  tend  to  fall,  and  the  cord  resisting 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

this  tendency  will  cause  it  to  revolve  rapidly  as  it  descends.  But  if 
we  introduce  water  into  the  vessel,  it  will  be  retained  in  certain  parts 
of  the  circumference  by  these  partitions,  and,  one  side  being  thus 
heavier  than  the  other,  the  tendency  to  revolve  will  be  counteracted, 
and  the  drum  will  remain  stationary.  If  now  we  pierce  a  small 
hole  near  the  bottom  of  each  cell,  the  water  will  slowly  ooze  from 
it  into  another,  thus  reducing  the  opposing  weight  of  water,  and 
causing  the  drum  slowly  to  revolve.  The  rate  of  motion  being 
properly  regulated  by  altering  the  size  of  the  apertures,  the  axis  will 
point  out  the  hours  on  the  side  of  the  frame  ;  or  a  cord  c  d,  with  a 
weight  F,  may  be  made  to  pass  over  a  pulley  attached  to  an  arbor 

Fig.   12. 

Fig.   13. 

bearing  an  index  or  hand  to  point  out  the  hours  on  a  circle  properly 
engraved  or  painted. 

The  sealed  water  drum  with  partitions  was  utilised  in  another 
way  which  was  described  in  Engineering  some  years  ago,  and 
will  be  understood  on  reference  to  the  front  and  side  views  (Figs. 
II  and  iia).  The  drum  A  is  suspended  from  two  cords  e  e.  An 
index  placed  loosely  on  the  end  of  the  arbor  a  is  weighted  at 
its  lower  end  p.  A  grooved  pulley  b  is  fixed  to  the  arbor  and  on  it 
hangs  the  hour  ring  R  which  is  carried  round  by  its  adhesion  to  the 
pulley  /'. 

A  very  simple  form  of  clepsydra  is  shown  in  Fig.  12.  It  is  merely 
a  glass  vessel  which  has  an  orifice  at  the  bottom,  and  is  filled  with  as 
much  water  as  will  flow  out  in  exactly  twelve  hours,  figures  being 
placed  at  the  proper  distances  to  denote  the  successive  hours. 
Fig.   13  shows  an  open  vessel  with  a  syphon  attached  to  a  float. 

Time  and  Early  Time  Recorders. 


The  syphon  will  empty  the  vessel  of  the  whole  of  the  contained 
fluid,  and  the  pressure  exerted,  being  equal  to  the  difference  in 
length  between  the  shorter  and  longer  leg,  remains  always  the  same 
in  consequence  of  the  float  falling  as  the  water  falls. 

The  construction  of  clepsydra^  and  of  weight  clocks  went  on 
contemporaneously  for  a  long  period. 
With  the  introduction  of  the  pendulum, 
clocks  were  made  in  which  water  acted  as 
the  motor  and  a  pendulum  as  the  con- 
troller. Such  a  clock  was  invented  by 
Perrault  in  i6gg.  At  the  Royal  Obser- 
vatory, Greenwich,  I  remember  seeing,  a 
few  years  ago,  a  water-driven  clock  with 
a  revolving  pendulum,  which  was  used 
for  driving  the  equatorial  telescope.  Water 
at  a  pressure  escaping  from  holes  in  a 
pair  of  horizontal  arms  caused  the  arms 
to  revoh'e.  One  of  the  earliest  steam 
engines  was  made  on  this  principle ;  a 
similar  contrivance,  under  the  name  of  a 
sparger,  has  long  been  used  by  brewers 
to  sprinkle  water  on  their  malt,  and  more 
recently  a  sprinkler  of  the  same  kind  has 
been  adapted  for  w^atering  gardens. 

^A^ick  and  Lamp  Timekeepers. — 
Among  the  primitive  timekeepers  adopted 
by  Chinese  and  Japanese  was  a  kind  of 
wick  about  two  feet  in  length,  made  of 
material  resembling  flax  or  hemp,  which 
underwent  some  process,  so  that  when 
ignited  it  would  smoulder  without  break- 
ing into  a  flame.  Knots  were  tied  at 
particular  distances,  and  the  effluxion  of 
time  estimated  as  the  sections  between 
the  knots  smouldered  away.  Mons.  Plan- 
chon,  of  Paris,  has  one  of  these  curiosities,  which  I  am  assured  is 
a  genuine  relic. 

In  Le  Passe  temps  of  Jehan  Lhermite,  who  was  born  at  Antwerp  in 
1560,  and  died  at  Madrid  in  1622,  having  served  as  Gentleman  of  the 
Chamber  to  Philippe  II.  of  Spain,  mention  is  made  of  a  lamp  time- 
keeper to  show  the  hours  at  night  as  among  the  contents  of   his 

Fig.   14. 

Old  Clocks  and  U^atcJics  and  ilicir  Makers. 

Royal  master's  room.  Fig.  14  is  a  drawing  of  what  appears  to  be 
a  similar  instrument  in  the  Schloss  collection.  On  a  stand  of 
pewter  is  a  glass  reservoir,  fastened  with  longitudinal  slips  of  pewter, 
on  one  of  which  are  cast  the  hour  numerals  from  1 1 II  at  the  top 
downwards  to  XII,  and  then  from  I  to  VIII,  thus  covering  the  period 
of  darkness  during  winter.     From  the  base  of  the  reservoir  extends 

a  nose  to  receive  the  wick,  which, 
when  alight,  illuminates  the  hour 
band  and  the  reservoir. 

Lamp  timekeepers  of  this 
kind  were,  I  am  told,  to  be  met 
with  occasionally  in  German 
and  Dutch  outlying  country 
dwellings  till  a  comparati-vely 
recent  date. 

Sand  Glasses. — These,  con- 
sisting of  two  glass  bulbs  joined 
by  an  intervening  neck,  measure 
a  pre-arranged  period  by  the 
falling  of  fine  sand  from  the 
upper  into  the  lower  bulb,  and 
are  of  considerable  antiquity.  In 
Fig.  15  is  shown  a  handsome 
specimen  of  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tur}'.  Great  care  seems  to  have 
been  taken  in  the  preparation  of 
the  sand.  According  to  a  pre- 
scription in  Le  Maiagiev  de  Paris, 
"pour  faire  sablon  a  mettre  es 
orloges  "  ground  black  marble 
dust  was  to  be  boiled  in  wine, 
and,  after  Deing  thoroughly 
dried,  to  be  ground  again,  the  process  to  be  repeated  about  nine 

'  To  this  day  a  sand  glass  is  used  in  the  House  of  Commons  to 
measure  certain  intervals,  and  in  comparatively  recent  times  it  was 
not  uncommon  to  see  a  preacher,  as  he  began  his  discourse,  turn  a 
sand  glass  attached  to  the  pulpit. 

Fig.  15. 

(     17     ) 



So  many  vague  and  contradictory  records  exist  as  to  the  invention 
of  clocks  composed  of  an  assemblage  of  wheels  actuated  by  a  weight, 
that  any  attempt  to  fix  the  exact  date  of  their  introduction  would 
be  mere  guesswork. 

It  is  claimed  that  Pacificus,  Archdeacon  of  \'erona,  who  died  in 
the  middle  of  the  ninth  century,  devised  a  clock  which  Bailly,  in  his 
"  History  of  Modern  Astronomy,"  considers  was  furnished  with  an 
escapement ;  but  this  is  not  substantiated,  and  otlier  authorities 
decide  that  it  was  a  water  clock.  Charlemagne's  clepsydra  which 
sounded  the  hours  is  also  sometimes  erroneously  referred  to  as  a 
weight  clock. 

In  Stow's  "Chronicles,"  under  date  606,  it  is  stated:  "This  year 
dyed  St.  Gregory  ;  he  commanded  clocks  and  dials  to  be  set  up  in 
churches  to  distinguish  the  houres  of  the  day."  These  were 
probably  sun-dials,  and  Stow's  introduction  of  the  word  clocks  is 
therefore  unwarranted.  The  Latin  "horologium"  or  the  Italian 
"  orologio  "  was  used  indiscriminately  for  sun-dials,  clepsydrae,  and 
other  timekeepers.  Clocks  other  than  sun-dials  were  also  designated 
nocturnal  dials  to  distinguish  them  from  those  which  showed  the 
hour  by  the  solar  shadow  only. 

Havard  says  there  is  hardly  a  word  in  the  French  language  that 
underwent  so  many  transformations  as  the  word  horloge.  It  assumed 
in  turn  reloge,  ovoloige,  ovloge,  orelogc,  ologe,  and  even  aiiloge,  before 
arriving  at  hovlog:.  In  an  inventory  of  Charles  V.  made  in  1380, 
a  reference  is  found  of  "  ung  grand  orloge  de  mer,"  consisting 
of  "  deux  grans  fiolles  (flasks)  plains  de  sablon."  In  other  words, 
an  hour  glass. 

The  French  equivalent  for  dial  has  been  for  several  centuries 
cadvan.  But  at  one  time,  hcnriey,  from  heiire,  the  hour,  appears 
to  have  served.  Richard,  Archbishop  of  Reims,  at  the  Chateau 
de  Porte  Mars,  in  1389,  refers  to  "ung  petit  orloge  a  ung  heurier 
de   cuivre    peint    en    vert,    prix    IIII.  livres  p.,"   that   is:   a  small 

c.w.  c 

i8  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  tlicir  Makers. 

clock  with  a  dial  of  copper  painted  in  green  colour,  price  4  livres 

Gerbert,  a  monk,  afterwards  Pope  Sylvester  II.,  placed  a  clock  in 
Magdeburg  Cathedral  at  the  end  of  the  tenth  century  ;  but  Dithmar 
declares  it  was  only  a  kind  of  sun-dial ;  other  writers  consider 
Gerbert  to  be  the  originator  of  the  escapement.  \\'hatever  may  be 
inferred,  there  is  no  absolute  proof  that  an  escapement  was  con- 
structed for  more  than  two  centuries  after  Gerbert's  time,  though  it 
is  pretty  certain  that  clocks  of  some  sort  existed  in  cathedrals  and 
monasteries  during  the  twelfth  and  thirteenth  centuries. 

The  word  "clock,"  whether  derived  from  the  Sdcaon  clugga,  the 
Teutonic  glocke,  the  Latin  glocio,  or  the  French  cloche,  signified  "  a 
bell,"  and  there  is  reason  to  suppose  that  many  of  the  early  efforts 
consisted  merely  of  a  bell  sounded  at  regular  intervals  by  hand,  the 
instant  of  ringing  being  determined  by  a  sun-dial  or  sand-glass. 

In  monasteries  prayers  were  recited  at  certain  fixed  hours  of  the 
night  as  well  as  of  the  day,  and  as  the  monks  were  not  always 
unfettered  by  sleep  at  the  needful  moment,  this  horologe  or  alarum 
was  probably  invented  to  rouse  the  drowsy  religicux  to  a  due  sense 
of  his  duties.  In  the  "Rule"  of  the  monks  of  Citeaux,  drawn  up 
about  1 1 20,  and  quoted  by  Calmet,  the  duty  is  prescribed  to  the 
sacristan  of  so  adjusting  the  abbey  clock  that  it  may  strike  and 
awake  the  monks  for  matins.  Durandus,  in  the  thirteenth  century, 
alludes  to  the  clock  as  one  of  the  essential  features  of  a  church. 
Dante,  who  was  born  in  1265  and  died  in  1321,  mentions  an 
"  orologia  "  which  struck  the  hours  ;  and  Chaucer,  who  was  born  in 
1328  and  died  in  1400,  speaks  of  the  cock  crowing  as  regularly  as 
clock  or  abbey  horologe. 

Berthoud  considered  it  likely  that  a  revolving  fly  was  used  as  a 
controller  prior  to  the  invention  of  an  escapement. 

Captain  Smyth,  R.N.  (Archaologia,  vol.  xxxiii.),  suggests  that  John 
Megestein  of  Cologne,  who  is  spoken  of  as  having  improved  clocks 
in  the  fourteenth  century,  was  possibly  the  inventor  of  the  escape- 
ment.    Still  it  is  only  surmise. 

An  early  clock  often  referred  to  is  the  one  which  was  presented  by 
Saladin  of  Egypt  to  the  Emperor  Frederick  II.  of  Germany,  in  the 
year  1232.  It  is  described  as  resembling  internally  a  celestial  globe, 
in  which  figures  of  the  sun,  moon,  and  other  planets,  formed  with 
the  greatest  skill,  moved,  being  impelled  by  weights  and  wheels. 
There  were  also  the  twelve  signs  of  the  Zodiac,  with  appropriate 
characters,  which  moved  with  the  firmament. 

11 'd'/;;///   Clocks.  19 

In  1359  John  II.  of  France,  then  a  prisoner  in  London,  desirous  of 
measuring  the  time,  addressed  himself  to  "the  King  of  the  Minstrels" 
to  whom  was  delegated  the  task  of  entertaining  this  royal  personage, 
and  in  the  Journal  de  la  depense  dn  roy  Jean  the  following  occurred  : — 
"  Dymenche  XII.  jour  de  Janvier  le  roy  des  menestereulx,  sur  la  fa9on 
de  I'auloge  qu'il  fait  pour  le  roy,  VII.  nobles  ^•alent  CXIII.  sols  X. 
deniers  et  a  promis  que  parmi  cette  somme  et  XX  sols,  qui  paravant  li 
ont  este  haillier  le  VI.  de  Janvier,  il  rendra  I'auloge  parfait,'  the  trans- 
lation of  which  is  that  on  the  12th  January,  Sunday,  the  king  of  the 
minstrels  was  paid  for  making  a  clock  for  the  King  seven  "  nobles  " 
worth  113  sous  and  10  derniers,  and  promised,  having  already 
been  lent  on  the  6th  January  the  sum  of  29  sous,  to  deliver  the 
clock  in  perfect  condition. 

Jacks. — Mechanical  figures  for  striking  the  hour  on  bells  seem  to 
liave  been  in  use  before  the  introduction  of  dials,  and  they  proved  to 
be  a  lasting  attraction.  There  was,  prior  to  1298,  a  clock  at  St. 
Paul's  Cathedral  with  such  figures ;  and  Decker,  in  his  "  Gull's 
Hornbook,"  calls  them  "Paul's  Jacks."  In  the  accounts  of  the 
cathedral  for  the  year  1286,  allowances  to  Bartholomo  Orologiario 
the  clock-keeper  are  entered,  namely,  of  bread  at  the  rate  of  a  loaf 
daily.  In  1344  the  dean  and  chapter  entered  into  a  contract  with 
Walter  the  Orgoner  of  Southwark  to  supply  and  fix  a  dial,  from 
which  it  may  be  inferred  that  the  clock  pre\iously  had  no  dial.  In 
Dugdale's  history  of  the  old  cathedral  the  dial  is  referred  to  as 
follows  :  "  Somewhat  above  the  stonework  of  the  steeple  was  a  fine 
dial,  for  which  there  was  order  taken  in  the  i8th  of  Edward  III., 
that  it  should  be  made  with  all  splendour  imaginable,  which  was 
accordingly  done  ;  having  the  image  of  an  angel  pointing  to  the 
hours  both  of  the  day  and  night."  The  dial  was  placed  below  the 
"Jacks,"  which  were  not  ousted  from  office,  but  continued  to  strike 
the  hour  with  their  accustomed  regularity.  Decker  says  "  the  time 
of  St.  Paul's  goes  truer  by  fi\e  notes  than  St.  Sepulchre's  chimes. 

Other  writers  confirm  the  supposition  that  dials  were  absent  from 
most  of  the  early  clocks.  M.  Viollet  le  Due  ("  Dictionnaire  Raisonne 
de  i' Architecture  Fran9aise")  observes  that  from  the  twelfth  to  the 
fourteenth  centuries  no  space  was  arranged  in  the  towers  of  churches 
for  dials  which  could  be  seen  at  a  distance.  The  earliest  dials,  he 
says,  were  covered  by  small  projecting  roofs  and  made  either  of  wood 
or  lead  and  decorated  in  colours. 

Froissart,  who  had  an  affection  for  clocks,  speaks  of  one  which 
existed  at  Courtray  prior  to  1370  as  the  largest  which  had  then  been 

c  2 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

made.  It  was  brought  from  thence  with  other  spoils  of  war  in  1382, 
by  Philip,  Duke  of  Burgundy,  who  presented  it  to  the  people  of 
Dijon.  The  clock  was  surmounted  with  his  crest,  and  set  up  at 
Dijon  in  a  tower  of  the  Church  of  Notre  Dame.     In  a  turret  over  it 

Fig.  16. — Jacquemarts  at  Dijon. 

Fig.   17. — "Jack  the   Smiter, 
Southwold  Church. 

were  a  bell  and  the  figures  of  a  man  and  woman,  one  on  each  side, 
which  struck  the  hours,  as  shown  in  Fig.  16.  To  the  present  day 
these  automata  are  locally  called /czr(///f/;/rtr/5,  and  G.  Peignot,  author 
of  a  dissertation  on  them,  contended  that  they  received  their  name 
from  Jacquemart,  a  clock  and  lock  maker  of  Lille,  who  was  employed 

Wciisht  Cloch. 


bv  the  Duke  of  Bui'fijundy  in  the  year  1442.  The  appellation, 
liowever,  seems  to  he  merely  a  corruption  of  Jacconiavchiadus,  i.e., 
a  man  in  a  suit  of  armour.  During  the  middle  ages  it  was  the 
custom  to  place  as  sentries  on  the  belfries  on  tops  of  towers  mailed 
men  to  watch  over  the  safety  of  castles  and  towers,  and  their  office 
was  to  give  alarm  at  the  approach  of  an  enemy,  a  fire  or  other 
disturbing  event.  And  at  many  castles  in  luuope  till  (juite  late  in 
the  seventeenth   century  a  trumpeter   was    posted    en    a    tower    to 

Fig.    18. — Jacks  at  Rye. 

announce  by  a  blast  on  his  instrument  the  time  of  day  for  meals  to 
be  served. 

In  Fig.  17  is  shown  a  "Jack"  which,  though  not  on  active  service, 
is  still  in  Southwold  Church.  It  is  an  oak  figure,  three  feet  six 
inches  in  height,  of  a  man  clad  in  armour,  and  is  said  to  date  from 
early  in  the  fifteenth  century.  Locally  it  is  known  as  "Jack  the 
Smiter."  The  engraving  is  from  a  photograph  by  Mr.  J.  Martyn, 
Southwold.  At  the  Parish  Church,  Rye,  Sussex,  is  a  clock  said  to 
have  been  the  gift  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  This  may  be  so,  but  the 
hands  are  certainly  of  much  later  date,  atid  the  movement  has 
undergone  reconstruction,  for  it  is  now  fitted  with  a  pendulum 
which  beats  but  once  in  two  seconds  and  a  half,  and  projects  below 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  clock  into  the  church.  Fig.  i8,  from  a  photograph  by  Mr. 
W.  L.  F.  Wastell,  shows  the  dial  surmounted  by  a  canopy,  under 
which  stand  two  Jacks,  which  strike  the  quarters  on  small  bells. 
Between  these  two  figures,  within  an  ornamental  border,  is  a  label 
thus  inscribed:     ''For  our  time  is  a   very   shadow    that  passeth  away. 

Wisdom  I.  5."  An  excellent 
representative  of  striking  Jacks 
exists  at  the  Church  of  St.  Mary 
Steps,  Exeter  ;  there  is  a  pair 
at  York  Cathedral,  and  a  pair, 
from  Glastonbury,  at  Wells ;  a 
pair,  formerly  on  the  eastern 
wall  of  St.  Martin's  Church, 
Oxford,  has  lately  been  restored 
and  placed  upon  the  tower  of 
the  church ;  the  quarters  are 
struck  by  Jacks  at  All  Saints' 
Church,  Leicester,  where  the 
clock,  which  is  said  to  date 
from  the  time  of  James  I.,  was 
restored  in  1899;  in  the  tower 
of  Holy  Trinity  Church,  Bristol, 
which  was  demolished  in  1787, 
was  a  pair ;  and  in  a  recess  of 
the  south  aisle  of  Norwich 
Cathedral  were  two  small  Jacks 
which,  actuated  by  wires  from 
the  clock,  struck  the  quarters  on 
adjacent  bells.  Of  the  Exeter 
Jacks,  and  two  at  the  Church 
of  St.  Dunstan's,  Fleet  Street, 
which  were  dear  to  Londoners 
of  the  last  century,  I  shall  be 
able  to  give  engravings. 
The  peculiar  clock  shown  in  Fig.  19  appears  to  be  a  sixteenth  cen- 
tury production.  There  are  three  trains  of  wheels,  all  arranged  to 
face  the  sides  of  the  clock.  The  clock  is  twelve  inches  wide,  eleven 
inches  high,  nine  inches  from  front  to  back,  and  two  feet  two  and  a 
half  inches  from  the  bottom  of  the  clock  to  the  top  of  the  figure. 
By  means  of  wires  at  the  back,  which  extend  to  levers  actuated  by 
the  striking  and  quarter  trains,  the  figure  on  top  of  the  clock  strikes 

Fig.    19. — Portable  Clock,  with 
Striking  Jack. 

JW-ifl'Jit  Clocks.  23 

the  hours  on  the  large  bell  with  the  large  hammer  in  his  hands,  and 
at  the  quarters  kicks  the  two  small  bells  with  his  heels. 

In  the  early  part  of  the  fourteenth  century,  a  large  stone  tower 
was  built  in  Palace  Yard,  opposite  to  Westminster  Hall,  and  a  clock 
placed  therein  whicli  struck  every  hour  upon  a  great  bell.  There  is 
a  tradition  that  in  tlie  sixteenth  year  of  the  reign  of  Edward  I. 
(1298)  the  Lord  Chief  Justice  Randulphus  de  Hengham,  having 
made  an  alteration  in  a  record,  was  fined  800  marks  by  the  king's 
order,  and  the  money  was  applied  to  defray  the  cost  of  erecting  a 
public  clock  opposite  the  entrance  to  Westminster  Hall.  The  first 
official  mention  of  Hengham's  punishment  extant  appears  to  be  in  a 
Year  Book  of  the  time  of  Richard  III.,  where  it  is  stated  that  on 
an  occasion  when  the  king  closeted  the  judges  in  the  Inner  Star 
Chamber  to  consider  various  points  submitted  to  them,  one  of  the 
judges  cited  the  case  of  Hengham,  and  said  the  offence  consisted  of 
altering  a  record  so  that  a  poor  defendant  might  have  to  pay  but 
65.  8d.  instead  of  135.  4^.,  but  nothing  is  said  respecting  the  building 
of  a  clock.  Stow,  who  was  born  in  1525  and  died  in  1605,  in  his 
"Account  of  Westminster"  (vol.  ii.  p.  55)  states  that  the  clock  was 
provided  from  Hengham's  fine  ;  and  the  Hon.  Daines  Barrington, 
in  an  interesting  letter  to  Mr.  Justice  Blackstone  in  1778  {Anhaologia, 
vol.  V.)  accepts  the  tradition,  which  is  very  possibly  well  founded, 
although  it  must  be  confessed  that  the  evidence  on  the  point  is  not 
conclusive.  In  an  Issue  Roll  of  the  forty-fourth  year  of  the  reign 
of  Edward  III.  is  recorded  the  payment  of  two  pounds  to  John 
Nicole,  keeper  of  the  great  clock  of  the  king  within  the  Palace  of 
Westminster,  being  his  wages  for  eighty  days  at  the  rate  of  sixpence 
a  day.  In  subsequent  reigns  further  references  are  made  to  the 
keeper  of  this  clock.  In  the  first  year  of  Henry  V.  was  granted  a 
patent  to  "Henricus  Berton  Valectus  camerae  Regis  custos  horologii 
Regis  infra  Palatium  \\'estm.  pro  vita,  cum  feed.  \T.  dem  per  diem." 
Henry  VI.  entrusted  its  custody  to  William  Warby,  Dean  of  St. 
Stephen's,  together  with  sixpence  a  day  remuneration.  The  tower 
was  standing  in  the  time  of  Elizabeth,  for  Judge  Southcote  mentions 
the  tradition,  stating  that  the  clock  still  remained  which  had  been 
made  out  of  the  Chief  Justice's  fine.  The  engraving  which  I 
am  enabled  to  give  of  this  interesting  erection  is  from  the  Mirror, 
vol.  xi.,  which  was  published  in  1825.  The  sketch  is  copied 
from  an  engraving  by  Hollar,  who  was  born  in  1607  and  died  in 
1677.  It  doubtless  represents  the  locality  as  it  existed  about  the 
middle  of  the   seventeenth    century,  shortly  after  which  time  the 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

tower  was  pulled   down,  but   the  exact  date  of  its    destruction    is 

On  the  old  Houses  of  Parliament,  which  were  destroyed  by  fire 
in  1834,  a  dial  on  the  second  pediment  of  the  buildings  in  Palace 
Yard  marked  the  site,  the  remarkable  motto  on  which,  "  Discite 
Justitiam  Moniti,"  may  be  taken  to  relate  to  its  origin.  The  clock 
tower  of  the  present  home  of  our  Legislature  is,  it  is  conjectured. 

Fig.  20. — Clock  Tower  in  Palace  Yard,  Westminster. 

but  a  few  paces  from  the  situation  of  the  original  clock.  The  great 
bell,  "Tom  of  \\'estminster,"  was  broken  up  and  re-cast  for  the 
St.  Paul's  Cathedral  clock,  of  which  more  particulars  will  be  given 
later  on. 

There  was  a  large  clock  in  Canterbury  Cathedral  at  the  end  of 
the  thirteenth  century,  which,  according  to  Dart's  history  of  the 
sacred  edifice,  was  put  up  at  a  cost  of  ^"30  in  1292,  and  one  at 
Exeter  at  the  beginning  of  the  fourteenth  century. 

An  "  orologium  "  of  some  kind  was  under  construction  at  Norwich 

Weight  Clocks.  25 

Cathedral  in  1323.  From  that  date  numerous  entries  relating  to  it 
occur  in  the  Sacrist's  Rolls.  There  were  twenty-four  small  images, 
which  it  may  be  conjectured  represented  the  hour  of  the  day  and 
night  ;  thirty  images,  probably  corresponding  to  the  days  of  the 
month,  and  also  painted  and  gilded  plates  portraying  the  sun 
and  moon. 

About  1326  Richard  Wallingford,  Abbot  of  Saint  Albans,  placed 
a  "  horologe  "  in  his  monastery,  and  the  account  which  he  gave  of 
his  machine  is  still  preserved  in  the  Bodleian  Library  at  Oxford. 
From  this,  Wallingford's  conception  really  appears  to  have  been 
more  of  a  planetarium  for  showing  the  course  of  the  heavenly 
bodies  than  a  timekeeper,  for  his  description  contains  no  mention  of 
any  escapement  or  regulator  for  ensuring  equable  motion. 

The  earliest  clock  worthy  of  our  modern  definition,  of  which  we 
have  any  authentic  details,  is  the  one  which  is  said  to  have  been 
made  about  the  year  1335,  by  Peter  Lightfoot,  an  ingenious  monk 
of  Glastonbury  Abbey,  for  and  at  the  expense  of  his  superior,  Adam 
de  Lodbury,  who  was  promoted  to  the  Abbacy  of  Glastonbury  in 
1322  and  died  in  1335.  The  fourteenth  century  was  distinguished 
by  the  introduction  of  the  peculiar  class  of  clocks  which,  besides 
mdicating  the  flight  of  time,  were  furnished  with  mechanism  for 
other  purposes.  One  of  the  earliest  of  this  kind  was  described  by 
Viollet  le  Due  as  having  been  given  about  the  year  1340  to  the 
monastery  of  Cluny  by  the  Abbot  Pierre  de  Chastelux.  In  addition 
to  its  indication  of  the  phases  of  the  moon,  the  movements  of  the 
sun,  etc.,  this  clock  had  a  quantity  of  little  figures  which  acted 
various  scenes,  as  "  The  Mystery  of  the  Resurrection,"  "  Death," 
etc.  The  hours  were  announced  by  a  cock,  which  fluttered  its  wings 
and  crowed  twice.  At  the  same  time  an  angel  opened  a  door  and 
saluted  the  Virgin  Mary,  the  Holy  Ghost  descended  on  her  head  in 
the  form  of  a  dove,  God  the  Father  gave  her  His  benediction,  a 
musical  carillon  chimed,  animals  shook  their  wings  and  moved  their 
eyes ;  at  last  the  clock  struck,  and  all  retreated  within  it. 

From  a  horological  point  of  view  such  marionette  exhibitions  may 
be  puerile  and  contemptible  ;  still  they  caught  and  held  the  popular 
fancy,  their  producers  being  as  a  rule  more  honoured  than  those 
who  merely  strove  after  exactness  of  timekeeping. 

Horological  construction  of  this  kind  was  not  confined  to  the 
western  part  of  Europe.  Anent  the  wonders  in  the  Palace  of  Abu 
Hammou,  Sultan  of  TIemcen,  the  Abbe  Barges,  a  French  scholar 
and  Orientalist,  speaks  of  a  clock  in  the  king's  palace,  ornamented  by 

26  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  ilicir  Makers. 

figures  wrought  in  solid  silver.  Above  the  case  containing  the 
works  was  a  scene  representing  a  thicket  in  which  was  a  bird 
spreading  its  wings  over  its  young.  A  serpent  stealthily  crawled 
out  of  its  hiding  place  towards  the  birds,  endeavouring  to  surprise 
and  devour  them.  Ten  doors  introduced  in  the  forepart  of  the  clock 
represented  the  ten  hours  of  the  night.  At  the  end  of  each  hour 
one  of  these  doors  creaked  and  shook.  Two  wider  and  higher  doors 
occupied  the  lateral  extremity  of  the  case.  Above  these  doors  and 
near  the  cornice,  a  sphere  of  the  moon  moved  in  the  direction  of  the 
equatorial  line  and  indicated  the  course  of  this  heavenly  body.  At 
the  commencement  of  each  hour,  when  one  of  the  smaller  doors 
rattled,  an  eagle  swooped  out  of  each  of  the  two  bigger  doors  and 
settled  on  a  copper  vase  or  basin,  dropping  into  it  a  piece  of  metal — ■ 
also  copper — which  they  had  carried  in  their  beaks.  These  weights, 
which  glided  into  a  cavity  introduced  at  the  bottom  of  the  ^'ase, 
dropped  into  the  interior  of  the  clock,  subsequently  rising  again 
when  required.  Then  the  serpent,  which  by  that  time  had  wound 
itself  up  to  the  top  of  the  thicket,  emitted  a  sharp  hiss,  pounced  upon 
and  bit  one  of  the  young  birds,  its  mother  meanwhile  squeaking 
and  endeavouring  to  defend  it.  At  this  moment  the  door  which 
marked  the  time  opened  by  itself,  a  young  female  slave  appeared, 
and  in  her  right  hand  presented  an  open  book  whereon  the  name  of 
the  hour  could  be  read  in  verses.  She  held  her  left  hand  up  to  her 
lips  as  if  to  salute  a  khalifa.  This  clock  was  named  in  Arabic 
"  Menganah,"  and  was  first  seen  in  1358. 

The  first  of  the  celebrated  Strasburg  Cathedral  clocks  was  begun 
about  1350,  under  the  direction  of  John,  Bishop  of  Lichtenberg. 
Henry  Wieck,  of  Wiirtemberg,  constructed  a  clock  for  Charles  V. 
of  France,  surnamed  the  Wise,  and  it  was  erected  at  Paris  in  the 
Royal  Palace  (now  the  Palais  de  Justice).  Henry  Wieck,  or,  as  he 
was  afterwards  known,  Henry  De  Vick,  began  his  task  in  1370  and 
completed  it  eight  years  after.  He  was  lodged  in  the  tower 
and  received  six  sous  parisis  per  day  during  the  time  he  was 
employed.  Somewhat  similar  clocks  were,  probably  about  the  same 
time,  erected  at  Caen  and  Montargis,  though  some  French  writers 
assert  that  the  Caen  clock  was  made  by  one  Beaumont  in  13 14.  In 
Rymer's  "  Fcedera  "  there  is  printed  a  protection  given  by  King 
Edward  HI.  of  England  to  three  Dutchmen  named  John  Lietuyt, 
John  Uneman  and  William  Uneman,  who  were  "  orologiers," 
invited  from  Delft  to  England  in  1368.  The  title  of  this  protection 
'  is,   "  De   Horlogiorum  Artificio  exercendo."     There  were  probably 

]]'ci<:ht  Clocks. 


also  English  artificers  practising  their  craft  at  the  same  time  as  that 
of  the  issue  of  the  decree  which  gave  tlie  Dutchmen  protection,  for 
that  document  enacted  that  the  English  artificers  should  not  be 
molested.  The  "horologium"  of  John  Dondi,  constructed  at  Padua 
in  1344  by  order  of  Hubert,  Prince  of  Carrara,  seems  also  to  have 
been  a  true  clock.  It  is  described  as  being  placed  on  the  top  of  a 
turret  on  the  steeple,  and  designating  the  twenty-four  hcnirs  of  the 
day  and  night.  De  Maizieres, 
a  contemporary  writer,  says  it 
was  visited  by  all  the  scientific 
men  of  the  day,  and  from 
thenceforward  the  family  of 
Dondi  took  the  name  of  "  Dondi 
d'Orologia."  He  also  speaks  of 
Joseph  Dondi,  apparently  a  son 
of  John,  as  one  who  excelled  in 
clockmaking,  and  after  sixteen 
years'  labour  constructed  a 
sphere  or  clock  governed  by  a 
single  balance,  and  which  cor- 
rectly showed  the  motion  of  the 
celestial  bodies.  John  Visconti, 
Archbishop  of  Milan,  set  up  a 
clock  at  Genoa  in  1353  ;  in  1356 
one  was  fixed  at  Bologna. 

Froissart  has  left  a  descrip- 
tive eulogium  of  a  clock,  written 
in  1370  in  the  form  of  a  frag- 
mentary poem,  entitled  "I'Hor- 
loge  Amoureuse."  In  this  the 
controlling  medium  is  referred 
to  as  a  "  foliot,"  which  was 
doubtless  the  straight  armed 
balance  with  weights  such  as 
appears  in  the  drawing  of  De  Vick's  clock  presently  to  be  described. 
In  1389  a  splendid  clock,  made  by  Jehan  de  Fealins,  was  erected  at 
Rouen,  which  with  some  modern  alterations  to  the  movements  is 
still  a  reliable  timekeeper,  showing  the  hours  and  also  the  days  of  the 
week  and  the  phases  of  the  moon.  The  handsome  dial  shown  in 
Fig.  21  is  about  six  feet  square.  At  Spires,  in  Bavaria,  there  was  a 
clock  in  the  year  1395.     Dr.  Helein  describes  a  complicated  clock 

Fig.  21. — Clock  at  Rouen. 
DIctioiiiiaire  de  V  Ameubkment. 

28  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

which  at  the  end  of  the  fourteenth  century  was  erected  at  Lund,  in 
Sweden.  When  the  hours  were  struck,  two  knights  came  forward, 
and  gave  each  other  as  many  blows  as  the  number  of  the  hour ;  a 
door  then  opened  and  showed  the  Virgin  Mary,  seated  on  a  throne 
with  the  infant  Jesus  in  her  arms.  The  Magi  then  presented  their 
offerings,  during  which  trumpets  sounded,  and  the  figures  dis- 
appeared. From  the  beginning  of  the  fifteenth  century  mathema- 
ticians, astronomers  and  mechanicians  throughout  Europe  vied  with 
each  other  in  contriving  timekeepers  with  various  supplementary 
actions.  In  1401  a  large  clock  with  bells  was  placed  in  the 
Cathedral  of  Seville,  and  in  1404  a  similar  one  for  Moscow  was 
constructed  by  Lazare,  a  Servian.  The  clock  of  Lubeck  was  made 
in  1405  and  one  at  Pavia  by  G.  Visconti  a  little  later.  In  1442 
Nuremberg  had  a  clock  with  figures  to  represent  soldiers  which 
went  through  evolutions  periodically.  The  Auxerre  clock  was 
finished  in  1483,  and  shortly  after  an  astronomical  clock  was  erected 
at  Prague  ;  the  clock  at  Munich  dates  from  the  same  period.  The 
first  monumental  timekeeper  in  the  Square  of  St.  Mark's,  Venice, 
was  put  up  in  1495.  Among  clocks  of  the  sixteenth  century  may 
be  cited  one  at  Brussels,  one  at  Berne,  the  latter  constructed  in  1557 
by  Gaspard  Brunner,  having  performing  soldiers  something  in  the 
style  of  the  Nuremberg  one;  "Hans  of  Jena,"  in  which  a  pilgrim 
ofifered  an  apple  to  an  immense  open-mouthed  grotesque  head  as  the 
hours  struck  ;  the  clock  at  Coblentz,  where,  in  the  belfry  of  the 
Kaufliaus,  was  fixed  a  large  helmeted  head,  the  mouth  of  which 
opened  and  shut  as  the  hours  were  sounded  ;  an  astronomical  clock 
at  Beauvais  Cathedral,  of  thirty-six  feet  in  height  and  having  fifty 
dials  ;  the  second  great  Strasburg  clock,  which  was  begun  in  1570  ; 
a  clock  with  numerous  mechanical  figures  set  up  at  Niort,  in  Poitou, 
the  same  year  ;  a  clock  at  Calais,  with  two  figures  which  attacked 
each  other  as  in  the  Lund  clock ;  and  the  celebrated  Lyons  clock 
which  dates  from  1598.  These  are  but  some  of  the  more  notable 
clocks  erected  up  to  the  close  of  the  sixteenth  century,  by  which 
time  nearly  every  town  in  Europe  had  at  least  one  public  timekeeper 
of  some  pretensions.  Of  several  typical  ones  among  those  enumerated 
I  am  enabled  to  give  fuller  particulars. 

The  Glastonbury  ancient  and  complicated  piece  of  machinery 
was,  according  to  William  of  W^orcester,  originally  in  the  south 
transept  of  the  abbey  church  ;  but  it  was  removed  with  all  its 
appendages  from  thence  to  W^ells  Cathedral  at  the  time  of  the 
dissolution  of  the  monastery  in  the   reign  of  Henry  VIII.,  where, 

^'cis'ht  Clocks. 


in  an  old  chapel  in  the  north  transept,  it  still  remains.  The  face  of 
the  clock  as  it  now  appears  is  shown  in  Fig.  22.  The  dial  is  six 
feet  six  inches  in  diameter,  and  contained  in  a  square  frame,  the 
spandrels  of  which  are  filled  with  angels,  holding  in  their  hands 
each  the  head  of  a  man.  The  outer  band  is  painted  blue,  with  gilt 
stars  scattered  over  it,  and  is  divided  into  twenty-four  parts, 
corresponding  with  the  twenty-four  hours  of  the  day  and  night,  in 
two   divisions    of  twelve   hours   each.      The    horary   numbers   are 

Fig.  22. — Dial  of  Glastonbury  Clock. 

painted  in  old  English  characters,  on  circular  tablets,  and  mark  the 
hours  from  twelve  at  noon  to  midnight,  and  from  thence  to  twelve 
at  midday  again.  The  hour-index,  a  large  gilt  star,  is  attached  to 
the  machinery  behind  a  second  circle,  which  conceals  all  except 
the  index.  On  this  second  circle  are  marked  the  minutes,  indicated 
by  a  smaller  star.  A  third  and  lesser  circle  contains  numbers  for 
indicating  the  age  of  the  moon,  which  is  marked  by  a  point  attached 
to  a  small  circular  opsning  in  the  plate,  through  which  the  phases 
of  the  moon  are  shown.     Around  this  aperture  is  an  inscription,  not 

30  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

very  intelligible,  which  one  author  reads  as  "  Ab  hinc  monstrat 
micro  ,  .  .  ericus  archery  pung,"  meaning,  probably,  that  in  this 
microcosm  were  displayed  all  the  wonders  of  the  vast  sidereal 
hemisphere.  Corresponding  to  the  moon  aperture  on  the  opposite 
side  of  the  centre  is  a  circle,  in  which  is  a  female  figure,  with  the 
motto  "  Semper  peragrat  Phoebe."  An  arched  pediment  surmounts 
the  whole,  with  an  octangular  projection  from  its  base  line,  forming 
a  cornice  to  the  face  of  the  clock.  A  panelled  turret  is  fixed  in  the 
centre,  around  which  four  equestrian  knights,  equipped  for  a 
tournament  and  mounted  on  two  pieces  of  carved  wood,  used  to 
revolve  in  opposite  directions,  two  on  each  side,  as  if  running  at  the 
ring  in  a  tilt,  when  set  in  motion  by  a  connection  with  the  clock. 
The  figure  of  a  man  seated  at  one  angle  of  the  transept,  within  the 
church,  is  connected  by  rods  with  the  clock,  and  he  is  made  to 
strike  the  quarters  with  his  feet  on  two  little  bells,  and  the  hours  on 
another  bell  before  him  with  a  battle-axe  'that  is  in  his  hands.  If 
the  date  of  the  construction  of  the  clock  be  correct,  the  figures  at 
present  moved  by  its  machinery  cannot,  according  to  J.  R.  Planche, 
be  the  original  ones,  or  they  have  undergone  strange  alteration. 
Those  that  circulated  in  a  sort  of  tilting  match  are  very  clumsily 
carved,  and  have  suffered  some  injury  from  time  ;  but  two  of  them 
appear  to  be  intended  for  jesters  ;  one  wears  a  hood  with  ears  to  it ; 
the  third  is  a  nondescript  ;  but  the  fourth  is  painted  in  the  civil 
costume  of  the  reign  of  James  or  Charles  I.,  with  falling  collar, 
striped  doublet,  and  the  peaked  beard  and  moustache  of  that  period. 
Two  figures  that  strike  the  quarters  on  bells  on  the  outside  with 
their  battle-axes  are  in  armour  of  the  fifteenth  century,  and  the  time 
of  Henry  VI.  or  Edward  IV. 

The  old  interior  works  of  this  clock  were  of  iron,  not  differing 
materially  in  principle  from  the  mechanism  of  much  later  date 
clocks,  except  that  the  appliances  for  the  variety  of  the  movements 
of  the  dial-plate  were  necessarily  complicated.  They  exhibited  a 
rare  and  interesting  specimen  of  the  art  of  clockmaking  at  so  early 
a  period,  in  which  the  monks  particularly  excelled.  After  going  for 
nearly  five  centuries,  the  works  were  found  to  be  so  completely  worn 
out  that,  about  the  year  1835,  they  were  replaced  by  a  new  train. 
The  old  movement,  now  controlled  by  a  pendulum,  may  be  seen  in 
action  at  South  Kensington  Museum.  Except  for  the  quarter 
striking  part  and  the  lunation  work,  the  movement  is  identical  with 
that  of  De  Vick's  clock,  presently  to  be  described. 

Another  clock  attributed  to  Lightfoot  was  erected  at  Wimborne 

U't'i^^^ht  Clucks. 


in  Dorsetshire.  The  dial  as  it  at  present  appears  is  represented  in 
I'ig.  22,  and  an  examination  will  show  many  features  in  common 
with  these  two  fourteenth-century  clocks. 

Figs.  24,  25  and  26  represent  De  Vick's  clock  in  front  and  in 
profile.  There  was  but  one  hand,  and  that  in  its  revolution  round 
a  dial-plate  indicated  the  hours.  A  heavy  weight  tied  to  a  rope, 
which  was  wound  round  a  cylinder  or  barrel,  served  as  the  power  to 

Fig.   23. — Dial  of  Wimborne  Clock. 

cause  the  hand  to  revolve  ;  but  the  hand,  instead  of  being  fixed  to 
the  axis  of  the  barrel,  had  its  motion  communicated  through  a 
wheel  and  pinion,  so  that  the  weight  did  not  need  to  be  wound 
up  so  frequently  as  would  otherwise  be  the  case.  If  the  weight 
were  freely  subjected  to  the  influence  of  gravity,  its  motion  would 
have  been  accelerated,  and  so  an  escapement  and  controller  had  to 
be  devised  in  order  that  all  the  spaces  traversed  by  the  hand  should 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

be  passed  through  in  the  same  time  as  each  other.  The  device 
adopted  to  check  the  progress  of  the  Aveight  was  as  follows;  Con- 
nected with   the  arbor  carrying  the  hand  is  a  spindle  carrying  a 

—  Qj  >  c  a> 

,  barre 
for  dri 
,     cou 
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wheel  with  ratchet-shaped  teeth,  as  will  be  seen  from  Fig.  24.  This 
wheel,  called  the  "escape  wheel,"  has  an  odd  number  of  teeth,  and 
on    a   vertical    rod   or    "verge"    are  two  beds  or   "pallets,"   of  a 

]Vci((Jif  Clocks.  ^^ 

distance  from  each  other  equal  to  the  diameter  of  the  wheel.  The 
actin<^  faces  of  these  pallets  form  nearly  a  ri^^ht  an<,de,  and  the 
ver<j:e  is  planted  close  to  the  teeth  of  the  wheel,  so  that  one  of  the 
projecting  pallets  is  always  intercepting  the  path  of  the  wheel  teeth. 
In  this  way  an  alternating  rotary  motion  is  imparted  to  tl:e  verge, 
the  escape  wheel  slipping  by  a  space  equal  to  half  the  distance 
between  two  teeth  at  every  alternation.  The  action  of  the  teeth 
of  the  wheel  on  the  pallets  will  perhaps  be  better  understood  by  a 
reference  to  Fig.  27,  which  is  drawn  to  an  enlarged  scale.  A  tooth 
of  the  escape  wheel  is  pressing  on  the  upper  pallet ;  as  it  drops  off 

;    yfcW-X--    ■    ■  ■  .( 

Fig.  27. — Verge  escapement  with  cross-bar  or 
"foliot '"  balance. 

the  under  tooth  will  reach  the  root  of  the  lower  pallet,  but  the 
motion  of  the  verge  will  not  be  at  once  reversed.  The  escape  wheel 
will  recoil  until  the  impetus  of  the  cross-bar  and  weights  mounted 
on  the  verge  is  exhausted.  The  teeth  of  the  wheel  are  undercut  to 
free  the  face  of  the  pallet  during  the  recoil.  The  inertia  of  the 
cross-bar  and  weights,  by  opposing  the  rotary  motion,  forms  the 
regulator,  and  as  the  centre  of  gyration  may  be  altered  by  shifting 
the  weights  along  the  bar,  the  time  occupied  by  each  vibration  can 
be  increased  or  lessened,  as  may  be  required.  The  verge  was 
usually  suspended  by  a  cord  to  lessen  the  friction  and  wear  at  the 
pivot  or  "toe"  on  which  it  rested.  This  controller,  the  foliot  of 
Froissart,  admirable  as  it  was,  did  not  give  anything  like  the 
c.w.  D 

34  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

exact  result  now  attained  by  means  of  a  superior  escapement  and 
pendulum,  for  its  constancy  was  seriously  affected  through  varia- 
tions in  the  motive  force,  such  as  would  be  caused  by  deterioration 
and  thickening  of  the  lubricant  used  to  the  pivots  and  bearing 
surfaces.  It  is,  however,  curious  to  note  that  the  balance  of  a 
modern  chronometer  or  watch,  which  vibrates  with  such  marvellous 
accuracy,  is  analogous  in  its  action  to  that  of  the  early  cross-bar 

To  understand  the  way  the  weight  was  raised  after  the  rope  was 
uncoiled  from  the  barrel,  it  may  be  necessary  to  explain  that,  though 
the  great  wheel  is  tight  on  its  arbor,  the  barrel  on  the  same  arbor 
is  loosely  fitted,  the  connection  between  the  two  being  established 
by  means  of  a  ratchet-wheel  and  click.  To  lessen  the  labour  of 
winding,  a  wheel  is  attached  to  the  barrel,  into  which  a  pinion 
gears,  and  on  the  squared  extremity  of  the  pinion  arbor  the  winding 
handle  is  placed.      The  different  parts  are  shown  and  lettered  in 

Fig-  24- 

The  manner  of  striking  the  hours  in  regular  order  will  be  apparent 
from  Figs.  25  and  26,  with  a  little  explanation.  The  striking  part 
of  the  clock  is  distinct  from  the  going  part,  and  is  actuated  by  a 
separate  weight.  It  occupies  the  right  in  Fig.  25.  The  wheel  to 
which  the  hand  is  attached  turns  once  in  twelve  hours,  and  it  will 
be  observed  that,  projecting  from  its  face,  are  twelve  pins,  equidistant 
from  each  other.  Although  continually  solicited  by  the  weight,  the 
striking  train  of  wheels  cannot  turn  except  once  at  each  hour, 
because  it  is  locked  by  a  tooth  at  one  extremity  of  a  "  bell-crank  " 
lever,  T,  engaging  with  one  of  a  series  of  notches  in  the  locking- 
plate,  N.  At  the  completion  of  each  hour  this  tooth  is  lifted  out  by 
one  of  the  twelve  pins  depressing  the  other  end  of  the  lever,  and 
the  striking  train  then  rotates  till  the  tooth  of  the  lever  falls  into  the 
next  notch  of  the  locking-plate.  The  tail  of  the  hammer  which 
strikes  the  bell  intersects  the  path  of  the  lifting  pins,  c,  which  are 
arranged  around  the  great  wheel  of  the  striking  train.  The  notches 
around  the  edge  of  the  locking-plate  are  placed  at  such  distances 
that  at  one  o'clock  the  tooth  enters  a  notch  directly  one  blow  has 
been  struck  on  the  bell.  At  the  next  hour  there  is  a  longer  space 
before  a  notch  is  reached,  and  so  two  blows  are  struck  before  the 
train  is  again  locked  ;  at  the  succeeding  hour  the  space  permits  of 
three  blows,  and  so  on,  till  at  twelve  o'clock  the  plate  has  made  a 
complete  rotation,  and  the  action  of  the  preceding  twelve  hours 
recurs.     The  striking  train  would  run  down  with  increasing  velocity 

]Vcii>Iit  Clocks. 


but  for  the  fan  L,  which  keeps  the  periods  between  the  strokes  of 
the  bell  practically  uniform.     This  is  the  principle  of  the  striking 

Fig.  2S. — Clock  of  the  Palais  de  Justice,  Paris. 

work  still  used  in  most  turret  clocks,  and  till  recently  in  nearly  all 
small  clocks  of  French  make.  The  chief  objection  to  it  is  that  the 
hours  are  struck   in   regular  progression  without   reference  to  the 

D  2 

36  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

position  of  the  hands ;  so  that  if  the  striking  part  happens  to  run 
down  before  the  going  part,  the  striking  will  be  all  wrong  when  it  is 
started  again,  unless  the  precaution  has  been  taken  to  set  it  going  at 
the  same  hour  as  that  at  which  it  stopped. 

Fig.  28  shows  the  dial  of  De  Vick's  clock  and  its  splendid  sur- 
roundings, adjoining  the  side  of  the  Palais  de  Justice,  which  faces 
the  Quai  aux  Fleurs.  Though  the  clock  appears  to  have  been 
erected  in  the  round  tower  of  the  palace  in  1370,  the  present  archi- 
tectural environment  was  not  completed  till  1585.  The  engraving 
is  from  "  Les  Merveilles  de  I'Horlogerie."  The  figures  of  Piety  and 
Justice  flanking  the  dial,  and  the  angels  supporting  the  coat  of  arms 
which  crowns  the  pediment,  are  by  Germaine  Pilon.  On  the  upper 
tablet  is  the  inscription,  "  Qui  dedit  ante  duas  triplicem  dabit  ille 
coronam."    The  panel  below  the  dial  perpetuates  the  quotation  from 

Passerat : — 

"  Machina  que  bis  sex  tarn  juste  dividit  horas, 
Justitiam  ser\-are  monet  legesque  tueri." 

This  celebrated  clock  has  experienced  several  long  intervals  of 
neglect,  and  been  many  times  repaired.  In  1852,  after  thorough 
examination,  its  defects  were  made  good,  and  it  was  in  some 
measure  reconstructed.  The  bell  on  which  the  hours  are  struck 
was  cast  by  John  Jouvance,  and  it  is  said  that  upon  this  bell  was 
repeated  the  signal  from  St.  Germain  I'Auxerrois  for  the  massacre 
of  St,  Bartholomew  in  1572,  The  bell  for  the  Montargis  clock  was 
also  made  by  Jouvance. 

A  turret  clock  which  was  erected  at  Dover  Castle  in  the  fourteenth 
century  is  still  in  action  at  South  Kensington  Museum.  In  con- 
struction it  is  somewhat  similar  to  those  of  Lightfoot  and  de  Vick. 
On  the  wrought-iron  frame  are  the  letters  R.L.  arranged  as  a 
monogram.  The  train,  however,  consists  of  only  one  wheel,  which 
drives  the  escape-pinion  so  fast  that  there  must  have  been  either  a 
very  long  driving-cord,  or  the  clock  must  have  been  wound  at 
frequent  intervals.  The  winding  is  accomplished  by  means  of 
handles  or  spokes  projecting  radially  from  one  end  of  the  barrel, 
which  runs  freely  on  the  arbor  of  the  wheel.  On  the  face  of  the 
barrel  which  is  nearest  the  wheel  is  a  spring  click,  catching  into 
the  arms  of  the  wheel,  the  arms  thus  serving  the  purpose  of  a 
ratchet.  This  click  and  ratchet  arrangement  was  long  favoured 
by  some  makers,  and  is  often  found  in  lantern  clocks  of  the 
seventeenth  century.  The  wheels  of  these  early  clocks  were  of 
wrought  iron,  the  arms  being  riveted  into  the  rim.     A  clock  very 

Weii^ht  Clocks. 


similar  to  the  Dover  one  was  erected  at  Peterborough  about  the 
same  date. 

Exeter  Clocks. — Few  places  probably  can  show  more  interesting 
relics  of  primitive  horology  than  Exeter.  "  From  the  patent  rolls 
of  Edward  IE,"  the  kite  Mr.  Britton  observes,  in  his  description  of 
Exeter  Cathedral,  "  it  is  evident  there  was  a  clock  in  this  church  in 
1317.  In  the  fabric  roll  under  the  year  1376-77,  the  sum  of  1195.  gd. 
is  set  down  for  expenses 
'  circa  caincvam  in  horeali  tiwre 
pro  Horlogio  quod  vocatuv 
clock — (this  appears  to  be 
the  earliest  mention  of  the 
word) — de  nove  constrnendam.^ 
The  whole  charge  in  the 
roll  ^7iova  camera  pro  horlogio  ' 
iS;^io  6s.  5|i.  In  the  same 
rolls  we  find  repeated  entries 
relative  to  the  clock.  In 
1424-25,  two  men  were  sent 
off  on  horse-back  to  fetch 
Roger,  clockmaker,  from 

Whatever  its  construc- 
tion, no  trace  of  the  original 
horologe  can  be  found,  but 
of  its  successor,  stated  to 
have  been  presented  by 
Bishop  Courtenay  in  1480, 
the  wrought-iron  framing 
and  the  great  wheel  are  pre- 
served, and  were  quite  re- 
cently to  be  seen  in  the 
Chapter  House.  It  is  said  that  this  clock  was  made  by  Peter 
Lightfoot,  but  if  the  date  of  its  construction  (1480)  is  correct,  this 
cannot  be  true,  for  Lightfoot  had  then  been  dead  some  years.  The 
dial  which  still  does  duty  bears  a  resemblance  to  the  one  of  Eightfoot's 
at  Glastonbury,  from  which  it  was  possibly  copied.  It  shows  the 
hour  of  the  day,  and  the  age  of  the  moon  ;  upon  the  face  or  dial, 
which  is  about  seven  feet  in  diameter,  are  two  circles,  one  marked 
from  one  to  thirty  for  the  moon's  age,  the  other  figured  from  I.  to 
XI I.  twice  over,  for    the    hours.     In   the   centre    is   a   semi-globe, 

Fig.  29. 


Old  Clocks  and  WatcJies  and  their  Makers. 

representing  the  earth,  round  which  a  smaller  ball,  the  moon 
painted  half  white  and  half  black,  revolves  every  month,  and  in 
turning  upon   its  axis  shows  the   varying  phases   of   the   luminary 

which  it  represents ;  be- 
tween the  two  circles  is  a 
third  ball,  representing  the 
sun,  with  a  Jleur  de  lis, 
which  points  to  the  hours 
as  the  sun,  according  to 
the  ancient  theory,  daily 
revolved  round  the  earth. 
Underneath  it  is  the  in- 
scription, "  Pereunt  et 
imputantur  "  (they  [the 
hours]  pass  and  are  placed 
to  our  account).  In  1760 
the  clock  was  thoroughly 
repaired  by  William 
Howard,  when  an  addi- 
tional dial  to  show  the 
minutes  was  provided  and 
placed  on  the  top  of  the 
case  as  shown  in  Fig.  29. 
The  movement  was  re- 
placed by  a  modern  one  in 

The  hours  are  still 
struck  on  "  Great  Peter," 
a  fine-toned  bell  in  the 
north  tower.  This  bell 
was  the  gift  of  Bishop 
Courtenay,  and  was 
brought  from  Llandaff 
(1478-86).  According  to 
Worth's  excellent  Guide 
to  Exeter  Cathedral,  it 
was  re-cast  in  1676  by 
Thomas  Perdue.  Its  weight,  as  computed  by  the  Rev.  H.  T. 
Ellacombe,  is  14,000  lb.,  its  diameter  at  the  mouth  76  inches,  and 
its  height  56  inches. 

In  the  tower  of  the  Church  of  St.   Mary  Steps,  near  by  where 

TlV/i,'A/  Clocks.  39 

once  stood  the  old  West  Gate,  is  a  most  curious  clock,  which  is 
probably  a  production  of  the  sixteenth  century.  The  corners  of  the 
dial  are  embellished  with  basso-relievos  representing  the  four  seasons, 
and  in  an  alcove  over  the  dial  are  three  automatic  figures,  as  shown 
in  Fig.  30.  The  centre  one  is  a  statute  of  Henry  VIII.  in  a  sitting 
posture,  which,  on  the  clock  striking  the  hour,  inclines  the  head  at 
every  stroke.  On  each  side  is  a  soldier  in  military  attire,  holding  a 
javelin  in  one  hand  and  a  hammer  with  a  long  handle  in  the  other. 
These  soldiers  strike  the  quarters  by  alternate  blows  on  two  bells 
beneath  their  feet. 

The  three  figures  are  termed  by  many  Exonians  "  Matthew  the 
Miller  and  his  two  sons,"  from  the  fact  that  "  Matthew  the  Miller," 
who  resided  in  a  place  known  as  Cricklepit  Lane,  was  remarkable 
for  his  integrity  and  regular  course  of  life.  His  punctuality  of  going 
at  one  hour  for  and  returning  with  his  grist  led  his  neighbours  to 
judge  with  tolerable  exactness  the  time  of  day  from  his  passing. 
By  this  the  statue  received  its  vulgar  name.  Some  years  ago  the 
following  distich  used  to  be  current  in  Exeter  : — 

Matthew  the  Miller's  alive, 

Matthew  the  Miller  is  dead, 
For  every  hour  in  Westgate  Tower, 

Matthew  nods  his  head. 

Another  old  clock  is  contained  in  the  tower  of  St.  Petrock's 
Church,  in  the  High  Street.  This  timekeeper  is  believed  to  date 
from  1470.  In  the  tower  also  is  a  peal  of  six  bells,  the  oldest  of 
which  bears  the  arms  of  Henry  V.  or  \T.,  not  later  than  1425. 

St.  Mary's  Church,  Oxford. — There  was  a  clock  at  St.  Mary's 
Church,  Oxford,  in  the  fifteenth  century,  and  one  of  the  ancient 
Latin  statutes  of  the  University  is  devoted  to  the  duties  of  its 
custodian.  Other  references  are  made  to  it  in  the  proctor's  accounts. 
Under  date  1469  is  "  Pro  custodia  horilogij  \]s.  v'njd.,"  and  a  some- 
what similar  entry  occurs  in  1473.  In  1523  a  new  clock  was  erected 
from  fines  imposed  on  negligent  students.  In  the  vice-chancellor's 
accounts  from  1550  to  1554  is  an  item,  "  Paid  to  Thos.  Masey  for 
mendinge  St.  Maryes  clocke,  25  Junii,  travellinge  (travailing)  by  the 
space  of  two  weekes  thereon,  and  was  moreover  paid  the  sum  of 
tenpence  for  a  clock  for  the  said  machine."  On  some  parchment 
rolls  in  the  tower  of  the  schools,  among  the  proctor's  accounts, 
appears,  "  1469,  Pro  custodia  horilogii,  iijs.,"  and  "  1472,  Pro 
reparatione  horilogij,  vJ5.  viijrf." 

Although  details  are  in  most  instances  wanting,  there  are  sufficient 

40  Old  Clocks  and  ]Vatchcs  and  their  Makers. 

references  among  the  ecclesiastical  records  of  the  country  to  show 
that  church  clocks  were  pretty  general  throughout  England  in  the 
fifteenth  century.  According  to  the  churchwardens'  accounts  for 
Walberswick,  in  Suffolk,  iid.  was  paid  to  the  clockmaker  in  1451, 
and  125.  8d.  in  the  following  year.  In  1495,  John  Payn,  the  smith, 
of  South  wold,  received  65.  8d.  for  a  new  clock,  and  in  1499  Nicholas 
Schrebbys  was  paid  four  sums — i/.  135.  4^.,  65.  8^.,  i/.  2s.,  and  13s.  ^d. 
— for  the  clock. 

John  Baret,  of  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  by  his  will  dated  1463, 
bequeathed  85.  yearly  to  the  sexton  of  St.  Mary's  Church,  "To  keep 
the  clokke,  take  hede  to  the  chymes,  wynde  vp  the  peys  and  the 
plummeys  as  ofte  as  nede  is." 

The  records  of  Dunstable  mention  a  clock  over  the  pulpit  in 
1483,  and  the  churchwardens'  accounts  of  Wigtoft,  Lincolnshire, 
refer  to  several  sums  paid  to  Richard  Angel  for  keeping  the  clock 
from  1484  onward. 

An  old  clock  at  York  Cathedral,  which  was  fixed  to  the  wall  near 
the  south  door  and  covered  with  a  large  Gothic  case,  was  removed 
in  1752,  when  the  present  clock,  made  by  John  Hindley,  was 

Strasburg  Clocks. — The  first  clock  set  up  in  the  interior  of  the 
cathedral  at  Strasburg  was  begun  in  1352,  and  completed  two 
years  after,  under  John,  Bishop  of  Lichtenberg.  It  consisted  of  a 
calendar,  representing  in  a  painting  some  indications  relative  to  the 
principal  movable  feasts.  In  the  middle  part  there  was  an  astrolabe, 
whose  pointers  showed  the  movements  of  the  sun  and  moon,  the 
hours,  and  their  subdivisions.  There  was  placed  at  the  same 
elevation  the  prime  mover,  and  the  other  wheel  work  which  caused 
the  clock  to  go.  The  upper  compartment  was  adorned  with  a 
statuette  of  the  Virgin,  before  which,  at  noon,  the  three  Magi  (wise 
men  of  the  East)  bowed  themselves.  An  automaton  cock,  placed 
upon  the  crown  of  the  case,  crowed  at  the  same  moment,  moving  its 
beak  and  flapping  its  wings.  A  small  set  of  chimes,  composed  of 
several  cymbals,  formed  a  part  of  this  work. 

The  Second  Clock,  of  which  an  exterior  view  is  given  on 
p.  41,  was  certainly  a  triumph  of  ingenuity.  It  was  projected  in 
1547;  but  though  the  designs  appear  to  have  been  then  ready,  the 
execution  went  no  further  than  the  building  of  the  chamber  and  the 
preparation  of  some  of  the  heavier  ironwork,  till  1570,  when  Conrad 
Dasypodius,  a  mathematician  of  Strasburg,  undertook  to  supervise 
the  completion  of  the  horologium.     By  his  advice  the  mechanical 

Wci-ht  Clocks. 


works  were  confided  to  Isaac  and  Josiah  Habrecht,  mechanicians  of 
Schaffhausen,  in  Switzerland,  wliilc  TolMas  Slimmer,  of  tin-  same 

Fig.  31. — The  Second  Strasburg  Clock, 
place,  was  employed  to  do  the  paintings  and  the  sculpture  which 
were  to  serve  as  decorations  of  the  achievement. 

42  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Before,  and  at  the  foot  of  the  clock,  there  was  a  celestial  globe 
supported  on  four  columns  of  wood  richly  carved.  It  performed  a 
revolution  on  its  axis,  showing  the  stars  known  in  the  time  of 
Ptolemy,  about  a.d.  140.  These  stars,  to  the  number  of  1,020,  were 
grouped  in  forty-eight  constellations,  represented  by  as  many  figures. 
Two  circles,  one  carrying  the  sun  and  the  other  the  moon,  turned 
round  the  globe,  the  first  in  twenty-four  hours,  the  second  in  the 
space  of  about  twenty-five  hours. 

Immediately  behind  the  celestial  globe  there  Avas  a  large  wooden 
disc,  in  which  was  painted  a  calendar  for  the  space  of  a  century,  the 
months,  the  days,  the  Dominical  letter,  the  names  of  the  saints,  and 
the  dates  of  the  principal  movable  feasts.  The  calendar  made  an 
entire  revolution  every  year.  The  statues  of  Apollo  and  Diana, 
placed  on  two  sides  of  the  disc,  pointed  out,  with  their  sceptres,  the 
one  the  day  of  the  year,  the  other  the  corresponding  day  at  the  end 
of  six  months.  The  central  part  of  the  calendar  was  immovable  ; 
on  it  were  represented  the  countries  of  Germany  situated  along  the 
Rhine,  and  the  topographical  plan  of  the  city  of  Strasburg. 

The  compartments  on  each  side  of  the  calendar  were  occupied  by 
large  panels  upon  which  were  painted  the  principal  eclipses  of  the 
sun  and  moon  visible  in  the  northern  hemisphere,  and  answering  to 
the  interval  of  thirty-two  years  from  1573  to  1605. 

Above  the  calendar  there  were  seen  in  the  clouds  the  seven  pagan 
divinities  that  have  given  their  names  to  planets,  and  afterwards  to 
the  days  of  the  week.  These  allegorical  figures,  seated  in  cars,  each 
one  drawn  by  the  animals  which  mythology  assigns  to  that  par- 
ticular divinity,  showed  themselves  successively  on  the  days  which 
were  sacred  to  them.  On  Sunday,  Apollo  was  seen,  this  day  being 
dedicated  to  the  sun.  The  ancients  named  it  Dies  solis  (the  day  of 
the  sun),  and  the  Christians  the  Lord's  day  {Dies  Dominica),  whence 
is  derived  the  French  word,  Dimanche,  for  Sunday.  A  representa- 
tion of  Diana  was  shown  on  the  second  day,  which  was  called  Dies 
lima  (day  of  the  moon) — Lmidi — Monday.  Mars,  the  god  of  war, 
appeared  on  (Mardi)  Tuesday,  the  English  word  being  derived  from 
Tuesco,  the  Saxon  name  of  the  god  of  war.  The  fourth  day  was 
represented  by  Mercury,  the  messenger  of  Olympus ;  French, 
Mercredi ;  English,  Wednesday  (the  latter  being  derived  from  Wodiu, 
the  Saxon  name  of  the  same  deity).  The  following  day  Dies  Jovis, 
Jupiter's  day;  French,  J eiidi;  English,  Thursday  (derived  from  Thor, 
the  Saxon  name  for  Japiter).  Venus  succeeded  on  Friday  (which 
in  English  is  derived  from  Friga,  the  Saxon  name  of  the  goddess 

TlV/ifA/  Clocks.  43 

Venus).  Saturn,  the  god  of  Time,  came  on  Saturday,  to  close  the 
Olympian  procession. 

Immediately  above  the  divinities  of  the  week  was  erected  a 
gallery,  in  the  middle  of  which  a  small  dial  plate  indicated  the 
quarter-hours  and  the  minutes,  the  hours  being  represented  upon 
the  astrolabe  ;  at  the  sides  of  the  dial  plate  were  seated  two  genii, 
of  which  the  one  placed  on  the  right  raised  a  sceptre  each  time  the 
hour  was  to  strike,  and  of  which  the  other  at  the  same  moment 
turned  upside  down  an  hour-glass  which  he  held  in  one  hand, 
turning  it  always  in  the  same  direction.  An  astrolabe,  constructed 
according  to  Ptolemy's  system,  occupied  the  greater  part  of  the 
middle  story,  in  the  interior  of  which  was  contained  the  wheel  work 
of  the  clock.  Six  pointers,  bearing  the  same  number  of  planets, 
pointed  out,  upon  twenty-four  divisions  of  the  astronomical  day,  the 
movements  of  these  heavenly  bodies;  one  pointer,  larger  than  the 
others  and  terminated  by  a  sun,  finished  in  twenty-four  hours  an 
entire  revolution  round  a  small  map  of  the  world  placed  in  the 
central  part  of  a  large  dial  plate,  which  was  ornamented  at  the 
same  time  by  the  circles  of  a  horoscope  and  by  the  twelve  signs 
of  the  zodiac.  The  upper  part  of  the  astrolabe  was  crowned  with 
the  phases  of  the  moon.  There  was  visible  a  small  dial  plate  cut  in 
its  lower  part  by  two  semicircles,  behind  which  the  moon,  repre- 
sented by  a  golden  disc,  disappeared  at  the  time  of  the  new  moon, 
and  came  out  from  day  to  day  to  show  successively  a  quarter  part  of  its 
orb,  till  it  presented  to  view  its  entire  disc,  at  the  time  of  full  moon. 

At  the  third  story  of  the  clock  there  was  a  platform,  upon  which 
were  fi.xed  four  small  statues  representing  the  four  periods  of  life — • 
infancy,  youth,  manhood,  and  old  age;  these  figures  struck  the 
(juarter-hours  upon  cymbals. 

Above  this  platform  was  suspended  the  bell  intended  for  sounding 
the  hours.  Two  figures  stood  beside  this  bell ;  the  one  was  Death 
under  the  form  of  a  skeleton,  the  other  represented  Christ,  having  in 
one  hand  the  cross  and  the  palm  branch.  At  the  instant  the  hour 
ought  to  strike,  the  Saviour  came  forward,  and  the  skeleton  drew 
back;  but  hardly  had  this  movement  taken  place  when  Christ 
retreated  precipitately,  and  Death  advanced  in  the  same  way,  to 
strike  on  the  bell  the  number  of  strokes  required.  This  movement 
was  repeated  as  many  times  as  there  were  strokes  in  the  hour. 

The  turret,  placed  on  the  left  of  the  principal  edifice,  contained 
the  weights  of  the  clock,  as  well  as  the  machinery  intended  for  the 
cock  which  was  perched  on  the  summit  of  this  turret.     This  cock 

44  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

(the  only  piece  which  was  preserved  from  the  first  clock,  called  the 
clock  of  the  three  kings)  crowed  at  first  daily,  at  noon,  flapping  its 
wings  and  opening  its  beak;  but  having  been  struck  with  lightning 
in  1640,  it  was  made  to  crow  only  on  Sundays  and  feast  days.  It 
ceased  crowing  entirely  in  1789,  at  the  time  when  overwhelming 
attention  bestowed  upon  the  great  events  that  were  taking  place 
caused  it  to  be  completely  forgotten. 

Third  Strasburg  Clock. — At  length  it  was  evident  that  some 
reconstruction  was  necessary.  After  considerable  debate,  the  neces- 
sary work  was  entrusted  to  Jean  Baptiste  Schwilgue,  who  entered 
on  his  task  in  1838,  and  completed  it  about  the  middle  of  1842.  On 
the  2nd  of  October  of  that  year  the  life  of  the  resuscitated  marvel 
was  solemnly  inaugurated.  Some  of  the  former  actions  were  altered 
or  omitted,  and  fresh  ones  added,  the  greater  part  of  the  movement 
being  entirely  new,  for  only  in  some  few  cases  was  a  restoration  of 
the  former  mechanism  practicable. 

The  structure  of  the  second  clock  was  retained  to  encase  the 
mechanism  with  but  slight  alteration.  It  is  over  twenty  feet  in 
height,  and  is  surmounted  by  a  remarkably  handsome  dome,  as 
shown  on  page  41.  On  the  right  is  a  spiral  staircase,  by  means  of 
which  the  various  galleries  are  reached. 

The  motions  now  are  briefly  as  follows  : — On  the  floor-level  is  a 
celestial  globe,  indicating  sidereal  time.  In  its  motion  round  its 
axis  the  globe  carries  with  it  the  circles  that  surround  it — namely, 
the  equator,  the  ecliptic,  the  solstitial  and  equinoctial  colures,  while 
the  meridian  and  horizon  circles  remain  motionless,  so  that  there 
are  shown  the  rising  and  setting,  as  well  as  the  passage  over  the 
meridian  of  Strasburg,  of  all  stars  that  are  visible  to  the  naked  eye, 
and  which  appear  above  the  horizon.  Behind  the  celestial  globe  is 
the  calendar;  on  a  metallic  band,  nine  inches  wide  and  thirty  feet  in 
circumference,  are  the  months,  the  days  of  the  month,  Dominical 
letters,  fixed  and  movable  feast  days.  The  band  is  shifted  at  mid- 
night, and  a  statue  of  Apollo  points  out  the  day  of  the  month  and 
the  name  of  the  saint  corresponding  to  that  day.  The  internal  part 
of  the  annular  band  indicates  true  solar  time  ;  the  rising  and  setting 
of  the  sun;  the  diurnal  motion  of  the  moon  round  the  earth,  and  its 
passage  over  the  meridian ;  the  phases  of  the  moon,  and  the  eclipses  of 
the  sun  and  moon.  Adjacent  compartments  are  devoted  to  a  perpetual 
calendar,  solar  and  lunar  cycles,  and  other  periodic  recurrences,  solar 
and  lunar  equations,  etc.  Above  the  calendar  appear  allegorical  figures, 
seated  in  chariots,  and  representing  the  days  of  the  week.      These 

]Vcii;ht  Clocks.  45 

chariots,  drawn  by  such  animals  as  are  assigned  as  attributes  of  the 
divinities,  run  on  a  circular  iron  railway  and  appear  each  in  order. 

The  dial  for  showing  mean  solar  time  is  in  the  gallery  above, 
called  the  Gallery  of  Lions.  iV  genius  stands  on  each  side  of  the 
dial.  The  one  on  the  left  strikes  the  first  note  of  each  quarter-hour 
with  a  sceptre  he  holds  in  his  hand,  the  second  note  being  struck 
by  one  of  the  four  ages  in  a  still  higher  gallery,  as  will  be  described 
presently.  At  the  completion  of  each  sixty  minutes  the  genius  on 
the  right  of  the  dial  reverses  an  hour-glass  filled  with  red  sand. 

The  story  above  is  occupied  by  a  planetarium,  in  which  the 
revolutions  of  the  planets  are  represented  upon  a  large  dial  plate. 

Above  the  planetarium,  and  upon  a  star-decked  sky,  is  a  globe 
devoted  to  showing  the  phases  of  the  moon. 

Next  come  movable  figures  representing  the  four  ages,  one  of 
which  in  turn  appears  and  gives  upon  a  bell  the  second  stroke  of 
each  quarter  of  an  hour.  At  the  first  quarter  a  child  strikes  the 
bell  with  a  rattle;  a  youth  in  the  form  of  a  hunter  strikes  it  with 
an  arrow  at  the  half-hour  ;  at  the  third  quarter  the  blows  are  given 
by  a  warrior  with  his  sword  ;  at  the  fourth  quarter  an  old  man 
produces  the  notes  with  his  crutch.  When  he  has  retired  a  figure 
of  Death  appears  and  strikes  the  hour  with  a  bone. 

In  the  upper  apartment  is  a  figure  of  Christ ;  and  when  Death  strikes 
the  hour  of  noon  the  twelve  Apostles  pass  before  the  feet  of  their  Master, 
bowing  as  they  do  so.  Then  Christ  makes  the  sign  of  the  cross.  During 
the  procession  of  the  iVpostles,  the  cock  perched  at  the  top  of  the 
weight-turret  flaps  his  wings,  ruffles  his  neck,  and  crows  three  times. 

In  addition  to  the  mean  time  dial  in  the  gallery,  there  is  one,  seven- 
teen feet  in  diameter,  above  the  principal  entrance  to  the  cathedral, 

Liibeck  Clocks. — A  most  remarkable  clock  was  in  1405  erected 
in  the  church  of  St.  Mary  at  Liibeck.  Doubtless  it  has  been  much 
altered  since  that  time;  but  in  1820,  from  the  description  of  Downes, 
it  was  in  good  order.  It  consists  of  three  compartments,  the  lowest 
of  which  contains  the  original  inscription : — 

"  Hoc  horologium  factum  est  primum,  Anno  mccccv, 
Hanc.  rempl.  gubernantibus  Dn.  IVoconsulibus  Henrico 

Westof  et 
Goswino  Clingenberg,  Provisoribus  hujus  ecclesiae.     Ipso  die 
purificationis  Mariae. 

Aspectum  coeli,  Solis  Lunseque  nitorem, 
Lumina  per  certos  ignem  ducentia  cursus, 
Ut  fluat  hora  fugax,  atque  irrevocabilis  annus, 
Hoc  tibi,  conspiciens  !  oculis  liaurire  licebit. 
Sed  resonos  quoties  modules  campana  remittit, 
Pronus  astripotens  Numen  laudare  memento." 

46  Old  Clocks  and  Watches   and  their  Makers. 

These  lines  may  be  translated  as  follows : — 

"  This  horologe  [clock]  was  first  made  in  the  year  1405.  The  lord  pro-consuls 
of  this  state,  H.  Westof  and  G.  Clingenberg,  being  overseers  of  this  church.  In 
the  very  day  of  the  Purification  of  the  Virgin  Mary. 

"  The  aspect  of  the  heavens  and  the  gleam  of  the  Sun  and  Moon — luminaries 
drawing  their  light  through  certain  courses,  as  flows  the  swift  hour  and  irrevocable 
year,  to  thee,  O  beholder,  will  it  be  permitted  to  take  in  with  thine  eyes.  But  as 
often  as  the  bell  with  resonant  sounds  [beats  upon  thine  ears]  remember  in  reverent 
attitude  to  praise  the  starpotent  deity." 

There  are  also  several  other  inscriptions  recording  the  different 
dates  at  which  the  clock  underwent  repairs. 

The  principal  division  of  the  compartment  is  occupied  by  a  plate 
on  which  several  concentric  circles  are  described.  This  has  a 
progressive  motion,  and  is  calculated  to  exhibit  the  various  details 
of  the  calendar  from  1753  to  17S5,  such  as  the  Sunday  letters,  the 
days  of  the  week  and  month,  the  hours  of  sunrise,  the  golden 
number,  the  solar  circle,  the  day  of  Easter  full  moon,  and  the 
number  of  weeks  intervening  between  Christmas  and  Shrove  Tues- 
day. The  centre  plate  contains  a  specification  of  all  the  solar  and 
lunar  eclipses  visible  at  Liibeck  between  the  years  181 1  and  i860, 
drawn  up  by  the  celebrated  Bode,  of  Berlin. 

In  the  middle  compartment  another  plate  is  inserted,  containing 
an  hour  circle,  a  movable  zodiac,  and  a  dial  which  points  out  the 
hours  and  the  solar  place  in  the  ecliptic.  A  gilt  representation  of 
the  sun,  accompanied  by  the  inferior  planets  Venus  and  Mercury, 
appears  on  the  dial.  There  are  four  other  dials  respectively 
calculated  for  Saturn,  Jupiter,  Mars,  and  the  moon.  On  two  side 
columns  the  planetary  hours  are  marked. 

The  highest  compartment  contains  a  small  tower,  with  a  set  of 
bells  which  play  every  hour,  and  a  clock  which  is  struck  by  a  figure 
of  Time,  while  on  the  opposite  side,  that  of  Transiency,  which,  as 
here  personified,  reverts  its  face  at  every  stroke.  Under  this  tower 
is  the  figure  of  our  Saviour,  before  which  a  procession,  representing 
the  emperor  and  the  seven  electors,  passes  at  twelve  every  day, 
entering  at  one  side,  and  retiring  at  the  other.  The  first-mentioned 
figure  bestows  a  blessing  on  those  of  the  potentates  as  they  move 
by,  and  they  express  adoration  by  bowing  the  head.  Two  angels 
always  announce  the  ceremony  by  sound  of  trumpet.  An  attendant 
stands  before  each  of  the  little  doors  through  which  the  train  appears 
and  disappears,  and  pays  obeisance  as  they  pass.  The  number  of 
figures  amounts  to  twelve ;  hence  some  people  have  considered  that 
they  represent  the  Apostles. 

The   sides  of  this  stupendous  horologe,   which  is  enclosed  by  an 

Wcii^ht  Clocks. 


iron  railing,  exhibit  various  scenes  from  the  narrative  of  Christ's 
suffering's ;  and  carved  in  the  corner  of  the  framework  surrounding 
one  of  these  scriptural  pieces  is  the  figure  of  a  mouse,  which  is  the 
work-mark  of  Liibeck. 

Downes  describes  another  extraordinary  clock  at  Liibeck,  in  the 
Dome  Church.  This  is  of  a  much  later  date.  The  dial  plate  represents 
the  face  of  the  sun,  the 
eyes  of  which,  turning 
alternately  to  the  right 
and  left  with  the  oscil- 
lation of  the  pendulum, 
produce  a  most  hideous 
effect.  Above  are  two 
figures,  one  of  which 
personifies  Faith,  and 
beats  the  quarters ;  the 
other  a  skeleton,  said  to 
represent  Time,  exhibits 
rather  the  lineaments  of 
Death.  In  the  left  hand 
it  holds  an  hour-glass, 
and  in  the  right  a  ham- 
mer, with  which  it  strikes 
the  hours,  slowly  moving 
the  head  to  the  right  and 
left  during  the  process. 

The  Hans  of  Jena 
clock,  already  referred  to, 
is  shown  in  Fig.  32, 
which  is  reproduced  from 
Dubois' work.  The  legend 
is  that  Hans  of  Jena,  re- 
presented by  a  monstrous 
head  of  bronze,  is  to  be 
tantalised  for  three  centuries  by  the  pilgrim  who  presents  to  the 
open  mouth  a  golden  apple  as  the  clock  strikes,  but  quickly 
withdraws  it  before  the  mouth  can  be  closed.  The  figure  of  an 
angel  on  the  right  raises  its  eyes  and  shakes  the  bell  as  each  blow  of 
the  hour  is  struck. 

Whatever  variations  were   made  in  the    form    or    size    of  clocks 
during    the    fifteenth    century,    the    principle    of    the    mechanism 

Fig.  32. — Hans  of  Jena. 


Gld  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

remained  unaltered,  and  such  as  were  constructed  appear  to  have 
been  mostly  for  public  buildings  or  persons  of  exalted  position. 

The  fact  that  small  clocks  and  portable  clocks  are  mentioned  as 
existing  in  the  fourteenth  century,  seems  to  have  led  to  the 
supposition  that  the  mainspring  as  a  motor  was  then  in  use,  but 
such  a  conclusion  is  vmwarranted.  Most  of  these  descriptions,  or 
rather  references,  though  interesting,  are  of  the  vaguest  character, 
for    instance,    among    the    ancient    inventories    quoted    by    M.    de 

Fig.  ^2- — Chamber  clock,  fifteenth 
century.     Bib.  Nat.  Paris. 



Fig.  34. — Fifteenth  century  clock  from 
Italian  tarsia-work. 

Laborde  are  "a.d.  1380,  a  clock  of  silver,  entirely  without  iron"; 
and  "a  clock  of  white  silver  for  placing  on  a  column."  In  1381, 
"I'oreloge"  of  Charles  VI.  being  out  of  order,  a  smith  from  Senlis, 
named  Robert  d'Origny,  who  repaired  it,  received  sixteen  sols 
parisis.  The  accounts  of  the  Duke  of  Burgundy  recite  that  in  1407 
a  smith  (fevre)  named  "  Jehan  d'Alemaigne,"  supplied  a  movement 
for  a  small  clock  (petite  orloge)  to  be  placed  in  the  chamber  of 
"  Madame." 

Sir  John  Paston,  in  the  course  of  a  letter  written  in  the  spring  of 

Weight  Clocks.  49 

1469,  says :  "  I  praye  you  speke  wt  Harcourt  off  the  Abbeye  ffor  a 
lytell  clokke  whyche  I  'sent  liini  by  James  Gressham  to  amend  and 
yt  ye  woll  j^et  it  off  him  an  it  he  redy,  and  send  it  me,  and  as  ffor 
mony  for  his  labour,  he  hath  another  clok  of  myn  whiche  St. 
Thorns  Lyndes,  God  ha\e  hys  sowle,  gave  me.  He  maye  kepe  that 
tyll  1  paye  him.  This  klok  is  my  Lordys  Archebysshopis  but  late 
him  not  wote  off  it." 

The  appended  Fig.  33,  from  the  Bibliotheque  Nationale  at 
Paris,  purports  to  represent  the  remains  of  a  hfteenth-century 
chamber  clock.  It  is  pretty  evident  there  was  originally  a  bell  at 
the  top  of  the  case,  and  perhaps  a  hand  to  indicate  the  hour.  It  is 
not  however  certain  there  was  a  hand,  for  some  of  the  early  clocks 
had  revolving  dials.  In  the  South  Kensington  Museum  there  is  on 
a  "  tarsia,"  or  inlaid  wood  panel  of  Italian  late  fifteenth-century 
production,  a  representation  of  a  clock  with  a  revolving  ring,  on 
which  the  twenty-four  hours  are  marked,  the  current  hour  being 
indicated  by  a  fixed  pointer,  as  seen  in  Fig.  34.  The  whole  panel 
represents  an  open  cupboard,  in  which  there  are,  besides  the  clock, 
a  flagon,  a  chalice,  a  cross,  etc. ;  so  one  may  infer  that  the  clock  was 
of  comparatively  small  size,  and  of  course  of  older  date  than  the 
panel,  which  careful  comparison  by  the  experts  of  the  Museum  fixes 
at  certainly  not  later  than  1500.  The  action  of  the  winding  work  is 
obscure,  but  with  that  exception  the  construction  of  the  clock  is 
toleral)ly  clear. 

Anne  Boleyn's  Clock. — In  the  corridor  at  Windsor  Castle  is  a 
clock  which  is  said  to  have  been  presented  to  /Vnne  Boleyn  on  her 
wedding  morning  by  Henry  VIII.  It  is  rather  over  four  inches 
square  and  ten  inches  high,  exclusive  of  the  bracket  on  which  it  is 
mounted,  as  shown  in  Fig.  35.  It  was  purchased  on  behalf  of  Queen 
Victoria  for  ^iio  55.  when  Horace  Walpole's  collection  at  Straw- 
berry Hill  was  sold,  and  was  then  described  as  "  a  clock  of  silver  gilt 
richly  chased,  engraved  and  ornamented  with  fleurs-de-lys,  little  heads, 
etc.  On  the  top  sits  a  lion  holding  the  arms  of  England,  which  are 
also  on  the  sides."  This  description  is  not  quite  correct,  for  the  case 
is  of  copper  gilt ;  the  weights  are  of  lead  cased  in  copper,  gilt  and 
engraved ;  on  the  one  visible  in  the  engraving  are  the  initial  letters 
of  Henry  and  Anne  with  true  lovers'  knots  above  and  below  ;  on  the 
other  H.  A.  alone ;  at  the  top  of  each  is  "  Dieu  et  mon  droit  "  ;  at 
the  bottom  "the  most  happye  !  "  The  movement  at  present  in  the 
case  has  brass  wheels,  a  crown  wheel  escapement  and  a  short 
pendulum  ;  though  not  modern  it  is  certainly  later  than  the  middle 

c.w.  K 


Old  Clocks  and  ]Vatches  and  their  Makers. 

of  the  sixteenth  centiif y. 
'A  sight  of  the  clock 
evoked  from  Harrison 
Ainsworth  a  reflection 
to  which  but  few  will 
take  exception.  "This 
love  token  of  enduring 
affection  remains  the 
same  after  three  cen- 
turies, but  four  years 
after  it  was  given  the 
object  of  Henry's  eternal 
love  was  sacrificed  on 
the  scaffold.  The  clock 
still  goes !  It  should 
have  stopped  for  ever 
when  Anne  Boleyn 
died."  And  whether  by 
accident  or  design, 
though  the  weights  are 
suspended  below  the 
supporting  bracket,  the 
mechanism,  which  ap- 
pears to  be  in  fairly 
good  condition,  is  now 
silent,  and  the  hand 
remains  stationa ry . 
There  is  no  record  as 
to  the  maker  of  this 
interesting  relic,  but  at 
this  time  most  of  the 
"  orologes  "  were  the  pro- 
duction of  foreign  artists, 
judging  from  the  names 
quoted  in  State  Papers 
of  the  period. 

In  the  "Privy  Purse 
Expenses  of  Henry 
VIII.,  from  1529  to 
1532,"  edited  by  Sir 
Harris    Nicolas,    it    is 

Fig.  35. — Anne  Boleyn's  clock. 

Weight  Clocks.  51 

recorded  that  in  July,  1530,  /'15  was  paid  to  the  Frenchman  who 
sold  the  king  "  ij  clocks  at  Oking."  In  the  following  month  was 
paid  to  "  a  Frenchman  called  Driilardy,  for  iij  dyalls  and  a  clokk 
for  the  King's  Grace  the  sum  of  ^15."  In  December  of  the  same 
year  ^19  65.  8^.  was  "paid  to  Vincent  Keney  clok  maker  for  xj 
clokks  and  dialls."  So  many  payments  within  a  brief  period 
warrant  the  assumption  that  clocks  were  a  form  of  present  favoured 
by  his  Majesty. 

In  the  "  Sixth  Report  of  the  Historical  Manuscripts  Commission  " 
mention  is  made  of  an  agreement,  dated  1599,  between  one  Michael 
Neuwers,  a  clockmaker,  and  Gilbert,  Earl  of  Shrewsbury,  for  the 
construction  of  a  clock.  "  It  is  agreed  that  Michael  should  make  a 
striking  clock  about  the  bigness  of  that  which  he  made  for  the  Earl 
six  years  past ;  it  is  to  be  made  by  the  last  of  December  next.  The 
cover  or  case  of  it  to  be  of  brass,  very  well  gilt,  with  open  breaking 
through  all  over,  with  a  small  fine  hand  like  an  arrow,  clenly  and 
strongly  made,  the  ...  or  white  dial  plate  to  be  made  of  French 
crown  gold,  and  the  figures  to  show  the  hour  and  the  rest  to  be 
enamelled  the  fynelyest  and  daintyest  that  can  be,  but  no  other 
colour  than  blew,  white,  and  carnalian  ;  the  letters  to  be  somewhat 
larger  than  ordinary;  the  price  of  the  clock  must  be  /'15,  which 
makes  with  the  earnest  already  given  £16,  but  the  circle  I  must  pay 
for,  besides  the  gold  which  shall  make  it ;  the  sides  of  the  brass  case 
must  not  be  sharp,  but  round,  and  the  case  very  curiously  made." 

The  Michael  Neuwers  here  referred  to  was  probably  Michael 
Nouwen,  a  sixteenth  century  horologist,  several  specimens  of  whose 
work  survive.  That  the  Earl  of  Shrew'sbury  was  somewhat  of  a 
connoisseur  of  timekeepers,  as  well  as  an  authority  on  horological 
matters,  is  borne  out  by  the  following  letter,  dated  161 1,  from  him 
to  Sir  Michael  Hickes,  which  is  preserved  in  the  Lansdowne  MSS. 
at  the  British  Museum  : — 

"  I  perceived  by  you  to-day  that  you  understood  My  Lord 
Treasurer's  design  was  to  have  a  watch,  but  I  conceaved  he  wysshed 
a  stryknge  clock,  made  lyke  a  Watch,  to  stande  oppon  a  Cubbart,  & 
suche  a  one  (though  no  new  one,  &  yet  under  a  dozen  years  ould)  I 
have  found  oute,  &  send  you  by  this  bearer,  which  I  pray  you 
deliver  to  his  Lordship  from  me,  &  tell  him  that  I  am  very  well 
perswaded  of  the  truth  of  it,  or  else  I  should  be  ashamed  to  send  him 
so  gross  &  rude  a  piece  as  this  is,  &  if  I  hadd  thought  his  Lordship 
could  have  well  forborne  it  but  for  four  or  five  days  longer,  I  would 
have  bestowed  a  new  case  for  it,  for  this  is  a  very  bad  one.     If  his 

E  2 

52  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Lordship  would  not  have  it  stryke,  either  in  the  dayes  or  nights,  the 
striker  may  be  forborne  to  be  wounde  up,  and  so  the  Watch  being 
wounde  up  it  will  go  alone.  It  will  goe  twenty-six  houres,  but  I 
wysh  it  may  be  wounde  up  every  mornyng  or  nyght  about  eight  or 
nine  o'clock,  which  will  be  sufficient  until  the  next  day  or  nyght  at 
the  same  tyme." 

Among  the  State  Papers  of  the  time  of  James  I.  there  is  an 
original  letter,  dated  August  4th,  1609,  addressed  by  Sir  Julius 
Csesar  to  the  clerks  of  the  signet,  requesting  them  to  prepare  a 
warrant  to  pay  ^300  to  Hans  Niloe,  a  Dutchman,  for  a  clock  with 
music  and  motions.  And  on  the  17th  of  the  same  month  Sir 
Julius  wrote  from  the  Strand  to  Salisbury,  stating  that  he  was 
pressed  by  Hans  Niloe  for  the  ;^300  for  his  clock. 

In  "  A  true  certificat  of  the  names  of  the  Straungers  residing  and 
dwellinge  within  the  City  of  London,"  etc.,  taken  by  direction  of  the 
Privy  Council,  by  letters  dated  September  7th,  161 8,  it  is  stated  that 
in  the  ward  of  Farringdon  Within  was  then  living  "  Barnaby 
Martinot,  clockmaker;  b.  in  Paris;  a  Roman  Catholicque."  In 
Portsoken  ward  was  living  "John  Goddard,  clockmaker;  lodger  and 
servant  with  Isack  Sunes  in  Houndsditch  ;  h.  at  Paris,  in  Fraunce ; 
heer  three  years  ;  a  papist ;  yet  hee  hath  the  oath  of  allegiance  to 
the  king's  supremacy,  &  doth  acknowledg  the  king  for  his  soveraigne 
dureing  his  abode  in  England ;  &  is  of  the  Romish  church." 

Clock  at  Hampton  Court  Palace. — Derham  gives  the  numbers 
of  the  wheels  and  pinions  of  a  large  clock  which  appears  to  have 
been  erected  at  Hampton  Court  Palace  about  1540.  This  date  is 
assumed  from  the  marks  N.O.  or  N.C.  and  the  figures  1540  which 
were  engraved  on  a  bar  of  the  original  wrought-iron  framework.  If 
the  letters  were  N.C,  they  may  have  referred  to  Nicholas  Cratzer. 
In  171 1  the  clock  was  repaired  by  Langley  Bradley.  The  original 
and  curious  dial  of  the  clock  is  on  the  eastern  side  of  the  gate-tower 
in  the  second  quadrangle.  It  is  composed  of  th^ee  separate  copper 
discs  of  different  sizes,  with  a  common  centre,  but  revolving  at  vary- 
ing rates.  The  smallest  of  these  is  3  ft.  3^  in.  in  diameter,  and  in 
the  middle  of  this  is  a  slightly  projected  globe,  painted  to  represent 
the  earth.  The  quarters  marked  on  the  centre  disc  by  thick  lines 
are  numbered  with  large  figures,  and  round  the  edge  this  disc  is 
divided  into  twenty-four  parts,  a  red  arrow  painted  on  the  second 
disc  pointing  to  these  figures  and  showing  at  once  the  quarter  in 
which  the  moon  is,  and  the  time  of  southing.  Next  to  the  figure  of 
the  earth  in  this  centre  disc,   a  circular  hole,    10  in.  in  diameter, 

Weight  Clocks. 


allows  a  smaller  disc  travelling  behind  to  show  the  phases  of  the 
moon.  On  the  second  disc,  4  ft.  i^  in.  in  diameter,  but  of  which 
only  the  outer  rim  is  seen,  are  twenty-nine  divisions,  and  a  triangular 
pointer,  projecting  from  behind  the  central  disc,  shows  the  moon's 
age  in  days.  The  largest  of  the  three  discs  is  7  ft.  10  in.  in  diameter. 
There  are  many  circles  painted  on  so  much  of  the  rim  of  this  as  is 
seen,  the  inner,  or,  following  the  order  above  observed  and  proceed- 
ing from  the  centre,  the  first  circle,  giving  the  names  of  the  months. 

Fig.  36. — Dial  of  Hampton  Court  Palace  clock. 

the  second  the  days  of  the  months  (only  twenty-eight  for  February), 
the  third  the  signs  of  the  zodiac,  and  on  the  rim,  with  30°  for 
each  space  filled  by  a  sign,  a  circle  divided  into  360  parts.  A  long 
pointer  with  a  gilded  figure  of  the  sun  attached,  projecting  from 
behind  the  second  disc,  shows  on  this  third  or  outmost  disc  of  the 
dial  the  day  of  the  month  and  the  position  of  the  sun  in  the  ecliptic. 

54  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

This  pointer  performs  another  duty,  acting  hke  the  hour  hand  of  an 
ordinary  clock,  and  showing  the  time  of  day  or  night  as  it  passes  the 
twenty-four  figures — two  sets  of  twelve — painted  on  the  stonework 
within  which  the  dial  revolves.  The  diameter  of  this  outer  immovable 
circle  on  the  stone  is  g  ft.  8  in.,  and  the  characters  for  the  hours  are 
Roman  numerals,  g  inches  in  length. 

In  1575  a  payment  appears  to  have  been  made  to  George  Gaver, 
Serjeant  painter,  for  painting  the  great  dial  at  Hampton  Court 
Palace,  containing  hours  of  the  day  and  night,  the  course  of  the  sun 
and  moon,  and  doubtless  since  that  time  the  same  necessary  restora- 
tion has  been  often  undertaken.  In  1835  an  extraordinary  trans- 
position was  made,  for  the  works  of  the  old  clock  were  removed, 
and  have  since  disappeared.  In  their  place  was  fixed  a  movement 
with  the  following  inscription  :  "  This  clock,  originally  made  for  the 
Queen's  Palace  in  St.  James's  Palace,  and  for  many  years  in  use 
there,  was,  a.d.  1835,  by  command  of  his  Majesty  King  William  IV., 
altered  and  adapted  to  suit  Hampton  Court  Palace  by  B.  L.  Vulliamy, 
clockmaker  to  the  king";  and  on  another  plate  on  the  clock— 
"Vulliamy,  London,  No.  352,  a.d.  i7gg."  Worse  than  all,  the 
precious  dial  was  taken  down  and  stowed  away  in  a  workshop  at  the 
palace,  the  gap  left  being  filled  by  a  painted  board.  In  iSyg,  how- 
ever, a  new  and  sufficient  clock  movement  was  provided,  the  dial 
found,  restored  by  Mr.  James  Thwaites,  and  replaced.  It  now 
shows  the  hours,  the  motions  of  the  sun  and  moon,  etc.,  with 
certainly  as  much  regularity  as  formerly,  and  as  well  as  N.O.  or 
N.C.  could  have  desired.  For  the  appended  sketch  of  the  dial  I  am 
indebted  to  Mr.  Thwaites. 

Oronce  Fine,  mathematician  to  Francis  I.  and  Henry  II.  of 
France,  devised  what  is  often  spoken  of  as  a  planetary  clock,  which 
is  shown  in  Fig.  37.  The  construction  of  this  machine  was  begun 
in  1553,  and  after  seven  years,  when  it  was  completed,  it  was 
presented  to  the  Cardinal  de  Lorraine.  Afterwards  it  was  placed 
in  the  library  of  St.  Genevieve  at  Paris.  It  is  in  the  form  of  a 
pentagonal  column  seventeen  inches  in  diameter  and  six  feet  high. 
The  movement  concealed  in  the  pillar  is  composed  of  over  one 
hundred  wheels  and  actuated  by  a  weight  which  falls  one  foot  per  day 
and  was  calculated  to  keep  the  apparatus  going  for  forty-eight  hours. 

Clock  by  Isaac  Habrecht. — At  the  top  of  the  main  staircase 
of  the  British  Museum  is  a  most  curious  clock,  which  was  bequeathed 
to  the  nation  by  Mr.  Octavius  Morgan.  It  was  constructed  in  i58g 
by  Isaac  Habrecht,  one  of  the  two  ingenious  brothers  who  made  the 

WeigJit  Cloch 


second  famous  clock  mechanism  at  Strasburg.     It  is  about  four  feet 
in  height,  and  tlie  general  design  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  left  tower 

Fig.  37. — Planetary  clock  of  Oronce  Fine. 

Fig.  38. — Clock  by  Isaac 

of  the  Strasburg  clock,  and  on  the  sides  of  both  are  figures  of  the 
three  Fates,  Clotho,  Lachesis,  and  Atropos,  and  each  is  surmounted 
by  a  figure  of  the  cock  of  St.  Peter,  which  at  the  stroke  of  the  hour 

56  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  ihcir  Makers. 

flaps  its  wings  and  crows.  It  had  originally  a  balance  as  a  con- 
troller, for  which  a  pendulum  was  subsequently  substituted.  The 
quarters  are  struck  by  four  figures,  representing  the  ages  of  man, 
and  the  hour  by  a  figure  of  Death.  On  a  lower  balcony  is  a  seated 
figure  of  the  Virgin  and  Child,  before  whom  passes  a  circle  of 
angels,  who,  as  they  are  set  in  movement  by  the  striking  of  the 
clock,  are  caused  to  make  an  obeisance  in  front  of  the  Virgin. 
Below  this,  the  gods  of  the  days  of  the  week  perform  their  circuit, 
each  driving  in  a  chariot,  while  the  dials  on  the  lower  stages  fulfil 
the  more  useful  functions  of  indicating  the  hour,  the  phases  of  the 
moon,  the  feasts  of  the  Church,  etc.  The  case  is  of  gilt  copper, 
with  well-engraved  figures  and  ornamental  designs,  perhaps  by 
Tobias  Stimmer,  who  was  employed  to  decorate  the  original  clock 
at  Strasburg.  The  history  of  this  clever  piece  of  mechanism  is 
somewhat  curious,  though  it  rests  upon  slender  foundations.  It  is 
stated  that  Pope  Sixtus  V.  was  so  pleased  with  the  Strasburg  clock 
that  he  ordered  Habrecht  to  make  one  of  the  same  kind.  The  time- 
keeper of  which  a  view  is  given  on  page  55  was  the  result,  and  it 
remained  at  the  Vatican  for  two  hundred  years.  Its  next  appear- 
ance was  in  Holland,  where  it  w^as  in  the  possession  of  the  king; 
from  Holland  it  was  brought  to  London  and  exhibited  about 

In  the  royal  palace  of  Rosenborg,  Copenhagen,  is  a  similar 
clock  by  Isaac  Habrecht,  and  at  the  Historical  Museum,  Dresden, 
is  one,  also  very  similar,  which  was  made  for  the  Elector  Augustus 
between  1563  and  1568  by  the  astronomer-horologist  Baldwein,  of 
Marburg,  and  H.  Bucher,  under  the  direct  superintendence  of  the 
learned  Landgraf  William  IV.  of  Hesse  Cassel. 

Lyons  Clock. — The  cathedral  of  Lyons  contains  a  remarkable 
specimen  of  complicated  horological  work,  which  is  in  the  form  of 
a  tower  forty  feet  high.  The  original  clock  was  constructed  by  a 
mechanician  named  Nicholas  Lippms,  of  Basle,  who  completed  it  in 
1598.  Guillaume  Nourisson  in  1660  repaired  the  structure,  and 
among  other  alterations  introduced  a  large  oval  dial.  Not  only  was 
the  outline  of  the  dial  oval,  but  also  the  graduated  and  figured  band, 
which  was  divided  into  sixty  to  represent  the  minutes,  and  with 
distinct  marks  for  the  quarter  hours.  From  a  description  of  this 
curious  clock  published  in  1677,  are  taken  the  following  engravings, 
which  show  how  the  hand  dilated  and  contracted  as  it  travelled 
around  the  dial  in  order  that  one  tip  might  always  indicate  the 
minute  and  the  other  the  quarter  hour, 

Weight  Clocks. 


Fig.   40   is   the  exterior  of  the  hand   stretched   to   its   maximum 
length.     As  the  hand  approaches  the  narrower  part  of  the  oval,  the 

Fig.   39. — Lyons  clock. 

inner  socket-like   ends  of  a  and  h  pass   over  the   extremities  of  the 
fixed  central  portion. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watclies  and  tlieir  Maker: 

Fig.  41  is  a  view  of  the  central  part  with  the  ornamental  covering 

Fixed  to  the  centre  part  is  a  cannon  pinion  driven  by  a  bevelled 
pinion  which  also  drives  another  pinion,  the  stalk  of  which  passes 
through  the  cannon  to  the  upper  part  of  the  hand,  and  there  engages 

Fig.  40. 

with  a  double  crank  attached  by  means  of  connecting  rods  with  the 
solid  core  of  the  parts  a  and  h. 

This  dial  is  on  one  side  of  the  tower.  On  the  front  are  two  dial 
plates  as  shown  in  the  engraving  on  page  57.  The  lower  one  is  a 
calendar,  and  the  other  an  astrolabe.  The  calendar  is  divided  into 
365  divisions,  on  which  are  fixed  crowns.  Each  crown  represents 
the  day  of  the  month  in   the  calendar,  and  the  name  of  the  saint. 

Fig.  41. 

when  the  anniversary  of  the  latter  is  due.  The  names  of  the 
months  are  on  the  circumference.  The  circle  forming  the  centre 
is  divided  into  sixty-six  years,  and  moves  one  division  forward  on 
the  31st  of  every  December.  The  inscriptions  about  the  religious 
festivals,  etc.,  are  in  handwriting  on  parchment.  The  astrolabe  is 
exceedingly  ingenious.  Thereon  all  the  zodiacal  and  other  astro- 
nomical signs  are  displayed,  the  solar  and  lunar  movements,  etc. 
In  the  upper  part  of  the  tower  are  various  automatic  pieces.  There 
is  a  gilt  niche  in  which  appear  representations  of  the  days  of  the 

]]^ci\i^ht  Clocks. 


week.  For  Sunday  the  symbol  is  the  Resurrection ;  Monday, 
Death  ;  Tuesday  and  Wednesday,  Saints  Stephen  and  John  ; 
Thursday,  the  Sacrament  ;  Friday,  the  Passion  ;  Saturday,  the 
X'irgin.     At   niichii^ht,    the  statue   that   has  finished  duty  cedes  the 

Fig.  42. — Venice  clock. 

place  to  that  for  the  coming  day.  On  the  left  is  an  angel  which 
turns  a  sandglass  every  hour ;  on  the  right,  another  angel  beats  the 
measure  with  head,  hand,  and  foot,  as  the  clock  strikes  each  hour. 
Above  all  is  a  large  space,  where  the  Almighty  in  the  scene  of  the 
Annunciation  bestows  His  benediction.  The  cupola  terminates  the 
monument  and  covers  the  bells,  which  play  several  religious  chants 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

and  the  Ave  Maria.     There  is  the  figure  of  a  beadle  who  appears, 
and  marches  round  the  gallery,  to  inspect,  as  it  were,  the  bells. 

In    1895,  Chateau,  of   Paris,   thoroughly  repaired    the  clock,  by 
direction  of  the  French  Government. 

Fig.  43. 

Venice  Clock.— The  first  clock  in  the  Square  of  St.  Mark,  at 
Venice,  the  work  of  Giovanni  P.  Rainaldi,  of  Reggio,  and  his  son 
Carlo,  was  completed  in  1495.  Of  its  construction  but  httle  is  known. 
Its  successor,  the  monumental  timekeeper  shown  on  page  59,  was 

nV/if/;/  Clocks.  '  6i 

erected  at  the  Grand  Piazza  early  in  the  seventeenth  century. 
There  is  a  large  dial  showing  the  hours,  and  above  is  a  balcony 
of  gilt  lattice  surrounding  an  image  of  the  Blessed  Virgin,  seated 
between  two  doors  overlaid  with  gold.  Evelyn,  in  his  "  Memoirs," 
under  date  1645,  speaks  of  this  "admirable  clock,  celebrated  next  to 
that  of  Strasburgh,  for  its  many  movements  ;  amongst  which  about 
twelve  and  six — which  are  their  houres  of  Ave  Maria,  when  all  the 
towne  are  on  their  knees — come  forth  the  3  kings  led  by  a  starr, 
and  passing  by  ye  image  of  Christ  in  his  Mother's  armes  do  their 
reverence,  and  enter  into  ye  clock  by  another  doore."  Another 
writer  in  1841  remarked  that  at  a  certain  period  of  every  year,  on 
the  Feast  of  the  Ascension,  and  fourteen  days  afterwards,  as  the 
hour  struck,  the  door  on  the  right  hand  opened  and  an  angel  with  a 
trumpet  issued  forth,  followed  by  three  Eastern  kings,  each  of 
whom,  as  he  passed  the  Virgin,  raised  his  crown,  bowed,  and  then 
disappeared  through  the  other  door.  The  hours  are  struck  by  two 
bronze  giants  on  a  large  bell  which  surmounts  the  structure. 

Alterations  to  the  movements  appear  to  have  been  made  from  time 
to  time,  the  most  recent  in  1859.  The  clock  as  it  now  exists  is  shown 
in  Fig.  43,  reproduced  from  a  photograph  taken  by  INIr.  Julien  Tripplin. 
Above  the  balcony  is  seated  a  figure  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  and  the 
doors  on  each  side  are  utilised  to  exhibit  by  means  of  jumping  figures 
the  hour  and  minute.  On  the  left  facing  the  structure  appear  Roman 
numerals  representing  the  last  completed  hour,  and  on  the  right  the 
number  of  minutes  past,  these  figures  changing  automatically  every 
five  minutes. 

(       62       ) 


Portable  Timekeepers. 

It  was  not  until  driving  weights  depending  from  cords  or  chains 
were  superseded  by  a  more  compact  motor,  which  allowed  of  their 
being  readily  transported  from  place  to  place,  that  timekeepers  were 
regarded  as  objects  of  particular  interest,  the  acquisition  of  which 
was  sought  in  fashionable  circles. 

The  Hon.  Daines  Barrington,  in  vol.  v.  of  the  Avc]ia;ologia,  speaks  of 

^'    "f^i^' 

i  1'-..  44.  Fig.  45. 

Canister  case ;  covers  pressed  on,  back  and  front  (no  hinged  joints). 

a  watch  as  belonging  to  Robert  Bruce,  who  died  in  1328.  This  watch 
was  of  small  size,  with  an  enamelled  case,  a  piece  of  transparent 
horn  over  the  dial,  and  had  engraved  on  the  plate  "  Robertus  Bruce," 
in  Roman  characters.  Though  it  passed  current  for  some  time  at  the 
end  of  last  century,  and  eventually  became  theproperty  of  George  III., 

Portable  Tiuickecpcvs. 


careful  examination  revealed  the  fact  that  the  inscription  was 
undoubtedly  a  recent  addition,  and  the  watch  a  production  of  three 
centuries  later  than  Bruce.  Except  that  the  quotation  of  Harrington's 
statement  is  perennial,  it  would  be  hardly  worth  while  to  refer  to  so 
clumsy  an  imposition.  A  watch  now  in  the  Schloss  collection  is,  I 
believe,  the  one  referred  to.  It  will  be  illustrated  in  Chapter  IV. 
It  is  now  generally  conceded   that   the   production  of  a  portable 

Fig.  46. — Cover  closed. 

timekeeper  was  accomplished  by  Peter  Henlein  or  Hele,  a  clock- 
maker  of  Nuremberg,  who  was  born  in  1480  and  died  in  1542.  He, 
shortly  after  1500,  used  a  long  ribbon  of  steel  tightly  coiled  round  a 
central  spindle  to  maintain  the  motion  of  the  mechanism.  The 
invention  has  been  ascribed  to  Habrecht  and  others,  at  a  much  later 
date,  but  Johannes  Coccleus,  who  was  born  in  1470,  in  his  com- 
mentary dated  151 1,  accurately  describes  a  striking  watch  and 
distinctly  credits  its  introduction  to  Henlein.  Although  portable 
timekeepers  were  not  in  general  use  for  a  long  period  afterwards,  a 


Old  Clocks    and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

taste  for  table  clocks  and  watches  was  at  once  apparent  among 
wealthy  people,  who  delighted  in  the  possession  of  curious  novelties. 
The  earliest  watches  are  scarcely  to  be  distinguished  from  small 
table  clocks.  The  case  was  a  cylindrical  box,  generally  of  metal, 
chased  and  gilt,  usually  with  a  hinged  lid  on  one  side  to  enclose  the 
dial,  the  lid  being  engraved  and,  as  a  rule,  pierced  with  an  aperture 

Fig.  47.— Cover  open. 

over  each  hour,  through  which  the  position  of  the  hand  might  be 
seen.  Most  of  the  watches  were  provided  with  a  bell,  on  which  in 
some  cases  the  hours  were  sounded  in  regular  progression  ;  in  other 
instances  the  bell  was  merely  utilised  for  an  alarum.  When 
furnished  with  a  bell  the  case  w^as,  as  a  rule,  worked  a  Jour  to 
emit  the  sound.  Cases  in  which  the  covers  over  the  dial  and  back 
are  quite  flat,  and  the  edges  of  which  project  over  the  middle  of  the 
body,  are  often  spoken  of  as  tambourine  or  drum  cases.     A  canister 

Portable  Tiiiicki-cpcys.  .        65 

case  is  understood  to  he  one  in  which  the  covers  are  not  hinged  to 
the  body  of  the  case,  but  simply  pressed  on  in  the  same  way  as  is 
the  cover  of  a  canister. 

Ilhistrations  of  dissimilar  examples  are  appended.     All  are  worth 

Fig.  48. — Tambourine  case,  jointed  cover. 

examination.  In  Fig.  49,  to  form  twelve  apertures  through  which 
the  position  of  the  hand  might  be  seen,  and  to  connect  the  outer  part 
of  the  cover  with  the  centre,  are  six  pairs  of  male  and  female  figures 
joining  hands,  well  carved  with  very  pretty  effect.  A  happier  com- 
bination of  ornament  and  utility  would  be  difficult  to  conceive. 
At  the  South  Kensington  Museum  is  a  circular  table  clock,  about 
c.w.  F 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  49. 

Fig.  50. 

Fig.   51. 

three  inches  in  diameter,  in  an  engraved  brass  case  having  a  per- 
forated dome  surmounted  by  a  small  horizontal  dial.  On  the  mside 
of   the  bottom  cover  is  inscribed,   "P.  H.  Nor    .   .    1505."       This 

Portable  Thiickccpcrs. 


led  to  the  supposition  that  "Nor"  stood  for  Norimbergae,  "at 
Nuremberg,"  and  that  the  clock  was  the  handiwork  of  Hele.  The 
plates  of  the  movement  are  of  steel,  and  the  piece  appears  to  be 
evidently  a  production  of  the  sixteenth  century,  but  the  balance  and 

Fig.  52 

Fig.  53. 

Fig.  54. 

its  accessories  are  comparatively  modern,  and  it  would  be  unsafe  to 
rely  on  the  inscription  as  conclusive  evidence    of  authenticity. 

A  somewhat  similar  piece,  of  rather  later  date,  is  shown  in 
Fig.  52,  which  is  about  two-thirds  of  the  actual  size  of  the  clock. 

The  square  table  clock  of  which  two  views.  Figs.  53  and  54,  are 

F  2 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

appended,  is,  judging  from  the  engraving  and  general  construction, 
a  sixteenth  century  production.  It  is  furnished  with  the  primitive 
cross-bar  balance.  There  is  no  indication  of  the  maker  or  his  place 
of  abode. 

On   very   early   productions   the    maker's   name   is   exceptional ; 

-    ■  r-j  J  j\ 

Fig.   55. 

initials  were  a  more  usual  signature,  and  occasionally  a  work 
stamp  is  to  be  found,  from  which  it  may  be  possible  to  ascertain 
the  locality  of  manufacture.  Most  German  towns  had  a  distinctive 
trade  or  work  mark,  that  for  Nuremberg  being  the  letter  N  in  a 
circle,  and  for  Augsburg  a  pineapple.  Sebastian  Lehr,  clockmaker 
to  the  city  of  Nuremberg,  who  died  in  1556,  may  be  taken  to  have 
been  an  eminent  craftsman.    Among  others  of  the  period  of  whom 

Po vta ble  Tiinckccpc vs. 


mention  is  made  is   Hans  Gruber,  clockmaker  and  master  of  the 
Locksmiths'  Guild  about  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century. 

Fig.  5C. — Front  with  cover  closed. 

Fig.  57. — Front  with  cover  removed. 

Fig.  58. — Edge. 

Fig.  59. — Back. 

There  are  several  specimens  in  tlie  British  Museum  of  a  date 
between  1535  and  1570.  Of  two  by  Jeremia  Metzger  (or  Metzker), 
Augsburg,   one   is   furnished  with  a   bow,  and   one  is   without   any 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

provision  for  suspending  the  watch.  The  South  Kensington  col- 
lection includes  a  circular  striking  and  alarum  clock,  supported 
by  a  figure  of  Atlas  on  a  pedestal  of  gilt  brass,  inscribed  thus: 
"Jeremias  .  Metzger  .  Vrmacher  .  15.60  .  in  Avgspvrg."  A  clock 
with  complicated  movements  by  this  maker  in  the  Vienna  Treasury 
is  dated  1564.  In  the  same  repository  are  two  watches  in  cylindrical 
brass  cases   which   match   each   other.      The   movements    bear    the 

f  |»  I  In  ^«.  « 


Fig.  60. 

letters  A.S.  arranged  as  a  monogram,  but  there  is  no  other  indication 
of  the  maker. 

Fig-  55'  from  the  Soltykoff  collection,  is  one  of  the  earliest  of  the 
kind.  It  is  unnamed,  but  doubtless  of  German  make,  in  a  brass 
gilt  case  with  covers  top  and  bottom.  In  the  open  top  cover  may 
be  seen  the  twenty-four  perforations,  through  which  the  position  of 
the  hand  could  be  discerned.  For  this  engraving  and  other  illustra- 
tions of   sixteenth  century   horology,    formerly   in   the    magnificent 

Povtablc  Ti)iickccpcrs. 


collection  of  Prince  IMerre  Soltykoff,  I  am  indebted  to  the  sumptuous 
descriptive  quarto  prepared  by  Pierre  Dubois. 

Figs.    56,    57,    58,    59,    are  four  views   of  a  fine    mid-sixteenth 

Fig.  61. 

century  alarum  watch,  in  a  case  of  gilt  metal,  the  front,  back,  and 
edge  of  which  is  perforated.  On  each  of  the  covers  is  a  bust  as 

Of  another  early  example  belonging  to  Mr,  Schloss  three  views 
are    appended  (Figs.    60,    61,    62).      The    movement   is   especially 

72  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

interesting.     It  is  of  the  most  primitive  character,  the  balance  for 

Fig.  62. 

Fig.    63. — Earl}'  oval  watch. 

Fig.   64. — Early  oval  watch. 

controlling  the  motion   of  the  wheels  being  of  the  cross-bar  type, 
designated  by  Froissard  "-le  folioV  and  by  German  writers  ''■ivaagr 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


Another  feature,  the  "stackfreed,"  for  etjualising  the  power,  will  be 
referred  to  a  little  further  on. 

A  large  oval  case,  with  geometrical  perforations  in   the  lid,  was 
almost  contemporaneous  with  the  circular   box    form,  and  an  oval 

Fig.  65 

Img.    6G. 

shape,  either  small  and  plain  or  larger  with  more  or  less  of  decora- 
tion, remained  in  favour  for  over  a  century.  An  early  specimen  is 
shown  in  Figs.  63  and  64.  The  oval  striking  and  alarum  w^atch 
reproduced  in  Figs.  65  and  66  is  sixteenth  century  w^ork  by  Jacques 
Duduict,   "-inaitve  ovologiev  en  la  bonne  ville  de  Blois,'"  and  is  from  the 


Old  Clocks  and   WntcJies  and  their  Makers. 

Soltykoff  collection.     It  has  covers  back  and  front,  on  each  of  which 
is  a  tableau  reproducing  a  scene  in  the  life  of  Esther. 

The  luxury  and  extravagance  in  dress  which  characterised  the 
Elizabethan  period  required  more  variety  of  form  and  colour  than 
could  be  found  in  a  plain  regular  form  of  gold  or  silver,  so  rock 
crystal  and  other  stones  were  often  converted  into  cases,  which  were 
cut  in  the  form  of  crosses,  stars,   shells,  and   other   extraordinary 

FiG.  67. 

Fig.  68. 

fancies,  while  the  dials  and  mounts  were  occasionally  enriched 
with  coloured  enamels.  The  most  elegant  of  these  costly  toys 
emanated  from  France,  Blois  being  distinguished  as  an  early  seat 
of  manufacture. 

Figs.  67  and  68  represent  what  Dubois  declared  to  be  one  of  the 
richest  productions  of  the  kind  which  has  survived.  It  is  from  the 
Soltykoff  collection,  oval  in  form,  with  square  edges,  in  a  case  of 
crystal,  with  mountings  engraved,  splendidly  enamelled,  and  further 
embellished  with  diamonds  and  rubies.     The  ball  depending  from 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


the  bottom  of  the  case  is  a  fine  pearl.  The  dial  is  of  gold,  the 
borders  above  and  below  being  enriched  with  enamel  of  various 
colours.  The  back  plate  is  engraved  all  over  with  arabesques, 
giving   a  delightful  effect.     In  the  midst  of  the  engraving  may   be 

Fig.  69. — Front  with  cover  removed. 

Fig.   70. — View  of  back. 

Fig.  71. — Front  cover. 

discerned  the  letter  N,  the  Nuremberg  work  mark.  It  bears  no 
indication  of  the  maker's  name,  but  from  the  primitive  foliot  balance 
and  other  features  it  may  safely  be  classed  as  not  later  than  mid- 
sixteenth  century  work. 

There  is  at  the  Horological  Institute  a  print  of  a  very  old  striking 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig,  72 

or  clock-watch,  the  case  of  which  is  enriched  with  remarkably  fine 

arabesque  work,  pierced  to  emit  the  sound.     Three  views  of  it  are 

appended :  Figs.  69,  70,  71. 
The  dial  has  two  hour  circles, 
the  divisions  of  the  outer 
circle  being  marked  with 
Roman,  and  those  of  the 
inner  with  Egyptian  cha- 
racters, while  between  the  two 
is  a  circle  of  minute  marks. 
I  have  had  an  opportunity  of 
examining'  the  watch,  Avhich 
belongs  to  Mr.  Schloss.  It 
is  one  inch  and  three-quarters 
in  thickness,  and  three  inches 
in  diameter  ;  the  wheels  are  of 
iron,  but  it  has  neither  barrel 
nor    fusee.      There    are    two 

springs,  one  the  motive  power  for  timekeeping,   and  the  other   for 

striking,  which  is    effected 

upon  a  broad  bell  occupying 

the    whole  bottom   of   the 

watch.     The  outer  end  of 

the  mainspring  appears  to 

be     attached     to   a    pillar 

between     the    plates  —  an 

arrangement    reintroduced 

in     quite     modern      times 

for  cheap  clocks. 

There    has    been    lately 

added    to    the    British 

Museum  a  table  watch  in  a 

drum-shaped    case,    dating 

from    about     1550.     It    is 

from  the  Zschille  collection, 

and   is   shown   in   Fig.    72. 

The     mechanism    is     very 

crude,  without  screws,  and 

includes  a  foliot  balance  and 

"stackfreed."    The  movement  bears,  in  a  shield,  the  work  mark  M  and 

a  Jicuv-de-Us. 

Fig.  73. 

Portable  Timchccpcrs. 


The  watch  case  shown  in  Fig.  73  is  interesting  as  a  specimen  of 
pierced  chasing,  probably  German,  dating  from  about  1560. 

A  fine  striking  watch  in  a  circular  table  case,  from  the  Soltykoff 
collection,  is  shown  in  Fig.  74.  It  dates  from  about  1575  and  is  by 
Charles  Cusin,  "  iiiaitre  horlogcy  dc  la  ville  d'Aiitiiii."  The  hour  band 
is  of  silver  and  the  hand  of  blue  steel.  It  has  covers  top  and 
bottom,  the  upper  one  pierced 
as  shown ;  the  solid  centre  is 
the  reverse  of  a  mounted  cava- 
lier, of  which  the  obverse  is 
visible  when  the  cover  is  closed  ; 
this  it  is  averred  represents 
Henri  IV.,  King  of  France  and 
of  Navarre.  The  under-cover, 
simihuly  pierced,  contains  in 
the  centre  a  mounted  figure, 
said  to  be  a  counterfeit  of  the 
son  of  Marie  de  Medicis,  after- 
wards King  of  France. 

The  origin  of  the  term 
"  watch  "  is  not  very  clear.  It 
may  have  been  taken  from  the 
Swedish  vacJit,  or  from  the 
Saxon  wcrcca,  "to  wake";  but 
whatever  its  derivation,  it  had 
not,  when  introduced,  the  signi- 
fication we  now  attach  to  it, 
because  timekeepers  were  not 
then  worn  in  the  pocket.  But 
"watch,"  or  "clock,"  or  "  oro- 
loge,"  seems  to  have  been  used 
indifferently  as  a  title  for  time- 
keepers,- and  so  it  is  often 
difficult  to  decide  whether  a  weight  clock  of  large  size  or  a  very 
minute  spring  timepiece  is  meant.  Derham,  in  all  the  editions  of 
his  book,  speaks  of  timekeepers  driven  by  weights  as  watches, 
reserving  the  word  clock  for  parts  connected  with  the  striking. 

The  action  of  the  mainspring,  which  still  retains  its  place  as  a 
motor  for  portable  timekeepers,  will  be  understood  with  the  aid  of 
Fig.  75.  Here,  as  is  usually  the  case,  the  spring  is  contained  in  a 
circular  box  or  barrel  c,  its  inner  edge  being  hooked  on  to  the  enlarged 

Fig.   74. 


Old   Clocks  and    Watches  and  their  Makers. 

part  of  the  arbor  a,  and  its  outer  end  attached  to  the  inside  of  the  rim 
of  the  barrel.  The  arbor  passes  through  and  fits  easily  a  hole  in  the 
bottom  of  the  barrel,  and  a  hole  in  the  barrel  cover  e.  The  spring  is 
wound  by  turning  the  arbor,  and  then  if  the  spring  barrel  is  attached 
to  the  largest  wheel  of  the  clock,  in  place  of  the  cylinder  or  drum 
from  which  the  weight  was  suspended,  the  spring  in  its  effort  to 
unwind  turns  the  barrel,  and  with  it  the  wheels  composing  the  clock 
train.  Of  course  some  provision  must  be  made  to  prevent  the  spring 
from  at  once  uncoiling  when  the  arbor  is  released  after  winding,  and 
the  simplest  plan  is  to  have  a  ratchet  wheel  fixed  on  one  end  of  the 
arbor,  with  which  a  click  pivoted  to  the  framing  of  the  timekeeper 
engages.     When  the  barrel  is  used  in  conjunction  with  a  fusee,  as 

Fig.  75. — Mainspring 
and  barrel. 

Fig.  76. — Mainspring  barrel  and  fusee. 

a,  mainspring  barrel;    b,  fusee;   c,  great  wheel; 
rf,  winding  square ;  e,  snail-shaped  flange. 

will  be  described  presently,  the  spring  is  wound  by  turning  the  barrel 
instead  of  the  arbor. 

But  it  is  evident  that  just  as  the  spring  offered  increased  resist- 
ance to  every  successive  turn  of  the  arbor  in  winding,  so  the  force 
transmitted  by  it  when  fully  wound  would  be  very  much  greater 
than  the  force  exerted  after  the  barrel  had  made  a  few  turns  and 
the  spring  had  partially  run  down,  and  this  variation  of  force  was 
the  cause  of  considerable  perplexity  for  some  time  after  the 
invention  of  the  mainspring,  for  with  the  verge  escapement 
variation  of  force  means  variation  of  timekeeping.  The  first  con- 
trivance applied  with  a  view  of  overcoming  or  abating  the  drawback 
was  that  known  as  the  "  stackfreed."  I  have  tried  in  vain  to  trace 
the  derivation  of  this  curious  word,  but  am  told  it  is  of  Persian 
origin.  The  device  did  not  prove  to  be  an  enduring  one  ;  but  it  was 
appHed  to  most  portable  timekeepers  up  to  about  1540,  and  occa- 
sionally afterwards  to  the  end  of  the  century.  It  is  shown  in  Fig.  77, 
which  is  a  watch  in  a  canister  case  with  the  back  cover  removed. 
The  front  and  edge  of  the  case  have  already  been  illustrated.     The 

Poriablc   Timekeepers. 


action  of  the  "  stackfreed  "  may  be  gathered  froin  an  examination  of 
the  engrax'ing  witli  the  following  explanation. 

Fixed  to  the  mainspring  arbor  above  the  top  plate  is  a  pinion 
having  eight  leaves.  This  gears  with  a  wheel  having  twenty-four 
teeth,  which  do  not  (juite  fill  out  the  circumference  of  the  wheel,  but 
lea\e  a  block  of  two  spaces  in  width  which  acts  as  a  stop  to  the 
pinion  when  the  mainspring  is  wound,  and  after  it  has  run  down 
three  whole  turns.  Fastened  to  the  wheel  is  a  cam,  nearly  concentric 
for  about  seven-eighths  of   its  circumference  and  indented  for  the 

Fig.  77. 

Watch  movements  with 

Fig,  78. 


remainder.  There  is  a  groove  in  the  concentric  portion  of  the  edge, 
into  which  is  pressed  a  roller  which  is  pivoted  at  the  free  end  of  a 
strong  curved  spring.  When  the  mainspring  is  fully  wound  the 
roller  rests  in  the  curved  depression  of  the  cam,  and  the  effort 
required  to  lift  the  roller  up  the  incline  till  it  is  placed  upon  the 
concentric  contour  absorbs  so  much  of  the  force  of  the  mainspring 
as  to  prevent  banking.  When  the  mainspring  has  nearly  run  down, 
the  roller,  in  entering  the  depression  by  pressing  the  cam  in  the 
direction  that  it  is  moving,  really  aids  the  mainspring  in  its  effort. 
Besides  the  stackfreed  and  its  appurtenances  may  be  noticed  in 
Fig.  77  the  cross-bar  balance,  the  very  small  balance  cock,  and  two 

8o  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

hinged  bolts  which  shut  into  holes  in  the  edge  of  the  case,  and  so 
secure  the  movement  in  position.  The  plates,  the  train  wheels, 
stackfreed,  balance  cock,  and  balance  are  all  of  iron  or  steel,  and  the 
various  fastenings  are  made  by  means  of  pins  or  rivets,  there  being 
no  screws  used  throughout.  This  movement  is,  in  fact,  an  excellent 
example  of  the  very  earliest  kind  of  portable  timekeepers. 

Fig.  79.  —  Dial  of  table  clock  by  Jacob  Zech. 

In  Fig.  78,  which  shows  a  later  stackfreed  movement,  is  a  point 
worthy  of  note.  As  a  form  of  regulator  are  two  banking  pins  of 
stiff  bristle,  which  the  straight  arm  of  the  balance  knocks  against. 
These  are  mounted  on  a  lever  which  is  pivoted  at  one  end  by  means 
of  a  screw  near  the  edge  of  the  plate.  The  pins  may  be  caused  to 
approach  or  recede  from  the  centre  of  the  balance  by  moving  the 
free  end  of  the  lever,  and  in  this  way  the  vibrations  of  the  balance 

Portable  Ti)nckccpcr<>.  81 

Would  be  retarded  or  (juickened.      An  engraved  scale  on  the  plate 
registers  the  movement  of  the  free  end  of  the  lever. 

It  is  not  a  matter  for  surprise  that  a  frictional  brake  like  the 
stackfreed,  which  must  ha\'e  absorbed  an  appreciable  proportion  of 
the  force,  failed  to  give  satisfaction  for  equalising  the  pull  of  the 
mainspring.  The  fusee  invented  for  the  same  purpose  by,  it  is  said, 
Jacob  Zech,  of  Prague,  about  1525,  is  of  a  far  different  nature,  and 
still  survives.  It  consists  of  a  spirally  grooved  pulley,  which  is 
interposed  between  the  mainspring  barrel  and  the  great  or  driving 
wheel  of  a  clock  or  watch,  the  connection  between  the  barrel  and 
the  fusee  being  made  by  a  cord  or  chain,  one  end  of  which  is  attached 
to  the  barrel  and  the  other  to  the  fusee.  When  the  spring  is  relaxed 
there  must  be  at  least  as  many  coils  of  the  cord  around  the  outside 
of  the  barrel  as  the  barrel  is  to  make  turns  in  winding  the  spring. 
To  wind  the  spring,  the  fusee  is  rotated  by  means  of  a  key  fitting  a 
square  formed  at  one  end  of  its  arbor,  whereby  the  cord  is  drawn 
from  the  barrel  on  to  the  fusee,  the  first  coil  being  on  the  larger  end 
of  the  fusee,  as  shown  in  Fig.  76. 

Then,  as  the  mainspring  runs  down,  the  barrel  rotates  and  coils 
the  cord  on  to  its  periphery  again.  But  while  the  mainspring  when 
fully  wound  turns  the  fusee  by  uncoiling  the  cord  from  the  smallest 
part  of  the  fusee,  it  gets  the  advantage  of  a  larger  radius  as  its  energy 
becomes  lessened,  and  by  proportioning  the  diameter  of  the  fusee  to 
the  varying  pull  of  each  successive  turn  of  the  mainspring  an 
excellent  adjustment  is  obtained,  so  that  the  pressure  exerted  by  the 
great  wheel  on  the  centre  pinion  is  constant.  The  fusee  is  fixed  to 
its  arbor,  on  which,  in  the  simplest  arrangement,  the  great  wheel 
rides  easily,  the  connection  between  the  fusee  and  great  wheel  being 
made  by  means  of  a  ratchet  wheel  and  click  ;  this  allows  of  the 
fusee  being  rotated  to  wind  the  mainspring.  To  prevent  undue 
strain  on  the  cord  when  the  winding  is  completed,  the  cord  as  it  is 
being  coiled  on  to  the  smallest  turn  of  the  fusee  pushes  an  arm 
which  is  pivoted  to  the  framing  of  the  timekeeper  in  the  path  of  a 
snail-shaped  flange  of  the  fusee,  and  this  forms  a  stop.  The  barrel 
arbor  is  always  stationary.  In  the  early  fusees  the  cord  was  of 
catgut,  and  this  material  is  still  sometimes  used  for  clocks.  Chains 
were  introduced  in  place  of  catgut  for  watches  in  1664,  by  one 
Gruet,  a  Swiss,  and  they  are  still  used  for  marine  chronometers, 
for  some  clocks,  and  for  the  few  fusee  watches  that  are  made. 

Table  clocks  or  watches  of  the  sixteenth  century  are  exceedingly 
rare.     Many  specimens  put  forward  as  such  are  found  on  examination 

c.w.  G 

82  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

to  be  of  a  later  date.  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  manufacture 
of  portable  timepieces  extended  to  Holland  and  France  before  the 
end  of  the  century,  but  very  few  examples  of  that  period  survive. 
A  genuine  specimen  would  have  no  covering  glass  over  the  dial, 
and,  if  a  fusee  were  present,  the  connection  between  it  and  the 
barrel  would  be  by  a  piece  of  catgut,  and  not  a  chain.  There  would 
be,  of  course,  no  controlling  spring  to  the  balance  at  that  period, 
while  the  balance  cock,  instead  of  being  spread  over  the  whole 
extent  of  the  balance,  would  be  narrow.  The  workmanship  of  the 
movement  would  be  comparatively  rough,  however  lavishly  the  case 
might  be  ornamented. 

During  the  first  quarter  of  the  century  the  frames  and  wheels  were 
of  iron  or  steel ;  productions  of  the  second  quarter  having  brass 
plates  and  pillars  are  occasionally  to  be  met  with.  But  brass  wheels 
before  the  middle  of  the  century  were  quite  exceptional.  Screws 
seem  to  have  been  introduced  to  join  pieces  of  metal  in  German 
timekeepers  about  1550,  so  that  in  early  sixteenth  century  time- 
keepers these  convenient  fasteners  would  be  absent,  and  the  various 
junctions  made  by  riveting  or  the  use  of  either  pins  or  cotters. 
Screws  are  not  met  with  in  English  work  till  quite  late  in  the 
century,  and  are  absent  in  some  early  seventeenth  century  watches. 
There  were  rarely  any  winding  holes  in  the  cases  of  sixteenth 
century  watches ;  to  attach  the  key  to  the  winding  squares  the  case 
had  to  be  opened  and  usually  the  movement  to  be  turned  out  of  the 
case,  a  cover  at  the  back  being  the  alternative. 

The  Society  of  Antiquaries  possess  an  undoubted  example  of  the 
handiwork  of  Jacob  Zech,  the  inventor  of  the  fusee.  It  is  a  table 
timepiece  with  a  circular  brass  gilt  case  gf  in.  in  diameter,  and  5  in. 
in  height,  which  was  bequeathed  to  the  Society  by  Mr.  Henry 
Peckitt,  an  apothecary,  of  Compton  Street,  Soho,  and  handed  over 
by  his  executrix  in  1808.  It  was  given  to  James  Ferguson,  the 
astronomer  and  mechanician,  by  Mudge,  and  at  the  "^.ale  of  Ferguson's 
effects  it  was  bought  by  Mr.  Peckitt  in  1777.  Captain  W.  H. 
Smyth  gives  a  minute  description  of  this  relic  in  Archcsologia, 
vol.  xxxiii.,  from  which  the  engraving  of  the  dial  (Fig.  79)  is  taken. 
From  the  decoration  of  the  case  and  dial,  it  is  inferred  that  the 
clock  was  made  for  Sigismund  I.,  King  of  Poland,  and  that  he 
presented  it  to  Bona  Sforza,  to  whom  he  was  married  in  1518. 
There  are  three  shields  equidistant  round  the  case,  which  is 
altogether  nicely  decoratea.  On  one  shield  is  an  eagle  displayed 
and  crowned,   representing  Poland  ;   the  second  contains  a  serpent 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


entwined  and  wavy  pale  crowned,  a  child  issuant  from  its  mouth 
and  surmoimted  by  a  ducal  crown — this  is  typical  of  the  house  of 
\'isconti  ;  the  third  shield  bears  the  arms  of  Lithuania,  a  knight 
armed  cap-ii-pic,  and  mounted  on  a  horse  proper,  holding  in  his 
dexter  hand  a  drawn  sword,  and  having  pendent  from  his  neck  a 
shield  charged  with  the  Hungarian  cross.     The  frame  is  fastened  by 

Fig.  80. 

buttons  on  dogs.  The  verge  pivots  act  on  iron  dovetails.  The 
regulator  is  a  cross-bar  balance  of  the  kind  used  in  De  Vick's  clock, 
except  that  instead  of  loose  weights  of  iron  there  are  leaden  weights 
screwed  one  on  each  end  of  the  cross-bar,  and  the  adjustment  is 
made  by  screwing  to  or  from  the  centre  of-  motion.  Originally 
these  were  doubtless  fixed  weights  riveted  on  and  without  any 
provision  for  adjustment.  There  are  two  yielding  brass  arms  to  act 
as  a  banking  and  check  excessive  vibration  of  the  cross-bar.  There 
are  eight  turns  to  the  fusee,  which  is  of  soft  metal,  and  in  a  circle  on 
the  face  of  the  barrel  is  engraved  in  Bohemian  an  inscription  which 

G  2 


Old  Clocks  and   WaicJics  and  their  Makers. 

Smyth  translates  thus:  "  When  we  counted  1525  years,  then  made 
me  Jacob  Zech"  (or  rather  Jacob  the  Bohemian)  "at  Prague;  it  is 

There  was  originally  some  additional  wheelwork  to  show  the 
motion  of  the  sun  and  moon  on  an  engraved  ecliptic,  and  also  a 
contrivance  to  strike  one  at  every  hour.  The  wheels  are  of  iron 
and  show  punch  marks  of  division,  proving  that  they  had  been  cut 
with  a  file  by  hand.     A  catgut  had  been  used  to  connect  the  barrel 

Fig.  Si. 

with  the  fusee,  but  a  metallic  chain  was  subsequently  applied, 
which  destroyed  several  of  the  threads.  Before  this  was  done  it 
went  for  forty-eight  hours  with  one  winding,  and  gave  about  3600 
beats  in  the  hour. 

Fig.  80  shows  a  primitive  table  timepiece  which  was  formerly  in 
the  collection  of  Baron  Pichon  and  now  belongs  to  Mr.  Albert 
Schloss.  The  drum-shaped  case  of  brass  gilt  is  engraved  in  the 
Renaissance  style,  and  measures  5 J  in.  across.  On  the  bottom 
is  stamped  in  a  scroll  "  N.  Plantart."  A  very  similar  piece  is  in  the 
South  Kensington  Museum. 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


In   the    Ihitish    Museum  is   an   excellent   specimen   of  a  German 
early  table  clock  of  a  scjuare  oblong  shape.     The  works  are  of  iron. 

Fig.  82. 

It  has  no  fusee.     It  fits  into  an  engraved  metal  box,  having  a  hinged 
cover.     The  date  of  production  is  stated  to  be  1530. 

Among  the  collection  of  Prince  SoltykofF  was  the  square  table 
clock  shown  in  Fig.  81.  The  sides  are  of  bronze  gilt,  very  finely 
engraved  with  allegorical   subjects.     Representations  of  St.   Paul, 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Matthew,  Mark  and  Luke  are  engraved  on  silver  medallions  which 
occupy  the  centres.  Inside  the  perforated  dome  is  a  bell,  and 
surmounting:  it  a  horizontal  dial  enriched  with  coloured  enamels. 

Fig.  83. 

It  was  the  work  of  Louis  David,  and  dates  from  the  middle  of  the 
sixteenth  century. 

Nuremberg  and  Augsburg  pursued  the  manufacture  of  portable 
timekeepers  with  considerable  spirit.    The  plain  square  brass  towers, 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


round  and  octagonal  boxes,  gave  place  to  cases  of  a  much  more 
ornate  design  when  expense  was  no  object.  A  very  choice  example 
from  Dubois'  historical  work  is  shown  in  Fig.  S2  ;  it  is  of  iron, 
damascened  with  precious  metals,  a  style  of  work  for  which  Augsburg 
was  particularly  famous. 

Several  good  representative  specimens  belonging  to  the  King  of 
Saxony  are  to  be  seen  in  Dresden,  part  of  them  in  the  treasury  of 
the  palace  and  part  in  the  Historical  Museum.  In  the  green  vaulted 
chambers  or  treasury  of  the  palace  is  the  so-called  Venetian  astro- 
nomical clock,  which  is,  though,   really  of  German   workmanship. 

88  Old  Clocks  and  WatcJics  and  their  Makers. 

A  front  view  of  it  is  given  in  Fig.  83,  but  a  photograph  naturally 
fails  to  adequately  convey  the  splendour  of  the  case,  which  is  of  gold 
and  silver  covered  with  gorgeous  work  in  enamel,  or  the  extraordinary 
complexity  of  the  mechanism.     The  movement  bears   no   maker's 

Fig.  85. 

name,  but  of  two  somewhat  similar  clocks  of  the  same  collection 
one  is  signed  by  Andreas  Schelhorn,  of  Schneeberg,  in  Saxony,  1570, 
and  the  other  by  Christoph  Ullmeyer,  of  Augsburg. 

Of  other  specimens  in  the  same  repository  may  be  mentioned  a 
table  clock  of  very  rich  appearance  which  belonged  to  the  queen  of 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


Augustus  the  Strong,  and  was  made,  presumably  about  1700,  by 
Jacob  Streller,  of  Nuremberg.  Another  %ery  wonderful  clock,  the 
so-called  Hunting  clock,  the  movement  of  which  was  made  about 
1700  by  J.  G.  Graupner,  is  set  in  a  magnificent  case  with  figures  of 

huntsmen  at  the  corners  and  a  group  representing  the  legend  of 
St.  Hubert  on  the  top,  all  enamelled  in  brilliant  colours  and  blazing 
with  diamonds  and  emeralds,  the  work  of  Johan  Christoph  Kohler. 
Then  there  is  the  famous  "Tower  of  Babel"  clock,  made  in  1602  by 
Hans  Schlothein,  of  Augsburg.     It  is  in  the  form  of  a  tower  of  gilded 


Old  Clocks  and  ]Vatches  and  their  Makers. 

metal  about  four  feet  high,  with  a  gallery  in  the  manner  of  an 
inclined  plane  running  round  it  spirahvise  from  top  to  bottom ;  every 
minute  a  little  crystal  ball  comes  out  of  a  door  at   the  top  of  the 

Fig.  87. 

tower  and,  running  all  the  way  down  the  spiral  gallery,  enters  a  door 
at  the  bottom,  when  a  bell  rings. 

Of  the  horological  treasures  in  the  Historical  Museum  at  Dresden 
I   can  give  three  illustrations,  and  wall  begin  with  the  remarkable 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


clock  of  which  a  view  appears  in  Fig.  84.  It  was  bought  in  1587 
for  500  gulden  of  Sebald  Schwerzer,  who  was  alchemist  to  the 
Elector  Augustus  of  Saxony  (1526 — 1586)  and  afterwards  ennobled 

Fig.  88. 

by  the  Emperor  Rudolph  II.,  and  he  is  supposed  by  some  to  have 
been  the  maker  of  the  clock,  though  the  claim  has  been  disputed. 
The  silver  work  of  the  case  bears  the  mark  of  Elias   Lenker,  of 

Nuremberg,  who  died  in  1591, 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  85  is  a  very  elaborate  clock  with  eleven  dials  and  automata. 
The  case  is  decorated  with  many  beautiful  plaques  of  basse  taille 
enamel  upon  silver.  It  is  considered  to  be  the  masterpiece  of  its 
maker,  Paul  Schuster,  of  Nuremberg;  it  was  bought  in  1591,  and 
so  was  presumably  completed  in  that  year. 



Fig,  89. 

In  Fig.  86  is  another  curious  clock  of  the  same  type,  with  moving 
figures  representing  an  Indian  king  hunting  with  elephants.  The 
maker's  name  is  unknown,  but  the  clock  was  already  in  the  collec- 
tion of  the  Elector  of  Saxony  in  1587. 

There  is  as  well  a  curious  clock  which  has  upon_it  the  figure  of  a 

Portable  TinichccpcVs.  93 

man  leadinj:,^  a  dancing  bear  ;  when  the  hours  strike,  the  bear  beats 
a  drum,  and  the  man  blows  a  horn.  This  piece  also  bears  no  maker's 
name,  but  it  has  Augsburg  marks  and  probably  dates  from  the  end 
of  the  sixteenth  century. 

The  examples  on  pp.  go  and  g  i  are  from  the  Schloss  collection.  Fig. 
87,  a  sixteenth  century  production,  is  notable  as  being  an  early  instance 
of  a  table  clock  having  provision  for  striking  the  quarter-hours. 
There  are  three  bells  :  a  large  one,  concealed  by  the  base  ;  a  smaller 
one,  enclosed  by  the  gallery  above  the  tower ;  and  a  third,  still  smaller, 
which  serves  as  a  canopy  over  the  figure  seated  above  the  gallery 
on  a  ball.  The  quarter-hours  are  struck  on  the  smallest  bell,  and 
the  last  hour  then  repeated  on  the  bell  behind  the  gallery.  On  com- 
pletion of  the  hour  it  is  sounded  on  the  largest  bell.  There  are  two 
dials,  one  on  the  front  and  one  on  the  back.  On  the  main  dial  in 
front  are  shown  the  hours,  and  outside  the  hour  numerals  are  marked, 
the  quarter-hours,  which  are  indicated  by  a  hand,  travelling  round  in 
one  hour,  but  moving  independently  of  the  hour  hand.  The  move- 
naent  bears  the  signature  V.M.  in  a  shield.  It  has  a  cross-bar 
balance  with  shifting  weights,  and  there  are  no  fusees.  The  chasing 
of  the  case  is  exceedingly  good,  and  the  sides  of  the  square  part  bear 
evidence  of  having  been  beautifully  enamelled  with  birds  and  flowers. 

Fig.  88  is  of  later  date,  and  is,  I  think,  Italian  work.  There  are 
three  dials  on  the  front  and  one  on  the  opposite  face.  The  movement 
is  controlled  by  a  pendulum  which  swings  outside  of  the  case  at 
the  back. 

In  the  South  Kensington  Museum  is  an  Augsburg  astronomical 
striking  table  clock,  in  an  engraved  brass  and  damascened  iron  case. 
On  the  bottom  is  a  sun-dial  and  the  inscription  : — 

Jacob  .  Marqvart  .  von  .  Avgspvrg  .  bin  .  ih  .  genant  . 

mein  .  Nam  .  ist  .  in  .  VVelslandt  .  gar  .  vvol  .  bekant  . 

der  .  hat  .  das  .  VVercl^  .  geraacht  .  firvvar  . 

im  .  1567  .  Jar  . 

ain  .  svnenvr  .  ist  .  das  .  genant . 

avf  .  Wels  .  vnd  .  Deisch  .  Landt  .  erkant  . 

(I  am  called  Jacob  Marquart,  of  Augsburg ; 

My  name  is  quite  well  known  in  Italy, 

Who  has  indeed  done  the  work 

In  the  year  1567  ; 

This  is  called  a  sundial, 

Understood  (?)  in  Italy  and  Germany.) 

The  hexagonal  clock  in  the  form  of  a  temple  from  the  collection 
of  Prince  Soltykoff  and  shown  in  Fig.  8g  is  also  a  sixteenth  century 
production.  The  movement  is  arranged  in  stories,  the  watch  part 
being  at  the  bottom  and  the  striking  work  above.     The  six  doors  or 

t)4  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

panels  between  the  fluted  columns  are  of  steel  damascened  with 
arabesques  of  elegant  design.  In  the  arched  centre  of  one  of  the 
panels  is  the  dial  with  a  band  of  blue  steel  for  indicating  the  hours 
of  the  day  ;  various  planetary  and  astronomical  motions  were  shown 
on  the  horizontal  dial  at  the  top  of  the  structure.  The  upper  part 
of  the  case  in  the  style  of  Henri  II.  is  very  handsome  ;  the  entablature 
is  supported  at  the  angles  by  six  caryatides,  and  in  the  centre  of 
each  panel  is  a  medallion  with  the  head  of  a  Roman  emperor  or 

Fig.   go. — Curious  table  clock,  early  si.xteentii  century. 

warrior  sculptured  in  high  relief  and  surrounded  by  a  gilt  border. 
A  clock  similar  to  the  engraving,  but  surmounted  by  a  statuette,  is 
in  the  British  Museum. 

Curious  Octagonal  Table  Clock. — Some  time  ago,  by  favour 
of  Mr.  Charles  Shapland,  I  had  through  my  hands  a  curious 
sixteenth  century  striking  clock  of  octagonal  form,  of  which  a  view 
is  subjoined  (Fig.  go).  This  clock,  which  is  now  in  the  British 
Museum,  is  probably  of  Nuremberg  or  Augsburg  manufacture,  and 
has  a  peculiar  method  of  indicating  the  rising  and  setting  of  the  sun 
daily  throughout  the  year,  by  means  of  two  thin  metal  dials  within 
the  hour  circle.  One  of  these  dials  is  of  silver  and  the  other  of  steel 
for  contrast ;  each  of  them  forms  a  segment  nineteen  twenty-fourths 
of  a  circle,  divided  by  ''adial  lines  into  nineteen  parts,  which  are 
numbered  at  the  circumference  from  one  onward  in  Arabic  iigures, 

Portable  Timekeepers.  95 

so  that  each  division  is  one  twenty-fourth  of  the  whole  circle.  A 
brass  disc,  di\ided  into  twenty-four,  is  fixed  to  the  steel  dial  by  rivets 
at  Nos.  I  and  3  ;  No.  24,  or  zero  point  of  the  circle,  coinciding  with 
what  may  be  called  the  initial  edge  of  the  steel  dial.  The  steel  and 
silver  dials  are  interlaced — that  is  to  say,  the  concealed  portion  of 
the  steel  dial  is  underneath  the  silver  one,  while  the  initial  edge  is 
above  it.  At  the  shortest  day  in  the  year  the  least  portion  of  the 
silver  dial  would  be  visible,  and  the  figure  on  the  silver  dial  next  to 
the  initial  edge  of  the  steel  dial  would  represent  the  number  of  hours 
the  sun  was  above  the  horizon,  while  the  figure  on  the  central  brass 
circle,  which  happened  to  be  coincident  with  the  initial  edge  of  the 
silver  dial,  would  represent  the  number  of  hours  he  was  below  the 
horizon,  and  the  subdivisions  of  the  hour  could  he  well  estimated  to 
within  a  tenth. 

The  dials  are  continually  revolving  in  opposite  directions,  so  that 
as  the  days  lengthened  more  of  the  silv-er  and  less  of  the  steel  dial 
would  be  seen.  At  the  close  of  the  longest  day  the  motion  of  the 
dials  would  be  reversed,  and  the  visible  surface  of  the  silver  dial 
would  be  diminished  each  day  in  the  same  ratio  that  it  was  formerly 
increased,  till  the  shortest  day  recurred. 

It  is  probable  that  these  dials  were  arranged  to  show  the  beginning 
of  the  Hebrew  day  at  sunset,  as  well  as  its  duration  and  close  at  the 
succeeding  sunset. 

On  removing  the  dial  plate,  the  way  in  which  the  dials  are 
actuated  is  apparent.  Fitting  loosely  on  the  centre  wheel  which 
carries  the  hour  liand  is  a  pinion  of  twenty-four  leaves.  The  pipe 
of  this  has  a  cruciform  top  fitting  into  the  centre  of  the  silver  dial. 
On  the  pipe  of  this  pinion  is  another,  larger  in  diameter,  but  also  of 
twenty-four  leaves,  and  with  a  similar  top  to  carry  the  steel  dial.  A 
double  rack  or  segment  of  a  wheel,  having  internal  and  external 
teeth,  is  pivoted  close  to  the  edge  of  the  movement,  and  engages 
with  both  of  the  dial  plate  pinions,  the  internal  teeth  being  farthest 
from  the  centre  of  motion,  and  of  such  a  distance  that  they  reach 
beyond  the  centre  arbor  and  engage  with  the  teeth  of  the  larger 
pinion  on  the  other  side  of  it ;  the  external  teeth  are  so  placed  that 
they  engage  with  the  teeth  of  the  smaller  pinion,  but  on  the  side  of 
the  centre  arbor  nearest  to  the  centre  of  motion  of  the  rack. 
There  is  on  the  plate  of  the  movement,  midway  between  its  centre 
and  its  edge  and  driven  from  the  fusee,  a  wheel  which  turns  once 
a  year.  This  carries  a  crank,  from  which  is  a  connecting  rod 
catching  hold  of  the  double  rack  ;  so  that,  as  the  crank  re\olves,  it 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Maker's. 

gives  a  to-and-fro  motion  to  the  racl^.     To  meet  the  varying  length 
of  the  years  from  leap  year  to  leap  year,  there  are  four  pins  by  which 

Fig.  91. 

the  position  of  the  crank  could  be  altered,  but,  so  far  as  one  could 
see,  there  is  no  provision  for  automatic  regulation,  so  that,  if  the 

Portahlc  Timekeepers,. 


reading   of   the   scale    is    to    be   exact,   the  dial   would    have   to   be 
removed  and  the  position  of  the  crank  altered  once  a  year. 

Recessed  into  the  under-side  of  the  clock  case  is  an  annual  dial 
engraved  with  the  signs  of  the  zodiac,  the  titles  of  the  months,  and 
the  days.     The   index   for   this  is   fixed  to  the  arbor  of  the  annual 

Fig.  92. 

wheel  already  mentioned,  and  the  annual  dial  is  therefore  less  than 
half  the  diameter  of  the  movement. 

The  case  is  of  brass,  engraved  and  gilt.  The  hour  band  is  of 
silver,  divided  into  two  periods  of  twelve  hours  each,  and  marked 
with  Roman  numerals.  Within  the  hour  ring,  and  separating  it 
from  the  sun  rising  and  setting  discs,  is  a  brass  gilt  ring  engraved 
with  a  cable  pattern. 

c.w.  H 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

All  the  dial  work,  the  striking  train  and  the  going  train  wheels, 
up  to  the  fusee,  are  of  iron  or  steel  ;  the  connection  between  the 
fusee  and  barrel  is  by  a  catgut,  and  the  balance  is  very  light,  of  the 

Fig.  93. 
(Havani,  Dictionnairc  de  I'Ameublcment.) 

old  cross-bar  pattern,  but  with  weights  riveted  on  with  no  provision 
for  after-adjustment.  There  is,  of  course,  no  balance  spring.  The 
hours  are  struck  on  a  cap-shaped  or  cylindrical  bell. 

In  the  construction  of  this  timekeeper  there  is  not  a  single  screw 

Poriahic   Tiiuckccpcrs, 


used.       All    fastenings    are    either    pins   or    wedge-shaped    keys    or 

The  quaint  hexagonal  striking  and  alarum  table  clock  shown  in 
Fig.  91  is  a  mid-sixteenth  century  production  from  the  Schloss 
collection.  On  the  six  faces  of  the  case  are  engraxed  allegorical 
figures  representing  the  sun,  the  moon,  Mars,  Mercury,  Jupiter,  and 
Venus,  corresponding  to  the  days  of  the  week  from  Sunday  to 
Friday,  and,  on  the  bottom  of  the  case,  Saturn  for  Saturday.  A 
little  door   seen   on   the   face  innuediately   to  the   right  of  the  dial 

Fig.  94. 

permits  the  inspection  of  the  fusee  in  order  to  estimate  the  period  for 
winding.  The  movement  is  arranged  in  stories,  the  striking 
mechanism  below  and  the  going  part  above,  the  hemispherical 
bell  being  supported  from  the  upper  plate  and  covered  by  a  perforated 
dome.  On  the  upper  surface  of  the  plinth  is  the  maker's  punch 
mark,  a  square  shield  with  M.H.B.  arranged  as  a  monogram. 

The  example  engraved  in  Fig.  92  is  from  the  Soltykoff  collection. 
The  case  appears  to  be  a  reproduction  in  miniature  of  a  mediaeval 
hexagonal  fortress.  It  is  a  striking  clock,  probably  German,  dating 
from  about  1560.     In  the  Webb  collection  at  the  South  Kensington 

H  2 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Maker's. 

Museum  is  a  somewhat  similar  clock  ;    the  bottom  of  the  case  is 
stamped  "  AIX*  A*  P"  (perhaps  for  Aix  in  Provence). 

"Nef,"  or  Ship  clocks,  were  a  peculiar  fancy  of  the  sixteenth 
century.  There  is  one  in  the  British  Museum,  by  Hanns  Schlott, 
dating  from  about  1580,  which  is  supposed  to  have  belonged  to 
Rudolf  II.,  and  another  in  the  Vienna  Treasury.  The  clock 
mechanism    included    provision    for    showing    various    astronomical 

Fig.  95. 

movements,  and  was  quite  subsidiary  to  the  ship  and  its  appurtenances, 
as  will  be  gathered  from  the  excellent  example  given  in  Fig.  93. 

In  Fig.  9-1-  is  shown  a  German  octagonal  clock  from  the  Soltykoff 

Early  Clock  with  Minute  Hand. — At  the  South  Kensington 
Museum  is  a  clock,  in  an  elegant  case  of  metal  gilt,  in  the  form  of  a 
temple,  as  shown  in  Fig.  95.     Its  height  is   13^  in.  and  its  width 

Port  able   Timekeepers. 


8  in.  It  is  most  elaborately  chased  and  engraved  with  figures  and 
arabesques.  The  pierced  dome  covers  two  bells,  and  is  surmounted 
by  a  figure   standing  on  a  globe.     The  base  is  chased  with  masks 

'AW  J 

and  cartouche  ornaments,  with  winged  horses  at  the  angles,  and  a 
dial  on  each  of  the  four  sides  showing,  besides  the  hours  and 
minutes,  motions  of  various  heavenly  bodies.  This  choice  and 
interesting  timekeeper,  which  formed  part  of  the  Bernal   collection, 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

was  produced  at  Munich,  and  is  dated  1587.  Every  minute  is 
ficrured  from  i  to  60,  as  was  the  custom  on  early  timekeepers  with 
minute  hands.  Though  the  presence  of  the  concentric  minute  hand 
on  sixteenth  century  work  is  exceptional,  there  is  nothing  to  lead 
one  to  suppose  that  it  is  in  this  case  an  addition  to  the  original 
construction  ;  and  providing  the  minute  hand  would  certainly 
present  no  difficulty  to  the  mind  capable  of  devising  such  intricate 
mechanism  as  is  contained  in  the  astronomical  motions  of  this  clock. 
I   recently  saw   another   clock   of    very   similar   character,   which 

was    inscribed,    "  asmus    birln    b 


1577,"  and  the  letters  A.B.  formed 
into  a  monogram. 

A  somewhat  similar  portable 
clock  (Fig.  96)  from  the  Soltykofif 
collection  is  about  15  in.  high  and 
10  in.  across  the  base,  which  is 
supported  by  four  heraldic  lions. 
There  are  five  dials,  two  on  the 
front  face  and  one  on  each  of  the 
others  ;  they  mark  the  hours  of 
the  day,  the  day  of  the  month,  the 
phases  of  the  moon,  the  signs  of  the 
zodiac,  and  the  course  of  certain 

Til  is  clock  bears  no  maker's 
name,  but  a  very  similar  one,  also 
in  the  Soltykoff  collection,  was 
inscribed,  "Andreas  Muller,  Tris- 
ten."  It  is  probably  mid-sixteenth 
century  work. 

The  next  example,  from  the  South  Kensington  Museum,  is  an 
elegant  form  of  medallion  clock  in  a  rock-crystal  case,  on  a  stem, 
as  shown  in  Fig.  97.  The  plinth  is  of  metal  gilt,  with  crystal 
plaques,  and  contains  the  striking  train.  The  remainder  of  the 
movement  is  in  the  upper  case.  The  longer  of  the  two  hands, 
which  at  the  first  glance  seems  to  be  a  minute  hand,  really  points 
to  the  day  of  the  month  marked  on  a  ring  outside  the  hour  ring. 
The  age  of  the  moon  is  shown  by  a  revolving  gilt  plate  behind  the 
dial,  which  is  cut  away  to  make  the  moon  plate  visible.  The  total 
height  is   7^  in.     It  is  signed   "j.  Wolf,  W'ienn,"  and  dated   1609, 

Fig.  97. 

Portable   Tiiiickccpcrs. 


but   the   name   "J.   \\'olf"  appears  on  examination  to  be  a  recent 
addition.     It  was  formerly  in  the  Bernal  collection. 

The  table  clock  represented  in  Fig.  98  resembles  one  at  South 
Kensington  Museum,  which,  as  already  mentioned,  was  probably 
made  by  Peter  Hele,  except  that  in  the  present  example  the  body 
of  the  case  is  square.  It  is  of  brass  gilt,  with  bold  mouldings  as 
shown,  and  very  nicely  engraved.  Rising  from  this  is  a  hemi- 
spherical  dome   pierced    to   emit    the   sound   of   the   bell  which   it 

I'IG.    9,S. 

covers,  and  supporting  above  it  a  horizontal  dial.  The  arrange- 
ment of  placing  the  bell  between  the  movement  and  the  dial  allows 
a  handsome  and  appropriate  design  with  which  no  fault  can  be 
found,  except,  perhaps,  that  in  order  to  keep  the  dial  from  over- 
shadowing the  dome  it  is  necessarily  rather  small.  On  the  exterior 
of  the  bottom  of  the  case  is  engraved  the  word  Vallhn.  The 
Roman  numerals  I.  to  XII.  are  engraved  on  a  silver  band,  and 
within  are  smaller  Arabic  figures,    13  to  24. 

The  chief   plate  of   the  movement  is  square  and  pinned  to  the 


old  Clocks  and   ]]'a'chcs  and  their  Makers. 

upper  part  of  the  square  box.  Running  vertically  inside  the  box 
are  two  feathers;  these  pass  through  notches  in  the  lower  plate  of 
the  movement ;  two  turn-buckles  on  the  lower  plate  butt  against 
the  ends  of  the  feathers,  and  so  secure  the  box  after  it  is  placed 
over  the  movement.  The  hand  is  driven  from  a  pinion  on  the  great 
wheel  by  means  of  an  arbor,  which  passes  through  the  post  to  which 

the  bell  is  secured.  It  is 
probably  a  late  sixteenth 
century  French  produc- 

In  Fig.  gg  is  shown  a 
table  clock,  apparently 
English,  dating  from  about 
1580,  in  a  square  brass 
case,  gilded  and  beauti- 
fully engraved.  It  belongs 
to  Mr.  J.  Hall,  and  very 
closely  resembles  one  by 
Bartholomew  Newsam, 
which  is  at  the  British 
Museum  and  illustrated  in 
Chapter  V. 

A  good  example  of  early 
seventeenth  century  table 
clocks  is  shown  in  Fig.  100. 
It  is  in  a  brass  case,  with 
silver  hour  ring,  divided 
into  twelve,  and  a  fciir- 
de-lis  midway  between  each 
hour.  The  characteristic 
features  which  note  the 
departure  from  the  earliest 
specimens  are  the  glass 
panels  in  the  sides  of  the  case  and  the  bronze  feet,  which  give  a 
better  effect  than  is  obtained  with  the  primitive  flat  hexagonal  and 
octagonal  clocks,  besides  allowing  space  for  the  bell  to  project  below 
the  bottom  surface  of  the  case. 

The  cocks  and  hammer  are  very  nicely  engraved  and  pierced,  and 
on  the  plate  is  the  name  Johan  Scheirer.  A  balance  spring  has 
been  applied  subsequently  to  the  manufacture  of  the  piece,  and  as 
the  original  balance  cock  is  retained,  the  spring  is  much  cramped. 

Fig.   99. 

Portable   Tiiiu'kcc'prrs. 


The  balance  appears  to  be  the  original  one  and  is  weighted  with 
pieces  of  metal  to  keep  the  vibration  sufficiently  s'ow  after  the 
addition  of  the  spring.  A  notable  peculiarity  is  that  the  fly  pinion 
has  but  four  leaves. 

The  handsome  striking  and  alarum  clock  shown  in  Fig.  loi  is 
from  the  Soltykoff  collection.  It  bears  no  indication  of  its  origin, 
but  the  monogram  G.O.  engra\-ed  on  it  leads  to  the  conjecture  tliat 
it  belonged  to  Gaston  of  Orleans,  son  of  Henry  IV. 

Early  Clock  with  Balance  Spring. — The  interesting  clock 
shown  in   Fig.  102   I  saw  recently  at  Messrs.  Thwaites  and  Reed's. 

Fig.   100. 

In  the  centre  of  the  dial  is  a  plate  with  the  moon's  age  marked  on  it 
and  carrying  the  hour  hand ;  concentric  with  this  a  disc  with  a 
round  hole  showing  the  phases  of  the  moon  and  age.  In  front,  and 
also  concentric  with  these,  is  an  alarm  dial  with  hands.  This  turns 
once  in  24  hours.  The  wheel  carrying  the  hour  hand  and  moon's 
age  has  60  teeth,  the  one  carrying  the  disc  showing  the  phases 
and  age  of  the  moon  61  teeth,  and  the  wheel  carrying  the  alarm 
dial  60  teeth.  The  two  wheels  showing  the  moon's  age  and  hour? 
are  dri\en  by  a  pinion  of  20,  and  the  alarm  wheel  by  a  pinion  of  10, 
both  fixed  on  same  arbor,  which  makes  one  revolution  in  four 

The  clock  strikes  one  blow  at  the  first  quarter,  two  at  the  second, 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

three  at  the  third,  and  four  at  the  hour,  besides  the  ordinary  hours 
from  I  to  12  ;  and  then  repeats  the  hours  at  any  interval  the  clock 
is  set  for  :  that  is,  one,  two,  three,  or  more  minutes  after  the  ordinary 

Fig.   ioi. 

hours  are  struck.  This  part  strikes  the  hours  up  to  24,  and  while 
striking  the  figure  on  the  top  of  the  clock  revolves.  There  is  a 
separate  train  for  each  part,  and  the  chain  on  the  fusee  of  the  going 

Portable   I'iinckccf^crs. 


part  has  the  appearance  of  having  been  made  at  the  same  time  as 
the  clock.    The  other  springs  are  in  brass  barrels  screwed  to  the  frame 

Fig.   102.-  Clock  with  early  balance  spring. 

The  small  dial  indicates  quarter-hours  only,  and  the  hand  makes 
a  revolution  in  one  hour.     There  are  two  hands  on  this  •,  the  under 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and   tliciv  Makers. 

Fig.  103. 

Fig.  104. — Plan,  showing  dial. 

Portable   Tiiuckccpcvs. 


one  is  to  set   the  inter\'al    between   tlie    ordinary   strikint^   and   the 
24-hour  striking. 

The   escapement   is   of  course  a  verge.      It   has   a  plain   circular 

i  A 

^      i 


f f;'ti^B 





■*-  ^syV^^^^P^^                   ^^^Bl 

Fig.  105. 

balance  rather  large  in  diameter.  Over  the  balance  is  a  straight 
spring,  one  end  of  which  is  fixed  to  the  plate,  the  free  end  being 
embraced  by  two  pins  standing  up  from  the  rim  of  the  balance,  and 
so  acting  as  a  controller. 

no  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.   ic6. 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


On  the  bottom  of  the  clock  is  engraved  the  following  inscrip- 
tion : — 

A.D.   1634.     Adam   Klyzovicz   Kiakonii;  FilCIt  Polonvs. 

Two  views  of  an  exceedingly  pretty  early  seventeenth  century 
alarum  table  clock  of  small  size  from  the  Schloss  collection  are 
given  in  Figs.  103  and  104.  The  case  is  of  brass  gilt,  the  exterior 
of  the  bottom  and  the  under-side  of  the  movement  plate  are  covered 

I'iG.     107. 

(Havard,  Dictionnairc  dc  I'Amcublement.) 

Fig.   iCt 

with  beautiful  engraving,  and  over  the  body  of  the  case  is  a  silver 
ring  or  jacket  with  piercing  so  fine  as  to  appear  almost  like  filigree 
work.  The  dome,  of  silver,  similarly  pierced,  covers  a  hemi- 
spherical bell,  and  supports  the  horizontal  dial,  on  which  are  engraved 
the  horary  numerals  in  Roman  characters,  the  time  being  indicated 
by  a  projecting  ornament  at  the  edge  of  the  centre,  which  rotates 
and  is  figured  as  a  guide  for  setting  the  alarum  hand. 

Seventeenth  Century  Pendulum  Clocks. — Fig.  105  repre- 
sents the  front  of  an  astronomical  clock  by  Marcus  Bohm,  Augsburg. 
It  is  21  in.  high  and  10  in.  wide,  engraved,  chased,  and  gilded. 
Under  the  dome,  which  is  hammered  out  of  one  piece  of  metal,  are 
two  bells,  the  smaller  being  struck  at  the  quarters,  and  the  larger  at 


Old  Clocks  and   ]]^atchcs  and  their  Makers. 

the  hours  and  as  an  alarum.  By  adjustment  at  pleasure  the  clock 
can  be  made  to  sound  the  hours  from  i  to  12  or  from  i  to  24.  The 
large  dial  shows  the  time,  the  length  of  days,  and  a  calendar  of 
saints.  In  front  hangs  the  pendulum,  the  bob  being  in  the  form  of 
a  cherub.  The  back  is  very  similar  to  the  front ;  the  main  dial 
there  indicates  the  annual  course  of  the  astral  world.     Some  of  the 










1   -     .^t^ 



#1         ^ 


Fig.   log. 

subsidiary  dials  on  the  front,  back,  and  sides  exhibit  other  motions, 
and  the  remainder  are  for  adjustment  and  regulation  of  the 

At  the  Ashmolean  Museum  is  a  fine  German  astronomical  clock 
22I  in.  high,  belonging  to  Mr.  Henry  J.  Pfungst.  The  case  is  of 
gilt  metal  with  dials  on  each  of  the  four  sides,  of  which  the  chief  one 
is   seen  in  Fig.   106.     On  the  opposite   side  to  that  shown   in  the 

Vovtablc  Timekeepers 


engraving    a    pendulum    is    suspended.       The    dials    are    of   silver, 
decorated  with  basse  faille  enamel  red,  white,  blue,  and  green. 

During  the  latter  part  of  the  sixteenth  and  the  first  half  of  the 
seventeenth  century,  timepieces  with  horizontal  dials  o\er  which  a 
dome  containing  an  alarum  could  be  placed  at  pleasure  were  in 
favour.      There   are   several    in    the    British    Museum.      An   early 

Fig.  iio. 

example  is  shown  in  Fig.  107.  Fig.  108,  from  the  Schloss  collec- 
tion, is  of  a  rather  later  date.  Three  springy  legs  fixed  to  the  alarm 
were  made  to  clasp  the  outside  of  the  dial  of  the  timepiece  in  such  a 
position  that  a  wire  depending  from  the  alarm  case  was  moved  by 
the  hand  at  the  hour  it  was  desired  the  alarm  should  be  discharged. 

These  timepieces  must  have  been  exceedingly  useful  before  the 
advent  of  lucifer  matches,  when  recourse  had  to  be  made  to  the 
tinder  box  in  order  to  obtain  a  light  ;  but,  apart  from  these  and 
machines  with  complicated  movements   such  as  were  designed  by 

c.w.  I 

ii4  Old  Clocks  and  IVafchcs  and  their  Makers, 

Fig.   III. 

Portable   Tiuichccpcrs. 


astronomers,  regard  seems  to  liave  been  more  generally  paid  to  the 
effectiveness  of  the  exterior  as  a  whole  rather  than  to  its  fitness  and 

Fig.   112. 

convenience  for  showing  the  hour.  Some  instances  of  the  more  or 
less  grotesque  conceptions  then  in  favour  are  appended,  most  of 
them  being  from  the  Schloss  collection. 

I  2 

ii6  Old  Clocks  and  ]VatcJiLS  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  109  shows  a  crowned  lion  of  gilt  copper  holding  an  orb  in  its 
right  paw  and  supporting  the  dial  with  its  left.  By  means  of  two 
wires  standing  up  from  the  balance  the  eyes,  which  have  bright  red 
pupils,  move  to  and  fro  when  the  clock  is  going.     x\s  the  hours  are 


struck  the  animal's  lower  jaw  moves  up  and  down      The  movement 
is  contained  in  an  ebony  box,  which  forms  the  plinth. 

A  dog  guarding  the  dial  with  its  paw,  as  shown  in  Fig.  no,  is  of 
much  the  same  character. 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


Fig.  Ill  shows  a  splendid  example  of  its  kind,  in  which  a  boldly 
modelled  figure  of  Bacchus  sitting  astride  a  cask  is  utilized  as  an 
automaton.     As  the  hours  are  struck  it  opens  its  mouth  and  raises 

to  its  lips  the  bottle  held  in  the  right  hand.  In  its  left  hand  is  a 
staff  entwined  with  grape  leaves  and  fruit  and  surmounted  by  a 
pineapple,  the  Augsburg  mark.  On  a  silver  dial  attached  to  the 
front  of  the  cask  the  hours  are  indicated,  and  at  the  back,  between  a 
pineapple  in   a   shield,  are  the   letters   C.    K.,   which  very  possibly 


Old  Clocks,  and  WatcJies  and  their  Makers. 

stand  for  Conrad  Kreizer,  a  well-known  early   seventeenth  century 
maker.     Just   in  front  of  the  cask  is  a  horizontal  dial  divided  into 

quarter-hours  for  settinf^  the  striking.  The  eyes  of  the  figure  move 
to  and  fro  continuously  while  the  clock  is  going;  but  instead  of  being 
connected  directly  to  the  balance,  as  in  the  preceding  examples,  they 

Portable  TiincT^ccpcr^. 


are  worked  by  a  separate  escapement  and  ingenious  mechanism 
actuated  by  the  fusee  wheel  which  drives  the  train.  In  this  way  the 
motion  of  the  eyes  is  slower,  and  the  timekcepin.i,^  of  the  clock  is  not 

Fig.    iiG. 

affected.     The    plates    of  the    movement   are  gilded,  and   the    train 
wheels  are  of  steel.     The  case  is  of  ebony. 

A  peculiar  early  seventeenth  century  striking  clock  is  shown  in 
Fig.  112.     As  the   hours  are  sounded  the  negro's  head  moves,  and 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  dog  at  his  feet  jumps.     He  indicates  the  time  on  a  revolving 

band   which    bears   the   hour    numerals.  Another  of  these  quaint 
conceptions  is  in  the  British  Museum. 

On  similar  lines  are  Figs.  113  and  114.  The  one  with  a  revolving 

Fig.    117. — Crucifix  clock. 

hollow  globe,  on  which  the  hours  are  marked,  dates  from  about  1650; 
the  female  figure  bearing  the  horary  numerals  on  a  revolving 
crown  and  holding  a  sceptre  and  child  with  an  orb  is  a  little  later. 
The  movement  of  this  is  inscribed  "  Jereme  Pfaff,  Augsburg." 

Porlahlc  Tiutckccpcrs. 


In  Fig.  115  is  a  clock  with  three  horizontal  band  dials  showing 
respecti\ely  the  hour,  the  day  of  the  week,  and  the  day  of  tlie 
!iK)nth.  Below  are  pourtrayed  Adam  and  Eve  in  the  Garden  of 
Eden.  As  the  hours  are  struck  live  turns  and  presents  an  apple 
to  Adam,  who  appears  to  hesitate,  and  then  retires,  refusing  the 
gift.  Abundance  of  foliage  and  fruit  is  spread  over  the  three  trees 
or  columns  supporting  the  dials,  while  a  huge  serpent  gazing 
menacingly  at  Adam  is  twined  around  the  central  trunk,  and 
indicates  the  hour  with  its  tail.  For  the  photograph  from  which 
this  is  reproduced  I  am  indebted  to  M.  Eugene  W'ehrle,  of  Brussels. 

The  flagellation  of  Jesus  Christ  forms  the  sidiject  of  the  clock 
with  movinj?  fi<rures  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  116.     An  hour  dial  is  at 

Fig.   iiS. 

the  feet  of  the  Captive,  whose  bound  hands  are  tied  to  a  post,  sur- 
mounted by  a  rotating  band,  on  which  the  quarter-hours  are 
engraved.  As  the  hour  strikes  the  passive  Prisoner  is  belaboured 
by  the  soldiers,  their  weapons  rising  and  falling  with  each  sound  of 
the  bell.  The  movement  contained  in  the  ebony  case  is  signed 
"  Nicolaus  Schmidt  der  Junger." 

The  crucifix  clock  represented  in  Fig.  117  belongs  to  Mr.  Schloss. 
The  drawing  is  one-third  of  the  actual  size  of  the  clock,  which  measures 
12  in.  in  height  and  6  in.  across  the  widest  part.  The  plinth  is 
made  of  wood  and  gilt  metal,  the  top  being  covered  with  cloth  or 
velvet,  now  very  much  worn.  The  cross  is  of  gilt  metal,  the  figures 
and  mounts  of  silver.  The  figure  on  the  cross  is  most  beautifully 
modelled.     St.  John,  standing  at  the  left  of  the  cross,  holds  in  his 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

hands  a  chalice,  which  he  raises  when  the  clock  strikes  the  hours. 
The  ball  surmounting  the  structure  revolves  once  in  twelve  hours, 
and  on  it  is  a  band  containing  the  Roman  hour  numerals,  the  time 
being  indicated  by  the  pointer  fixed  to  the  cross.  No  minutes  are 
shown,  and  subdivisions  of  an  hour  would  have  to  be  estimated. 
The  escapement  is,  of  course,  a  verge.     The  clock  goes  thirty  hours 

Fig.  iig. 

between  windings,  and  strikes  on  a  bell  below  the  plinth.  Portions 
of  the  movement  can  be  seen  through  apertures  in  chased  metal 
gratings  fixed  in  the  front  and  back  panels  of  the  plinth.  There  is 
no  maker's  name,  but  it  is  probably  a  French  seventeenth  century 

The  style  and  decoration  of  the  late  seventeenth  century  clock, 
shown  in  Fig.   ii8,  may  be  studied  with  advantage  by  those  who 

Poviahlc  Timekeepers.  123 

wish  to  bs  alile  to  distinguish  pieces  of  different,  periods.  The  orna- 
ment at  the  sides  of  tlie  case  is  in  bold  rehef ;  tlie  feet  are  of  bronze, 
as  was  the  usual  practice,  and  form  a  contrast  to  the  yellower  metal 
of  whicli  tlie  case  is  composed.  The  mo\ement  of  this  clock  is 
regulated  by  a  x'cry  short  balance-spring,  and  bears  the  signature 
"  Andreas  I'ehniel."" 

Fig.  iig  shows  a  diminutive  table  clock  by  Hanns  Buschman 
dating  from  about  \(uyi.  'i'here  are  dials  front  and  back,  and  a 
pendulum  which  swings  at  the  rear  outside  of  the  case. 

Janvier  speaks  of  the  watches  made  between  1560  and  1590  as 
being  beautifully  ornamented  and  of  all  sizes,  and  there  is  no  doubt 
that  by  the  last-named  date  watchmaking  had  become  in  France  a 
flourishing  art  of  considerable  magnitude,  Blois  and  Rouen  being 
two  of  the  most  important  seats  of  manufacture.  But  I  am  unable 
to  trace  any  reliable  evidence  of  English  watches  having  been  made 
before  quite  the  end  of  the  sixteenth  century,  although  German  and 
French  productions  were  doubtless  imported  earlier. 

Among  the  collection  of  Mr.  T.  Wliitcombe  Greene  is  an  early 
box-shaped,  metal  gilt  case  and  dial,  probably  of  German  make. 
Around  the  projecting  bead  at  the  bottom  of  the  case  is  engraved 
the  following  :  "  Sr.  W'm  Cooper  to  Eleanor,  daughter  of  Sr. 
Michael  Stanhope,  wife  to  Thomas  Cooper,  his  son,  of  Thurgarton, 
Co.  Nots,  1539."  A  coat-of-arms  is  engraved  on  the  cover.  The 
dial  is  engraved  with  the  figure  of  the  Saviour  and  emblems  of 
Death,  with  the  mottoes,  "  \'igilate  et  orate  quia  nescitis  horam," 
and  "Quaelibet  hora  ad  mortem  vestigium  "  ("Watch  and  pray,  for 
ye  know  not  the  hour,"  and  "  Everv  hour  is  a  step  towards  death"). 
If  the  dedicatory  inscription  is  an  authentic  record,  this  relic 
certainly  represents  one  of  the  first  table  watches  seen  in  England. 
The  case  has  no  bow.  Derham,  in  his  second  and  subsequent 
editions,  mentions  an  eight-day  watch  which,  he  was  told,  belonged 
to  Henry  \TII.,  but  the  context  clearly  shows  a  weight  timepiece  is 
referred  to.  Among  the  possessions  of  Edward  VI.,  as  quoted  by 
Wood  from  a  Royal  Household  Book,  is  "  oone  larum  or  watch  of 
iron,  the  case  being  likewise  of  iron  gilt,  with  two  plummettes  of  lead." 
The  first  words  of  this  description  may  seem  to  indicate  a  watch  with 
a  mainspring,  but  such  an  assumption  is  at  once  dispelled  by  the 
mention  of  the  "  plummettes  of  lead." 

Queen  Elizabeth. — That  Elizabeth  owned  a  large  number  of 
watches  is  certain,  and  the  following  relating  to  her  horological 
possessions  will  be  of  interest.    In  1571  the  Earl  of  Leicester  gave 

124  ^^^  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

to  his  royal  mistress  "one  armlet  or  shakell  of  golde,  all  over  fairely 
garnished  with  rubyes  and  dyamondes,  haveing  in  the  closing  thearof 
a  clocke."  In  the  same  year  two  other  gifts  are  mentioned,  a  "juell, 
being  a  chrsolite  garnished  with  rubyes  and  dyamondes,  haveing  in 
the  closing  thearof  a  clocke";  and  "a  juell,  being  a  chrsolite 
garnished  with  golde,  flagon  facyon,  th'one  side  sett  with  two 
emeraldes,  .  .  .  th'other  side  having  in  it  a  clocke."  In  1573 
Elizabeth  received  from  Margaret,  Countess  of  Derby,  "a  white 
beare  of  gold  and  mother  of  perle,  holding  a  ragged  staffe,  standing 
upon  a  toune  of  golde,  whearin  is  a  clocke,  the  same  toune  staffe 
garnished  with  dyamondes  and  rubyes."  The  "clock  and  all" 
weighed  three  ounces.  In  1575  Mr.  Hatton,  captain  of  the  guard, 
gave  the  queen  "a  riche  juell,  being  a  clocke  of  golde,  garnished 
with  dyamondes,  rubyes  in  the  bottome,  and  a  fayre  emeralde 
pendante  sett  in  golde  and  two  mene  perles  pendaunte,  all  ix  oz. 
iii  q''."  In  1578  the  Earl  of  Leicester  presented  Elizabeth  with  "a 
tablet  of  golde,  being  a  clocke  fully  furnished  with  small  diamondes 
and  rubyes  ;  abowte  the  same  are  six  bigger  diamondes  pointed) 
and  a  pendaunte  of  golde,  diamondes,  and  rubyes  very  smale.  And 
upon  eche  side  losengye  diamonde,  and  an  apple  of  golde  enamuled 
green  and  russet."  In  the  same  year  the  Earl  of  Russell  gave  to 
the  queen  "  a  ring  of  golde,  called  a  parmadas,  sett  with  vj  small 
diamonds  and  garnished  round  about  with  small  rubies  and  two 
sparcks  of  ophalls,  and  in  the  same  backeside  a  dyall."  In  1580 
the  Earl  of  Leicester  gave  her  "  a  cheyne  of  golde  made  like  a 
payre  of  beades  concayning  viii  long  peeces  fully  garnished  with 
small  diamondes,  and  fower  score  and  one  smaller  peeces  fullie 
garnished  with  like  diamondes ;  and  hanging  thereat  a  rounde  clocke 
fullie  garnished  with  dyamonds,  and  an  appendante  of  diamondes 
hanging  thearat."  In  the  same  year  was  presented  to  the  queen  by 
Lord  Russell,  "  item,  a  watche  sett  in  mother  of  pearle  with  three 
pendaunts  of  goulde  garnished  with  sparckes  of  rubyes,  and  an 
ophall  in  everie  of  them,  and  three  small  pearles  pendaunte."  In 
the  same  year  Mr.  Edward  Stafford  gave  her  "a  little  clocke  of 
goulde  with  a  cristall,  garnished  with  sparckes  of  emeraldes,  and 
furnished  on  the  back  syde  with  other  dyamondes,  rubies,  and  other 
stones  of  small  value."  There  were  also  many  humbler  contributors 
to  her  store.  In  1556  her  clockmaker,  Nicholas  Urseau,  presented 
"a  faire  clocke  in  a  case  cover  with  blake  vellat";  and  her  "clocke 
keeper,  John  Demolyn,  a  cloke  with  a  lambe  on  it  of  copper  guilt." 
The  following  is  from  an  inventory  of  the  possessions  of  Queen 

Portable   Timekeepers.  125 

Elizabeth: — "A  watche  of  golde  sett  witli  small  rubies,  small 
diamondes,  and  small  emerodes,  with  a  pearle  in  the  toppe  called 
a  buckett,  watinge  two  rubies ;  a  clocke  of  golde  conteyning  in 
the  border  four  table  diamonds  and  two  very  small  rocke  rubies, 
havinge  on  th'one  side  foure  table  rubies  and  sixe  small  diamondes  ; 
and  on  th'other  side  eleven  table  diamondes,  whereof  the  one  is 
more  bigger  than  the  residue.  On  the  one  side  a  man  sitting  aslepe 
with  a  childe  before  him  ;  a  clocke  or  tablett  of  golde  garnished  on 
th'one  side  with  five  faire  diamondes  and  one  faier  rubie  ;  and  on 
th'other  side  five  faire  rubies  and  one  faire  enierod  garnished  with 
lij  little  diamonds,  and  liij  litle  rubies,  with  a  pearle  pendant  at  it  ; 
one  clocke  of  golde  curiosly  wrought  and  fullie  furnished  with 
diamonds,  rubies,  emerodes,  and  opalls,  havinge  in  middes  thereof 
a  beare  and  a  ragged  stafife  of  sparkes  of  diamondes  and  rubies; 
one  clock  of  gold  curiously  wrought  with  flowers  and  beastes,  with 
a  queene  on  the  toppe  on  th'one  side;  and  on  the  other  side  a  beare 
and  a  ragged  staff  of  sparkes  of  diamonds,  fullie  furnished  with 
diamonds  and  rubies  of  sundry  sortes  and  bignes ;  one  emerode 
under  it,  a  faier  table  diamond  with  a  ragged  stafif  in  the  foyle 
thereof  and  a  faier  rubie  under  it  squared,  and  a  pearle  pendaunt 
of  either  side  of  the  clocke  ;  one  clocke  of  golde  wrought  like 
deyses  and  paunseyes,  garnished  with  little  sparks  of  diamonds, 
rubies,  and  emerodes,  and  eight  small  pearles  on  the  border,  and 
a  pendant  acorn  ;  one  clocke  of  gold  curiously  wrought  with  small 
sparkes  of  stones,  having  on  th'one  side  a  horse  bearing  a  globe 
with  a  crowne  over  it  ;  one  clocke  of  golde  with  a  George  on  both 
sides  garnished  with  sparkes  of  diamondes  and  a  pendant  of  opalls; 
a  litle  watche  of  christall  slightly  garnished  with  golde  ;  one  litle 
clocke  of  golde  th'one  side  being  agate  with  a  mouse  on  the  toppe 
and  heddes  round  aboute  it ;  one  litle  watch  of  golde  garnished  on 
the  border  with  very  small  sparkes  of  rubies  and  emerodes  with 
christall  on  both  sides,  and  a  pearle  pendand  garnished  with  golde 
like  a  flesh  flye ;  one  rounde  clocke  of  golde  enameled  with  a  man 
on  horseback,  and  divers  colors  aboute  it ;  a  watch  of  golde  garnished 
with  three  small  diamondes  and  eight  sparks  of  rubies,  with  a  very 
little  pearle  ;  one  little  clocke  of  golde  enameled  of  the  History  of 
Time ;  a  litle  watche  of  golde,  th'one  side  with  a  frogge  on  the 
topp,  th'other  side  garnished  with  small  garnets  like  a  pomegranite  ; 
one  litle  clocke  sett  in  eliotropie  and  garnished  with  golde ;  a  litle 
watche  of  golde  enameled  with  sundry  colors  on  both  sides  alike; 
a  litle  watche  of  christall   slightlie  garnished  with  golde,  with  her 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Ma'ties  picture  in  it;  one  faier  flower  of  golde  fully  garnished  with 
rubies  and  diamonds  enameled  on  the  backside  with  a  man  and 
a  scripture  about  him  having  a  watch  in  it  and  a  pearl  pendant; 
one  flower  of  gold  fully  garnished  with  emerods  of  sondrie  bignes 
and  sparkes  of  emerods  and  rubies,  with  thre  antique  women  and 
five  litle  perles  with  a  watch  or  clocke  therein;  a  watch  of  agatte 
made    like    an    e";";    garnished    with    golde ;    one    clocke    garnished 

Fig.   1 20. — Clock-watch  about  15S0. 

with  golde,  being  round  and  sett  with  6  table  diamondes  and  6 
rubies  in  the  same  border,  and  garnished  with  xvij  diamondes  on 
th'one  side,  and  8  diamonds  and  one  rubie  on  th'other  side,  lacking 
two  pearles." 

In  Fig.  120  is  shown  a  clock-watch  from  the  Hilton  Price 
collection.  It  is  in  a  polygonal  case,  which  measures  nearly  4  in. 
across.  On  the  top  plate  of  the  movement  is  the  mark  B  x  N, 
and  the  piece,  which  dates  from  about  1580,  is  very  possibly  the 
production  of  Bartholomew  Newsam. 

l\i liable  Timekeepers. 


Mr.  Edward  I'arr  has  a  watch  or  table  clock  dating'  from  about 
1581,  and  probably  of  English  make.  It  is  in  a  circular  case,  about 
4-^  in.  in  diameter,  as  shown  in  I'ij^^  121.  A  lar<j^e  hemispherical 
bell  rises  from  the  space  inside  the  dial  rini^,  and  the  hand  is  curved 
down  o\er  the  bell  to  read  the  hour  numerals.     The  head  of  ()ueen 

Elizabeth  in  high  relief,  and  other  chasing,  ornament  the  side  of  the 
case.     In  a  ring  on  the  bottom  of  the  case  is  the  inscription  : 


(I   have  placed    God   as    my   Helper.) 

Against  one  of  the  winding  holes  is  the  letter  W,  and  against  the 
other  the  letter  S  ;  these  stand  doubtless  for  Watch  and  Striking, 
and  strengthen  the  conclusion  that  the  clock  is  an  early  English 

Skull  Watches — Mary  Queen  of  Scots. — The  skull  watch 
(Fig.  122)  is  an  excellent  example  of  the  fantastic  forms  in  which 
some  of  the  early  makers  delighted  to  encase  their  work.     It  is  from 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  Soltykoff  collection,  and  is  said  to  have  belonged  to  Henri  III. 
The  case  is  of  crystal,  the  dial  of  silver  bordered  with  chased  brass 
gilt,  the  centre  being  adorned  with  what  is  called  champ-leve  engraving 
to  a  floral  design.     The  movement  is  inscribed  "Jacques  Joly." 

Fig.  123  represents  one  of  the  ghastly  productions  of  a  larger  size. 
The  skull  is  of  silver  gilt,  and  on  the  forehead  is  the  figure  of  Death 
with  his  scythe  and  sand  glass  ;  he  stands  between  a  palace  on  the 
one  hand  and  a  cottage  on  the  other,  with  his  toes  applied  equally 
to  the  door  of  each  ;  around  this  is  the  legend,  from  Horace  : — 

"  Pallida  mors  aequo  pulsat  pede  pauperum  tabernas  regumque  turres." 
(Pale  Death  visits  witii  impartial  foot  the  cottages  of  the  poor  and  the  palaces  of 
the  rich.) 

Fig.   122. 

On  the  opposite  or  posterior  part  of  the  skull  is  a  representation 
of  Time,  with  anotlrer  inscription  from  Horace: — 

"  Tempus  edax  rerum  tuque  invidiosa  vetustas." 
(Time,  and  thou  too,  envious  Old  Age,  devour  all  things.) 

He  has  a  scythe  ;    and  near  him  is  a  serpent  with  his  tail  m  his 
mouth,  being  an  emblem  of  Eternity. 

The  upper  part  of  the  skull  is  divided  into  two  compartments. 
On  one  are  represented  our  First  Parents  in  the  Garden  of  Eden, 
attended  by  some  of  the  animals,  with  the  motto : — 

"Peccando  perditionem  miseriam  asternam  posteris  mernere." 

(By  sin  they  brought  eternal  misery  and  destruction  on  their  posterity.) 

The    opposite    compartment    is    filled    with    the    subject    of    the 

salvation    of   lost  man  by  the   crucifixion  of  our  Saviour,  who  is 

represented  as  suffering  between  two  thieves,  whilst  the  Marys  are 

in  adoration  below  ;  the  motto  to  this  is  : — 

"  Sic  justitiae  satis  fecit  mortem  superavit,  salutem  comparavit." 
(Thus  was  Justice  satisfied,  Death  overcome,  and  salvation  obtained.) 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


Running  below  these  compartments  on  both  sides  there  is  an 
open  work,  of  about  an  inch  in  width,  to  permit  the  sound  to  come 
out  freely  when  the  watch  strikes.  This  is  formed  of  emblems 
belonging  to  the  Crucifixion — scourges  of  various  kinds,  swords,  the 
flagon  and  cup  of  the  Eucharist,  the  cross,  pincers,  lantern  used  in 
the  garden,  spears  of  different  kinds,  one  with  the  sponge  on  its 
point,  thongs,  ladder,  the  coat  without  seam,  and  the  dice  that  were 

Fig.  123. 

thrown   for   it,   the  hammer  and    nails,   and    the    crown  of   thorns. 
Under  all  these  is  the  motto  : — 

"  Scala  coeli  ad  gloriam  via." 
(The  way  to  glory  is  the  "  ladder  "  to  heaven.) 

The  watch  is  opened  by  reversing  the  skull  and  placing  the 
upper  part  of  it  in  the  hollow  of  the  hand,  and  then  lifting  the 
under-jaw,  which  rises  on  a  hinge.  Inside,  on  the  palate,  is  an 
excellent  engraving  of  apparently  a  later  date  than  the  rest  of 
the  work.  It  shows  the  Holy  Family  in  the  stable,  with  the  infant 
Jesus  laid  in  the  manger,  and  angels  mmistering  to  Him  ;  in  the 
upper  part  an  angel  is  seen  descending  with  a  scroll,  on  which  is 
written : — 

"  Gloria  [in]  excelsis  Deo,  et  in  terra  pax  hominibus  bona  voluntatis." 
(Glory  to  God  in  the  highest ;  on  earth  peace  to  men  of  goodwill.) 
C.W.  K 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers-. 

In  the  distance  are  the  shepherds  with  their  flocks.     A  representa^ 
tion  of  this  cover  is  given  separately* 

The  works  of  the  watch  occupy  the  position  of  the  brain  in  the 
skull  itself,  the  dial  plate  being  on  a  flat  where  the  roof  of  the  niouth 
and  parts  behind  it  under  the  base  of  the  brain  are  to  be  found  in  the 
human  subject*  The  dial  is  of  silver,  and  fixed  with  a  golden  circle 
tichly  carved  in  a  scroll  pattern;  the  hours 'are  marked  in  large 
Roman  letters,  and  within  them  is  the  figure  of  Saturn  devouring 
his  children,  with  this  legend  : — 

"  Sicut  meis  sic  et  omnibus  idem." 
There   is   no    date,    but    the    maker's    name    and    the    place    of 

manufacture,  "  Moyse,  Blois," 
are  distinctly  engraven  on  the 
plate.  A  silver  bell  fills  the 
entire  hollow  of  the  skull,  and 
receives  the  works  within  it 
when  shut  ;  a  small  hammer, 
set  in  motion  by  a  separate 
train,  strikes  the  hours  on  it. 

The  workmanship  of  the 
case  is  admirable,  and  the 
engraving  really  superb.  The 
date  of  this  relic  may  be  taken 
to  be  between  1550  and  1600. 
It  is  stated  that  it  belonged 
to  Mary  Queen  of  Scots,  by 
whom  it  was  given  to  Mary 
Seaton,  one  of  her  maids  of 
honour,    and    much     circum- 

FiG.  124. — Interior  of  skull  watch  above 
the  dial. 

stantial  evidence  has  been  adduced  in  support  thereof.  I  have  recently 
had  an  opportunity  of  examining  an  almost  similar  Death's-head 
watch,  which  is  also  said  to  have  been  the  property  of  the  same 
royal  lady  and  now  belongs  to  Miss  Mary  Laura  Browne,  of  Anerley. 
Except  that  beside  the  ring  on  the  top  of  the  skull  is  a  screw  for  the 
reception  of  a  cross,  the  case  is  an  exact  facsimile  of  the  Mary  Seaton 
one,  with  the  additional  inscription  around  the  eyebrows,  "  Ex  Dono 
FR^  R.  Fr.  ad.  Marias  de  Scotorum  Fr.  Regina."  The  original 
movement  has,  however,  unfortunately  been  replaced  by  a  com- 
paratively modern  one. 

These   two   skull    watches   were    doubtless    intended    to   occupy 
stationary  positions ;  the  cross  on  one  of  them  suggests  a  prie-dieti 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


or  small  altar  in  a  private  oratory.     At  all  events,  they  are  too  large 
and  heavy  to  be  worn  on  the  person.     The  engravings  represent  the 


Fig.  125. 

l'"lG.    126. 

Fig.  127. 

Fig.  12S. 

Fig.  129. 

natural  size  of  the  relics,  each  of  which  weighs  over  three-quarters 
of  a  pound. 

In   the  British    Museum   are   two    Death's-head   watches,  much 

K  2 

132  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

smaller  and  with  plain  cases.  One  of  these  was  made  by  Johann 
Maurer,  and  the  other  by  J.  C.  Vuolf.  A  similar  watch,  dating  from 
about  1630,  which  was  in  the  Dunn  Gardner  collection,  and  is  now 
in  the  possession  of  Mr.  F.  G.  Hilton  Price,  F.S.A.,  bears  the 
signature  of  Isaac  Penard.  Another  of  these  extraordinary  con- 
ceptions, formerly  in  the  collection  of  Mr.  Robert  Roskell,  of  Liver- 
pool, and  now  belonging  to  Mr.  Schloss,  is  shown  in  Figs.  125  and 
126.  The  skull  or  case  of  silver,  much  darkened  by  age,  is  a 
startlingly  excellent  counterfeit  and  a  fine  example  of  silver  work. 
The  plate  bears  the  name  of  the  maker  thus,  "Johann  Leudl." 
On  the  dial  of  silver  is  an  engraving  evidently  intended  to  portray 
the  day  of  judgment.  Inside  the  lower  jaw,  which  closes  on  to 
the  dial,  is  roughly  cut  the  following  inscription :  "  Lor  logeur 
francoient  duducq  d'aremberque  a  mons."  This  specimen  dates 
from  about  1625  ;  but  the  inscription  is  later,  as  the  first  Duke  of 
Aremberg  obtained  his  title  in  1644. 

A  very  diminutive  Death's-head  watch  in  the  form  of  a  seal  is 
shown  open  in  Fig.  127.  The  movement  is  furnished  with  the 
stackfreed,  and  dates  apparently  from  the  first  half  of  the  seventeenth 

Of  about  the  same  period  is  the  example  by  David  Habrecht, 
shown  in   Figs.    128  and   129. 

In  the  Vienna  Treasury  is  a  small  skull  watch  of  the  time  of  the 
Emperor  Rudolph  II.  in  which  the  movable  lower  jaw  strikes  the 
number  of  hours  against  the  upper  one. 

The  Rev.  H.  L.  Nelthropp,  who  presented  his  splendid  collection 
of  watches  to  the  Clockmakers'  Company  for  exhibition  in  the 
Guildhall,  considers  the  statements  as  to  the  ownership  of  skull 
watches  by  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  to  be  apocryphal,  and  says  that  a 
careful  investigation  of  the  catalogues  of  the  jewels,  dresses, 
furniture,  belonging  to  Queen  Mary  has  proved  beyond  doubt 
that  watches  were  not  among  her  valuables.  I  cannot  say  that 
Mr.  Nelthropp's  criticism  is  quite  destructive  of  the  original  account, 
for  if  both  of  the  watches  were  given  away  by  the  queen,  they  could 
hardly  be  expected  to  figure  in  any  subsequent  inventory  of  her 
property.  It  is  certain  that  watches  were  made  during  her  lifetime  ; 
also  that  Blois  was  one  of  the  earliest  manufactories  of  watches,  and 
that  the  family  of  Moyse  flourished  there  during  the  sixteenth  century. 
In  face  of  the  fact  that  Elizabeth  had  such  a  large  number  of  watches, 
it  seems  almost  incredible  that  the  Scottish  queen  should  never  have 
possessed  any  of  the  fashionable  novelties. 

Portable  Timekeepers.  133 

While  the  probability  is  that  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  had  watches 
of  some  kind,  it  must  be  confessed  that  the  statements  made 
respecting  her  ownership  of  specimens  which  have  survived  will  not 
always  bear  examination.  Among  others  which  tradition  has 
assigned  to  the  Scottish  queen,  Octavius  Morgan  examined  two 
which  he  considered  to  be  of  the  period  claimed  for  them.  One 
was  a  ghastly  Memento  Mori  watch  in  a  case  of  crystal  formed  like  a 
coffin,  and  the  other  an  octagonal  watch.  The  latter,  which  is  now 
in  the  British  Museum,  is  said  to  have  been  given  by  Mary  to  John 
Knox  the  reformer.  The  case  of  crystal  had  covers  front  and  back, 
and  the  movement  was  inscribed  "  N.  Forfaict  a  Paris."  A  large  oval 
watch  made  by  F.  Le  Grand,  and  said  to  ha\e  been  found,  immedi- 
ately after  the  queen's  escape  from  her  imprisonment,  in  Lochleven 
Castle,  was  exhibited  to  the  Philosophical  Society  of  Edinburgh  in 
1850.  A  small  circular  watch  by  Estinne  Hubert,  of  Rouen,  pre- 
sented, it  is  averred,  by  the  queen  the  night  before  her  execution  to 
a  French  attendant  named  Massey,  was  a  few  years  ago  in  the  pos- 
session of  Rev.  Mr.  Torrance,  of  Glencross.  In  the  Massey- Main- 
waring  collection  is  a  round  rather  thin  watch  by  Moysant,  of  Blois, 
in  a  case  whereon  is  splendidly  painted,  in  enamel,  a  representation 
of  the  Adoration  of  the  Magi.  This  watch  was  some  time  ago 
exhibited  at  the  Bethnal  Green  Museum  with  a  label  stating  that  it 
was  given  by  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  to  the  Earl  of  Mar,  from  whom 
it  passed  into  the  possession  of  the  family  of  Lord  Forbes.  But  the 
style  of  the  watch  and  the  enamel  painting  did  not  seem  to  me  to  be 
entirely  in  accord  with  other  productions  of  the  sixteenth  century. 

In  1575,  Parker,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  bequeathed  to  his 
brother  Richard,  Bishop  of  Ely,  his  walking-stick  of  Indian  cane 
having  a  "  horologium  "  in  the  top.  This  is  generally  quoted  as 
a  watch,  but  is  quite  likely  to  have  been  a  portable  sun-dial. 

The  possession  of  many  watches  is  ascribed  to  James  I.,  but  such 
as  he  did  possess  do  not  appear  to  have  been  utilized  as  timekeepers 
on  every  occasion,  for  in  Savile's  record  of  a  state  journey  to 
Theobalds  in  1603,  it  is  stated  that  the  king  stopped  at  the  Bell  at 
Edmonton,  and,  wishing  to  count  the  number  of  vehicles  passing  in 
a  certain  time,  he  "  called  for  an  houreglass." 

An  early  striking  watch  in  a  nearly  spherical  case  of  brass,  chased 
and  gilded,  having  the  dial  at  the  bottom  of  the  sphere  and  a  ring  for 
carrying  at  the  top,  is  shown  on  page  134.  The  form  and  arrange- 
ment of  the  mechanism  are  exceedingly  rare.  The  movement  is  in 
stories,  and  the  dial,  which  is  seen  in  Fig,  131,  is  attached  to  the  lowest 

134  0^'^  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 


Figs.  130 — 134. — Spherical  watch  about  1535. 

I,  plan  of  top;  2,  dial  and  case  partly  opened;  3,  elevation  ;  4,  movement  and  dial  removed 
from  case  :  5,  nioyenient  showing  top  plate. 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


plate  of  the  movement  and  not  to  the  case.  Between  the  dial  and 
the  plate,  besides  the  wheels  for  actuating  the  hand  direct  from  the 
mainspring  and  not  through  the  intervention  of  the  train,  is  the 
count  wheel  or  locking  plate.  Above  this  plate  is  the  striking  train  ; 
then  another  plate,  between  which  and  the  top  plate  are  the  going 
train  and  escapement.  All  wheels  save  the  escape  wheel  are  of  iron 
or  steel ;  the  pillars  are  of  iron  shaped  as  shown,  the  plates  and 
balance  cock  are  also  of  iron  :   there  are  no  screws   nor  barrels  to 

Fig.  135. 

Fig.  136. 

contain  the  mainsprings  ;  one  of  the  mainsprings  broken  into  many 
pieces  is  visible  in  the  engraving  (Fig.  133).  The  case  is  divided  in 
the  centre  horizontally  and  fastened  with  a  hooked  catch  ;  it  opens 
on  a  hinged  joint  exposing  the  movement,  which  occupies  the  whole 
of  the  lower  half  of  the  case  and  extends  into  the  upper  part  of  the 
sphere.  Over  the  top  plate,  of  which  a  view  is  given  in  Fig.  134,  are 
the  primitive  stackfreed,  the  cross-bar  balance  or  foliot  and  the 
hammer  for  sounding  the  hours  on  a  silver  bell  fi.xed  to  the  crown  of 
the  sphere,  which  is  perforated  as  shown  in  Fig.  130.  Through  the 
case    and    the    bell    are   holes   for  obtaining  access  to  the   winding 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

squares,  and  near  the  bottom  of  the  case  is  another  aperture  covered 
by  a  shutter;  this  apparently  was  for  the  purpose  of  adjusting  the 
striking  of  the  hours  in  case  it  had  been  allowed  to  become  incorrect. 
The  movement  is  fitted  to  the  case  in  a  peculiar  way.  Inside  the 
lower  half  of  the  case  are  projections,  and  the  movement  together 
with  the  dial  having  been  pressed  into  position  is  twisted  round  till 
corresponding  slits  catch  the  projections  and  make  it  fast.  The 
fixing  is  in  fact  what  is  known  as  a  bayonet  joint.  This  watch,  I 
should  judge,  dates  from  about  1535.  M.  Paul  Gamier  has, 
I  believe,  a  somewhat  similar  one,  which  was  stolen  from  him  a  few 
years  ago,  and  which  he  recovered  by  journeying  to  America  and 
repurchasing  it. 

Towards  the  end  of  the  sixteenth  century  watches  designed  for  use 

rather  than  to  excite  wonder  or 
admiration  were  constructed  with 
plain  exteriors,  as  in  Figs.  135  and 
136,  which  show  an  alarum  watch 
formerly  in  the  Dunn  Gardner  col- 
lection at  South  Kensington.  The 
little  hand  in  the  centre  of  the  dial  is 
for  setting  the  alarum,  and  the  hour 
indicator  consists  of  an  ornament 
attached  to  a  disc  around  the  edge  of 
which  are  figures  from  one  to  twelve 
marked  backwards,  reversely  to  the 
usual  direction,  as  a  guide  for  setting 
the  alarum.  The  hour  numerals  are 
on  a  silvered  band  with  an  unusually  prominent  pin  at  each  hour 
so  that  the  time  could  be  more  readily  estimated  by  feeling.  The 
case  is  of  brass  with  plain  cover  and  back  ;  the  only  attempt  at 
enrichment  being  the  fine  perforated  work  around  the  edge. 

Fig.  137  shows  a  tambourine  or  drum-shaptd  watch  from  the 
collection  of  M.  Paul  Garnier.  The  case,  brass  gilt,  is  furnished 
with  a  bow%  and  has  hinged  covers  back  and  front.  The  front  cover 
is  finely  engraved  and  is  pierced  over  each  of  the  hour  numerals 
on  the  dial.  Inside  the  back  cover  is  a  representation  of  Christ 
rising  from  the  tomb,  well  engraved  after  the  design  by  Albert 
Diirer.  The  dial  is  of  silver,  finely  engraved  with  rays  and  flames 
in  the  centre,  beyond  which  are  the  hour  marks  with  Roman 
numerals  from  I.  to  XII.  on  the  outside  of  the  circle,  and  smaller 
figures  from  13  to  24  within. 

Fig.  137. 

Pari  able   I'iiuckcepers, 


Fig.  138. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

A  striking  watch  in  a  curious  octagonal  case  of  gilded  brass  fixed 
to  a  stand  is  shown  in  Fig.  138.     The  plates  of  the  movement  are  of 

Fig.  139. 

Fig.   140. 

iron  ;  it  is  fitted  with  the  stackfreed,  and  its  construction  altogether 
shows  it  to  be  a  mid-sixteenth  century  production.     An  interesting 

Portable  Timekeeper;;. 


feature  of  this  watch  is  the  pierced  door  at  the  back,  which  is  shown 
open  in  the  ilhistration.  Amid  the  piercing  are  represented  the  Man 
of  Sorrows  preparatory  to  the  Crucifixion  and  around  Him  various 
items  appertaining  to  His  torture — a  hammer,  pincers,  sponge,  lamp, 
ladder,  sword,  spear  or  javelin,  staves,  lanterns,  torches,  cup,  bunch 
of  hyssop,  etc.  Two  views  of  a  pretty  pedestal  watch  furnished 
with  an  alarum  of  about  forty  years  later  date  are  given  on  page  138. 
Mr.  J.  C.  Joicey  has  a  somewhat  similar  piece. 

In  the  British  Museum  is  a  splendid  watch  made  by  Nicklaus 
Rugendas,  of  Augsburg. 
The  case  of  metal,  gilt, 
with  open  work  very 
nicely  pierced,  is  of  an 
oval  shape  measuring  2| 
inches  by  2^  inclies  and 
an  inch  and  three 
quarters  thick.  It  is 
mounted  on  a  plain 
brass  pillar  four  inches 
high.  The  hours  are 
shown  on  a  silver  dial, 
and  the  minutes  on  a 
gilt  bevelled  outer  rim 
which  really  forms  part 
of  the  case.  This 
arrangement  and  the 
fact  that  each  fi\e 
minutes  space  is  figured, 
as  is  the  modern  custom, 
may  lead  to  the  assump- 
tion that  the  concentric 
minute  indicator  was  a 

later  addition ;  but  Octavius  Morgan,  in  whose  collection  the  watch 
was,  expressed  his  conviction  {Archceologia,  vol.  xxxiii.)  that  it  formed 
part  of  the  original  construction,  and  an  examination  of  the  hand-work 
which  I  have  been  allowed  to  make  quite  removed  a  doubt  I  previously 
felt  as  to  the  correctness  of  his  judgment.  The  internal  arrangement 
shows  considerable  ingenuity,  every  atom  of  the  space  being  utilized 
to  the  best  advantage.  There  are  four  mainsprings,  but  no  fusee. 
Between  the  dial  and  the  movement  is  a  small  bell  on  which  the 
quarter-hours  are  sounded.     The  hours  are  struck  from  one  to  six 

Fig.   141. — Clock-watch.     Type  of  early  German 

Fig.  143. 

Fig.  144. 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


and  then  over  again  in  conformity  with  what  was  formerly  an 
Italian  method  of  computation,  the  hour  bell  being  oval  to  suit  the 
shape  of  the  case  ;  at  the  back  is  a  large  bell  on  which  an  alarum 
may  be  rung.  The  train  wheels  are  of  brass,  and  the  quarter  part  of 
steel.  Mr.  Morgan  considered  this  watch  to  be  a  production  of  the 
second  quarter  of  the  sixteenth  century,  but  the  general  style  of  the 
work  and  the  construction  of  the  movement  negative  such  an 
assumption  ;  1610  or  a  little  later  would  be  nearer  the  correct  date. 
Messrs.  Patek  Phillipe  and  Co.  have  an  octagonal  calendar  watch 

Fig.   145. — View  of  back. 

by  the  same  maker,  which,  judging  from  a  photograph  of  the 
movement,  I  should  say  was  produced  about  1630. 

In  the  Vienna  Treasury  is  a  clock  marked  "Nicklaus  Rugendas 
junger,"  dating  from  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  century. 

Fig.  141  is  an  exterior  view  of  a  large  circular  clock-watch  in  the 
possession  of  Mr.  Evan  Roberts.  It  is  unnamed,  and  is  most 
probably  of  German  or  Dutch  origin  ;  the  steel  dial  and  brass  open- 
work case  are  very  tine,  as  may  be  judged  from  the  drawing.  The 
stackfreed  and  the  wheels  are  of  steel,  and  the  plates  of  brass.  This 
watch  has  been  pronounced  to  be  a  production  of  the  second  quarter 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

of  the   sixteenth   century,    and  the  construction  in   many   respects 
agrees  with  that  period. 

Fig.  146. — Dial  with  cover  open. 

Three   views   of  a   splendid   oval   watch  from  the   collection  of 
Mr,  Albert  Schloss  are  on  page  140.     Fig.  143  shows  the  dial  with  the 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


front  cover  raised.  Figj.  142  shows  the  back  cover  and  edge  of  the 
case  ;  and  Fig.  144  the  back  cover  raised,  exhibiting  the  movement. 
The  case  is  of  brass,  gilt  and  very  finely  chased.  The  front  cover  is 
pierced  to  receive  a  small  glass,  allowing  the  centre  of  the  dial  to  be 
viewed  without  opening  the  cover.  This  style  of  glass,  and  the 
method  of  fixing  it  by  means  of  a  loose  ring,  is  perhaps  the  most 
primitive ;  and  taking  the  date  on  the  inside  of  the  back  cover  (1607) 
to  represent  the  period  the  watch  was  made,   it  may  be  assumed   to 

Fig.  147.     French  astronomical  watch. 

be  an  early  instance  of  the  application.  The  dial,  also  of  brass,  gilt, 
is  very  handsome.  On  looking  at  the  movement  (Fig.  144)  a  lever 
carrying  two  pins  at  one  end  and  pointed  at  the  other  may  be 
observed.  These  two  pins  are  of  stiff  bristle,  and  by  shifting  the 
lever  they  may  be  caused  to  approach  or  recede  from  the  arm  of  the 
balance,  whose  path  they  intercept.  In  this  way  the  vibration  of 
the  balance  and  the  timekeeping  of  the  watch  were  controlled.  The 
pointed  end  of  the  lever  traverses  a  divided  arc,  and  serves  to 
indicate  the  movement  given  to  the  lever.     At  the  top  and  bottom  of 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  plate  are  pivoted  bolts,  which  pass  into  holes  in  the  edge  of  the 
case  to  secure  the  movement  in  position. 

In  the  Hilton  Price  collection  is  an  oval  brass  watch   of  extreme 
beauty  by  the  same  maker,  dating  from  about  1640.      It  is  shown  in 

Figs.  149 — 151. — Sixteenth  century  book-watch.     Outside  with  covers  open, 
inside  of  front  cover  and  dial.     View  of  mechanism  inside  back  cover. 

Figs.  145  and  146.  Round  the  sides  of  the  pierced  case  are  a 
greyhound  chasing  a  hare  and  a  hound  chasing  a  stag  amidst  floral 
designs.  The  back  is  finely  engraved,  representing  figures  of  a 
naked  shepherd  with  his  crook  and  horn,  a  squirrel,  and  a  monkey. 
In  the  centre  a  river  scene,  beneath  the  figure  of  a  warrior  in  armour 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


with  a  prancing  horse  on  each  side,  intermixed  with  scrolls  and 
flowers.  The  outside  of  the  lid  is  engraved  with  allegorical  subjects, 
one  represents  Abraham  off'ering  up  Isaac  ;  upon  the  right  hand  top 
corner  is  a  scroll  on  which  is  engraved,  ian.  iansen-bockeltz  inv. 
ET  scvLP.  The  inside  of  the  lid,  which  together  with  the  dial  plate 
is  brass  gilt,  contains  a  compass  and  a  sun  dial  with  a  movable 
gnomon.  The  dial  plate  is  very  fine.  There  is  a  small  silver  dial 
with  alarum  dial  in  the  centre,  and  also  a  dial  for  the  moon,  one  for 
the  minutes,  one  for  months — the  seasons  are  engraved  with  lenten 


Adam  Thomson  mentions  an  interesting  astronomical  watch  of 
French  make  which  is  shown  in  Figs.  147  and  148.     It  has  a  silver 

Fig.  152. 

Fig.   153. 

case  highly  ornamented,  with  mythological  subjects  elaborately 
chased,  bearing  the  following  inscription  on  the  inside  of  the  back 
cover :  "  From  Alethea  Covntess  of  Arvndel,  for  her  deare  sone,  Sir 
William  Howard,  K,B.  1629."  It  is  of  an  oval  form,  the  extreme 
size  two  inches  and  a  half,  and  an  inch  and  a  half  in  thickness.  It 
struck  the  hours  and  has  an  alarum ;  showed  the  days  of  the  week, 
the  age  and  phases  of  the  moon,  with  the  days  and  months  of  the 
year,  and  the  signs  of  the  zodiac.  On  the  inside  of  the  front  cover 
there  is  a  Roman  Catholic  calendar  with  the  date  1613.  The  watch 
movement  is  inscribed  "  P.  Combret,  a  Lyons."  A  watch  by  Combret 
with  a  shell-shaped  silver  case  is  in  the  South  Kensington   Museum. 

Toy  Watches. — These  were  occasionally  shaped  to  imitate 
books,  animals,  fruit,  flowers,  and  insects. 

c.w.  L 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Of  cases  formed  to  resemble  books  several  examples  are  known 
to  exist.  A  very  early  watch  of  this  kind  dating  from  the  first  half 
of  the  sixteenth  century  is  shown,  rather  smaller  than  the  actual 
size,  in  Figs.  149,  150  and  151.  On  the  back  plate  of  the  movement 
is  the  maker's  punch  mark,  F.C.,  and  another'  impression  partly 
obliterated,  which  appears  to  be  a  pineapple.  There  is  a  stackfreed 
for  regulating  the  force  of  the  mainspring,  and  sticking  up  from  the 
longer  end  of  a  bell-crank  lever  is  a  short  stiff  bristle,  against  which 

Fig.   154. — Lion-shaped  watch. 

the  cross-bar  balance  banks.    By  means  of  its  shorter  arm  this  lever 
may  be  moved  and  its  position  noted  by  an  index  on  the  plate. 

In  the  British  Museum  is  a  book-shaped  watch  dated  1550.  The 
specimen  shown  in  Fig.  152  was  in  the  Bernal  collection  which  was 
dispersed  by  auction  in  1855,  and  belonged  to  Bogislaus  XIV., 
Duke  of  Pomerania,  in  the  time  of  Gustavus  Adolphus.  On  the 
dial  side  there  is  an  engraved  inscription  of  the  Duke  and  his  titles, 
with  the  date  1627,  together  with  his  armorial  bearings;  on  the 
back  there  are  engraved  two  male  portraits,  buildings,  etc.     The 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


covers  are  of  brass  gilt ;  the  clasps  and  other  ornaments  are  of  silver; 
the  dial  is  of  silver,  chased  in  relief;  the  insides  of  the  covers  are 
chased  with  birds  and  foliage.  There  are  apparently  two  separate 
movements,  and  a  large  bell  at  the  back  ;  over  the  bell,  the  metal 
is  ornamentally  pierced  in  a  circle  with  a  dragon,  etc. ;   the  sides  are 

Fig.   I';';.  -c-  ^ 

-'•^  Fig.  156. 

pierced  and   engraved  in  scrolls.     The  maker's  name  is  "  Dionistus 

Fig-  153'  also  from  the  Bernal  collection,  is  in  the  form  of  a 
padlock.  It  has  a  crystal  front  and  ribbed  crystal  back  ;  gilt  metal 
engraved  mounting,  dial  of  gilt  metal  ;  the  days  of  the  month  are 
noted  on  a  silver  circle,  with  a  steel  plate  apparently  for  the  moon's 
age.  The  maker's  name  is  Gio.  Batt.  Mascarone,  and  it  is  probably 
sixteenth-century  work. 

L  2 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Three  views  of  a  peculiar  watch,  dating  probably  from  about 
1600,  are  given  on  page  146.  The  case,  of  sih^er,  is  in  the  form 
of  a  lion,  the  tail  being  looped,  evidently  for  the  attachment  of  a 
guard  or  other  suspender.  The  movement  is  inscribed,  "Jean 
Baptiste  Duhoule."  A  watch  by  the  same  maker  in  a  nut-shaped 
case  forms  part  of  the  Wallace  collection  at  Hertford  House. 

Of  other  more  quaint  and  grotesque  designs  for  watch  cases 
favoured  by  the  early  makers  may  be  mentioned  one  in  the  form  of 

Fig.  15^ 

Fig.  158. 

an  eagle,  which  was  in  the  collection  of  Lady  O.  Fitzgerald.  It 
illustrated  the  story  of  Jupiter  and  Ganymede,  and  could  either  be 
suspended  from  a  ring  in  the  back  of  the  bird  or  rested  by  its  claws 
on  a  flat  surface.  In  the  British  Museum  is  a  watch  shaped  like  an 
acorn,  another  resembling  a  dog,  and  one  with  silver  cases  made  in 
imitation  of  cockle-shells.  In  the  South  Kensington  Museum  is  a 
French  watch  resembling  a  pelican,  and  a  diminutive  timekeeper 
in  the  Mainwaring  collection  is  concealed  in  one  of  two  enamelled 
cherries  with  stalks  connected. 

Portable   Timckecpcvi^. 


Memento  Mori  watches  in  the  form  of  a  Latin  cross,  and  usuall 
with  scenes  from  the  life  of  the  Saviour  engraved  on  the  dials,  were 
for  a  long  period  a  favourite  pattern,  especially  with   French  artists, 
among  whom   they  were   known   ks  montres  d'abbcsse.     Dubois  says 

Fig.   159. 

Fig.  160. 

cruciform  watches  were  probably  devised  b^^^rmecides,  a  watch- 
maker of  Paris,  who  flourished  between  1530  and  1550,  and  whose 
name  appears  on  several  early  specimens.  They  appear  to  have 
been  worn,  generally,  on  the  breast, 
and  are  often  spoken  of  as  pectoral 
cross  watches.  Of  three  in  the 
British  Museum,  one,  in  a  case  of 
rock  crystal,  very  similar  to  Fig.  1 55, 
was  made  by  Jean  Rousseau  the 
elder  about  1580;  another,  also  a 
sixteenth-century  production,  is  by 
Tinnelly,  Aix  ;  the  third  dates  from 
the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth 
century,  and  is  cased  in  emerald 

The  watch,  Fig.  156,  which  is 
unnamed,  seems  to  be  late  six- 
teenth century  work.  Fig.  161. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

In  the  Arcliaological  Journal  is  mentioned  a  Latin  cross  watch  by 
the  celebrated  Johannes  van  Ceulen,  which  has  a  cover  of  crystal 
and  is  enamelled  in  opaque  colours  ;  on  the  front  the  Man  of  Sorrows 
and  emblems  of  the  Passion,  and  on  the  back  the  Crucifixion. 

Of  three  cruciform  watches  in  South  Kensington  Museum,  one, 
dating  from  about  1590,  is  signed  "  Senebier  "  ;  another,  of  slightly 
later  date,  bears  the  initials  "  N.R."  ;  and  the  third,  which  forms 
part  of  the  Salting  collection,  has  a  silver  and  crystal  case,  and 
is  by  Charles  Bobinet,  a  French  seventeenth  century  maker  of 

The  Maltese  cross  watch,  Fig.  157,  from  Dubois'  historical  work, 

Fig.  162. 

Fig.  163. 

is  a  sixteenth-century  production  of  French  origin,  and  a  much 
rarer  form  than  the  Latin  cross. 

A  very  early  crystal  case  watch  by  Thomas  Franck,  from  the 
Soltykoff  collection,  is  shown  in  Fig.  158. 

In  Fig.  159  is  shown  a  clock  watch  by  Conrad  Kreizer,  from  the 
Soltykoff  collection.  The  case  is  of  crystal,  the  dial  of  silver,  and 
the  cover  of  brass  gilt.  A  peculiar  feature  is  the  oval  raised  pierced 
work  of  brass,  introduced  evidently  to  allow  the  sound  of  the  bell  to 
be  heard  more  distinctly.  The  movement  is  of  a  primitive  character, 
and  the  maker  is  said  to  have  been  contemporary  with  the  brothers 
Habrecht.  An  octagonal  watch  in  the  South  Kensington  Museum, 
signed  "  Conradt  Kreizer,"  is  certainly  early  seventeenth  century 

The  crystal  case  watch  in  the  form  of  a  cockle-shell,  shown  in 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


Fig.  160,  also  from  the  Soltykoff  collection,  is  a  late  sixteenth- 
century  production.  It  has  covers  back  and  front  ;  the  dial  is  gilt, 
with  silver  hour  band  and  steel  hand. 

Another  specimen  from  the  Soltykoff  collection,  in  a  crystal 
escallop  case,  shown  in  Fig.  161,  has  very  primitive  mechanism,  by 
Phelisot,  horlogev  dc  la  ville  de  Dijon.  The  dial,  finely  engraved,  is  of 
silver,  with  gilt  hour  band  ;  the  hand  is  in  the  form  of  a  lizard. 

The  pear-shaped  watch  shown  in  Fig.  162  was  made  by  Conrad 
Kreizer,  of  Strasbourg,  and  is  also  gathered  from  the  Soltykoff 
treasures.     A  similar  watch  is  in  the  British  Museum. 

The  circular  specimen  shown  in  Fig.  163,  selected  from  the  same 

Fig.  164. 

Fig.  165. 

repository  as  the  preceding,  has  covers  back  and  front ;  around  the 
band  are  figures  typical  of  spring,  summer,  autumn  and  winter. 
The  dial  is  of  silver  gilt,  with  a  white  band  on  which  the  hour 
numerals  are  engraxed.  In  the  centre  of  the  dial  is  engraved  a 
representation  of  Christ  and  the  woman  of  Samaria  ;  on  the  upper 
cover  is  portrayed  the  spectacle  of  Mary  Magdalene  washing  the 
feet  of  Jesus,  and  on  the  lower  cover  another  Biblical  scene.  The 
movement  is  inscribed  "James  Vanbroff,"  and  it  dates  from  about 

Fig.  164,  with  crystal  case  in  the  form  of  a  bonbonniere,  is  from  the 
Soltykoff  collection.  From  the  movement,  which  is  inscribed 
"  Denis  Bordier,"  one  may  judge  that  it  was  made  about  1640. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Of  a  little  later  date  is  the  beautiful  specimen  by  Benjamin  Hill, 
a  well-known  London  maker,  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  165. 

Of  all  the  quaint  fancies  exhibited  in  the  formation  of  early  watch 
cases,  none  are,  I  think,  more  charming  than  the  various  floral 
designs  popular  during  the  sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries. 

The  opening  tulip  bud,  from  the  Soltykoff  collection,  which  is 
shown  in  Fig.  168,  must  be  admitted  to  be  a  very  pretty  artistic 
conceit.  The  dial  and  the  covers  or  leaves  are  of  silver,  and  so  is 
the  twisted  stalk  that  forms  a  ring  for  the  attachment  of  a  chain  or 
cord.  The  movement  bears  the  name  of  Rugend  of  x\uch,  and  dates 
from   the  beginning  of  the  seventeenth    century.     A  very  similar 

Fig.  166. 

Fig.  167. 

specimen  by  Bayr,  who  was,  I  think,  a  Dutch  maker,  is  to'be  seen 
in  the  British  Museum. 

A  larger  counterfeit  of  the  same  flower  appears  in  Fig.  167.  The 
body  of  the  case  is  of  gold,  and  there  are  three  bezels  or  covers  of 
silver,  each  comprising  a  piece  of  rock  crystal  formed  in  the  shape 
of  a  tulip  petal.  The  hand  is  of  gold,  the  dial  of  silver,  with  a 
landscape  engraved  thereon.  Through  one  cover  the  dial  is  seen, 
and  through  the  other  two  the  movement  is  visible.  It  has  a  three- 
armed  steel  balance  and  a  balance -spring.  Jean  Rousseau  the 
younger,  who  is  said  to  have  died  in  1684,  was  the  maker  of  this 
watch.  The  presence  of  a  balance-spring  would  therefore  stamp  it 
as  one  of  his  later  productions. 

There  is  a  splendid  tulip  watch  among  the  Nelthropp  collection 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


at  the  Guildhall  Museum,  without  a  balance  spring,  by  F.  Sermand, 
dating  from  about  1650;  another  at  the  South  Kensington  Museum, 
and  one  at  the  British  Museum  by  Henry  Ester. 

A  very  pretty  floral  watch  of  an  early  date,  from   the  Soltykoft 

Fig.   16S. 

Fig.   1G9. 

Fig.   170. 

collection,  is  shown  in  Figs.  168  and  169.  The  case  is  gold,  adorned 
with  fine  floral  ornaments  in  green  and  Cassius  purple  enamel  on 
a  white  ground.     The  dial  is  of  gold,  decorated  also  in  green  and 

Fig.  171. 

F"iG.   172. 

purple  enamel  on  a  white  ground.  The  plates  and  train  wheels  of 
the  movement  are  of  brass.  It  is  provided  with  a  fusee  with  catgut 
and  a  circular  balance.  The  movement  is  signed  "J.  Jolly,"  and 
dates  from  about   1600.     Fig.   168  shows  the  dial  and  edge  fairly 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

well,  but  does  not  give  a  good  idea  of  the  elegant  form  of  the  case, 
which  will  be  better  gathered  from  Fig.  169,  which  is  a  back  view 

with  the  cover  open. 

Fig.  1 70,  another  diminutive  watch 
of  a  later  date  from  the  same  col- 
lection, is  in  the  shape  of  a  poppy 
bud.  The  case  is  of  amber  with 
mountings  of  gold,  finely  engraved 
and  maintained  on  the  amber  by 
means  of  close  gold  wire  running 
down  the  angles  to  the  knob  which 
holds  the  ring  on  which  the  chain  is 
to  be  fastened.  The  dial  is  of  silver 
with  enamelled  ornaments ;  it  is 
covered  with  a  piece  of  rock  crystal 
fitted  in  a  bezel. 
Back  and  front  views  of  a  very  pretty  English  watch  in  the  form 


Fig.  176. 

Fig.  178. 

Fig.  175. 

of  a  flower  bud,  which  formed  part  of  the  Dunn  Gardner  collection, 
and  was  purchased  for  the  South  Kensington  Museum,  where  it  may 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


be  seen,  arc  given  in  Figs.  171  and  172,     It  dates  from  about  1610, 
and  is  inscribed  "  Henry  Grendon  at  y  Excliange  Fecit." 

Fig.  iSi. 

In  the  British  Museum  are  three  watches  in  the  form  of  insects  or 
fritillary  flowers.     One  labelled  as  English  work,  by  Edward  Bysse, 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

is  in  a  nielloed  silver  case.     Another,  also  English,  in  a  silver  case, 
is  by  Thos.  Sande. 

The  watch  case  in  the  form  of  a  basket  of  flowers  (Fig.  173)  is  of 
gold,  enamelled  and  studded  with  diamonds. 

A  watch  set  in  a  finger  ring  is  shown  in  Fig. 

Figs.  175  and  176  represent  an  olive-shaped 
watch  belonging  to  Mr.  Schloss.  The  case  of 
gold  is  beautifully  enamelled  in  green  and  dark 

Three  views  are  appended,  the  exact  size  of  an 
exceedingly  diminutive  watch.  Its  dial  and  tiny 
case  of  gold  are  beautifully  decorated  with 
champ  Icve    enamel,    and   the   movement   is  fitted 

Fig.  li 

with  the  primitive  stackfreed  for  regulatmg  the  force  of  the 
mainspring  (Fig.  177).  One  might  with  tolerable  confidence 
say  that  this  is  the  smallest  enamelled  watch  of  the  stackfreed 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


A  pretty  star- shaped  watch,  decorated  with  enamel  and  pearls,  is 
shown  to  two-thirds  the  actual  size  in  Fig.  178. 

The  miniature  watch  surrounded  by  a  horn  or  trumpet  (Fig.  179) 
is  engraved  to  the  actual  size. 

Front   and  back   views  of  a   superb   specimen    in   the   form  of  a 
butterfly  are  given  in   Figs.  180  and  181.     It  is  impossible  to  give 
more  than  an  idea  of  the  choicely-enamelled  back  by  reproduction 
iiA  black  and  white. 
J  Most  of  these  "toy  "  watches  are  of  French  or  Swiss  origin.     It 

Fig.  184. — Striking  or  clock-watch. 

is  curious  to  note  in  eighteenth-century  advertisements  the  references 
to  the  sellers  of  them  as  "  toymen." 

Irregular- shaped  octagonal  watches  are  met  with  among  the 
productions  of  the  latter  part  of  the  sixteenth  till  quite  the  close 
of  the  seventeenth  century.  Many  variations  in  the  size  and  material 
of  the  cases  were  made  by  French  and  afterwards  by  English  artists 
to  suit  their  own  tastes  or  the  desires  of  their  patrons ;  the  cover  was 
often  of  crystal,  lapis  lazuli,  agate,  or  other  semi-precious  stone. 
The  crystal  case  specimen  (Fig.  182)  is  an  early  one,  apparently  of 
French  origin.  Another,  from  the  Soltykoff  collection,  is  shown  in 
Fig.  183.  The  covers  are  of  silver,  and  by  means  of  a  second  dial 
and  two  small  apertures  in  the  dial  plate  it  indicated  the  sign  of  the 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

zodiac  corresponding  to  the  month,  the  day  of  the  month,  the  day 
of  the  week,  and  planetary  motions.  It  also  struck  the  hour  and 
provided  an  alarum.  It  is  unnamed,  but  probably  late  sixteenth- 
century  work.  Back  and  front  views  of  a  striking  or  clock  watch 
of  nearly  the  same  period  are  given  in  Fig.  184.  There  is  a  cage- 
like covering  over  the  dial,  and  the  back  is  similarly  perforated. 
Very  nice  engraving  is  to  be  seen  on  the  head  of  the  hammer  as 
well  as  on  the  balance  cock  and  other  fittings  connected  with  the 
plate  of  the  movement,  which  is  signed  "J.  Boudon,  a  S.  Flour." 
Fig.    185    is   probably    French    early    seventeenth-century    work. 

Fig.   185. 

Fig.  186. —Watch  by  Jeremie 
East,  about  1600. 

It  has  covers  of  crystal  and  side  panels  of  brown  topaz.  The 
movement  is  signed  "J.  Dubie  a  Paris." 

Fig.  186  represents  a  watch  in  a  case  of  crystal,  which  is  in  the 
possession  of  Messrs.  Lambert,  who  allowed' me  to  examine  it.  On 
the  plate  of  the  movement  is  inscribed  "Jeremie  East,  fecit,"  and  it 
is,  I  should  say,  a  very  early  example  of  English  work,  dating  from 
not  later  than  1600. 

In  Fig.  187  is  shown  a  superb  watch  of  large  size  in  an  octagonal 
case  of  crystal,  with  a  crystal  cover  and  gilt  brass  mountings.  The 
movement  is  oval,  and  bears  the  signature  of  "  P.  Cuper,"  who  was 
a  well-known  maker  of  Blois.    The  dial  plate  is  beautifully  engraved, 

Portable   Timekeepers. 


Fig.   1S7. 

Fig.   188. 


Old   Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

and  near  the  joint  is  the  date   1634.     It  indicates  the  phases  of  the 
moon  and  her  age,  the  days  of  the  week,  and  days  of  the  month. 

An   octagonal   crystal    case  watch    by   Henry   Grendon,    "  of   ye 
Exchange,"   which  dates  from  about    1660,   is  shown  in  Fig.   188. 

It  was  formerly  an  attractive 
item  in  the  Dunn  Gardner  col- 
lection and  now  belongs  to  Mr. 
F.  G.  Hilton  Price,  On  the  gilt 
dial  plate  are  engravings  of 
tulips  ;  the  hour  ring  is  of  silver. 
There  is  an  outer  case  of  grey 
fish  skin  studded  with  silver  pins, 
rosettes,  hinges  and  clasps,  which 
is  shown  open  in  Fig.  i8g. 

Some  time  ago  I  saw  a  small 
octangular  watch  movement  in- 
scribed "  Nicasius,  London," 
dating  from  about   1605. 

In  the  British  Museum  is  a 
choice  octangular  watch,  dated 
1620,  by  the  celebrated  Edward 
East.  The  body,  as  well  as  the 
cover  of  the  case,  is  of  crystal, 
faceted,  and  the  exterior  alto- 
gether closely  resembles  Fig.  1 86. 
Another,  somewhat  similar,  but 
dated  1 609,  is  inscribed,  "Michael 
Nouwen,  London."  A  watch  of 
this  shape,  said  to  have  be- 
longed to  Abbot  Whiting,  is 
shown  in  Fig.  190,  which  is 
copied  from  Warner's  "  History 
of  Glaston  Abbey."  On  the 
inside  of  the  cover  will  be  noticed 
the  inscription,  "  Richard  Why- 
tinge,  1536."  Warner  seems  to 
have  accepted  the  inscription,  but  beyond  it  there  is  really  no 
evidence  except  a  seal  attached  to  the  watch  by  a  string  ;  this  is 
certainly  not  conclusive,  and  I  confess  I  do  not  believe  such  a  watch 
was  made  so  early  as  1536. 

Fig.  191   is  from  the  collection  of  M.  Paul  Garnier.     The  square 

Fig.  ic 

Portable  Tiuickecper^.. 


case  has  a  <;rouncl  of  blueish  steel,  oxerhiid  witli  chased  f^okl  orna- 
ment, the  combination  producing  a  very  striking  effect.  The  edges 
are  decorated  in  the  same  way.  The  dial  is  square,  enamelled  blue 
in  the  centre  and  white  all  round,  the  corners 
being  adorned  with  motifs  in  red  enamel.  The 
movement  is  signed  "  Balthazar  Martinet," 
who  was  horologer  to  Louis  XIII.  in  1637. 
Steel  cases  with  gold  filagree  work  attached 
were  rather  popular  at  the  middle  of  the 
seventeenth  century.  Among  others  in  the 
British  Museum  is  a  choice  specimen  by 
Benjamin    Hill. 

Two  views  of  a  clock  watch  in  a  remarkably 
well  pierced  circular  case  are  given  in  Figs. 
192,  193.  The  dial  of  brass  gilt  is  finely 
engraved,  and  altogether  it  is  a  good  example 
of  the  style  in  vogue  about  1640.  The 
"  Martinet  Au  gros  Orloge,  Rouen." 


Fi<-..    191. 

movement   is    sii/ned 

Fig.   19: 

Fig.   193. 

Oval  Watches. — From  the  designation  ^"  Nuremberg  eggs," 
which  is  often  applied  to  watches  of  a  flattened  oval  form,  it  may  be 
supposed  that  they  originated  in  Nuremberg.  They  appear  to  have 
been  manufactured  here  as  early  as  1600.  On  page  162  are  two 
specimens  from  the  Schloss  collection.    That  reproduced  in  Fig.  194 

c.w.  M 


Old  Clocks  and   WatcJies  and  their  Makers. 

is  a  striking  watch  of  a  very  early  date.  The  movement,  furnished 
with  the  primitive  stackfreed,  is  fitted  into  a  case  of  brass  nicely 
pierced  at  the  sides  as   shown.     On   the  joint  of  the  case  is  the 

signature  "J.  Burgis."  Tne  outer  part  of  the  dial  is  of  brass,  the 
centre,  including  the  hour  ring,  of  silver,  and  on  the  cover  over  it 
is  fixed  a  circular  crystal,  an  addition  doubtless  made  subsequent 
to  the  manufacture  of  the  watch. 

Portable  Timekeepers. 


Some  of  these  early  oval  watclies  had  covers  back  and  trout — the 

moveinent  not  being  hinged  to  the  case  but  simply  pressed  into  it 

and    supported  by  tenons    which    projected 

from  the  dial.     Fig.  195,  an  example  of  this 

kind,  represents  a  watch   the  movement  of 

wliich  is  signed  "  R.  Delander  fecit."      It  is 

in  a  silver  case  having  brass  mouldings  at 

the  edges ;    the  outsides  of  the  covers  are 

finely  engraved  with  groups  typical  of  the 

beneficial  use  of  fire  and  water  respectively  ; 

and  on  the  inside  of  the  back  cover  is  a  sun 

dial  with  a  stud  for  the  reception  of  a  mov- 
able gnomon.     The  dial  is  wholly  of  silver. 
In    Fig.    ig6    is    shown     an    ov-al    watch 

belonging  to  Mr.  Evan   Roberts.     The  dial 

is    of    silver,   and    has    mounted    thereon  a 

brass  hour  ring.      At  each  hour,   near  the 

exterior  edge  of  the  ring,  is  a  slight  knob 

to  allow  of  the  time  being    ascertained  by 

feeling  the  hand  and  estimating  its  position 

with  relation  to  the  knobs.     Over  the  hour 

ring  is  the  engraved  inscription,  "  Our  time 

doth  passe  a  way."     The  case  is   of  silver. 

On  the  movement  plate  is  engraved,  "  Thomas  Aspinwall,  fecit." 
The  name  of  Aspinwall  is  not  unknown  among 
the  celebrated  early  English  watchmakers ; 
it  is  recorded  that  in  1675  Josiah  Aspinwall 
was  admitted  as  a  brother  of  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company.  tlis  admission  as  a 
"  brother"  probably  signifies  that  he  was  free 
of  one  of  the  other  City  Guilds.  In  1863 
Lord  Torphichen  exhibited,  at  the  Archaeo- 
logical Institute,  a  clock  watch  made  by 
Samuel  Aspinwall,  of  a  date  presumably 
about  1650  or  1660.  But  I  should  be  inclined  to 
place  this  watch  as  among  the  productions  of  a 
much  earlier  date.  A  few  years  ago  I  saw  a 
watch  very  similar  to  the  one  here  depicted,  on 
which  was  engraved,  "Samuel  Aspinall,  fecit." 
Bearing  in  mind  the  vagaries  of  seventeenth-century  orthography, 
we  may  assume  that  this  referred  to  a  member  of  the  same  family. 

M  2 

Fig.   ig6. 

Fig.  197. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Oval  or  egg-shaped  watches  were  usually  worn  on  chatelaines. 
They  were  apparently  more  popular  than  any  other  form  from  1610 
to  1625,  and  continued  in  fashion  with  the  fair  sex  for  a  long  time. 
In  Hollar's  plates  of  the  four  seasons,  dated  1641,  summer  is  repre- 
sented by  a  lady  having  an  egg-shaped  watch  on  her  left  side 
depending  from  her  girdle.  The  British  Museum  contains  several 
similar  specimens,  most  of  which  are  assigned  to  the  first  quarter  of 
the  seventeenth  century.  One,  by  Nicholas  Waller,  is  dated  1610. 
Another,  almost  a  counterpart  of  the  one  illustrated  in  Fig.  197,  is 

by  John  Limpard,  and  was  made  about 
1610.  It  is  calculated  for  going  sixteen 
hours  between  windings.  The  case  is 
of  silver,  partially  gilt  and  very  ele- 
gantly chased  ;  on  one  side  is  a  figure 
representing  Hope,  and  on  the  other  a 
corresponding  figure  of  Faith. 

An  exterior  view  of  an  oval  watch  by 
Simon  Bartram  is  given  in  Fig.  197. 
The  circular  patch  on  the  left  is  a  "  hit 
or  miss"  shutter,  which  covers  the 
winding  hole  to  prevent  the  ingress  of 
dirt.  This  shutter  is  found  on  many 
early  seventeenth-century  watches.  It 
had  to  be  moved  round  when  the  watch 
was  wound,  and  on  completion  of  the 
operation  was  replaced.  The  dial  is 
very  similar  to  that  shown  in  Fig.  196. 
A  drawing  of  the  movement,  which  is 
of  particular  interest,  will  be  given  later 

In  the  Hilton  Price  collection  is  a 
watch  of  the  same  kind  by  the  same  maker,  another  oval  one  by 
Edward  East,  one  by  Samuel  Linaker,  and  that  shown  in  Fig.  198, 
which  is  by  Denis  Bordier,  Paris.  It  has  a  brass  gilt  dial  prettily 
engraved  and  a  fluted  silver  case. 

The  small  oval  watch  in  a  case  of  crystal  which  belongs  to 
Mr.  Max  Rosenheim  and  is  shown  in  Fig.  199  bears  the  signature, 
"Jean  Nuer,  A  Saintes." 

Fig.  200  represents  an  oval  watch,  apparently  English,  in  a  silver 
case  and  with  a  silver  dial.  There  are  no  screws  used  in  the  move- 
ment, which  is  signed  "  William  Yate."     Mr.  Edward  Parr  has  a 

Fig.  ic 

Portable   Timekeepers. 


somewliat  similar  watch  in  a  brass  case,  the  movement  of  which  is 
signed  "  Wm.  Nash,  London." 

There  is  a  very  small  oval  watch  in  the  British  Museum.  It 
measures  but  half  an  inch  across  by  three-quarters  of  an  inch 
long,  and  has  plain  silver  capsule-shaped  outer  cases.  The  South 
Kensington  Museum  contains  a  still  smaller  one. 

Early  in  the  seventeenth  century  plain  circular  watch  cases  came 
into  favour,  but  not  to  the  entire  exclusion  of  more  fanciful  shapes. 

On  page  166  are  examples  of  some  diminutive  round  watches  of 
the    period.     Fig.  201,    in  a   case  of  silver    gilt,  dates   from    about 

Fig.  199. 

Fig.  200. 

1630,  and  the  movement  is  signed  "Jacob  Wibrandt,  Leuwarden." 
A  plainer  specimen  of  a  slightly  later  date  bearing  the  name 
"  Chaunes  le  jeune  "  is  shown  in  Fig.  202. 

Front  and  back  views  of  a  watch  bearing  tlie  signature,  "  Arnolts, 
Hamburg,"  are  given  in  Figs.  203,  204.  The  case  of  silver  is 
handsomely  chased  in  repousse,  with  a  remarkably  well  executed 
portrait  on  the  back.     It  is  a  production  of  about  1635. 

Figs.  205  and  206  represent  a  watch  by  Jeremie  Gregory,  a  well- 
known  English  maker.  The  outside  of  the  case  is  covered  with 
champ  leve  engraving,  a  style  of  decoration  rather  uncommon  and 
very  effective  if  well  done,  as  it  is  in  this  instance. 

1 66  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.   20I. 

Fig.  202. 

Fig.  203. 

Fig.  204. 

Fig.  205. 

Fig.  206. 

Portable  Timekeepers.  167 

Holbein. — Holbein  tlie  painter  seems  to  have  taken  a  remarkable 
interest  in  horology.  In  his  famous  picture  of  "The  Family  of 
Sir  Thomas  More,"  painted  1526-30,  is  to  be  seen  hanging  on  the 
wall  a  clock  much  resembling  the  one  of  Anne  Boleyn  which  is 
illustrated  on  page  50.  The  bracket  on  which  Anne  Boleyn's  clock 
now  stands  was  probably  added  by  Horace  Walpole. 

Holbein  was  on  very  intimate  terms  with  Nicholas  Cratzer  (or 
Kratzer),  horologer  to  Henry  VHI.,  and  painted  a  superb  portrait 
of  him,  which  is  dated  1528,  and  is  at  the  Louvre,  Paris.  Cratzer 
is  there  represented  at  work  on  a  sundial,  with  other  instruments  of 
the  kind  near  him.  Holbein's  last  dated  drawing  (1543),  now  at  the 
British  Museum,  is  a  design  for  a  combination  of  clock  and  hour  glass, 
intended  for  presentation  to  Henry  VHI.  by  Sir  Anthony  Denny. 
But  Holbein's  interest  in  the  craft  w^as  quite  exceptional  in  England 
at  that  period,  and  it  must  be  confessed  that  up  to  nearly  the  end  of 
the  sixteenth  century  English  horologists  had  but  a  very  small  share 
in  the  production  of  portable  timekeepers. 

Salt  Cellar  Clocks. —  In  the  early  part  of  the  seventeenth 
century  it  was  apparently  the  custom  to  have  clocks  combined 
with  salt  cellars  on  the  table  at  state  banquets,  to  judge  by  the 
following  curious  items  from  an  inventory  of  the  plate  in  the  lower 
and  upper  jewel  rooms  of  the  Tower,  1649  :  "  A  salt  of  state  with  a 
clocke  in  it,  valued  att  £12  o  o;  a  clccke  salt  with  a  christall  case, 
supported  with  4  pillars,  silver-gilt,  valued  at  ^"4  100;  an  aggatt 
salt  and  cover  garnisht  with  gold,  enamelled,  supported  by  3  men, 
and  a  shipp  on  the  top  of  the  cover,  p.  oz.  lo-j  oz.,  valued  att 
^33  o  o  ;  two  clocke  salts  standing  upon  4  christall  balls  and  4 
christall  pillars,  each  with  aggatt  salts  on  the  topp,  and  gold  covers, 
p.  oz.  3  lb.  2^  oz.,  valued  att  ^368  per  oz.  =  ^77  o  o  ;  a  christall 
watch  salt  garnisht  with  gold,  and  supported  with  3  faces  with 
several  fruiteages  hanging  about  them,  p.  oz.  30  oz.,  valued  att 
£30  o  o." 

(     i68     ) 



Pockets  were  used  for  the  reception  of  timekeepers  in  Shakespeare's 
time,  for  Jaques,  in  "  As  You  Like  It,"  remarks,  "  And  then  he  drew 
a  dial  from  his  poke."  Portable  sundials,  sometimes  with  a  compass 
attached,  were  then  made,  and  the  reference  was  probably  to  one 
of  these. 

Watches  were  not  usually  carried  in  the  pocket  for  more  than  a 
century  after  the  mainspring  was  invented.  The  larger  ones  would 
be  kept  on  a  table  or  cabinet,  and  the  smaller  kinds,  when  worn  on 
the  person,  were  originally  held  by  a  chain  around  the  neck,-  or 
attached  to  the  dress  in  other  ways,  unless  incorporated  with 
bracelets  and  such-like  ornaments,  as  many  of  Queen  Elizabeth's 
seem  to  have  been. 

The  grotesque  and  uneven  cases  applied  to  most  of  the  early 
Avatches  clearly  rendered  them  unsuitable  for  the  pocket.  Decker 
in  1609  (Gull's  Hornbook),  apostrophizing  the  fashionable  young 
bloods  idling  in  the  cathedral,  says,  "  Here  you  may  have  fit  occasion 
to  discover  your  watch  by  taking  it  forth  and  setting  it  to  the  time 
of  St.  Paul's."  This  suggests  a  pocket,  but  long  after  this  date  oval 
and  round  watches  were  made  with  a  pointed  projection  dependmg 
from  the  bottom  of  the  case,  and  these  were  clearly  never  intended 
for  the  pocket,  nor  fit  for  it.  The  fob,  from  the  German  fuppe,  "a 
small  pocket,"  was  very  possibly  introduced  by  the  Puritans,  whose 
disUke  of  display  may  have  induced  them  to  conceal  their  time- 
keepers from  the  public  gaze.  This  conjecture  is  strengthened  by 
the  fact  that  a  short  "  fob  "  chain  attached  to  a  watch  of  Oliver 
Cromwell's,  in  the  British  Museum,  is,  in  point  of  date,  the  first 
appendance  of  the  kind  to  be  found.  The  watch  is  a  small  oval  one, 
in  a  silver  case,  and  was  made  about  1625,  by  John  Midnall,  of 
Fleet  Street,  who  was  one  of  the  first  members  of  the  court  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company,  and  warden  in  1638.  On  one  side  of  a 
silver  plate  at  the  seal  end  of  the  chain  are  the  Cromwell  arms,  and 
on  the  other  the  crest  of  the  Protector  with  the  letters  O.C.  as  shown 

Pocket  Watches,  etc. 


in  the  appended  engraving,  Fig.  207.  The  Cromwell  crest  was  a 
demi-hon  holding  a  ring  in  its  paw,  but  the  Protector  substituted 
for  the  ring  the  handle  of  a  tilting  spear  as  here  represented. 

This  watch  and  chain  formed  part  of  the  Fellows  collection.      By 
the  will  of   Dame   Harriet  Fellows  (relict  of   the  late  Sir  Charles 
Fellows),  late  of  West  Cowes,  Isle  of  Wight,  who  died  in  1874,  the 
testatrix     bequeathed     to      the 
trustees  of  the  British  Museum 
her  collection  of  watches,  to  be 
placed  and    held  with    Milton's 
watch,  bequeathed  to    them  by 
her  late  husband. 

Fig.  208  is  an  illustration  from 
ih.e  Illustrated  London  News,  Feb. 
1850,  of  a  clock  watch  which  is 
said  to  have  belonged  to  Oliver 
Cromwell.  It  is,  I  believe,  the 
property  of  Mr.  J.  H.  Fawkes, 
of  Farnley  Hall,  and  bears  the 
name  of  Jaques  Cartier,  The 
outer  case  of  leather  is  perforated 
and  studded  with  silver. 

In  the  Gentleman  s  Magazine 
for  December,  1808,  is  shown  a 
small  oval  watch,  similar  to  the 
one  by  East,  Fig.  400,  which,  it 
is  stated,  Cromwell  at  the  siege 
of  Clonmel  took  out  of  his  fob  and 
presented  to  Colonel  Bagwell. 

In  the  South  Kensington 
Museum  is  a  circular  clock 
watch  by  Johannes  Bayes,  which 
probably  belonged  to  Cromwell's 
secretary.  The  outer  case  of 
tortoiseshell  bears  the  inscription 
A.D.    1628." 

A  very  handsome  watch  by  Henry  Harpur  is  shown  in  Fig.  209. 
It  has  a  silver  dial  with  day  of  the  month  ring  and  beautifully 
pierced  centre ;  the  inner  case  is  of  silver,  having  on  the  back  the 
arms  of  Cromwell,  to  whose  daughter  Bridget  the  ownership  of  the 
watch  is  assigned  ;  the  outer  case  of  fish  skin  is  pique  with  silver  pins. 

Fig.  207. — Oliver  CromweH's  watch 
and  fob  chain. 

"  Johne    Pyme,    hes    watch, 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Watch  Glasses. — Watch  glasses  seem  to  have  been  introduced 
about  1 610.  At  first  they  were  flat,  rather  thick,  and  fitted  into  spHt 
bezels,  as  the  containing  rings  are  called,  the  opening  in  the  bezel 
being  at  the  middle  of  the  joint,  so  that  the  corresponding  knuckles 
of  the  case  would  keep  the  slit  tightly  closed  on  to  the  glass.  Glasses 
of  this  kind  are  found  on  oval  watches,  and  also  on  circular  ones  with 
dials  much  smaller  than  the  cases,  which  were  a  fashion  at  the  begin- 
ning of  the  seventeenth  century.  Then  followed  the  high,  rounded 
glasses,  which  were  cut  from  spheres.  Afterwards  came  the  bull's- 
eyes,  with  a  circular  flat  centre  ;  these,  wdiich  were  of  German  origin, 

Fig.  208. — Clock  watch  of 
Oliver  Cromwell. 

Fig.  209. 

gave  place  to  the  flatter  "lunettes"   from   France,  such  as  to-day 
divide  popular  favour  with  the  thick  "crystal"  glasses. 

Glasses  were  apparently  used  for  table  clocks  some  years  before 
they  were  applied  to  watches.  German  and  French  table  clocks, 
dating  from  the  latter  part  of  the  sixteenth  century,  are  occasionally 
to  be  met  with  having  glasses  over  the  dials,  and  some  octagonal 
ones  with  glass  panels  in  the  sides.  But  the  innovation  did  not  at 
once  prevail,  as  table  clocks,  either  without  any  covering  over  the 
dial,  or  with  metal  covers,  were  made  long  after  the  first  examples 
with  glasses,  and  watches  with  metal  covers  continued  in  fashion  till 
the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  century. 

Pocket   Watches,  etc._  171 

In  the  British  Museum  is  an  oval  watch  by  Guy  Mellin,  Black- 
friars,  the  dial  of  which  is  covered  with  a  glass  in  a  split  bezel ;  also 
a  circular  watch  by  John  Duke,  Fleet  Street,  with  a  dial  one-half  the 
size  of  the  case,  and  a  glass  of  a  corresponding  size  fitted  into  a  split 
bezel.  Mellin's  watch  is  considered  by  the  authorities  to  have  been 
made  about  1600,  but  I  should  be  inclined  to  put  the  date  of  its 
production  a  few  years  later.  Several  other  watches,  whose  manu- 
facture is  ascribed  to  the  beginning  of  the  seventeenth  century,  may 
be  noticed  with  glasses  ;  but  these  adjuncts  in  some  instances  have 
been  subsequent  applications.  The  split  bezel  is  perhaps  a  tolerable 
criterion  of  originality,  but  it  does  not  absolutely  follow  that  such  a 
bezel  was  originally  fitted  with  a  glass,  for  the  frames  of  early  watches 
and  clocks  were  occasionally  furnished  with  crystal. 

Another  method  of  fixing  the  glass  prior  to  the  introduction  of  the 
present  practice  of  springing  or  snapping  it  into  the  bezel  consisted 
of  forming  three  or  four  thin  metal  ears  on  the  bezel  and  bending 
them  over  the  glass  when  it  had  been  placed  into  a  suitable  rebate. 
I  saw  this  in  a  watch  by  Benjamin  Hill.  It  was,  however,  but  a 
survival  of  the  mode  in  which  crystal  was  held  in  octagonal  and 
other  fancy  cases,  and  must  be  regarded  as  an  inferior  arrangement 
which  does  not  seem  to  have  been  at  all  general,  whereas  the  split 
bezel  was  used  preferentially  by  some  makers  long  after  the  custom 
of  snapping  the  glass  in  was  introduced.  The  watch  shown  in 
Fig.  445,  and  made  about  1700  by  the  celebrated  Langley  Bradley, 
has  a  split  bezel. 

Watch  Cases. — The  convenience  of  the  "fob"  to  those  who 
carried  watches  for  use  rather  than  for  ornament  was  soon  apparent, 
and  its  adoption  speedily  became  general  with  men,  though  ladies 
continued  to  wear  their  watches  suspended  from  chatelaines  till  the 
latter  part  of  the  eighteenth  century.  Some  of  the  chatelaines 
were  exceedingly  handsome,  as  may  be  judged  by  an  example  from 
the  Schloss  collection  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  210.  The  plaques  are 
painted  in  enamel  in  the  style  of  Huaud  ;  the  mounting  and  painting 
are  French.  In  1749  Benjamin  Cartwright  patented  a  secret  spring 
to  secure  a  watch  hanging  by  a  lady's  side. 

Like  many  other  fancies,  the  one  of  wearing  two  watches  is  but  a 
revival,  pace  the  Universal  Magazine  for  1777,  where  the  description  of 
a  "  modern  fop  "  includes — 

•'  A  lofty  cane,  a  sword  with  silver  hilt, 
A  ring,  two  watches  and  a  snuff-box  gilt."' 

It  will  be  observed   from   the  preceding  examples  that  a  great 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

number  of  dissimilar  materials  were  used  to  enclose  portable  time- 
keepers :  wood  of  various  kinds,  precious  and  semi-precious  stones, 

amber,  metal  and  leather  were  all 
utilized  for  this  purpose.  With  few 
exceptions  the  earliest  watches  had 
but  a  single  case.  Metal  was  the 
predominating  material,  the 
plainest  cases  being  usually  of 
brass,  or  of  polished  steel  ;  silver 
also  was  favoured  both  for  smooth 
and  engraved  cases  ;  for  the  more 
costly  coverings  gold  was  of  course 
selected,  either  by  itself  or  in  com- 
bination with  precious  stones,  and 
occasionally  the  two  precious 
metals  would  be  used  together 
with  pleasing  effect. 

Sometimes  the  watch  movement, 
instead  of  being  fastened  to  the 
case,  was  simply  placed  in,  four 
tenons  which  projected  from  the 
edge  of  the  dial  fitting  into  corre- 
sponding mortices  in  the  middle 
band  of  the  case.  The  case  then 
had  two  hinged  covers,  one  over 
the  dial  and  one  over  the  back,  the 
movement  being  rendered  secure 
by  the  closing  of  the  front  cover  ; 
the  back  cover  had  to  be  opened 
to  wind  the  watch.  The  oval 
watch  by  R.  Delander,  which  is 
illustrated  on  page  162  ;  the  one  by 
David  Bouquet  in  the  Mainwaring 
collection,  and  another  by  David 
Ramsay  in  the  South  Kensington 
Museum,  are  examples  of  this 
method.  But  more  often  the 
movement  was  joined  to  the  case 
by  means  of  a  hinge  near  the 
pendant  and  a  spring  bolt  at  the  opposite  point  of  the  dial,  four 
projecting  tenons  on  the  dial  resting  in  notches  cut  from  the  middle 

Fig.  210. 

Pocket  \]'atches,  etc. 


of  the  case.  This  mode  of  construction  is  clearly  shown  in  the 
engraving  of  the  oval  watch  by  Thomas  Aspinwall  on  page  163.  Till 
about  1720  the  spring  bolt  generally  projected  through  the  dial ;  after 
that  the  nib  for  unbolting  was  more  often  arranged  outside  the  circle 
of  the  dial  and  below  the  surface  of  it. 

Enamel. — Decoration  in  enamel  is  sometimes  to  be  found  on 
watch  dials  and  cases  produced  during  the  early  part  of  the 
seventeenth  century.  An  exceptionally  good  specimen  is  shown 
in  Figs.  211  and  212.     The  outside  of  the  cover  and  the  back  are 


Fig.   211. — Front,  with  cover 

Fig.  212.  —  l>ial  and  inside  of 

embellished  with  enamel,  the  ground  being  of  turquoise  blue  with 
white  arabesques  moulded  thereon  in  relief  and  studded  with  fine 
garnets  of  large  size.  Though  "jewelled  watches"  are  referred 
to  as  belonging  to  Queen  Elizabeth  and  in  other  records  of  the 
period,  it  is  very  rarely  that  so  early  a  combination  of  enamel  and 
gems  is  now  to  be  met  with.  The  inside  of  the  case  and  of  the 
cover  are  also  painted  in  enamel,  and  so  is  the  dial.  There  is  no 
glass  over  the  dial.  The  hand  is  well  shaped.  The  plate  of  the 
watch  is  inscribed  "  Pierre  Soret." 

Front  and  back  views  of  a  watch  covered  with  the  same  kind  of 


Old   Clocks   and    Watches  and   their  Makers. 

enamel  but  of  later  date  are  given  in  Figs.  213  and  214.  The 
centre  of  the  dial  is  blue,  and  a  portrait  on  an  enamelled  plaque 
occupies  the  centre  of  the  back.  A  very  thin  name  plate  is  engraved 
"James  Coupe,  London,"  and  underneath  the  name  plate  appears 
the  signature  "Marc  Grangier." 

In  Fig.  215,  by  permission  of  Mr.  Charles  Shapland,  I  am  enabled 

Fig.  213. 

Fig.  215. 

Fig.  214. 

Fig.  216. 

to  give  a  representation  of  a  specimen  in  a  different  style,  dating 
from  about  1630.  On  the  top  plate  of  the  movement  is  the  inscrip- 
tion "  Georgius  Merkell,  Dantzig."  The  case  is  of  gold,  and  is 
wholly  incrusted  with  enamel  both  inside  and  outside ;  flowers  of 
various  colours  and  kinds,  as  well  as  winged  insects,  are  charmingly 

Pocket   Watches,  etc. 


Of  other  kinds  of  enamelling  to  be  met  with  but  rarely  on  early 
seventeenth-century  watches  may  be  mentioned  champ  levc.  This 
somewhat  resembles  the  well-known  cl  isonne,  but,  instead  of  the 
various  sections  being  divided  by  the  insertion  of  metal  strips,  the 
partitions  are  solid  with  the  base,  and  the  intervening  spaces  cut  out 
to  receive  the  enamel.  A  watch,  signed  "  Du  Hamel  a  Paris," 
dating  from  about  1635,  in  a  gold  case  very  effectively  decorated  in 
this  way  with  cream-coloured  enamel,  is  shown  in  Fig.  216. 
Another  example  is  given  in  Fig.  217,  which  is  the  back  of  a  watch 
with  a  peculiar  notoriety,  referred  to  in  Chap.  III.:  the  dial  bears 
the  inscription  "  Robertus  Bruce  Rex  Scottorum,"  as  shown  in 
Fig.    217A,    wliile    tlie    watch   is   a   production  of    about    1645,  the 

Fig.  21' 

Fig.  2I7A. 

movement  of  it  being  signed  "  Johann  Kreitt  Mayr."  The  diminu- 
tive watch  on  page  154  is  also  decorated  with  champ  leve  enamel. 

Occasionally  translucent  enamel  was  employed,  and  effects  of 
light  and  shade  obtained  by  varying  the  depth  of  a  cavity  which  was 
cut  to  the  required  design  in  a  metal  base. 

Watches  with  enamel  painting  before  about  1640  are  exceedingly 
rare,  and  there  is  a  marked  difference  in  the  character  of  such 
decorative  work  executed  at  the  beginning,  compared  with  that 
done  during  the  later  years  of  the  seventeenth  century.  As  examples 
of  the  earlier  style,  which  presented  a  comparatively  lustreless 
surface  and  subdued  tints,  may  be  taken  the  watches  shown  on 
pages  176-g.  During  the  first  quarter  of  the  century  the  Holy 
Family  appears  to  have  afforded  the  theme  for  decoration  in  nearly 
every  instance.  Afterwards,  though  sacred  subjects  were  not  ignored, 
mythological  incidents  were  sometimes  selected  by  artists  for  repro- 

176  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Figs.  218—220. — Watch  by  Salomon  Plairas,  Blois,  with  enamel  painting, 

about  1625. 

I,  outside  of  cover;  2,  back  of  case;  3,  inside  of  cover  and  dial. 

Pocket   ]V(itchcs,  etc. 


Fig.  221. 

Fig.  222. 


Fig.   223. 

Fig.  224. 

Front  and  back  views  of  watch.     The  movement  signed 
"  Barthelmy  Mace  a  Blois." 

Pocket  Watches,  etc.  179 

duction,  and  occasionally  original  conceptions  and  portraits  of 
contemporary  personages  were  applied  to  watches  intended  most 
probably  for  presentation. 

On  page  176  are  three  views  of  an  early  and  very  fine  sixteenth 
century  enamelled  watch  from  the  Schloss  collection.  The  move- 
ment is  signed  "  Salomon  Plairas,  horlogeur,  A  Blois." 

Fig.  221,  from  the  collection  at  the  South  Kensington  Museum, 
shows  the  front  of  a  watch  dating  from  about  1630,  on  which  is  a 
painting  of  the  Holy  Family,  after  Rubens. 

Fig.  222  represents  the  back  of  a  watch  of  the  same  period  at  the 
British  Museum,  for  which  the  artist  has  apparently  taken  the 
romance  of  Theseus  and  Hippolyta  as  the  subject  of  his  painting. 
The  movement  is  signed  "  B.  Foucher,  Blois." 

Front  and  back  views  of  a  watch,  the  movement  of  which  is  signed 
"  Barthelmy  Mace  a  Blois,"  are  given  on  page  178.  Nearly  all 
artists  who  painted  watch  cases  up  to  the  end  of  the  eighteenth 
century  seem  to  have  included  the  "  Roman  Piety  "  in  their  selec- 
tions ;  the  representation  on  the  back  of  this  watch  could,  I  think, 
hardly  be  excelled. 

Fig.  225,  from  the  British  Museum,  shows  the  back  of  a  watch 
by  Jean  Hebrat,  of  Brussels,  of  a  slightly  later  date  than  Fig.  224  ; 
the  painting  is  bordered  with  turquoises. 

Back  and  front  views  of  a  very  beautiful  watch,  the  enamel 
painting  of  which  is  probably  English  as  well  as  the  movement,  are 
given  in  Figs.  226-227..  On  the  back  of  the  case,  within  a  charming 
floral  border,  is  a  well-painted  portrait,  said  to  be  that  of  Henrietta 
Maria,  daughter  of  Henry  IV.  of  France  and  wife  of  Charles  I.  of 
England.  The  dial  is  finely  painted  to  a  floral  design  and  covered 
by  a  glass  kept  into  a  recess  in  a  primitive  way  by  six  pins  bent 
over  from  the  bezel.  The  hand  is  of  brass,  pierced  and  chased. 
On  the  plate  of  the  movement  is  engraved  "  Simon  Hackett, 
Londini."  He  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company 
on  its  formation  in  1632,  and  served  as  master  in  1646. 

An  improved  method  of  painting  in  opaque  enamel,  which 
appears  to  liave  been  discovered  about  1635,  is  generally  credited  to 
Jean  Petitot,  who  was  born  in  Geneva  in  1607,  and  attained  much 
success  as  a  miniature  painter  in  France  and  in  England.  The  new 
process  consisted  of  applying  to  thin  gold  plates  thick  colours  of 
different  tints  which  would,  after  being  subjected  to  fire,  retain  their 
brilliance  and  lustre.  Petitot  exercised  his  art  on  snuff  boxes,  but 
I  have  never  met  with  enaiutl  decoration  on  a  watch  which  bore  his 

N  2 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

signature.     The  invention  of  this  particular  kind  of  enamel  painting 

is  also  claimed   for  Jean  Toutin,    a 

Fig.  225. 

goldsmith  of  Chateau  Surr, 
who  was  previously  distin- 
'  guished  for  painting  in 
enamels,  and  who  certainly 
seems  to  have  been  one  of 
the  first  to  apply  it  to 
watches.  Other  French 
and  Swiss  artists  quickly 
devoted  themselves  to  the 
new  kind  of  enamel  paint- 
ing. Among  those  who 
excelled  in  it  may  be 
mentioned  Henry  Toutin, 
brother  of  Jean,  a  gold- 
smith and  enameller  at 
Blois;  Dubie,  a  court  gold- 
smith who  worked  at  the 
Louvre  ;  Paul  Viet,  of 
Blois ;  Morli^re,  a  native 
of  Orleans,  who  worked  at 
Blois  ;  Robert  Vauquer,  of 
Blois,  a  pupil  of  Morliere, 

Fig.  226. 

Fig  227. 

Pocket   Watches,  etc. 


Fig.  228. — Front  of  case 

Fig.  230. —Movement  and  inside  Fig.  2ji.— Dial  and  inside  ol 

ot  case.  cover. 

Watch  about  1640.     Movement  signed  "  Barbaret  a  Paris,' 

i82  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

of  pre-eminent  ability,  whose  enamel  painting  has  never  been 
excelled  either  for  colour  or  design,  though  specimens  of  his  art 
are  rarely  to  be  met  with  on  watch  cases  ;  Pierre  Chartiere,  of  Blois, 
who  was  noted  for  his  painting  of  flowers  ;  and  the  brothers  Jean 
Pierre  and  Ami  Huaud  (or  Huaut,  also  spelt  Hualt),  of  whom 
"  Huaud  le  puisne,"  as  he  usually  signed  himself,  was  particularly 
celebrated  for  figure-painting.  Several  examples  are  to  be  found  in 
the  British,  South  Kensington  and  Guildhall  Museums. 

Four  view^s  of  a  splendid  watch  in  the  Schloss  collection,  dating 
from  about  1640,  appear  in  Figs.  228,  229,  230,  and  231.  The 
movement  is  signed  "  Jacque  Barbaret  a  Paris." 

Front  and  back  of  a  smaller  watch  from  the  same  collection, 
signed  "  Romieu,  Rouen,  Fecit,"  are  given  in  Figs.  232  and  233. 

The  representation  of  the  toilet  of  Venus  on  the  back  of  a  watch 
by  Robert  Lochard,  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  234,  is  an  extremely 
beautiful  example. 

The  admirable  painting  of  figures  and  a  landscape  shown  in 
Fig.  235  is  signed  by  "  Huaud  le  puisne,"  and  is  on  the  back  of  a 
wa<-ch  by  Steven  Tracy,  Rotterdam,  which  is  at  the  British  Museum. 
Among  other  examples  there  may  be  cited  a  representation  of  some 
nymphs  bathing,  excellently  executed  in  enamel  by  Jean  Toutin  ; 
an  enamelled  case,  very  finely  painted  by  Henry  Toutin,  illustrating 
the  story  of  Tancred  and  Clorinda  in  "  Orlando  Furioso  "  ;  another 
by  the  same  artist  which  treats  of  the  "  Rape  of  the  Sabines  "  ;  a  watch 
by  David  Bouquet,  a  well-known  London  maker,  the  case  being 
ornamented  with  flowers,  in  relief,  and  enriched  with  diamonds  ;  a 
very  finely  enamelled  watch  case,  illustrating  the  early  life  of  Christ; 
a  very  thick  rounded  watch  by  Tompion,  with  case  splendidly 
painted  in  enamel  by  Camille  Andre. 

Fig.  236  shows  the  case  of  a  watch  by  Jean  de  Choudens,  dating 
from  about  1680,  which  is  painted  in  a  really  charming  manner  and 
bears  the  inscription  "  Les  deux  freres  Huaut  pintre  de  son  A.  E. 
Berlin."     It  is  at  the  South  Kensington  Museum. 

Of  slightly  later  date  is  a  watch  by  "  F'^"'-  De  Miere  Amsterdam," 
with  a  painting  on  the  back  of  the  Roman  Piety,  as  shown  in 
Fig.  237.  This  is  signed  "  Huaud  le  puisne  fecit,"  and  is  also  to  be 
seen  at  South  Kensington.  A  similar  painting  covering  a  watch 
by  "  Pieter  Paulus  Amsterdam,"  which  is  in  the  Schloss  collection, 
bears  the  signature  "  P.  Huaud,  P.  Genius,  F.  Geneva." 

There  were  two  examples  in  the  Dunn  Gardner  collection  which 
was  dispersed  by  auction  in   1902  :  a  choice  piece  of  figure  painting 

Fig.  233. 

Fig.  236. 

Fig.  235. 

Fig.  237. 

Fig.  238. 

Fig.  239. 

Fig.  240. 

Fig.  242. 

Fig.  243. 

Pocket  W niches,  etc.  185 

covering  a  watch  by  Lucas,  Amsterdam,  the  enamelled  case  being 
signed  "  Huaud  I'aisne  pinxit  a  Geneue,"  and  a  watch  by  Julien 
Le  Roy,  with  enamelled  case,  bearing  the  signature  of  G.  Bouvier. 

All  on  page  184  are  signed  specimens  of  the  Huauds'  work.  The 
lirst  consists  of  front  and  back  views  of  a  watch  by  "  Goullons  a 
Marseille,"  dating  from  about  1670,  which  is  signed  "  Huaud  le 
puisne."  On  the  front  are  Mars  and  Venus  with  Cupid,  and  on  the 
back  "  The  Hours." 

The  next  two  bear  the  same  signature,  and  are  a  little  later.  A 
pair  of  lovers  is  painted  on  each  ;  the  first  Apollo  and  Diana,  the 
second  possibly  Mars  and  Venus.  The  former  covers  a  watch  by 
"  Ofard  a  Gex,"  and  the  hitter  one  by  "Johannes  Van  Ceulin, 

"  Venus  and  Adonis  "  is  signed  "  Le  deux  frere  Huaut,  p.  d.  \ .  A. 
Fct,  a  Berlin,"  and  is  on  the  back  of  a  watch  by  "  \'anenho\e, 

The  group  "  Susanna  and  the  Elders,"  most  beautifully  painted, 
is  signed  "  Les  deux  freres  Huaud  les  jeunes,"  and  is  on  a  watch 
named  "  Jan  Bern^  VrythofF,  Hague." 

Pigments  of  different  composition  yielding  colours  not  so  superla- 
tively rich  and  warm  as  characterizes  the  work  of  what  I  will 
\enture  to  call  the  Huaud  school  seem  to  have  been  introduced 
towards  the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century.  Prevost  (or  Prevaux), 
who  is  described  as  "  Peintre  du  cabinet  de  S.  M."  (Louis  XV,), 
may  be  taken  as  one  of  the  best  exponents  of  the  new  method.  He 
painted  a  portrait  of  Madame  Pompadour,  by  command  of  the  King, 
for  which  he  was  paid  1,000  livres.  A  really  beautiful  piece  of  his 
enamel  painting,  signed  "  I.  Prevaux,  pin.  1749,"  on  the  back  of  a 
watch  by  Pascal  Hubert  le  Jeune,  Rouen,  from  the  Schloss  collection, 
is  shown  at  the  top  left  hand  corner  of  page  186,  with  others  decorated 
in  a  somewhat  similar  style.  The  watch  on  the  same  level,  with  a 
pair  of  lovers  and  a  landscape  on  the  back,  is  by  Julien  Le  Roy. 
Vulcan,  \'enus  and  Cupid  are  on  a  repeating  watch  by  the  same 
maker.  The  syhan  scene  with  a  flute  player  and  a  lady  holding 
the  music  adorns  a  watch  signed  "  Raphard,  London,"  and  the 
remaining  two  are  watches  by  Julien  Le  Roy.  Naomi  and  Ruth  are 
represented  in  the  bottom  left  hand  corner,  and  the  tableau  in  the 
last  example  is  founded,  I  believe,  on  a  tragic  incident  in  the  romance 
of  Orestes  and  Hermione. 

Painted  groups,  bordered  with  translucent  enamel  over  a  wavy  oren- 
graved  metal  ground,  were  favoured  during  the  last  half  of  the  eighteenth 

Pocket  Watches,  etc. 


century,  and  in  many  instances  the  surface  of  the  painting  was 
covered  with  a  transparent  flux,  which  gave  it  a  glassy  appearance. 

During  the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  portraits  and  views 
in  small  panels  attached  to  the  backs  of  watch  cases  were  popular 
and  of  very  uneven  merit.  Most  of  them  were,  I  think,  of  Swiss 

In  the  Vienna  Treasury  is  a  watch  case  finely  enamelled  inside 
and  out  by  the  brothers  Huaud. 

Other  representative  examples  of  French,  Swiss  and  English 
enamel  are  appended. 


Fig.  251. 

Fig.  250  shows  the  back  of  a  watch  by  Henry  Harper,  London,  of 
a  style  corresponding  to  1670.  The  painting  is  probably  Dutch,  and 
of  a  later  date. 

The  beautiful  painting  set  in  an  engraved  gold  border  shown  in 
Fig.  251  encloses  a  watch  signed  "  Honore  I^ieutand,  Marseille." 

Two  views  of  a  half-quarter  repeater  by  Rd.  Gregg,  London,  from 
the  Hilton  Price  collection,  are  given  in  Figs.  252-253.  The  centre 
of  the  outer  case  is  enamelled  with  figures  of  cupids  in  a  landscape, 
and  small  vignettes  are  painted  around  the  edge ;  the  dial  bears  the 
arms  of  Herbert,  second  Viscount  Windsor  ;  this  title  became  extinct 
in  1758.     The  painting  is  signed  with  the  initials  "  A.C." 

An  excellent  specimen  of  floral  decoration  in  enamel  bordered  by 

1 88  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

engraving  appears  in  Fig.  254,  which  represents  the  gold  back  of  a 
watch  signed  "  Jn.  L^-  Argand,  Paris,"  and  dating  from  about  1770. 

Fig.  252. 

I'l'-  253. 

Fig.  254. 

Fig.  255. 

A  back  view  of  a  contemporary  watch  by  Romilly,  Paris,  with  pretty 
flower  painting  on  a  brown  enamelled  ground,  is  given  in  Fig.  255. 

Pocket  Watches,  etc. 


A  choicer  piece  of  flower  painting  on  enamel  than  is  shown  in 
Fig.  256  it  has  never  been  my  good  fortune  to  see.  This  watch 
belongs  to  the  Hon.  Gerald  Ponsonby,  by  whose  permission  it  is 
illustrated.  It  is  a  souvdine  repeater  by  Julien  Le  Roy  ;  the  hands, 
bow,  push  piece  at  pendant,  thumb  piece  and  sourdine  toucher  are  all 
set  with  diamonds. 

Fig.  257.  Hack  <>t  watch  by 
G.  Achard  et  Fils,  Geneva. 
Enamel  painting  studded 
with  diamonds. 

Fig.  258.  —  Back  of  French 
watch.  Enamel  painting  stud- 
ded with  diamonds;  surmount- 
ed by  a  bust  of  Louis  XVI. 

As  an  example  of  English  enamelling  dating  from  about  the 
middle  of  the  eighteenth  century,  is  shown,  in  Fig.  259,  the  exterior 
of  a  watch  by  Arl,  Dobson,  London,  which  is  in  the  British  Museum. 
I  wish  I  could  say  the  painting  is  better  than  contemporary  specimens 
of  foreign  artists. 

Notwithstanding  the  taste  for  Chinese  art  which  was  so  apparent 
in  France  during  the  eighteenth  century,  it  is  very  seldom  a  watch 

I  go 

Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

is  met  with  having  a  back  of  porcelain  enamel  with  a  Chinese 
subject  moulded  thereon.  An  example  covering  a  watch  by  Julien 
Le  Roy  may,  therefore,  be  of  especial  interest,  though  it  makes  but 
a  poor  picture.  The  figures  are  in  bright  colours,  and  the  ground  a 
dark  brown. 

On  page  igi  are  some  fine  examples  of  varying  periods.  "  The 
Nativity "  is  a  beautiful  piece  of  painting  in  the  incomparable 
Huaud  style  on  the  back  of  a  watch  by  Gribelin,  Paris,  dating 
from  about  1680.  On  the  same  horizontal  line  is  a  watch  the 
movement  of  which  is  signed  "  Abraham  Le  Schegs,  Amsterdam." 

Fig.  259. 

Fig.  260. 

The  painting  is  doubtless  also  by  one  of  the  Huauds.  The  first  of 
the  middle  pair  is  the  back  of  a  watch  by  the  younger  Caron.  Any 
appearance  of  vulgarity  in  the  subject  of  the  painting  is  quite  atoned 
for  by  the  adjoining  view  of  the  inside  of  the  case,  where  are  repre- 
sented the  young  mother  and  her  babe.  The  representation  of  the 
mother  of  Achilles  dipping  him  in  the  Styx  is  on  the  back  of  a  watch 
by  Julien  Le  Roy.  Diana  and  her  attendant  nymph,  which  adorns 
the  last  watch  on  the  page,  dates  from  about  1780. 

Fig.  267  shows  a  watch  by  J.  Leroux,  Charing  Cross,  which  is 
said  to  have  belonged  to  Viscount  Windsor,  whose  title  became 
extinct  in  1758.  The  case  is  enamelled  blue  and  white  on  a  gold 

Fig.  261. 

Fig.  262. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

In  Fig,  268  is  shown  a  repeating  watch  by  Lepine  ;  on  the  gold 
case  in  an  oval  medallion  are  finely  carved  figures  of  gold  and  silver 

Fig.  267. 

Fig.  26S. 

Fig.  269.  Fig.  270. 

on  a  ground  of  green  enamel,  outside  of  which  is  a  wreath  carved  in 
silver.  This  decoration  is  exceedingly  effective.  The  push  piece, 
thumb  piece  and  bow  are  studded  with  diamonds. 

Pocket   Watches,  etc. 


Fig.  269  is  a  late  eighteentli  century  French  painting  representing 
Cyinon  and  Iphigenia. 

Fig.  271. — Watch  by  B.  Baillon  a  I'aris,     Fig.  272. — Watch  bv  Gregson,  Horloger 
about  1765.  clu  Roy,  Paris,  about  17S5. 


Fig.  273. — Watch  by  Alexander 
Patry  a  Geneva,  about  1790, 
miniature  bordered  with  pearls 
and  coloured  stones. 

Fig.  274.  —  W^atch  by  Lepaute, 
Paris,  about  1790,  enamelled 
portrait  bordered  with  diamonds. 

In  Fig.  270  is  shown  the  back  of  what  is  called  a  "  Mongolfier  " 
watch,    from  the  Hilton   Price  collection,    on    which    is    painted    a 
c.w.  o 


Old  Clocks  and  WatcJics  and  their  Makers. 

representation  of  a  balloon  undergoing  inflation,  intended,  I  suppose, 
to  commemorate  the  success  of  Montgolfier's  aerostatic  machine  in 
1782.     The  movement  is  signed  "  Vauchez,  Paris." 

Fig.  275  shows  the  back  of  a  thin  watch  by  "  Gregson,  Paris, 
horloger  du  Roy."  The  case  is  enamelled  on  gold,  the  outer  part 
rayed  and  covered  with  royal  blue  translucent  enamel  ;  on  a 
medallion  of  opaque  enamel  in  the  centre  is  a  well-painted  group 
with  Cupid  and  a  dog,  denoting  love  and  faith.  It  is  characteristic 
of  the   Louis  XVI.  period,  when  this  style  of  enamelling  was  in 

Fig.   275. — Enamelled  watch  by  Gregson.        Fig.  276.  — English  enamelled  watch. 

fashion.  Fig.  276  shows  an  English  watch,  with  the  London  hall 
mark  corresponding  to  1787.  The  margin  is  of  translucent  royal 
blue  as  in  the  preceding  example. 

Two  French  watches  of  slightly  later  date,  finely  painted  in 
enamel,  are  shown  in  Figs.  277  and  278. 

Battersea  enamel  dates  from  about  1750,  when  Sir  Theodore 
Janssen,  who  was  Lord  Mayor  of  London  in  1754,  established  a 
manufactory  at  York  House,  Battersea.  Horace  Walpole  described 
his  collection  as  "  stamped  with  copper  plates."  Transfer  printing 
may  have  been  employed  for  flat  surfaces,  but  certainly  not  for 
watch  cases,  the  painting  on  some  of  which  was  by  artists  of  note. 

Pocket   ] Witches,  etc. 


A  very  good  example  is  shown  in  Fig.  281.  Back  and  front  views 
of  a  very  choice  little  watch  by  Hughes,  London,,  of  a  slightly  later 
period,  are  given  in  Figs.  282  and  283, 

Watch  dials  of  enamel,  with  pictures  painted  in  bright  colours 
inside  of  the  hour  ring,  and  occasionally  outside  of  it,  proved  very 
attractive  between  1760  and  1800.  They  were  inexpensive,  and  as 
a  rule  of  but  little  artistic  merit,  the  most  favoured  designs  being 
those    in    which    shipping    and    seaports    were    introduced.       Many 

Fig.  277. 

Fig.   278. 

thousands  of  these  were  produced  for  the  Dutch  market  by  English 

The  miniature  of  Marat,  "  rciiiii  du  peuplc,'"  on  the  back  of  a  watch 
from  the  Schloss  collection,  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  284,  is  an 
admirable  piece  of  work. 

A  fine  miniature  of  Napoleon  Buonaparte  on  the  back  of  a  musical 
half-quarter  repeater  of  French  make,  wdiich  is  shown  in  Fig.  285, 
is  in  the  Hilton  Price  collection.  This  watch  is  said  to  have  been 
given  by  Napoleon  to  Murat  on  the  fete  day  after  the  battle  of 
Marengo,  1800.  No  cost  seems  to  have  been  spared  either  with  the 
mechanism  or  the  embellishment.  A  tune  is  played  at  the  com- 
pletion of  each  hour ;  the  miniature  and  dial  are  bordered  with 
pearls;  the  bow  also  is  studded  with  them. 

o  2 

ig6  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  282. 

Fig.  283. 

Pocket    Watcher,  etc. 


A  pretty  little  watch,  which  in  many  respects  is  a  credit  to  English 
mechanical  and  artistic  work  of  the  first  quarter  of  the  nineteenth 
century,  is  shown  in  Fig.  286.  It  bears  the  hall  mark  for  1813,  and 
is  engraved  "Markwick  Markham,  Borrell,  London,"  a  form  of 
signature  induced  doubtless  by  the  regulations  applied  to  watches 
imported  into  Turkey,  for  the  dial  is  marked  with  Turkish  numerals. 
It  may  be  assumed  that  Borrell  was  the  manufacturer.  The  move- 
ment is  of  admirable  finish,  has  a  verge  escapement  and  fancy 
pillars,   but   the  particular    attraction   is   the    beautiful    gold    cases. 

Fig.  284. — Marat. 

Fig.  2S5. — Napoleon. 

of  which  there  are  three.  The  outer  one,  instead  of  having  a  flat 
surface  Avhere  the  halves  meet,  is  scalloped  all  round,  but  still 
forming  a  well-fitting  junction  by  no  means  easy  to  attain.  This 
case  is  enamelled,  with  a  glass  in  the  back,  through  which  a  very 
choice  bit  of  floral  enamel  painting  is  to  be  seen.  The  backs  of  the 
two  cases  are  so  well  fitted  together  that  it  re(|uii'es  minute  scrutiny 
to  detect  that  the  enamelled  centre  is  not  part  of  the  outer  case. 
The  innermost  case  is  a  plain  one,  but  exceedingly  well  made. 

During  the  eighteenth  century  the  cock  or  bridge  covering  the 
balance  of  the  watch,  and  concealed  until  the  mo^•ement  was  turned 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  ilicir  Makers. 

out  of  the  case,  was  occasionally  decorated  with  painting  in  enamel. 
Fig.  287,  given  as  an  illustration,  is  a  watch  signed  "Flamant  a 
Paris."     It  has  a  gilt  metal  case,  and  dates  from  about  1710  ;  over 

Fig.   2S6. 

the  balance  is  a  gold  enamelled  plaque  with  a  finely-painted  repre- 
sentation of  Cleopatra. 

Pair  Cases. — To  protect  the  surface  of  the  decoration  watches 
with  exterior  ornament  of  enamel  were  generally  provided  with  an 

additional  cover,  and  from 
about  1640  the  practice  of 
adding  a  loose  outer  case  to 
watches,  forming  what  are 
called  "  pair  cases,"  continued 
to  the  early  part  of  the  nine- 
teenth century. 

Loose  cases  of  gold  and 
silver,  with  designs  chased  in 
repousse,  were  at  this  period 
an  important  art  in  connection 
with  watch-making.  Chasing 
as  distinguished  from  engraving 
and  carving  is  the  formation 
of  ornament  in  relief  by  punch- 
ing or  pressing,  rather  than 
by  cutting  away  the  material.  It  is  a  very  ancient  art,  and  chased 
ornament  is  to  be  found  on  some  of  the  earliest  of  watch  cases. 
Much  of  the  w^ork  on  old  clocks,  which  at  first  sight  appears  to 
be    engraving,    proves    on   examination    to    be    chasing.      All    the 

Fig.  2S7. 

Pocket   Watclics,  etc. 


small  numerals  on  Habrecht's  clock  at  tlie  British  Museum  are 

The  silver  chased  work  applied  to  the  edges  of  English  oval  cases 
at  the  beginning  of  the  seventeenth  century  is  said  to  have  been 
imported  in  strips  from  France. 

An  excellent  piece  of  fiat  chasing,  incUuHng  the  liead  of  Charles  II., 
with  the  Royal  Crown  and  supporters,  on  tlie  case  of  a  watch  by 
Daniel  Le  Count,  dating  from  about  1680,  is  shown  in  Fig.  28S.  The 
case  is  a  single  one,  and  on  the  right  is  a  little  catch,  by  pressing 
which  a  disc  on  the  left  springs  on  one  side,  exposes  a  round  liole  in 

Fig.  288. — Flat  chasing  on  single   case 
watch  by  Daniel  Le  Count  about  1680. 

Fig.  289.—  rial  chabing  on  outer 

case  of  watch  by  William 


the  case,  and  thus  allows  access  to  the  winding  square.  The  dial  of 
this  watch  is  shown  on  page  216  and  the  movement  on  page  526. 

The  same  style  of  decoration  of  a  later  date  on  the  outer  case  of 
a  watch,  by  William  Scafe,  may  be  seen  in  I'^ig.  289. 

In  repousse  chasing  the  material  is  punched  or  pressed  up  trom 
the  back,  whereby  the  design  is  obtained  in  higher  rehef  than  is  the 
case  with  the  ordinary  method  of  punching  from  the  face.  Some 
very  choice  specimens  of  repousse  work,  marked  "  H.  Manley "  in 
very  small  characters,  are  in  the  British  Museum.  An  outer  case 
at  the  South  Kensington  Museum  is  signed  "  H.  Manly  fee,"  and  a 
watch  by  EUicott,  bearing  the  hall  mark  for  1767,  in  a  fine  repousse  case, 
which  appears  to  be  signed  "  Manby,"  is  in  the  Guildhall   Museum. 


Old  Clocks  and  ]]'aicJics  and  their  Makers. 

Among  the  signatures  on  other  good  examples  may  be  mentioned 
Parbury,  Cochin,  and  Moser,  but  as  a  rule  decorative  work  of  this 
kind  bears  no  indication  of  the  producer. 

Occasionally  cases  decorated  in  repousse  a  jour  are  to  be  met  with, 
some  of  the  best  of  them  being  the  work  of  Dutch  artists,  but  this 
form  of  ornament  is  hardly  suitable  for  watch  cases,  as  it  affords 
no  protection  against  the  ingress  of  dirt,  unless  a  separate  lining  is 

Fig.  290.  —  I'air  case  I'epeating 
watch  by  Paul  Dupin,  about 
1700,  showing  repousse  outer 
cover.  TJie  chasing  is  of  excep- 
tional fineness. 

Fig.  291. — Repeating  watch 
by  Paul  Dupin,  showing 
pierced  work  of  inner  case. 

employed.     For  striking  watches,  apertures  of  course  serve  a  useful 

Sometimes,  and  particularly  with  a  Jour  cases,  the  ornament  is  in 
high  relief,  and  to  obtain  the  best  possible  effect  the  metal  con- 
stituting the  case  is  not  only  worked  in  repousse,  but  the  figures,  or 
parts  of  some  of  the  figures  standing  up  farthest  from  the  ground  are 
soldered  on,  considerable  skill  and  judgment  being  displayed.  Illus- 
trations of  repousse  chasing  are  given  on  pages  201-3,  but  bright  gold 
cases  embellished  in  this  way  do  not,  it  must  be  confessed,  lend 
themselves  kindly  to  reproduction  by  photography.  Incidents  from 
English   History  were    occasionally    pourtrayed,    but    mythological 

Vockcl   Watches,  ck. 


and  lUhlical  subjects  appear  to  have  been  more  favoured.  Among 
the  examples  may  be  recognised  "  King  John  signing  Magna 
Charta,"    "Alexander    and    Roxana,"   "The   Conversion   of   Saul," 

Fig.  zg;^.— Repousse  chasing  on  gold 
Fig.   292. — Silver  repousse  signed  D.  Cochin.  out-case. 

Fig.  294. — Gold  repousse  chasing. 


Fig.  295. — Gold  repousse  chasing. 

"The  Judgment  of  Paris,"   "Rebecca  at  the  Well,"  ".Eneas  and 
Dido,"  &c. 

Fig.  303  is  an   exceptionally  late  and  fine  specimen,  covering  a 
watch   by  James  Murray,   London.      It  has  an   oval   pendant,   and 

202  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  300. 

Fig.  301. 

Pocket   Watches,   etc. 


the  date  mark  corresponding  to  1810.  On  the  outside  of  the  inner 
case  is  engraved  "  Francisco  Joseph,  181 1.'' 

A  combination  of  chasing  and  engraving  was  also  effectively 
employed  in  the  embellishment  of  gold  cases  ;  some  of  the  choicest 
specimens  of  early  eighteenth-century  work  which  survive  being  the 
work  of  George  Michael  Moser,  R.A. 

What  is  called  champ  Icve  engraving,  in  which  the  ground  is  cut 
away,  leaving  the  design  in  relief,  was  often  adopted  for  decorating 

Fig.  302. — Half-quarter  English 
repeater  with  silver  out-case. 

Fig.  303. — Silver  out-case  of  watch  by 
J.  Murray,  hall  marlc  1810. 

English  dials  and  inner  cases  from  about  1640  to  1680.  The 
watch  by  Jeremie  Gregory  (Fig.  206)  is  an  instance  of  this  work. 
Many  French  watches  and  clocks  of  an  earlier  date  were  so 

In  the  Nelthropp  collection  is  a  watch  by  Thomas  Windmills 
the  cases  of  which  are  engraved  in  an  exceptional  style,  corre- 
sponding to  the  Italian  niello  work,  where  the  effect  of  light  and 
shade  is  produced  by  rubbing  in  a  preparation  of  lead  and  sulphur. 
On  the  outer  case  is  a  view  representing  the  yard  of  an  inn  with 
the  sign  of  a  pitcher.      In   the   yard   is  being   played  the  game  of 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Pale  Maille,  popular  in  the  time  of  Charles  II.,  and  from  which  the 
thoroughfare  of  Pall  Mall  takes  its  name.  Under  the  title  of  Croquet  a 
pastime  bearing  some  resemblance  to  it  was  introduced  in  recent  years. 
The  watch  shown  in  Fig.  348  has  an  outer  case  of  steel,  dama- 
scened, and  Fig.  304  represents  a  steel  out-case  of  a  watch  by 
"  Flower,  London,"  decorated  with  engraving  ;  such  cases  are, 
however,  quite  exceptional.  The  dial  of  this  watch  is  also  of  steel, 
blued  and  having  gilt  figures.  A  watch  by  Wdliamy,  having  a 
steel  pendant  and  steel  out-case  pierced,  is  shown  in  Fig.  305.     The 

Fig.  304. — Watch  by  "  Flower,  London,' 
with  out-case  of  steel. 

Fig.  305. 

monogram  (C.  A.  R.,  Charles  Albert  Rex)  refers  to  the  King  of 
Sardinia,  for  whom  the  watch  is  said  to  have  been  made.  He  was 
father  of  \'ictor  Emmanuel,  first  King  of  United  Italy. 

Occasionally,  during  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  century 
and  early  in  the  eighteenth  century,  outer  cases  were  made  of  gold 
filagree  work.     An  example  is  shown  in  Fig.  307. 

As  a  curiosity  may  be  mentioned  an  outer  case  of  carnelian  which 
is  to  be  seen  in  the  British  Museum.  It  belongs  to  a  watch  made 
by  Strigner  for  James  II.,  and  by  him  given  to  his  daughter, 
Catherine,  Countess  of  Anglesey  and  Duchess  of  Buckingham, 
about  1687.     In  the  Hawkins  collection  was  a  magnificently  clothed 

Pocket   Watches,   etc. 


repeater  by  John  Ferron,  London,  dating  from  about   17 10.     The 
watch  now  belongs  to  Mr.  James  W.  Usher,  of  Lincohi.     It  has  a 

Fig.  306.  — Out-case  of  fish  skin  piqiii- 
with  gold  pins,  about  1690. 

Fig.  307. — Gold  filagree  out-case. 

pierced  and  engraved  inner  case  of  gold  ;  the  second  case,  also  of 

gold,  is  chased  with  flowers  and  arabesques,  inlaid  with  plaques  of 

moss  agate,  and  set  with  numerous  brilliants  and  coloured  stones. 

A  view  of  this  is  given  in  Fig.  308. 

There    is  also    a    shark-skin    outer 

case.     Fig.  309  shows  a  watch  by 

Cabrier    which    is    furnished    with 

an    outer    case    of    gold,    carnelian 

and  mother-of-pearl,  and   Fig.  310 

another,  by  the  same   maker,  with 

an  out-case  of  gold,   studded  with 

large    garnets.     Mr.    George    Carr 

Glyn,    at    the   Guelph    Exhibition, 

showed    a    watch    by  Jas.   Hubert, 

which   had  an  agate  case    studded 

with  diamonds. 

In  Fig.  315  appears  a  water 
scene  and  landscape  very  finely 
carved  in  ivory  and  applied  under 
a  glass  to  the  back  of  a  watch 
case,  which  is  coated  with  royal 
blue  enamel.  The  carving  is  enclosed  in  an  oval  frame  of  pearls, 
outside  of  which  is  a  floral  design  also  executed  in  pearls.  Around 
the   edge   of  the  case    at    both    back    and    front  is   a    leaf   border 


Old  Clocks  and    Watches  and  their  Makers. 

enamelled  green,  and  within  it  a  ring  composed  of  pearls  and 
garnets  alternately.  This  watch  dates  from  about  1790,  and  though 
the  case  is  Swiss,  the  movement  bears  the  signature  "  Jaquet  Droz, 
London."  The  mechanism  is  marked  by  one  or  two  interesting 
features.  The  mainspring  is  wound  by  pushing  in  and  with- 
drawing a  shaft  passing  through  the  pendant,  a  device  known  as 
"pumping  keyless"  of  which  this  is  an  early  example.  Jaquet 
Droz  was  a  well  known  Swiss  mechanician  and  he  may  possibly 
have  at  one  time  resided  in  London.  The  cap,  balance  cock  and 
other  pieces  are  quite  in  the  English  style.  The  dial  is  furnished 
with  a  centre  seconds  hand,  which  is  placed  between  the  hour  and 

Fig.  309. — Watch  by  Cabrier,  with 
outer  case  of  carnehan  and  mother- 
of-pearl  set  in  gold. 

Fig.  310. — Watch  by  Cabrier  about 

1750.  Out-case  repousse  and  studded 

with  large  garnets. 

minute  indicators.     At  this  period  such  an  adjunct  was  not  at  all 

Outer  cases  of  horn  and  of  tortoiseshell,  either  plain  or  pique 
were  not  uncommon,  and  the  semi-transparency  of  these  materials 
was  sometimes  utilized  for  a  superior  kind  of  decoration.  A  thin 
disc  of  tortoiseshell  having  been  moulded  to  the  metal  foundation, 
a  landscape  or  other  design  was  either  etched  or  painted  on  the 
under  side  and  a  row  of  pins  inserted  around  the  edge  of  the 
tortoiseshell  to  secure  it  to  the  metal.  The  picture  could  be  clearly 
seen  through  the  tortoiieshell  and  appeared  to  be  covered  with  a 
kind  of  glaze.  Strong  and  inexpensive  outer  cases  of  metal,  covered 
with  some  kind  of  skin,  were  also  made.     Among  these  coverings 

Pocket   Watches,  etc. 


shagreen  was  perhaps  the   most  popular.     The  true  shagreen  is  a 
remarkably  tough  kind  of  leather,  made  chiefly  at  Astrachan  from 

Fig.  311. — Out-case  of  watch  by  Tompion, 
about  1695.  Tortoiseshell  with  silver 
inlaid  as  shown. 

Fig.  312. — Tortoiseslu'll  (uit-case,  decor- 
ated with  silver  in  the  Chinese  style, 
about  1730. 

Fig.  313. — Leather  covered  out-case 
studded  with  silver  pins. 

Fig.  314. — Leather,  pique   with   gold   pins, 
back  of  watch  by  L  Mornand,  Paris. 

the  strong  skin  that  covers  the  crupper  of  the  ass  or  horse.  In  its 
preparation  a  peculiar  roughness  is  produced  by  treading  into  the 
skin  hard  round  seeds,  which  are  shaken  out  when  the  skin  has  been 


Old  Clocks  and    Watches  and  their  Makers. 

dried  ;  it  is  then  stained  green  with  copper  filings  and  sal-ammoniac, 
and  the  grains  or  warts  are  then  rubbed  down  to  a  level  with  the 
rest  of  the  surface,  which  thus  presents  the  appearance  of  white  dots 
on  a  green  ground. 

The  skin  of  the  shark  and  of  various  other  fishes,  when  properly 

prepared,    formed  an   excellent   covering,   being  thin  and   durable. 

This  if  dyed  green  was  also  known  as  shagreen.     It  was  left  with  a 

slightly  matted  face,  whereas  the  true  shagreen  bore  a  high  polish. 

The  pique  surface  on  outer  cases  of  leather  or  shagreen  obtained 

by  pins,  usually  of  silver,  passing 
through  the  covering  and  the 
inner  metal  case,  had  a  good 
effect  and  afforded  considerable 
scope  for  the  skill  of  the  produ- 
cer,see  Figs.  306-13-14.  Besides 
an  ornamental  border  there  was 
usually  a  central  design  which 
in  some  instances  embodied  the 
crest  or  initials  of  the  owner. 
These  outer  cases  had  of  course 
to  be  removed  when  the  watches 
were  wound,  and  many  of  them 
left  in  coaches  and  other  places, 
were  advertised  for  in  the  London 
Gazette  during  the  latter  part  of 
the  seventeenth  and  beginning 
of  the  eighteenth  centuries. 
Where  considerable  cost  had 
been  lavished  on  the  decoration 
of  the  removable  case,  covering 
the  box  or  watch  case  proper,  a  third  case  would  be  provided  to 
protect  the  second  one. 

In  some  instances  two  second  cases  would  be  fitted  to  the  "  box," 
or  inner  case.  A  leather  or  tortoiseshell  one  for  everyday  use,  and 
a  more  elaborate  and  costly  one  to  be  worn  on  gala  days  or  other 
special  occasions,  when  the  watch,  hanging  from  a  chatelaine,  could 
be  displayed  on  the  person. 

As  both  the  box  and  the  loose  case  of  striking  watches  and 
repeaters  were  pierced  to  emit  the  sound,  something  further  was 
required  to  prevent  the  ingress  of  dirt  or  other  obstructive  matter, 
and  a  thin  metal  cap  to  cover  the  movement  was  invented  almost 

Fig.  315. — Watch  by  Jaquet  Droz. 

Pocket   WiilcJu's.  etc. 


Fig.  316. — Tortoiseshell  with  silver 

Fig.  317. — Tortoiseshell  with  silver 


Fig.    318.  —  Clock-watch     by    Abraham 

Beckner,  Pope's  Head  Alley,  with  finely         Fig.  319.— Pierced  case  of  clock- 
pierced  inner-case,  about  1670.  watch,  "  Louis  Arthaud  a  Lyon." 



Old  Clocks  and   \Vatches  and  their  Makers. 

contemporaneously  with  repeating  watches.  These  caps  were 
sometimes  of  silver  but  more  generally  of  brass ;  they  performed 
their  office  of  keeping  dust  and  dirt  from  the  movement  very 
efficiently,  and  have  remained  a  feature  of  the  English  full  plate 
watch  to  this  day. 

"  Bull's  eye,"  also  known  as  "  Ram's  eye,"  cases,  introduced 
about  1780,  were  the  last  variety  of  pair  cased  watches;  they 
derived  their  titles  from  the  form  of  the  bezel  of  the  outer  metal 
case,  which  from  the  groove  to  the  outer  edge  followed  the  curve 

of  the  glass.  In  many  of  the  later 
"Bull's  eyes"  the  usual  round 
form  of  pendant  was  abandoned 
in  favour  of  a  broad  flattened-oval 
shape  which  was  much  stronger. 
A  good  example  on  a  case  decor- 
ated with  Prince  of  Wales'  plumes, 
etc.,  in  gold  of  various  colours,  is 
given  in  Fig.  320,  which  repre- 
sents a  watch  made  by  James 
^IcCabe  and  bearing  the  hall 
mark   of  181 1. 

After  the  introduction  of  pair 
cases  it  gradually  became  the 
custom  to  insert  in  the  outer  case 
a  thin  pad  consisting  of  a  circular 
piece  of  velvet,  muslin,  or  other 
material,  adorned  with  fancy 
needlework,  a  favourite  form  being 
a  piece  of  white  cambric  having 
the  initials  of  the  owner  as  well  as  a  fancy  border  worked  in  gold 
thread,  or  hair ;  in  the  latter  case  hair  from  the  head  of  the  fair  artist 
would  presumably  be  used  for  the  purpose.  The  following  lines  were 
very  neatly  executed  in  needlework  on  a  silk  pad  in  a  watch  dating 

from  1780: — 

"  Take  this  token  which  I  give  thee, 
It  is  one  from  friendship's  shrine, 
Place  it  where  thou'lt  think  upon  me, 
When  it  meets  those  eyes  of  thine — 

FORGET    ME    NOT." 

"  Watch  papers  "  formed  an  alternative  pad.  Some  of  these  were 
cut  to  geometrical  designs  more  or  less  intricate  and  covering  the 
whole  surface  or  leaving  a  central  space  either  circular  or  oval  on 

Fig.  320. — Back  of  watch   by  Jas. 

McCabe,  decorated  with  gold  of 

various  tints. 

Pocket   Wiitclics,  etc. 


which  a  miniature  or  sketch 
could  be  painted.  Papers  of 
this  kind  had  a  backing  of 
bright  coloured  silk  or  satin 
to  give  the  best  effect  to  the 
perforations.  Some  time  ago 
I  saw  in  a  watch  by  Isaac 
Alexander,  Nottingham,  a 
paper,  in  the  centre  of  which 
was  an  excellent  coloured 
portrait  of  Charles  Stuart  and 
the  following  rhyme  arranged 
in  a  circle  round  it : — 

"O'er  this  loved  form 
Let  every  British  breast, 
With  conscious  joy 
Its  gratitude  attest, 
And  hail  ye  Prince 
In  whom  ye  nation's  blest." 

In  very  tiny  characters  was 
the  signature  "J.  June,"  and 
the  date  1 745.  The  paper  had 
probably  been  transferred,  for 
the  watch  dated  from  about 
1760.  Papers  having  printed 
thereon  a  likeness  of  the  Duke 
of  Cumberland  were  issued 
in  1746,  and  in  1821  a  superior 
pad  of  white  and  pink  satin 
bearing  a  portrait  of  Queen 
Caroline  was  produced  and 
speedily  became  popular 
among  admirers  of  the  Royal 
Lady.  Two  examples  from 
the  Ponsonby  collection  giving 
really  fair  portraits  of  Queen 
Charlotte  and  Queen  Victoria, 
the  latter  when  she  ascended 
the  throne,  are  illustrated  in 
Figs.  321  and  323. 

Papers  printed  on  the  frozen 
Thames  during  the  prolonged 

Fig.  321. 

Fig.  322. 

Fig    323. 

P  2 

212  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

frost  of  1 8 14  were  a  cheap  novelty  which  commanded  a  ready  sale. 
Most  commonly  watch  papers  contained  an  advertisement  of  the 
watchmaker,  and  sometimes  an  equation  of  time  table  for  comparing 
the  watch  with  the  sun-dial,  as  in  Fig.  322 ;  and  occasionally 
admonitory  or  sentimental  verses  in  addition. 

'■^Memento  Mori'''  formed  the  text  of  many  rhymes;  the  following, 
often  met  with,  may  be  taken  as  examples  : — 

"  Onward  perpetually  moving, 
These  faithful  hands  are  ever  proving 
How  quick  the  hours  fly  by  : 
This  monitory,  pulse-like  beating, 
Is  oftentimes,  methinks,  repeating, 
'Swift!   swift!  the  moments  fly.' 
Reader,  be  ready,  for  perhaps  before 
These  hands  have  made  one  revolution  more 
Life's  spring  is  snapped — you  die  !  " 

The  next  example  was  printed   around    the  edge  of  a  paper  by 

John  Herron,  Cowpen  Quay,  Blyth  : — 

"Behold  O  mortal  man, 
How  swift  thy  moments  fl}-, 
Thy  Life  is  but  a  Span, 
Prepare,  Prepare  to  die." 

Another  from  the  Ponsonby  collection  is  as  follows:  — 

"  Time  is,  thou  hast,  employ  the  portion  small. 
Time  past  is  gone,  thou  can'st  not  it  recall. 
Time  future  is  not,  and  may  never  be. 
Time  present  is  the  only  time  for  thee." 

Another  admonitory  verse  equally  popular  runs  : — 

"  Time  is — the  present  moment  well  employ  ; 
Time  was — is  past — thou  canst  not  it  enjoy  ; 
Time  future — is  not  and  may  never  be  ; 
Time  present — is  the  only  time  for  thee." 

The  next  I  take  from  a  watch  paper  by  T.  Humphreys,  Barnard 
Castle : — 

"  Could  but  our  tempers  move  like  this  machine. 
Not  urged  by  passion  nor  delayed  by  spleen. 
And  true  to  Nature's  regulating  power. 
By  virtuous  acts  distinguish  every  hour 
Then  health  and  joy  would  follow  as  they  ought 
The  laws  of  motion  and  the  laws  of  thought. 
Sweet  health  to  pass  the  present  moments  o'er, 
And  everlasting  joy  when  time  shall  be  no  more" 

These  lines  appear  on  papers  of  many  other  makers.  They  are 
from  the  pen  of  "  Dr."  J.  Byrom,  and  appeared  in  the  Scots  Magazine 
for  October,  1747. 

An  apposite  but   more   uncommon  inscription  for  timekeepers  is 

Pocket   Watches;,  etc. 


Tciiipus  met  it  HI'  oiiinia  scd  iiictior  ipsuin  :  "  Time  measures  all  things, 
but  I  measure  it." 

Loose  outer  cases  are  troublesome,  and,  after  being  endured  for 
two  centuries  or  so,  they  gave  place  gradually  to  the  more  compact 
modern  styles,  with  ornament  of  a  different  character. 

A  series  of  wavy  curves  cut  into  the  material  and  known  as 
"  Engine  turning,"  which  is  said  to  have  been  introduced  as  a 
decoration  for  watch  cases  about  1770  by  Francis  Guerint  of  Geneva, 
was  long  in  fashion.  It  has  a  good  effect,  does  not  readily  show 
scratches,  and  will  doubtless  again  return  to  favour.     The  earliest 

Fig.  324. — Early  engine-turned  case. 



specimens  were  cut  very  deep  into  the  metal,  leaving'  coarse 
"  barleys,"  as  the  projections  are  called,  and  could  only  be  applied 
to  a  considerable  thickness  of  metal.  Finer  divisions  with  shallower 
cutting,  applicable  to  lighter  cases,  speedily  became  the  rule,  and  an 
early  specimen  of  coarse  cut  engine  turning  is  now  rarely  tO  be  met 
with.  The  example  shown  in  Fig.  324  is  on  a  repeating  watch  by 
Terroux  I'Aine,  Geneva,  and  is  very  httle  later  than  1770. 

Shortly  after  the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century  a  very  beautiful 
art  was  utilized  to  enhance  the  effect  of  chasing  and  engraving  as 
applied  to  watch  cases  and  dials.  A  subject  having  been  selected 
and  drawn  upon  the  gold  or  other  metal  ground,  pieces  of  gold  of 
various  colours  were  formed  to  represent  the  parts  in  relief  and 
soldered  to  the  ground.     A  good  artist  was  then  able  to  produce  a 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

fine  effect  with  the  chasing  tool  and  graver.  As  a  specimen  is  shown 
in  Fig.  325  a  watch  signed  Gudin  a  Paris,  dating  from  about  1760. 
Here  the  chased  decoration  with  gold  of  green,  yellow,  copper  and 
silvery  tints  is  very  effective,  but  its  whole  charm  cannot,  of  course, 
be  justly  conveyed  in  a  black  and  white  engraving.  Lepine  seems 
to  have  been  fond  of  this  coloured  gold  decoration,  for  it  appears  on 
the  cases  of  many  of  his  watches.  Whatever  the  number  of  tints 
employed,  this  style  of  decoration  is  generally  spoken  of  as  a  quatre 

Dials.— With  few  exceptions  the  earliest  clocks  and  watches  had 

Fig.  326. — Watch  by  Nathaniel  Barrow.         Fig.  327. — Watch  by  V.  Costontin. 

the  hours  marked  with  Roman  numerals  placed  radially  with  the 
bottom  of  each  numeral  towards  the  centre  of  the  dial,  so  that  the 
v.,  VI.,  and  VII.  appear  to  be  upside  down.  Another  peculiarity  is 
that  the  fourth  hour  was  denoted  in  a  very  primitive  way,  thus  ; 
nil.,  instead  of  by  I\^,  which  was  then  the  more  orthodox  manner. 
And  it  is  somewhat  remarkable  that  these  features  have  been 
continued  to  the  present  day  almost  unnoticed,  as  may  be  proved 
by  asking  anyone  to  sketch  the  figuring  of  his  watch  without  looking 
at  the  timekeeper,  for  in  most  instances  such  a  sketch  would  be 
incorrect.  But  the  fact  is,  we  do  not  read  the  figures  when  looking 
at  a  watch  or  clock,  but  judge  the  time  from  the  position  of  the 
hands.      Lord  Grimthorpe  was  instrumental  in  having  the  hours  of 

Pocket   Watches,  etc. 


the  turret  clock  at  the  dining-hall  of  Lincoln's  Inn  marked  each  by 
a  short  thick  radial  stroke  instead  of  figures,  and  it  is  rarely  that 
passers-by  notice  anything  unusual,  except  that  the  dial  seems 
particularly  clear. 

Some  of  the  very  earliest  portable  timekeepers  had  incised  figures 
cut  in  the  dial  plate,  but  more  often  the  numerals  were  engraved  on 
a  separate  belt,  which  was  generally  of  silver,  the  inner  ground  of 
the  dial  being  of  brass  gilt  (or  gold)  and  matted  or  engraved.  In 
addition  to  the  numeral,  many  early  watches  were  furnished  with  a 

i-    K 

Fig.  329. 

knob  at  each  hour,  for  the  convenience  of  estimating  the  position 
of  the  hand  by  feeling.  The  first  noticeable  departure  from  this 
construction  took  place  about  1600,  when  watch  dials  wholly  of  one 
metal  were  introduced,  with  landscapes  and  other  views  engraved  on 
the  centre.  These  dials  were  usually  of  silver  and  recessed  into 
what  is  now  called  a  "brass  edge,"  that  is,  a  ring  independent  of  the 
plate  of  the  movement,  and  to  which  the  dial  was  attached.  The 
dial  was  rather  smaller  than  the  movement,  and  a  narrow  margin  of 
the  brass  edge,  which  appeared  outside  of  the  dial,  was  engraved, 
the  contrast  of  the  silver  and  brass  having  a  good  effect.  A  fine 
example  by  Nathaniel  Barrow  is  shown  in  Fig.  326.  The  watch  by 
Edward  East,  said  to  have  been  given  by  Charles  I.  to  Mr.  Herbert, 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

and  engraved  on  page  261,  had  a  very  similar  dial.  Instead  of  a 
landscape  a  floral  design  sometimes  occupied  the  centre,  while 
occasionally  it  was  engraved  to  a  geometrical  pattern  and  filled  in 
with  coloured  enamel  or  wax,  as  in  a  watch  by  Vincent  Costontin, 
Dieppe,  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  327. 

Illustrations  have  already  been  given  of  the  painted  dials  on  the 
costly  enamelled  watches  in  vogue  during  the  seventeenth  century. 
The  single  hand  of  the  earliest  of  these  was  usually  of  brass,  and,  except 

Fig.  330. — Daniel  Le  Count,  about  1680. 

Fig.  331.-  r.  Dupin,  about  17C0. 

for  watches  with  cases  and  dials  painted  in  enamel,  gold  and  silver 
dials  with  long  figures  in  relief  came  into  general  use  in  "England 
shortly  after  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  century.  On  a  watch 
by  Henry  Harper,  shown  in  Fig.  328,  the  outer  part  of  the  dial  is 
of  metal,  the  centre  being  filled  by  an  enamelled  painting,  which 
is,  however,  of  a  later  date  than  the  movement.  A  still  more 
exceptional  and  somewhat  grotesque  treatment  of  the  dial  is  shown 
in  Fig.  329,  representing  a  watch  made  about  1665  by  Richard 
Jarrett,  who  was  master  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1685. 
The  centre  of  the  dial  is  of  brass  matted,  and  the  ring,  on  the  inner 
edge  of  which  is  engraved  quarter-hour  spaces,  of  silver,  finely 
matted,  with  polished  plaques  for  the  hour  numerals, 

Pocket   WaicJica,  etc. 


With  the  introduction  of  the  minute  hand,  the  minute  circle  and 
figures    to    indicate    each    five   minutes   appeared   outside   the   hour 
numerals.     These  additions,  with  the  long  hour  numerals,  allowed 
of  but   a    very    short   hour  indicator,   and   this  occupied   a   slightly 
recessed  centre,  as  shown  in  Fig.  330,  which  represents  a  watch  by 
Daniel  Le  Count,  dating  from  about  1680.     Shortly  afterwards  the 
hour  numerals  were  shortened  and  the  hour  hand  lifted  out  of  the 
recess  and  lengthened,  as  in  the  watch  by  P.  Dupin,  represented  in 
Fig.  331.     In  this  the  outlines  of  the  hour  numerals  are  polished, 
and  the  bodies  filled  in  with  black  wax,  tlie  small  ornament  between 
the  numerals  being  polished 
and    the    minute    figures   en- 
graved  on    polished   plaques. 
Except  that  the  inner  circle, 
marked  with  sub-divisions  of 
an    hour,    was    discontinued, 
dials  of  this  kind,  with   slight 
variations,  remained  in  favour 
for  many  years.     The  central 
disc    was     a    separate    piece 
recessed  into  the  brass  edge, 
and    was    as     a    rule    nicely 
chased     and     engraved.       It 
usually  bore  two  tablets  for 
the  name  of  the  maker  and 
the    place    of   origin    of    the 
watch.    An  excellent  example 
is    the    watch     by     Langley 
Bradley,   shown   in  Fig.  445. 
Sometimes  the  lower  label  was 
omitted  and  a  day-of-the-month  aperture  substituted  therefor.     Dials 
of  this  description  had  a  very  handsome  appearance,  and  must  have 
been  costly,  for  cutting  out  the  ground  work  to  leave  the  plaques  for 
the  minute  figures,  the  outline  for  the  hour  numerals  and  the  ornament 
between  the  numerals  in  relief  involved  considerable  labour.    In  1 729, 
engravers  petitioned  the  Clockmakers'  Company  to  debar  one  Griliat 
from  proceeding  with  a  project  he  had  for  producing  dial  plates  by 
stamping.     Nevertheless,    many   later   ones  were   embossed   in   this 

Painted  enamel  dials  of  the  Huaud  period  had  often   an  outer 
ring  of  white  enamel  for  the  reception  of  the  numerals,  and  towards 

Fig.  332. — Pink  and  white  enamel  dial 
on  Tompion  watch. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century  dials  with  a  gold  centre  and 
outer  ring  of  enamel  were  favoured  by  some  French  makers.  Plain 
white  enamel  dials  seem  to  have  been  introduced  in  France  and 
Switzerland  about  1690,  but  Avere  not  used  in  England  for  at  least 
ten  years  afterwards. 

A  pink  and  white  enamel  dial,  w^ith  angels  in  the  centre,  on  a 



Fig.  334- 

Fig.  335. 

Fig.  336. 

watch  by  Tompion,  from  the  Hilton  Price  collection,  and  dating 
from  about  1700,  is  shown  in  Fig.  332. 

Though  English  watches  of  the  seventeenth  century  are  occa- 
sionally to  be  met  with  having  dials  of  white  enamel,  it  will 
generally  be  found  that  they  are  subsequent  applications,  the 
original  dials  having  probably  been  discarded  owing  to  the  superior 
legibility  of  the  white  enamelled  discs. 

So  far  as  my  observation  goes,  the  earliest  plain  enamelled  dials 
on  English  watches  are  those  of  a  bluish  tinge,  the  enamel  of  which 
is  generally  spoken  of  as  Venetian.  They  date  from  about  1705, 
and  have  the  nib  for  unlocking  the  movement  projecting  through  a 

Pocket   Watches,  etc. 


slit  at  the  \'I.  numeral,  as  in  some  of  the  older  and  contemporary 
metal  dials.  The  visible  margin  of  the  brass  edge  was  usually 
either  engraved  or  knurled,  and  the  hands  were  of  steel.  An 
example,  given  in  Fig.  333,  has  hands  of  the  "beetle"  pattern,  a 
kind  very  popular  then  and  onwards  to  tlie  middle  of  the  century. 
Dials  with  the  minute  band  formed  in  a  series  of  wavy  curves  were 
made  here  during  the  eighteenth  century  chiefly  for  the  Dutch 
market.  They  usually  had  hands  of  gold  or  of  brass,  nicely  pierced, 
as  in  Fig.  334. 

The  bold  minute  figures  which  occupied  so  much   room  outside 

Fig.  337. 

Fig.  338. 

the  hour  circle  were  gradually  discarded.  On  a  Avatch  by  Cabrier, 
dating  from  about  1740,  and  shown  in  Fig.  335,  there  are  small 
minute  figures  at  the  quarter-hours  only,  and  a  little  later  came  into 
favour  dials  with  small  and  stumpy  hour  numerals,  as  in  Fig.  336, 
the  minute  figures  being  entirely  omitted.  The  hands  of  the  Cabrier 
watch  are  of  gold.  Owing  to  the  character  and  arrangement  of  the 
figures,  the  hour  indicator,  which  is  beautifully  pierced,  appears  to 
be  rather  short.  If  it  were  a  solitary  example  one  might  suppose 
the  hands  or  the  dial  to  be  not  original,  but  I  incline  to  the  belief 
that  a  certain  proportionate  length  of  hand  was  as  a  matter  of  course 
selected  for  a  certain  size  of  dial,     The  French  and,   I   think,   the 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Swiss,  adhered  longer  to  the  large  minute  figures  than  did  English 

Fig.  337  shows  a  French  watch  dating  from  about  1770,  which  is 
a  good  example  of  the  period,  with  a  hole  for  winding  cut  through 
the  dial,  a  plan  much  favoured  in  France  for  fifty  years  or  so  from 
that  date,  but  not  so  popular  in  England.  Lepine,  who  reconstructed 
the  movements  of  watches,  was,  I  believe,  responsible  for  the 
systematic  adoption  of  this  feature,  though  winding  at  the  dial  was 
occasionally  resorted  to  for  watches  having  painted  enamel  cases 

Fig.  339. 

Fig.  340. 

a  century  before  his  time  and  for  the  thick  French  watches  with 
porcelain  enamel  hour  figures,  in  some  of  which  the  unsightly  holes 
in  the  dial  were  avoided  by  planting  the  winding  square  at  the  centre. 
Many  French  and  Swiss  watches  made  towards  the  end  of  the 
seventeenth  and  at  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  centuries  had 
the  hour  numerals  on  enamelled  plaques,  though  they  do  not  seem 
to  have  been  favoured  here.  A  dial  of  this  sort  is  on  the  alarum 
watch  shown  in  Fig.  338,  made  about  1680  by  Dumont  Freres, 
Besan9on.  The  body  of  the  dial  is  of  brass  gilt.  Another  specimen 
of  about  ten  years  later,  by  I.  Mornand,  Paris,  is  shown  in  Fig.  339. 

Pocket   Watches,  etc.  221 

Watches  of  this  class  were  very  thick,  and  had  cases  of  brass  gilt 
and  engraved  to  a  fine  pattern. 

Watches  made  for  the  Dutch  market  were  often  fitted  with  silver 
dials  having  raised  numerals  filled  with  wax,  and  ornamental  centres 
of  various  designs  engraved  and  pierced.  Occasionally  a  figure  of 
Time  was  introduced,  the  Destroyer  being  represented  with  a  flag 
in  his  hand,  on  which  the  name  of  the  maker  was  engraved.  A 
watch  with  a  silver  dial  by  John  Van  Ceulen,  of  The  Hague,  having 
the  wavy  minute  circle  already  mentioned,  and  dating  iVom  about 
1700,  is  shown  in  Fig.  340. 

Dials  of  metal,  with  polished  hour  numerals  of  a  different  tint 
soldered  on,  introduced  during  the  latter  part  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  were  for  some  time  popular  ;  a  specimen  of  this  style,  on 
a  watch  by  James  McCabe,  is  shown  in  Fig.  341.  But  though 
considerable  skill  has  been  expended  in  the  enrichment  of  metal 
dials  by  chasing  and  engraving  as  well  as  by  variations  of  colour, 
enamel  has  practically  ousted  all  other  materials,  except  for  scientific 
purposes,  where  extreme  accuracy  of  division  is  desired. 

In  modern  dials  the  hour  numerals  are  too  long,  the  position  of 
the  hands  being  more  easily  discerned  with  the  stumpy  figures  used 
in  the  earliest  timekeepers.  The  fact  is,  the  dialmaker  has  been 
allowed  to  regard  his  work  without  reference  to  the  hands,  and  he 
has  adopted  a  rule  to  make  the  "  chapters"  in  length  equal  to  two 
and  a  half  minutes  of  the  circle,  because  they  are  more  obtrusive 
than  the  shorter  ones  previously  used.  The  most  effective  hands 
were  those  seen  in  clocks  and  watches  of  the  eighteenth  century. 
The  chief  fault  of  most  varieties  now  used  is  that  the  spade  or  heart 
or  other  enlargement  of  the  hour  hand  is  too  close  to  and  overlaps 
the  numerals.  It  should  be  of  good  size  and  nearer  the  root  of  the 
hand,  the  tip  of  which,  though  closely  approaching,  should  in  its 
sweep  just  clear  the  numerals. 

People  who  are  used  to  reading  a  dial  with  but  one  indicator  can 
estimate  the  time  with  astonishing  closeness,  and  it  is  pretty  certain 
the  two  hands  did  not  meet  with  general  favour  for  a  long  period. 
Although  we  are,  from  long  practice,  able  to  instantly  note  the 
minute  and  hour  from  the  position  of  the  two  indicators,  it  is  an 
acquirement.  Children  and  other  tyros  seem  to  go  through  a  slower 
process  by  separating  the  functions  of  the  two  and  deciding  upon 
the  position  of  each  singly.  In  fact,  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  it  is 
at  first  difficult  to  decipher  the  double  indication  together.  Many 
devices  were  tried  during  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  century 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

to  give  the  accuracy  of  the  separate  minute  circle  without  the 
confusion  of  two  similar  hands.  Of  these  may  be  mentioned  dials 
with  revolving  centres,  having  a  finger  to  point  to  the  hours.  In 
another  plan  representations  of  the  sun  and  moon  were  utilized 
for  the  purpose.  Sometimes  figures  corresponding  to  the  current 
hour  were  shown  through  an  aperture  in  the  dial,  and  warriors 
with  swords  as  pointers  are  among  the  most  familiar  of  other 

Fig.  342  represents  a  watch  by  Tompion,  from  the  collection  of 
Mr.  Schloss.  It  is  in  an  enamelled  case  and  dates  from  about  1705. 
Though  the  concentric  minute  hand  was  introduced  certainly  thirty 

Fig.  341. — Watch  by  Jas.  McCabe.  Fig.  342. — Curious  Tompion  watch. 

years  before  this  date,  the  specimen  here  shown  has  only  one  hand  ; 
but  the  chief  peculiarity  in  connection  with  the  dial  is  its  division 
into  six  hours.  Here  the  idea  is  evidently  to  give  with  one  hand  a 
longer  space  than  usual  for  more  nearly  estimating  small  fractions  of 
an  hour.  Quare  adopted  the  same  method,  as  will  be  seen  from  the 
following  advertisement,  quoted  from  the  London  Gazette  for  March 
25-29,  1686:  "Lost,  on  2nd  inst.,  a  Silver  Pendulum  Watch,  the 
name  Daniel  Quare,  London;  it  had  but  six  hours  upon  the  dial- 
plate,  with  six  small  cipher  figures  within  every  hour,  the  hand 
going  round  every  six  hours,  which  shows  also  the  minutes  between 
every  hour.     Whoever  gives  notice  of  it  to  Daniel  Quare,  at  the 

Pocket   ]Vatches,  etc. 


King's  Arms,  in    Exchange   Alley,   London,    shall    have   a   guinea 

Early  Minute-hand  Watches. — Fig.  3.1.3  shows  the  front  and 
Fig.  344  the  movement  of  a  watch  dating  from  about  1665,  which  is 
a  particularly  interesting  specimen,  and  affords  evidence  that  the 
maker  of  it  was  far  in  advance  of  his  time.  It  shows  hours,  minutes, 
and  seconds,  and  has  a  long  train  -containing  the  same  number  of 
wheels  and  pinions  as  modern  watches,  the  minute  hand  being 
attached  to  the  centre  pinion.     The  dial  is  of  silver,  and  the  middle 

Fig.  344. 

FiG.  343. 

portion  of  it,  driven  by  a  pinion  on  the  great  wheel  arbor,  revolves 
once  in  twelve  hours,  a  figure  of  Time  engraved  thereon  pointing  to 
the  hour ;  the  seconds  dial  is  a  silver  plate  on  the  back  of  the 
mo\'ement,  the  seconds  hand  being  carried  by  the  contrate  wheel, 
which  rotates  once  in  a  minute.  On  the  plate  is  engraved  "John 
Fitter,  Battersea."  There  is  no  balance-spring.  It  has  a  nicely 
pierced  and  engraved  silver  balance-cock  and  arched  top  harp  pillars. 
The  potence  is  peculiar,  being  carried  by  a  pivot  into  the  top  plate ; 
the  side  view  of  it  is  very  wide,  nicely  pierced,  and  engraved  to  a 
floral  design.  On  the  back  of  the  inner  case  is  engraved  a  kind  of 
calendar  remembrance  shown  overleaf.     It  appears  to  be  a  key  for 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

finding    at    a    glance    the    days    of  the    month   upon   which   any 
particular  day  of  the  week  will  fall.     The  outer  case,  covered  with 

Mar              Nov 






A  iigus 








































leather  pique  with  silver  pins,  is  snapped  together  without  a  bolt — a 
most  unusual  construction.  This  watch  was  formerly  in  the  Roskell 

On  a  watch  by  David  Lestourgeon,  shown  in  Fig.  345,  there  are 

Fig.  346. 

Fig.  345. 

two  narrow  rotating  rings  between  the  centre  of  the  dial  and  the 
hour  numerals  ;  one  of  these  carries  a  very  short  and  the  other  a 
longer  pointer,  the  former  for  indicating  the  hour  and  the  latter  for 
the  minutes. 

Pocket   Watches,   etc. 

The  handsome  key  for  this  watch  is  shown  in  Fig.  346.  For 
winding  or  setting  the  hands  it  is  used  as  a  crank  ;  the  squared 
extremity  at  the  bottom  is  for  altering  the  regulator,  which  may  be 
done  without  opening  the  inner  case,  an  aperture  being  made  in 
the  back  of  the  case  for  the  purpose. 

Perhaps  the  very  best  method  of  indicating  the  hour  and  minutes 
with  one  hand  only  is  tliat  shown  in  Fig.  347,  which  represents  a 
watch  by  Peter  Garon,  illustrated  by  favour  of  Mr.  Henry  Levy,  to 
whom  it  belongs.  The  central  disc  on  which  the  hour  numerals  are 
engra\ed  rotates,  but  its  speed  of  progression  is  one-twelfth  less  than 
that  of  the  minute  hand. 
Starting  together  on  the 
completion  of  any  particular 
hour,  the  minute  hand  would 
stand  exactly  over  the 
numeral  corresponding  to  that 
liour :  by  the  time  half  an 
hour  had  elapsed  the  minute 
hand  would  stand  mid-way 
between  the  aforesaid  numeral 
and  the  next  succeeding  one, 
and  at  any  other  point  the 
relation  of  the  hand  to  the 
hour  numerals  would  corre- 
spond to  the  fraction  of  the 
hour,  while  the  tip  of  the 
hand  would  mdicate  the 
minutes.  In  the  sketch  the 
indication  is  twenty  -  five 
minutes  past  seven.  Both  parts  of  the  dial  are  of  silver,  the  annular 
space  between  the  hours  and  minutes  being  engraved  as  shown. 
Though  but  little  is  known  of  Peter  Garon,  he  was  elected  to  the 
freedom  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1694,  ^^^  appears  to  nave 
been  a  maker  of  repute  at  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century  and 
until  1706,  when  his  bankruptcy  was  noted  in  the  London  Gazette. 

Watches  with  Seconds  Hands. — The  watch  by  Fitter  dating 
from  about  1665,  which,  as  shown  in  Fig,  244,  has  a  seconds  dial  on 
the  back  of  the  movement, seems  to  have  been  quite  an  exceptional 
application  of  a  seconds  indicator  for  watches.  Sir  John  Floyer,  a 
physician,  in  1707  speaks  of  the  "  Physician's  Pulse  Watch,"  which 
he  had  invented  to  take  the  place  of  the  "  common  sea  minute  glass  " 

c.w.  g 




Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

with  which  and  "common  watches  "  he  had  been  in  the  habit  of  trying 
pulses.  The  pulse  watch  which  he  caused  to  be  made  ran,  he  said, 
for  sixty  seconds.  Harrison's  timekeeper  with  a  centre  seconds  hand 
was  tested  in  1760,  and  seconds  hands  were  not  usually  applied  to 
watches  till  after  that  date. 

Sun  and  Moon  Hour  Indicators. — Two  examples  of  a  peculiar 
method  of  indicating  the  hour  which  obtained  some  popularity  at  the 
end  of  the  seventeenth  century  are  shown  in  Figs.  348  and  349. 
A  semicircular  piece  is  removed  from  the  upper  part  of  the  dial,  and 

Fig.  348. 

Fig.  349. 

through  it  is  seen  one  half  of  a  disc  which  rotates  underneath  once  in 
twenty-four  hours.  On  one  half  of  the  disc  is  engraved  the  sun, 
which  points  to  the  hour  from  6  a.m.  to  6  p.m.,  and  on  the  other  the 
moon,  which  performs  the  same  office  from  6  p.m.  to  6  a.m.  The 
minutes  are  indicated  in  the  usual  way  by  a  hand  travelling  round 
the  dial  in  an  hour. 

Fig.  348  is  an  early  specimen.  On  the  lower  portion  of  the  dial 
is  an  engraving,  possibly  representing  Venus  in  a  car  drawn  by 
Cupid.  The  movement  is  furnished  with  tulip  pillars,  and  on  the 
plate  is  engraved  "Jo  Holoway,  Newbery."  The  balance-cock  is 
of   floral    design    with   a   narrow   waist    and   foot   of  irregular  out- 

Pocket  Watches,  etc. 


line  following  the  curve  of  the  plate.  The  outer  case  is  of  steel 
damascened  with  silver. 

Fig.  349,  of  a  slightly  later  date,  is  inscribed  "  Harns  Smit, 

Changing  Hour  Figures. — In  this  ingenious  arrangement, 
which  is  said  to  have  been  designed  by  Prince  Rupert,  and  applied 
by  Joseph  Knibb  to  a  clock,  hands  are  dispensed  with  altogether, 
and  numerals  corresponding  to  the  last  completed  hour  caused  to 
appear  through  a  hole  in  the  dial,  a  principle  favoured  in  recent 
years  by  several  inventors,  who  liave  devised  various  means  of 
accomplishing  this  end.     As  an  example  of  the  contrivance  is  shown 

Fig.  350. 

Fig.  351. 

a  watch  by  M.  Logg,  of  Vienna,  from  the  TNIarfels  collection.  It  has 
an  upper  silver  dial  on  which  is  chased  a  group,  representing  Saturn 
dragging  the  car  of  Helios.  As  may  be  seen  by  the  illustration 
Fig.  350,  there  is  above  the  group  on  the  silver  dial  a  semicircular 
slit,  through  which  is  visible  a  second  dial  lying  under  it.  This 
second  dial  is  gilt,  for  contrast.  Above  the  opening  of  the  silver  dial 
are  engraved  the  minutes  from  i  to  60,  and  underneath  it  the 
quarter-hours  I.  to  IV.  The  lower  dial  is  movable,  revolving  once 
in  two  hours,  and  has  two  circular  openings  exactly  opposite  each 
other,  through  which  the  hour  chapters  appear  upon  a  silver  disc. 
A  pin  is  fixed  upon  and  near  the  edge  of  the  front  plate,  over  which 
the  dial  revolves.  The  dial  passes  freely  by  it,  while  the  projecting 
teeth  of  the  two  numeral  wheels  in  turn  meet  the  pin,  and  are  each 

Q  2 


Old  Clocks  and  WatcJies  and  their  Makers. 

time  advanced  one  hour  (see  Fig.   351' 

Fig.  352. 

Fig.  353. 

Suppose,   in   the  opening 
under  which  is  located  the 
disc  with  the  even  figures, 
we  see  the  number  II.,  as 
in  Fig.  35Q.    This  number 
has  entered  from  the  left 
into  the  semi-circular  slit 
of  the  silver  dial,  through 
which  it  slowly  passes  in 
one  hour,  while  the  other 
numeral   wheel  (which   is 
during     the     same     time 
under    the    Saturn    group 
and    therefore    invisible), 
with  the  odd  figures,  passes 
by  the  stationary  pin,  and 
is  by  it   turned  one  tooth, 
or  from  I.  to  III.     When 
the  number  II.  has  passed 
its     course     through     the 
semicircle  it  disappears  to 
the  right  under  the  Saturn 
group,  and  the  number  III. 
enters   from    the  left  into 
the  semicircle,  in  order  to 
pass  through  its  course  in 
the   same    manner.      The 
disc     with    the    hour    II. 
meanwhile    keeps    on    its 
way  invisibly,  passes   the 
stationary  pin,  and  is  also 
turned    one    tooth  further 
on,    so    that  at    the   next 
hour  it  enters  again  with 
the  number  IV.  from  the 
left  into   the  semicircle  of 
the  silver  dial.     This  pro- 
cedure is  repeated  with  all 
the  succeeding  numerals. 
The    number    of   minutes 
which  have  elapsed  since 

Pocket   Watches,  etc. 


the  last  completed  hour  is  indicated  by  the  position  of  the  revohang 
hour  chapter  with  relation  to  the  figures  which  are  engraved  on 
the  fixed  dial  plate. 

Fig.  352  shows  another  watch  of  this  character,  taken  from  the 
catalogue  of  the  Geneva  Exhibition,  i8g6.  It  is  by  Paul  Lullin,  and 
most  probably  French.  In  the  lower  portion  of  the  fixed  dial  is  an 
enamelled  medallion,  with  portrait,  said  to  be  that  of  Louis  XIV. 
when  a  youth, 

Mr.  Henry  Levy  has  one  of  these  curiosities  by  Fronianteel,  which 
may   be   either   English   or   Dutch.      On  the  lower  part  of  the  fixed 


Fig.  355- 

dial  is  a  late  seventeenth  century  design,  with  birds,  etc.  A 
peculiarity  of  this  watch  is  that  the  fusee  may  be  turned  either  way 
to  wind  it,  a  device  advertised  by  Thomas  Moore,  of  Ipswich,  in 
1729,  and  illustrated  by  Thiout  in  i7-|i. 

In  Fig.  353  the  arrangement  is  varied,  and  the  whole  of  the 
actuating  mechanism  is  visible.  On  a  carriage  which  revolves  once 
in  three  hours  are  three  crosses,  each  carrying  four  hour  numerals  on 
enamelled  discs.  These  in  turn  pass  over  an  enamelled  arc  on 
which  every  minute  is  marked 

"Fencing    Soldiers'"    Watch.— Figs.   354  and   355  show  a 

230  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

watch  of  very  peculiar  construction  from  the  Marfels  collection, 
dating  probably  from  about  1760.  The  metal  dial  plate  has  a  blue 
enamelled  ground,  with  thin  white  lines,  and  upon  it  are  fastened  two 
quadrants.  The  hours  from  I.  to  XII.  are  marked  upon  one,  and 
upon  the  other  the  minutes  from  i  to  60.  It  also  bears  two  chased 
figures  of  soldiers  in  a  fencing  attitude,  one  on  each  side  of  the 
quadrants.  By  pressing  upon  the  pendant,  the  soldiers  draw  their 
swords,  the  one  to  the  left  pointing  with  his  sword  to  the  hour,  while 
the  one  to  the  right  points  to  the  minute  upon  their  respective 
quadrants.  The  construction  is  shown  in  Fig.  355,  which  is  the 
movement  without  the  dial.  Upon  the  arbor  of  the  wheel,  which  is 
usually  in  the  centre,  is  the  cannon  a,  upon  which  is  fixed  the  snail 
used  for  determining  the  minutes.  The  cannon  drives  in  the 
ordinary  manner  a  minute  wheel,  the  pinion  of  which  depths  in  a 
wheel  located  to  one  side,  which  it  rotates  once  in  twelve  hours. 
Upon  the  latter  wheel  is  fastened  a  snail  for  determining  the  hour. 
When  the  pendant  is  pressed  down,  the  two  levers  h  b  are  first 
unlocked,  which  unlocking  actuates  the  four  racks  c  c  and  e  e,  each 
two  of  which  depth  together  into  pinions//.  Upon  the  arbors  of 
the  two  pinions  /  /  are  placed  the  arms  of  the  soldiers.  By  the 
unlocking  of  the  levers  b  b,  the  racks  e  e  (situated  abo\e  the  centre  of 
the  plate),  freed  from  the  arm  d  d,  are  then  moved  upward  by  springs 
operating  on  them.  The  pinions  /  /,  into  which  the  racks  depth, 
turn  an  appropriate  distance,  and  with  them  the  arms  of  the  soldiers, 
which  are  located  on  the  pinions,  and  thereby  carry  with  them 
downward  at  the  same  time  the  lower  stationary  racks  c  c.  These 
racks  c  c  are  provided  with  projections,  which  in  their  downward 
motion  finally  strike  upon  the  snails,  the  one  to  the  left  lying  upon 
the  hour  rack,  and  that  to  the  right  upon  the  minute  rack.  When 
the  pressure  upon  the  pendant  is  removed,  all  the  parts  of  the 
motion  work,  and  with  them  also  the  arms  of  the  soldiers  are  by  a 
spring  brought  back  into  a  position  of  rest.  The  cannon  pinion  a, 
fitting  with  gentle  friction  upon  the  centre  wheel  arbor,  is  provided 
with  a  setting  square  passing  through  the  dial,  for  the  purpose  of 
setting  the  motion  work  mechanism. 

Pendulum  Watches. — A  curious  fancy  which  obtained  some 
popularity  at  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  and  beginning  of  the 
eighteenth  centuries  is  shown  in  Fig.  356.  The  balance  was  placed 
under  the  dial  and  its  arms  weighted.  A  semi-circular  slit  in  the 
dial  allowed  one  weight  of  the  balance  to  be  seen,  and  this  as  it 
vibrated  somewhat  resembled  a  pendulum  in  motion.     It  was,  how- 

Pocket  Watches,  etc. 


ever,  an  inconvenient  arrangement,  by  reason  of  the  difficulty  of 
getting  at  the  balance  for  regulation,  and  it  appears  to  have  been 
abandoned  in  favour  of  a  pendulum  balance  at  the  back  of  the  watch. 
The  watch  here  illustrated  is 
by  "  Mitzell,  London,"  and 
dates  from  about  1700. 

Musical  Watches  of 
large  size  with  moving 
figures  were  a  favourite  con- 
ceit among  French  and  Swiss 
makers  during  the  latter 
part  of  the  eighteenth  cen- 
tury. The  appended  ex- 
ample (Fig.  357)  is  from  the 
collection  of  Mr.  James  W. 
Usher.      It    is   mounted    on 

Fig.  356. 

both  sides  with  fine  pearls 
and  chased  gold.  The 
back  is  enamelled  with  a 
landscape  in  colours  ;  in 
the  foreground  is  a 
pa\ilion  (supposed  to 
represent  a  place  at 
Versailles)  and  figures, 
in  gold  of  different 
colours:  inside  are  small 
figures  (couples  of  lady 
and  gentleman)  in  the 
dress  of  the  Louis  Seize 
period,  which  dance 
when  the  mo\'ement  is 
wound.  The  ladyseated 
outside  the  pavilion  plays 
the  harp,  and  the  gentleman  seated  opposite  beats  time  with  his  baton. 
Inside  the  pavilion  are  walls  of  burnished  steel,  which  reflect  and 
multiply  the  dancing  figures  in  a  remarkable  manner.  The  escapement 

Fig.  357. — Musical  watch  with  moving  figures. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

is   a    cylinder  one   with    brass    scape   wheel.     The    going    part   is 
driven   direct  from  the  barrel.     The  musical  box  and  figures   are 

driven  by  one  main- 
spring, the  train  passing 
beneath  the  pavilion  and 
revolving  the  centre  of 
the  floor  upon  which  the 
dancers  stand  ;  smaller 
wheels  being  employed  to 
revolve  each  pair  of 
dancers  three  times  for 
every  one  dance  round 
the  room  ;  the  conductor 
and  harpist  being  worked 
by  pins  and  levers  between 
the  plate  and  the  dial. 
A  musical  watch   with 

Fig.  35S. 

moving  figures  of  a  man 
playing  a  violoncello  and  a 
lady  a  dulcimer  is  shown  in 

Fig.  358. 

Fig.  359  is  a  repeating 
watch  of  French  make.  The 
hours  and  quarters  are  really 
struck  on  gongs  curled 
around  the  inside  of  the  case 
in  the  usual  way,  but,  when 
the  pendant  is  pushed  in  to 
repeat,  the   hammermen   in 

the  recess  at  the  upper  part  -pio.  359. 

of  the  dial  appear  to  strike 

on  the  bells  showm  there,  and  the  woman  below  works  a  spinning- 

Pocket    Watches,   etc. 


In  Fig.  360  the  arrangement  is  a  little  diflferent.  Here  the  upper 
rectangular  space  is  vacant  till  the  pendant  is  pushed  in  for  repeat- 
ing. Then  the  figure  on  the 
right  bearing  a  huge  gong 
advances,  and  the  one  on  the 
left  comes  forward  and  ap- 
pears to  strike  the  hour  on 
the  gong.  The  quarters  are 
repeated  by  the  figures  below, 
and  during  that  operation 
the  figures  abo\e  slowly 
retire  out  of  sight. 

The  projected  invasion  of 
England  by  Napoleon 
Buonaparte  is  treated  as  an 
accomplished  fact  on  the  dial 
of  a  watch  from  the  Schloss 

Fig.  360. 

collection  which  is  shown 
in  Fig.  361.  A  large 
mo\ing  ship  in  full  sail 
just  appearing  above  the 
horizon  occupies  the 
centre,  in  the  foreground 
many  ^•essels  are  por- 
trayed, and  armed  men 
are  marching  up  the 
shore  undeterred  by  the 
firing  of  some  apparently 
very  primitive  cannon. 
Above  is  the  inscription, 
"Descenteen  Angle- 
Another  arrangement  of  moving  figures  is  shown  in  Fig.  362. 
Here  the  sails  of  the  windmill  are  constantly  moving  while 
the    w^atch    is    going,    and    seen    through     the    round  aperture    is 

Fig.  361. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

part  of  a  rotating   disc   with    figures    of  horses   and   men    painted 

Many  of  the  metal  watch  dials  of  the  seventeenth  century  which 
were  devoted  to  other  purposes  than  the  indication  of  the  hour  or 
other  subdivisions  of  a  day  well  repay  examination.  Here  are  some 
representative  specimens  from  the  Schloss  collection.  Fig.  363 
represents  a  silver  single-cased  watch  which  doubtless  dates  from 
about  1640  On  the  back  of  the  case  is  the  characteristic  circular 
shutter  over  the  winding  hole  and  the  owner's  name  engraved  thus, 
"  Richard   Bailie,   at    the    Abbay."     The   maker's   name    is    Henry 

Fig.  362. 

Fig.  363. 

Arlaud.  There  is  a  spring  to  control  the  balance,  but  there  are 
unmistakable  indications  that  this  was  an  addition  made  subsequent 
to  the  manufacture  of  the  watch.  The  dial  is  prettily  arranged, 
gives  a  calendar,  the  age  and  phases  of  the  moon,  the  signs  of  the 
zodiac,  &c.  A  similar  watch  by  "Jean  Rousseau"  is  to  be  seen  at 
the  South  Kensington  Museum. 

A  double-cased  watch  by  N.  Bouquet,  of  which  a  front  view  is 
given  in  Fig.  364,  is  of  about  half  a  century  later  date  ;  though 
attractive  and  of  broadly  the  same  character  as  the  preceding 
example,  the  execution  is  comparatively  coarse. 

Towards  the  close  of  the  century  there  set  in  a  taste  for  pendulum 

Pocket   ]]'atchcs,  etc. 




^      I        / 


/  -A     -   /   , 

I'lG.    364. 

li...    _V 

Fig.  366. 


Old  Clocks  and   WatcJies  and  their  Makers. 

watches  such  as  the  one  shown  in  Fig.  365.  The  balance  was 
planted  immediately  under  the  dial,  and  one  of  two  weights  on  the 
rim  was  visible  through  a  curved  slit  in  the  dial,  so  that  it  bore  a 
resemblance  to  .a  pendulum.  At  the  back  of  the  watch,  in  place  of 
the  balance,  was  often  an  enamelled  plaque,  occasionally  exhibiting 
painting  of  artistic  merit.  This  fashion  seems  to  have  been  intro- 
duced by  some  of  the  Dutch  makers,  but  it  was  decidedly  an  incon- 
venient   arrangement,    which    necessitated    an    inferior    method    of 

Fig.  367. 

Fig.  369. 

regulation  from  the  front,  besides  crowding  the  hour  division  into  a 
smaller  circle.     The  name  on  this  watch  is  Hilderr. 

At  first  sight  the  large  astronomical  watch,  dating  from  about  1690, 
which  is  represented  in  Fig.  366,  appears  to  be  of  English  make,  for 
it  bears  the  name  plate  of  "  Willing,  London  "  ;  but  on  removing 
the  name  plate  the  signature  "  Ferdinandus  Zehng,  Hamburg,"  is 
revealed.  The  dial  is  really  excellent ;  the  engraving  shows  it  was 
prepared  for  use  in  Germany.  Such  a  watch  at  that  period  would 
doubtless  be  made  to  order  for  presentation  to  some  person  of 

One  of  the  finest  calendar  watches  of  late  eighteenth  century  pro- 
duction it  has  been  my  privilege  to  examine  is  shown  in  Figs.  367, 

Pocket    ]\'atchcs.   etc. 


368  and  369.  It  is  by  Samuel  Ruel, 
Rotterdam,  and  stamps  him  as  a  horo- 
logist  of  the  first  rank.  Besides  the 
age  and  phases  of  the  moon  and  the 
title  of  the  month,  it  shows  through 
apertures  over  the  XI.  and  I.  the  day 
of  the  month  according  to  the  old  style 
and  the  new  style.  The  cases  bear  the 
English  hall  mark  of  1788  with  the 
duty  head  ;  on  the  back  of  the  inner 
case  is  "  A.S."  arranged  as  a  monogram. 
The  outer  case  has  a  diamond  thumb 
piece.     There  is  a  rim  cap  (as  seen  in 

Fig.  371. 

Fig.  .570. 

Fig.  368)  of  silver,  having  per- 
forations covered  with  horn. 
The  cock,  as  seen  in  Fig.  369, 
is  a  fine  piece  of  chased  work. 

A  souvenir  watch,  such  as  is 
shown  in  Fig.  370,  was  deserving 
of  more  popularity  than  it  seemed 
to  have  attained.  The  surface 
enclosed  by  the  large  circle  was 
reserved  for  inscriptions,  mono- 
grams or  other  personal  refer- 
ences. Underneath  is  the 
mechanism  of  the  watch,  whose 
motion  is  conveyed  to  the  hands 
by  means  of  a  small  rod  con- 
cealed in  the  connecting  neck. 
On  the  movement  is  engraved, 
"  Inventio  Johannis  Holtmann 
in  Wienns  No.  25."  This  speci- 
men, which  belongs  to  Mr. 
Schloss,  dates  from  about  1780. 

A  curious  little  timepiece, 
supported  by  a  winged  Mercury, 


Figs.  372  and  373. 

Pocket  Wntchcs,  etc. 


Fig.  374. 

Fig.  375. — Side  view  of  inner  case. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

shown  in  Fig.  371,  is  fitted  with  a  pendulum  arranged  to  swing  in  front 
of  the  diaL  Altogether  it  is  six  inches  in  height.  Around  the  arch  of 
the  dial  is  engraved,  "  Cito  Perevnt  et  Impvtantvr  "  (They 
pass  quickly  and  are  reckoned).  On  the  dial  are  two  labels  bearing 
the  words  "  Chasseur,  London  "  ;  these  appear  to  be  of  later  date 
than  the  structure,  which  is  probably  a  German  production. 

Large  travelling  watches  introduced  at  the  end  of  the  seventeenth 
century  continued  in   favour  till  the  advent  of  railways.     They  were 

Fig.  376. — Back  of  outer  cover. 

thick  and  heavy,  with  dials  ranging  from  three  inches  to  nearly  seven 
inches  in  diameter,  and  seem  to  have  been  manufactured  more  in 
France  and  Germany  than  in  England.  As  a  rule  they  struck  the 
hour  on  a  bell  inside  the  case,  many  of  the  earlier  ones  being  in 
addition  furnished  with  an  alarum.  Afterwards,  a  repeating  motion 
took  the  place  of  an  alarum,  so  that  by  pulling  a  string  which  passed 
through  a  pipe  at  the  edge  of  the  cover  the  number  of  blows  last 
struck  would  be  again  sounded  on  the  bell.  They  had  generally 
two  cases,  an  outer  one  covered  with  leather  or  fish  skin  and  an 
inner  one  of  silver,  which  latter  material  was  also  used  for  the  dial. 

Pocket   ]]'iitclu-s,  etc. 


The  pendant  was  sometimes  in  two  pieces  connected  by  a  loose 
thimble,  an  arrangement  which  allowed  of  sufficient  movement 
to   enable  the  watch  to  adjust    itself  to  an  adjacent  surface   when 

Fig.  377. 

it  was  hung  from  the  bow.  Front  and  edge  views  of  an  excellent 
example  in  a  remarkably  well  pierced  and  carved  silver  case  dating 
from  about   1680   are  given  on  page  238.     The  central  portion  of 

C.W.  R 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  dial  rotates,  indicating  the  age  of  the  moon  and  exhibiting  her 
phases.  Through  sUts  near  the  outer  edge  are  shown  the  day  of  the 
week,  the  day  of  the  month  and  the  title  of  the  month  in  French.    The 

Fig.  378. 

movement  is  signed  "  Samuel  Michelin  a  Langres."  This  or  a  very 
similar  instrument  was  illustrated  in  Dubois'  historical  work. 
Another  example  by  Tompion  is  illustrated  in  Chapter  V.  In 
Figs.  374,  375  and  376  are  shown  a  rather  smaller  clock  and  alarum 
watch,  which  strikes  the  hours  and  half-hours.    The  inner  and  outer 

Pocket  Watches,  etc. 


cases  as  well  as  the  dial  are  of  silver.  On  the  movement  is  the 
inscription,  "  Philip  Graet,  Lintz."  It  is  of  slightly  later  date  than 
the  preceding  one. 

Fig.  377  is  a  back  view  of  another  hne  specimen  by  "  Anthony 
Bradl,  Augsburg,"   which  dates  from  about   1710:  the  inner  case  is 

Figs.  379—387. 

of  silver  splendidly  pierced  and  chased,  with  representations  of 
hunting  scenes,  flowers  and  birds,  as  shown  ;  there  is  an  outer  case 
of  fish  skin.  The  number  of  blows  last  struck  may  be  repeated  at 
pleasure  by  pulling  a  string  depending  from  the  case  as  already 

244  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Back  and  edge  of  a  beautifully  pierced  and  engraved  specimen 
signed,  "  David  Buschmann,  i\ugusta,"  and  dating  from  about  1680, 
are  given  in  Fig.  378. 

Sedan  Chair  Watches. — During  the  eighteenth  century  watch 
movements  having  plain  silver  dials  from  three  inches  to  four  in 
diameter  were  fixed  in  circular  frames  of  wood,  polished  and  with  a 
moulded  edge.  They  were  called  "  Sedan  Chair  Watches,"  though 
I  cannot  aver  that  they  were  as  a  rule  carried  in  those  useful  but 
obsolete  conveyances.  Occasionally  one  may  yet  be  seen  hung  on 
the  wall  beside  a  chimneypiece  or  at  the  head  of  a  bedstead.  I 
have  heard  timekeepers  of  this  sort  spoken  of  as  "  Post  Chaise 

'Watch  Keys. — Before  the  advent  of  the  most  common  variety 
of  watch  key  which  had  a  circular  ring  to  afford  the  necessary 
purchase  in  winding  and  a  smaller  swivelled  bow  for  attachment  to 
the  guard  or  chain  there  must  have  been  a  considerable  number  of 
keys  used  by  our  grandmothers  and  grandfathers  and  by  their  pro- 
genitors, on  the  design  and  construction  of  which  much  consideration 
and  labour  had  been  bestowed.  M.  Paul  Garnier,  M.  Planchon  and 
Mr.  Arthur  F.  Hill  are  among  the  few  collectors  of  such  interesting 
adjuncts,  of  which  a  few  examples  are  here  given.  Several  of  them, 
it  will  be  noticed,  are  formed  to  give  a  crank  action  for  winding  the 
watch,  and  a  separate  straight  pipe,  at  right  angles  to  the  first,  for 
the  purpose  of  setting  the  hands.  Keys  of  this  kind  appear  to  have 
been  very  generally  used  from  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  to  the 
end  of  the  eighteenth  century.  The  first  of  the  lowest  row  seems  to 
have  been  intended  as  a  winder  for  a  table  clock,  while  the  remain- 
ing two,  with  swivelled  bows,  recall  the  days  of  chatelaines  and-fob 
chains.  Indications  are  not  wanting  that  hanging  chains,  as  guards 
or  accessories  of  timekeepers  worn  on  the  person,  have  in  part 
returned  to  popular  favour,  even  though  watch  keys  may  not  be 
numbered  among  their  appendages. 

In  1 76 1  George  Sanderson,  of  Exeter,  patented  a  lunar  and 
calendar  watch  key,  which,  when  daily  pressed  on  to  the  winding 
square  of  a  watch,  caused  the  mechanism  in  the  key  to  advance  one 
day.  Etienne  Tavermer,  a  Paris  watchmaker  who  devoted  particular 
attention  to  keys  at  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century,  made  some 
on  this  plan.  Eardley  Norton,  a  well-known  London  maker  of 
musical  clocks,  obtained  in  1771  a  patent  for  a  striking  arrangement, 
v/hich  he  said  could  be  conveniently  contained  in  a  key,  seal  or 

(    245    ) 



Nicholas  Cratzer,  "deviser  of  the  King's  horologies  and 
astronomer"  to  Henry  \'HI.,  was  a  Bavarian,  born  in  1487,  who,  it 
is  said,  resided  for  thirty  years  in  this  country  without  being  able  to 
speak  English.  In  the  second  part  of  the  facsimiles  of  the  National 
Manuscripts,  photographed  by  Colonel  Sir  Henry  James,  there  is  a 
letter  from  Cuthbert  Tunstal,  Master  of  the  Rolls,  who  was  then  in 
Germany,  to  Cardinal  W'olsey.  It  is  dated  October  12th,  1520, 
and  contains  the  following  :  "  Please  it  your  Grace  to  understand 
that  here,  in  these  parts,  I  met  with  a  servant  of  the  King's,  called 
Nicholas  Craczer,  a  German,  deviser  of  the  King's  horologes  (who 
showed  me  how  the  King  had  licensed  him  to  be  absent  for  a 
season,  and  that  he  was  ready  to  return  into  England),  whom  I 
desired  to  tarry  until  I  luight  write  to  the  King's  Highness,  to  know 
his  pleasure  whether  he  would  suffer  him  to  be  in  company  with  me 
for  a  season,  until  the  assembling  of  the  electors  were  past."  In  a 
Book  of  Payments  by  the  Treasurer  of  the  Household  from 
Candlemas-day,  29  Henry  VIII.,  to  Midsummer,  33  Henry  VIII.,  in 
the  Arundel  Manuscripts  (No.  97),  among  the  discharges  of  the  former 
year  (1538)  is  the  entry  "  Nicholas  Cratzer,  Astronomer,  received 
five  pounds  as  his  quarter's  wages." 

Cratzer's  connection  with  Holbein  was  mentioned  on  page  167, 
and  there  is  no  doubt  that  Holbein  assisted  Cratzer  by  designing 
cases  and  decoration  for  clocks  and  sun  dials.  Horace  Walpole 
purchased  at  Mons.  Mariette's  sale  a  water  meter  which  had  been 
designed  by  Holbein  as  a  new  year's  gift  to  Henry  VIII.  On  its 
summit  was  a  clock  driven  by  wheel  work,  below  were  fore  and 
afternoon  dials  showing  the  time  by  shadows,  and  beneath  these  a 
clepsydra  indicating  the  quarters  of  an  hour. 

Bartholomew  Newsam. — Bartholomew  Newsam  was  one  of 
the  earliest  English  makers  of  portable  clocks  whose  work  survives. 
It  is  conjectured  he  was  a  Yorkshireman,  but  he  must  have  attained 
some  position  in  London  before  1568,  for  in  that  year  he  secured  a 
30  years'  ^crown  Jease  of  premises    in   the   Strand,   near   Somerset 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

House,  where  he  resided  till  his  death.  In  the  British  Museum  is  a 
very  fine  example  of  his  skill,  which  proves  Newsam  to  have  been 
a  master  of  the  craft.  This  is  a  striking  clock,  in  a  case  of  brass, 
gilded  and  engraved,  about  2^  inches  square  and  4  inches  high, 
exclusive  of  an  ornamental  domed  and  perforated  top,  which  brings 
the  total  height  to  6^  inches.  The  centre  of  the  dial  as  far  as  the 
hour  ring  is  below  the  surface  of  the  case,  so  that  on  removing  the 

base  the  movement,  together 
with  the  centre  of  the  dial  and 
hand,  may  be  drawn  out.  The 
hours  are  engraved  on  a  broad 
bevelled  ring,  which  extends  from 
the  sunk  part  of  the  dial  to  be- 
yond the  front  of  the  case.  An 
exterior  view  of  Newsam's  clock 
is  appended  (Fig.  388).  The 
movement  is  arranged  in  stories, 
there  being  three  plates  held  in 
position  by  four  corner  posts. 
Above  the  top  plate  is  a  semi- 
circular bell ;  between  the  upper 
and  middle  plates  is  the  going 
train,  and  between  the  middle 
and  lower  plates  the  striking 
train,  the  locking  plate  occupying 
a  position  below  the  lowest  plate. 
The  arbors  are  placed  vertically, 
and  the  winding  holes  are  at  the 
bottom  of  the  case.  The  wheels 
are  of  steel  or  iron,  the  fusees  very 
long,  and  with  but  little  curve  in 
their  contour  ;  they  are  connected 
with  the  barrels  by  means  of  cat- 
gut. The  plates,  posts,  and  barrels 
are  of  brass,  the  barrel  covers  of  iron  held  in  by  a  number  of  tenons 
around  the  edge.  The  hand  is  driven  from  the  great  wheel  of  the 
going  part  by  a  contrate  wheel.  The  escapement  is,  of  course,  the 
verge.  The  workmanship,  unusually  fine  for  the  period,  is  remark- 
ably free  from  subsequent  interference.  There  is  a  very  small  hinged 
door  on  each  side  of  the  case,  giving,  when  open,  a  view  of  the 
fusees  to  estimate  the  period  for  winding.     No  screws  are  used  in 


. — Clock  by  Bartholomew 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  247 

the  construction  of  the  movement,  wliich  is  inscribed  "  Bartihiiewe 
Nevvsiun."  A  l;ir<,^e  clock  watch  very  possibly  by  him  is  illustrated 
in  Chapter  III.  In  vol.  Iv.  oi  Archaologia  is  illustrated  a  fine  casket 
by  Bartholomew  Newsam. 

In  the  "  Calendar  of  State  Papers  "  of  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth 
is  a  record  of  a  f^rant  in  1572  to  B.  N.  (who  no  doubt  was  Bartho- 
lomew Newsam)  of  the  office  of  clockmaker  to  the  queen  in 
reversion  after  the  death  or  surrender  of  N.  U.  (probably  Nicholas 
Urseau).  In  tlie  same  calendar  is  a  letter  dated  August  5th,  1583, 
from  Bartilmew  Newsham  to  Sir  Francis  Walsyngham.  This  letter 
probably  refers  to  a  renewal  of  Newsam's  lease,  and  it  desires  Sir 
Francis  to  faxour  the  writer's  petition  to  Her  Majesty  for  the 
augmenting  a  certain  term  of  years,  wherein  he  had  moved  Sir 
Philip  Sidney  to  speak  for  him.  He  was  clock-keeper  to  the  queen 
prior  to  15S2,  and  on  June  4th,  1583,  under  Privy  Seal  was  paid 
32s.  'id.  for  "  mending  of  clocks  during  the  past  year."  Under  date 
1590  is  a  grant  to  Bartholomew  Newsham  of  the  office  of  clock- 
maker  to  the  queen,  in  place  of  Nicholas  Urseau,  deceased. 
Newsam  appears  then  to  have  combined  the  offices  of  clock-keeper 
and  clock-maker,  which  had  previously  been  kept  distinct. 

His  tenure  of  the  double  appointment  was  a  brief  one,  for  he  died 
in  1593.  By  his  will,  dated  in  1586,  he  bequeathed  to  his  apprentice 
his  "  seconde  clock";  to  John  Newsam,  clockmaker  of  York,  his 
"  best  vice  save  one,  a  beckhorne  to  stand  upon  borde,  a  great  fore 
hammer,  and  to  (two)  hand  hammers,  a  grete  longe  beckhorne  in 
my  backe  shoppe  ;  and  all  the  rest  of  my  tools  I  give  unto  Edward 
Newsom,  my  sonne,  with  condicion  that  he  become  a  clockmaker 
as  I  am,  yf  not  I  will  the  foresaid  tooles  to  be  sold  by  my  executors." 
He  gave  to  a  friend  "a  sonne  dyall  of  copper  gylte  "  ;  to  another, 
"  one  cristall  Jewell  with  a  watche  in  it,  garnished  with  gould  "  ;  to 
another,  "one  watch  clocke,  in  a  silken  purse,  and  a  sonne  dyall  to 
stande   upon   a   post   in  his  garden  "  ;  and  to  another,  "  a  chamber 

J  clocke  of  fyve  markes  price." 
Bull. —  Rainulph  or  Randulph  Bull  appears  to  have  been  an 
English  horologist  of  some  note.  In  the  British  Museum  is  a  rather 
large  oval  watch  by  him,  dated  1590.  It  has  on  a  shield  the  arms 
of  the  owner  and  his  name,  "  W.  Rowley."  Bull  was  also  keeper  of 
the  Westminster  great  clock.  In  Devon's  Issues  of  the  Exchequer 
there  is  an  entry  under  date  1617,  ist  of  April  :  "By  Order,  dated 
29th  March,  161 7.  To  Ranulph  Bull,  keeper  of  his  Majesty's  great 
clock,  in  his  Majesty's  palace  at  Westminster,  the  sum  of  ^56  135.  4^,, 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

in  full  satisfaction  and  discharge  of  and  for  divers  sums  by  him 
disbursed  for  mending  the  said  clock,  in  taking  the  same  and  other 
quarter  clocks  all  in  pieces,  and  repairing  the  same  in  the  wheels, 
pulleys,  hammers,  weights,  and  in  all  other  parts,  and  in  new 
hanging,  wiring,  and  cordings  of  the  same  clock,  and  other  necessary 
reparations  thereunto  belonging,  the  charge  whereof,  with  his  own 
workmanship  and  travail  therein,  doth  amount  to  the  sum  aforesaid, 
appearing  by  a  note  of  the  particular  demands,  delivered  upon  his 
oath,  taken  before  one  of  the  Barons  of  his  Majesty's  Exchequer, 

without  account  or  imprest 
to  be  made  thereof.  By 
writ     dated     27th     March, 

1617,  £5^  135-  4^-" 

In  an  account  of  the 
household  expenses  of 
Prince  Henry,  in  1610, 
"Emanuel"  Bull,  the 
"  clocke-keeper,"  is  men- 

At  the  South  Kensington 
Museum  are  two  watches 
inscribed  "  Edmund  Bull  in 
Fleet  Street  fecit  "  ;  one  is  in 
an  oval  case  of  brass  and 
silver,  and  the  other  in  an 
octagonal  case  ;  both  are 
early  seventeenth  century 
productions  ;  a  watch,  simi- 
larly inscribed,  in  a  small 
jbval  pair  of  cases  of  silver,  is  in  the  Guildhall  Museum. 
J  Nouwen.- — The  w^atch  shown  in  Fig.  389  is  by  Michael  Nouwen, 
who  was  referred  to  on  page  51 .  It  is  from  the  Schloss  collection,  and 
dates  from  about  1 590.  The  very  handsome  dial  is  of  brass,  as  is  also 
the  case,  finely  pierced  as  shown.  The  movement  is  furnished  with 
the  stack  freed  and  a  straight  bar  balance.  There  are  no  screws 
used  in  the  construction  of  the  watch.  Inside  of  the  case  is  a  bell 
on  which  the  hours  are  sounded. 

Of  perhaps  slightly  later  date  is  a  watch  by  him  in  the  British 
Museum,  which  has  an  irregular  octagonal -shaped  case  of  crystal ; 
the  plates  of  the  movement  are  enamelled.  In  the  Ashmolean 
Museum  at  Oxford  is  an  oval  watch  with  a  gilt  metal  case.     The 

Fig.  3S9. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


dial  is  engraved  with  a  figure  subject,  and  at  each  of  the  hour 
numerals  a  pin  projects.  The  movement  is  signed  "  Michael 
Nouwen,  fecit,  161 3." 

Garret. — Among  other  watches  which  Octavius  Morgan  exhibited 
to  the  Archceological  Society  in  1840  was  an  early  English  one  in 
the  form  of  a  Tudor  rose.  The  dial  he  described  as  elegantly 
engraved  and  gilt,  with  an  hour  circle  of  silver.  There  was  no 
ornament  on  the  balance  cock  and  the  movement  was  imperfect. 
The  watch  was  made  about  1600  by  Ferdinando  Garret.  In  the 
British  Museum  is  an  o\al  watch  by  the  same  maker  in  a  case  of 
metal  gilt,  of  the  same  period.  Another  watch  by  him  is  mentioned 
in  the  Loudon  Gazette  for  March  agth-April  ist,  1680,  as  follows: 
"  A  small  eight  square  Watch,  the  edges  Brass,  and  the  Cover  and 
Bottom  silver,  made  by  Ferdinando  Garet." 

Grinkin. — Appended  is  a  view  of  an  oval 
watch  by  Robert  Grinkin,  London,  which  dates 
from  about  1605.  The  case  is  of  silver.  In 
the  British  Museum  is  a  still  smaller  oval  watch 
of  the  same  period  by  him,  but  beyond  the 
specimens  of  his  work  which  remain  no  par- 
ticulars of  Grinkin  appear  to  be  obtainable. 

Henche. — In  Devon's  Issues  of  the  Exchequer, 
under  date  1605,  loth  of  October,  occurs  the 
entry,  "  By  Order  the  last  of  September,  1605,  to 
Uldrich  Henche,  clockmaker,  or  to  his  assignee, 
the  sum  of  100/.  for  a  clock  in  manner  of  a  branch 
made  by  him  and  set  up  in  his  Highness's  at 
Whitehall."  And  under  date  1607,  5th  of  July,  another  entry 
runs — 

Flood. — "  To  Humphrey  Flood,  goldsmith,  or  his  assigns,  the 
sum  of  ^120,  in  full  satisfaction  and  payment  for  a  clock  covered 
with  gold,  and  set  with  diamonds  and  rubies  and  l)y  him  delivered 
to  his  Majesty's  use,  at  the  price  of  ;^22o,  whereof  received  £"100." 

North. — As  an  example  of  oval  astronomical  watches  of  English 
make,  such  as  were  popular  in  the  early  part  of  the  seventeenth  century, 
may  be  taken  one  in  the  British  Museum,  inscribed  "  William 
North,  Londini,"  and  of  which  an  exterior  view  is  given  in  the 
subjoined  engraving.  It  shows  the  hours  on  the  lower  and  day  of 
the  month  on  the  upper  circular  band.  There  are,  in  addition,  four 
apertures  in  the  dial.  Through  the  largest  of  these,  on  the  left,  are 
sho-vyn  the    days    of   the    week,    with   the  corresponding   allegorical 




Old  Clocks  and  Wafches  and  their  Makers. 

figures  :  Apollo  for  Sunday,  Diana  for  Monday,  Mars  for  Tuesday, 
Mercury  for  Wednesday,  Jupiter  for  Thursday,  Venus  for  Friday, 
and  Saturn  for  Saturday.  Through  the  three  openings  on  the  right 
are  seen  the  phases  of  the  moon,  the  quarters  of  the  moon,  and  its 
age  in  days.  These  three  subjects  are  all  engraved  on  one  circular 
plate  below.  Symbols  representing  six  planets  appear  in  rotation 
below  the  small  square  on  the  right,  just  outside  and  lower  than  the 
centre  of  the  hour  ring.  It  may  with  tolerable  certainty  be  affirmed 
that  the  movement  of  this  watch   was  made  about   1615,  although 

the  case  is  probably  of  a  later  date. 
William  North  was  admitted  as  a  brother 
of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1639, 
and  the  fact  of  his  being  noted  as  a 
brother  would  indicate  that  he  had  then 
been  established  for  some  time,  and  was 
free  of  another  company. 

Crayle. — In  the  South  Kensington 
Museum  is  a  particularly  diminutive 
watch  in  a  plain  oval  case,  which 
measures  outside  but  half  an  inch  in 
length  and  three-eighths  of  an  inch  across, 
by  Richard  Crayle,  London,  and  said  to 
have  belonged  to  Lord  Hussey,  who  was 
beheaded  in  1537.  I  am  not  aware  what 
evidence  exists  to  warrant  this  state- 
ment, but  1537  is  rather  an  early  date 
for  a  watch  of  this  character  to  be  in 
existence,  and  I  should  be  inclined  to 
think  it  was  the  production  of  the  Richard 
Crayle  who  was  a  member  of  the  Black- 
smiths' Company  before  the  existence  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company, 
and  who  signed  the  petition  for  its  incorporation. 

Two  views  of  a  large  oval  alarm  watch  signed  "  Richard  Crayle 
Londini  fecit,''  and  not  later  than  1610,  are  given  in  Figs.  392  and 
393.  The  first  shows  the  front  cover  closed,  and  the  second  exposes 
the  whole  of  the  dial.  On  the  back  plate  are  two  small  rotating 
dials  of  silver,  one  engraved  with  the  days  of  the  week,  with  a 
mythological  figure  corresponding  to  each,  while  the  other,  divided 
into  months,  contains  also  the  signs  of  the  zodiac. 

In  the  British  Museum  is  a  round  watch  movement  inscribed 
*'  William  Crayle,  in  Fleete  Street,  London,"  a  production  of  about 

Fig.  391. — Watch  by  William 
North,  London,  about  1615. 

Records  of  Early  Maker;;,  etc. 


Fig.  392 

Fig.  393. 

1620.     William  Crayle,  who  in  1676  carried  on  business  in  Fleet 
Street,  and  afterwards  at  the 
Black    Boy     in     the    Strand, 
neat  the  Savoy,  was  probably 
a  descendant  of  Richard. 

Alcock. — Mr.  Edward  Parr 
has  a  very  fine  circular  calen- 
dar watch  by  Thomas  Alcock, 
as  shown  in  Fig.  394.  The 
dial  is  really  superb ;  it  indi- 
cates the  age  and  phases  of 
the  moon  by  means  of  the 
central  rotating  disc,  and  the 
day  of  the  month  by  a  rotating 
ring  outside  the  hour  circle. 
The  movement  is  very  well 
made  and  in  good  order ;  it 
dates  from  about  1635.  The 
case  is  of  brass,  curiously 
engraved,  and  though  old,  of 

252  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

later  date  than  the  movement.  Thomas  Alcock  was  one  of  the 
petitioners  for  the  incorporation  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in 
1630.  In  Kingdom's  IntcUigcncev,  February  4th,  1661,  was  advertised 
as  lost  "  a  round  high  watch  of  a  reasonable  size  showing  the  day 
of  the  month,  age  of  the  moon,  and  tides  ;  upon  the  upper  plate 
Thomas  Alcock  fecit." 

David  Ramsay. — One  of  the  earliest  British  watchmakers  of 
particular  renown  was  David  Ramsay. 

Among  the  Salting  collection  at  South  Kensington  Museum  is  a 
very  early  watch  by  him  in  a  small  irregular  octagonal  case  of  gold 
and  silver.  It  has  hinged  covers  over  the  front  and  the  back,  and  is 
decorated  with  engravings  of  the  Annunciation  and  the  Nativity. 

In  the  British  Museum  is  an  oval  watch  of  his  make,  with  a  gold 
case  in  the  French  style.  The  period  assigned  to  this  watch  is  1600 
to  1610.     It  is  inscribed  "  David  Ramsay,  Scotiis,  me  fecit." 

There  is  an  entry  in  the  account  of  money  expended  by  Sir  David 
Murray,  Kt.,  keeper  of  the  privy  purse  to  Henry  Prince  of  Wales, 
who  died  in  1612.  "Watches  three  bought  of  Mr.  Ramsay  the 
Clockmaker  Ixj  li  "  (£^61).  In  the  same  account,  among  the  list  of 
"  Guyftes  and  Rewards,"  is  the  item,  "Mr  Ramsay  the  clockmaker 
xjs"  (lis.). 

An  oval  calendar  watch,  showing  the  age  of  the  moon,  which  is 
supposed  to  have  belonged  to  James  I.,  is  described  in  the  Archao- 
logical  Journal,  vol.  vi.  p.  415.  It  had  a  plain  outer  case  of  silver, 
the  inner  one  being  beautifully  engraved  ;  on  one  side  was  repre- 
sented Christ  healing  a  cripple,  also  the  motto  used  by  James, "  Beati 
pacifici,"  and  on  the  other  side  the  Good  Samaritan  with  the 
inscription,  "  S.  Lucas  c.  10."  Inside  the  cover  was  a  well-executed 
engraving  of  James,  with  his  style  and  titles.  Under  a  small  shield 
which  concealed  the  hole  for  winding  was  the  name  of  the  engraver, 
"  Gerhart  de  Heck."  Around  the  edge  of  the  case  were  the  Rose, 
Harp,  and  Thistle,  and  the  initials  J.R.  On  the  plate  of  the  watch 
was  engraved,  as  before,  "  David  Ramsay,  Scot  its,  me  fecit,"  and 
these  inscriptions,  together  with  the  fact  that  he  had  a  grant  of 
denization  in  161 9,  prove  that  he  was  a  native  of  Scotland. 

Mr.  J.  Sancroft  Holmes  had  another  watch  by  Ramsay,  which  was 
found  seventy  or  eighty  years  ago  behind  the  tapestry  which  then 
covered  the  wall  of  the  dining-room  of  Gawdy  Hall.  With  the 
watch  were  two  apostle  spoons  and  papers  relating  to  the  troublous 
times  of  Cromwell.  The  case  of  the  watch  is  of  silver  and  shaped 
like  a  star  or  heraldic  mullet  of  six  points, 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


The  engravings  appended  show  a  splendid  clock-watch  with 
alarum  by  him,  from  the  collection  of  Mr.  Evan  Roberts,  dating 
from  about  1615.  It  has  the  three  wheel  train  usual  in  early 
watches,  and  Mr.  Crewe,  in  describing  the  movement,  remarks  that 
the  fusee  is  cut  for  twelve  turns,  and  the  end  of  the  great  wheel 
arbor,  which  goes  through  the  pillar  plate,  is  fashioned  into  six  pegs 
or  leaves,  identical  with  a  lantern  pinion  in  its  action.  These  leaves 
work  in  a  wheel  pivoted  into  the  centre  of  the  pillar  plate,  having 
sixty  teeth,  and  carrying  the  single  hand  of  the  watch.  Thus  ten 
turns  of  the  fusee  are  equivalent  to  an  entire  circuit  of  the  hand  on 
the  dial,  and  so  the  watch  would  require  to  be  wound  twice  a  day. 

Fig.  395.— Front  view.  Fig.  395.— View  of  edge  and  back. 

Clock-watch  and  alarum  by  David  Ramsay. 

The  ratchet  wheel,  which  sets  up  the  mainspring,  is  on  the  top  plate, 
and  the  stop  work  is  identical  in  principle  with  that  in  modern 
fusee  watches.  The  stop  for  the  alarum  part  is  effected  by  a  wheel 
and  pinion,  the  wheel  having  a  portion  the  size  of  two  teeth  left 
uncut,  and  which  serves  as  a  block  to  the  pinion  after  it  has  been 
wound  three  turns.  The  wheels  and  pinions  have  a  wonderfully 
smooth  action,  though  they  appear  to  be  cut  by  hand  rather  roughly. 
The  count  or  locking  wheel  of  the  striking  portion  is  made  of  silver, 
and  the  notches  have  been  certainly  made  with  a  file.  The  alarum 
part  has  a  verge  escapement  with  counter  and  crown  wheels. 
Attached  to  its  verge  is  a  V-shaped  piece  of  brass  with  an  arm,  and 

254  C>!d  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

this  pressed  by  a  spring  drops  into  a  notch  made  in  the  edge  of  a 
brass  disc  on  the  hand  or  hour  wheel,  and  so  Hberates  the  verge  and 
lets  off  the  alarum.  Between  this  disc  and  the  hour  wheel,  and 
working  concentrically  with  them,  is  a  star  wheel  having  twelve 
teeth,  which  by  lifting  up  a  brass  arm  connected  with  the  count 
wheel  causes  it  to  strike.  The  potence  is  a  rather  slender  piece  of 
square  brass,  and  is  riveted  to  the  top  plate,  and  the  banking  is 
made  by  steps  cut  in  it.  These  riveted  potences  are  found  in  nearly 
all  watches  made  before  1700.  The  balance  cock  is  a  slender  piece 
of  work,  and  is  pierced  throughout,  and  the  neck  very  narrow,  so 
different  from  specimens  of  Tompion  and  other  later  masters.  The 
case  is  very  elegant  in  design,  and  is  pierced  in  the  back  and  band, 
the  bezel  being  engraved,  and  in  every  respect  it  will  compare 
favourably  with  any  work  of  the  kind.  Curiously  enough,  the  band 
is  silver,  and  bezel  and  back  of  bronze,  and  the  whole  case  gilt. 
On  the  margin  of  the  top  plate,  in  tiny  characters,  as  if  almost  to 
escape  observation,  is  engraved,  "  David  Ramsay  inv'  Fecit,"  the 
et  having  been  obliterated. 

R.  B.  P.,  in  the  Dictionary  of  National  Biography,  says  David 
Ramsay  belonged  to  the  Ramsays  of  Dalhousie,  and  quotes 
Ramsay's  son  William  to  the  effect  that  "  when  James  I.  succeeded 
to  the  crown  of  England  he  sent  into  France  for  my  father,  who 
was  there,  and  made  him  page  of  the  bedchamber  and  keeper  of 
his  Majesty's  clocks  and  watches."  In  1613,  James  gave  David 
Ramsay  a  pension  of  ^"200  per  annum,  and  in  the  same  year  a 
further  pension  of  /"50  per  annum.  In  the  grant  he  is  styled 
"  Clockmaker  Extraordinary."  In  1616  a  warrant  was  signed  to 
pay  him  ^'234  105.  for  the  purchase  and  repair  of  clocks  and 
watches  for  the  king.  On  November  26th,  1618,  he  was  appointed 
to  the  office  of  "  Chief  Clockmaker  "  to  his  Majesty,  with  fees  and 
allowances  for  workmanship.  On  September  30th,  1622,  he  received 
^232  155.  for  repairing  clocks  at  Theobalds,  Oatlands,  and  West- 
minster, and  for  making  a  chime  of  bells  adjoining  the  clock  at 

In  1625  James  I.,  his  patron,  died,  but  Ramsay  appears  to  have 
retained  his  appointments,  for  on  January  25th,  1626,  a  warrant  to 
pay  to  David  Ramsay  ^150  for  coins  to  be  given  by  the  king, 
Charles  I.,  on  the  day  of  his  coronation,  was  signed.  Again, 
"March  17th,  1627,  is  a  warrant  to  David  Ramsay,  Page  of  the 
Bedchamber  and  Clockmaker,  £^{^1  35.  4^.  for  work  done  for  his 
late  Majesty,  and  /'358  16s.  Sd.  in  lieu  of  diet  and  bouche  of  Court." 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  255 

In  1628,  July  13th,  a  warrant  was  signed  to  pay  him  /'415  for  clocks 
and  other  necessaries  delivered  for  the  king's  service. 

Among  the  State  Papers  Dom.  1653  are  two  receipts  taken  from 
the  Jewel  House  at  Whitehall  soon  after  the  death  of  Charles  I. 
The  first  is  as  follows:  "  18  die  Feb.  1649.  Reed,  one  clocke  with 
divers  mocons,  two  globes,  one  case  for  a  clocke,  and  a  glassee,  one 
Bullet  Clocke,  one  clocke  with  five  bells,  and  one  other  clocke,  all 
which  were  lying  at  Whitehall  late  in  the  charge  of  David  Ramsay." 
The  second  is  merely  a  subsidiary  receipt  of  the  same  date  for  "one 
other  clocke  in  a  Bow  received  from  Ramsay." 

Sir  Walter  Scott  introduces  Ramsay  as  a  character  in  "  The 
Fortunes  of  Nigel,"  as  the  keeper  of  a  shop  a  few  yards  to  the  east- 
ward of  Temple  Bar,  and  in  a  note  to  that  novel  he  is  described  as 
"Constructor  of  Horologes  to  His  most  Sacred  Majesty  James  I." 

That  Ramsay  was  the  most  celebrated  watchmaker  of  the  day 
may  be  inferred  from  the  fact  that  w^hen  the  clockmakers  obtained 
their  charter  of  incorporation,  he  was  therein  appointed  to  the  office 
of  master.  He  does  not  appear  to  have  taken  a  \ery  active  part  in 
the  management  of  the  company.  During  his  absence  in  the  country, 
Mr.  Henry  xA.rcher  was  appointed  deputy  master.  William  Ramsay 
dedicated  "  Vox  Stellarum  "  to  his  father  in  1652,  and  in  a  postscript 
dated  1653  remarks,  "  from  my  study  in  my  father's  house  in  Holborn, 
within  two  doors  of  the  'Wounded  Hart,'  near  the  King's  Gate,"  and 
there  David  Ramsay  probably  died.  The  exact  date  of  his  death  is 
uncertain,  but  it  occurred  about  1654,  ^^^  though  his  age  is  not 
stated,  he  was  then  certainly  very  much  past  the  meridian. 

He  is  known  to  have  been  an  inventor  or  schemer  from  the 
beginning  of  the  century,  and  between  1618  and  1638  he  took  out 
no  less  than  eight  patents,  none  of  which,  how'ever,  seemed  to  be 
connected  with  horology  ;  they  related  to  raising  water,  draining 
mines,  making  saltpetre,  separating  gold  and  silver  from  the  base 
metals,  smelting  iron,  constructing  furnaces  of  various  kinds,  dyeing 
fabrics,  etc.  He  was  a  friend  of  James  Lilly  the  astrologer,  who,  in 
his  autobiography,  relates  that  he  accompanied  Ramsay  to  West- 
minster at  night  to  make  some  experiments  w'ith  a  view  to  discover 
treasure  by  means  of  the  divining  rod. 

William  Partridge. — In  the  "Calendar  of  State  Papers" 
(Domestic  Series),  under  date  May,  1660,  there  appears  the 
following  petition  to  the  king  from  Captain  William  Partridge, 
setting  out  "that  hee  was  sworne  servant  to  yo"'  Royall  father  of 
blessed   memory,  and  to   yo'  Ma"'  in   the   yeare   1645,  to  attend  ye 

256  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

in  the  qualitie  of  a  Clockmaker,  and  did  officiate  in  that  place, 
all  the  time  of  his  Ma"^'  being  at  Oxford,  And  did  likewise  serve 
his  Ma''^  a  yeare  and  a  halfe  in  his  life  Guard  of  foote  ;  And  afeterwards 
did  raise  a  Company  att  his  owne  charge  ;  And  hath  bene  a  great 
sufferer  by  Plundring  Imprisonm''  and  expulcons.  Hee  most 
humbly  prayeth  that  yo'  Ala''*  will  vouchsafe  unto  him  the  like 
grace  and  favo""  as  to  others  of  yo'  servants  is  extended,  That  hee 
may  bee  restored  unto  his  said  place  of  Clockmaker  to  yo'  Ma"*  w'"' 
all  such  priviledges  and  Impunities  as  belong  unto  it  according  to 
his  warrant." 

On  the  same  page  there  is  also  a  petition  from  Sarah  his  wife, 
begging  that  her  husband's  place  may  not  be  filled  up  until  he  has 
been  heard  for  himself ;  that  he  was  bred  under  Mr.  Este  (?  East), 
spent  much  time  in  improving  himself  in  his  trade  in  France  and 
Flanders,  and  only  discontinued  it  when  in  arms  or  in  prison  for  His 
Majesty.  At  the  foot  of  the  petition  is  the  note,  "  To  succeede  Da. 
Ramsay."  But  nothing  further  is  known  of  Partridge,  and  he  may 
be  passed  over.  The  king's  clockmaker,  after  Ramsay,  really  seems 
to  have  been  Edward  East,  of  whom  more  will  be  said  hereafter. 

The  Clockmakers'  Company. — In  1627  a  proposal  to  grant 
letters  patent  authorising  French  clockmakers  to  carry  on  their  trade 
within  the  city  appears  to  have  occasioned  an  agitation  among  the 
London  craftsmen  in  favour  of  incorporation  as  a  trade  guild.  Prior 
to  that  date,  individual  freemen  had  been  associated  with  one  or  other 
of  the  existing  companies,  that  of  the  blacksmiths  having  been  most 
favoured.  In  1630  a  committee  of  clockmakers  was  formed,  funds 
were  raised  to  defray  expenses,  and  petitions  were  addressed  to  the 
king,  with  the  result  that  a  charter  was  obtained  from  Charles  I.  on 
the  22nd  of  August,  1 63 1. 

In  this  document,  "  the  Master,  Wardens,  and  Fellowship  of  the 
Arts  or  Mystery  of  Clockmaking  of  the  City  of  London  "  had  very 
comprehensive  powers  for  ruling  and  protecting  the  rights  of  the 
craft.  They  were  entitled  to  make  bye-laws  for  the  government  of 
all  persons  using  the  trade  in  London,  or  within  ten  miles  thereof, 
and  for  the  regulation  of  the  manner  in  which  the  trade  should  be 
carried  on  throughout  the  realm.  And  in  order  to  prevent  the 
public  from  being  injured  by  persons  "  making,  buying,  selling, 
transporting,  and  importing  any  bad,  deceitful,  or  insufficient  clocks, 
watches,  larums,  sun-d^als,  boxes,  or  cases  for  the  said  trade,"  powers 
were  given  to  the  company  "  to  enter  with  a  constable  or  other 
officer  any  ships,  vessels,  warehouses,  shops,  or  other  places  where 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  257 

they  should  suspect  such  bad  and  deceitful  works  to  be  made  or 
kept,  for  the  purpose  of  searching  for  them "  ;  and,  if  entrance 
should  be  denied,  they  might  effect  it  by  force.  Any  such  works  as 
were  faulty  or  deceitfully  wrought  they  had  power  to  seize  and 
destroy,  or  cause  them  to  be  amended.  Every  member  of  the 
fellowship  paid  fourpence  a  quarter  to  meet  the  necessary  expense  of 
these  searches.     In  1708  this  quarterage  produced  over  £28. 

By  the  charter,  David  Ramsay  was  appointed  to  be  the  first 
master;  Henry  Archer,  John  Willowe,  and  Sampson  Shelton  were 
the  first  wardens ;  and  James  Vantrollier  (or  Vautrollier),  John 
Smith,  Francis  Foreman,  John  Harris,  Richard  Morgan,  Samuel 
Linnaker,  John  Charlton,  John  Midnall,  Simon  Bartram,  and 
Edward  East,  assistants  of  the  said  fellowship  of  the  said  art  or 

The  charter  also  declared  that  future  masters  and  wardens  must 
be,  or  have  been,  professed  clockmakers,  an  important  regulation, 
which  certainly  appears  to  have  been  contravened  in  late  years. 
The  right  of  search  was  exercised  regularly  till  1733,  when  it  was 

On  the  incorporation  of  the  company,  stringent  by-laws  were 
made  regarding  apprentices.  No  person  was  to  take  an  apprentice 
without  leave  of  the  master,  and  then  to  have  but  one,  until  he  shall 
be  called  to  bear  the  office  of  master,  warden,  or  assistant,  and  after 
that,  not  to  exceed  the  number  of  two  apprentices  at  any  time 
whatsoever.  But  when  his  first  apprentice  had  served  five  years, 
any  member  of  the  fellowship  might  take  another,  but  not  sooner, 
under  a  penalty  of  £10.  And  in  the  early  history  of  the  company 
several  of  its  members  were  brought  to  account  and  fined  for 
disobeying  this  regulation.  Among  them  were  several  eminent 
members  of  the  craft,  including  Thomas  Loonies  and  Ahasuerus 

Then  it  was  ordained  that  after  an  apprentice  had  servedh  is  time 
he  should  serve  his  master  or  some  other  member  of  the  fellowship 
for  two  years  as  journeyman,  and  produce  his  "  masterpiece "  of 
work  before  he  was  allowed  to  be  a  workmaster.  This  period  of 
probation  might,  if  the  company  saw  fit,  be  commuted  to  one  year 
on  payment  of  a  fine. 

Those  craftsmen  who  had  joined  the  Blacksmiths'  and  other 
Companies  prior  to  the  incorporation  of  the  Clockmakers',  were  from 
time  to  time  admitted  as  "  brothers  "  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company. 

As  provided  by   the   charter,  the   "  court  "  or  directorate  consists 

c.w.  s 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

of  the  master,  three  wardens,  and  ten  or  more  assistants.  The 
assistants  are  chosen  for  Hfe  from  among  the  freemen,  and  the  usual, 
but  not  invariable,  course  is  that  the  assistants  fill  the  higher  offices 
in  succession,  according  to  seniority  ;  each  one  being  elected  first  as 
junior  warden,  the  next  year  as  renter,  the  next  year  as  sfenior 
warden,  and  the  following  year  as  master.  After  his  retirement  as 
master,  he  resumes  his  seat  as  an  ordinary  member  of  the  court. 

Occasionally  members  were  transferred  from  and  to  other  com- 
panies. In  1636  Mr.  Richard  Masters  was  transferred  from  the 
Clothiers'  at  a  cost  to  the  Clockmakers'  Company  of  ;^io  95.  6d.  A 
lesser  sum  sufficed  for  the  transference,  in  the  same  year,  of  Mr. 
Dawson  and  Mr.  Durant  from  the  Imbroderers'.  In  1724  Mr.  John 
Shirley  gave  a  bond  to  pay  the   Clockmakers'   Company  ;^2o  for 

being  transferred  to  the  Vintners'.  On 
Mr.  James  Masters  applying  in  181 1  to  be 
transferred  to  the  Goldsmiths',  a  little 
haggling  appears  to  have  ensued.  The 
Clockmakers'  Company  at  first  demanded 
^"50  for  consenting  ;  Masters  offered  /"30 
in  1 81 2,  and  this  amount  was  accepted. 
George  Russell,  in  1844,  had  to  pay  the 
Clockmakers'  Company  /'30  for  permission 
to  be  transferred  to  the  Salters',  and  an 
additional  £^  for  a  special  meeting  of  the 
court  to  attend  the  Court  of  Aldermen  with 
the  Salters'  Company. 
In  1656  Ahasuerus  Fromanteel  and  31  other  members  complained 
to  the  court  that,  in  spite  of  members  having  to  pay  xii''-  a  quarter, 
the  meetings  were  held  in  taverns.  They  also  objected  to  the 
presence  of  Frenchmen  among  the  ruling  body,  and  recounted  other 
grievances.  A  counter-petition  traversed  the  allegations,  and 
asserted  the  confidence  of  the  signatories  in  ^-he  management  of 
the  company. 

In  167 1  the  company  obtained  the  right  to  bear  arms,  and  in  that 
year  letters  patent  were  granted  for  this  distinction.  They  recounted 
"  that  whereof  at  present  Nicholas  Coxeter  is  Master,  Samuel  Home 
and  Jeffery  Bailey  are  Wardens,  as  also  Edward  East,  the  only 
persons  now  living  of  those  mentioned  in  the  said  Letters  Patents 
of  Incorporation,  John  Nicasius,  John  Pennock,  Edmond  Gilpin, 
Jeremie  Gregory,  Thomas  Taylor,  Thomas  Clayton,  John  Freeman, 
Evan  Jones,  Isaac  Daniell,  John  Browne,  Nicholas  Payne,  Richard 

Fig.  397. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  259 

Ames,  and  Benjamin  Bell,  are  Assistants,  and  to  the  rest  of  the 
Fellowship  and  Company  thereof,  and  to  their  successors  for  ever. 
The  Armes,  Crest,  Supporters  and  Motto  hereafter  mentioned, 
viz'-  Sable,  A  Clock  y"-'  4  Pillars  therefore  erected  on  four  lyons,  and 
on  each  capitall  a  globe  with  a  Crosse,  and  in  the  middest  an 
Imperial  Crowne  all  Or,  and  for  Their  Crest  upon  an  helmet  Proper 
Mantled  Gules  Doubled  Argent  and  Wreath  of  their  Colours  a 
Spheare  Or,  The  Armes  Supported  by  the  Figures  of  a  Naked  Old 
man  holding  a  Scithe  and  an  Hour  Glasse  representing  Time,  and 
an  Emporour  in  Roabes  Crowned  holding  a  Scepter,  Their  Motto — 


As  in  the  margent  they  are  all  more  lively  Depicted." 

In  1677  Mr.  George  Deane,  engraver,  a  member  of  the  company, 
"  having  by  the  hands  of  Henry  Jones  presented  to  this  court  the 
company's  coat  of  arms  engraved  on  a  copper-plate  fit  to  be  used 
for  tickets  and  divers  other  occasions  of  the  company  which  was  \'ery 
well  liked,  this  court  did  kindly  accept  it,  and  returned  him  thanks." 

During  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  century  the  suitability 
of  watchmaking  as  a  profession  for  women  was  recognized,  and  in 
1 715  the  company  sanctioned  the  taking  of  female  apprentices. 
The  names  of  several  will  be  found  in  the  list  at  the  end  of  this  book, 
where  also  is  recorded  the  admission  of  a  few  female  members  of  the 
company.  The  employment  of  female  labour  in  watch  work  does 
not,  however,  seem  to  have  made  much  progress  in  England  till 
watch  factories  were  established  in  quite  recent  years. 

In  1 78 1  it  was  decided  to  elect  leading  members  of  the  trade  as 
honorary  freemen.  This  course,  politic  as  it  probably  was,  seems  to 
indicate  tliat  at  this  period  the  prestige  of  the  company  in  the  horo- 
logical  world  was  insufficient  to  induce  distinguished  craftsmen  to 
take  up  the  freedom  in  the  ordinary  way. 

The  company  has  never  risen  to  the  importance  and  comfort  of 
possessing  a  hall  of  its  own  for  meetings  and  other  business.  For 
brief  periods  during  its  history  it  had  the  use  of  a  hall  belonging 
to  a  more  favoured  guild,  but  most  of  its  meetings  were  held  in 
taverns,  more  than  forty  of  these  establishments  having  been  so 
favoured.  Its  last  meeting  before  the  Great  Fire  of  London  was 
held  on  August  20th,  at  the  Castle  Tavern,  in  Fleet  Street ;  and  the 
first  meeting  after,  on  October  8th,  1666,  at  the  Crown  Tavern,  m 
Smithfield.  Later  still  the  Devil  Tavern,  near  Temple  Bar,  was 

s  2 

26o  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Only  a  certain  number  of  freemen  from  certain  of  the  companies 
is  oermitted  to  take  up  the  Hvery  or  freedom  of  the  City,  the 
whole  matter  being  in  the  discretion  of  the  Court  of  Aldermen. 
The  claims  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  were  not  recognized  in 
this  respect  till  1766,  when  it  was  allowed  to  select  60  of  its 
members  for  the  privilege ;  this  number  was  upon  petition  increased 
to  120  in  1786,  a  still  further  increase  to  200  was  sanctioned  in  1810, 
and  in  1826  the  present  limit  of  250  was  reached. 

No.  2  of  the  by-laws  provided  "  that  every  person  of  the  said 
Fellowship  chosen  in  the  said  Livery  shall  accept  and  take  upon 
him  to  be  of  the  said  Livery,  and  shall  within  fourteen  days  after 
notice  of  such  election  take  such  oaths  as  by  these  ordinances  shall 
be  appointed  for  him." 

The  honour  of  election  to  the  livery  does  not  seem  to  have  been 
always  appreciated,  for  in  181 3  "  William  Mansell,  of  Rosoman  St., 
Clerkenwell,  Watch  casemaker,  who  was  summoned  to  take  the 
Livery  on  the  19th  August,  1812,  again  on  7th  September,  1812,  and 
repeated  on  the  nth  October  last,  was  peremptorily  summoned 
to  be  at  this  court,  and  being  now  in  attendance  for  the  first 
time,  refused  to  take  the  Clothing,  and  the  penalty  of  Fifteen 
Pounds  being  awarded  against  him  for  such  refusal,  he  paid 
the  sum  in  Court,  and  his  Election  to  the  Livery  was  thereupon 

"William  W'elborne,  of  Leather  Lane,  Holborn,  has  been  sum- 
moned to  take  the  Livery  in  November,  181 1,  and  also  in  January, 
February,  and  July,  181 2,  but  having  failed  so  to  do,  was  again 
summoned  for  that  purpose  to  the  last  Quarter  Court,  when  he 
attended  and  requested  until  this  day,  promising  either  to  take  the 
clothing  or  pay  the  penalty  for  refusal.  He  being  now  present  and 
declining  to  take  the  same,  the  penalty  of  ^15  was  ordered  to  be 
enforced,  which  being  paid  in  Court,  his  election  to  the  Livery  was 
likewise  thereupon  discharged." 

The  fine  on  taking  up  the  livery  was  then  fixed  at  ;^2i. 

In  1820  it  was  resolved  to  allow  the  quarterly  payments  or 
quarterage  from  members  in  support  of  the  company  to  be  com- 
muted by  an  immediate  payment ;  the  amount  to  be  paid  being 
dependent  on  the  age  of  the  member  availing  himself  of  the  arrange- 
ment. The  tee  to  be  paid  on  taking  up  the  freedom  of  the  company 
by  purchase  was  in  1876  increased  to  £^.0. 

As  already  stated,  the  company  does  not  possess  a  hall  of  its  own. 
Its  business  is  transacted  at  the  Guildhall,  where,  by   permission  of 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


the  Corporation,  its  library  is  kept  and  its  reniarkalily  fine  museum  of 
timekeepers  displayed  so  as  to  be  accessible  to  the  public. 

Edward  East. —  Edward  East,  watchmaker  to  Charles  I.,  was  a 
true  horologist  and  a  worthy  successor  to  David  Ramsay.  He  at 
onetime  resided  in  Pall  Mall,  near  the  tennis  court,  and  attended  the 
king  when  tennis  and  other  games  were  being  played  in  the  Mall,  his 
Majesty  often  providing  one  of  East's  watches  as  a  prize.  Edward 
East  seems  to  have  removed  to  Fleet  Street,  for  it  is  related  that  at 
a  later  period  the  king's  attendant,  Mr.  Herbert,  failing  in  the 
punctual    discharge    of   his^duties    in     the    morning,     his     Majesty 

Fig.  398. 

Vu..  j99. 

provided  him  with  a  gold  alarum  watch,  which  was  fetched  from  the 
king's  watchmaker,  Mr.  East,  in  Fleet  Street.  He  was  in  Fleet 
Street  in  1635,  for  a  correspondent  of  Notes  and  Queries  had  in  1900 
a  MS.  Return  of  Strangers  within  the  ward  of  Farringdon  Without 
wherein  East  is  referred  to  as  of  Fleet  Street,  in  the  parish  of  St. 
Dunstan's  in  the  West,  and  as  the  employer  of  one  Elias  Dupree,  a 
Dutchman.  The  locality  of  a  presumably  still  later  residence  is  indi- 
cated by  a  reference  to  "  Mr.  East  at  the  Sun,  outside  Temple  Bar,"  in 
the  Loudon  Gazette,  January  22-26,  1690.  A  very  large  silver  alarum 
clock-watch  by  Edward  East,  which  was  kept  at  the  bedside  of 
Charles  I.,  was  presented  by  the  king  on  his  way  to  execution  at 
Whitehall,  on  January  30,  1649,  to  his  faithful  and  attached  servant, 

262  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Mr.,  afterwards  Sir,  Thomas  Herbert.  It  was  illustrated  in  "  Sussex 
Archgeological  Collections,"  1850,  and  in  the  AvchcBological  Journal, 
vol.  vii.,  from  which  Figs.  398  and  399,  two-thirds  the  size  of  the 
watch,  are  reproduced.  I  presume  its  history  is  well  authenticated. 
The  owner  of  it,  Mr.  William  Townley  Mitford,  was  quoted  as 
saying,  "  It  came  into  possession  of  my  family  by  intermarriage  with 
the  Herberts  about  a  century  ago,  and  since  that  time  has  remained 
with  us,"  and  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  seemed  to  be  quite  satisfied 
with  their  examination.  Still,  from  the  engravings,  it  is  rather  a 
perplexing  watch.  The  dial  and  pierced  back  are  of  Charles  I. 
period,  and  though  a  minute  hand  at  that  date  would  be  very 
unusual,  it  would  not  be  an  impossible  adjunct ;  presumably  there 
was  also  an  hour  hand,  but  I  can  see  no  alarum  disc  or  indicator ; 
the  centre  of  the  dial  may,  of  course,  have  been  turned  to  set  the 
alarum,  but  there  is  no  sign  of  its  having  been  so  utilized.  Amongst 
the  collection  of  autographs  and  manuscripts  in  the  possession  of 
Mr.  Alfred  Morrison,  of  Fonthill  House,  Wilts,  is  a  warrant,  dated 
June  23rd,  1649,  from  the  Committee  of  Public  Revenue  to  Thomas 
Fauconbridge,  Esq.,  Receiver- General,  authorizing  him  to  pay 
"  vnto  Mr.  Edward  East,  Watchmaker,  the  so'me  of  fortie  pounds 
for  a  ^Vatch  and  a  Larum  of  gould  by  him  made  for  the  late  King 
Charles  by  directions  of  the  Earle  of  Pembrooke,  by  order  of  the 
Committee,  and  deliuered  for  the  late  King's  use  the  xviith  of  January 
last."  In  the  Fellows  collection  at  the  British  Museum  is  a 
splendid  octangular  crystal-cased  watch,  a  recumbent  female  figure 
holding  an  hour-glass  being  engraved  on  the  dial  ;  1620  is  mentioned 
as  the  probable  date  of  this  specimen  of  East's  work,  (^f  about  the 
same  period  is  the  small  oval  watch  by  him  shown  in  Fig.  400. 
Another  example  of  his  work  is  the  pretty  little  watch  of  slightly 
later  date  having  an  outer  case  and  with  a  faceted  crystal  over  the 
dial  which  is  represented  in  Fig.  401.  Two  views  of  a  clock-watch 
by  East  in  a  finely  pierced  and  engraved  case  and  also  with  a  crystal 
covering  for  the  dial  are  given  in  Figs.  402  and  403.  These  three 
watches  are  from  the  Schloss  collection. 

In  the  Hilton  Price  collection  is  the  little  watch  by  East  which  is 
represented  in  Fig.  404.  The  dial  of  silver  has  a  view  engraved  on 
it,  and  the  case,  of  the  same  metal,  is  fluted  ;  the  channels  which 
broaden  radially  from  the  centre  of  the  back  extend  over  the  edge 
and  are  finely  engraved. 

Wood  refers  to  another  watch  by  him  with  a  silver  case  in  the 
form   of  a  cross,  the  dial  being  engraved  with  the  Crucifixion  and 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


^^  V<^^-^-^^>'"•* 

Fig.  401. 




'   / 

Fig.  402. 

Fig.  40J. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches   and   their  Makers. 

angels.  In  the  Ashmolean  Museum  at  Oxford  is  a  watch  by  East 
with  gold  case  in  the  form  of  a  melon,  studded  all  over  with 
turquoises,  the  pendant  being  enamelled  blue  to  match.  Two  other 
undoubted  specimens  of  this  master's  work  are  in  the  Guildhall 
Museum.  One,  a  watch  movement,  inscribed,  "  Eduardus  East, 
Londini,"  was  thus  described  by  E.  J.Thompson:  "  The  fusee  of 
ten  turns  is  cut  for  gut.  There  are  great  second  and  contrate  wheels, 
and  a  left-handed  cut  balance  wheel,  the  verge  being  of  course  left- 
handed.  The  end  of  the  verge  is  driven  into  the  balance,  which  has 
one  straight   bar  or  arm.     The  cock  is  secured  on  a  stud  by  a  pin. 

There  is  no  provision  for  a  balance  spring, 
and  the  regulating  must  have  depended 
upon  the  setting  up  or  down  of  the  main- 
spring by  the  endless  screw.  It  had  one 
hand  only.  The  fusee  is  hollow,  having 
the  cap  and  winding  square  solid  ;  it  is 
fitted  on  to  an  arbor  riveted  on  the  great 
wheel.  The  great  wheel  has  fifty-five, 
the  second  forty-five,  the  contrate  forty, 
and  the  balance-wheel  fifteen  teeth  ;  the 
second,  contrate,  and  balance  pinions 
being  all  of  five  leaves." 

The  second  example  is  a  watch  in  a 
silver  oval  case  with  hunting  cover, 
having  a  crystal  centre,  which  E.  J. 
Thompson  described  as  finely  worked  in 
to  suit  its  shape.  The  dial  is  of  silver, 
and  is  traversed  by  an  hour  hand  only. 
The  movement  is  inscribed,  as  in  the 
first  instance,  "Eduardus  East,  Londini."  There  is  a  twelve-turn 
fusee  cut  for  catgut.  The  mainspring  is  white  and  no  doubt  original. 
In  the  British  Museum  is  a  watch  by  East  with  a  tortoiseshell 
case,  dating  from  about  1640.  South  Kensington  Museum  also 
possesses  a  specimen  of  his  work.  Mr.  George  Carr  Glyn  exhibited 
at  the  Guelph  Exhibition  a  clock-watch  by  him  in  silver  pierced 

Among  the  Wetherfield  collection  are  four  long-case  clocks  and 
one  bracket  clock  by  East.  Illustrations  of  some  of  these  will  be 
given  in  Chapter  VII. 

Edward  East  was  one  of  the  ten  original  assistants  named  in  the 
charter  of  incorporation  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company,  and  at  once 

Fig.  404. 

Rccorch  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  265 

took  a  leading  part  in  its  proceedings,  and  after  serving  in  the 
subordinate  capacities  was  elected  master  in  1645,  a  post  he  again 
occupied  in  1652.  He  was  the  only  treasurer  ever  appointed,  and 
the  creation  of  the  office  came  about  in  a  curious  way.  In  1647,  the 
renter  warden,  Mr.  Helden,  refused  to  give  the  usual  security  for  the 
stock  of  the  company,  and  in  this  dilemma  the  office  of  treasurer  was 
created,  Mr.  East  and  Mr.  Hackett  being  nominated  thereto,  and  the 
former  chosen.  On  the  death  of  Mr.  East  the  office  was  allowed 
to  lapse. 

Edward  East  lived  to  a  good  age.  There  is  no  record  of  his 
death,  but  it  probably  occurred  not  long  after  1693.  In  1692  his 
([uondam  apprentice  and  friend,  Henry  Jones,  who  was  then  Master 
of  the  Clockmakers'  Company,  acquainted  the  court  that  Mr.  East 
desired  during  his  lifetime  to  make  a  gift  of  ^100  to  the  company 
for  the  benefit  of  the  poor.  Mr.  Jones  added  that  he  would  also 
contribute  a  like  sum  for  a  similar  purpose.  In  the  following  year 
Mr.  East  gave  the  /^loo,  and  it  was  ordered  "  that  the  master  and 
wardens  do  go  to  Mr.  East  and  give  him  hearty  thanks  for  his 

Taking  into  account  that  Edward  East  at  the  time  of  the  incor- 
poration of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1631  must  have  been  a 
man  of  considerable  standing  in  the  trade,  it  seems  probable  that 
during  the  seventeenth  century  there  were  two  of  the  name,  one 
succeeding  the  other.  In  the  "  Calendar  of  State  Papers  (Domestic)" 
is  an  entry  of  a  grant  in  1662  to  Edward  East  of  the  office  of  "  chief 
clockmaker  and  keeper  of  the  Privy  clocks,  fee  i2d.  per  day  and 
;^3  65.  8^.  livery." 

Under  date  April  4th,  1662,  is  an  entry  of  a  warrant  for  an  order 
to  swear  in  James  East,  the  King's  servant,  as  clockmaker  to  the 

Henry  Jones. — Henry  Jones,  already  referred  to,  was  apprenticed 
to  Edward  East  on  August  22nd,  1654.  He  was  made  free  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company  in  1663,  and  served  as  master  in  1691-92. 
He  resided  near  the  Inner  Temple  Gate,  and  attained  a  considerable 
reputation,  which  was  quite  justified  judging  from  what  remains  of 
his  work.  Charles  II.,  according  to  tradition,  gave  to  Mrs.  Jane 
Lane  a  clock,  in  memory  of  her  services  after  the  battle  of  Worcester. 
On  the  clock  was  engraved,  "  Henricus  Jones,  Londini."  In  Overall's 
"History  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company"  is  a  record  which  just 
possibly  refers  to  this  clock.  It  states  that,  on  January  19th,  1673, 
"  Mr.    Henry   Jones,    clockmaker,    acquainted    the    Court    of    the 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Company  that  he  had  made  for  the  King  (Charles  II.)  a  clock  of  the 
value  of  ^"150,  whereon  was  engraven  '  Henricus  Jones,  Londini,' 
and  which  stood  in  His  Majesty's  closet  for  about  seven  years,  but 
being  by  His  Majesty  given  unto  a  lady  it  came  into  the  hands  of 
Robert  Seignor,  clockmaker,  of  Exchange  Alley,  to  be  repaired,  and 
he  caused  Edward  Staunton,  clockmaker,  or  some  other  person,  to 
take  out  the  maker's  name  and  insert  his  own." 

In  North's  "  Life  "  it  is  stated  that  barometers  were  first  made 

and  sold  by  one  Jones,  a 
noted  clockmaker  in  the 
Inner  Temple  Gate,  at 
the  instance  of  Lord 
Keeper  Guildford ;  and 
\ery  probably  Jones  was 
the  first  Englisliman  who 
constructed  a  Torricel- 
lian tube,  as  the  baro- 
meter was  originally 
called,  after  its  inventor, 
Evangelista  Torricelli, 
who  propounded  its 
theory  about  1650. 

In  the  London  Gazette 
for  October  21st  to  24th, 
i68g,  was  the  following 
advertisement :  "  Lost  on 
the  2 1st  Instant,  between 
the  Hay  Market  near 
Charing  Cross  and  the 
Rummer  in  Queen  St. 
near  Cheapside,  a  round 
Gold  Pendulum  Watch 
of  an  indifferent  small  size,  showing  the  hours  and  minutes,  the 
Pendulum  went  with  a  strait  Spring,  it  was  made  by  Henry  Jones, 
Watchmaker  in  the  Temple,  the  Out-Case  had  a  Cypher  pin'd  on 
it,  and  the  Shagreen  much  worn.  If  it  comes  to  your  hands,  you  are 
desired  to  bring  it  to  the  said  Mr.  Jones  or  Mr.  Snag,  a  goldsmith  in 
Lumbard  Street,  and  you  shall  have  two  Guineas  Reward." 

In  the  Guildhall  Museum  is  one  of  Henry  Jones's  watches,  which 
Mr.  E.  J.  Thompson  speaks  of  as  having  very  fine  pillars.  Another 
watch  by  the  same  maker  is  in  the  collection  of  Mr.  Evan  Roberts. 

Fig.  405. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


Fig.  405  shows  an  early  bracket  clock  by  Jones,  which  belongs  to 
Mr.  A.  Riley.  The  case  of  oak,  veneered  with  fine  pollard  oak,  is 
about  15  inches  high  and  11  inches  broad,  has  the  usual  glass 
door  in  front  and  back,  and  glass  panels  at  the  sides.  At  the  top  is 
a  narrow  band  or  frieze  of  rosewood  fretwork.  The  signature  "  Henry 
Jones  in  the  Temple  "  is  engraved  on  the  bottom  of  the  dial  just 
under  the  circle,  but  concealed  when  the  door  is  closed. 

The  bracket  clock  with  basket  top  "  scjuat  "  case  shown  in  Fig.  406 
was    sketched    from    an  ^  - 

example  by  Henry  Jones,  ^©^©5* 

by  favour  of  Mr.  Percy  — ^*         »^ 

Webster.  The  cliased 
open  basket-work  and 
corner  ornaments  are 
particularly  choice. 

Mr.  Holden,of  ^'eadon, 
has  an  eight-day  long 
inlaid  case-clock  with  a 
brass  dial,  inscribed 
"Henry  Jones  in  ye 
Temple,"  which  is  a  later 
production  than  any  of 
those  already  quoted. 

Henry  Jones,  who  was 
the  son  of  William  Jones, 
vicar  of  Boulder,  South- 
ampton, died  in  Novem- 
ber, 1695,  aged  53  years, 
and  was  buried  within  the 
precincts  of  the  old 
church  of  St.  Dunstan's  in  the  West,  Fleet  Street,  where  a  monument 
was  erected  to  his  memory  by  his  widow. 

Edward  Barlow  (Booth). — This  talented  man  was  born  near 
\\'arrington  in  1636.  He  was  ordained  in  the  English  church  at 
Lisbon,  and  took  the  name  of  Barlow  from  his  godfather,  Ambrose 
Barlow,  a  Benedictine,  who  suffered  at  Lancaster  for  his  religion. 
Edward  Booth  devoted  considerable  attention  to  horological  instru- 
ments. He  was  undoubtedly  the  inventor  of  the  rack  repeating 
striking  work  for  clocks,  which  was  applied  by  Tompion  about  1676. 
He  also  devised  a  repeating-watch  on  the  same  principle,  and  made 
application  to  patent  it  in  1686.     His  claim  was  successfully  opposed 

FUr.      4OG. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

by  Daniel  Quare,  who  was  backed  by  the  Clockmakers'  Company. 
The  king,  James  II.,  tried  both  watches,  and  gave  his  preference  to 
Quare's,  which  repeated  the  hours  and  quarters  with  one  push  from 
a  pin  near  the  pendant,  whereas  Barlow's  watch  was  furnished  with 
a  pin  on  each  side  of  the  pendant  and  required  two  distinct  operations 
to  attain  the  same  end. 

Booth  invented  the  cylinder  escapement,  and  patented  it  in 
conjunction  with  William  Houghton  and  Thomas  Tompion  in  1695 
(No.  344).  The  invention  is  described  as  a  "  ballance  wheele  either 
iiatt  or  hollow,  to  worke  within  and  crosse  the  centre  of  the  verge  or 
axis  of  the  balance  with  a  new  sort  of  teeth  made  like  tinterhooks  to 

move  the  balance  and  the  pallets 
of  the  axis  or  verge,  one  to  be 
circular,  concave,  and  convex."  He 
died  in  1716. 

Betts.  —  Fig.  407  shows  a  watch 
by  Samuel  Betts  remarkable  for  its 
particularly  handsome  dial  of  silver 
and  brass.  The  central  leaf  orna- 
ment of  silver  polished  is  partly  filled 
in  with  crimson  enamel  or  hard  wax, 
the  pretty  effect  of  which  is  enhanced 
by  a  dull  matted  surface  between  it 
and  the  hour  band,  which  is  also  of 
silver.  On  a  nicely  chased  revolving 
brass  ring  outside  the  hours  is  a 
fleur-de-lys  to  indicate  the  day  of  the 
month  on  a  fixed  silver  band,  divided 
into  thirty-one  and  figured  as  shown. 
An  outer  chased  margin  of  brass  completes  the  arrangement.  At 
the  end  of  the  short  months  the  day  of  the  month  ring  has  to 
be  moved  by  hand.  The  boss  of  the  hour  indicator  is  oval,  and 
although  but  one  limb  now  exists,  there  was  probably  a  trident  tail,  as 
may  be  seen  on  other  specimens  of  the  period.  The  case  is  of  silver 
with  a  hit-and-miss  shutter  over  the  winding  hole  ;  the  glass  is  nearly 
one  third  of  a  sphere  and  exceedingly  thick.  Betts  carried  on  busi- 
ness at  the  back  of  the  Royal  Exchange,  and  appears  to  have  died 
prior  to  1673,  when  "Mr.  Marquet"  (Markwick?)  advertises  himself 
in  the  London  Gazette  as  the  successor  of  "  Mr.  Samuel  Betts,  deceased," 
In  1656  Betts  attested  the  genuineness  of  Jas.  Lello's  masterpiece  to  the 
Clockmakers'  Company.  The  watch  here  shown  dates  from  about  1 645. 

Fig.  407.- 

-Watch  by  Samuel  Betts, 
about  1640. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,   etc. 


Tompion  and  Graham. — Thomas  Tompion,  "the  father  of 
Enghsh  watchmaking,"  was  born  at  Northhill,  Bedfordshire,  in  1638. 
It  is  said  that  his  father  was  a  farrier,  and  that  he  was  brought  up 
to  the  same  trade  ;  but  the  first  reHable  record  shows  him  to  have 
been  in  business  as  a  clockmaker  at  Water  Lane,  Blackfriars,  when 
quite  a  young  man. 

Water    Lane    was    a    long,    tortuous    thoroughfare,    the    western 

Fig.  40S. — Thomas  Tompion,   163S  — 1713. 

portion  of  which  is  now  Whitefriars  Street,  and  Tompion's  shop, 
known  by  the  sign  of  the  Dial  and  Three  Crowns,  was  at  the  Fleet 
Street  corner  where  the  offices  of  the  Daily  News  are.  His  advent 
marks  a  distinct  epoch  in  the  history  of  the  horological  art. 
Throughout  his  career  he  was  closely  associated  with  some  of  the 
leading  mathematicians  and  philosophers  of  his  time.  The  theories 
of  Dr.  Hooke  and  the  Rev.  Edward  Barlow  would  probably  have 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

remained  in  abeyance  but  for  Tompion's  skilful  materialization  of 
them.  He  soon  became  the  leading  watchmaker  at  the  court  of 
Charles  II.,  and  Avas  everywhere  welcomed  as  an  artist  of  command- 
ing ability.  When  he  entered  the  arena  the  performance  of  time- 
keepers was  very  indifferent.  The  principles  on  which  they  were 
constructed  were  defective,  and  the  mechanism  was  not  well 
proportioned.     The   movements    were    as    a    rule  regarded  as  quite 

subsidiary  to  the  exterior  cases, 
and  English  specimens  of  the 
art  had  no  distinctive  individu- 
ality. By  adopting  the  inven- 
tions of  Hooke  and  Barlow,  and 
by  skilful  proportion  of  parts,  he 
left  English  watches  and  clocks 
the  finest  in  the  world  and  the 
admiration  of  his  brother  artists. 
Of  course  he  did  not  reach 
finality ;  improvements  continued 
under  his  immediate  successors. 
Indeed,  some  of  the  most  remark- 
able and  progressive  horological 
conceptions  emanated  from  the 
mind  of  his  favourite  pupil, 
Ciraham,  whom  he  inspired,  and 
who  continued  the  work  which 
Tompion  began.  Of  the  few 
horologists  of  Tompion's  time 
who  can  be  admitted  as  his  peers, 
Daniel  Ouare  was  perhaps  the 
most  notable  example.  Asa  clock- 
maker  Joseph  Knibb  may  perhaps 
be  admitted  to  rank  with  these. 
x\mong  others  above  medio- 
crity who  made  watches  before  and  after  the  introduction  of  the 
balance  spring,  Nathaniel  Barrow  is  worthy  of  mention. 

Tompion  was  primarily  a  clockmaker;  in  the  records  of  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company  he  is  referred  to  as  a  "great  clockmaker" 
when  he  was  associated  as  a  brother  in  1671  ;  and  it  is  doubtful  if 
he  made  watches  in  the  early  part  of  his  career.  I  have  never  met 
with  a  specimen  not  furnished  with  a  balance  spring,  and  those  with 
but  an  hour  hand  are  exceedingly    are. 

Fig.  409. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


The  portrait  on  page  269  is  from  mezzotint  produced  in  1697 
after  a  painting  by  Sir  Godfrey  Kneller. 

One  of  Tompion's  earlier  clocks,  which  belongs  to  Mr.  Norman 
Shaw,  is  shown  in  Fig.  409.  It  has  a  light  pendulum  six  inches  in 
length  fixed  to  the  verge  ;  the  escapement  for  the  alarum  is  behind 
the  going  train,  and  wlien  the  alarum  is  let  off  the  hannner  strikes 
the  bell  which  forms  the  domical  top  of  the  clock.  In  the  British 
Museum  is  another  chamber  clock  by  Tompion,  as  well  as  a  very 
thick  watch  by  the  master  in  a  case  superbly  painted  in  enamel  by 



-Watch  by  Tompion  in  gold 

Fig.  4  II. —Tompion  watch  in  sil\ei"  inner 
case  ;  out  case,  tortoiseshell. 

Camille  Andre.  In  the  same  repository  is  a  curious  universal  pocket 
sun-dial  with  compass,  all  of  gold,  also  by  Tompion. 

In  1675,  he  made  for  Charles  II.  a  watch  with  two  balances  and 
balance  springs  as  devised  by  Hooke.  Derham  says,  "  This  watch 
was  wonderfully  approved  of  by  the  King  ;  and  so  the  invention 
grew  into  reputation  and  was  much  talked  of  at  home  and  abroad. 
Particularly  its  fame  flew  into  France,  from  whence  the  Dauphin 
sent  for  two,  which  that  eminent  artist  Mr.  Tompion  made  for  him.'' 

The  introduction  of  the  balance  spring  involved  a  reconstruction 
of  the  watch  movement.  The  disc  or  dial  for  indicating  the  adjust- 
ment of  the  mainspring  was  discarded  as  no  longer  necessary,  and  a 
somew^hat  similar  one  introduced  for  showing  the  movement  of  the 
curb  pins  round  the  balance  spring.     This  disc  was  placed  upon  a 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

pinion  with  a  squared  extremity  for  the  reception  of  a  watch  key  to 
actuate  the  curb  pins,  which  were  carried  by  a  toothed  segment  or 
circular  rack  gearing  with  the  pinion.  The  tangent  wheel  and  screw 
for  mainspring  adjustment  were  placed  beneath  the  plates.  The 
balance  was  considerably  enlarged  and  covered  with  a  circular  cock. 
In  Tompion's  early  watches  there  is  a  kind  of  bevelled  fringe  around 
the  edge  of  the  cock  for  the  more  effectual  protection  of  the  balance, 
as  in  Fig.  413,  but  after  1688  or  1690  he  adopted  the  now  well- 
known  form  with  a  broad  base  curved  to  suit  the  edge  of  the  plate, 
a  circular  table  the  same  size  as  the  balance,  and  just  where  the 
table  narrows  to  join  the  base  a  cherub's  head  or  a  grotesque  mask 
engraved  between  projecting  ears  or  streamers. 

Fig.  412. 



His  watch  movements  were  deep,  top  plates  exceedingly  thin,  and 
near  the  edge  was  usually  engraved,  "  Tho.  Tompion,  London." 

He  was,  I  believe,  the  first  manufacturer  to  number  his  watch 
movements  consecutively  in  plain  figures  for  the  purpose  of  identifi- 
cation. His  early  ones  were  not  so  marked,  and  I  should  judge  he 
commenced  the  practice  about  1685. 

Fig.  410  shows  a  watch  by  him  in  plain  gold  cases,  bearing  the 
hall  mark  corresponding  to  1685  ;  the  dial  is  of  gold  with  raised 
numerals.  The  hands  are  very  fine,  the  hour  indicator  being  of  the 
tulip  pattern.  A  watch  with  silver  dial,  about  ten  years  later,  from 
the  Hilton  Price  collection,  is  shown  in  Fig.  411. 

As  an  example  of  the  versatility  of  Tompion's  genius  is  appended 
a  drawing  of  a  watch  from  the  collection  of  Mr.  Evan  Roberts.  The 
distinctive  feature  of  this  watch  is  that,  although  a  verge  escapement 
is  used,  the  fusee  has  been  discarded  ;  the  mainspring  being  sur- 
rounded by  a  handsomely  pierced  guard  which  is  fixed  to  the  plate  ; 
and  to  this  the  outer  end  of  the  mainspring  is  attached.      In  order 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


Fig.  414. 

that    tlie  watch   nii<j^ht    have    a   coil    of   mainsprinj^    of   the    largest 

possible  dimensions,  what  is  .usually  the  centre  wheel  is  planted  out  of 

the  centre  ;  the  cannon  pinion  rides  loose  on  a  stud  planted  in  the 

centre   of  the  frame  ;    and  to  get  the  proper 

motion  for  the  minute-hand  without  the  intro- 
duction of  an  intermediate  wheel  in  the  motion 

work,  the  train  rotates  reversely  to  the  usual 

direction.     The  movement   is   not  numbered  ; 

this    fact,    together    with    the    style    of    the 

engraving  and  the  form  of  the  balance  cock,  enables  one  to  fix  the 

date  of  its  production  at  about  1680. 

Before  September,  1695,  Tompion  produced  a  watcli  in  which  the 

teeth  of  the  horizontal  escape  wheel  dropped  on  to  the  cylindrical 

body  of  the  verge,  as  shown  in  the 
appended  drawing,  thus  avoiding  the 
recoil  incidental  to  the  usual  verge  con- 
struction; and  in  September,  1695,  he, 
in  conjunction  with  Booth  and  Hough- 
ton, patented  the  cylinder  escapement. 
In  the  account  of  Barlow  the  wording 
of  the  description  is  given. 

One  of  the  boldest  of  Tompion's 
conceptions  was  a  small  clock  to  strike 
the  hours  and  quarters,  driven  by  main- 
springs and  yet  requiring  to  be  wound 
but  once  a  year.  The  successful  em- 
bodiment of  this  is  show'n  in  Fig.  415. 
The  clock  was  made  for  William  III. 
at  a  cost  of  £i,^co,  and  was  in  his 
bedroom  at  Kensington  Palace  when 
he  died.  It  was  left  by  him  to  the 
Earl  of  Leicester,  and  now  belongs  to 
Lord  Mostyn,  in  whose  family  it  has 
been  for  over  150  years.  It  is  still  in 
going  order,  and  Lord  Mostyn  has  the 
name  of  nearly  everyone  who  has  wound 
it  during  the  last  100  years. 

The  total  height  to  the  top  of  the 
spear    is    thirty    inches ;    the    body    or 

plinth  below  the  dial  is  ten  inches  in  width,  seven  inches  in  height, 

and  six  inches  from  front  to  back. 

Fig.  415. — One  year  clock  by 

274  ^^'■^  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

The  case,  of  ebony  with  silver  mounts,  is  a  fine  piece  of  work  in 
one  piece,  forming  really  a  hood  or  cover,  for  it  slides  down  over  the 
movement  and  rests  on  the  metal  feet. 

The  movement  is  in  three  portions  ;  the  lower  part  below  the  dial 

Fig.  416. — Travelling  striking  and  jilarum  watch  by  Tompion,  actual  size. 

is  attached  to  the  heavy  scroll  feet,  and  contains  the  two  mainspring 
barrels,  the  two  fusees  and  the  larger  driving  wheels.  The  middle 
portion  behind  the  dial  contains  the  smaller  wheels  and  pinions  ; 
while  the  verge  escapement  above  is  held  separately,  so  that  it  may 
be  easily  detached.    The  pendulum,  six  inches  long,  is  in  front  of  the 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


movement  just  behind  the  dial,. and  its  action  may  be  seen  through 
the  glazed  door  below  the  dial,  which  is  removed  when  winding  or 
regulation  is  needed.      Regulation  is  effected  by  raising  or  lowering 

Fig.  417. — Travelling  striking  and  alarum  watch  by  Tompion,  actual  size. 

the  chops  which  embrace  the  pendulum  spring,  very  much  in  the 
way  adopted  for  modern  clocks  ;  the  sliding  chops  are  actuated  by  a 
tangent  wheel  and  screw,  and  there  is  on  the  front  plate  a  micrometer 
index  for  noting  the  amount  of  adjustment  made. 

T  2 

276  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  tlieir  Makers. 

The  hours  are  struck  on  a  bell  attached  to  the  front  plate,  the 
ting-tang  quarters  being  sounded  on  this  and  on  a  smaller  bell, 
which  surmounts  the  movement.  On  each  side  of  the  case  is  a 
pull-repeating  arrangement. 

The  splendid  travelling  clock-watch,  of  which  two  views  are  given 
in  Figs.  416  and  417,  is  in  the  Hilton  Price  collection,  and  dates 
from  about  1695.     The  case  and  dial  are  of  silver. 

During  the  building  of  St.  Paul's,  it  was  frequently  reported  that 
Tompion  was  to  construct  a  wonderful  clock  for  the  cathedral  ;  and 
in  "  The  Affairs  of  the  World,"  published  in  October,  1700,  the  follow- 
ing announcement  appeared  :  "  Mr.  Tompion,  the  famous  watch- 
maker in  Fleet  Street,  is  making  a  clock  for  St.  Paul's  Cathedral, 
which  it  is  said  will  go  one  hundred  years  without  winding  up  ;  will 
cost  ^3,000  or  ^"4,000,  and  be  far  finer  than  the  clock  at  Strasburg." 
Though  this  statement  seems  to  have  been  unwarranted,  it  is  quite 
possible  he  would  have  been  entrusted  with  the  construction  of  a 
timekeeper  of  some  kind,  but,  after  unremitting  application  to  his 
profession  for  more  than  thirty  years,  he  was  at  this  time,  it  may  be 
assumed,  just  beginning  to  indulge  in  well-earned  leisure;  during  the 
last  years  of  his  life  he  allowed  himself  considerable  relaxation,  and 
was  absent  from  London  for  extended  periods.  In  the  course  of  his 
migrations  he  visited  Bath,  possibly  to  derive  benefit  from  the  healing 
properties  of  the  hot  mineral  water  which  wells  up  in  the  Queen  of 
the  West,  as  the  chief  Somersetshire  city  is  called.  In  the  Grand 
Pump-room  there  is  a  splendid  example  of  Tompion's  later  work, 
which  he  presented  to  the  city,  as  is  thus  recorded  on  a  tablet 
adjacent  to  the  timekeeper  :  "  The  Watch  and  Sun-dial  was  given 
by  Mr.  Thos.  Tompion,  of  London,  Clockmaker.  Anno  Dom.  1709." 
In  Fig.  418,  which  is  taken  from  a  photograph  by  Mr.  Ernest  Lambert, 
I  am  enabled  to  give  an  engraving  of  this  stately  timekeeper. 
Mr.  Olds  has  kindly  furnished  some  description  of  the  movement.  The 
dial  is  of  brass,  with  ornamental  corner  pieces  and  silvered  rings, 
the  minute  circle  being  fifteen  inches  in  diameter  ;  the  day  of  the 
month  is  shown  through  an  aperture.  On  a  high  arch  above  is  an 
equation  index  and  scale,  o  being  in  the  centre,  and  the  variation  to 
a  maximum  of  fifteen  minutes  shown  on  each  side  ;  on  the  right, 
"  Sun  faster,"  and  to  the  left,  "  Sun  slower."  The  months  and  days 
are  engraved  on  a  silvered  ten-inch  circle,  of  which  an  arc  is  shown 
through  an  opening.  The  date  is  indicated  by  a  small  point  in  the 
centre  of  the  opening.  The  number  of  minutes  shown  by  the  index 
gives  the  difference  between  sun  time  and  mean  time  ;  this  ten-inch 

Records,  of  Early  Makcn;,   etc. 


circle  has  o\er  2,000  finely  cut  teetli,  and  makes  its  annual  circuit  by 
means  of  an  endless  screw  and  pinion,  worked  from  the  dial  wheel, 
which  makes  one  revolution  per  hour. 
The  index  is  kept  in  position  by  a  small 
counterpoise  with  a  pulley  fitted  to  its 
arbor  ;  the  pulley  is  attached  by  a  fine 
chain  to  a  cranked  arm,  which  rises  and 
falls  with  the  indentations  and  protube- 
rances of  a  properly  shaped  plate  or  cam 
attached  securely  to  the  ten-inch  circle. 

The  train  and  frame  of  the  timepiece 
are  in  remarkably  good  order,  considering 
its  age.  The  driving- power  is  a  lead 
weight  of  32  lbs.  hung  on  a  3-inch 
pulley,  having  a  fall  of  six  feet.  It  is 
wound  monthly  on  to  a  2j-inch  barrel  ; 
the  great  wheel  of  94  teeth,  and  4^  inches 
in  diameter,  dri\es  a  pinion  of  16  leaves  ; 
thereon  is  a  3-inch  wheel  of  80  teeth,  and 
this  drives  the  centre  pinion  of  10  teeth  ; 
the  centre  wheel  is  2^  inches  of  72  teeth, 
driving  the  third  pinion  of  nine  teeth  ; 
on  this  is  a  2|-inch  wheel  of  60  teeth, 
driving  the  escape,  pinion  of  eight  teeth ; 
on  this  is  a  2-inch  escape  wheel  of  30 
teeth,  shaped  as  in  a  recoiling  escapement. 
The  pallet  staff  is  2^  inches  above  the 
escape  arbor,  and  carries  pallets  of  the 
anchor  pattern,  having  inclined  planes 
to  allow  recoil.  The  one-second  pen- 
dulum rod  is  of  steel,  of  a  flattened  oval 
section,  with  6-inch  bob  of  lenticular  form. 
The  amount  of  oscillation,  being  only 
2f°,  causes  the  recoil  of  the  escapement  ^1 
to  be  barely  apparent. 

The  day  of  the  month  circle  is  moved 
by  an  extra  wheel  from  the  hour  wheel. 
Maintaining  power  while  winding  is  given 
by  a  spring-propelled  click  through  a  steel  arm  on  an  arbor  between 
the  plates,  acting  on  the  teeth  of  the  centre  wheel,  which  is  put  into 
action  by  lifting  the  sliding  cover  of  the  winder  hole  in  the  dial. 

Fig.  418. — Clock  by  Tompion 
at  the  Pump-room,  Bath. 

278  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

The  case  is  of  solid  unpolished  oak,  nine  feet  high  to  the  top  of  the 
arched  head  which  is  surmounted  by  brass  ball  ornaments.  The 
body  of  the  case  is  seventeen  inches  wide  and  about  six  inches 
narrower  than  the  head  and  base,  with  a  semi-circular  door  eight 
inches  across  and  five  feet  in  length.  As  will  be  seen  from  the 
drawing,  the  case  has  much  the  appearance  of  a  pillar  rising  from  a 
substantial  base. 

The  clock  is  in  a  recess  at  the  eastern  end  of  the  room,  and  it 
occupied  a  similar  position  in  the  old  Pump-room,  the  erection  of 
which  was  finished  in  1706.  As  the  spot  is  particularly  suited  for 
the  reception  of  a  clock,  it  may  be  conjectured  that  Tompion  was 
in  Bath  when  the  old  Pump-room  was  being  built,  and  that  the 
ever-vigilant  "  Beau  "  Nash  obtained  from  him  a  promise  to  present 
a  timepiece  when  the  building  was  completed. 

At  first  sight  the  phrase  "  watch  and  sun-dial  "  on  the  tablet 
recording  the  gift  seems  to  include  a  gnomon  of  some  sort  for 
regulating  the  timekeeper  from  observations  of  the  sun.  There 
would  be  nothing  far-fetched  in  this  surmise,  because  sun-dials  to 
check  the  going  of  public  timekeepers  were  not  at  all  an  unusual 
adjunct.  But  I  am  inclined  to  think  that  in  this  instance  sun-dial 
meant  the  equation  dial  over  the  ordinary  one. 

Fig.  419  shows  another  example  of  Tompion's  work,  which  is 
almost  a  facsimile  of  the  Bath  clock.  It  belongs  to  Mr.  Philip  T. 
God  sal,  of  Iscoyd  Park,  Whitchurch,  Shropshire. 

A  long  case  chiming  clock  by  Tompion  to  go  a  month  between 
windings  which  is  at  Windsor  Castle  is  shown  in  Fig.  624,  and  at 
Buckingham  Palace  is  a  very  similar  one.  At  the  Guildhall  Museum 
is  a  Tompion  clock  with  a  square  dial,  one  hand,  and  in  a  long  black 
case,  which  may  be  accepted  as  an  indubitable  example  of  his  early 
work.  In  the  same  collection  is  a  more  modern  specimen  which  goes 
four  months  between  windings,  has  an  arch  dial,  and  maintaining 
work  similar  to  that  in  the  Bath  Pump-room  clock.  It  is  inscribed 
"  Thomas  Tompion,  London,"  a  form  of  signature  rather  unusual. 
In  the  Wetherfield  collection  are  no  fewer  than  eighteen  Tompion 
clocks.  Some  of  these  and  others  I  propose  to  illustrate  in 
Chapter  VII. 

The  Royal  Society  possesses  a  paper  in  Hooke's  handwriting, 
imperfect  and  undated,  showing  that  Tompion  and  Hooke  were  in 
communication  on  the  subject  of  the  barometer,  which  is  of  interest 
as  evidence  of  the  estimation  in  which  Tompion  was  held  by  Hooke. 
It  occurs  about  the  middle  of  a  parchment-bound  volume  lettered 

Rt'cords  oj  Early  Makers,  etc. 


Fig.  419. 

28o  Old  Clocks  and  WatcJics  and  their  Makers. 

"  20  Hooke's  Papers,"  and  is  headed  "  Aerostatick  Instruments." 
In  it  Hooke  states  that  a  form  of  his  barometer,  in  which  the  height 
of  the  mercury  was  indicated  by  a  column  of  water,  "  was  tryed  at 
Mr.  Thomas  Tompion's,  a  person  deservedly  famous  for  his  excellent 
skill  in  making  watches  and  clocks,  and  not  less  curious  and 
dexterous  in  constructing  and  handworking  of  other  nice  mechanical 
instruments."    A  barometer  by  Tompion  is  at  Hampton  Court  Palace. 

The  extent  of  Tompion's  business  may  be  judged  from  the  fact 
that  in  the  advertisements  for  the  recovery  of  lost  watches  during 
the  period  he  was  in  business  timekeepers  of  his  make  largely 
preponderate.  Trivial  though  some  of  them  may  be,  I  venture  to 
submit  a  selection  from  these  announcements,  as  the  quaint 
descriptions  in  the  words  of  the  owners  are  interesting  and  convey 
a  very  good  idea  of  the  various  styles  in  favour  at  the  time  : — 

"  Lost  on  Wednesday  20th  of  this  Instant  September  at  night  in 
or  about  St.  James's,  a  Gold  Pendulum  watch  of  Mr.  Tompion's- 
making,  having  three  motions  a  shagreen  case,  a  cipher  on  the  Back 
Side  and  marked  within  the  Box  277,  with  a  Gold  Chain  and  three 
seals  viz.  one  Figure  and  two  Heads.  Whoever  give  notice  thereof 
to  Mr.  Nott  a  Bookseller  in  Pall  Mall  or  to  Mr.  Loman  at  the  Lord 
Cavendish's  House  in  St.  James's  Square  shall  have  13  Guineas 
Reward"  (London  Gazette,  September  22,  1682). 

"  Lost  on  Monday  the  25th  Instant  in  the  Fields  betwixt  Islington 
Church  and  Newington  Green,  a  gold  watch  with  a  Shagreen  Case, 
with  a  cipher  studded  in  gold  on  the  Bottom.  Made  by  Thos. 
Tompion,  London.  Whoever  brings  the  said  watch  to  Mr.  Robert 
Halstead,  Goldsmith  at  the  Crown  in  Fleet  St.  shall  have  three 
Guineas  Reward"  (London  Gazette,  January  25,  1685-6). 

"  Lost  out  of  a  gentleman's  Pocket,  the  19th  past,  betwixt  Lyme 
St.  end  in  Fenchurch  St.  and  the  end  of  the  Minories,  an  indifferent 
small  size  gold  pendulum  watch,  going  without  string  or  chain, 
showing  the  hours  of  the  day,  and  day  of  the  month,  the  name 
Tompion,  in  a  shagreen  case,  pinned  with  a  Cypher  in  the  bottom  of 
the  case,  wound  up  on  the  dial  plate,  at  the  hour  of  12,  a  straight  key 
with  a  Steel  Nose.  Whoever  brings  it  to  Mr.  Tompion,  Clockmaker, 
at  Water  Lane,  and  in  Fleet  St.,  shall  have  one  guinea  reward,  or,  if 
bought,  their  money  again  with  reasonable  profit "  (London  Gazette, 
November  10-13,  1690). 

"  Lost,  the  3rd  inst.,  between  the  Sun-Dial,  in  St.  James  Park,  and 
Man's  Coffee  House,  a  silver  Minute  Pendulum  watch,  made  by 
Tho.  Tompion,  in  a  Shagreen  studded  case,  on  the  bottom  of  the 

Rccoych  of  luirly   Makers,  etc.  281 

inner  case  the  number  43<S  ;  with  a  j^old  Rin<^  hani^ing  upon  the 
silver  chain,  with  the  Effigies  of  their  Present  Majesties  "  (London 
Gazette,  March  3-7,  i6gi). 

"  Lost  on  the  24th  instant,  about  Kingston-on-Thames,  a  Gold 
Minute  and  Second  Chain  Pendulum  watch,  with  a  Stop,  the  hours 
seen  through  a  hole  in  the  Dial  plate,  and  in  a  plain  Shagreen  Out- 
Case,  the  name  Tho.  Tompion,  London,  a  number  in  the  bottom  of 
the  Box,  0201.  Whoever  gives  notice  of  it  to  Mr.  Tho.  Tompion, 
Clockmaker,  at  the  corner  of  Water  Lane,  in  Fleet  St.,  shall  have 
3  guineas  reward  ;  or  if  bought  already,  your  money  again  with 
reasonable  profit  "  {London  Gazette,  June  25-29,  i6gi). 

"  Lost  on  the  23rd  instant  a  Gold  Pendulum  Watch  made  by  Tlios. 
Tompion,  Fleet  Street,  in  a  Shagreen  Studded  Case  with  a  Steel 
Seal  set  in  gold  tied  to  it,  bearing  a  Coat  quartered  with  the  arms 
of  the  Crown  battoned  ;  the  Box  numbered  422  and  the  maker's 
mark  [II]  "  (London  Gazette,  July  23-27,  i6gi). 

"  Lost  on  the  21st  instant,  from  the  Duke  of  Richmond's  in 
St.  James's  Square,  a  gold  striking  watch  with  a  Shagreen  case 
studded  round,  with  little  holes  between,  having  3  links  of  plain  gold 
chain,  made  by  Thos.  Tompion,  in  Fleet  St.  Whoever  brings  it  to 
Mr.  Compton,  Goldsmith,  in  Duke  St.,  near  Lincoln's  Inn  Fields, 
shall  have  6  Guineas"  {London  Gazette,  February  21-23,  ^694). 

"  Lost,  some  time  in  November  last,  at  Oxon,  a  Gold  Minute 
Pendulum  watch  in  a  plain  gold  case  ;  the  names  on  the  upper 
peak,  Tho.  Tompion,  Edwd.  Banger,  London  ;  and  on  the  Dial 
Plate,  Tompion,  Banger,  London,  with  this  number,  3428,  on  the 
bottom  of  the  Box  within  side,  and  likewise  upon  the  upper  plate. 
Whoever  give  notice  of  it  (so  as  it  may  be  had  again)  to  the 
Reverend  Dr.  King,  of  Christ  Church  College,  at  Oxon,  or  to  Tho. 
Tompion,  Clockmaker,  at  the  Dial  and  Three  Crowns,  at  the  Corner 
of  Water  Lane,  Fleet  St.,  London,  shall  have  three  guineas  reward  ; 
or  if  bought  or  pawned,  your  money  again  with  reasonable  profit " 
{London  Gazette,  December  4-7,  1704). 

Tompion  was  associated  as  a  brother  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company 
in  1671  ;  admitted  as  a  freeman  by  redemption  in  1674;  chosen  as 
assistant  in  i6gi,  as  warden  in  1700,  and  master  in  1704.  He  died 
on  the  2oth  November,  1713,  and  was  buried  in  W'estminster  Abbey. 
In  the  same  grave  were  interred  the  remains  of  Graham,  and 
particulars  of  their  tomb  had  therefore  better  be  left  till  after  the 
brief  notice  of  Graham  which  follows. 

Little  is  known  of  Tompion's  domestic  life,  but  he  appears  to  have 

282  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

been  unmarried.  His  will,  executed  on  the  21st  October,  171 3, 
was  proved  on  the  27th  November,  in  the  same  year,  by  George 
Graham,  who  was  one  of  the  executors.  By  this  document  he 
bequeathed  to  his  nephew  Thomas  Tompion,  son  of  his  brother 
James,  his  land  and  property  at  Northhill,  Bedfordshire,  and  the 
interest  on  ;^ioo.  To  his  niece  Margaret  Banger,  wife  of  Edward 
Banger,  clockmaker,  and  daughter  of  his  late  sister,  Margaret  Kent, 
he  gave  a  life  interest  in  ;^5oo,  which  at  her  death  was  to  revert  to 
Elizabeth  Graham,  wife  of  George  Graham,  daughter  of  his  said 
brother  James.  Another  daughter  of  his  sister  Elizabeth  Kent  is 
mentioned,  and  a  cousin,  Thomas  Finch.  George  Graham  and  his 
wife  were  residuary  legatees.  Tho.  Tompion,  junr.,  was  apprenticed 
to  Charles  Kemp  in  1694  ^^^  admitted  as  a  member  to  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company  in  1702,  presumably  when  he  had  completed  his 
apprenticeship.  A  "  Mr.  Tompion,  watchmaker,"  attended  the 
funeral  of  Daniel  Quare,  in  1724.  Watches  by  Tho.  Tompion,  junr., 
are  to  be  met  with  occasionally,  and  I  have  examined  two  or 
three  inscribed  "  Tho.  Tompion,  Edw.  Banger,  London."  Edward 
Banger  was  apprenticed  to  the  Tompion  in  1695,  and  it  may  there- 
fore be  fairly  assumed  that  he  was  in  partnership  with  Tompion 
junr.  At  Buckingham  Palace  is  a  one  year  clock  inscribed 
"  T.  Tompion,  Edwd.  Banger,  London."  In  the  Wetherfield  col- 
lection is  a  long  case  clock,  with  an  oval  label  just  below  the  centre 
of  the  dial,  on  which  is  engraved  "  Tho.  Tompion  and  Edw.  Banger, 
London."  I  saw  a  watch  for  sale  but  a  few  months  ago  inscribed 
"  Tompion,  London,"  the  hall  mark  in  the  case  of  which  corre- 
sponded to  the  year  1745.  But  Tompion  bequeathed  his  business  to 
Graham,  who,  it  is  pretty  certain,  secured  the  best  of  the  trade  on 
the  demise  of  his  patron  and  friend. 

George  Graham. — George  Graham,  "  Honest  George  Graham," 
who  was  born  at  Kirklinton,  or  Rigg,  Cumberland,  in  1673,  tramped 
to  London  at  an  early  age,  and  in  1688  became  apprenticed  for  seven 
years  to  Henry  Aske.  He  w^as  admitted  a  freeman  of  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company  on  completing  his  indentures  in  1695,  ^^^ 
immediately  entered  the  service  of  Thomas  Tompion,  thus  beginning 
a  life-long  friendship,  severed  only  by  the  death  of  Tompion  in  1713. 
The  following  announcement  appeared  in  the  London  Gazette  for 
November  28th  to  December  ist,  1713  :  "  George  Graham,  Nephew  of 
the  late  Mr.Thomas  Tompion,  who  lived  with  him  upwards  of  seventeen 
years,  and  managed  his  trade  for  several  years  past,  whose  name 
was  joined  with  Mr.  Tompion's  for  some  time  before  his  death,  and 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  283 

to  whom  he  left  all  his  stock  and  work,  finished  and  unfinished, 
continues  to  carry  on  the  said  trade  at  the  late  Dwelling  House  of 
the  said  Mr.  Tompion,  at  the  sign  of  the  Dial  and  Three  Crowns,  at 
the  corner  of  Water  Lane,  in  Fleet  Street,  London,  where  all  persons 
may  be  accommodated  as  formerly." 

In  1720  Graham  relinquished  Tompion's  old  premises,  as  will  be 
seen  by  the  appended  official  notification  from  the  London  Gazette 
of  March  22-26,  1720:  "George  Graham,  watchmaker,  is  removed 
from  the  corner  of  Water  Lane,  in  Fleet  Street,  to  the  Dial  and 
One  Crown  on  the  other  side  of  the  way,  a  little  nearer  Fleet 
Bridge,  a  new  house  next  door  to  the  Globe  and  Duke  of  Marl- 
borough's Head  Tavern."  Here  in  tlie  rooms  over  the  shop  Graham 
resided  till  his  decease.  The  quaint  little  shop  had  two  plain  bowed 
windows,  with  the  doorway  between  them,  and  with  but  little  altera- 
tion in  appearance  remained  as  a  watchmaker's  for  many  years, 
being  occupied  first  by  Mudge,  who  succeeded  Graham,  then  by 
Mudge  and  Dutton,  and  afterwards  by  the  younger  Duttons.  It  is 
No.  148,  and  now  the  ofiices  of  the  Sporting  Life.  Graham  was 
elected  as  a  member  of  the  Royal  Society  in  1720,  and  was  chosen 
as  a  member  of  the  council  of  that  body  in  1722.  He  contributed 
twenty-one  papers  on  various  subjects  to  the  "  Philosophical 

After  the  expiration  of  Booth,  Houghton,  and  Tompion's  patent, 
Graham  devoted  some  thought  to  the  cylinder  escapement,  which 
in  1725  he  modified  to  practically  its  present  form,  and  introduced 
into  some  of  his  w^atches.  Securing  to  himself  the  monopoly  of  any 
of  his  discoveries  was  foreign  to  his  disposition.  The  reputation 
which  English  horology  acquired  on  the  Continent  during  the 
eighteenth  century  was  due  in  no  small  measure  to  Graham's  candid 
treatment  of  his  brethren  in  the  art  in  other  countries.  In  answer 
to  inquiries,  Julien  Le  Roy  received  from  Graham  one  of  his 
cylinder  escapement  watches  in  17 28,  and  the  French  horologist's 
generous  avowal  of  its  superiority  is  worthy  of  his  acknowledged 
greatness.  But  it  must  be  admitted,  after  examination  of  surviving 
specimens,  that  the  wheel  teeth  in  Graham's  cylinder  escapement 
had  too  much  shake  in  the  cylinder,  and  were  wanting  in  the 
necessary  closeness  of  construction  afterwards  attained  by  Ellicott 
and  others  ;  and  as  Ciraham  continued  to  use  the  verge  escapement 
till  his  death,  it  may  be  assumed  that  he  was  not  oblivious  of  the 
constructional  difficulties  presented  by  the  cylinder.  In  his  younger 
days  he  would  undoubtedly  have  pursued  the  matter  with  his  usual 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

acumen  and  patience,  till  nothing  was  left  for  later  artists  to  improve ; 
but  now  his  mind  was  taken  up  with  astronomy  and  astronomical 
instruments,  and  the  production  of  a  perfect  clock  as  an  aid  to  the 
astronomer  absorbed  him,  as  I  venture  to  suggest,  almost  to  the 
exclusion  of  horological  instruments  for  the  pocket. 

In  all  Graham's  work  his  first  consideration  was  to  make  every 
part  most  suitable  for  its  purpose.  Judicious  embellishment  in  its 
proper  place  was  not  wanting,  but  it  was  quite  subsidiary  to  useful- 
ness. This  trait  is  apparent  in  many  little  details  of  a  splendid 
repeating  watch  shown  in  Figs.  420  and  421,  made  by  him  in  17 14, 

when  he  was  in  the  zenith  of  his  power  as 
a  watchmaker,  which  belongs  to  Mr.  Paul 
E.  Schweder.     Thus  the  pillars  are  of  a 

Fig.  420. 

Fig.  421. — Back  of  outer  cover. 

plain  cylindrical  form  with  turned  bases  and  caps,  whereas  Tompion 
before  and  Ellicott,  Mudge,  and  other  distinguished  horologists  after 
him,  were  lavish  in  shaping,  decorating,  and  piercing  these  passive 
items,  w^hose  characteristic  of  strength  and  holding  power  was 
certainly  not  less  apparent  by  Graham's  more  simple  treatment.  A 
little  addition  I  have  not  noticed  in  the  watches  of  any  other  maker 
is  a  light  spring  jumper  or  click  on  the  under-side  of  the  cap,  for 
securely  locking  the  cap  spring.  It  has  a  fine  enamelled  dial  and 
jewelled  balance  cock.  The  piercing  of  both  the  gold  cases  and  the 
repousse  chasing  of  the  outer  one  are  perfect.  On  the  movement  and 
on  both  cases  is  the  number  445.     On  the  back  of  the  inner  case  are 

Records  of  Early  Makers,   etc. 


the    letters    M.P.   arranged   as   a   monogram.     The  lock    spring  is 
beyond  the  edge  of  the  dial. 

Attached  to  this  repeater  is  also  a  useful  little  adjunct  which 
appears  to  have  been  invented  by  Graham,  and,  though  not  much 
seen  in  English  work,  became  very  popular  with  French  makers. 
Projecting  from  the  case  is  a  small  nib,  or  "pulse  piece,"  called  by 

l-'iG.  422. — George  Graham,   1673  — 1751. 

the  French  sourdine,  or  "  deaf  piece,"  which  upon  being  pressed  keeps 
the  hammer  off  the  bell  and  receives  each  blow.  It  not  only  enables 
those  who  have  defective  hearing  or  sight  to  ascertain  the  time  by 
touch,  but  persons  whose  organs  are  perfect,  who  may  desire  to 
know  the  hour  at  night  without  disturbing  an  adjacent  sleeper,  can 
do  so  by  pressing  the  pulse  piece  and  counting  the  beats. 

Graham  used  stout  proportionate-looking  bows  for  his  watch  cases 
in  place  of  the  thin  wiry  lings  previously  in  vogue,  but  by  a  curious 


Old  Clocks  mid  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

obliquity  Ellicott  seems  to  have  reverted  to  the  former  style.  The 
difference  in  the  two  "  handles  "  is  very  marked  in  specimens  of  the 
two  makers  I  have  before  me. 

With  the  introduction  of  the  pendulum,  and  more  exact  workman- 
ship and  consequent  improvement  in  the  performance  of  timekeepers, 
^  the  errors  arising  from  expansion  and  contraction  of  metals 

in  varying  temperatures  became  manifest.  Graham  there- 
fore turned  his  attention  to  the  best  means  of  preventing 
irregularity  in  the  going  of  clocks  when  exposed  to  thermal 
changes,  and  invented  the  mercurial  pendulum.  His  paper, 
communicated  to  the  Royal  Society  in  1726,  on  "A  Con- 
trivance to  avoid  Irregularities  in  a  Clock's  Motion  by 
the  Action  of  Heat  and  Cold  upon  the  Pendulum,"  demon- 
strated the  suitability  of  mercury  as  a  compensating 
medium  after  observations  extending  over  a  lengthened 

The  form  of  Graham's  mercurial  pendulum  is  shown 
in  the  sketch.  Fig.  423.  a  is  the  rod,  h  the  stirrup  contain- 
ing the  glass  jar  of  mercury,  0.  For  regulating  the  time, 
Graham  employed  a  sliding  weight,  d,  upon  the  rod. 

Another  of  Graham's  inventions  applicable  to  clocks  of 
precision,  and  which  is  still  unsurpassed  in  the  opinion 
of  many  leading  horologists,  is  the  dead-beat  escapement. 

In  the  ^^'etherfleld  collection  is  a  month  regulator 
timepiece  by  him  which  has  a  dead-beat  escapement  with 
jewelled  pallets,  a  gridiron  pendulum,  bolt  and  shutter 
maintaining  power,  and  is  in  a  mahogany  case. 

An  elegant  bracket  clock  by  him,  dating  from  about 
1740,  is  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  J.  Rutherford,  Jardington, 
Dumfries,  to  whom  I  am  indebted  for  the  annexed  repre- 
sentation of  it.  The  case  of  oak  measures  15I  inches  in 
height,  and  the  dial  8^  inches  by  4I  inches.  On  the  back 
plate  is  engraved  a  Cupid  surrounded  by  scroll  work. 
The  regulator  hand  on  the  right  of  the  dial  raises  or 
lowers    the   pendulum   through   the    intervention   of   a    snail-shaped 



Graham's  mode  of  living  was  distinguished  by  its  simplicity.  As 
already  stated,  his  later  years  were  chiefly  occupied  with  astro- 
nomical work,  which  he  carried  on  as  the  valued  coadjutor  of 
Halley  and  Bradley  till  his  death,  which  occurred  in  November, 
1 75 1.     By  his  will,  executed  in   1747,  he  left  to  his  wife  one-half  of 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  287 

his  personal  estate.  He  also  bequeathed  £20  to  the  Clockmakers' 
Company,  of  which  he  was  made  free  in  171 5,  and  after  filling  the 
subordinate    offices   served    as    master   in    1722-3.      The   grave   of 

Fig.  424. 

Tompion,  in  Westminster  Abbey,  was  opened  to  receive  his  pupil, 
and  the  exceptional  honour  of  their  interment  in  that  place  is  the 
best  testimony  that  can  be  adduced  as  to  the  estimation  in  which 
these  eminent  horologists  were  held.     Appended  is  a  reduced  facsimile 

288  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

of  the  stone  placed  to  mark  their  resting-place  by  an  appreciative 

HERE     LIES     THE     BODY 

OF    M^   Tho    Tompion 

Who     DEPARTED     THIS 

LIFE     THE     20™    OF 

NOVEMBER    1713    IN    THE 

75'^"    YEAR    OF    HIS    AGE 

also  the  body  of 

George  Graham  of  London 

Watchmaker  and  F.R.S. 

whose  curious  inventions 

do  honour  to  y  british  genius 

WHOSE  Accurate  Performances 

ARE  Y  Standard  of  Mechanic  Skill 

HE  died  y  x\t  of  November  mdccli 

IN    THE    LXXVIII    YEAR    OF    HIS   AGE 

In  1838  this  slab  was  removed,  and  small  lozenge-shaped  stones, 
with  the  name  and  date,  as  in  the  sketch  on  p.  289,  were  substituted. 
In  a  little  work,  "  Time  and  Timekeepers,"  published  in  1842,  Adam 
Thomson,  a  Bond  Street  watchmaker,  wrote  :  "  Who  would  suppose 
that  a  small  lozenge-shaped  bit  of  marble  is  all  that  is  left  to  indicate 
where  lie  the  bodies  of  the  '  Father  of  Clockmakers,'  Thomas 
Tompion,  and  honest  George  Graham,  greater  benefactors  to  man- 
kind than  thousands  whose  sculptured  urns  impudently  emblazon 
merits  that  never  existed  ?  "  To  this  outspoken,  indignant  protest, 
and  the  good  feeling  of  the  late  Dean  Stanley,  is  due  the  reinstate- 
ment of  the  original  memorial,  for  which  English  horologists  will  be 

Records  of  Early  Makers,    etc. 


ever  grateful.  "  The  passage  was  pointed  out  to  me  by  a  friend," 
said  the  Dean,  "  in  consequence  of  the  strong  irritation  expressed  on 
the  subject  by  an  obscure  watchmaker  in  a  provincial  town.  The 
gravestone  had  not  been  destroyed,  and  was  restored  in  1866."  Let 
us  hope  future  generations  of  clock  and  watchmakers  will  jealously 
guard  this  tribute  to  the  work  of  their  fellow  craftsmen  against  any 
further  attempt  at  desecration. 

Fig.  425. 


Fig.  426 

The  position  of  the  tomb  is  marked  by  the  two  parallel  lines  on 
the  accompanying  plan  of  the  Abbey  Church  (Fig.  426).  E  is  the  altar 
floor;  W,  the  nave  and  western  entrance;  N,  north  transept;  S, 
south  transept  and  Poets'  Corner. 

Daniel  Quare. — This  worthy  contemporary  of  Tompion  was 
born  in  1648.  I  had  a  clock- watch  by  him,  inscribed  "Daniel 
Ouare,  St.  Martin's  le  Grand,  London."  From  its  construction,  one 
could  with  tolerable  certainty  decide  that  it  was  made  about  1676, 
and  I  am  therefore  inchned  to  think  St.  Martin's  le  Grand  was  his 
first  business  address.  It  is  said  he  afterwards  carried  on  business 
at  the  "  Plow  and  Harrow,"  in  Cornhill,  but  all  the  authentic  records 
I  have  been  able  to  consult  refer  to  him  from  1680  to  the  time  of  his 
death  as  of  the  "  King's  Arms,"  Exchange  i\lley. 

About  1680  he  produced  repeating  watches  of  his  own  design,  and 
when  the  Rev.  Edward  Barlow,  in  1687,  made  application  to  patent 
a  repeating  device,  Quare  successfully  opposed  the  monopoly  sought 
for  by  his  rival.  In  Quare's  arrangement  a  single  push  on  a  pin 
projecting  from  the  case  near  the  pendant  sufficed  to  sound  the  hour 
and  the  quarters,  while  Barlow's  required  a  distinct  action  for  each. 
The  king,  after  a  trial  of  both  repeating  watches,  gave  the  preference 

c.w.  u 

2go  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

to  that  of  Quare,  which  fact  was  notified  in  the  Gazette,  This  watch 
was,  in  1823,  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  John  Stanton,  of  Benwell,  near 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  from  whose  description  of  it  in  the  Morning 
Chronicle  the  following  is  taken  :  "  The  outer  case,  of  22-carat  gold, 
is  embossed  with  the  king's  head  in  a  medallion.  The  dial  is  of  gold, 
with  black  Roman  numerals  for  the  hours  and  figures  for  the 
minutes.  In  the  centre  is  a  piece  of  pierced  work  in  gold  upon  blue 
steel,  representing  the  letters  J.R.  R.J.  combined  so  as  to  appear  like 
an  ornamental  scroll,  above  which  is  the  royal  crown.  The  box  is 
pierced  with  scroll-work  intermixed  with  birds  and  flowers.  About 
the  joint  is  engraved  a  landscape.  On  the  back  of  the  box  two 
circular  lines  are  drawn,  between  which  is  the  following  inscription  : 
^  James  II.  gloria  Deo  iu  cxcelsis  sine  pretio  redinii  mini  mala  lege  ablatum 
bno.  Regi  restituitur.''  The  watch  is  considerably  thicker  than,  but 
otherwise  not  much  above,  the  common  size." 

Quare  afterwards  made  another  and  more  highly  finished  repeating 
watch  for  William  111.;  it  appears  probable  that  in  this,  as  in  all 
subsequent  repeaters  by  Quare,  the  pendant  was  thrust  in  to  set  the 
mechanism  in  action,  instead  of  having  a  separate  pin  in  the  edge  of 
the  case  for  the  purpose. 

There  is  in  the  British  Museum  a  small  lantern  alarum  clock  of 
Quare's  make,  which  has,  above  the  bell,  a  perforated  dome  sur- 
mounted by  a  handle  for  carrying.  A  fine  bracket  clock  by  him  in 
Windsor  Castle  is  shown  in  Fig,  427,  and  a  little  clock,  six  inches  in 
height,  illustrated  in  Fig.  428,  is  said  to  have  been  the  favourite 
timekeeper  of  W^illiam  III.,  and  was  brought  to  England  by  him. 
This  also  is  at  Windsor  Castle.  There  are  seven  of  Quare's  clocks 
in  the  Wetherfield  collection  ;  some  of  these  I  shall  be  able  to 
illustrate  in  Chapter  VII. 

As  splendid  specimens  of  horological  work  of  this  period  may  be 
mentioned  one-year  clocks,  of  which  at  least  three  or  four  bear  Quare's 
name.  One  of  the  most  celebrated  of  these  is  at  Hampton  Court 
Palace.  The  case  is  of  oak  veneered  with  burr  walnut  or  some  similar 
wood,  and,  including  a  stand  of  gilt  brass  work,  is  10  feet  high,  the 
plinth  being  22  inches,  the  waist  48  inches,  the  hood  24  ;  the  dome, 
io|  inches  high,  is  surmounted  by  a  gilt  brass  figure  12  inches  high. 
Four  other  well-modelled  gilt  figures  occupy  the  corners  of  the  hood, 
as  showm  in  Fig.  429,  which  is  from  a  photograph  lent  to  me  by 
Messrs.  Gaydon,  of  Kingston.  The  dial  plate  is  16  by  14  inches, 
and  along  the  bottom  of  it  are  three  subsidiary  dials  ;  one  shows  the 
rising  and  setting  of  the  sun,  the  middle  one  has  an  index  and  a 

Recoi'ds  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


scale  for  latitude  ;  the 
index  for  the  third  is 
removed,  but  it  was 
evidently  for  the  purpose 
of  disconnecting  certain 
equation  work,  the  circle 
being  engraved  on  one 
side  "  Tempus  appavcus  " 
and  on  the  opposite 
"■Tcinpiis (Cqiin/c."  In  iHjh 
\'ulliainy  substituted  a 
dead  beat  escapement  and 
a  new  pendulum  for  the 
original  ones,  but  until 
1898  the  clock  had  not 
been  going  for  some  years. 
In  the  Philosophical 
Transactions  for  Novem- 
ber and  December,  1719, 
is  a  paper  by  Joseph 
Williamson,  claiming  the 
invention  of  equation 
mechanism  for  clocks, 
and  in  it  he  mentions 
havins:    made     for     Mr. 

Fig.  428. 

Fig.  427. 

Ouare,  among  other  twelve-month 
clocks,  the  one  at  Hampton  Court, 
which,  by  means  of  a  cam  moving  in 
a  slit  in  a  piece  of  brass  at  the  top  of 
the  pendulum  spring,  raised  or  lowered 
the  pendulum  as  required  in  order  to 
show  apparent  time.  As  this  claim 
appears  to  have  remained  unchallenged 
it  may  be  accepted.  Doubtless  the 
reputation  of  many  manufacturers 
then,  as  in  later  years,  was  acquired 
in  great  measure  through  the  ingenuity 
and  excellent  workmanship  displayed 
by  the  chamber  masters  and  other 
assistants  whom  they  employed.  Still 
it  would  be  idle  to  attempt,  now,  to 

u  2 


Old  Clocks  and  IVatches  and  their  Makers. 




apportion  the  merit ;  the  world-wide  reputation  of  Ouare  remains  as 
evidence  of  his  individuahty.  He  is  mentioned 
in  a  comedy  by  Carlo  Goldoni  as  the  fore- 
most of  English  horologists,  then  considered 
the  first  in  the  world. 
_^_  _  Thirty  years   ago   one  of  Quare's  twelve- 

in  J7j  W^Sl  <- »!tf-  month  clocks  was  in  the  possession   of    Mr. 

fkmminmomn ,       ^1    S  j_   H.   Arkwriglit,   of  Hampton   Court,  near 

Leominster,  where  it  probably  is  still.  Many 
stories  have  been  told  of  the  structure  of  this 
remarkable  production,  and  in  1873  I  obtained 
the  following  very  precise  details  concerning 
it  from  Mr.  Palmer,  a  clockmaker  of  Leomin- 
ster. The  hour  hand,  beautifully  pierced,  fits 
tight  on  to  the  hour  socket  with  a  square ; 
the  minute  hand  is  pinned  on  to  a  square  with 
a  collet  as  usual  ;  it  has  a  counterpoise,  and 
is  not  so  elaborately  pierced  as  the  hour  hand. 
The  dial  is  fourteen  inches  square,  the  centre 
being  matted  and  gilt ;  the  spandrels  are  also 
gilt,  but  left  plain  to  show  up  the  silver 
fretwork  corner  pieces.  The  hour  circle  is  of 
brass,  silvered ;  it  is  divided  into  minutes  on 
the  outside  and  into  quarters  of  hours  on  the 
inside.  The  name  "Dan  Quare"  is  engraved 
between  the  hour  figures  7  and  6,  and 
"London"  is  engraved  between  the  6  and 
the  5.  On  the  dial  plate  just  below  the 
figure  6,  the  name  is  again  inscribed  in  full, 
"  Daniel  Ouare,  London."  The  numbers  of 
the  teeth  of  the  wheels  in  the  train  are  as 
follows  : — 

Great  wheel    ... 

...     96  teeth. 


...     96     ,, 

pinion  12  leaves 


...     90     ,, 

10       ,, 

Centre    ,, 

...     60     ,, 


Third      ,, 

...     56     .. 

8       ,, 


...     30     ,, 

7       .. 

Fig.  429.-Quare's  twelve-     The  minute  wheels  have  each  thirty-six  teeth, 

month  clock  at  Hampton     well  shaped    and   very   regular  ;    the  minute 

^  °"^^-  pinion  has  six   leaves ;    the   hour   wheel  has 

seventy-two    teeth,    and    it    is   keyed  on  to  the  hoursocket.     The 

Records  of  Iiarly   Makers,   etc. 


centre,  third,  and  swin^^  wheels  are  very  small  and  light,  the 
diameter  of  the  last-named  is  |  in. ;  the  pivots  also  are  very  small. 
These  tliree  pinion  arbors  are  an  inch  shorter  than  the  other  arbors 
of  tlie  train,  and  are  pi\'Oted  into  a  small  false  plate  whicli  is  pinned 
by  four  small  pillars  on  to  the  inside  of  the  large  pillar  plate.  The 
collets  on  wliich  these  three  wheels  are  mounted  are  either  brazed 
or  driven  on  to  the  pinion  arbors.  The  third  and  swing  wheel 
pinions  are  thickest  at  the  collet,  and  taper  oft"  with  a  gentle  curve 
to    the    head  of   the  pinion.     The   frame   plates  are   7   in.  by   5    in. 

Fig.  430. — Dial  of  clock  by  Daniel  Quare,  about  1705. 

There  are  six  pillars ;  they  are  ri\eted  into  the  back  plate,  and  the 
front  plate  is  kept  on  by  pins.  The  pallets  are  of  the  original  anchor 
form.  The  seconds  pendulum  has  a  lenticular  bob,  and  altogether 
weighs  2  lbs.  i^  oz.  It  is  suspended  from  the  same  cock  that  carries 
the  back  pivot  of  the  verge.  The  suspension  spring  is  2I  in.  long, 
narrow,  and  very  thin.  There  is  no  degree  plate,  but  a  brass  finger 
projecting  from  the  base  of  the  case  is  filed  to  an  edge  just  below 
the  pendulum,  and  serves  to  estimate  the  vibration  (which  is  about 
1"  on  each  side  of  zero),  and  also  to  set  the  clock  in  beat  when  fixing 
it.     The  case  is  of  oak,  handsomely  veneered  with  walnut. 


Old  Clocks  and   ]\'atchcs  and  their  Makers. 

The  barrel  has  fourteen  grooves.  The  clock  weight  and  pulley 
weigh  8 1  lbs.  ;  the  fall  is  4  ft.  6  in. ;  the  length  of  the  weight  and 
pulley  is  i  ft.  6  in.,  which,  added  to  the  fall,  makes  6  ft.,  which  is 
the  distance  from  the  bottom  of  the  clock  case  up  to  the  seat  board  ; 

the  weight  is  hung  by  a  double 
line.  The  clock  is  still  an  ex- 
cellent timekeeper.  On  casting 
up  the  numbers  of  the  train  it 
will  be  found  to  go  403  days, 
4  hours,  and  24  minutes. 

Now,  I  cannot  help  thinking 
this  is  a  very  extraordinary 
achievement,  for  81  lbs.  x 
4  ft.  6  in.  to  drive  the  clock 
for  more  than  thirteen  months 
seems  almost  incredible  ;  still  I 
believe  the  facts  are  as  I  have 
stated  them.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  everything  was  done  that 
was  possible  to  economise  the 
force.  The  very  small  and  light 
swing  wheel,  the  balanced 
minute  hand,  and  the  small 
shortened  arbors  with  extra  fine 
pivots,  all  conduce  to  the  end 
m  view. 

A  twelve- month  timepiece 
by  Quare  with  an  equation 
movement,  very  similar  to  the 
Hampton  Court  one,  and  in  its 
original  condition,  forms  one  of 
the  gems  of  the  Wetherfield 
collection.  Of  this  I  shall  be 
able  to  give  an  illustration  in 
Chapter  VII. 

x\t  Marston  House  is  a  month- 

FiG.  431. 

clock  by  Quare,  belonging  to  the  Earl  of  Cork.  Mr.  C.  F.  Bell  has 
another,  and  in  the  Wetherfield  collection  are  several  calculated  for 
the  same  period.  Ouare's  dials  were  particularly  good,  as  may  be 
judged  from  the  specimen  shown  in  Fig.  430,  for  which  I  am 
indebted  to  Mr.  H.  Cook,  of  Newark. 

Records  of  Early   Makers,   etc.  295 

Fig.  431  shows  a  superb  little  bracket  clock  by  Quare,  which 
belongs  to  Mr.  J.  W.  Abbott.  The  extreme  height  of  the  clock  is 
12  in.,  and  the  depth  of  the  bracket  5^  in.  The  clock  case  is  covered 
with  tortoiseshell,  and  is  6^  in.  wide.  The  handle,  the  feet,  and  the 
bevel  of  the  door  are  of  silver. 

By  several  writers  Quare  is  credited  witli  the  invention  of  the 
concentric  minute  hand,  but  such  indicators  were  in  use  long  before 
his  time,  the  hour  hand  being  driven  from  the  great  wheel,  and  the 
minute  hand  from  the  centre  arbor.  Quare's  improvement  consisted 
in  devising  mechanism  so  that  the  hour  and  minute  hands  should  be 
actuated  together.  The  earliest  form  of  this  device  is  applied  to  the 
clock-watch  which  has  been  already  referred  to.  At  first  sight  there 
appears  to  be  motion  work  of  the  kind  now  in  general  use,  but  an 
important  variation  is  apparent  on  examination.  Both  of  the  hands 
are  driven  direct  from  the  great  wheel.  A  wheel  and  pinion  corre- 
sponding to  the  minute  wheel  and  nut  fit  on  to  a  squared  arbor 
projecting  from  the  great  wheel.  The  canon  pinion  runs  loose  on  a 
stud  in  the  centre  of  the  watch,  and  on  it  is  placed  the  hour  wheel 
in  the  usual  way.  The  wheel  and  pinion  attached  to  the  great 
wheel  are  of  brass,  and  to  allow  the  hands  to  be  set  they  fit  friction 
tight  on  to  a  steel  boss  which  has  a  square  hole  to  correspond  with 
the  end  of  the  great  wheel  arbor.  Attached  to  the  bottom  face  of  the 
canon  pinion  is  a  snail  for  releasing  the  striking  work  every  hour. 
Under  the  arrangement  in  vogue  before  Quare's  time,  by  which  each 
hand  was  driven  independently  of  the  other,  if  the  minute  hand  was 
set  forward  or  backward,  the  hour  hand  would  cease  to  correspond 
with  it.  As  the  canon  pinion  was  mounted  on  a  stud,  there  was  no 
necessity  of  having  the  second  wheel  of  the  train  in  the  centre  of  the 
movement,  and  so  the  going  train  was  continued  to  one  side  of  the 
centre,  leaving  the  other  side  for  the  striking  work.  The  one  advan- 
tage of  the  present  arrangement  of  motion  work  over  Quare's  is  that 
the  minute  hand  now  follows  the  motion  of  the  centre  pinion  without 
shake,  but  in  Quare's  plan  the  position  of  the  n^inute  hand  was  not 
so  absolute  on  account  of  the  backlash  of  the  motion  wheels. 

A  watch  by  him  with  silver  dial  and  outer  case  of  red  tortoiseshell 
piqnc  dating  from  about  i6go,  which  is  in  the  Hilton  Price  collection, 
is  shown  in  Figs.  432  and  433. 

In  1695  Quare  obtained  a  patent  for  a  portable  weather  glass,  and 
six  or  seven  instruments  made  by  him  according  to  his  specification 
are  known  to  exist.  One  of  them  is  in  the  United  Service  Institution  ; 
another,  belonging  to  Mr.  C.  F.  Bell,  is  by  his  favour  shown  in  Fig.  434. 

296  Old  Clocks  and   Watches   and  their   Makers. 


Fig.  ^32. 

T'G-  4J3- 

Fig.  434. — Barometer 
by  Quare 

Records  of  Juirly   Makers,    etc.  297 

The  case  is  of  walnut  ;  three  urns  surmount  the  head,  and  two  of 
them  when  rotated  move  the  pointers  on  the  scale,  which  is  of  gilt 
metal  richly  engraved.  But  the  contrivance  for  which  the  patent 
was  granted  consists  of  a  pad  to  co\er  the  bottom  of  the  tube.  The 
cistern  is  of  ivory,  and  attached  to  the  bottom  of  it  is  a  brass  nut, 
through  which  a  threaded  rod  passes  ;  on  the  lower  extremity  of  the 
rod  is  a  knob,  and  tlie  upper  carries  the  pad.  If  the  barometer  is 
turned  upside  down  until  the  tube  is  full  of  quicksilver  and  the 
screwed  rod  turned  for  the  pad  to  block  the  tube,  the  instrument 
may  be  carried  about  in  any  position. 

Quare  was  admitted  as  a  brother  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in 
1 67 1,  and  served  as  master  in  1708.  During  the  latter  part  of  his 
career  he  took  into  partnership  Edward  Horseman,  who  had  been 
apprenticed  to  him,  and  the  business  was  carried  on  at  the  same 
address  under  the  title  of  Quare  and  Horseman. 

Reproduction  of  a  selection  from  the  inquiries  respecting  Quare's 
timekeepers  may  not  be  out  of  place.  On  page  222  is  one  which 
refers  to  an  attempt  to  indicate  minutes  with  the  hour  hand  by 
-di\iding  the  circle  into  but  six  hours  in  order  to  obtain  room  for 
the  minute  marks  : — 

"  Lost,  between  Firle  and  Slioram  Ferry,  in  Sussex,  a  gold  watch, 
made  by  D.  Quare,  in  a  black  Shagreen  Case  with  a  Cypher  J.  C. 
Whoever  brings  it  to  Mr.  Shelley,  Goldsmith,  in  Panton  Street,  near 
the  Haymarket,  shall  have  2  guineas  reward"  {London  Gazette, 
May  16,  1 691). 

"  Lost,  April  25,  a  Gold  IMinute  Pendulum  Clock,  the  name  on 
upper  plate  D.  Quare,  London,  726  engraven  on  it,  and  a  Shagrine 
case.  Whoever  gives  notice  of  it  to  Daniel  Quare,  Clockmaker,  at 
the  King's  Arms  in  Exchange  Alley,  shall  have  3  guineas  reward  ; 
or  if  already  bought,  their  money  returned  again  with  content " 
{London  Gazette,  May  26,  1692). 

"  Lost,  on  the  road  between  Hungerford  and  Marlborough,  a 
Gold  Repeating  Watch,  made  by  Quare  and  Horseman,  with  an 
old  Gold  Chain,  and  several  seals  hanging  to  it.  Whosoever  will 
bring  them  to  Mr.  Horseman,  at  Mr.  Quare's,  in  Exchange  Alley, 
shall  have  20  guineas  reward  and  no  questions  asked"  {London 
Gazette,  August  9,  171 8). 

"  Lost,  on  the  road  between  Newark  and  Tuxford,  about  22  of  June 
last,  a  Gold  Watch,  made  by  Quare  in  London,  No.  4448,  double 
cased  and  winds  up  on  the  dyal  Plate.  Whoever  shall  secure  the 
watch   if  offered  for  sale,   or   send   it   or  notice  of  it  to  Mr.  Andrew 

2g8  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their   Makers. 

Drummond,  Goldsmith,  by  Charing  Cross,  shall  receive  5  guineas 
reward"  {London  Gazette,  July  8,  1732). 

The  books  of  the  Society  of  Friends  show  that  Daniel  Ouare  was 
a  trusted  man  among  the  Quakers,  and  that  he  at  first  refused  the 
office  of  Clockmaker  to  George  I.  because  he  objected  to  take  the 
oath  of  allegiance ;  the  difficulty  respecting  the  taking  of  an  oath 
was,  however,  overcome,  and  freedom  to  enter  the  palace  by  the 
back  stairs  accorded  to  him.  "  The  Yeoman  of  the  Guard,"  he  said, 
"  lets  me  frequently  go  up  without  calling  anybody  for  leave,  as 
otherwise  he  would  tho'  persons  of  quality."  He  had  one  son, 
Jeremiah,  who  does  not  seem  to  have  followed  the  craft,  and  three 
daughters.  At  the  marriage  of  his  daughter  Elizabeth  with  Silvanus 
Bevan  in  1715,  among  witnesses  who  signed  the  deed  of  settlement 
was  the  Duchess  of  Marlborough.  Daniel  Quare  died  at  Croydon 
in  1724,  and  was  buried  in  the  Quakers'  ground  at  Bunhill  Fields, 

Fromanteel. — Fromanteel,  also  spelt  "  Fromantel,"  "  Fromantil," 
and  "  Fromenteele."  Ahasuerus  Fromanteel  pi'iinus,  of  Dutch  extrac- 
tion, was  a  maker  of  steeple  clocks  at  East  Smithfield.  In  1630  he 
was  warned  by  the  Blacksmiths'  Company  to  bring  in  his  certificate 
of  seven  years'  service  as  apprentice.  \\'ith  this  he  complied,  and 
was  forthwith  elected  free  of  the  company.  On  the  incorporation  of 
the  clockmakers,  he  joined  them.  In  1656  he  became  restive  under 
the  somewhat  inquisitorial  proceedings  of  the  court  relating  to  his 
apprentices  and  the  antecedents  of  his  workmen,  and  for  a  long 
period  in  the  history  of  the  guild  his  name  appears  in  petitions  and 
other  documents,  expressing  disapproval  of  the  management  of  the 
company,  or  as  being  called  to  account  for  infraction  of  its  rules, 
some  of  which,  it  must  be  confessed,  could  not  fail  to  be  exasperating 
to  a  man  with  an  extensive  business,  as  Fromanteel  appears  to 
have  had. 

A  second  Ahasuerus  Fromanteel  appears  on  the  list  as  free  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company  in  1655. 

A  third  xVhasuerus  Fromanteel  was,  in  1663,  on  completion  of  his 
apprenticeship  with  Simon  Bartram,  admitted  as  a  member  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company. 

In  1663  also,  John  Fromanteel,  who  had  been  apprenticed  to 
Thomas  Loomes,  was  admitted  to  the  freedom. 

Then  Abraham,  son  of  Ahasuerus  Fromanteel,  was  elected  in  1680. 

In  1658  proceedings  were  taken  against  Ahasuerus  Fromanteel 
and  his  son  Louis  for  keeping  more  apprentices  than  the  regulations 

Records  of  Early   Makers,   etc. 


of  the  company  allowed,  so  tliat  there  was  a  fairly  large  family  of  the 
Fromanteels  in  the  clock  trade  at  that  period,  and  most  of  them 
seem  to  have  been  connected  in  business. 

Beyond  their  squabbles  with  the  Clockmakers'  Company,  there  is 
a  celebrity  attaching  to  them  as  being  the  first  to  introduce  the 
pendulum  into  England,  the 
assumption  being  that  one 
of  the  family  had  seen  or 
heard  of  Huygens'  clock  in 
Holland,  and  brought  it  over 
to  his  relatives.  Their  claim 
has  been  challenged  on 
behalf  of  Richard  Harris ; 
and  it  has  also  been  asserted 
that  Dr.  Hooke  investigated 
the  properties  of  the  pen- 
dulum as  a  controller  for 
timekeepers  before  Huygens 
applied  it.  However,  there 
is  evidence  that  the  claim  of 
the  Fromanteels  to  its  intro- 
duction from  Holland,  if  not 
unanimously  allowed,  was 
accepted  pretty  generally  at 
the  time. 

Under  date  November  ist, 
1660,  Evelyn,  in  his  Diary, 
writes  :  "  I  w^ent  with  some 
of  my  relations  to  Court  to 
show  them  his  Maj""'  cabinet 
and  closet  of  rarities  .  .  . 
Here  I  saw  .  .  .  amongst 
the  clocks  one  that  showed 
the  rising  and  setting  of  the 
sun  in  Y^  Zodig,  the  sunn 
represented  by  a  face  and  raies  of  gold  upon  an  azure  skie,  observing 
Y"  diurnal  and  annual  motion  rising  and  setting  behind,  and  landscape 
of  hills,  the  work  of  our  famous  Fromantel." 

Again,  under  date  April  ist,  1661,  Evelyn  records  that  he  "dined 
with  that  great  mathematician  and  \irtuoso,  Mr.  Zulichem  (Huygens), 
inventor  of  the  pendule  clock  "  ;  and  on   May  8th,  "  I  returned  by 

Fig.  435. 


Old  Clocks  and   ]\\itchcs  and  their  Makers. 

Fromantel's,    the    famous    clockmaker,  to    see  some  pendules,    Mr. 
Zulichem  being  with  us." 

The  subjoined  Fig.  435  represents  a  clock  by  Fromanteel  in  the 
possession  of  Mr.  Percy  Webster,  which  seems  to  agree  somewhat 
with  the  description  of  Evelyn.     The  signs  of  the  zodiac  are  on  a 

rotating  disc, and  the 
alcove  above  pro- 
bably contained  a 
ball  showing  the 
phases  and  age  of 
the  moon. 

Fig.  436  shows  a 
hanging  clock  in  an 
ebonised  case,  by 
"A.  Fromanteel, 
London,"  of  about 
the  same  date,  and 
for  which  I  am  in- 
debted to  M  r . 
T  h  o  ni  a  s  W  y  a  1 1 . 
The  dial  is  of  brass 
Avith  a  silvered  band 
to  contain  the  hour 
numerals,  which  are 
very  small  and 
formed  each  within  a 
ring.  The  original 
hand  is  missing. 
There  are  three  bells 
and  five  hammers, 
the  hours  and  first, 
second  and  third 
quarters  being 
sounded.  The 
movement  is  well  made,  with  three  trains,  the  back  plate  in  one 
piece,  the  front  arbors  carried  in  three  separate  strips  so  that  any 
of  the  trains  may  be  removed  separately.  The  pillars  are  square, 
and  on  one  is  engraved  the  name  of  the  maker  as  quoted;  the 
plates  are  fastened  by  hooks  which  fit  into  slots  cut  in  the  pillars. 
Below  the  moon  are  silvered  rotating  discs  with  figures  on  the 
edges  to  indicate  the  ares  of  the  lunar  and  the  calendar  months. 

Records  of  Iiarly  Makers,  etc.  joi 

This  was  a  long  case  clock  when  I  saw  it,  but  examination  showed 
that  the  lower  part  was  a  later  addition.  .Ml  that  was  original  of  the 
case  is  given  in  the  engraving. 

At  the  Guildhall  Museum  is  a  very  well  made  clock  by  Ahasuerus 
Fromanteel  dating  from  about  1675.  It  has  a  bob  pendulum  ;  dial 
8  inches  square,  with  matted  centre  and  cherub  head  corners.  It  is 
furnished  with  what  is  called  the  "  bolt  and  shutter  maintaining 
power."  In  this  device  a  shutter  which  obstructs  the  winding  hole 
has  to  he  lifted  before  the  key  can  be  inserted,  and  this  action  causes 
a  spring  or  a  weighted  lever  to  impel  the  wheels  during  the  operation 
of  winding,  when  the  driving  weight  is  inoperative. 

The  Commonwealth  Mercury  of  Thursday,  November  25th,  1658, 
contains  the  following  advertisement  :  — 

"  There  is  lately  a  way  found  out  for  making  clocks  that  go  exact 
and  keep  equaller  time  than  any  now  made  without  this  regulator, 
examined  and  pro\'ed  before  his  Highness  the  Lord  Proctor,  by  such 
doctors  whose  knowledge  and  learning  is  without  exception,  and  are 
not  subject  to  alter  by  change  of  weather,  as  others  are,  and  may  be 
made  to  go  a  week,  a  month,  or  a  year,  with  once  winding  up,  as 
well  as  those  that  are  wound  up  e\ery  day,  and  keep  time  as  well, 
and  is  very  excellent  for  all  house  clocks  that  go  either  with  springs 
or  weights  ;  and  also  steeple  clocks  that  are  most  subject  to  change  of 
weather.  Made  by  Ahasuerus  Fromanteel,  who  made  the  first  that 
were  in  England.  You  may  have  them  at  his  house  on  the  Bank- 
side,  in  Mosses  Alley,  Southwark,  and  at  the  sign  of  the  Mere 
Maid,  in  Lothbury,  near  Bartholomew  Lane  end,  London.'' 

Mosses  Alley,  or  Moses  Alley,  was  a  passage  leading  from  the 
northern  end  of  Bankside,  Southwark,  to  Maid  Lane. 

The  Mermaid  in  Lothbury  was  for  over  a  century  a  noted  shop 
for  clocks.  In  1650  Thomas  Loomes,  who  was  associated  with  the 
eldest  Fromanteel  in  his  attacks  on  the  government  of  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company,  and  to  whom  John  Fromanteel  was  apprenticed, 
resided  there,  and,  after  the  time  of  Loomes,  it  was  occupied  by 
John  Fromanteel.  Mr.  D.  A.  F.  Wetherfield  has  a  remarkably  well 
made  long-case  clock  by  him  dating  from  1676-80.  It  is  shown  in 
Fig.  437.  The  dial  is  10  inches  square  with  cherub  corners,  and  in 
one  line  along  the  bottom  is  the  inscription,  ^'Johannes  Fromanteel, 
Londoni  fecit y  Around  the  hour  circle  every  minute  from  i  to  60 
is  numbered.  The  case  is  of  walnut  with  small  raised  panels.  The 
frame  is  large,  having  tliree  trains,  viz.  going,  striking,  and  ting-tang. 
The    pendulum    makes    but    48    beats    a    minute    and     is    therefore 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

unusually  lon^ 

regulation  is  effected  by  means  of  a  large  milled 
nut  fixed  above  the  pendulum  cock,  the 
spring  rising  and  falling  between  chops  as 
in  many  modern  clocks.  It  has  the  bolt 
and  shutter  maintaining  power  referred  to 
on  page  301.  The  striking  at  the  hour  is 
peculiar,  there  being  four  bells  of  different 
notes,  the  shape  of  Chinese  gongs,  and  four 
hammers  which  are  on  one  arbor  and  strike 
a  chord  at  each  blow.  The  quarters  are 
sounded  on  two  bells. 

There  are  long-case  clocks  by  John 
Fromanteel  at  the  Dutch  Church,  Austin 
Friars,  and  at  the  Philadelphia  Library. 

Dr.  Hooke. — Robert  Hooke  was  born 
at  Freshwater,  Isle  of  Wight,  on  July  i8th, 
1635.  As  a  youth  he  resided  with  Dr. 
Busby,  head  master  of  Westminster 
School.  He  entered  Christ  Church  College, 
Oxford,  in  1653,  ^^^  there  his  genius  soon 
attracted  the  notice  of  Dr.  Wallis,  whom 
he  frequently  assisted  in  his  chemical 
operations.  Dr.  Wallis  introduced  Hooke 
to  the  Hon.  Robert  Boyle,  who  engaged  him 
as  an  assistant  in  the  mechanical  and  philo- 
sophical works  he  was  then  employed  on. 

Hooke  took  part  in  and  wrote  upon  all 
the  scientific  questions  of  his  time.  Sir 
Isaac  Newton  styled  him  "  The  Con- 
siderer."  On  the  institution  of  the  Royal 
Society  he  became  one  of  its  fellows,  was 
afterwards  entrusted  with  the  care  of  its 
Repository,  and  made  Professor  of  Me- 
chanics to  that  body.  About  the  same 
period  he  was  elected  Professor  of  Geometry 
in  Gresham  College. 

I  have  been  unable  to  obtain  any  portrait 

of    Hooke,   but   will    quote    the    following 

„  description  of  him  from  Aubrey's  "  Lives 

Fig.  437.  ^  -^        .        . 

of   Eminent   Men  "  :  "  He  is  of  middling 
stature,  somewhat  crooked,  pale-faced,  and  his  face  but  little  belowe, 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  303 

hut  his  head  is  lardge  ;  his  eie  is  full  and  popping,  and  not  quick  ; 
a  grey  eie.  He  has  a  delicate  head  of  haire,  browne,  and  of  an  excellent 
nioist  curie.  He  is  and  ever  was  very  temperate  and  moderate  in 
dyet,  &c.  As  he  is  of  prodigious  inventive  head,  so  he  is  a  person 
of  great  vertue  and  goodness." 

He  discovered  that  the  resilience  of  a  spring  is  proportional  to  the 
angle  through  which  it  has  been  wound,  and  propounded  the  whole 
theory  in  the  sentence,  "  Ut  iensio  sic  vis,"  meaning  that  the  force  is 
proportionate  to  the  tension.  He  proposed  to  patent  his  discovery 
in  1660,  and,  to  quote  his  words,  "  Sir  Robert  Moray  drew  me  up  the 
form  of  a  patent,  the  principal  part  whereof,  viz.  the  description  of 
the  watch,  is  his  own  handwriting,  which  I  have  yet  by  me  ;  the 
discouragement  I  met  with  in  the  progress  of  this  affair  made  me 
desist  for  that  time." 

Derham  describes  the  earliest  of  Hooke's  essays  in  this  direction 
as  a  "  tender  straight  spring,  one  end  whereof  played  backward  and 
forward  with  the  ballance."  It  is  stated  that  several  watches  were 
made  under  Hooke's  supervision  at  this  period,  and  one  of  the  first 
to  which  the  balance  spring  was  applied  he  is  said  to  have 
presented  to  Dr.  Wilkins,  afterwards  Bishop  of  Chester,  about 

It  appears  that  Hooke  then  conceived  it  to  be  an  advantage  to 
have  two  balances  coupled  together,  and  had  two  double  balance 
watches  constructed.  In  the  first,  which  had  no  balance  spring,  the 
escape  wheel  was  placed  in  the  centre  of  the  movement  with  its 
teeth  in  a  liorizontal  plane.  There  are  two  verges  standing 
vertically  on  opposite  sides  of  the  wheel  and  connected  with  each 
other  by  means  of  toothed  wheels  of  equal  size ;  each  verge  had  one 
pallet  and  carried  a  balance  at  its  upper  end,  one  balance  overlapping 
the  other. 

In  the  second  watch  the  verge  escapement  was  arranged  in  the 
ordinary  way,  the  balance  being  mounted  on  a  verge  with  two 
pallets ;  on  the  verge  was  also  a  toothed  wheel  which  engaged  with 
another  of  the  same  size  mounted  on  a  stud,  and  the  pipe  of  this 
wheel  carried  the  second  balance  ;  the  toothed  wheels  being  of  small 
size,  one  balance  was  placed  a  little  higher  than  the  other  and 
overlapped  it.     Each  balance  was  controlled  by  a  balance  spring. 

However,  Hooke  turned  his  attention  to  other  matters,  and  in 
January,  1673,  Huygens  addressed  a  letter  to  Henry  Oldenburg, 
secretary  of  the  Royal  Society,  in  which  he  described  as  his 
invention    the    application    of   a    spring    to    control    the  balance   in 

304  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  iliciv  Makers. 

watches.  This  aroused  the  wrath  of  Hooke,  who  accused  Oldenburg 
of  having  divulged  the  discovery  in  his  correspondence  with  Huygens. 
Hooke  enlisted  the  interest  of  Charles  II.,  and  in  a  lecture,  entitled 
"  Potentia  Restitutiva,"  etc.,  said,  "  His  Majesty  was  pleased  to  see 
the  experiment  that  made  out  this  theory  tried  at  Whitehall,  as  also 
my  spring  watch." 

In  1660,  Hooke  devised  a  pendulum  timekeeper  for  ascertaining 
the  longitude  at  sea.  This  was  tried  in  1662,  and  he  subsequently 
proposed  a  compensation  pendulum  in  the  form  of  a  rhomboid, 
the  outline  being  of  steel  and  the  long  horizontal  diagonal  of  brass. 
This  form,  being  wider  than  it  was  long,  was  considered  to  be 
impracticable.  Troughton  afterwards  constructed  a  pendulum  in 
which  the  rod  was  a  series  of  small  rhomboids  arranged  to  compensate 
on  Hooke's  plan. 

Hooke  devised  the  first  wheel-cutting  engine  about  1670.  Prior 
to  that  time  the  operation  of  forming  the  teeth  was  tedious  and 
imperfect.  Blanks  for  watch  and  clock  wheels  were  placed  in  the 
centre  of  a  circular  brass  platform,  having  thereon  concentric  circles 
and  radial  lines  corresponding  to  the  various  numbers  of  teeth  in 
general  use.  An  arm  pivoted  at  the  centre  of  the  platform  carried  a 
hard  point  at  its  other  extremity,  by  which  the  positions  of  the 
teeth  were  marked  on  the  blanks.  The  spaces  were  then  filed  out. 
Hooke  contrived  a  circular  file  and  made  the  platform  movable  so 
that  each  part  of  the  circumference  of  the  wheel  could  be  brought 
within  the  action  of  the  file  or  cutter. 

Hooke  also  invented  the  anchor  escapement  for  clocks  about 
1675.  Among  his  conceptions  for  a  marine  timekeeper  was  one 
with  two  balances  geared  together,  the  idea  being  to  avoid  the  effect 
of  external  motion.  It  is  stated  that  this  timekeeper  had  an 
escapement  resembling  the  duplex. 

His  investigations  covered  a  very  wide  field  of  science,  but  his 
restless  disposition  rarely  allowed  him  to  steadily  pursue  any  subject 
to  a  conclusion.  No  sooner  was  he  satisfied  of  the  feasibility  of  any 
project,  than  he  left  it,  thus  allowing  others  to  perfect  his  inventions. 
On  the  death  of  Oldenburg,  in  1677  ^^^  '^^'^^  appointed  secretary  to 
the  Royal  Society,  and,  by  an  order  of  the  Society,  he  was  requested 
to  give  a  full  description  of  all  the  instruments  which  he  had  contrived, 
but  ill  health  prevented  him  from  performing  it.  During  the  last 
year  of  his  life  he  was  almost  helpless.  He  died  at  Gresham  College, 
March  3rd,  1703,  and  was  buried  at  St.  Helen's,  Bishopsgate. 

Christian    Huygens. — This   distinguished   mathematician   was 

I^ccoi'ch  of  Itavly  Makers,  dc^ 


born  at  the  Hague  in  1629.  Early  in  life  he  devoted  his  attention  to 
the  principles  on  which  timekeepers  were  constructed,  and  in  1657 
presented  to  the  States  of  Holland  a  clock  controlled  by  a  pendulum. 
He  seems  to  have  acquired  the  additional  cognomen  of  Zulichem 
from  the  place  of  his  birth,  and  is  so  referred  to  by  Evelyn  during 
a  short  \isit  he  paid  to  England  in  1661,  as  quoted  in  the  account 
of  Fromanteel.  In  1665  his  reputation  induced  Louis  XIV.  to 
invite  him  to  Paris,  in  order  to  found  a  Royal  Academy  of  Sciences 
there,  and  in    1673    was    published    his   folio    work,    "  Horologium 

Fig.  438. 

Fig.  439. 

Fig.  440. 

Oscillatorium,"  etc.,  from  which  the  appended  drawings  of  his  clock 
are  taken. 

The  upper  part  of  the  pendulum  is  a  double  cord  hanging 
between  two  cycloidal  cheeks,  to  give  a  cycloidal  path  to  the  bob. 
Fig.  439  gives  a  better  idea  of  this  device,  which  was  no  doubt  of 
advantage  with  the  long  arcs  required  by  the  verge  escapement. 
Another  feature  of  Huygens'  clock  is  the  maintaining  power. 
P  (Fig.  440)  is  the  driving  weight,  supported  by  an  endless  cord, 
passing  over  the  pulley  D  attached  to  the  great  wheel,  and  also  over 
the  pulley  H,  which  is  provided  with  ratchet  teeth  and  pivoted  to 
the  inside  of  the  clock  case.  The  cord  m  is  pulled  down  to  wind 
the  clock,  and  the  ratchet  wheel  H  then  runs  under  its  click.     So 

c.w.  ^ 

3o6  Old  Clocks  and   Watclics  and  their  Makers. 

that  while  winding,  as  in  going,  one-half  of  P  minus  one-half  oi  p  is 
driving  the  clock.  The  pulleys  D  and  H  are  spiked  to  prevent 
slipping  of  the  cord. 

This  ingenious  maintaining  power  is  to  be  found  in  many 
eighteenth  century  clocks.  When  applied  to  a  clock  with  a 
striking  train,  the  pulley  with  the  ratchet  is  attached  to  the  great 
wheel  of  the  striking  part,  one  weight  thus  serving  to  drive  both 
trains.  A  chain  is  preferable  to  a  cord,  owing  to  the  dust  which 
accumulates  in  the  clock  through  the  wearing  of  the  latter.  The 
drawback  to  the  arrangement  is  that  it  is  not  suitable  for  clocks 
going  for  more  than  thirty  hours  between  windings.  It  is,  however, 
worth  knowing  that  a  thirty  hour  striking  clock  on  this  plan  can  be 
readily  converted  to  an  eight  day  non-striker  by  simply  disconnecting 
the  striking  work. 

Huygens  devoted  much  attention  to  the  production  of  a  time- 
keeper for  ascertaining  the  longitude  ;  and  finding  the  pendulum 
too  unstable  at  sea,  he  in  1674  constructed  a  marine  timekeeper 
controlled  by  a  balance  and  balance  spring.  The  balance,  instead 
of  being  on  the  verge,  was  on  a  separate  staff",  and  driven  by  a  wheel 
and  pinion,  so  as  to  vibrate  through  very  long  arcs ;  and  this 
necessitated  the  use  of  a  very  long  balance  spring.  Huygens 
endeavoured  to  obtain  a  patent  for  the  application  of  the  balance 
spring,  but  in  this  he  was  successfully  opposed  by  the  Abbe  Hauteville, 
who  alleged  a  prior  use  of  springs  for  the  purpose.  The  marine 
timekeeper  was  not  a  complete  success,  for  Huygens  found  himself 
baffled  by  the  error  in  changes  of  temperature.  He  returned  to 
Holland  in   1681   and  died  there  in   1695. 

An  exceedingly  well-made  clock,  exactly  corresponding  to  Huygens' 
drawing,  which  I  saw  some  years  ago,  bore  the  inscription,  "  Johanne 
Van  Ceulin,  fecit,  Hagae,"  and  had  a  very  handsome  gilt  skeleton 
dial,  upheld  by  a  figure  of  Time.  This  and  many  other  watches  and 
clocks  of  that  period  by  Van  Ceulin  suggest  the  possibility  of 
Huygens  and  Van  Ceulin  having  been  associated  in  Holland  as  were 
Barlow  and  Tompion  in  England. 

Nathaniel  Barrow. — A  watch  by  this  maker,  with  a  short  train 
and  without  a  balance  spring,  is  shown  on  page  214.  Fig.  441 
represents  the  exterior  of  a  clock-watch  with  doubled  pierced  cases. 
A  view  of  the  movement  will  be  given  further  on. 

Probably  to  get  room  for  the  striking  work  a  most  peculiar  arrange- 
ment of  the  going  train  is  adopted  ;  the  winding  square  of  the  fusee 
arbor  projects  within  the  rim  of  the  balance,  which  has  three  arms 

Rccci'ds  of  Earlv  Makers,   etc. 


clustered  together  in  the  form  of  u  flcui'-dc-Us  or  trident  head,  so  that 
a  vibration  of  over  half  a  turn  is  possible  before  the  balance  arms 
bank  against  the  fusee  arbor. 

Knibb. — Three  or  four  members  of  this  family  are  known  among 
the  seventeenth  century  clockmakers.  Samuel  Knibb  was  admitted 
to  the  freedom  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1663  ;  Joseph  Knibb 
in  1670;  Peter  Knibb  in  1677.  In  tlie  Guildhall  Museum  is  a  verge 
watch  with  curiously  wrought  pillars,  made  about  i6go,  by  "John 
Knibb  at  Oxon.,"  and  among  the  Wetherfield  collection  are  two 
long  case  clocks,  inscribed  "John  Knibb,  London,"  one  dating  from 
about  1690  and  the  other  a  little  later. 

Of  these  the  most  eminent  maker  was  Joseph  Knibb,  mentioned 
as  of  Oxon.  in  the  records  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company.  He  made 
a  turret  clock  which  was  fixed  over  the  State  entrance  in  the  Quad- 
ra n  g  le  of  Windsor 
Castle,  which  Captain 
Smyth  {Avchaologia, 
vol.  xxxiii.)  speaks  of 
as  one  of  the  earliest 
movements  constructed 
with  brass  ^\•  h  e  e  1  s . 
This  statement  may  be 
correct  if  it  refers  to 
turret  clocks  only,  but 
it  would  not  apply  to 
smaller  timekeepers.  This  clock  was  inscribed  "Joseph  Knibb,  Londini, 
1677,"  and  did  duty  till  1829,  when  a  new  one  by  B.  L.  Vulliamy 
replaced  it.  He  issued  a  token,  having  on  the  obverse:  "  Joseph  Knibb, 
Clockmaker  inOxon,"and  on  the  reverse,  "I.K.,"  with  a  clock  face  and 
hand.  In  the  Camden  Society's  "  Secret  Services  of  Charles  II.  and 
James  II."  are  various  records  of  payments  on  behalf  of  King 
Charles.  In  the  account  up  to  July  3rd,  1682,  is  an  item,  paid  "To 
Mr.  Knibb  by  his  said  Ma'tie's  comand  upon  a  bill  for  Clockwork, 
£1^1.'"  Judging  by  the  Windsor  Castle  clock,  he  was  in  London 
in  1677,  and  till  nearly  the  end  of  the  century  he  carried  on  business 
there.  His  work  was  of  the  highest  class,  judging  from  the 
specimens  I  have  had  the  opportunity  of  examining.  A  short 
time  -  ago,  Mr.  Thomas  Peake  had  a  square  black  case  bracket 
clock  by  him,  fitted  with  a  curious  striking  part,  of  the  locking 
plate  kind,  but  striking  both  hours  and  quarters  from  one  pin-wheel, 
which  had  pins  on  both  sides.     The  back-plate  was  engraved  to  an 

X  2 

Fig.  441.  —Clock-watch  by  Nathaniel  Barrow. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  tJicir  Makers. 

ornamental  design,  and  on  it  was  the  inscription,  "  Joseph   Knibb, 
Londini,  fecit." 

A  remarkable  clock,  formerly  the  property  of  the  Duke  of  Sussex, 
but  which  now  belongs  to  Mr.  Ernest  Swanwack,  is  shown  in  F'ig.  442. 
The  case  is  of  ebony,  and  measures  twenty-two  inches  in  height  to 
the  top  of  the  knob.  The  particular  feature  which  commands 
attention   is  the   way  in   which  the  time   is  indicated.      The  upper 

Fig.  442. 

portion  of  the  dial  is  fixed  and  divided  into  four  quarter-hours,  the 
divisions  being  marked  by  Roman  numerals.  Each  minute  is 
indicated  by  a  tooth  at  the  edge,  and  five-minute  intervals  by  round 
holes.  The  central  part  of  the  dial  rotates,  and  carries  at  opposite 
points  near  its  periphery  two  blue  discs  on  which  are  gilded  figures 
representing  the  hours.  In  the  illustration  the  time  shown  is  thirteen 
past  two,  and  the  two  wid  move  on  till  it  disappears  at  the  right  hand 
behind  a  screen,  when  the  figure  three  will  appear  at  the  left.  The 
mechanism  in  connection  with  this  device  is  illustrated  on  page  227. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


In  front  of  the  centre  part  of  the  rotatin.L,^  dial  is  a  fixed  screen,  on 
which  stags  and  a  landscape  are  painted.  Below  is  the  signature, 
"Joseph  Knibb,  Londini."  The  exposed  annular  space  of  the 
rotating  dial  is  covered  with  a  painting  of  Cupids  and  clouds.  On 
the  plinth  is  a  label  inscribed  in  gold  lettering,  "  From  a  model 
designed  by  Prince  Rupert."  Above  the  entablature  of  the  case  is  a 
double-headed  bird  with  outstretched  wings  and  the  motto,  "  deus 
MEUM  guK  JUS."  This  clock  is  probably  referred  to  in  White's 
"  Natural  History  of  Selborne,"  in  a  letter  to  T.  Pennant,  speaking 
of  the  Royal  Forest  of  Wolmer  and  Ayles  Holt,  which  says  :  "  The 
grantees  that  the  author 
remembers  are  Brigadier- 
General  Emanuel  Scroope 
Howe  and  his  lady  Ruperta 
(who  was  a  natural  daughter 
of  Prince  Rupert  by  Margaret 
Hughes)."  ..."  The  lady 
of  General  Howe  lived  to  an 
advanced  age,  long  surviving 
her  husband ;  and,  at  her 
death,  left  behind  her  many 
curious  pieces  of  mechanism 
of  her  father's  constructing, 
who  was  a  distinguished 
mechanic  and  artist,  as  well 
as  warrior,  and  among  the 
rest  a  very  complicated  clock, 
lately  in  possession  of  Mr. 
Elmer,  the  celebrated  game 
painter,  at  Farnham,  in  the 
county  of  Surrey." 

The  miniature  timepiece  by  Joseph  Knibb,  with  basket  top,  shown 
in  Fig.  443,  belongs  to  Mr.  J.  D.  Robertson.  It  repeats  the  hour  and 
quarters  on  two  bells.  The  case  is  of  black  wood,  and  on  the  brass 
ornament  at  the  left  is  represented  the  head  of  William  HI.  This 
ornament  is  pivoted  near  the  top,  and  is  drawn  aside  to  expose  the 

Messrs.  Desbois  recently  had  a  long  case  clock  made  by  Joseph 
Knibb  when  he  was  in  London.  It  was  formerly  in  the  collection 
of  the  Duke  of  Sussex,  and  therein  described  as  having  been 
the    property    of    Charles    II.,    when    it    was    called    a    "drinking 

Fig.  443. 

310  Old  Clocks  and  ]]^ntches  and  their  Makers. 

clock."*  The  dial  was  square,  of  brass  well  gilt,  with  a  skeleton 
silvered  ring  to  receive  the  Roman  hour  numerals  and  a  subsidiary 
silvered  ring  for  the  seconds.  The  centre  of  the  dial  was  coarsely 
matted,  and  every  minute  noted  with  Arabic  figures.  The  corner 
pieces,  boldly  chased,  were  of  the  cherub-head  pattern,  and  the  hands 
finely  carved.  A  herring-bone  border  was  engraved  at  the  edge  of 
the  square,  and  altogether  the  dial  presented  a  handsome  appearance. 
But  the  distinctive  feature  of  the  clock  was  the  peculiar  striking 
work,  which  was  on  the  locking-plate  principle.  There  were  two 
bells,  a  large  and  a  small  one,  and  two  corresponding  hammers ;  also 
two  sets  of  lifting  pins,  one  on  each  side  of  the  pin  wheel,  one  set 
actuating  the  large  and  the  other  the  small  hammer.  And  the  pins 
were  arranged  so  that  at  I.  o'clock  one  stroke  was  given  on  the 
small  bell,  at  II.  two  strokes,  at  III.  three  strokes,  at  IV.  one  on  the 
small  followed  by  one  on  the  large,  at  V.  one  on  the  large,  at  VI. 
one  on  the  large  followed  by  one  on  the  small,  at  VII.  one  on  the 
large  followed  by  two  on  the  small  bell,  and  so  on.  It  will  be  noticed 
that  so  far  each  stroke  on  the  small  bell  stands  for  the  Roman  unit, 
and  each  stroke  on  the  large  bell  for  the  Roman  V.  Perhaps  the 
procedure  through  the  twelve  hours  will  be  best  shown  by  different 
sized  dots  to  represent  the  bells  as  follows  : — 

I        II      III     IV       V      VI      VII  VIII    IX      X      XI      XII 
•         •         •         •         .         •         •         • 


Among  varieties  of  striking,  this  plan  seems  to  have  a  distinct 
value,  inasmuch  as  it  materially  economises  the  energy  required  for 
telling  the  round  of  hours,  only  thirty  blows  being  required  in  place 
of  the  usual  seventy-eight.  This  particular  clock  was  arranged  for 
a  run  of  a  month  between  successive  windings. 

When  a  few  years  ago  it  was  proposed  to  alter  the  sub-division  of 
the  civil  day  by  counting  the  hours  continuously  instead  of  duplicating 
them,  whereby  any  possible  confusion  as  to  whether  a  particular  hour 
meant  a.m.  or  p.m.  might  be  avoided,  one  of  the  difficulties  presented 

*  I  confess  I  cannot  understand  this  application  of  "Drinking  Clock."  August 
Demmin  speaks  of  Drinking  Clocks  constructed  at  Nuremberg  in  the  seventeenth 
century,  which  had  extra  outside  wheels.  At  a  banquet  such  a  clock  being  put 
on  the  table  commenced  to  slowly  move  along  it,  and  the  guest  before  whom  the 
clock  stopped  was  compelled  to  empty  his  flagon  ;  but,  though  interesting,  this 
does  not  help  us  in  connection  with  Knibb's  timekeeper. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  311 

to  the  niiiuls  ot  those  who  attached  particuhir  importance  to  a  sound 
signal  was  the  impracticabiHty  of  counting  so  many  strokes  as  would 
correspond  to  the  hour  as  the  day  neared  its  close.  But  by  adopting 
what  perhaps  may  be  called  the  Roman  notation,  as  here  shown  to  be 
practicable,  even  that  reform  may  yet  be  appro\'ed  of  by  the  majority. 

Viscount  Ridley  has  a  three  months  long  case  clock  by  Joseph 
Knibb,  which  is  inscribed  "Joseph  Knibb,  Londini,  fecit,"  along  the 
bottom  of  the  dial,  and  has  the  striking  arranged  in  the  same  way. 
The  case  is  of  ebony.  The  Wetherfield  collection  includes  two 
almost  similar  specimens. 

In  the  London  Gazette,  July  9-12,  1688,  "a  striking  watch,  two 
gold  cases  engraven,  a  brass  case  over  them,  Joseph  Knibb,  maker, 
day  of  the  month,  pins  to  feel  the  hours,"  was  advertised  for, 
"  information  to  be  given  to  Mr.  Jos.  Knibb,  at  the  Dial,  in  Fleet 
Street."  There  are  other  references  to  him,  of  which  tlie  following 
may  be  of  interest : — 

"  Lost,  on  the  26th  inst.,  near  the  Ferry  Place,  Putney,  a  gold 
Pendulum  Chain  Minute-watch,  made  by  Joseph  Knibb,  of  London, 
in  a  shagreen  case,  studded,  with  a  Gold  Knob,  and  marked  with  48 
on  the  inside  of  the  case.  \\'hoever  will  give  notice  of  it  to  Mr. 
Joseph  Knibb,  watchmaker,  in  Fleet  Street,  shall  have  2  guineas  and 
charges  ;  or  if  pawned  or  sold,  their  money  again  and  a  good  gratuity  " 
(London  Gazette,  April  30,  May  4,  1691). 

"Left  in  a  coach  or  drop'd,  the  12th  inst.,  a  Gold  Out-Case  of  a 
striking  watch,  engraven.  Whoever  shall  bring  it  to  Joseph  Knibb, 
clockmaker,  at  the  Dyal,  near  Serjeants-Inn,  in  Fleet  Street,  shall 
receive  405.  reward"  (London  Gazette,  January  11-14,  1691). 

"  At  the  Clock  Dyal,  in  Suffolk  Street,  near  Charing  Cross,  on 
Friday,  the  23rd  inst.,  will  begin  the  sale  of  a  great  Parcel  of  very 
good  Pendulum  Clocks,  some  do  go  a  year,  some  a  quarter  of  a  year, 
some  a  month,  some  a  week,  and  some  30  hours ;  some  are  Table 
Clocks,  some  repeat  themselves,  and  some,  by  pulling,  repeat  the 
hours  and  quarters ;  made  and  sold  by  Joseph  Knibb,  at  his  House 
at  the  Dyal,  in  Suffolk  Street,  aforementioned.  There  are  also  some 
watches  to  be  then  and  there  sold"  (London  Gazette,  April  15-19, 

I  may  mention  that  some  time  ago  I  saw  a  long  case  clock  dial, 
dating  from  about  1705,  which  was  inscribed,  "Joseph  Knibb,  of 
Hanslope."  Hanslope  is,  I  believe,  a  village  near  Stony  Stratford, 

After  an  examination  of  many  clocks  by  Joseph  Knibb,  I  should 


Old  Clocks  and  l]'atchcs  and  their  Makers. 

be  inclined  to  class  him  as  a  clockmaker  with  Tompion  and  Quare. 
Further  on  I  will  give  some  illustrations  of  his  long  case  clocks. 

Thomas  Harrys. — St.  Dunstan's  Clock. —Above  the  main 
entrance  at  the  western  end  of  the  old  church  of  St.  Dunstan's  in  the 
West,  in  Fleet  Street,  were  erected  in  1671  two  gilt  clock  dials, 
placed  back  to  back,  and  mounted  in  a  handsome  square  case,  with 
circular  pediment,  which  projected  well  out  over  the  footway,  the 
tube  containing  the  rod  for  actuating  the  hands  being  supported  by  a 
well-carved  figure  of  Time.     An  alcove  was  built  on  the  roof  of  the 

gateway,    and     within 

were  large  gaudily- 
painted  and  gilt  figures 
of  Gog  and  Magog, 
which  struck  "  ting- 
tang  "  quarters  with 
clubs  on  two  bells  sus- 
pended above  them. 
The  clock  and  figures 
were  designed  and  erect- 
ed by  Thomas  Harrys, 
a  clockmaker,  then  liv- 
ing at  Water  Lane, 
Blackfriars.  Harrys 
submitted  a  statement 
of  what  he  proposed  to 
do,  and  after  describing 
the  "  two  figures  of 
men  with  poleaxes  to 
strike  the  quarters," 
continues,  "  I  will  do 
one  thing  more,  which 
London  shall  not  show  the  like  ;  I  will  make  two  hands  show  the 
hours  and  minutes  without  the  church,  upon  a  double  dial,  which 
will  be  worth  your  observation,  and  to  my  credit."  The  figures  of 
Gog  and  Magog  proved  to  be  a  great  attraction  ;  they  speedily 
became  one  of  the  sights  of  London,  and  their  removal,  in  1830, 
when  the  church  was  rebuilt,  elicited  many  expressions  of  regret. 
Fig.  444,  taken  from  an  old  print  of  the  church  in  my  possession, 
represents  the  clock  as  it  was  in  1737. 

In    1830,  when  the  old  church  was  in  course  of  demolition,   the 
Marquis  of  Hertford  bought  for  two  hundred  guineas  the  clock,  the 

Fig.  444. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


quarter  figures,  and  three  old  statues  representing  King  Lud  and 
his  sons.  The  Man^uis  of  Hertford  was  at  that  time  building  a 
residence  at  the  north-west  corner  of  Regent's  Park.  This  he  called 
St.  Dunstan's  Lodge,  and  in  the  grounds  thereof  the  clock  and 
accessories  are  still  to  be  seen  from  Regent's  Park.  The  dials  are 
now  in  a  circular  case  ;  but  the  movement,  though  it  has  of  course 
undergone  repair  from  time  to  time,  is  still,  I  believe,  substantially 
the  one  Hairys  supplied  over  two  centuries  ago. 

Bradley. — St.  Paul's  Clock. — Langley  Bradley  was  apprenticed 
to  Joseph  Wise  in  1687,  and  admitted  to  the  freedom  of  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company  in  1694. 
Dr.  Derham,  in  acknow- 
ledging technical  informa- 
tion obtained  from  Bradley 
for  the  first  edition  of  the 
"  Artificial  Clockmaker," 
published  in  1696,  speaks 
of  him  as  an  ingenious 
workman  of  Whitechapel ; 
but  during  the  greater  part 
of  his  career  he  resided  at 
the  "  Minute  Dyall "  in 
Fenchurch  Street.  Watches 
by  him  with  deep  move- 
ments, very  similar  to 
Tompion's,  will  bear  com- 
parison with  the  works  of 
that  master.  An  exterior 
view  of  one  is  given  in 
Fig.  445.  In  the  Soane 
Museum  is  a  calendar  watch  by  him,  which  belonged  to  Sir  Chris- 
topher Wren.  It  is  a  fine  piece  of  work,  and  was  probably  made  to  the 
order  of  William  III.  for  presentation  to  the  architect  of  St.  Paul's. 
The  dial  resembles  Fig.  394,  and  the  pillars  are  pierced  to  form  the 
royal  monogram  W.  M.,  surmounted  by  a  crown.  Among  other 
watches  by  him  may  be  mentioned  one  in  the  British  Museum  and  one 
in  the  Guildhall  Museum.  In  the  Wetherfield  collection  are  a  long 
marqueterie  case  three  train  chiming  clock  and  a  long  walnut 
case  clock.  But  Bradley  seems  to  have  devoted  most  attention  to 
larger  work,  and  is  perhaps  best  known  as  the  maker  of  the  noted 
clock  for  St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  which  did  good  service  from  1708  till 

Fig.  445.  — Watch  by  Langley  Bradley  1700. 

314  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

1892,  and  was  generally  regarded  as  the  standard  timekeeper  of  the 
metropolis  till  the  giant  dials  and  Big  Ben  at  Westminster  took  the 
popular  favour.     He  made  a  clock  for  Cripplegate  Church  in  1722. 

The  following  particulars  of  the  St.  Paul's  Clock,  from  notes  I 
made  shortly  before  it  was  taken  down,  will  probably  be  of  interest. 
The  frame  consisted  of  a  cast-iron  rectangular  base  plate,  from  which 
rose  cast-iron  columns  supporting  an  entablature  of  the  same  metal. 
The  going  train  occupied  the  centre  of  the  space  between  the  base 
and  entablature,  the  wheels  being  arranged  vertically  ;  while  the 
gun-metal  bushes  for  the  pivots  were  carried  in  wrought-iron  straps 
bolted  to  the  base  plate  and  entablature.  On  one  side  of  the  going 
train  was  the  quarter  part,  and  on  the  other  side  the  hour-striking 
part,  similarly  arranged.  All  the  wheels  were  of  gun-metal,  the 
great  wheels  being  2  ft.  8  in.  in  diameter,  i  in.  pitch,  and  if  in.  wide. 
For  the  original  recoil  escapement  was  substituted  a  half-dead  one 
in  1S05,  but  with  this  exception  it  may  be  said  that  the  whole  of 
Bradley's  mechanism  remained  in  good  working  order  till  the  clock 
was  taken  down.  The  two-second  pendulum  had  a  wooden  rod  and 
a  cast-iron  bob  weighing  nearly  180  lbs.  The  striking  work  was  on 
the  rack  principle.  The  mitre  wheels  for  driving  the  dial  works  were 
commendably  large,  being  20  in.  in  diameter,  and  for  supporting  the 
dial  end  of  the  minute-hand  arbor  there  were  three  friction  wheels 
placed  at  equal  distances  apart  round  the  outside  of,  and  carried  to 
the  hour-hand  tube.  Slits  were  cut  in  the  tube  to  allow  a  portion  of 
the  circumference  of  the  friction  wheels  to  enter,  and  the  wheels  were 
of  such  a  size  that  they  projected  into  the  tube  just  sufficient  to  meet 
the  minute-hand  arbor.  This  ingenious  contrivance  is  also  applied 
to  the  Westminster  clock,  and  is  generally  supposed  to  have  been 
invented  for  it.  Two  sides  of  the  St.  Paul's  clock  tower,  one  facing 
down  Ludgate  Hill,  and  the  other  looking  towards  the  south  side  of 
the  churchyard,  were  utilized  for  the  dials  of  Bradley's  timekeeper, 
black  rings  being  painted  on  the  stonework,  on  which  the  hour 
circles  and  the  numerals  were  engraved  and  gilt.  Each  dial  is  a 
trifle  over  17  ft.  in  diameter,  and  the  central  opening  measures  about 
ID  ft.  6  in.,  the  hour  numerals  being  about  2  ft.  deep.  Though  but 
two  sets  of  dial-work  were  used,  the  stonework  of  the  four  faces  of 
the  tower  is  alike,  and 'on  the  eastern  side,  just  visible  from  Cannon 
Street,  although  the  dial  was  not  painted,  the  hour  numerals  were 
cut  in  the  stone ;  this  suggests  the  inference  that  it  was  at  one  time 
intended  to  show  the  time  there ;  it  was  probably  found  that  the 
pediment  ove     the  southern  entrance  to  the  cathedral  so  obscured 

Rccflrdsi  of  Early  Makcni,  etc.  315 

the  \ie\v  as  to  render  the  third  dial  comparatively  useless.  On  the 
roof,  just  outside  of  this  dial  aperture,  was  a  horizontal  sun-dial,  with 
a  plate  over  2  ft.  in  diameter,  for  the  purpose  of  regulating  the  clock 
by  the  sun. 

Bradley's  bill  appears  in  the  Cathedral  Accounts,  December,  1708, 
as  follows  :  — 

To  Langley  Bradley,  Clockmaker,  viz'-  :  — 

For  a  large  Quarter  clock,  going  8  days,  as  by  agreement, 

dated  15  Nov^  ,  1706      300     o     o 

For  2  large  Bellmetal  Braces  for  the  great  bell,  w'-  107''-, 

at  14''-  per  li         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         6     4  10 

For  a  large  strong   can\as  bed  stuffe  with  oakam  and 

sewed  w"'-  strong  thread  line  to  receive  the  clock 

weight       250 

308     9  10 

A  curious  feature  is  the  description  of  the  clock  as  an  8-day  one, 
whereas,  for  many  years  at  least,  it  was  but  a  30-hour  one.  Indeed, 
it  seems  doubtful  if  it  ever  went  8  days  between  windings,  for,  by  the 
arrangement  of  the  train  and  barrel,  the  weight  fell  about  40  feet  for 
24  hours  going. 

From  the  clock  room  the  upper  part  of  the  belfry  is  approached 
by  a  stone  staircase  formed  in  the  wall  of  the  tower  itself,  which  is 
five  feet  thick,  composed  of  two  stone  shells,  with  a  space  of  fifteen 
inches  between  them.  Here,  forty  feet  from  the  clock  floor,  was 
hung  the  celebrated  hour  bell  which,  in  addition  to  its  primal  duty  of 
recording  the  hours,  was  tolled  when  the  Sovereign,  the  Bishop  of 
London,  the  Dean  of  St.  Paul's,  or  the  Lord  ]\Layor  of  London 
passed  away. 

The  commissioners  appear  to  have  had  just  as  much  trouble  with 
their  hour  bell  as  was  afterwards  experienced  over  the  casting  of  Big 
Ben  for  the  Houses  of  Parliament.  In  the  year  1700,  when  the 
cathedral  was  approaching  completion,  they  purchased,  for  lod.  a 
pound,  from  the  churchwardens  of  St.  Margaret's,  Westminster, 
the  celebrated  Great  Tom,  which  formerly  hung  in  a  clock  tower 
facing  \\'estminster  Hall,  as  related  at  page  24,  and  which  appears 
to  have  been  given  to  the  churchwardens  by  William  III.  They 
then  entered  into  a  contract  with  William  \Vhiteman  to  recast  the 
bell,  and  when  the  work  was  done  the  bell  was  temporarily  hoisted 
into  the  north-west  tower  of  St.  Paul's  and  exhibited  to  the  public, 
Whiteman  being  paid  £^^9  I9^-  for  his  labour.  But  lo  !  after  sus- 
taining many  blows  for  the  delectation  of  the  ears  of  the  citizens. 
Great  Tom  the  Second  exhibited   a  crack  which   rapidly  developed, 

3t6  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

so  that  the  bell  was  pronounced  to  be  useless.  The  commissioners 
suggested  that  of  course  Whiteman  would  make  good  his  work  by- 
recasting  the  bell.  "  Not  so,"  rejoined  Whiteman.  "  I  delivered  to 
you  a  sound  bell  for  which  I  was  paid,  and  since  it  has  been  in  your 
possession  it  has  been  cracked."  So,  to  make  the  best  of  a  bad  job,  a 
very  stringent  agreement  was  entered  into  with  another  founder — 
Richard  Phelps,  to  wit.  The  accident  with  the  first  hour  bell 
accounts  for  the  difference  between  the  date  of  the  finishing  of  the 
clock  and  the  time  when  the  Phelps  hour  bell  was  cast,  around  the 
waist  of  which  is  the  inscription,  "  Richard  Phelps  made  me,  1716." 
It  is  6  ft.  gi  in.  in  diameter  at  the  mouth,  and  according  to  Phelps' 
account,  dated  December  31st,  1716,  weighs  99  cwt.  3  qrs.  7  lbs.,  of 
which  7  cwt.  2  qrs.  21  lbs.  were  new  metal.  For  tolling  it  has  a 
clapper  weighing  180  lbs.,  and  the  total  weight  of  the  bell  and  fittings 
is,  I  believe,  5  tons  4  cwt.  The  hammer-head  which  struck  the 
hours  on  the  outside  of  the  sound  bow  weighed  145  lbs.  Just  below 
the  hour  bell  were  two  bells  on  which  the  "ting-tang"  quarters 
were  struck ;  the  larger  of  these  weighed  i  ton  4  cwt.,  and  the 
smaller  12  cwt.  2  qrs.  9  lbs. 

EUicott. — The  first  John  Ellicott,  watchmaker,  whose  parents 
came  to  London  from  Bodmin,  in  Cornwall,  was  apprenticed  to 
John  Waters  in  1687,  admitted  to  the  freedom  of  the  Clockmakers' 
Company  in  1696,  elected  on  the  Court  of  Assistants  in  1726,  and 
served  as  warden  from  1731  till  his  death  in  1733.  He  resided  in 
the  parish  of  Allhallows,  London  Wall.  But  the  most  eminent 
watch  and  clockmaker  of  the  family  was  his  son  John  Ellicott,  born 
in  1706,  who  established  himself  in  business  about  1728  at  Sweeting's 
Alley,  which  was  situated  just  where  the  statue  of  Rowland  Hill 
now  stands,  near  the  Royal  Exchange.  After  the  fire  which 
destroyed  the  old  Royal  Exchange  in  183S,  Sweeting's  Alley  was 
not  rebuilt.  He  was  elected  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  in  1738, 
being  recommended  for  that  honour  by  Sir  Hans  Sloane,  Bart., 
Martin  Ffolkes,  John  Senex,  the  celebrated  globe  maker,  and  John 
Hadley,  the  astronomer.  At  the  meetings  of  the  Royal  Society  he 
became  acquainted  with  James  Ferguson,  who  afterwards  frequently 
visited  Ellicott's  private  house  at  St.  John's,  Hackney,  where  an 
observatory  Avas  fitted  up,  and  various  scientific  experiments  were 

Ellicott  was  the  inventor  of  a  compensation  pendulum  in  which 
the  bob  rests  on  the  longer  ends  of  two  levers,  of  which  the  shorter 
ends  are  depressed  by  the  superior  expansion  of  a  brass  bar  attached 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


to  the  pendulum  rod.     In  Fig.  446,  a  is  the  suspension  spring ;  5  5  s 

screws  for  uniting  the  steel  rod  to  the  brass  bar,  slotted  holes  in  the 

latter  allowing  it  to  move  freely  in  answer  to  changes  of  temperature ; 

//  the  two  levers  pivoted  to  the  steel  rod  ;   on  the  shorter  ends  rests 

the  brass  bar ;  the  screws  g  g  pass  through  the  pendulum  bob  C  C, 

and  rest  on  tlie  longer  ends  of  the  levers.     By  turning  the  screws 

their   bearing    on  the  levers   may   be  adjusted. 

This  device  has  not  proved  to  be  of  much  prac-  </T 

tical  value,  although  there  is  a  clock  to  which  it 

is  attached  still  going  at  the  London  Institution, 

Finsbury  Circus. 

Ellicott's  productions  were  distinguished  by 
excellent  workmanship.  He  paid  great  atten- 
tion to  the  cylinder  escapement,  and  did  much 
to  bring  it  into  use.  In  some  of  his  later 
examples  the  cylinders  were  of  ruby.  His  more 
costly  watches  were  laxishly  decorated,  the 
cases  in  repousse,  and  the  dials  enamelled  on 
gold,  some  of  these  being  really  works  of  art. 
They  are  now  rarely  to  be  met  with,  for  the 
iconoclastic  dealer  as  a  rule  ruthlessly  changes 
the  dial  for  one  of  cheaper  material.  In 
reference  to  the  prices  Ellicott  obtained,  it  may 
be  mentioned  that  Horace  Walpole,  writing  to 
Sir  H.  ]\Iann  at  Florence,  on  June  8,  1759,  with 
regard  to  a  commission  to  purchase  a  watch, 
states  that  for  one  of  Ellicott's  the  price  was 
150  guineas.  In  the  British  ]\Iuseum  is  a  silver 
repeater  by  him  which  belonged  to  Jeremy 
Bentham.  Mr.  Talfourd  Ely,  M.x\.,  in  the 
AreJurological  Journal  for  June,  1895,  gives  an  i^ 
interesting  description  of  a  watch  by  John 
Ellicott.  It  is  in  gold  cases,  the  outer  one 
decorated  in  repousse,  and  appears  to  have  been 
made  in  1751. 

Ellicott  was  on  the  council  of  the  Royal  Society  for  three  years, 
and  read  several  papers  before  the  Society.  They  included  one  on 
the  "  Influence  which  two  Pendulum  Clocks  were  observed  to  have 
on  each  other."  The  ball  of  each  pendulum  weighed  above  23  lbs. ; 
the  cases  were  placed  sideways  to  each  other,  so  near  that  the 
pendulums  when  at  rest  were  little  more  than  two  feet  asunder.     In 

Fig.  446. 

3i8  Old  Clocks  and   WntcJics  and  their  Makers. 

less  than  two  hours  after  they  were  set  going,  one  of  them,  called 
No.  I,  always  stopped.  As  it  had  always  kept  going  with  great 
freedom  before  the  other  regulator.  No.  2,  was  placed  near  it,  Ellicott 
conceived  its  stopping  must  be  owang  to  some  influence  the  motion 
of  one  of  the  pendulums  had  upon  the  other ;  and  upon  watching 
them  narrowly  the  motion  of  No.  2  was  found  to  increase  as  No.  i 
diminished.  At  the  time  No.  i  stopped.  No.  2  described  an 
arc   of  5°,   being   nearly   2°   more   than   it   would  have   done   if  the 

Fig.  447. — John  Ellicott,  1706 — T772. 

other  had  not  been  near  it,  and  more  than  it  moved  in  a  short 
time  after  the  other  pendulum  came  to  rest.  On  this  he  stopped 
the  pendulum  of  No.  2,  and  set  No.  i  going,  the  pendulum  describ- 
ing as  large  an  arc  as  the  case  would  admit,  viz.  about  5° ;  he  pre- 
sently found  the  pendulum  of  No.  2  begin  to  move,  and  the  motion 
to  increase  gradually,  till  in  17  min.  40  sec.  it  described  an  arc  of 
2°  10',  at  which  the  wheel  discharging  itself  off  the  pallets  the 
regulator  went,  the  arcs  of  the  vibrations  continued  to  increase 
till,    as    in    the   former   experiment,    the    pendulum    moved    5",    the 

Rccurcls  of  Early  Makers,   etc,  319 

iiiotion  of  the  pendulum  of  No.  i  gradually  decreasing  as  the  other 
increased,  and  in  45  minutes  it  stopped.  He  then  left  the  pendulum 
of  No.  I  at  rest,  and  set  No.  2  going,  making  it  also  describe  an  arc 
of  5'  ;  it  continued  to  vibrate  less  and  less  till  it  described  but  about 
3",  in  which  arc  it  continued  to  move ;  the  pendulum  of  No.  i 
seemed  but  little  affected  by  the  motion  of  No.  2.  Ellicott's 
explanation  was  that,  as  the  pendulums  were  very  heavy,  either  of 
them  set  going  communicated  a  slight  motion  to  the  case  and  in  a 
lesser  degree  to  whatever  the  case  touched.  Ellicott's  experiment 
was  useful  as  showing  the  necessity  of  fixing  clocks  with  heavy 
pendulums  to  the  wall  of  a  building  or  other  ponderous  and  unyield- 
ing structure. 

Ellicott  designed  several  of  our  public  clocks,  amongst  them  that 
of  the  London  Hospital,  and  was  appointed  clockmaker  to  the  king. 
He  died  suddenly,  in  1772,  ha\-ing  dropped  from  his  chair  and 
instantly  expired.  The  accompanying  likeness  (Fig.  447)  is  from  a 
fine  portrait  of  him  shortly  before  his  decease  by  Dance,  afterwards 
Sir  Nathaniel  Dance  Holland.  John  Ellicott  was  succeeded  by  his 
eldest  son,  Edward,  who  had  been  in  partnership  with  him  since 
1769.  Edward  h^llicott  died  at  his  residence  in  Great  Queen  Street, 
in  1 791.  The  business  was  then  carried  on  by  his  son  Edward,  who, 
after  serving  in  the  subordinate  offices,  was  elected  as  master  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company  in  1834.  Though  brought  up  as  a  watch- 
maker, he  had  but  little  liking  for  the  business,  and  left  the  conduct 
of  it  in  a  great  measure  to  others.  From  Edward  Ellicott  and  Sons 
the  title  of  the  firm  was  altered  to  Ellicott  and  Taylor  in  181 1,  and 
to  Ellicott  and  Smith  in  1830.  After  the  destruction  of  Sweeting's 
Alley,  Ellicott  and  Smith  removed  to  27,  Lombard  Street,  and 
remained  there  till  1842. 

There  was  a  third  John  Ellicott  admitted  to  the  freedom  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company  by  patrimony  in  1792.  He  was  the  second 
son  of  the  first  Edward,  but  appears  to  have  taken  no  part  in  the 
watch  or  clockmaking  business.  His  grandson.  Dr.  Ellicott,  is  the 
present  Bishop  of  Gloucester  and  Bristol. 

Henry  Sully. — This  talented  but  unfortunate  horologist  was 
apprenticed  to  Charles  Gretton,  of  Fleet  Street,  in  1697.  On  the 
completion  of  his  apprenticeship  he  travelled  over  the  Continent, 
visiting  Holland  and  Austria.  From  Vienna  he  went  to  Paris  with 
the  Duke  d'Aremberg,  where  he  made  the  acquaintance  of  Julien 
Le  Roy,  Law  the  noted  Scottish  speculator,  and  others.  Le  Roy 
at   once  recognised  the  genius    of    the    young  enthusiast    Avho    was 

320  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

imbued  with  ideas  for  perfecting  timekeepers,  and  encouraged  him  to 
continue  his  researches.  In  171 7  Sully  published  "  Rfegle  Artificielle 
du  Temps."  The  following  year,  commissioned  by  Law,  he 
journeyed  to  London  and  engaged  sixty  watch  and  clockmakers, 
who,  with  their  families,  were  located  at  Versailles,  where  a  factory 
was  started.  After  two  years  of  unremitting  toil  Sully  was  dis- 
placed from  the  directorate,  but  a  little  later,  under  the  protection  of 
the  Duke  de  Noailles,  another  factory  was  established  at  St.  Ger- 
main. This  lasted  but  a  year,  when  Sully  returned  to  England, 
bringing  his  staff  of  workpeople  with  him.  The  same  ill  fortune 
dogged  his  steps  here,  and  in  his  extremity  he  returned  to  Paris, 
where  for  a  time  he  sustained  existence  by  repairing  watches.  In 
1 72 1,  when  a  little  more  prosperous,  he  turned  his  attention  to  the 
production  of  a  marine  timekeeper,  and  in  1724  presented  it  to  the 
Academy  of  Sciences.  This  instrument  had  a  modification  of 
Debaufre's  escapement,  which  Sully  devised  for  the  purpose,  and  a 
vertical  balance  which  was  really  a  pendulum.  It  carried  cycloidal 
metal  pieces,  around  which  the  upper  end  of  a  slender  wire  was 
wound,  the  lower  end  being  attached  to  a  lever  with  an  adjustable 
weight,  with  the  idea  of  keeping  the  vibrations  of  the  balance  iso- 
chronous. The  pivots  of  the  balance,  instead  of  being  in  holes,  were 
supported  on  the  edges  of  large  rollers,  to  diminish  the  friction,  a 
device  adopted  afterwards  by  Mudge.  In  1726  Sully  published 
"Abregee  d'une  Horologe  d'une  Nouvelle  Invention  pour  la  Juste 
Mesure  du  Temps  sur  Mer."  When  subjected  to  the  tossing  of  the 
ocean,  his  timekeeper  failed  to  yield  the  results  anticipated  from  its 
performance  on  land.  Though  mortified  by  his  failure,  he  again  set 
himself  to  the  solution  of  the  problem.  He  had  already  made  a 
marine  watch  with  two  balances  geared  together,  as  designed  by 
Dr.  Hooke,  and  now  proceeded  with  a  new  timekeeper  of  different 
construction  ;  but  while  engaged  thereon  he  was  seized  with  a  serious 
illness,  induced  by  over-application  and  worry,  and  succumbed  to 
inflammation  of  the  lungs  in  1728. 

At  the  church  of  St.  Sulpice,  Paris,  he  had  traced  a  meridian  line 
on  the  pavement  of  the  transept,  and  secured  its  permanence  by 
inlaying  a  thin  brass  edge.  He  blocked  up  the  south  transept 
window  except  for  a  small  hole  in  a  metal  plate  at  the  upper  part 
throu"-h  which  the  rays  of  the  sun  cast  a  luminous  disc  about 
iQi-  inches  in  diameter  on  the  floor.  The  disc  moves  across  the  line 
which  at  noon  bisects  it.  In  this  church  he  was  buried,  and  a  fine 
obelisk  of  white  marble  erected  to  his  memory  in  the  north  transept, 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  321 

in  a  position  that  allowed  the  meridian  line  to  be  can'ied  up  the  face 
of  the  nionuinent.  A  laudatory  inscription  recounted  his  services  to 
horology,  but  the  greater  part  of  it  was  cut  out  by  the  revolutionists 
of  1793,  who  possibly  resented  the  suggestion  that  French  watch- 
makers could  be  indebted  to  a  foreigner. 

In  the  Guildhall  Museum  is  a  timekeeper  with  Sully's  curious 
vertical  balance.  It  is  in  the  form  of  a  bracket  clock  with  a  walnut 
bell-top  case,  has  a  seconds  hand  above  the  centre  of  the  dial,  and 
shows  the  days  of  the  month  through  a  slit  below  the  centre.  It  is 
inscribed  "  Henricus  Sully,  invenit  et  fecit  (1724),  Horloger  to  the 
Duke  of  Orleans." 

John  Harrison. — John  Harrison  was  born  at  Faulby  or  Wragby 
near  Pontefract,  Yorkshire,  in  1693.  He  was  the  son  of  a  carpenter, 
which  business  he  followed  for  several  years  of  his  life.  In  1700  the 
family  removed  to  Barrow,  in  Lincolnshire.  At  a  very  early 
age  John  Harrison  showed  a  great  predilection  for  mechanical  pur- 
suits, and  particularly  directed  his  attention  to  the  improvement  of 

The  offer,  by  Act  of  Parliament,  of  large  sums  for  the  production 
of  a  timekeeper  sufficiently  accurate  to  ascertain  the  longitude  at 
sea,  induced  him  to  turn  his  attention  to  the  subject.  He  devised 
a  form  of  recoil  escapement  which  required  no  lubrication  at  the 
acting  surfaces  of  the  pallets,  the  arms  being  jointed  and  furnished 
with  springs  which  tircked  each  one  in  turn  out  of  the  wheel  as  the 
pendulum  reversed  its  swing.  He  also  succeeded  in  constructing  a 
pendulum  in  which  the  effects  of  heat  and  cold  in  lengthening  and 
shortening  the  pendulum  were  neutralized  by  the  use  of  two  metals 
having  different  ratios  of  expansion.  His  escapement,  generally 
called  the  "grasshopper,"  is  shown  in  Pig.  449;  it  was  of  no 
practical  value  and  need  not  be  further  described.  His  pendulum, 
known  as  the  gridiron  form  of  compensation,  shown  in  Fig.  450,  is 
still  the  form  of  compensation  adopted  in  many  foreign  regulators. 
It  is  composed  of  nine  parallel  rods,  five  of  steel  and  four  of  brass, 
the  total  length  of  each  kind  being  nearly  as  100  to  60,  that  being 
the  ratio  of  expansion  of  the  two  metals.  Depending  from  the 
cross  frame  A  are  two  rods  of  steel  a  a.  The  frame  B,  to  which 
they  are  fixed  at  their  lower  extremities  b  b,  carries  also  two 
brass  rods  c  c,  which  at  their  upper  ends,  i  d,  are  carried  in  the 
frame  C,  together  with  two  other  steel  rods  e  e.  Those  at  the 
lower  extremities // are  fastened  in  the  frame  D,  which  also  carries 
the  brass  rods  g  g.     The  frame  F  carries  the  upper  ends  of  this  last 

C.W.  Y 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

pair  of  brass  rods  at  h  h,  and  also  the 
central  steel  rod  to  which  the  bob  is 

One  of  his  early  efforts,  with  wheels 
and  pinions  of  wood,  which  is  in  the 
possession  of  Mr.  Evan  Roberts,  has 
John  Harrison's  signature  Avith  the 
date  1 71 3  on  the  face  of  the  day  of 
the  month  wheel.  Another  long  case 
clock  by  him  is  at  the  South  Kensington 
Museum,  and  one  made  about  1730, 
fitted  with  the  grasshopper  escapement, 
which  was  for  some  years  in  the  pos- 
session of  Mr.  Thos.  nj 
Nicholson,  Barton-on-  i, 
H umber,  now  belongs  -^^o^^-v.>_ 
to  his  grandson,  Mr.  W. 
W.  Nicholson.  In  the  Guildhall  Museum  may  be 
seen  a  very  similar  relic. 

In  1728  Harrison  journeyed  to  London,  taking 
with  him  his  pendulum,  his  escapement,  and  drawings 
of  his  proposed  timekeeper,  hoping  to  obtain  the 
approbation  and  aid  of  the  Board  of  Longitude. 
Before  being  submitted  to  the  notice  of  that  body 
they  were  inspected  by  Graham,  whose  maturer  judg- 
ment prompted  him  to  advise  Harrison  to  first  make 
the  timekeeper,  and  then  ascertain,  from  its  actual 
going,  what  claims  it  might  have  to  further  notice. 

Harrison  continued  plodding  on  in  the  country 
repairing  watches  and  clocks  and  making  a  variety 
of  experiments  till  1735;  then,  in  his  forty-second 
year,  he  came  to  London  and  took  up  his  residence 
in  Orange  Street,  Red  Lion  Square.  He  brought 
with  him  a  timepiece  he  had  invented  and  con- 
structed. It  was  a  cumbersome  affair  in  a  wooden 
frame,  and  had  two  balances.  He  obtained  certifi- 
cates of  the  excellence  of  this  timekeeper  from  Halley, 
Graham,  and  others.  On  their  recommendation  he 
was  allowed,  in  1736,  to  proceed  with  it  to  Lisbon 
in  a  king's  ship,  and  was  enabled  to  correct  the 
reckoning  to  within  i"  30'.  Fig.  430. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


In  consideration  of  this  result,  the  Board  of  Longitude  gave  liim 
£^500  "  to  proceed  with  his  improvements."  It  will  be  observed 
that  the  performance  of  his  first  timekeeper  failed  to  attain  the 
precision  required  by  that  Board  ;  for  had  it  determined  the  longitude 
to  a  degree,  Harrison  would  have  been  entitled  to  ^10,000  according 
to  the  provisions  of  the  Act,  as  stated  on  page  345.  In  1739  he 
finished    another    timekeeper,    and    afterwards    a    third,   which    was 

Fig.  451. — John   Harrison,   1693-1776. 

smaller  and  appeared  to  the  members  of  the  Royal  Society  to  be  more 
simple  and  less  likely  to  be  deranged  than  either  of  the  preceding  ones. 
In  1749  he  received  the  gold  medal  which  was  annually  awarded  by 
the  Royal  Society  to  the  most  useful  discovery,  but  he  was  still  not 
satisfied  with  his  productions.  The  experience  gained  by  prolonged 
trial  led  him  to  abandon  the  heavy  framing  and  wheels  which  charac- 
terized his  earlier  essays  and  to  devise  and  construct  his  celebrated 
"  watch  "  which  eventually  won  for  him  the  coveted  reward. 

Y  2 

32zi  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

He  spent  some  time  in  improving  and  correcting  his  fourth 
nautical  timekeeper,  and  then  appHed  to  the  Commissioners  of  the 
Board  of  Longitude  for  a  trial  according  to  the  Act  of  Parliament. 
This,  after  much  delay,  was  granted,  and  his  son  William  was  in  his 
stead  allowed  to  take  a  voyage  to  Jamaica.  William  Harrison 
embarked  in  the  Deptfovd,  at  Portsmouth,  on  November  i8,  1761. 
After  18  days'  navigation  the  vessel  was  supposed  to  be  13'^  50'  west 
of  Portsmouth  by  ordinary  calculations,  but  by  the  watch  was  15°  19', 
and  the  timekeeper  was  at  once  condemned  as  useless.  William 
Harrison,  however,  maintained  that  if  Madeira  were  correctly 
marked  on  the  chart,  it  would  be  seen  on  the  following  day ;  and 
in  this  he  persisted  so  strongly,  that  the  captain  was  induced  to 
continue  the  same  course,  and  accordingly  the  island  was  discovered 
the  next  day  at  seven  o'clock.  In  like  manner  William  Harrison 
was  enabled  by  the  watch  to  announce  all  the  islands  in  the  order 
in  which  they  would  fall  in  with  them.  When  he  arrived  at  Port 
Royal,  after  a  voyage  of  61  days,  the  chronometer  was  found  to 
be  about  nine  seconds  slow.  On  January  28,  1762,  he  set  sail 
from  Jamaica  on  board  the  Merlin,  and  on  his  return  to  Portsmouth, 
after  an  absence  of  five  months,  the  chronometer  had  kept  time 
within  about  one  minute  five  seconds,  which  gives  an  error  of  18 
miles.  This  was  much  within  the  limit  of  the  30  miles  prescribed 
by  the  Act  of  1713  ;  yet,  several  objections  being  raised,  William 
Harrison  was  obliged  to  undertake  a  second  voyage,  the  proof  from 
the  first  not  being  considered  sufficiently  decisive  by  the  Board, 
although  they  advanced  ^5,000  on  account  of  the  reward. 

Accompanied  by  Dr.  Maskelyne  as  the  representative  of  the 
Board,  William  Harrison  embarked  in  the  man-of-war  Tartar,  on 
March  28,  1764,  and  arrived  in  Barbados  on  the  13th  of  May,  when 
it  was  found  the  chronometer  had  gained  43  seconds ;  he  set 
out  for  the  return  journey  on  board  the  New  Elizabeth  on  the  4th 
of  June,  and  arrived  at  the  Surrey  Stairs  on  July  i8th,  when  it  was 
ascertained  that  after  allowing  for  the  estimated  rate  of  one  second 
a  day  gaining,  there  was  an  excess  of  54  seconds  for  the  whole  period 
of  156  days.  The  result  of  this  second  voyage  was  so  satisfactory, 
that  the  Board  unanimously  declared  Harrison  had  really  exceeded 
all  expectations  and  demands  of  the  Act  of  Parliament,  and  he  was 
paid  a  further  advance  of  ^5,000,  with  the  condition  that  he  explained 
the  construction  of  his  timekeeper.  A  sub-committee,  consisting 
of  Maskelyne,  John  Mitchell,  Ludlam,  Bird,  Mudge,  Mathews  and 
Kendall,    were    appointed,    and    instructed    to    make     themselves 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


acquainted  with  the  mechanism  of  the  instrument.  They  reported 
themselves  satisfied  in  1765,  but  even  then  considerable  delay 
occurred.  Kendall  was  commissioned  to  make  a  duplicate  of  the 
chronometer,  which  appears  to  have  taken  three  years  to  execute, 
for  the  date  of  Kendall's  instrument  is  1769,  the  year  the  final 
payment  was  made  to  Harrison. 

Harrison's  timekeeper  is  in  the  form  of  a  large  silver  pair-case 
watch,  with  a  centre  seconds  hand.  The  representation  in  Fig.  452  is 
from    a    photograph    for    which    I   am   indebted   to  the   Astronomer 

Fig.  452. — Harrison's  celebrated  Marine  Timepiece. 

Royal.  It  has  been  stated  that  the  piece  hung  in  gymbals.  This 
was  not  the  case ;  it  reposed  on  a  soft  cushion,  and  on  its  trial 
voyages  was  carefully  tended  by  William  Harrison,  who  avoided 
position  errors  as  far  as  possible  by  shifting  the  timekeeper  to  suit  the 
lie  of  the  ship. 

The  plates  are  3-8  in.  and  the  balance  2-2  in.  in  diameter  ;  the 
fusee  makes  6j  turns.  The  escapement  beats  five  times  in  a  second. 
The  pivot  holes  are  jewelled  with  rubies. 

One  of  the  chief  features  is  a  bimetallic  arm  fixed  at  one  end,  and 
carrying  at  its  free  end  two  pins,  to  embrace  the  balance  spring  near 
its  outer  point  of  attachment.     "  The  thermometer  kirb  is  composed 

326  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

of  two  thin  plates  of  brass  and  steel  riveted  together  in  several 
places,  which,  by  the  greater  expansion  of  brass  than  steel  by  heat, 
and  contraction  by  cold,  becomes  convex  on  the  brass  side  in  hot 
weather,  and  convex  on  the  steel  side  in  cold  weather ;  whence, 
one  end  being  fixed,  the  other  end  obtains  a  motion  corresponding 
with  the  changes  of  heat  and  cold,  and  the  two  pins  at  this  end, 
between  which  the  balance  spring  passes,  and  which  it  touches 
alternately  as  the  spring  bends  and  unbends  itself,  will  shorten  or 
lengthen  the  spring." 

Harrison  at  first  provided  additional  curb  pins  for  mean  time 
adjustment,  but  had  to  abandon  them  ;  for  it  is  clear,  if  they  were 
placed  behind  the  pins  on  the  compensation  curb,  they  would  not 
act,  and,  if  placed  in  front,  the  movement  of  the  temperature  pins 
would  be  ineffective. 

It  is,  of  course,  easy  to  be  Avise  after  the  event ;  but,  on  examining 
the  remontoire  and  escapement  of  Harrison's  chronometer  in  the 
presence  of  the  simple  detent  escapement  introduced  shortly  after, 
it  seems  marvellous  that  he  should  have  spent  so  many  years  over 
such  complicated  and  by  comparison  inefficient  contrivances. 
Harrison's  drawings  are  most  difficult  to  understand,  but  I  venture 
to  reproduce  some  contributed  to  the  Horological  Journal  by  Mr. 
H.  M.  Frodsham,  which  were  made  from  Kendall's  duplicate 
of  Harrison's  timekeeper  at  the  Greenwich  Observatory. 

Fig.  I  is  a  section  through  the  fourth  wheel.  Fig.  2  a  plan  of  the 
remontoire  and  contrate  wheel.  Fig.  3  a  plan  of  the  remontoire 
and  escapement.  The  pinion  at  the  top  of  Fig.  i  is  driven  by 
internal  teeth  on  the  third  wheel  of  the  train.  The  wheel 
immediately  below  the  pinion  in  Fig.  i  is  the  fourth  wheel,  which 
drives  a  pinion  X  (Fig.  3).  The  dished  wheel  below  the  fourth 
wheel  in  Fig.  i  is  the  contrate  wheel  (C  Figs.  2  and  3).  In  the 
recess  of  the  contrate  wheel  is  contained  the  remontoire  spring 
which  is  wound  eight  times  in  a  minute.  The  wheel  at  the  bottom 
of  Fig.  I  is  the  seconds  wheel.  This  and  the  contrate  wheel  move 
continuously,  while  the  fourth  wheel  and  the  other  part  of  the  train 
are  locked  by  the  lever  D  catching  the  stop  P  on  the  wheel  P  X, 
except  during  the  winding  of  the  remontoire.  On  the  collet  of  the 
contrate  wheel  are  eight  pins,  shown  in  Fig.  i,  and  at  Q  in  Fig.  3. 
The  eight  pins  in  the  contrate  wheel  in  succession  push  the  arm  H 
(Fig.  3),  and  so  unlock  the  train.  The  locking  wheel  P  X  drives  a 
fly  pinion  and  fly,  \\  to  moderate  the  velocity  with  which  the 
remontoire  was  wound.     The  seconds  arbor  is  in  the  centre  of  the 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


watch,  and  is  driven  by  the  seconds  wheel  below  the  contrate 
wheel.  The  projections  P  P'  on  the  barrel  of  the  reniontoire  are 
to  prevent  the  remontoire  running  down. 

Fig.  4  shows  the  pallets,  which,  instead  of  forming  an  angle  of 
95°  or  so,  as  is  usual,  are  set  parallel  to  each  other,  and  in  this  way 
there  is  very  little  recoil,  but  increased  tendency,  to  set.  These 
acting  surfaces  of  the  pallets  are  diamonds  set  in  brass  collets. 

Fig.  453. — Harrison's  Remontoire  Escapement. 

During  William  Harrison's  voyages,  the  rate  of  the  watch  could 
not  of  course  be  checked  daily  for  want  of  some  means  of  com- 
parison, and  so  in  May,  1766,  the  Board  of  Longitude  placed  the 
instrument  at  the  Greenwich  Observatory  in  the  hands  of  Dr. 
Maskelyne,  who  had  then  been  appointed  Astronomer  Royal,  for 
the  purpose  of  testing  its  daily  rate.  Dr.  Maskelyne  was  supposed 
to  favour  lunar  observations  as  a  solution  of  the  longitude  problem 
and  William    Harrieon  considered    he    was    prejudiced  against    the 

328  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

watch  ;  it  was  therefore  put  in  a  box  having  a  glazed  Hd  and  two 
locks  the  keys  whereof  were  kept,  one  by  Dr.  Maskelyne  and  the 
other  by  Captain  Baillie,  Governor  of  Greenwich  Hospital.  The 
trial  lasted  298  days,  during  which  the  watch  gained  i  hour  10 
minutes  27-5  seconds.  Its  greatest  gain  in  one  day  was  30  seconds, 
the  temperature  being  60°  and  the  pendant  vertical ;  its  greatest 
loss  in  one  day  was  6-5  seconds,  the  thermometer  being  at  freezing 
point,  the  piece  lying  dial  up. 

Harrison's  watch  and  the  three  bulky  timepieces  which  preceded 
it  are  all  preserved  in  the  Greenwich  Observatory. 

On  his  tomb  in  the  south-west  corner  of  Hampstead  churchyard  is 
the  following  inscription  : — 

"  In  memory  of  Mr.  John  Harrison,  late  of  Red  Lion  Square,  London,  inventor 
of  the  timekeeper  for  ascertaining  the  longitude  at  sea.  He  was  born  at  Foulby. 
in  the  county  of  York,  and  was  the  son  of  a  builder  at  that  place,  who  brought 
him  up  to  the  same  profession.  Before  he  attained  the  age  of  twenty-one,  he, 
without  any  instruction,  employed  himself  in  cleaning  and  repairing  clocks  and 
watches,  and  made  a  few  of  the  former,  chiefly  of  wood.  At  the  age  of  twenty- 
five  he  employed  his  whole  time  in  chronometrical  improvements. 

"  He  was  the  inventor  of  the  gridiron  pendulum  and  the  method  of  preventing 
the  effects  of  heat  and  cold  upon  timekeepers  by  two  bars  fixed  together  ;  he 
introduced  the  secondary  spring  to  keep  them  going  while  winding  up;  and  was 
the  inventor  of  most  (or  all)  the  improvements  in  clocks  and  watches  during  his 
time.  In  the  year  1735  his  first  timekeeper  was  sent  to  Lisbon,  and  in  1764  his 
then  much-improved  fourth  timekeeper  having  been  sent  to  Barbadoes,  the  Com- 
missioners of  Longitude  certified  that  it  had  determined  the  longitude  within  one- 
third  of  half  a  degree  of  a  great  circle,  having  not  erred  more  than  forty  seconds 
in  time.  After  sixty  3'ears'  close  application  to  the  above  pursuits,  he  departed 
this  life  on  the  24th  day  of  March,  1776,  aged  eighty-three.  This  tombstone  was 
put  up  many  3-ears  after  his  death." 

In  1878  the  tomb  had  become  very  dilapidated,  the  inscription 
being  barely  decipherable,  and  I  then  suggested  to  Mr.  W.  H. 
Prosser  that  he  should  obtain  subscriptions,  and  have  it  restored. 
This  he  proceeded  to  do ;  but  on  applying  to  the  Clockmakers' 
Company,  some  members  of  the  Court  expressed  a  wish  that  the 
matter  should  be  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  Company,  and  the 
restoration  was  accordingly  made  under  the  direction  of  the  Court 
forthwith.  The  engraving  on  page  323  is  from  one  by  P.  L.  Tassaert, 
after  a  portrait  by  T.  King  taken  in  1768.  Harrison's  marine  watch 
is  at  his  right  hand,  and  one  of  his  earlier  essays  behind  him. 

Pinchbeck. — Among  the  celebrated  clock  and  watchmakers  of 
the  eighteenth  century  must  be  reckoned  Christopher  Pinchbeck, 
known  principally  as  the  discoverer  of  an  alloy  of  metals,  called  after 
him  "  Pinchbeck,"  and  as  an  inventor  of  "  Astronomico-Musical 
Clocks."  In  the  Dictionary  of  National  Biography,  R.B.P.  suggests 
that   he   probably   sprang    from    the   small   town  of    Pinchbeck  in 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  32Q 

Lincolnshire.  He  resided  at  Clerkenwell  in  a  turning  out  of  St. 
John's  Lane  called  Albion  Place,  which,  prior  to  1822,  when  it  was 
rebuilt,  was  known  as  St.  George's  Court.  From  there  he  removed 
to  Fleet  Street,  as  is  shown  by  the  following  advertisement  which 
appeared  in  Appkbce's  Weekly  Journal  of  July  8th,  1721. 

"  Notice  is  hereby  given  to  Noblemen,  Gentlemen,  and  Others,  that  Chr.  I 'inch- 
beck.  Inventor  and  Maker  of  the  famous  Astronomico-Musical  Clocks,  is  removed 
from  St.  George's  Court,  St.  Jones's  Lane,  to  the  sign  of  the  Astronomico- 
Musical  Clock  in  Fleet  Street  near  the  Leg  Tavern.  He  maketh  and  selleth 
Watches  of  all  sorts  and  Clocks,  as  well  for  the  exact  Indication  of  Time  only,  as 
Astronomical,  for  showing  the  various  Motions  and  Phenomena  of  planets  and 
fixed  stars,  solving  at  sight  several  astronomical  problems,  besides  all  this  a 
variety  of  Musical  performances,  and  that  to  the  greatest  Nicety  of  Time  and 
Tune  with  the  usual  graces ;  together  with  a  wonderful  imitation  of  several  songs 
and  Voices  of  an  Aviary  of  Birds  so  natural  that  any  who  saw  not  the  Instrument 
would  be  persuaded  that  it  were  in  Reality  what  it  only  represents.  He  makes 
Musical  Automata  or  Instruments  of  themselves  to  play  exceeding  well  on  the 
Flute,  Flaggelet  or  Organ,  Setts  of  Country  dances,  Minuets,  Jiggs,  and  the 
Opera  Tunes,  or  the  most  perfect  imitation  of  the  Aviary  of  Birds  above  mentioned, 
fit  for  the  Diversion  of  those  in  places  where  a  Musician  is  not  at  Hand.  He 
makes  also  Organs  performing  of  themselves  Psalm  Tunes  with  two,  three, 
or  more  Voluntaries,  very  Convenient  for  Churches  in  remote  Country  Places 
where  Organists  cannot  be  had,  or  have  sufficient  Encouragement.  And  finally 
he  mends  Watches  and  Clocks  in  such  sort  that  they  will  perform  to  an 
Exactness  which  possibly  thro"  a  defect  in  finishing  or  other  Accidents  they 
formerly  could  not." 

His  reputation  was  world-wide,  to  judge  from  the  appended  extract 
from  a  letter  of  the  period,  quoted  by  J.  W.  Pinks  : — 

"  Mr.  P.  has  finished  a  fine  musical  clock,  said  to  be  a  most  exquisite  piece  of 
workmanship,  and  worth  about  ^1500,  wch  is  to  be  sent  over  to  ye  King  of  France 
(Louis  XIV.)  and  a  fine  organ  to  ye  great  Mogul,  worth /'300.' 

Pinchbeck  exhibited  his  "  astronomico-musical  clocks,"  together 
with  a  variety  of  curious  automata,  at  Bartholomew  Fair,  and  the 
Daily  Journal  of  August  27th,  1729,  announces  that  the  Prince  and 
Princess  of  Wales  went  to  Bartholomew  Fair  to  see  his  exhibition. 
Pinchbeck  also  attended  Southwark  Fair,  and  with  Fawkes,  a 
celebrated  juggler  and  conjurer  of  that  day,  had  a  united  "show." 
This  may  shock  many  who  avail  themselves  of  the  fine  arts  of 
advertising  in  vogue  to-day  ;  but,  however  undignified  it  may  have 
been,  it  cannot  detract  from  his  ability  as  a  horologist. 

Mr.  J.  E.  Hodgkin  has  a  trade  card,  "  Pinchbeck,  senr.,  at 
Pinchbeck's  Head  in  Fleet  Street,"  a  change  of  sign  possibly  induced 
by  the  popularity  of  Pinchbeck's  name.  Mr.  William  Norman  has  a 
metal  token  ;  on  the  obverse,  a  bust  of  George  H. ;  reverse,  a  bust 
in  a  frame,  surrounded  by  representations  of  a  walking-stick,  snuff- 
box, signet  ring,  watch  (or  medal)  attached  to  a  double  chain,  and 

330  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

other  articles,  with  the  inscription,  "  Pinchbeck,  senr.,  at  Pinchbeck's 
Head  in  Fleet  Street." 

Pinchbeck  gold  was  much  used  for  watch  cases  and  the  like.  It 
is  an  alloy  of  three  parts  of  zinc  to  four  of  copper ;  but  its  composi- 
tion was  jealously  guarded  by  the  inventor,  as  may  be  gathered 
from  the  following  extract  from  a  letter  quoted  by  W,  J.  Pinks  : — 

''  Mr.  Xtopher  Pinchbeck  had  a  curious  secret  of  new-invented  metal  wch  so 
naturally  resembles  gold  (as  not  to  be  distinguished  by  the  most  experienced  eye), 
in  colour,  smell,  and  ductibility.     Ye  secret  is  communicated  to  his  son." 

He  died  in  1732,  at  the  age  of  sixty-two  years,  and  was  buried 
in  St.  Dunstan's  Church,  Fleet  Street.  The  annexed  portrait  is 
from  an  engraving  by  Faber  after  a  painting  by  Isaac  Whood. 

Edward  Pinchbeck,  eldest  son  of  Christopher,  who  was  born  in 
1 71 3,  succeeded  his  father  in  the  business,  as  is  evident  from  a 
"  Caution  to  the  Public  "  which  he  inserted  in  the  Daily  Post  of 
July  gth,  1733. 

"  To  pre\ent  for  the  future  the  gross  imposition  that  is  daily  put 
upon  the  publick  by  a  great  number  of  shopkeepers,  hawkers,  and 
pedlars,  in  and  about  this  town,  Notice  is  hereby  given,  that  the 
ingenious  Mr.  Edward  Pinchbeck,  at  the  Musical  Clock,  in  Fleet 
Street,  does  not  dispose  of  one  grain  of  his  curious  metal,  which  so 
nearly  resembles  gold  in  colour,  smell,  and  ductility,  to  any  person 
whatsoever  ;  nor  are  the  toys  made  of  the  said  metal  sold  by  any  one 
person  in  England  except  himself."  After  recounting  the  various 
articles  he  makes  from  the  alloy,  the  notice  continues  :  "  And  in 
particular  watches,  plain  and  chased  in  so  curious  a  manner  as  not  to 
be  distinguished  by  the  nicest  eye  from  real  gold,  and  which  are 
highly  necessary  for  gentlemen  and  ladies  when  they  travel,  with 
several  other  fine  pieces  of  workmanship  of  any  sort  made  by  the 
best  hands.  The  said  Mr.  Pinchbeck  likewise  makes  astronomical 
and  musical  clocks  ;  which  new  invented  machines  are  so  artfully 
contrived  as  to  perform  on  several  instruments  great  variety  of  musick 
composed  by  the  most  celebrated  masters,  with  that  exactitude,  and 
in  so  beautiful  a  manner  that  scarce  any  hand  can  equal  them. 
They  likewise  imitate  the  sweet  harmony  of  birds  to  so  great  a 
perfection  as  not  to  be  distinguished  from  nature  itself.  He  also 
makes  repeating  and  all  other  sorts  of  clocks  and  watches  ;  particularly 
watches  of  a  new  invention,  the  mechanism  of  which  is  so  simple,  and 
the  proportion  so  just,  that  come  nearer  truth  than  any  others  yet 

Christopher  Pinchbeck,  second  son  of  the  first  named  Christopher, 

Recorch  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


carried  on  a  successful  business  as  a  clock  and  watch  maker  in 
Cockspur  Street,  bein<i^  described  as  clockmaker  to  the  Kinii^.  In 
iy6fi  lie  is  said  to  have  bought  from  Ferdinand  Berthoud,  for 
George  III.,  the  first  pocket  watch  made  with  a  compensation 
curb.  In  1781  he  was  elected  as  an  honorary  freeman  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company.  He  died  at  Cockspur  Street  in  1783,  aged 
seventy-three,  and  was  buried  at  St.  ■\Iartin's-in-the-Fields. 

Fig.  454. —  Christopher  Pinxhbeck,   1670-1732. 

A  Richard  Pinchbeck,  "  toyman,"  who  seems  to  have  carried  on 
business  1 760-70,  was  probably  a  member  of  the  same  family. 

In  the  Gentleman  s  Magazine  of  June,  1765,  it  is  stated  that 
Pinchbeck  and  Norton  had  "just  set  up  at  the  Queen's  House  a  new 
complicated  clock,  ha\  ing  four  dials,  and  amongst  them  it  denoted 
clock  and  sun  time,  sunrise  and  setting  for  every  day  in  the  year  in 
various  places  of  the  world,  the  Copernican  motion  of  the  planets, 
the  ages  and  phases  of  the  moon,  high  water  at  thirty-two  different 
seaports,  and  the  days  of   the  week  and   the  months  of    the  year." 

332  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Notwithstanding  this  announcement,  it  is  very  doubtful  if  Pinch- 
beck and  Norton  were  ever  in  partnership.  The  probabiHty  is  that 
each  of  them  provided  a  clock,  for  there  are  still  two  astronomical 
clocks  at  Buckingham  Palace,  one  by  Christopher  Pinchbeck  the 
younger,  and  one  by  Eardley  Norton.  Each  of  these  clocks  has 
four  dials,  one  on  each  face  of  the  square  case,  and  bearing  a  close 
resemblance  to  the  dials  on  the  old  clock  in  the  South  Kensington 
Museum,  which  is  represented  on  page  loo.  Pinchbeck's  clock  is 
the  larger  of  the  two,  and  has  a  handsome  tortoiseshell  case  with 
silver  spandrels  at  the  corners  of  the  dial. 

Thomas  Mudge. — Thomas  Mudge,  born  at  Exeter  in  171 5,  was 
the  son  of  a  clergyman,  who  kept  a  school  at  Bideford.  Young 
Mudge  showed  great  taste  for  mechanics,  and  his  father,  noticing  his 
extraordinary  inclination  for  horology,  placed  him  as  an  apprentice 
with  Graham.  Mudge  here  made  rapid  progress  in  his  art,  and  on  the 
completion  of  his  indentures  took  a  leading  position  in  the  establish- 
ment. He  was  admitted  to  the  freedom  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company 
in  173S,  and  called  to  the  Livery  in  1766.  At  Graham's  death,  in 
1 75 1,  Mudge  succeeded  to  the  business,  as  shown  by  the  following 
from  the  Daily  Advertiser  of  November  1 8th,  1 75 1 : — "  Thomas  Mudge, 
watchmaker,  apprentice  to  the  late  Mr.  Graham,  carries  on  the  business 
in  the  same  manner  Mr.  Graham  did,  at  the  sign  of  the  '  Dial  and  One 
Crown,' opposite  the  'Bolt  and  Tun'  in  Fleet  Street."  Shortly  after 
Mudge  was  established,  Ferdinand  the  Sixth,  of  Spain,  ordered  an 
equation  watch  from  a  well-known  English  watchmaker,  who,  in 
consequence  of  the  difficulties  presented  by  this  unusual  construction, 
had  recourse  to  Mudge.  Ferdinand  was  a  lover  of  mechanical  work, 
and  hearing  of  this  circumstance,  sent  an  order  direct  to  Mudge  to 
construct  for  him  any  piece  of  horology  which  he  thought  the  most 
curious,  and  to  charge  for  it  whatever  he  chose.  In  response  Mudge 
constructed  a  watch  which  showed  true  and  apparent  time,  struck 
the  hours,  and  repeated  not  only  the  hours  and  quarters,  but  the 
minutes  also.  The  king  set  great  store  by  this  piece  of  workman- 
ship, for  which  Mudge  charged  him  480  guineas.  About  1755  he 
entered  into  partnership  with  William  Button,  another  apprentice  of 

Mudge  invented  the  lever  escapement  about  1765,  but  it  appears 
only  constructed  two  watches  on  this  principle :  one  for  Queen 
Charlotte,  which  performed  admirably,  the  other  for  his  patron  and 
friend  Count  Bruhl,  which,  after  several  journeys,  subjected  to  all 
the  inconveniences  of  changes  of  position  and  quick  travelling,  kept 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


time  within  a  few  seconds  during  several  weeks.  Mudge  showed 
this  escapement  to  Berthoud,  when  he  was  in  London  in  1766,  but 
he  did  not  think  so  favourably  of  it  as  Margetts,  Emery,  and  other 
English  horologists  did. 

In  1765  he  published  "Thoughts  on  the  Means  of  Improving 
Watches,  particularly  those  for  Use  at  Sea."  From  this  time  his 
attention  was  mainly  directed  to  marine  timekeepers,  and  in  1771, 
leaving   the   conduct  of   the    Fleet  Street    business  to   Dutton,    he 

Fig.  455. — Thomas  Mudge,  1715 — 1794. 

quitted  London,  and  went  to  reside  at  Plymouth,  where  he  devoted 
himself  to  the  construction  of  chronometers.  The  first  one  was 
sent  to  Greenwich  Observatory  in  1774,  and  afterwards  to  Baron 
Zach  (who  was  astronomer  to  the  Duke  of  Gotha),  and  lastly  to 
Admiral  Campbell,  who  took  it  a  voyage  to  Newfoundland,  when 
its  performance  was  pronounced  to  be  satisfactory.  The  Board  of 
Longitude  sent  him  ^500,  requesting  him  to  continue  his  researches. 
Two  other  chronometers  were  sent  to  the  Greenwich  Observatory 
for  trial  in  1779. 

334  ^^^  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Maker's. 

Dr.  Maskelyne  and  Mudge  could  not  agree.  Maskelyne,  who 
was  Astronomer  Royal,  carried  the  Board  of  Longitude  with  him. 
It  was  asserted  that  chronometers  by  Arnold  performed  better  than 
those  of  Mudge.  Arnold  had  not  submitted  his  chronometers  for 
the  Government  reward,  and  therefore  Mudge  objected  to  the 
comparison.  On  the  petition  of  Mudge,  the  House  of  Commons,  in 
1 79 1,  appointed  as  a  committee  to  investigate  the  performance  of 
Mudge's  chronometers,  the  Bishop  of  St.  David's,  Mr.  Atwood, 
Mr.  De  Luc,  Mr.  Ramsden,  Mr.  Edward  Troughton,  Mr.  Holmes, 
Mr.  Haley,  and  Mr.  Howells,  the  last  three  being  watchmakers  of 
repute.  After  much  bickering,  Mudge,  in  1793,  was  paid  ^2,500,  in 
addition  to  ^^500  he  had  already  received  as  encouragement,  although 
the  Board  of  Longitude  dissented  from  this  course. 

Mudge  was  often  employed  by  George  HI.  on  delicate  pieces  of 
work,  and  on  the  death  of  George  Lindesey,  in  1776,  was  appointed 
watchmaker  to  the  king.  He  was  made  free  of  the  Clockmakers' 
Company  in  1738,  and  admitted  to  the  livery  in  1766.  The  engrav- 
ing on  p.  333  is  from  a  painting  by  Dance,  executed  for  Count 
Bruhl  in  1772.  He  died  at  his  son's  house  in  Walworth,  on 
November  14th,  1794. 

That  an  accomplished  horologist  and  sound  mechanic  as  Mudge 
seems  to  have  been  should,  after  his  invention  of  the  lever  escape- 
ment, have  persisted  in  the  complication  of  a  remontoire  and 
vertical  escapement  for  his  marine  timekeepers,  must  be  ascribed 
to  the  perversity  of  genius. 

The  salient  features  of  his  chronometer  are  shown  in  the  accom- 
panying drawings.  To  obviate  the  difficulty  of  the  compensating 
curb  action  interfering  with  the  action  of  the  regulating  curb  pins 
there  are  two  balance  springs.  The  upper  one  for  regulating  has 
its  stud  C  screwed  to  the  balance  cock,  the  stud  D  of  the  lower 
spring,  with  which  the  pins  of  the  compensation  curb  engage,  being 
fixed  to  the  upper  plate  of  the  chronomeier.  There  are  two 
remontoire  springs,  H  and  I,  which  are  wound  by  the  escape  wheel 
G,  and  which  alternately  impel  the  balance  through  the  pins  a,  b, 
connected  with  the  upper,  and  e,  f  with  the  lower  one.  The  wheel 
and  pallet  actions  will  be  understood  from  an  examination  of  the 
lower  figure,  which  is  a  plan.  After  the  wheel  tooth  has  given 
impulse  to  the  pallet,  and  thereby  wound  the  remontoire,  it  is 
locked  on  the  projecting  nib  of  the  pallet  till  the  balance  in  its 
excursion  unlocks  it,  and  allows  the  tooth  on  the  opposite  side  of 
the  wheel   to  impel  the  other  pallet.     The  balance  staff  is  cranked. 

Records  of  Early   Makers,  etc. 


and  the  pallets  with  the  remontoires  are  pivoted  partly  in  the 
balance  staff  and  partly  in  separate  cocks,  so  that  there  are  six 
pivots  moving  from  the  balance  staff  centre. 

After  Mudge's  migration  to  Plymouth,  the  Fleet  Street  business 
seems  to  have  reverted  entirely  to  William  Dutton,  although  the 
title  of  Mudge  and  Dutton  was  retained  till  1794. 

Thomas  Mudge,  junior,  who  was  an  attorney  at  3,  Old  Square, 
Lincoln's    Inn,  engaged    Messrs.    Howells,   Pennington,   Pendleton, 

Fig.  456. — Mudge's  Remontoire. 

and  Coleman,  to  produce  chronometers  on  his  father's  plan  ;  but 
they  were  too  costly,  and  not  successful.  By  1799  the  younger 
Mudge  sold  eleven  at  150  guineas  each,  which  did  not  pay  him.  Of 
others  in  course  of  manufacture  some  were  finished  by  his  coadjutors, 
and  some  by  Messrs.  Barraud  and  Jamison.  One  of  these  instru- 
ments is  in  the  Soane  Museum,  another  at  the  Horological  Institute, 
and  another  at  the  Guildhall  Museum. 

John    Arnold. — This  famous   horologist    was    born    in   1736,  at 
Bodmin,   in   Cornwall,   where  he   was  apprenticed   to  his   father,   a 

336  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

watchmaker.  While  a  youth  he  left  home,  and  after  a  stay  of  some 
time  in  Holland  he  determined  to  try  his  fortune  in  London.  At 
first  he  worked  as  a  journeyman,  but  soon  found  an  opportunity  of 
establishing  himself  at  Devereux  Court,  Fleet  Street.  One  of  his 
earliest  acts  here  was  to  make  an  exceedingly  small  half- quarter 
repeating  watch,  which  he  had  set  in  a  ring,  and  presented  to 
George  III.  in  June,  1764.  When  it  is  stated  that  the  whole  move- 
ment measured  but  little  more  than  one- third  of  an  inch  across,  his 
ability  as  a  fine  workman  and  his  marvellous  sense  of  touch  will  be 
appreciated.*  The  escapement  selected  was  a  cylinder  one,  the 
cylinder,  made  of  ruby  and  measuring  one  fifty-fourth  of  an  inch  in 
diameter,  being  the  first  made  of  that  material.  The  king  accepted 
the  repeater,  and  presented  its  maker  with  500  guineas  as  an 
acknowledgment  of  his  surpassing  skill. 

Arnold's  achievement  at  once  brought  him  into  notice,  and  from 
that  time  his  future  success  was  assured. 

It  is  said  that  the  Empress  of  Russia  offered  Arnold  1,000 
guineas  for  a  duplicate  of  the  repeater  made  for  George  III.,  but 
the  offer  was  declined,  not  that  Arnold  doubted  his  ability  to 
produce  it,  but  because  he  desired  the  miniature  timekeeper  to 
remain  unique. 

Arnold  now  turned  his  attention  seriously  to  the  problem  which 
was  engaging  the  thoughts  of  leading  horologists  here  and  in 
France.  John  Harrison  had  already  fulfilled  the  conditions  laid 
down  by  the  Board  of  Longitude,  and  thus  practically  secured  the 
;^20,ooo  offered  by  Parliament  in  17 14  for  a  timekeeper  sufficiently 
exact  to  ascertain  the  longitude  within  certain  limits.  A  subse- 
quent Act  of  Parliament,  however,  devoted  a  further  ^10,000  as  a 
stimulus  to  continued  research  and  improvement.  Mudge  was 
already  in  the  field,  and  seemed  bent  on  adhering  to  the  remontoire 
principle  somewhat  on  Harrison's  plan.  But  it  was  clear  to  other 
minds  that  a  nearer  approach  to  perfection  might  be  obtained  by  a 

*  According  to  the  Annual  Register  ior  1764,  the  whole  of  this  repeater,  com- 
posed of  120  parts,  weighed  but  5  dwts.  7I  gr.,  the  following  being  the  weight  of 
the  principal  items  :  The  movement,  complete,  is  2  dwts.  2|  gr. ;  great  wheel 
and  fuzee,  2J  gr.  ;  second  wheel  and  pinion,  |  gr. ;  barrel  and  mainspring,  3 J  gr.  ; 
third  wheel  and  pinion,  i  gr.  ;  fourth  wheel  and  pmion,  J-,  gr.  ;  cylinder,  wheel, 
and  pinion,  J^  gr.  ;  balance  spring,  cylinder,  and  collet,  §  gr. ;  the  balance  spring, 
gij3  gr. ;  the  chain,  i  gr.  ;  barrel  and  mainspring,  ij  gr.  ;  great  wheel  and  ratchet, 
I  gr. ;  second  wheel  and  pinion,  1  gr.  ;  third  wheel  and  pinion,  ^  gr. ;  fourth 
wheel  and  pinion,  )  gr.  ;  fly  wheel  and  pinion,  Jy  gr. ;  fly  pinion,  -^  gr. ;  hour 
hammer,  ^  gr.  ;  quarter  hammer,  ^  gr. ;  rack,  chain,  and  pulley,  i^  gr.  ;  quarter 
and  half-quarter  rack,  |  gr.  ;  the  quarter  and  half-quarter  snail  and  cannon 
pinion,  |  gr.  ;  the  all-or-nothing  piece,  ^  gr. ;  two  motion  wheels,  i  gr.  ;  steel 
dial-plate  with  gold  figures,  3^  gr.  ;  the  hour  snail  and  star,  ^  and  ig  gr. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  337 

chronometer  of  altofj^ether  a  different  character  to  the  one  invented 
by  Harrison. 

One  of  Arnold's  first  essays  was  a  chronometer  which  Captain 
Cook  took  with  him  in  the  Resolution  on  his  second  voyage,  in  1772. 
Two  other  timekeepers  of  Arnold's  w^ere  on  board  the  Adventure. 
Mr.  J.  U.  Poole,  who  has  examined  these  early  examples,  two  of 
which  are  the  property  of  the  Royal  Society,  states  that  they  have 
plain  circular  balances  with  fiat  balance  springs  acted  on  by  a  com- 
pensation curb ;  the  escapements  are  a  compound  of  the  lever  and 
the  spring  detent,  and  they  beat  half  seconds,  the  workmanship 
being  xevy  rough  compared  with  the  finish  exacted  in  the  present 
day.  It  seems  certain  that  a  timekeeper  of  Larcum  Kendall,  which 
was  also  carried  on  the  Resolution,  performed  better  than  those  of 
Arnold  did. 

Arnold  was  not  to  be  daunted.  He  profited  by  experience,  and 
devised  the  helical  form  of  balance  spring,  and  a  form  of 
compensation  balance.  The  spring,  as  shown  in  the  sketch,  „  ^^ 
is  very  similar  to  the  one  now  in  most  general  use  for  1 V^^ 
marine  chronometers,  but  the  balance  was  rather  a  com-  ^^ 
plicated  affair.  These  components  he  patented  in  1775 
(Patent  No.  11 13),  and  his  specification  describes  com- 
pensation to  be  effected  by  a  brass  and  steel  volute  fixed 
at  its  inner  end  to  the  collet  of  the  balance,  and  actuating 
weighted  rods  by  means  of  a  lever  attached  to  its  outer 
end.  Some  years  later  he  adopted  the  simple  circular  p 
bimetallic-rim  balance  practically  as  now^  used,  except 
that  he  soldered  the  brass  and  steel  together  and  formed  the  circular 
rim  with  pliers,  whereas  Earnshaw  first  turned  a  steel  disc  and  then 
melted  the  brass  on  to  its  periphery,  a  plan  which,  according  to  Rees, 
was  introduced  by  Brockbank. 

In  May,  1782,  Arnold  patented  his  improved  detent  escapement 
(Patent  No.  1328).  This  is  practically  the  chronometer  escapement 
of  to-day,  which  was  almost  simultaneously  invented  by  Thomas 
Earnshaw,  except  that  in  Arnold's  escapement  the  escape  wheel 
teeth,  instead  of  being  flat  where  they  gave  impulse,  were  epicycloidal 
curves,  as  shown  in  Fig.  458  ;  but  they  required  oiling,  and  were 
consequently  abandoned.  While  Earnshaw's  wheel  is  locked  on  the 
points  of  the  teeth  and  the  detent  moves  away  from  the  centre  of 
the  wheel  to  unlock,  Arnold's  locked  on  the  heel  of  the  tooth  and 
the  detent  moved  towards  the  centre  of  the  wheel  to  unlock,  the 
sunk  part  of  the  body  of  the  wheel  allowing  the  locking  stone  to  pass. 

C.w.  z 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Arnold  was  now  admitted  to  be  a  very  successful  chronometer 
maker,  but  he  still  continued  his  investigations,  and  made  countless 
experiments  with  a  view  to  improvements. 

Some  time  after  1764  Arnold  quitted  Devereux  Court  for  Adelphi 
Buildings,  which  is  the  address  given  in  his  patent  specifications, 
and  in  an  account  of  the  going  of  a  pocket  chronometer,  in  1781,  it 
is  stated  to  have  been  compared  with  the  regulator  at  his  house  in 
the  Adelphi.  About  1785  he  removed  to  112,  Cornhill,  where  he 
carried  on  business  until  his  death,  his  son  being  admitted  into 
partnership  during  the  latter  part  of  the  time.  Arnold  and  Son 
also  had  a  chronometer  manufactory  at  Chigwell  in  Essex. 

In  a  book  of  "  Certificates  and  Rates  of  Going,"  which  he  published 
in  1 79 1,  he  gives  the  price  of  his  large  marine  chronometers  as  from 
60  to  80  guineas;  pocket  chronometers,  in  gold  cases,  120  guineas, 
arrd  in  silver,  100  guineas;  repeaters  from  150  guineas  for  the  best 

kind  in  gold,  down  to 
25  guineas  for  the  com- 
monest, in  silver  cases. 

The  rival  claims  of 
M  u  d  g  e ,  Arnold,  and 
Earnshaw  to  the  rewards 
offered  for  the  best 
chronometer  were  sub- 
mitted to  a  Select  Com- 
mittee of  the  House  of 
Commons,  assisted  by  a  committee  of  experts,  and  eventually  each 
was  awarded  ;^3,ooo ;  but  a  moiety  of  Arnold's  portion  was  not 
paid  till  after  his  death,  when  it  was  received  by  his  son.  Arnold 
had  not  laid  claim  to  the  reward  when  depositing  his  chronometers 
at  the  Greenwich  Observatory ;  but  their  good  performance  was 
made  use  of  by  Maskelyne  as  a  reason  why  Mudge's  claim  should 
not  be  recognized. 

Arnold  told  the  committee  he  had  then  made  upwards  of  900 
timekeepers,  but  never  two  alike,  so  long  as  he  saw  room  for  any 
possible  improvements ;  adding,  "  I  have  twenty  number  ones." 

According  to  Beillard,  Arnold's  son  John  Roger  was  apprenticed 
in  Paris  to  Breguet.  Some  time  ago,  by  favour  of  Mr.  Hurcomb,  I 
examined  a  Tourbillon  Chronometer  in  an  engine-turned  silver  case, 
with  square  edges,  which  appears  to  have  been  the  original  model 
for  the  celebrated  Tourbillon  of  Breguet  on  a  chronometer  by 
Arnold.     The  foot  of  the  balance-cock  was  especially  wide,  and  bore 

Fig.  458. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


the  followint^  inscription  : — "  Premier  rej^iilateur  a  tourbillon  de 
BregLiet  reuni  a  un  des  premiers  ouvra^es  d'Arnold.  Hommages  de 
Breguet  a  la  memoire  re\-eree  d'Arnold  offert  a  son  fils.  An  1808." 
The  workmanship  thronghout  was  splendid,  and  the  graceful  tribute 
to  Arnold's  genius  of  course  enhanced  the  value  of  the  piece. 

John   Arnold   was   admitted   as    a    member  of    the    Clockmakers' 
Company  in  1783,  and  chosen  on  the  livery  1796.     He  died  at  Well 

Fig.  459. — JoH\  Arnold,  1756 — 1799- 

Hall,  near  Eltham,  Kent,  in  1799.  The  above  portrait  is  from 
an  engraving  by  Susan  Ester  Reid,  after  a  painting  by  R.  Davy. 

At  South  Kensington  is  a  painting  showing  John  Arnold,  his 
wife  and  son,  together  with  a  label  stating  that  Arnold  was  assisted 
in  his  profession  by  his  wife.  A  reproduction  of  this  group  is  given 
in  Fig.  460. 

John  Roger  Arnold  seemed  to  have  inherited  neither  the  horo- 
logical  ability  nor  the  commercial  aptitude  of  his  father  whom  he 
succeeded.     He  was  admitted  to  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1796, 

z  2 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

and  became  master  in  1 817.  In  1820  he  removed  from  Cornhill  to 
27,  Cecil  Street,  and  from  thence  in  1830,  to  84,  Strand,  where  he 
entered  into  a  partnership  agreement  for  ten  years  with  E.  J.  Dent, 
and  during  this  period  the  business  flourished  ;  but  immediately  the 
term  expired  Dent  set  up  for  himself  at  82,  Strand,  carrying  with  him 
the  confidence  of  most  of  the  customers  of  the  late  firm.  John  R. 
Arnold  continued  at  84,  Strand,  till  1843,  when  he  died. 

Fig.  460. — JOHN  Arnold,   his  wite  and  son. 

Thomas  Earnshaw. — To  Thomas  Earnshaw,  who  was  born  at 
Ashton-under-Lyne  in  1749,  must  be  ascribed  tne  merit  of  having 
devised  the  chronometer  escapement  and  compensation  balance 
precisely  as  they  are  now  used. 

The  comparison  of  Arnold's  and  Earnshaw's  escapement  and 
balance  just  given  in  the  sketch  of  the  former's  career  may  be 
referred  to  and  need  not  be  repeated. 

That  Earnshaw  was  a  true  horologist  by  intuition  is  evident.  He 
is  said  to  have  been  honest  and  straightforward,  but  somewhat  rugged 
in  his  manner.  There,  are,  however,  but  few  details  of  his  life  to  be 
obtained.     He  was  apprenticed  to  a  watchmaker  when  fourteen  years 

Records  of  Early  Makers,   etc.  ^41 

of  age,  and  seems  to  have  come  to  London  inmiediately  on  completion 
of  his  indentures.  After  working  for  some  time  as  a  finisher  of 
verge  and  cylinder  watches,  he  taught  himself  watch  jewelling  and 
then  cylinder-escapement  making,  using  ruby  cylinders  and  steel 
wheels.     He  married  early  in  life,  and  the  necessity  of  providing  for  a 

Fig.  461. — Thomas  Earnshaw,   1749 — 1829. 

family  out  of  his  earnings  seems  to  have  hampered  him  considerably 
in  carrying  out  his  projects. 

To  improve  the  chronometer  escapement  he,  in  17S1,  conceived 
the  idea  of  substituting  a  spring  detent  for  the  pi\'oted  form  as 
applied  by  Le  Roy  and  other  French  artists.  After  showing  the  new 
method  to  John  Brockbank,  for  whom  he  worked,  he  took  it  to  Thomas 
Wright  of  the  Poultry,  another  of  his  customers,  and  agreed  that 
when  a  watch  with  the  device  was  finished,  Wright  should  patent 
it.  But  the  latter  kept  the  watch  for  a  year  to  observe  its  going, 
and  did  not  obtain  the  patent    till    1783.     In    the    meantime    John 

342  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Arnold  had  lodged  a  Patent  Specification  claiming  the  same  thing 
as  his  invention.  To  the  end  of  his  life  Earnshaw  lost  no  oppor- 
tunity of  declaring  in  emphatic  language  his  belief  that  John  Brock- 
bank  had  divulged  his  plan  to  Arnold.  According  to  Earnshaw's 
account  his  own  actions  were  always  marked  by  trusting  simplicity 
though  his  confidence  was  continually  betrayed.  The  patent  cost 
Wright  ^loo,  and  as  all  negotiations  with  Brockbanks,  Haley,  Wm. 
Hughes,  Best  and  other  leading  watchmakers  to  purchase  a  share  of 
it  failed,  watches  with  the  new  escapement  were  manufactured  for 
various  people  on  payment  to  Wright  of  a  royalty  oi  £i  each.  The 
first  dozen  were  not  a  success ;  the  impulse  roller  being  too  small 
with  relation  to  the  escape  wheel,  they  were  liable  to  stop.  Earn- 
shaw discovered  the  fault  and  with  better  proportions  brought  the 
new  escapement  into  favour  for  pocket  watches.  The  earlier  ones 
were  stamped  [">atlnt^]  ^^  small  characters,  a  form  of  marking  which 
was  dropped  after  a  few  years. 

Dr.  Maskelyne,  the  Astronomer  Royal,  having  tried  one  of  his 
watches  in  1789,  advised  Earnshaw  to  apply  to  the  Board  of 
Longitude  for  permission  to  submit  timekeepers  for  official  trial  at 
Greenwich  Observatory.  P^ive  of  his  watches  were  tested  there  in 
1 79 1,  and  then  he  obtained  an  order  for  two  chronometers,  and 
these  were  deposited  at  the  Observatory  on  January   ist,   1798. 

In  1794  or  1795  Earnshaw  succeeded  to  the  business  which  had 
been  carried  on  for  some  years  by  W'm.  Hughes  at  119,  High 
Holborn,  one  door  east  of  the  turning  then  known  as  King  St.  but 
now  called  Southampton  Row.  The  shop  referred  to  was  pulled 
down  when  the  thoroughfare  was  widened  in  1901. 

The  committee  of  investigation  appointed  to  consider  the  claims 
of  chronometer  improvers  awarded  Earnshaw  ^500  in  1801  on 
account  of  his  inventions,  and  in  1803  a  further  £2,500,  making  his 
total  reward  ^'3,000.  Rightly  or  wrongly,  he  was  of  opinion  that  he. 
was  not  well  treated,  and  ni  1808  issued  "  An  appeal  to  the  Public," 
declaring  he  was  entitled  to  more  pre-eminent  recognition.  The 
engraving  on  page  341  is  copied  from  one  by  S.  Bellin  after  a  portrait 
by  Sir  M.  A.  Shee. 

Earnshaw  also  made  a  number  of  clocks.  For  the  first  one,  which 
was  ordered  by  the  Archbishop  of  Armagh,  he  was  paid  /'150  and 
an  additional  ;^ioo  for  going  to  Armagh  to  fix  it. 

He  died  at  Chenies  Street  in  1829,  but  the  business  was  carried  on 
for  some  years  by  his  son,  first  at  the  Holborn  premises  and  afterwards 
at  Fenchurch  Street. 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  343 

Ascertaining  the  Longitude  at  Sea.  Development  and 
use  of  the  Marine  Chronometer. — The  discovery  of  America,  in 
1492,  caused  some  attention  to  be  paid  to  the  question  of  finding  the 
longitude  at  sea,  for  it  was  evident  that  if  ocean  navigation  was  to  be 
carried  on  with  anything  like  safety,  some  more  certain  means  of 
ascertaining  the  position  of  a  ship  than  was  possible  by  dead  reckoning 
would  have  to  be  pro\ided. 

Columbus  had  not  an  azimuth  compass,  nor  a  sextant,  nor  a 
chronometer,  nor  a  patent  log,  and  he,  and  his  immediate  successors, 
were  several  months  making  the  voyage  across  the  Atlantic,  while 
the  early  voyagers  took  about  three  years  to  circumnavigate  the 
globe.  Even  in  the  middle  of  the  last  century  Commodore  Anson,  in 
his  celebrated  voyage  round  the  world,  had  no  safe  guide.  When  he 
rounded  Cape  Horn  he  unexpectedly  made  the  land  on  the  western 
side,  and  found  himself  in  consequence  three  hundred  miles  more  to 
the  east  than  he  expected,  and  so  his  voyage  was  delayed.  Then, 
again,  he  wanted  to  make  the  island  of  Juan  Fernandez  to  recruit 
the  crew.  He  got  into  the  latitude  of  the  island  and  thought  he 
was  to  the  west  of  it,  but  he  was  really  to  the  east  ;  he  ran  eastward 
and  made  the  mainland  of  America,  and  turned  round  and  had  to 
sail  westward  again  before  he  got  to  the  island. 

With  a  sextant  the  latitude  may  be  readily  ascertained  by 
measuring  the  altitude  above  the  horizon  of  certain  of  the  heavenly 
bodies  and  reducing  the  observations  by  reference  to  tables. 

Finding  the  longitude  is  not"  so  simple  a  matter,  owing  to  the 
rotation  of  the  earth  on  its  axis,  and  the  apparent  change  of  places 
of  the  stars.  As  early  as  1530  Gemma  Frisius  suggested  solar 
observations  and  a  timekeeper  as  a  possible  solution  of  the  problem. 
The  captain  of  a  ship  can  readily  ascertain  the  instant  of  noon  at 
any  place  by  observation  of  the  sun,  and  so  it  is  clear  that  if  he 
had  an  instrument  that  could  be  depended  on  to  show  him  the  time 
at  Greenwich  or  any  other  starting-point,  the  calculation  of  his 
longitude  would  be  an  easy  one.  But  the  most  important  adjunct, 
an  accurate  timekeeper,  was  wanting. 

In  1598  the  matter  had  risen  to  such  importance  that  the  King  of 
Spain  offered  a  reward  of  one  hundred  thousand  crowns  for  any 
invention  which  should  gain  that  object.  The  rulers  of  one  or  two 
other  maritime  states  followed  his  example,  but  all  without  effect. 

Early  in  the  seventeenth  century  John  Baptist  Morin  proposed  the 
preparation  of  tables  with  a  view  of  making  lunar  observations  avail- 
able.    Although  Morin's  suggestion  was  ridiculed  at  the  time,  it  has 

344  ^^^  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

become  a  perfectly  practicable  method.  The  moon  is  nearer  the 
earth  than  the  stars,  and  consequently  appears  to  occupy  a  different 
position  with  regard  to  them  when  viewed  from  different  points  on 
the  surface  of  the  globe.  And  as  the  moon  moves  so  swiftly  from 
night  to  night  through  the  sky,  she  shifts  her  position  with  respect 
to  the  stars  very  rapidly.  If  the  sailor  be  provided  beforehand  with 
a  book  giving  the  distances  of  the  moon  from  certain  fixed  stars  for 
certain  hours  of  say  Greenwich  time  on  every  day  of  the  year,  he 
can,  in  any  position  in  which  he  may  be,  by  observing  the  position 
of  the  moon,  secure  a  datum  from  which  the  longitude  may  be 
deduced.  But  even  after  the  position  of  the  moon  with  relation  to 
these  fixed  stars  has  been  ascertained,  and  the  voluminous  tables 
provided,  somewhat  tedious  calculations  are  necessary  to  reduce  the 
elements  afforded  by  the  observations  obtained  ;  besides  which,  if 
the  lunar  method  alone  is  relied  on,  there  is  the  disadvantage  that 
the  moon  is  not  always  visible.  However,  Morin's  suggestion  led  to 
nothing  at  the  time,  and  the  greater  simplicity  of  solar  observations 
induced  most  investigators  to  consider  the  possibility  of  providing  a 
correct  timekeeper.  The  first  attempts  to  supply  the  want  seem  to 
have  been  made  by  Huygens  and  Hooke. 

Huygens'  marine  clock,  constructed  about  1660,  suspended  in 
gymbals  and  actuated  by  a  spring,  was  controlled  by  a  pendulum. 
It  was  tried  at  sea  by  a  Scottish  captain  named  Holmes  with  but 
moderate  success.  A  marine  pendulum  clock  constructed  under 
the  direction  of  Dr.  Hooke,  was  tried  by  Lord  Kincardine  in  1662, 
only  to  demonstrate  the  futility  of  relying  on  the  pendulum  as  a 
regulator  when  tossed  about  in  a  ship  on  the  ocean. 

In  the  course  of  a  paper  he  read  before  the  Royal  Society  in  1662, 
Dr.  Hooke  said  :  "  The  Lord  Kincardine  did  resolve  to  make  some 
trial  what  might  be  done  by  carrying  a  pendulum  clock  to  sea,  for 
which  end  he  contrived  to  make  the  watch  to  be  moved  by  a  spring 
instead  of  a  weight,  and  then,  making  the  case  of  the  clock  very 
heavy  with  lead,  he  suspended  it  underneath  the  deck  of  the  ship 
by  a  ball  and  socket  of  brass,  making  the  pendulum  but  short, 
namely,  to  vibrate  half  seconds  ;  and  that  he  might  be  the  better 
enabled  to  judge  of  the  effect  of  it,  he  caused  two  of  the  same  kind 
of  pendulum  clocks  to  be  made,  and  suspended  them  both  pretty 
near  the  middle  of  the  vessel  underneath  the  decks.  This  done, 
having  first  adjusted  them  to  go  equal  to  one  another,  and  pretty 
near  to  the  true  time,  he  caused  them  first  to  move  parallel  to 
one    another,  that   is,  in  the   plane  of   the  length  of   the  ship,   and 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  345 

afterwards  he  turned  one  to  move  in  a  plane  at  right  angles  with 
the  former  ;  and  in  both  these  case.s  it  was  found  by  trials  made  at 
sea  (at  which  I  was  present)  that  they  would  vary  from  one  another, 
though  not  very  much."  Dr.  Hooke  concludes  by  saying  that  "  they 
might  be  of  very  good  use  to  the  sea  if  some  further  contrivances 
about  them  were  thought  upon  and  put  into  practice." 

In  1 7 14  the  British  Parliament,  on  the  recommendation  of  a  com- 
mission, of  which  Sir  Isaac  Newton  was  a  member,  passed  "  an  Act 
for  providing  public  reward  for  such  person  or  persons  as  shall 
discover  the  longitude  at  sea."  This  Act  ordained  "  that  any 
offered  method  or  invention  on  this  subject  shall,  in  the  lirst 
instance,  be  investigated  by  a  specially  selected  body  of  practical 
men,  who  may  then  recommend  it  to  the  Royal  Commissioners 
constituting  the  Board  of  Longitude."  The  award  was  fixed  at 
;^i 0,000  for  a  method  or  in^■ention  to  dehne  on  a  voyage  from 
England  to  any  of  the  West  India  Islands  and  back  the  longitude 
within  one  degree,  ;^i 5,000  to  define  the  longitude  within  two- 
thirds  of  a  degree,  and  ^20,000  to  within  half  a  degree. 

The  Paris  Academy  of  Sciences  in  1720  offered  a  prize  for  the 
best  description  of  a  suitable  timekeeper.  This  was  won  by  Massy, 
a  Dutch  clockmaker.  In  1721  Sully  produced  a  clock  which  he  laid 
before  the  Academy  in  1724.  It  had  a  vertical  balance,  which  from 
the  description  seems  to  have  been  a  pendulum  with  cycloidal 
guides.  This  timekeeper  promised  success  till  tested  in  the  open 
sea,  when  its  performance,  like  that  of  the  preceding  instruments, 
was  found  to  be  unsatisfactory.  Sully,  however,  seemed  to  be  on 
the  high-road  to  success,  and  he  was  engaged  on  another  timekeeper 
just  before  his  untimely  decease. 

In  1675  Greenwich  Observatory  was  founded.  Flamstead  was 
instructed  to  rectify  the  tables  of  the  motions  of  the  heavens  and 
the  places  of  the  fixed  stars.  He  made  a  large  star  catalogue,  and 
many  observations  on  the  moon  and  other  bodies,  and  the 
results  of  his  lunar  observations  were  taken  in  hand  by  the 
philosophers  of  the  time,  Newton  and  others.  The  construction  of 
lunar  tables,  and  to  predict  the  place  of  the  moon  with  sufficient 
accuracy  for  the  adoption  of  the  lunar  method  of  longitude,  was  a 
very  serious  task. 

It  was  not  until  1767  that  Maskelyne,  a  succeeding  Astronomer 
Royal,  founded  the  "  Nautical  Almanac,"  and  gave  therein,  for  the 
first  time  in  any  country,  distances  of  the  moon  from  certain  fixed 
stars,  that  the  lunar  method  came  into  use.     In  the  early  part  of  the 

346  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

nineteenth  century  the  rehabihty  of  the  chronometer  was  estabhshed, 
and  since  then  the  chronometer  method  has  gradually  superseded 
the  "lunar."  In  the  "Nautical  Almanac"  the  lunar  distances  are 
still  retained,  and  circumstances  occasionally  arise  when  the  mariner 
is  glad  to  have  recourse  to  them. 

Stimulated  by  the  prospect  of  obtaining  the  reward  offered  by 
the  British  Parliament,  John  Harrison,  after  thirty  years  of  un- 
remitting labours  and  vicissitudes,  recounted  in  the  sketch  of  his 
life  (see  pp.  321-328),  fulfilled,  in  1761,  the  conditions  laid  down  by 
the  Board  of  Longitude.  Thoroughly  as  Harrison  deserved  the 
reward  he  so  laboriously  earned,  it  is  curious  to  note  that  of  all  his 
inventions  embodied  in  his  timekeeper,  the  maintaining  spring  in 
the  fusee  is  the  only  one  that  has  survived. 

Other  Acts  of  Parliament  relating  to  the  subject  were  passed  in 
1 741,  1753,  and  1774.  The  last,  repealing  all  former  Acts,  offered 
;^5,ooo  for  a  timekeeper  determining  the  longitude  to  or  within  one 
degree  ;  ^7,500  for  determining  the  same  to  within  40  geographical 
miles ;  and  /'io,ooo  for  a  determination  at  or  within  half  a  degree. 
Further,  to  obtain  the  smallest  portion  of  the  reward,  the  error  of 
the  timekeeper  was  not  to  exceed  more  than  four  minutes  in  six 

Mudge,  the  inventor  of  the  lever  escapement  and  an  experienced 
horologist,  with  almost  incredible  infatuation,  proceeded  on  the 
lines  adopted  by  Harrison.  Though  he  produced  a  superior  instru- 
ment to  Harrison's  (see  p.  334),  he  allowed  Arnold  (p.  336)  and 
Earnshaw  (p.  340)  to  develop  the  marine  chronometer  of  to-day. 

The  investigations  of  Berthoud  and  Pierre  Le  Roy  were  nearly 
contemporaneous  with  those  of  Mudge,  Arnold,  and  Earnshaw. 
Each  of  the  French  masters  designed  a  detached  escapement,  and 
while  Berthoud  used  a  gridiron  arrangement  of  brass  and  steel  to 
compensate  for  temperature  errors,  and  fitted  his  timekeeper  with 
two  balances  geared  together,  Le  Roy  experimented  with  a  balance 
composed  of  two  mercurial  thermometers,  the  bulbs  being  furthest 
from  the  centre  of  motion  and  the  ends  turned  inwards.  No  one 
could  question  the  ability  of  Berthoud  and  P.  Le  Roy,  but  in  exe- 
cuting their  respective  conceptions  the  Englishmen  showed  superior 
judgment.  The  French  marine  timekeepers  were  by  comparison 
very  unwieldy,  which  may  perhaps  be  traced  to  the  influence  of  M. 
Daniel  Bernoulli,  an  eminent  mathematician,  who,  says  P.  Le  Roy, 
"  wishes  marine  watches  to  be  as  large  as  good  clocks  are  commonly 
made,  that  the  pieces  may  be  worked  with  greater  exactness,  and 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc.  347 

that  their  defects,  if  there  are  any,  may  be  more  easily  perceived. 
This  is  nearly  what  I  have  practised  in  the  new  marine  watch." 
However,  the  simplicity  of  construction  and  the  compactness  of 
Arnold  and  Earnshaw's  chronometers  have  ensured  the  general 
adoption  of  their  models. 

Vulliamy. — This    noted    family    of    clockmakers    was    of   Swiss 

Fig.  4'->-.-  Cl'jck  by  Justin  Vulliamy,  Windsor  Castle. 

origin.  Justin  Vulliamy  emigrated  from  Switzerland  and  settled  in 
London  early  in  the  eighteenth  century.  He  became  connected  with 
Benjamin  Gray,  of  Pall  Mall,  whose  daughter  he  married,  and  with 
whom  he  subsequently  entered  into  partnership.  Watches  of  very 
fine  quality,  inscribed  "  Benj.  Gray,  Just.  Vulliamy,"  are  occasionally 
to  be  met  with.  A  choice  example  fetched  £120  155.,  when  the 
Hawkins  collection  was  dispersed  by  auction  in  1895.  The  case  of 
gold  was  enamelled   in   colours  with  figures  in  a  garden,  birds  and 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

flowers  ;  the  outer  case  was  of  gold  and  crystal,  and  had  a  diamond 
thumb-piece  to  press  back  the  locking  spring.  A  fine  watch  by  them, 
with  the  hall  mark  for  1757,  formerly  the  property  of  Lieut.  James 
Stockham,  who  commanded  the  Thunderer  at  the  battle  of  Trafalgar, 
is  in  the  Guildhall  Museum.  In  the  Wetherfield  collection  are  two 
long  case  clocks  of  their  make. 

At  Gray's  death  the  business  was  carried  on  by   Justin  \'ulliamv. 




'o>#-l  ^^^^H 



V  ■ 

-t^^                ;-               ^^^^1 

^^Kik      ^K 

^^^^  f  \      ^^^H 

MMA  j^ 

pt^"ii^  i  ^m 


^MMK»  '!^^ 


Wtk  '"ii./^ 

Fig.  463. 

Benjamin  Gray  was  appointed  as  clockmaker  to  George  II.,  and  the 
family  of  Vulliamy  held  the  office  of  clockmaker  to  the  reigning 
sovereign  till  the  death  of  Benjamin  Lewis  Vulliamy  in  1854. 

Benjamin  Vulliamy,  the  son  of  Justin,  was  much  favoured  and 
consulted  by  George  III.  on  mechanical  subjects,  especially  in 
connection  with  Kew  Observatory,  which  was  a  hobby  of  the  king. 

Benjamin  Lewis  Vulliamy,  born  in  1780,  was  noted  for  the  exactness 

Records  of  Early  Makers,   etc. 


and  excellent  finish  of  his  work,  in  both  clocks  and  watches.  The 
large  clock  at  the  old  Post  Office,  St.  Martin's-le-Grand,  and  one  at 
Christ  Church,  Oxford,  are  among  the  public  timekeepers  by  him. 
He  took  an  acti\e  interest  in  the  Clockmakers'  Company,  of  which 
he  was  five  times  master  between  1821  and  184S.  In  1849  the  Court 
presented  him  with  a  piece  of  plate  in  recognition  of  his  services 
to  the  Company.  He  wrote  several  pamphlets  on  trade  subjects. 
One  of  them,  on  the  construction  of  the  dead-beat  escapement  for 
clocks,  advocated  the  turning  of  the  pallets  for  ensuring  greater 

Specimens  of  \'iilliamv's  handiwork  abound  at  the  Royal  Palaces, 

Fig.  464. 

and  in  many  instances  clocks  originally  by  other  makers  now  contain 
Vulliamy  movements  either  wholly  or  in  part.  All  those  I  have 
illustrated  are  at  Windsor  Castle. 

On  the  mantelpiece  of  the  late  Queen's  dining-room  was  a  chiming 
clock  by  Justin  Vulliamy,  in  a  plain  blackwood  broken  arch  case  as 
shown  in  Fig.  462.  It  has  a  white  enamel  dial,  and  was  chosen  by 
Her  Majesty  for  the  situation  by  reason  of  its  particular  legibility. 
The  subsidiary  dials  in  the  upper  corners  are  for  guidance  in  actuating 
the  rise  and  fall  of  the  pendulum  and  strike-silent  hands. 

A  clock  by  Vulliamy  in  an  uncommon  and  well-executed  case  of 
white  marble,  with  two  boys  of  biscuit  china  and  particularly  realistic 
building  materials,  is  shown  in  Fig.  463. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

The  presence  chamber  contains  a  sumptuous  mantelpiece  of 
white  marble,  a  magnificent  piece  of  sculpture  by  J.  Bacon,  R.A., 
executed  in  1790,  and  incorporating  the  clock  case  as  seen  in 
Fig.  464. 

The  clock  is  by  Vulliamy,  the  fine  enamelled  dial  slightly  convex 

^  *  ->*,   ,t  ^-' 

Fig.  465. 

in  form,  measures  about  ten  inches  across.     Under  the  clock  is  the 
inscription  by  Cowper  : — 


which  Hayley  happily  rendered  : — 

"  Slow  comes  the  hour,  its  passing  speed  how  great ! 
Waiting  to  seize  it — Vigilantly  wait." 

In   the  Grand   Reception-room   is  a  clock   with  a  movement   by 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


Fig.  466, 
Chiming  clock  by  VuUiamy. 

^    '«     / 



Fig.  467 

Standard  Clock  at  Windsor 



Old   Clocks   and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

VuUiamy  and  the  peculiar  case  in  the  Chinese  style  shown  in 
Fig.  465.  This  and  the  companion  case  which  contains  an  aneroid 
barometer  were  made  to  the  order  of  George  IV.  for  the  Pavilion 
at  Brighton,  and  removed  to  Windsor  on  the  accession  of  Queen 

A  fine  chiming  clock  by  Vulliamy,  with  case  in  the  Louis  XIV. 
style,  and  dating  from  about  1820,  which  is  in  the  Zuccarelli  room 
at  Windsor  Castle,  is  shown  in  Fig.  466.     The  outline  of  the  case  is 


iJie  iOc*|Hmi  ISM 


Fig.  468. 

excellent,  the  surface  of  black  shell  is  inlaid  with  brass  and  decorated 
with  bold  but  rather  coarsely  chased  ormolu  mounts 

On  the  landing  by  the  Administration  Offices  of  the  Castle  is  the 
long  case  clock  by  Vulliamy  shown  in  Fig.  467,  It  is  well  made, 
with  jewelled  pallets,  and  is  now  used  as  a  standard  timekeeper. 
The  dial  is  of  enamel  with  gilt  spandrels.  The  case  though  plain  is 
of  choice  mahogany  and  has  an  effective  appearance. 

Over  the  state  entrance  in  the  Quadrangle  of  Windsor  Castle,  was 
formerly  a  clock  by  Joseph  Knibb,  which  B.  L.  Vulliamy  replaced  in 

Rt'ccrds  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


1829  by  one,  the  dial  and  surroundings  of  which  are  shown  in  Fig.  468. 
Though  plain,  the  dial  and  hands  are  certainly  an  example  of  the 
best  style  of  that  period. 

When  the  new  Houses  of  Parliament  were  being  built,  the 
architect,  Mr.  Barry,  applied  to  Mr.  B.  L.  VuUiamy  for  information 
respecting  the  construction  of  the  clock  tower,  and  this  circumstance, 
together    with    \'ulliamy's    influential    position     in     the    horological 

Fig.  469. — BENJA^^^•  Lewis  Vulliamy,   17S0 — 1S54. 

world,  led  people  to  think  he  would  make  the  clock,  as  indeed  it 
Avas  intended  by  Barry  and  others  that  he  should.  But  Vulliamy 
objected  to  the  conditions  laid  down  by  Mr.  Denison,  who  was 
commissioned  by  the  Government  to  draw  up  a  specification  in 
conjunction  with  the  i\stronomer  Royal,  and,  backed  by  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company,  declared  the  stipulations  to  be  too  onerous  and 
unnecessary.  Vulliamy  submitted  drawings  of  what  he  considered 
the  clock  should  be  like,  and  this  design  Denison  ridiculed  as  being 
c.w.  A  A 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

merely  suited  for  a  village  clock  of  the  old  style,  and  quite  unworthy 

of  the  national  time- 
keeper. Denison's 
masterful  attitude  pre- 
vailed, and  Vulliamyhad 
to  succumb,  feeling,  there 
is  no  doubt,  the  keenest 
mortification  at  being 
ousted  from  the  proud 
position  of  leading  clock- 
maker.  It  must  be  ad- 
mitted that  his  talent  lay 
rather  in  the  perfection 
of  details  than  in  com- 
prehensive departures 
from  the  beaten  track. 
He  died  in  January, 
1854.  1'^^^  appended 
portrait  is  from  a  mini- 
ature at  the  Horological 

Justin  Theodore 
V  u  1 1  i  a  m  y ,  who  was 
warden  of  the  Clock- 
makers'  Company  from 
1820  to  1822,  appears  to 
have  had  no  other  con- 
nection with  the  horo- 
logical trades.  He  was, 
I  believe,  a  brother  of 
B.  L.  Vulliamy. 

Charles  Clay.  —  A 
remarkably  handsome 
musical  clock  by  Charles 
Clay,  which  stood  for 
many  years  in  a  manor 
house  in  Suffolk,  is  shown 
in  Fig.  470  by  favour  of 
Mr.  P.  Webster. 

It   is  8  feet  6   inches 
Fig,  470.— Musical  clock  by  Charles  Clay.  in  height,  the  case  being 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


cli\iclfcl  into  two  portions,  the  upper  part  of  which  is  of  ainboyna 
wood  relieved  with  heavy  brass  mounts  well  finished.  In  the  arch 
of  the  dial  are  shown  the  age  of  the  moon,  the  day  of  the  month,  and 
the  following  list  of  tunes  played  by  the  clock :  — 

"(i)  Mr.  Arcangelo  Corelli's  Twelfth  Concerto,  ist  Adagio,  2nd 
Allegro,  3rd  Saraband,  4th  Jigg. 

"  (2)  The  fugue  in  the  overture  of  Ariadne." 

On  the  hour  circle  is  engraved  the  maker's  name,  "  Charles  Clay, 
London."  The  pedestal,  which  is  of  Spanish  mahogany  and 
amboyiia  wood,  contains  Clay's  chiming  machine  with  21  bells.  It 
is  a  fine  piece  of  mechanism,  dri\en  by  an  ordinary  cliiming  weiglit. 


Fig.  471. 

though  the  barrel  is  fully  12  inches  in  diameter.  Dampers  are  used 
to  avoid  vibration  of  the  bells  one  with  another,  and  by  an  ingenious 
contrivance  the  music  starts  immediately  the  clock  finishes  striking. 
The  fly  is  attached  to  an  endless  screw,  which  ensures  smooth 
running.  This  clock  is  apparently  referred  to  in  the  following 
extract  from  the  Weekly  Journal,  May  8th,  1736: — "On  Monday 
Mr.  Clay,  the  inventor  of  the  machine  watches  in  the  Strand,  had 
the  honour  of  exhibiting  to  her  Majesty  at  Kensington  his  surprising 
musical  clock,  which  gave  uncommon  satisfaction  to  all  the  Royal 
Family  present,  at  which  time  her  Majesty,  to  encourage  so  great  an 
artist,  was  pleased  to  order  fifty  guineas  to  be  expended  for  numbers 

A  A  2 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

in  the  intended  raffle,  by  which  we  hear  Mr.  Clay  intends  to  dispose 
of  this  said  beautiful  and  most  complete  piece  of  machinery." 

James  Ferguson. — James  Ferguson  was  born  at  Keith,  Banff- 
shire, in  1 710.  He  lived  for  some  years  at  No.  4,  Bolt  Court,  Fleet 
Street,  where  he  died  in  1776,  and  was  buried  in  Marylebone  church- 
yard. Among  other  conceptions  of  this  celebrated  astronomer  and 
mechanician  is  the  clock  here  shown,  which  is  contrived  with  only 
three  wheels  and  two  pinions.  The  hours  are  engraved  on  a  plate 
fitting  friction  tight  on  the  great  wheel  arbor ;  the  minute  hand  is 
attached  to  the  centre  wheel  arbor,  and  a  thin  plate  divided  into 
240  equal  parts  is  fitted  on  the  escape  wheel  arbor,  and  shows  the 

Fig.  472. 

Fig.  473. 

seconds  through  a  slit  in  the  dial.  The  clock  has  a  seconds  pendulum. 
The  number  of  teeth  in  the  escape  wheel  is  higher  than  is  desirable, 
and  the  weight  of  the  thin  plate  or  ring  in  the  escape  wheel  arbor  is 
objectionable,  though  it  might  now  be  made  of  aluminium,  vulcanite, 
or  other  very  light  material. 

Ferguson  also  designed  a  curious  and  useful  clock  for  showing 
the  time  of  high  and  low  water,  the  state  of  the  tides  at  any  time 
of  the  day,  and  the  phases  of  the  moon.  The  outer  circle  of  the 
dial  in  the  left-hand  corner  of  Fig.  472  is  divided  into  twice  twelve 
hours,  with  halves  and  quarters,  and  the  inner  circle  into  29-5  equal 
parts  for  showing  the  age  of  the  moon,  each  day  standing  under  the 
time  of  the  moon  coming  to  the  meridian  on  that  day.     There  are 

Raiirds  of  luirly  Mukcrs,  etc, 


two  hands  on  the  end  of  the  arbor  comin;,^  throuf,di  this  dial,  wliich 
go  round  in  2g  days  12 
hours  45  minutes,  and 
these  hands  are  set  as  far 
apart  as  the  time  of  hij^di 
water  at  the  place  the 
clock  is  to  ser\e  differs 
from  the  time  the  moon 
comes  to  the  meridian ; 
so  that,  by  looking  at  this 
dial,  one  may  see  at  what 
time  the  moon  will  be  on 
the  meridian  and  at  what 
time  it  will  be  high  water. 
On  the  dial  in  the  right- 
hand  corner,  all  the  differ- 
ent states  of  the  tide  are 
marked.  The  highest 
points  on  the  shaded  ellipse 
represent  high,  and  the 
lowest,  low  water.  The 
index  travels  round  this 
dial  in  the  time  that  the 
moon  revohes  from  the 
meridian  to  the  meridian 
again.  In  the  arch  abo\e 
the  dials  a  blue  plate,  to 
represent  the  sea,  rises 
and  falls  as  the  tides  do, 
and  over  this  a  ball,  half 
black  and  half  white, 
shows  the  phases  of  the 

The  mechanism  as  it 
would  appear  at  the  back 
of  the  dial  is  shown  in 
Fig.  473.  A  wheel  of  30 
fixed  to  the  hour  wheel 
on  the  centre  arbor  goes 
round  once  in  twelve  hours,  and  gears  with  a  wheel  of  60,  on 
whose  arbor   a  wheel   of   57   drives   a  wheel   of   59,  the    arbor  of 

Fig.  474. 

35.8  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

which  carries  the  hand  for  the  right-hand  dial.  On  this  arbor  is 
an  elliptical  cam  which  carries  and  lets  down  the  tide  plate  twice 
in  24  hours  50-5  minutes.  On  the  arbor  of  the  wheel  of  57  is  a 
pinion  of  16,  driving  a  wheel  of  70,  on  whose  arbor  is  a  pinion 
of  8  driving  an  idle  wheel  of  40.  This  idle  wheel  is  merely  to 
reverse  the  direction  of  the  wheel  of  54  with  which  it  gears,  and 
which  carries  the  hands  for  the  left-hand  dial.  The  moon  is  driven 
from  this  last  arbor  by  means  of  a  pair  of  mitre  wheels. 

Jenkins'  Astronomical  Clock. — Henry  Jenkins,  who  flourished 
from  1760  to  1780,  first  at  46,  Cheapside,  and  afterwards  at  68, 
Aldersgate  Street,  must  be  reckoned  among  the  celebrated  clock- 
makers  of  his  time.  Fig.  474  shows  one  of  several  astronomical 
clocks  he  contrived  and  produced.  There  are  concentric  second  and 
minute  hands,  and  among  other  motions  are  shown  :  equation  of 
time,  days  of  the  month,  age  and  phases  of  the  moon,  time  of  high 
water  at  many  seaports,  the  apparent  motion  of  the  fixed  stars, 
motions  of  the  planets,  etc. 

The  lunar  and  other  motions,  except  the  revolution  of  the  planets, 
are  nearly  as  in  Enderlin's  clock,  and  need  not  be  recapitulated. 
From  the  earth's  diurnal  motion  wheel,  rotating  once  in  twenty- 
four  hours,  is  driven  a  worm  which  carries  forward  an  annual  wheel, 
and  the  representation  of  the  fixed  stars  one  tooth  each  day.  From 
thence  is  a  communication  to  the  planetary  system  dial  above, 
and  the  motions  of  the  planets  are  obtained  by  six  wheels  fixed 
together  on  one  stud  and  driving  six  other  wheels  whose  sockets  are 
circles,  and  represent  their  respective  orbits.  On  the  stud  are  wheels 
of  108,  78,  84,  40,  8,  5,  driving  on  sockets  26,  48,  84,  75,  95,  147. 

George  Margetts.  —  By  the  originality  of  his  conceptions 
embodied  in  exact  and  well  finished  mechanism  this  chronometer 
and  watch  maker  must  be  ranked  with  the  masters.  He  was  admitted 
as  a  member  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1779  and  carried  on 
business  at  21,  King  Street,  Cheapside,  till  the  end  of  the  century, 
when  he  removed  to  No.  3,  Cheapside.  In  Fig.  475  is  shown  a 
watch  by  him  with  a  series  of  intricate  superimposed  dials  and 
indicators  actuated  by  exceedingly  well-made  mechanism.  A  small 
centre  dial  indicates  mean  time,  and  on  this  dial  at  the  XH  is  the 
word  Ports'^  ;  London  at  7  minutes  ;  Hull  at  15  minutes  ;  Yarmouth 
at  22  minutes  ;  Dover  at  29  minutes  ;  Downs  at  35  minutes  ;  Plym'' 
at  45  minutes,  and  Dublin  at  55  minutes.  An  enamel  ring  outside 
this  dial  gives  tidal  hours.  Through  a  hole  in  this  ring  is  shown  the 
age  of  the  moon,  and  a  hand  attached  to  the  ring  indicates  the  part 

Rc'cords  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


of  the  heavens  the  moon  is  in.     A   <j;old  band   below  this  carries  a 
pointer  indicating  the  position  of  the  sun.     The  signs  of  the  zodiac 
are  painted  on  the  lower  large  dial.     Beyond  the  tropic  of  Cancer  is 
figured  the  Sun's  declination  in  correspondence  with  the  days  of  the 
year ;  beyond  that  the  degrees,  30°,  of  each  sign  of  the  zodiac  ;  and 
nearer  still  to  the  edge  of  the  dial  the  niontlis  and  days  of  the  year, 
so  that,  except  that  no  pro\ision  is  made  for  leap  year,  it  is  a  correct 
calendar.     The  large  dial  makes  one  turn  in  a  sidereal  day  ;   the  sun 
hand,  making  one  turn  in 
a   solar   day,  becomes  the 
pointer  indicating  the  date 
because   it    gets  ^{r^th    of 
the    circle    after    the    dial 
each  day.  A  finger  attached 
to  a  large  gold  band  on  the 
dial  shows  the  declination 
of  the  sun  throughout  the 
year.  The  different  pointers 
can   be    set   independently 
of  each  other.   Fitted  round 
the  smallest  dial  and    ex- 
tending to  the  large  gold 
band  is  a  curved  frame  of 
gold   with    arcs   within   it. 
It    carries  a    pointer    and 
may  be  moved  round  but 
its  purpose  is  not  evident. 
An  eccentric  circle  on  the 
large    dial  represents    the 
orbit  of  the  earth,  farthest 
from    the    sun    in     June, 
nearest  in  December.  The  watch  is  in  pair  cases,  the  inner  one  of  brass, 
and  the  outer  one  of  twenty-two  carat  gold  bearing  the  London  hall 
mark  of  1783.     I  recently  saw  a  watch  of  earlier  date  with  a  similar 
dial.     Watches  by  him  with  complicated  dial  work  are  also  in   the 
British  and  Guildhall  Museums. 

As  the  cost  of  these  watches  must  have  been  very  great,  one  is 
inclined  to  think  they  were  probably  ordered  for  presentation  by 
some  wealthy  corporation  such  as  the  East  India  Company.  A 
ship's  captain  for  instance  would  particularly  appreciate  such  a 
piece    of   complicated    horology.      Some   time    ago    I  was  shown  a 




Old  Clucks  and   Watches  and  ilicir  Makers. 

chronometer  by  him  on  the  dial  of  which  was  inscribed  "  Margett's 
eight-days  timepiece,  202,"  and  on  the  plate,  "  Geo.  Margetts,  London, 
Invt.  et  fecit,  eight-day  nautical  chronometer."  It  was  the  size  of 
a  small  two-day  marine  chronometer,  the  great  wheel  being  planted 
near  the  top  plate  ;  it  had  a  spring  detent ;  an  escape  wheel  o 
sixteen  teeth,  measuring  -470  of  an  inch  in  diameter  and  an  impulse 

Fig.  476. — Breguet's  Synchronizer. 

roller  one  quarter  the  size  of  wheel.  He  made  a  regulator  for  the 
Archbishop  of  Armagh  in  1790,  and  can  be  traced  at  3,  Cheapside, 
till  about  1806. 

Abraham  Louis  Breguet. — The  intense  and  abiding  interest 
taken  in  the  works  of  this  the  predominant  Continental  horologist  of 
his  period,  may  be  traced  to  the  great  variety  of  his  conceptions  and 
the  exactness  with  which  they  were  carried  out.     He  seems  to  have 

Records  of  liiii'lv  Miiksrs,  cic. 


had  the  faculty  of  sun'ounchn,;^  hiinsfU  with  assistants  wlio  were 
good  mechanicians  and  able  to  embody  his  ideas  to  the  best 
advantage.  Clocks,  chronometers  and  watches  of  his  make  all  bore 
the  stamp  of  originality  in  some  particular.  A  defect  in  construction 
had  only  to  be  pointed  out  or  the  whim  of  a  customer  re\ealed,  when 
Breguet  was  ready  with  the  retiuirement.  Of  his  more  daring  con- 
trivances may  be  mentioned  a  "synchronizer"  or  clock  for  setting 
a  watch  right,  a  tourbillon  or  revolving  carriage  in  which  the  escape- 
ment of  a  w^atch  was  placed  so  as  to  nullify  the  effect  of  change  of 

Fig.  477. — Watch  with  perpetual  calendar  and  equation  of  time  register. 

position,  which  was  one  of  the  most  perplexing  problems  of  the 
adjuster;  yielding  bearing  surfaces  to  the  balance  stati  pivots  of  a 
watch,  which  he  termed  a  "  parachute,"  the  object  being  to  prevent 
damage  to  the  pivots  through  shocks. 

Beillard  quotes  a  letter  from  Breguet  to  the  "  Citoyen  "  minister 
of  the  Interior,  asking  for  a  patent  for  his  escapement  a  Tourbillon, 
dated  Paris  le  18  Brumaire  An  IX. 

Of  Breguet's  writing  no  extracts  can  be  given,  for  he  published 
nothing ;  his  works  form  the  best  tribute  to  his  memory.  Of  these 
a  few  are  selected  for  illustration. 

362  Old   Clocks  and   ]]\itchcs  and   their  Makers. 

Fig.  478. — Braguet's  "  Chef  d'ceuvrc."     Perpetual  or  self--.vinding  watch  with  gold  movement. 

Fig.  479. — Watch  with  synchronous  balances;    two  movements  in  one  case. 

Records  of  Early   Makers,    etc. 


Fip^.  476  is  a  \-ie\v  of  a  clock  and  watch  forming  the  "  Synchro- 
nizer "  which  was  in  tlie  Napier  collection.  Another  specimen  is 
the  property  of  His  Majesty  the  King,  and  I  am  indebted  for  the 
illustration  to  Mr,  H.  M.  Frodsham  who,  by  permission,  explained 
the  mechanism  of  it  in  the  Hovological  Journal  some  time  ago.  As 
already  stated,  the  object  of  the  in\ention  is  to  set  the  watch  right. 
Projecting  above  the  case  of  the  clock  are  two  crescent-shaped  clips 
to  hold  the  watch.     The  clock  may  be  regarded  as  a  standard,  and 

Fig.  4 So. 
Prince  Murat's  repeating  watch. 

Fig.  4S1. 
Watch  with  chronometer  escape- 
ment mounted  in  tourbillon  carriage. 

when  the  watch  is  placed  in  position,  as  shown,  it  is  not  only  set  to 
time  at  any  desired  hour,  but  if  necessary  the  regulator  of  the  watch 
is  also  shifted.  Projecting  from  the  top  of  the  clock  is  a  pin  which 
enters  a  small  hole  in  the  case  of  the  watch  and  so  establishes  con- 
nection between  the  special  pieces  added  to  the  two.  There  is  an 
extra  train  of  wheels  in  the  watch  to  set  the  minute  hand  to  zero, 
and  this  train  is  discharged  by  a  snail-shaped  cam  in  the  clock. 
\\\i\\  this  general  statement  I  must  be  content ;  the  details  are  most 
complicated,  and  to  attempt  anything  like  a  clear  description  within 
a  reasonable  space  would  be  hopeless. 


Old   Clocks  and    Wnich.cs  and  iliciv  Makers. 

In  Fig.  477  are  front  and  l)ack  \iews  of  a  gold  watch,  No.  92, 
which  was  sold  to  the  Due  de  Praslin  for  4,800  francs  on  the 
II  Thermidor,  An  13  (30th  July,  1805).  It  repeats  the  preceding 
hour,  each  period  of  ten  minutes  which  has  elapsed,  and  then  the 
number  of  minutes  beyond.  On  an  enamelled  dial  in  front  are 
a  perpetual  calendar  and  an  equation  of  time  register.  It  has  an 
independent  seconds  hand.  At  the  back  of  the  watch  is  a  gold 
engine-turned  dial,  showing  the  age  of  the  moon,  the  amount  the 
mainspring  is  wound,  a  regulator  for  time,  and  one  also  for  the 
repeating  train. 

Front  and  back  \iews  of  what  is  often  spoken  of  as  Breguet's 
chef  d'ceiivre  are  given  in  Fig.  478.  It  is 
a  watch  measuring  2f  inches  across,  which, 
as  stated  in  Breguet's  Certificate,  was  ordered 
in  17S3  by  an  officer  of  the  Marie  Antoinette 
Gardes,  with  the  condition  that  it  should 
contain  all  complications  and  improvements 
then  known  or  possible,  and  that  in  its 
construction  gold  instead  of  brass  should 
be  used.  No  price  was  fixed,  and  its  manu- 
facture was  begun  in  1789,  stopped  during 
the  revolution  of  1789,  again  started  in  1795, 
and  completed  in  1802,  costing  altogether 
30,000  francs.  It  is  furnished  with  a  lever 
escapement,  compensation  balance,  gold 
balance  spring,  and  two  parachutes.  All  the 
pivots,  without  exception,  run  in  ruby  or 
sapphire  holes.  All  parts  usually  of  brass  are 
of  gold.  It  repeats  the  hours,  quarters,  and 
.ninutes,  has  an  independent  seconds  hand,  perpetual  calendar, 
equation  of  time  register,  and  a  thermometer.  But  perhaps  the 
most  ingenious  feature  of  the  mechanism  is  that  there  is  no  pro- 
vision for  a  watch  key,  nor  is  any  periodical  operation  needed  to 
keep  the  watch  going.  So  long  as  it  is  worn,  recharging  of  the 
energy  is  automatically  accomplished  by  a  heavily-weighted  but 
lightly-balanced  nrm  or  lever,  to  which  ordinary  movenxents  of  the 
wearer  give  sufficient  up  and  down  motion  to  wind  the  mainspring 
with  which  it  is  connected.  Breguet  is  generally  credited  with  the 
invention  of  this  device,  but  of  this  I  am  not  sure,  for  a  patent 
granted  in  1780  to  Recordon  may  ha^■e  been  a  prior  disclosure 
of  it.     Back  and  front  the  movement  is  covered  with  rock  crystal, 

Fig.  482. 

Queen  Victoria's  Watch 

Exact  size. 

Records   of  Early    Makers,   etc. 


and  the  dial  also  is  of  crystal,  though  another  dial  of  white 
enamel  with  gold  figures  is  provided.  This  extraordinary  watch 
is  tlie  property  of  Mr.  Louis  Desoutter,  to  wlion:  I  am  in- 
debted foi-  the  photographs  of  this 
and  of  the  other  Breguet  watches 
here  shown. 

Fig.  479  gives  front  and  back  \iews 
of  a  watch  by  "  Breguet  et  fds, 
No.  2794,"  which  was  sold  to  Louis 
XVII L  in  September,  1821,  for  7,000 
francs.  Here  are  really  two  move- 
ments side  by  side  in  one  case,  witli 
separate  niunerals  and  hands  for  each. 
The  obje'  t  of  its  production  was  to 
demonstrate  the  effect  on  the  time- 
keeping of  a  balance  when  another 
similar  balance  was  set  in  motion  near 
it.  It  was  thought  the  errors  of  one 
woukl  neutrahze  the  errors  of  the 
other,  and  that  they  would  vibrate  in 
unison.  There  is  a  provision  for 
lessening  or  increasing  the  distance 
the  balances  are  apart.  A  counter- 
part of  this  watch  was  made  for 
George   III. 

The  watch  of  which  a  front  view 
is  given  in  I'ig.  480  has  a  gold  case 
and  dial,  repeats  the  hours  and 
quarters,  and  is  furnished  with  a 
calendar  and  a  thermometer.  It  is 
numbered  1806,  and  was  sold  to 
Prince  Murat  in  1S07  for  4,000 

In  Fig.  481   is  represented  a  silver 
watch  having  a  chronometer    escape- 
ment mounted  in  atourbillon  carriage. 
It  is  signed  "  Breguet  et  fils,"  and  numbered  2520.     Its  original  cost 
was  £r96. 

An  exceedingly  diminutive  and  thin  double-cased  watch  is  shown 
to  its  exact  size,  with  the  outer  case  detached,  in  Fig.  482.  The 
cases  and  dial  are  of  gold  ;  it  needs  no  key,  but  is  wound  from  the 

Fig.  4S3. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

pendant,  has  a  lever  escapement,  and  is  numbered  5102.  It  carries 
an  especially  interesting  association,  for  it  was  sold  to  Queen 
Victoria  on  July  17th,  1838.     The  price  was  4,250  francs. 

A  clock  by  Breguet,  held  aloft  by  a  kneeling  figure  of  bronze  gilt, 
is  shown  in  Fig.  483.  The  clock  has  a  chronometer  escapement  and 
silver  dials  front  and  back.  On  the  back  is  a  calendar,  the  indicators 
for  which  turn  to  the  left,  so  that  if  viewed  through  a  mirror  the 
actions  appear  to  be  right  handed.     It  is  ig  inches  in  height. 

The  majority  of.  Breguet's  watches  had  very  plain  exteriors,  the 

dials  as  a  rule  being  either 
of  silver  or  white  enamel, 
while  the  cases  were  gene- 
rally embellished  with  a 
delightful  kind  of  fine  en- 
gine turning  which  it  was 
a  pleasure  to  see  and  to 
handle  ;  his  less  costly 
productions  seemed  to  be 
purposely  devoid  of  all  en- 
richment. As  an  example, 
one  of  his  '■'■  souscription'' 
watches  is  here  shown. 
It  was  made  in  1821,  bears 
the  inscription  "  Breguet 
et  Fils,"  and  cost  ;^26. 
The  bezels  and  bow  are  of 
gold  and  the  body  and 
back  of  the  case  are  silver. 
It  winds  at  the  centre  of 
the  dial  and  has  an  hour 
hand  only,  though  this  is 
of  peculiar  construction, 
for  beyond  the  part  which  indicates  the  hour  is  a  fine  prolongation  to 
reach  the  sub-divisions,  w^hich  are  each  a  twelfth  of  an.  hour,  equal  to 
five  minutes.  With  practice  one  could  doubtless  estimate  the  time 
very  closely  in  this  way.  It  is  said  that  the  subscription  watches 
obtained  their  title  from  the  combination  of  Breguet  and  certain  of  his 
workpeople  to  produce  a  reliable  watch  at  a  moderate  price.  Many 
of  his  watches  had  the  signature  Breguet  scratched  on  the  dial  in 
script,  the  characters  being  so  very  tiny  as  to  be  almost  indistin- 
guishable   without    a    magnifier.       His  early  watches,    it  may    be 

Breguet's    "  Subscription   Watch." 

Rccurch  of  liavly  Makers,   etc. 


supposed,  were  not  so  marked,  but  I  cannot  ascertain  when  the 
practice  bej^an.  In  some  instances  tlie  number  of  the  watch 
was  on  the  pendant,  but  this  again  did  not  occur  on  all  his 

Mr.  Lionel  Faudel  Phillips  has  a  watcli  by  P)reguet  in  which  the 
balance  pivots  are  carried  between  friction  rollers,  a  plan  tried  by 
Mudge  in  his  marine  chronometers. 

Breguet  was  born  at   Neuchatel,  Switzerland,  in    1747,  his  parents 
being  of  French  origin.    He 
settled    in    Paris    in    early 
m  a  n  h  o  o  d    and    (]  u  i  c  k  1  y 
achieved    success    in    busi- 
ness.    Beillard  relates  that 
Marat,  who  also  came  fn)ni 
Switzerland,    and    Breguet 
were  intimately  acquainted^ 
and    one    night   when    they 
met  at  a  friend's    house  in 
the  rue  Greneta,  the  popu- 
lace   under     the     windows 
shouted,     "Down     with 
Marat  !  "       The     situation 
becoming   serious,    Breguet 
dressed  Marat  up  as  an  old 
woman    and   they    left    the 
house   arm   in   arm.     Some 
time  after,  when  the  guillo- 
tine   was    set   up  "  en  per- 
manence,''     Marat,     finding 
Breguet  was  in  danger,  gave 
him  a  pass  to  Switzerland. 
Breguet  took  a  post  chaise  forthwith  and  reached  Locle  in  safety. 
He  afterwards  returned  to  Paris  and  died  there  in  1823,  being  suc- 
ceeded in  business  by  his  son,  Louis  Antoine,  who  retired  in   1833, 
and  was  followed  by  his  son  Louis,  a  worthy  grandson  of  Abraham  L. 
Although  as  an  horologist  Louis  was  overshadowed  by  the  great- 
ness of  his  grandsire,  he  established  a  reputation  among  electricians, 
as  well  as  among  horologists,  and  timekeepers  issued  from  the  house  of 
Breguet  during  his  administration  were  of  the  highest  possible  quality. 
Equation  Clocks. — To  meet  the  perplexity  caused  by  the  fact 
that  sundials  recorded  true  solar  time  and  clocks  mean  solar  time, 





•■ — ^ » •» 



^-  ^B 

_~    - 

Abraham  Louis  Breguet,  1747 — 1823. 


Old  Clocks  and    ]]'atchcf;  and  their   Makers. 

as  explained  on  p.  2,  equation  dials  to  indicate  the  difference  each 
day  were  added  in  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  century. 
Foremost  among  the  inventors  of  equation  work  must  be  mentioned 
Joseph  Williamson,  whose  paper  in  the  Philosophical  Transactions 
is  referred  to  on  p.  291.  As  well  as  clocks  to  indicate  the  varia- 
tion between  solar  and  mean  time,  he  appears  to  have  arranged 
mechanism  to  raise  or  lower  the  pendulum  of  a  clock  as  required. 



j^  :^t^^  xt%-.  ^#s 

Fig.  484. 

Fig.  484A. 

in  order  that  the  hands  might  indicate  true  solar  time,  as  in  the 
twelve-month  timepiece  at  Hampton  Court  which  bears  Quare's 
name.  Figs.  484  and  484A  are  drawings  of  an  equation  clock  by 
iinderlin,  which  gives,  in  addition  to  true  and  mean  solar  time,  a 
perpetual  day  of  the  month,  the  sun's  place  in  the  zodiac,  his  rising 
and  setting,  and  the  moon's  age  and  phases. 

Fig.  484  is  the  dial  work,  and  Fig.  484A  the  dial  itself.  In  Fig. 
484  the  wheel  Q,  of  24  teeth,  takes  its  moiion  from  the  striking  part. 
It  impels  the  wheel  R,  of  32  teeth,  with  a  vertical  arbor,  which  has 
a  bend  and  compound  joint  T.     This  arbor  has  an  endless  screw,  S, 

Records    of   Early    Makers,  etc.  369 

in  the  middle  of  the  inclined  half,  turning  -wheel  A,  of  487  teeth,  and 
also  a  pinion  a,  of  24  leaves,  actuating  a  wheel  V,  of  32  teeth.  This 
last  wheel  revolves  in  24  hours,  a  in  18  hours,  and  with  it  the  arbor 
R  T  S  rt.  Q  revolves  in  13  hours  30  minutes,  and  A  in  8760  hours, 
or  365  days  6  hours,  whence  it  is  called  the  annual  wheel.  The 
wheel  X,  with  62  inclined  teeth,  and  tlie  wheel  Z,  with  90  teeth, 
revoke  separately  round  one  common  centre  5,  Z  being  in  front. 
X  is  impelled  by  a  tooth  or  pallet  on  the  24  hours  arbor  of  the 
wheel  V,  and  Z  by  an  endless  screw  Y.  This  screw  has  a  pinion  6, 
of  21  leaves,  upon  its  upper  end,  and,  impelled  by  the  pinion  a,  turns 
Z  in  59  days  i  hour  30  minutes,  being  the  sum  of  two  lunations. 
The  wheel  X  is  impelled  one  tootli  every  24  hours,  therefore  an 
entire  revolution  would  be  performed  in  62  days :  but  it  does  not  in 
fact  make  more  than  one-half  of  a  revolution  when  it  jumps  back. 

The  Equation  Movement.— On  the  point  D,  in  Fig.  484,  the  rack  E 
moves  its  tail  c,  resting  on  the  circumference  of  the  equation  curve. 
At  0  is  a  box  with  a  spring,  which  keeps  the  cord  15  always 
stretched.  This  cord  surrounds  a  pulley  on  the  plane  of  a  concealed 
wheel  N,  under  K,  but  not  attached  to  it.  This  wheel  acts  into 
the  rack  which  is  always  resting  on  the  equation  curve.  The 
pinion  I,  of  30  teeth,  revolving  in  60  minutes  and  carrying  the 
minute  hand,  turns  the  wheel  K,  of  60,  which  drives  a  pinion  L, 
of  30,  also  in  60  minutes.  To  L  is  attached  a  wheel  H,  of  48  teeth, 
which  turns  a  similar  wheel  F,  and  this  again  a  third  similar  wheel 
G,  the  tube  of  which  surrounds  the  arbor  of  I,  and  carries  the 
equation  hand  with  a  little  sun  on  it  pointing  to  30,  in  Fig.  484A. 
The  wheel  N,  below  K,  is  pinned  to  a  bar,  which  is  not  seen,  but 
which  carries  the  wheel  H  and  pinion  L  ;  and  as  the  teeth  of  the 
rack  are  acting  in  the  wheel  N,  the  concealed  bar  moves  alternately 
towards  I  and  15  as  the  radius  of  the  equation  cam  varies.  This 
motion  makes  the  pinion  L  sometimes  advance  and  sometimes  retro- 
grade a  few  teeth,  independently  of  the  motion  it  receives  from  the 
rotation  of  K  ;  and  this  additional  motion  is  also  communicated  to 
the  wheel  H  in  consequence  of  its  connection  with  L,  and  hence  to 
both  F  and  G,  the  latter  bearing  the  equation  hand. 

Altogether  this  is  an  interesting  example  of  the  mechanism  of 
early  complicated  clocks.  The  perpetual  calendar  work  is  now  done 
with  more  simplicity,  in  cases  where  such  devices  are  demanded, 
and  the  equation  indicator  of  Tompion's  Bath  clock,  of  which  a 
description  is  also  given,  is  actuated  in  a  more  direct  way,  as  may  be 
seen  from  comparison. 

c.w.  B  3 


Old  Clocks  and   ]Vatchcs  and  their  Makers. 

Green's  Lichfield  Clock. — In  the  Universal  Magazine  for  1748  is 
illustrated  a  singular  clock  with  a  peculiar  outer  case,  about  four  feet 
high,  built  in  three  tiers,  and  shown  in  Fig.  485.  The  early  history 
of  the  clock  does  not  appear  to  be  known,  but  at  the  date  quoted  it 
belonged  to  Mr.  Richard  Green,  of  Lichfield. 

The  upper  part  represents  a  pavilion,  whereon  stands  a  brazen 
statue    of    Fame.       Within    the    pa\-ilion,    in    the    centre,   appears 

Fig.  4S5. — Lichfield  clock. 

Pontius  Pilate,  having  a  basin  of  water  before  him,  as  washing  his 
hands  ;  and  round  him  move  continually  three  images,  representing 
our  Savour  as  going  to  His  crucifixion,  the  Virgin  Mary,  and  Simon 
the  Cyrenian  bearing  the  cross.  These  three  last-mentioned  figures 
make  one  entire  revolution  every  minute.  The  musical  part  of  this 
clock  executed  eight  different  tunes,  any  one  of  which  it  played 
several  times  over  every  three  hours,  v.-ith  provision  also  to  play  it 

The  outward  case  of  this  horological  machine  occupies  the  left  of 

Records  of  Early  Makers,   tic. 


the  engravin-;-.      It   represents  a  highly  decorated  church   tower  of 
('.othic  architecture,  with  pinnacles,  battlements,  windows,  mouldings, 


Fig.  480. — Bridges'  clock. 

images,  buttresses,  etc.,  admirably  painted  and  well  carved.  This 
perspective  view  of  the  outward  case  is  so  contrived  that  no  part  of 
the  inner  structure  but  the  dial  appears  to  view,  except  the  front  of 
this  case  (which  consists  of  an  upper  and  lower  door)  is  thrown 
open.     The  clock  may  be  then  taken  out,  appearing  then  as  is  shown 

B  B  2 

372  Old  Clacks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

on  the  right  of  the  engraving,  and  placed  on  the  table  or  elsewhere. 
The  height  of  the  outside  case  is  5  ft.  2  in. 

Henry  Bridges. — Henry  Bridges,  who  lived  at  Waltham  Abbey, 
and  was  brought  up  as  an  architect,  seems  to  have  obtained  a  greater 
reputation  abroad  than  at  home  as  the  producer  of  clocks  with 
motions  representing  the  heavenly  bodies.  The  specimen  of  his 
work  delineated  in  the  accompanying  figure  was  publicly  exhibited  in 
about  1770  by  Edward  Davis,  who  wrote  a  pamphlet  describing  it. 
It  is  a  monumental  clock  ten  feet  high  and  six  feet  broad  at  the  base. 
Within  the  pediment  at  the  top  of  the  structure  is  a  scene  represent- 
ing the  Muses  on  Parnassus  ;  this  changes  periodically  to  a  forest 
with  Orpheus  and  wild  beasts,  which  in  its  turn  gives  place  to  a 
sylvan  grove  with  birds. 

On  the  upper  large  dial  and  the  four  small  ones  are  indicated  the 
seconds,  minutes,  and  hours  ;  the  rising  and  setting  of  the  sun  ; 
equation  of  time,  the  age  phases  of  the  moon,  and  signs  of  the 
zodiac.  On  the  lower  of  the  large  dials  is  exhibited  the  Copernican 
system  of  time,  consisting  of  se\'enteen  bodies,  the  sun  being  in  the 
centre  and  the  planets  moving  round  it.  On  a  panel  below  are  a 
landscape  and  the  sea  with  representations  of  moving  persons  and 
vessels,  and  on  a  second  panel  men  at  work  in  a  carpenter's  yard. 
These  automata  were  very  popular,  and  quite  suited  to  the  taste 
of  the  period.  Besides  these,  the  edifice  contained  an  organ,  which 
was  played  at  intervals.  Altogether  there  were,  it  is  stated,  over  a 
thousand  wheels  and  pinions  in  the  composition  of  the  mechanism. 

It  is  remarkable  how  little  is  to  be  gathered  respecting  Henry 
Bridges  among  English  horological  records.  Dubois  says  he  was 
clockmaker  in  the  court  of  Charles  I.,  and  that  the  identical  clock 
illustrated  on  p.  371  was  made  for  the  Duke  of  Buckingham.  But 
this  account  cannot  be  accepted,  for  seconds  and  minute  hands  were 
not  usual  in  the  time  of  Charles  I.  The  wig  and  dress  of  Bridges, 
are  of  the  style  in  vogue  at  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
and  we  may  conclude  that  this  was  about  the  period  he  flourished. 
In  the  Ashmolean  Museum  is  a  copy  of  the  print  from  which 
Fig.  486  is  taken  and  it  is  dated   1734. 

Lovelace's  Exeter  Clock. — Jacob  Lovelace  was  born  in  the 
city  of  Exeter,  where,  in  1766,  at  the  age  of  sixty,  he  ended  his  days 
in  great  poverty,  having  been  thirty- four  years  engaged  in  constructing 
the  monumental  clock  shown  in  the  accompanying  engraving.  The 
mechanism  is  enclosed  in  an  elegant  cabinet  ten  feet  high,  five  feet 
wide,  and  weighing  half  a  ton,  ornamented  with  Oriental  figures  and 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


finely  executed  paintings,  bordered  by  richly  carved  fretwork.  The 
movements  are:  i .  A  moving  panorama  descriptive  of  Day  and  Night. 
Day  is  represented  by  Apollo  in  his  car  drawn  by  four  spirited 
coursers,  accompanied  by  the  twelve  liours ;  and  Diana  in  her  car  drawn 
by  stags,  attended  by  the  twelve  hours,  represents  Night.  2.  Two 
<rilt  fiefures  in  Roman  costume,  who  turn  their  heads  and  salute  with 

Fig.   487. — Lovelace's  clock. 

their  swords  as  the  panorama  revolves,  and  also  move  in  the  same 
manner  while  the  bells  are  ringing.  3.  A  perpetual  almanack, 
showing  the  day  of  the  month  on  a  semicircular  plate,  the  index 
returning  to  the  first  day  of  every  month  on  the  close  of  each 
month,  without  alteration  even  in  leap  years,  regulated  only  once 
in  130  years.  4.  A  circle,  the  index  of  which  shows  the  day  of  the 
week,    with     its    appropriate    planet.      5.  A    perpetual    almanack, 

374  ^^^^  Clocks  and  Watches  and  ihciv  Makers. 

showing  the  da}S  of  the  month  and  the  equation  of  time.  6.  A 
circle  showing  the  leap  year,  the  index  revolving  only  once  in  four 
years.  7.  A  timepiece  that  strikes  the  hours  and  chimes  the 
quarters,  on  the  face  of  which  the  whole  of  the  twenty-four  hours 
(twelve  day  and  twelve  night)  are  shown  and  regulated  ;  within 
this  circle  the  sun  is  seen  in  his  course,  with  the  time  of  rising  and 
setting,  by  an  horizon  receding  or  advancing  as  the  days  lengthen 
or  shorten,  and  under  is  seen  the  moon,  showing  her  different 
quarters,  phases,  age,  etc.  8.  Two  female  figures  on  either  side  of 
the  dial-plate,  representing  Fame  and  Terpsichore,  who  move  in 
time  when  the  organ  plays.  9.  A  movement  regulating  the  clock 
as  a  repeater,  to  strike  or  to  be  silent.  10.  Saturn,  the  god  of  Time, 
who  beats  in  movement  when  the  organ  plays.  11.  A  circle  on  the 
face  shows  the  names  of  eight  celebrated  tunes  played  by  the  organ 
in  the  interior  every  four  hours.  12.  A  belfry  wdth  six  ringers, 
who  ring  a  merry  peal.  The  interior  of  this  part  of  the  cabinet  is 
ornamented  with  beautiful  paintings,  representing  some  of  the 
principal  ancient  buildings  in  the  city  of  Exeter.  13.  Connected 
with  the  Organ  is  a  bird  organ,  which  plays  when  required. 
Beside  the  dial  is  the  inscription,  "  Tern  pus  reritm  Iinpcratov.'" 

According  to  an  advertisement  in  ihe  Flying  Post,  ]u\y  ^t\\,  1821, 
this  clock  was  about  to  be  publicly  exhibited  ;  and  in  the  same 
publication  for  September  8th,  1831,  it  was  announced  that  "  Love- 
lace's celebrated  clock,"  which  for  several  years  was  in  the  collection 
of  Mr.  James  Burt,  had  the  previous  week  been  sold  by  auction  for 
680  guineas  by  the  noted  George  Robins. 

At  the  International  Exhibition,  1851,  it  was  a  prominent  feature 
in  the  Western  Gallery.  It  then  belonged  to  Mr.  Brutton,  who 
had  it  put  in  order  by  Mr.  Frost,  of  Exeter,  after  it  had  been 
deranged  for  some  years.  In  1888  a  suggestion  in  the  Exeter  Press 
that  the  clock  should  be  purchased  for  the  Imperial  Institute,  resulted 
in  nothing,  and  it  was  afterwards  acquired  for  the  Liverpool  Museum, 
where  it  remains. 

James  Cox  and  h',s  Perpetual  Motion  Clock. — By  favour  of 
Mr.  George  Ellis  I  a  i  enabled  to  reproduce  an  engraving  of  a  self- 
winding, or  as  the  inventor  termed  it,  "  a  perpetual  motion  "  clock, 
which  now  belongs  to  Mr.  \\\  F.  B.  Massey-Mainwaring,  M.P.,  and 
is  deposited  at  the  Horological  Institute.  The  energy  for  keeping 
the  mechanism  in  motion  was  obtained  by  changes  in  the  pressure  of 
the  atmosphere.  What  at  first  sight  seems  to  be  a  huge  pendulum 
is  an  ornamental  glass  jar  of  mercury,  suspended  from  chains.     Into 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 


tliis  is  dipped  a  tuhe  of  niercurv,  also  Ininj^'  from  chains,  open  at  its 
lower  end,  aiul  witli  a 
lar<,a'  hulli  at  its  up}X'r 
extremity.  W'itli  in- 
creased atmosplieric 
pressure  a  little  of  the 
mercury  in  the  jar 
would  be  forced  into 
the  tube.  The  jar  and 
tubes  were  balanced  by 
weights,  so  that  the 
tube  being  a  little 
hea\'ier  by  the  addition 
of  mercury,  would  fall 
a  little,  and  in  so  doing 
would  raise  the  weiglit ; 
and  with  a  fall  in  the 
pressure  of  the  atmos- 
phere, the  mercury  in 
the  jar  would  be  in- 
creased and  the  weight 
would  be  raised  a  little. 
There  is  no  pendulum, 
but  the  escapement, 
which  is  at  the  back  of 
the  dial,  is  controlled  by 
a  straight  bar  balance. 
Wherever  possible,  the 
rubbing  surfaces  w^ere 
jewelled  with  diamonds 
to  reduce  the  friction. 
The  clock  which  is  over 
seven  feet  in  height  was 
constructed  by  James 
Cox,  who  resided  for 
some  time  in  Shor 
Lane,  and  really  de- 
voted his  life  to  the 
production  of  mechan- 
ical curiosities,  very 
much  in  the  style  of    those  devised  by  Grollier  de  Serviere. 

Fig.  4SS. — Cox's  perpetual  motion. 


376  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

obtained  an  Act  of  Parliament  in  1773,  authorising  him  to  dispose 
of  his  museum  by  means  of  a  lottery,  and  for  some  months  his 
conceptions  formed  an  exhibition  at  Spring  Gardens,  where  half-a- 
guinea  admission  for  each  person  was  charged.  It  was  stated 
in  an  advertisement  that  the  perpetual  motion  would  occupy  the 
centre  of  the  room.  The  following  certificate  was  appended  to  the 
advertisement : — 

"  Sir, — I  have  seen  and  examined  the  above  described  clock,  which  is  kept 
constantly  going  by  the  rising  and  falling  of  the  quicksilver,  in  a  most  extra- 
ordinary barometer;  and  there  is  no  danger  of  its  ever  failing  to  go,  for  there  is 
always  such  a  quantity  of  moving  power  accumulated  as  would  keep  the  clock 
going  for  a  year,  even  if  the  barometer  should  be  quite  away  from  it.  And, 
indeed,  on  examining  the  whole  contrivance  and  construction,  I  must  with  truth 
sa}',  that  it  is  the  most  ingenious  piece  of  mechanism  I  ever  saw  in  my  life. 

"James  Ferguson. 

"Bolt  Court,  Fleet  Street, 

"  Jan.  28th,  1774." 

The  awarding  of  the  various  prizes  to  subscribers  of  the  lottery  took 

place  in  June,  1775.     Mason,  a  rhymester  of  the  time,  thus  refers  to 

one  of  his  exhibits  : — ■ 

"  Great  Cox,  at  his  mechanicall, 
Bids  orient  pearls  from  golden  dragons  fall ; 
Each  little  dragonet,  with  brazen  grin, 
Gapes  for  the  precious  prize,  and  gulps  it  in. 
Yet,  when  we  peep  behind  the  scene, 
One  master  wheel  directs  the  whole  machine; 
The  selfsame  pearls,  in  nice  gradation,  all 
Around  one  common  centre,  rise  and  fall." 

Another  of  his  "  perpetual  motion  "  clocks,  which  was  really  to  be 
kept  going  by  the  opening  and  shutting  of  the  door  of  the  room  in 
which  it  was  contained,  was  for  some  years  on  view  at  the 
Polytechnic  in   Regent  Street. 

Apart  from  his  mysterious  mechanism.  Cox  was  an  accomplished 
horologist.  I  saw  a  large  travelling  watch  by  him,  belonging  to  Mr. 
William  Johnson,  in  which  everything  was  well  proportioned  and  of 
the  best  execution.  A  chime  clock  of  his  make,  in  an  ormolu  case 
with  allegorical  figures  surmounted  by  a  lion  holding  the  arms  of 
England  and  a  miniature  of  dancing  bacchanals  by  Degault  below 
the  dial,  fetched  ;^86i  at  the  Hamilton  sale  in  1882. 

Horstmann's  Self-winding  Clock. — In  a  self-winding  clock 
invented  by  the  late  Gustave  Horstmann,  of  Bath,  the  expansion 
and  contraction  of  a  liquid  are  used  to  wind  the  clock.  A  strong 
metal  vessel,  A  in  the  figure,  is  filled  with  an  easily  expanding  fluid, 
such  as  benzoline,  mineral  naphtha,  etc.  Connected  to  this  vessel  by  a 
strong  tube  with  a  very  small  bore  are  a  cylinder  and  piston,  B  and  C, 

Records  of  Early  Makers,  etc. 



Ow'wvj,  to  the  fact  tluit  most  expandinn^  fluids  are  incapable  of 
dri\in<^  a  piston,  bcinj^^  too  \olatile  and  thin,  the  cylinder  and  tube 
are  charged  witli  a  tliicker  and  more  lubricating  fluid,  sucli  as 
glycerine.  The  vessel  containing  the  expanding  fluid  is  on  a  higher 
elevation  than  the  piston  and  cylinder.  This  is  done  to  prevent  them 
mixing,  as  benzolinc  is  lighter  than  glycerine,  and,  therefore,  rises  to 
the  top.  It  is  easy  now  to  see  how  that  when  the  temperature 
rises,  the  expanding  liquid  will  force  the  piston  upward,  and,  by 
means  of  a  slight  counterforce,  the  piston  will 
fall  on  the  temperature  lowering. 

The  piston  terminates  in  a  cross-bar,  to  each 
end  of  which  is  attached  a  steel  ribbon  like  a 
wide  watch  mainspring.  These  two  bands  are 
brought  down  over  pulleys  at  D,  fixed  on  each 
side  of  the  cylinder,  and  then  carried  direct 
to  the  winding  mechanism,  E,  of  the  clock, 
which  is  all  fixed  on  the  back  of  the  case  and 
independent  of  the  mo\ement.  The  two  bands 
join  into  one  a  little  before  they  reach  the 
winding.  A  large  pulley,  E,  is  fitted  on  a  stud 
at  the  back  of  tlie  case,  and  is  driven  by  means 
of  a  ratchet  and  click.  The  pulley  E  has  a 
flat  groove,  and  is  studded  with  short  pins  at 
equal  distances  apart,  over  which  works  a 
long  steel  ribbon  perforated  with  oblong  holes. 
This  chain  passes  down  through  the  weight 
pulley  F,  which  also  has  a  flat  groove,  but  no 
pins,  and  is  carried  over  the  main  wheel  pulley 
G,  which  is  supplied  with  pins,  the  same  as 
the  winding  pulley.  It  then  passes  under  the  pulley  of  the  counter- 
weight H,  and  is  then  joined  to  its  other  end,  thus  forming  an 
endless  chain.  As  the  piston  falls  a  coiled  spring  causes  the  smaller 
pulley  at  the  top  of  the  case  to  turn  independently  of  E,  and  to 
coil  the  band  J  on  to  itself,  ready  for  the  next  rise  of  temperature. 

Fan  or  "Windmill  Clocks. — Fans  actuated  by  currents  of  air 
have  been  from  time  to  time  used  as  motors  for  actuating  time- 
keepers. One,  by  Lepaute,  is  in  the  Louvre,  Paris.  In  Dardenne's 
more  recent  patent  the  weight  is  wound  up  by  the  current  of  air  in  a 
chimney  acting  upon  the  blades  of  a  fan,  which  is  stopped  by  a  self- 
acting  brake  as  soon  as  the  weight  nears  the  top  of  its  course, 

Fig.  4S9. 

(  378  ) 




Beyond  the  examples  which  have  already  been  given  little  need  be 
said  respecting  French  horology  of  the  sixteenth  and  first  half  of  the 
seventeenth  century.  Of  the  early  French  clockniakers,  Julian 
Couldray  (or  Couldroy)  is  mentioned  as  having,  in  1529,  received 
from  I'rancis  I.  xlix.  livres  iv.  sols  for  2  "  monstres  d'orloge" 
without  weights.  The  same  king,  in  1531,  caused  to  be  paid  to  his 
"  orlogeur  "  a  sum  of  50  ecus  (ducats)  for  taking  in  hand  a  "  monstre 
d'orloge."  The  term  "  monstre  d'orloge "  seems  to  have  been 
generally  used  to  designate  a  chamber  clock  up  to  about  the  middle 
of  the  seventeenth  century.  Henry  HI.  of  France  ordered  Gilbert 
Martinot  to  make  2  "  monstres,"  viz.,  a  large  round  one  to  place  in  the 
apartment  of  the  said  "  Seigneur"  (the  king),  and  another  vertical  clock 
with  columns,  which  latter  "  hys  majestie  "  had  promised  to  the  Bastard 
of  Orleans,  of  both  of  which  "hys  majestie"  had  agreed  the  price. 

After  the  introduction  of  the  pendulum,  the  term  horloge  appears 
to  have  been  dropped  so  far  as  clocks  for  domestic  use  were 
concerned,  and  the  title  of  "  pendule  "  substituted. 

Paris  Guild. — According  to  Savary,  a  corporate  body  of  clock- 
makers  was  established  about  1453,  but  the  first  statute  of 
incorporation  appears  to  have  been  granted  by  Francis  I.  in 
1544,  on  the  petition  of  Fleurent  Valleran,  Jean  de  Presles,  Jean 
Pantin,  Michel  Potier,  Anthoine  Beauvais,  Nicholas  Moret,  and 
Nicolas  le  Contandois.  The  enactment  decreed  that  no  one,  of 
whatever  station,  if  he  has  not  been  admitted  as  a  master,  should 
make,  or  cause  to  be  made,  clocks,  alarums,  watches,  large  or 
small,  or  any  other  machine  for  measuring  time,  within  the  said 
town,  city,  and  precinct  of  Paris,  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  the  said 
works.  There  were  provisions  for  the  regulation  of  apprentices,  and 
for  the  appointment  of  officers  to  enfoice  the  powers  conferred  on 
the  Corporation,  very  similar  to  the  privileges  accorded  to  the 
London    Clockmakers    in    1630.       Upon    the    entry    into     Paris    of 

FrcncJi  Clock <^  and  Casa  in  tlic  French  Slylc,  etc.       379 

Fig,  490. 

Fig.  491, 

380  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 


49?  • 

Fig.  493. 

French   Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  Frcncli   Style,  etc.         381 

Henri  II.,  ten  "  orlogeurs  "  formed  part  of  tlie  procession  composing 
the  crafts.  The  Paris  Clockmakers  had  their  statute  varied  in  1554 
under  Henri  II.,  in  1572  under  Charles  IX.,  and  in  1600  under 
Henri  I\'.  In  1646,  under  Louis  XIV.,  their  laws  were  thoroughly 
revised,  and  it  was  ordained  that  apprenticeship  should  be  for  eight 

Fig.  494. 

Fig.  495. 

Fig.  496. 

years,  after  which  the  apprentice  could  leave  the  employer,  but 
subject  only  to  the  approval  of  his  master,  and  that  of  the  master  of 
the  Company.  In  i6gi  was  issued  a  regulation  declaring  that  an 
apprentice  was  not  qualified  for  membership,  i.e.,  for  submitting  a 
master  w^ork,  until  he  had  attained  the  age  of  at  least  29  years.  The 
number  of  msmbers  was  limited  to  72,  of  which  only  six  could 
be  admitted  without  qualifying.     Special  privileges  were  accorded  to 


Old  Clocks  and   Jl'aichcs  ar.d  their  Makers. 

sons  of  members,  a  fact  which  perhaps  accounts  for  so  many  successive 
generations  of  a  particular  family  following  the  craft.  Widows 
could  continue  the  business  of  their  husbands,  and  enjoyed  the  same 
privileges.  Artisans  who  practised  their  trade  in  districts  administered 
by  the  king,  the  lord  of  the  manor,  the  church,  or  the  princes  of  the 

Fig.  497. 

blood,  claimed  exemption  from  control  of  the  Guild.  The  districts 
where  this  immunity  existed  were :  the  Cloistre  Parvis  of  Notre 
Dame,  the  Court  of  the  Church  of  Saint  Benoit,  the  enclosures  of 
Saint  Denis  de  Chartres,  Saint  Jean  de  Latran,  Saint  Martin  des 
Champs,  Saint  Germain  de  Pres  ;  also  the  Rue  de  Lourcine  (because 
subject  to  Saint  Jacques  de  Latran),  the  Courts  of  the  Temple  and 
of  the  Trinity,  and  the  Faubourg  Saint  Antoine.     The  work  pro- 

Frcncli   Clocks  mid  Cases  in   the  Frciuh   Slylc,  c!c.         j,^^ 

duced  in  these  quarters  was  generally  considered  to  be  of  an  inferior 
order  unless  executed  by  a  craftsman  who  had  voluntarily  joined  the 
Corporation.     To  the  pri\ileged  places  einunerated  liave  to  be  added 

Fig.  49S. 

Havaid  Dictionnaivc  dc  rAnicidlenient, 

those  where  work  was  carried  out  for  the  king  or  the  state,  such  as 
the  Galeries  du  Louvre.  The  Associated  Clockmakers  appear  to 
have  governed  the  trade  till  the  revolution  of  1789,  when  all  the 
guilds  were  abolished. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Alfred  Franklin,  in  "  La  Vie  Privee  D'Autrefois,"  says  the 
Martinets  and  Bidaults  for  a  century  and  a  half  occupied  lodgings 
in  the  Louvre,  reserved  by  the  king  for  distinguished  artists.  In 
1712    Louis    XIV.    had   for    clockmakers    Louis    Henri    Martinot, 


Fig.  499. 
Havard  Dictionna'.re  de  I'Autcublcmcnt. 

Augustus  Francis  Bidault,  and  Jerome  Martinot.  They  were 
engaged  by  the  quarter,  received  395  livres  for  salary,  dined  at  the 
Castle,  at  the  table  of  the  Gentlemen  of  the  Chamber,  and  had  the 
right  of  entry  to  the  king's  presence  along  with  the  distinguished 
members  of  his  household.     Every  morning,  during  the  dressing  of 

Vrcuch  Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  French   Slylc,  etc.         385 



Fig.  500 
Schloss  collection. 


c  c 

386  Old  Clocks  and  ]Vatches  and  their  Makers^ 

Fig.  501. 
Timepiece  by  Lepaute. 

Fig.  502. 
Clock  by  Julien  Le  Roy. 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.         387 

the  king,  the  horologist  on  duty  wound  up  and  properly  adjusted  the 
watches  which  his  Sovereign  was  about  to  wear. 


Fig.  503. 

Fig.  504. 

Towards   the  end  of  the   seventeenth   century  decorative  art   in 
France  underwent  a  remarkable  change,  and    cases  of  "  Pendules 

c  c  2 


Old  Clocks  and  ]]^atchcs  and  tlicir  Makers. 

d'appartement,"  or  chamber  clocks,  were  produced  in  harmony  with 
the  extravagant  demand  for  more  sumptuous  furniture  of  all  kinds. 

Fig.  505. 

Eminent  artists  and  designers  vied  with  each  other  in  ministering  to 
the  pronounced  taste  for  novelty  of  form  and  style.  J.  Berain, 
Jacques  Caffieri,  BouUe  and  Marot  were  among  the  most  noted  of 
those  engaged  in  horological  coverings.     As  will  hz  seen,  some  of  the 

Fycnch  Clocks  and  Cm^cs  in  ihc  FvcncJi   Style,  etc.        389 

earlier  desij^ns  were  rather  liea\y  and  formal.  The  ornamentation  con- 
sisted of  masks,  escutcheons,  shields,  and  other  attributes  of  the  style 
hitherto  in  \ogue,  the  structure  in  many  instances  being  surmounted  by 

Fig.  506. 

a  representation  of  Father  Time  with  his  scythe,  or  Minerva  helmeted 
and  holding  a  lance,  or  warriors,  ancient  or  mediaeval,  and  occasionally 
a  cupid  or  nude  female  figure.  Flatterers  of  Louis  XIV.  likened 
him  to  the  sun,  and  it  will  be  noticed  that  pendulums  and  other 
parts  of  many  clocks  produced  during  the   latter  part  of   his  reign 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

were  decorated  with  the  face  of  Phoebus.  But  in  the  closing  days 
of  Louis  XIV.  the  comparatively  stiff  and  sedate  outlines  gave  place 
to  freer  and  more  coquettish  forms,  and  the  traditional  masks,  etc., 
to  Rocaille  or  "  Rococo  "  decoration. 

Rocaille    is,    strictly   speaking,   a   style    of  ornamentation    which 

Fig.  507. 

obtains  its  effects  from  the  kingdom  of  shells,  but  the  products  of 
luxurious  vegetation,  such  as  palms  and  other  leaves,  were  also  put 
under  contribution,  blended  and  twisted  to  produce  a  fanciful  con- 
fusion of  curves  and  spirals.  To  make  the  eccentricity  more  marked, 
designers,  borrowing  an  idea  from  the  Chinese,  perversely  strove  to 

r'rcucJi  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  FrencJi  Style,  etc. 


obtain  originality  in  their  conceptions  by  the  avoidance  of  symmetry, 
tliough  it  must  be  confessed  that  in  some  instances  the  judicious 
incorporation  of  well  posed  figures  and  groups  from  the  pictures  of 

Fig.  508. 

Watteau   and  other  celebrated    artists   produced  effects   sufficiently 
beautiful  to  quite  atone  for  the  outre  character  of  the  surroundings. 

Like  many  other  fashions,  the  Rocaille  style  degenerated.  It  lost 
favour,  and  was  done  to  death  by  the  grotesque  forms  and  unmeaning, 
contemptible  decoration  which  characterises  so  many  works  executed 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

during  the  latter  part  of  the  reign  of  Louis  XV,  Such  mad  travesty 
caused  a  reversion  during  the  reign  of  Louis  XVL  to  simpler  and 
more  symmetrical  designs. 

Fig.  509. 

Boulle  or  Buhl  Work. — Charles  Andre  Boulle,  who  was  born 
at  Paris  in  1642,  became  celebrated  there  as  a  chaser  and  inlayer. 
In  1672,  Louis  XIV.  allotted  to  him  rooms  at  the  Louvre,  and  his 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        393 

effective  inlay  work  of  metal,  usually  brass  and  tortoiseshell  or  turtle- 
shell,  speedily  became  the  fa\oured  decoration  for  furniture  of  all 
kinds.  He  died  in  1732. 
Boulle  work  for  clock  cases 
and  pedestals  continued 
popular  in  France  through- 
out the  eighteenth  century, 
and  in  a  lesser  degree  here, 
where  the  title  became  cor- 
rupted into  "Buhl."  In 
some  instances  the  natural 
tint  of  the  shell  would  ap- 
pear. In  others  the  shell 
would  be  painted  on  the 
back,  red  or  black,  according 
to  the  effect  desired  by  the 
designer.  Then  by  way  of 
contrast  the  arrangement  of 
the  materials  used  was 
A'aried  in  different  parts  of 
the  same  object ;  for  in- 
stance, if  on  the  front  the 
outline  was  of  shell,  with  a 
design  inlaid  with  metal, 
the  sides  or  perhaps  panels 
elsewhere  would  be  decor- 
ated with  the  counterpart  or 
"  counter,"  that  is,  the  out- 
line would  be  metal  and 
the  inlay  shell.  "  Counter  " 
or  metal  outline,  though 
often  effective,  is  considered 
to  be  an  inferior  production. 
The  particularly  hand- 
some Louis  XIV.  clock  and 
slender  pedestal  shown  in 
Fig.  490  are  in  the  Council 
Chamber  at  Windsor  Castle.  Fig.  510. 

Together   they   stand   over 

seven  feet  in  height,  and  are    decorated    with  red  shell  and  white 
metal  Boulle  work,  relieved  with  ormolu   mounts   sharply  chased, 


Old  Clocks  and   IWitchcs  and  their  Makers. 

The  pendulum  of  the  clock  is    seventeen    inches   long,   descending 

below   the   clock   case   into  the  pedestal.     The  upper  panel  of  the 

latter  is  hinged  to  afford 
access  for  regulation.  This 
and  several  other  engrav- 
ings of  the  clocks  at  Wind- 
sor Castle  are  reproduced 
from  photographs  taken  for 
me  by  Mr.  J.  H.  Agar- 

A  plainer  but  very  effec- 
tive pedestal,  supporting  a 
calendar  clock  as  repre- 
sented in  Fig.  491,  is  in 
the  corridor  at  Windsor 
Castle.  The  surface  is 
Boulle  work  of  black  shell 
and  brass. 

Another  choice  example, 
in  the  Rubens  room,  appears 
as  in  Fig.  492.  The  front 
surface  is  brown  shell  inlaid 
with  brass,  the  covering  of 
the  sides  being  in  counter- 
part. The  clock  case  has 
sphinx  corner  supports  of 
ormolu  and  a  domed  top 
surmounted  by  a  figure  of 
Time.  At  the  base  of  the 
case  the  three  Fates  are 
represented.  The  hour 
numerals  are  on  plaques  of 
enamel.  Through  the  glazed 
part  of  the  front  below  the 
dial  may  be  seen  the  pen- 
dulum and  the  inside  of  the 
back  of  the  case,  which  is 
Pj(-_  -jj  covered    with    inlay  in 

counterpart.     The  style  of 

this  clock,  apart  from  the  pedestal,  was  long  in  favour  with  French 


Frcncli   Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  French   Style,   etc. 


In  the  Wallace  collection  is  a  clock  by  Mynuel,  with  case  and 
pedestal  by  Boulle  of  nearly  the  same  period,  and  bearinj^f  a  general 
resemblance  to  Fig.  492.  They 
were  purchased  in  1863  for 
/"GjOoo.  The  clock  is  sup- 
ported on  figures  of  fantasti- 
cally costumed  w-arriors  with 
their  accoutrements,  and  on  its 
summit  is  a  statuette  of  Cupid 
shooting.  On  the  upper  part 
of  the  pedestal  is  a  medallion 
representing  Hercules  relieving 
Atlas  of  the  burden  of  the 

A  clock  and  pedestal  of  the 
same  dimensions,  and  nearly 
identical  in  design,  is  in  the 
Biblioth^que  de  1' Arsenal  at 
Paris.  Another  of  the  same 
type  is  in  the  collection  at 
Waddesdon  Manor.  The 
splendid  pedestal  clock  shown 
in  Fig.  493  was  at  the  Palais 
du  Louvre,  Paris. 

Many  of  the  best  designs  of 
the  Louis  XIV.  period  were  by 
Daniel  Marot,  who  was  born 
in  Paris  in  1660.  By  the  revo- 
cation of  the  Edict  of  Nantes 
he  was  driven  to  England,  but 
in  1702  took  up  his  abode  in 
the  Netherlands.  Appended 
are  some  examples  from  a 
collection  of  his  works  pub- 
lished at  Amsterdam  in  171 2. 
In  this  book  he  was  described  as 
"  Architecte  de  Guillaume  III., 
Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne."  Pj^-    .^2. 

Fig.  494  by  him  does  not  show 

the  minutes  ;  it  has  an  hour  hand  and  a  hand  for  pointing  to  the  day 
of  the  month  on  a  circle   outside  of  the   hours.     Fig.  495,  also   by 


Old  Clocks  and  IVatches  and  their  Makers. 

Marot,  has  a  minute  indicator,  and  may  be  of  a  slightly  later  period. 

Fig.  496,  though  very  much 
in  the  style  of  the  Windsor 
Castle  brass  inlay  clocks,  is 
of  more  recent  date. 

Figs.  497,  498  and  499  are 
bracket  or  table  clocks,  by 
Marot.  The  superbly  de- 
signed specimen  shown  in 
Fig.  497  is  really  perfect. 

An  interesting  bracket 
clock,  with  complicated 
mo\'ements,  in  a  case  inlaid 
with  white  metal  and  brass 
Boulle  work,  dating  from 
about  1 690-1 7 10,  is  shown 
in  Fig.  500.  At  the  top  of 
the  dial  plate  is  engraved 
the  motto  "  Nee  pluribus  im 
.  par,"  the  first  two  words 
preceding  and  the  second 
two  following  a  representa- 
tion of  the  sun.  At  the  foot 
of  the  dial  plate  is  the  in- 
scription "  Henricus  Mar- 
tin ot,  motum  adjunxit. 
Pouilly  Inventor  Fecit 
Parisis."  Henry  Martinet 
was  Chief  Clockmaker  to 
Louis  XIV.,  having  lodgings 
in  the  Louvre,  and  on  the 
plinths  oi  the  two  columns, 
which  are  prominent  features 
of  the  dial  plate,  is  the  doubled 
initial  of  the  King,  L.  L., 
interlaced  and  reversed,  sur- 
mounted by  a  crown.  This 
treatment,  coupled  with  the 
fleur  de  lys  ornament  formed 
by  the  Boulle  work  of  the  case,  led  to  the  conclusion  that  the  clock 
was    made     for     Louis    XIV.,    possibly    for    presentation    to    some 



Frciuli  Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  FrcncJi    Style,  etc.        397 

Fig.  514. 

distinguished  person.  Tlie  dial  circle,  supported  by  a  figure  of 
Saturn,  shows  hours  and  minutes,  besides  which  appear,  through 
seven  openings  within  the  circle,  sunrise,  sunset,  the  length  of  the 

398  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Prciich   Clccks  and  Cases   in   the   I'rciicli   Siylc^    ck\        399 

day,  the  length   of  the   night,  the  month   of    the   year,   and    certain 
events  of  the  year  as  they  occur. 

Fig.  518. 

Above  the  centre  of  the  dial  are  eight  tablets,  and  below  the  centre 
four  more.  These  contain  each  the  title  of  a  month,  with  a  number 
arranged  in   a  peculiar  way,  thus :    April  2  ;  July  5  ;  September  7  ; 


Old  Clocks  and  ]Vaichcs  and  their  Makers. 

December  lo  ;  June  4  ;  February  12  ;  March  i  ;  November  g.  These 
are  the  eight  upper  ones,  the  four  below,  arranged  in  a  cruciform 
frame,  are  August  6  ;  May  3  ;  January  1 1  ;  and  October  8.  Under- 
neath a  fleur  de  lys,  en- 
graved over  the  words 
"  Premiers  jours  du  mois," 
points  direct  to  the  figure  8 
of  the  month  of  October. 
On  each  side  of  the  dial 
centre  is  engraved  an  oval 
border  within  which,  show- 
ing through  curved  slits,  are, 
on  the  left  the  age  of  the 
moon,  and  on  the  right  the 
days  of  the  month  ;  the  title 
of  each  day  is  engraved  on 
the  plate  in  each  case,  and 
on  the  right  are  also 
allegorical  figures  to  repre- 
sent the  days. 

The  shafts  of  the  columns 
already  referred  to  are  slit, 
and  each  has  a  pointer 
which  travels  from  top  to 
bottom  during  the  space  of 
one  year.  On  the  plate, 
beside  the  left-hand  column, 
at  equal  distances  are  enu- 
merated the  months  of  the 
year,  and  on  the  corre- 
sponding space  at  the  other 
side  are  the  following  twelve 
annual  notes — Nombre  d'or, 
Cicle  solaire,  Epacte,  Indi- 
cation romaine,  Lettre 
dominical,  Jours  de  cendres, 
Pasques,  Rogations, 
Ascencion,  Pentecoste,  Festes  Dieu,  Premier  Dimanche  des  Adiients. 
Below  the  figure  of  Saturn  are  two  apertures,  and  an  inscription 
underneath  denotes  the  purpose  to  be  to  indicate  the  eclipse  of  the 
sun  and  moon. 

Fig.  519. 

1-rcnch  Clocks  and  (\iscs  in  the  French   Style,  etc.        401 

rouilly  seems  to  have  been  a  man  especially  ini^enious  in  de\-isinf^' 
calendars  and  the  like.  He  is  referred  to  in  the  Paris  Directory  for 
i6gi  as  "  Le  Sieur  Pouilly,  of  Rue  Dauphine,  mathematical  instru- 
ment maker  and  seller  of  a  peculiar  calendar."  In  1692  is  mentioned 
in  connection  with  him  an  invention  relating  to  the  compass  and 
an  extraordinary  microscope. 

Another    scientihc    instrument    maker    ("  ingenieur "),    the    Sieur 

Fig.  520. 

Fig.  521. 

Haye,  collaborated  with  Martinot  in  the  production  of  a  movable 
sphere,  which  was  presented  to  the  King  in  1701.  Henry  Martinot 
died  at  Fontainebleau  in  1725  at  the  age  of  79. 

In  the  corridor  at  Windsor  Castle  is  the  fine  long-case  clock  by 
Julien  Le  Roy  illustrated  on  page  386.  The  dial  has  a  brass  centre 
with  silvered  border,  and  shows  solar  and  mean  time  and  the  day 
of  the  month.     The  escapement  is  a  modification  of  the  Graham, 

c.w.  D  D 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

each  pallet  being  pivoted  separately.  On  the  dial  is  inscribed 
"  Invente  en  1736  par  Julien  Le  Roy,  de  la  Societe  des  Arts." 

The  case  is  of  kingwood  inlaid  with  some  lighter  veneer  to  an 
angulated  design  and  carries  heavy  ormolu  well -chased  mountings. 

A  companion  case  in  the  corridor  contained  a  clock  by  Ferdinand 

Fig.  522. 

Berthoud,  but  the  movement  has  been  reconstructed  by  Vulliamy 
and  the  dial  altered. 

On  page  386  is  shown  a  superb  twelve-month  timepiece  by 
I-epaute,  which  adorns  the  Zuccarelli  room  at  Windsor  Castle. 
The  movement  is  exceedingly  well  made,  and  has  a  very  light  pin- 
wheel  escapement  furnished  with  pins  on  one  side  only.  The 
pendulum  beats  seconds,  and  is  compensated  on  Harrison's  "  grid- 
iron "  principle.      The  dial,  of  enamel,  is  very  fine,  and  the  lower 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        403 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers 

FrcncJi   Clocks  and  Cases  in   tJic  rrcncJi   Style,   etc.         405 

edge  of  it  bears  in  tiny  characters  the  signature  "  G.  Merler." 
Besides  the  hour  and  minute  indicators,  which  still  exist,  there  was 
originally  a  centre  seconds  liand  and  one  for  showing  the  equation 
of  time.  The  month  and  day  of  the  month  appear  through  a  slit  in 
the  lower  part  of  the  dial.  There  are  no  winding  holes,  the  weight 
being  raised  on  Huygens'  plan,  by  pulling  down  the  rope.  The  case 
is  of  ebony,  relieved  with  exceptionally  fine  ormolu  mountings.  The 
Baroness  Burdett  Coutts  has  a  similar  timepiece,  also  by  Lepaute. 

Among  French  artists  with  wealthy  patrons  the  formal  square 
long  case  so  characteristic  of  English  clocks,  was  never  liked.  As 
examples  of  their  best  style  may  be  quoted  the  elegant  regulator 
shown  in  Fig.  503,  which  is  at  the  Conservatoire  des  Arts  et 
Metiers,  Paris,  and  the  equally  meritorious  design  on  the  same  page. 
Fig.  504.  Lepaute's  clock  shown  on  page  386,  and  the  more  florid 
design  which  encloses  Julien  le  Roy's  work  as  shown  beside  it  are 
also  worthy  of  reference.  In  the  series  of  bracket  clocks,  Fig.  505  to 
Fig.  514,  arranged  nearly  in  the  order  of  date,  every  specimen 
contains,  I  think,  some  feature  of  excellence. 

Hanging  or  "Cartel"  Clocks. — The  word  Cartel,  probably 
from  the  Italian  Ccwtcla,  a  bracket,  seems,  during  the  seventeenth 
century,  to  ha\  e  been  applied  to  any  ornament,  frame,  or  other 
object  fixed  against  a  wall  or  ceiling  and  having  a  shape  more  or 
less  rotund  or  oval  with  elongated  or  pointed  ends.  The  intense 
desire  for  fresh  forms  in  articles  of  furniture  which  permeated 
French  society  during  the  latter  part  of  the  reign  of  Louis  XIV.  led 
to  the  production  of  the  "  Pendule  a  Cartel"  or  "en  cartel,"  a  title 
subsequently  contracted  to  simply  "  cartel."  The  carte!  cases  were 
made  occasionally  of  wood,  lead,  or  zinc,  but  more  often  of  bronze, 
thickly  gilt.  As  may  be  gathered  from  the  examples  I  am  able  to 
illustrate,  they  were,  as  a  rule,  graceful  in  form  and,  when  oxidation 
had  toned  down  the  somewhat  obtrusi\'e  garishness  of  the  gilding,  of 
\'ery  pleasing  appearance. 

Small  clocks  of  the  same  shape  and  of  a  size  to  be  easily  fastened 
on  the  inside  of  the  bed  curtain,  were  designated  Cartels  dc 
Chcvet.  They  were  generally  furnished  with  watch  mo\'ements,  the 
cases  being  of  brass  or  of  wood  with  Vernis  Martin  or  other  decora- 
tion, though  large  cartel  clocks  with  pull  strings  for  repeating  were 
occasionally  placed  inside  the  bed  against  the  hangings  or  wall,  for 
the  convenience  of  those  French  ladies  who,  in  accordance  with 
accepted  custom  during  the  earlier  half  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
held  receptions  while  reclining  on  their  beds. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  Frencli   Style,  etc.         407 

In  Fig.  516  is  sliown  a  mural  clock  of  Louis  XIV.  period  by 
J.  Thuret,  Paris,  which  belonged  to  the  Marquess  of  Hertford. 
The  panels  are  filled  with 
Boulle  work  which  sets  off 
and  subdues  the  ormolu 
mountings.  Side  by  side 
with  it  are  two  nearly 
contemporary  designs. 

Cartel  timepieces  were 
in  especial  favour  through- 
out the  time  of  Louis  XV. 
A  representation  is  given 
in  Fig.  518  of  a  Rocaille 
Cartel  clock  in  the  Cafiieri 
style  dating  from  about 
1 760.  It  is  of  medium  size, 
measuring  2  feet  in  length 
and  14  inches  across  the 
widest  part.  Themovement 
is  by  Courtois,  clockmaker 
to  Louis  X\'.,  who  had  pre- 
mises in  the  Rue  Saint 
Jacques,  facing  the  College 
du  Plessis,  and  acquired  a 
reputation  for  the  excellence 
of  his  movements,  both 
silent  and  musical.  There 
is  a  pull  string  for  repeating 
on  two  bells,  it  strikes  the 
hours  and  half  hours,  also 
an  alarum.  The  case  of 
bronze  gilded  is  boldly 
chased,  and  the  modelling 
of  the  figures  is  exceedingly 
good.  Pierrot  and  Pierrette 
appear  to  enjoy  life  among 
fantastical  vegetation  and 
scrolls,  so  popular  during 
the  epoch  of  Louis  XV. 
The  mandoline  player  at  the  top  is  well  posed  and  of  pleasing  expres- 
sion.     Hardly  so  large  and  of  perhaps  ten  years  later  date  is  another 

Fig.  529. 

Astronomical  clock  by  Passement 
at  Versailles. 

Havard  Dictionnairc  de  V  Ametiblement. 


Old  Clucks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

specimen,  also  of  bronze,  chased,  and  gilt,  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  519. 
Below  the  dial  is  an  aperture  through  which  the  vibrations  of  the 
pendulum  may  be  seen,  and  the   design   includes  a  female   figure 

and  cupids,  subjects 
brought  into  favour  by 
Boucher  and  his 
school.  The  detail  of 
the  chasing  is  finer 
than  was  usual  with 
an  object  to  be  ex- 
hibited on  a  wall  at 
some  distance  from  the 
eye.  Dial  and  move 
ment  bear  the  signa- 
ture of  "Thioutl'aine, 
Paris."  There  are  two 
bells  and  a  pull  string 
for  repeating  on  them 
the  hours  and  quarters 
at  pleasure. 

Fig.  520,  a  smaller 
striking  clock  of  later 
date,  indicates  the 
decline  of  the  more 
extravagant  features 
observed  in  some  of 
the  rocaille  designs. 

An  excellent  cartel 
clock  of  the  Louis 
X\  I.  period,  which 
belongs  to  the  Hon. 
Gerald  Ponsonby,  is 
shown  in  Fig.  521, 

I  may  mention  that 
the  movements  of  old 
cartel   clocks    are   in- 
serted  into    the    case 
from   the  front.      Ignorance  of  this  has,  I  know,    sometimes  led  to 
damage  by  attempts  to  force  the  movements  out  at  the  back. 

Mantel  Clocks  before  the  time  of  Louis  XV.  are   exceptional. 
When    not  supported   by  a  long  case  or   a  pedestal  or  a    bracket, 

Fig.  530. 

French   Clocks  and  Cases   in   ilic  Fvcncli   Style,   etc. 


chamber  clocks  were  luing  to  a  nail  on  the  wall.  An  early  mantel 
clock,  which  is  in  the  Octagon  room  at  Windsor  Castle,  is  shown  in 
Fig.  522.     The  case  is  decorated  with    Boulle  work  and  very  fine 

^^  <^^^ 


Fig.  531.  Fig.  532. 

ormolu  mountings.  A  well-modelled  Cupid  surmounts  the  structure 
and  below  the  dial  is  an  equally  effective  reclining  figure  of  Time 
holding  a  balance.  Except  the  plinth,  which  is  of  later  date,  this 
splendid  clock  is  of  Louis  XIV.  period.  Plinth  and  clock  together 
are  three  feet  hi^h. 

41  o  Old  Clocks  and   IVatches  and  their  Makers. 

A  characteristic  example  of  design  in  the  Louis  XV.  style  is  the 


Fig.  533  —  Lyre  clock,   Sevres. 

ormolu  clock  by  "  Gudin  a  Paris  "  at  Windsor  Castle,  and  shown  in 
Fig-  523.      The  chasing    is    bold,    though   somewhat    coarse.     The 

Firitcli  Clccks  and  Cases  in   the  Frouh   Style,  etc.        41 1 



'  •         Ytefriji 






Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French   Style,  etc.        41  j 

pierced  diaper  work  below  the  dial    is  hacked  with  crimson   silk  with 
good  effect. 

Another  excellent  specimen  of  the  Louis  XV.  style  is  the  drawling- 
room  clock  represented  in  Fig.  524.  The  movement  is  by  Etienne 
la  Noir,  a  noted  clockmaker  of  the  time,  while  the  chasing  has  been 
executed  bv  Saint   Germain,  \vho  also  probably  did  the  casting  of 

Fig.  53S. 

the  model.  Saint  Germain  was  one  of  the  small  number  of  founders 
and  chasers  of  the  period  wdiose  productions  were  characterised  by 
remarkable  excellence  of  finish  and  lightness.  Saint  Germain  stands 
second  only  to  Caffieri.  He  was  frequently  employed  by,  or  on 
behalf  of,  the  King  and  the  Court.  His  productions  bear  his  full 
name  "punched"  in  the  metal.  The  crafts  of  founder  and  chaser 
were  nearly  always  combined,  forming  an  exception  to  the  rule  then 
prevailing  as  to  regulation  of  trades  by  corporations    or  companies. 


Old  Clocks  and    Watches  and  their  Makers. 

No  better  example  of  the  Louis  X\'I.  period  could  be  selected 
than  the  chaste  and  elegant  boudoir  or  ante-room  clock  shown  in 
Fig.  525.  It  is  of  white  polished  marble,  w^hich  age  has  tinted  to  a 
dark  cream,  with  gilt  mountings,  the  contrast  harmonizing  perfectly. 
It  dates  from  about  1780  and  is  by  Robin,  "  horloger  du  Roy." 

The  splendid  mantel  clock  showm  in  Fig.  526  in  the  Louis  XVI., 

Fig.  539. 

style  is  perhaps  of  a  little  later  date,  and  well  represents  decorative  art 
during  the  last  few  years  of  the  reign  of  that  monarch.  The  beautifully 
modelled  cupids  representing  sculpture  (adjacent  to  a  completed 
bust  of  Henri  IV.  of  Navarre),  music,  dancing  (or  singing),  and 
painting  appear  to  be  nestling  in  clouds  around  a  celestial  sphere  in 
which  the  dial  is  placed.  The  plinth  of  white  marble  with  rounded 
ends  contains  a   gilt   frieze  of  trophies.     It  is   17^  inches  in  length 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  tlic  French  Style,  etc 


and  18  inches  h'vj^h.  'J'he  inoxenient  is  inscribed  "  L.  J.  Leguesse." 
The  gildin<;  and  chasing  are  excellent,  the  minutest  details  of  the 
bronze  work  being  brought  out  in  the  style  of  a  master  artist.  Here, 
as  in  the  last  example,  the  association  of  white  marble  and  bronze  pro- 
duces a  most  pleasing  effect.  These  two  clocks  belong  to  Mr.  Schloss. 
Fig.  529   shows   a   celebrated   clock  in\ented  by   Passement  and 

Fig.  540. 

constructed  under  his  direction  by  Dauthiau,  clockmaker  to  Louis  XV. 
Passement  is  said  to  have  been  engaged  for  twenty  years  in 
calculating  the  various  movements,  and  the  construction  of  the 
machine  occupied  Dauthiau  for  twelve  years.  It  was  completed  in 
1749,  and  in  1750  presented  to  the  King,  who  ordered  a  new  case  for  it, 
after  his  own  choice.  This  was  made  by  Messrs.  Caffieri  (father  and 
son),  and  when  finished  in  1753,  the  clock  was  deposited  at  Versailles. 


Old  Clocks  and  M'afchcs  and  Ihciv  Makers. 

It  has  a  dead-beat  escapement  and  a  seconds  compensated  pendulum; 
indicates  solar  and  mean  time,  has  a  seconds  hand,  strikes  the 
hours  and  quarters,  and  has  provision  for  repeating  at  pleasure  the 
blows  last  sounded.  The  striking  part  is  driven  by  a  spring,  and  the 
remainder  by  a  weight  of  22  lbs,,  doubly  suspended,  which  falls 
8  inches  in  six  weeks.  Within  a  glass  sphere  over  the  clock  are 
marked   the    age    and    phases   of    the    moon,    days    of   the    week, 

Fig.  541 

month  and  year  correctly  for  a  period  of  10,000  years.  Antide 
Janvier  repaired  the  clock  for  the  First  Consul. 

As  a  curiosity  in  design,  the  timekeeper  by  Lepine,  shown  in 
Fig.  530,  is  worthy  of  record.  Hours  and  minutes  are  indicated  on 
two  bands  rotating  horizontally,  and  there  is  a  long  pendulum  which 
terminates  very  effectively  in  a  representation  of  the  face  of 

Front  and  back  views  of  a  most  effective  mantel  clock  by  Ferdinand 
Berthoud  are  given  in  F^gs.  531  and  532.  The  design  as  a  whole  is 
excellent ;  the  primary  object  of  a  clock  is  to  indicate  the  time,  and 
this  point,  which  seems  to  have  been  too  often  ignored,  has  here  been 

French  Clocks  and  Ca-^cs  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        417 

Fig.  542. 


E  E 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

properly  kept  in  view,  and  the  elegant  supporters  in  no  way  detract 
from    the   due    prominence    of  the    dial   which    measures   9    inches 

Fig.  543. 

across,  the  whole  structure  being  3  feet  8  inches  in  height.  The 
plinth  is  of  white  marble,  with  bas-reliefs  of  cupids  struggling  for 
vinei ;  the  Bacchantes  are  of  dark-coloured  bronze  ;  the  vase  with 

French   Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  French   Style,   etc.         419 
overliaiiLnng    leaves    and     i^rapes     wliich     surmounts    the     dial     is 

Fig.  544. — Porcelain  case  with  mounts  by  Gouthiere. 

gilded.     Thus  a  charming  combination  of  colour  is  obtained  quite 
worthy    of    the    modelling    and    chasing,    which     are     admirable. 

E  E  2 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

The  design  altogether  is  a  good  example  of  the  return  to  simpler 
and  more  reposeful  forms  suggested  by  Clodion  and  his  school,  in 
place  of  the  overdone  and  discredited  rocaille.  On  the  chased  work 
is  a  punch  mark  corresponding  to  P.  C,  which  may  possibly  be  that 
of  Pierre  Cauvet,  a  celebrated  modeller  under  Louis  XVI.,  several  of 

whose  productions  are 
in  the  collection  of  Garde 
Meuble  at  the  Louvre. 

Lyre-shaped  exteriors 
were,  it  must  be  con- 
fessed, among  the  most 
elegant  conceptions  of 
the  Louis  XVI.  period. 
From  the  example  illus- 
trated in  Fig.  533,  it  will 
be  seen  that  the  upper 
part  of  the  pendulum  is 
formed  to  represent  the 
strings  of  the  instru- 
ment ;  the  lower  end, 
shaped  as  a  ring,  passes 
and  repasses  behind  the 
dial  with  very  pleasing 
effect.  This  clock,  which 
is  among  the  Jones  col- 
lection at  South  Ken- 
sington Museum,  is  said 
to  have  belonged  to 
Marie  Antoinette.  The 
case  of  Sevres  blue 
porcelain  is  2  feet  in 
height,  has  ormolu 
mountings,  and  the  ring 
of  the  pendulum  being  studded  with  large  pastes  enhances  its  very 
handsome  appearance.  It  bears  the  signature  "  Kinable."  A  some- 
what similar  clock  realised  £^62  at  the  Hamilton  sale  in  1882. 

The  Lyre  clock  shown  in  Fig.  534  is  at  Windsor  Castle.  The 
dial  is  quite  modern  and  bears  the  inscription,  "  Hanson,  Windsor." 

The  blue  Sevres  vase  clock  shown  in  Fig.  535,  in  the  Louis  XVI. 
style,  affords  another  example  of  the  fancies  characterizing  the  latter 
part  of  the  eighteenth  century. 

Fig.  545. — Carriage  clock  of  Marie  Antoinette. 

French   Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  French    Style,   etc.         421 

The  very  pretty  example  of  Louis  X\'I.  style  which  is  shown  in 
Fig.  536  is  by  VuUiamy,  and  graces  one  of  the  drawing-rooms  at 
Windsor  Castle.  On  the  ormolu  slab  above  the  dial  is  a  drawing  of 
the  fusee  and  demonstration  of  its  action. 

Fig.  537  is  another  specimen  by  the  same  maker,  and  is  also  at 
Windsor  Castle. 

For  the  example  shown  in  Fig.  538,  dating  from  about  1790,  I  am 
indebted  to  Mr.  Robert  Rolfe. 

From  about  1760  till  well  on  in  the  nineteenth  century,  elegant 
mantel  clocks  of  marble  and  bronze,  in  which  the  dial  depended  from 
a  handsome  entablature,  were  much  favoured  in  France. 

The  two  examples  on  pages  414-5,  for  which   I  am  indebted  to 
Messrs.  Jump  &    Sons,  give  a 
good  idea  of  the  best  of  them. 

Fig.  539  is  a  clock  by  Engaz, 
of  Paris,  which  shows  the  day 
of  the  week  and  the  day  of  the 
month,  on  a  dial  bearing  the 
signature  of  Dubisson. 

Fig.  540  represents  a  some- 
what similar  design  covering 
a  clock  by  La  Croix,  rue  Denis, 

Berthoud  was  apparently 
partial  to  this  form,  judging 
from  the  number  to  be  seen 
with  his  name  thereon. 

The  clock  with  white  marble  base  and  sphinx  supporters  for  the 
dial,  and  shown  in  Fig.  541,  by  Sotian,  Paris,  is  at  Windsor  Castle. 

In  Chap.  III.  were  given  illustrations  of  early  German  timekeepers, 
in  which  figures  of  animals  formed  a  most  important  part  of  the 
structure.  A  revival  of  this  extraordinary  conception  seems  to  have 
found  favour  in  France  during  the  eighteenth  century  when  huge 
beasts  were  introduced  as  carriers  for  timekeepers. 

The  example  illustrated  in  Fig.  542  is  a  clock  by  a  noted 
Paris  maker,  Bailly  I'aine,  dating  from  about  1769.  It  strikes  the 
hour  and  half-hour  in  passing,  and  its  dial,  as  in  most  French 
clocks  of  that  period,  stands  out  conspicuously.  The  occupants 
of  the  ponderous  castle  are  evidently  engaged  in  warfare.  The 
elephant  is  of  dark-coloured  bronze,  the  remainder  being  chased  and 
richly  gilt,  while  the   Rajah,   a  coloured  terra  cotta  figure,  seated 

Fig.  546. 

422  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French   Style,  etc.        423 

inside  the  castle,  complacently  directs  operations  against  the  enemy. 
A  small  hole  between  his  lips  suggests  the  possibility  of  his  having 
at  one  time  a  pipe  in  his  mouth.  In  the  Jones  collection  at  South 
Kensington  is  an  elephant  with  a  clock  on  its  hack.  It  is  signed  by 
Caffieri,  and  illustrated  in  Fig.  543. 

Clock  cases  of  porcelain  were  made 
during  the  eighteenth  century,  chiefly  at 
Dresden  and  Sevres,  though  Berlin, 
Worcester,  Derby  and  Chelsea  contri- 
buted to  the  demand.  Some  of  them 
were  very  beautiful,  especially  French 
productions  of  Louis  XV.  period,  which 
were  decorated  with  figure  subjects  and 
scenery  taken  from  pictures  by  W'atteau, 
Lancret,  and  other  artists.  But  com- 
paratively few  survive,  for,  apart  from 
such  accidents  as  lead  to  the  destruction 
of  china  generally,  the  fixing  of  a  clock 
movement  to  so  brittle  a  material  suffi- 
ciently tight  to  withstand  the  strain  of 
winding  is  responsible  for  the  fracture 
of  a  large  proportion. 

Among  the  Jones  collection  at  South 
Kensington  is  a  splendid  clock  in  a  case 
of  Sevres  porcelain,  formed  like  a  vase, 
with  mounts  by  Gouthiere,  which  is 
believed  to  have  been  made  for  Marie 
Antoinette,  and  is  shown  in  Fig.  544.* 
Charming  it  certainly  is,  and  beyond 
criticism  ;  still,  if  one  might  be  permitted 
to  complain,  I  would  say  it  is  too  small, 
too  condensed  ;  it  measures  but  about 
12  inches  in  height. 

The  travelling  or  carriage  clock  be- 
longing to  the  same  royal  lady,  also  in 
the  Jones  collection,  of  which  a  sketch 

appears  in  Fig.  545,  has  the  dial,  front,  side  and  back  panels,  all  of 
Sevres  porcelain,  jewelled  ;  it  is  between  10  and  11  inches  high.     The 

Fig.  549. — Clock  in  Windsor 

*  The  four  illustrations  of  clocks  in  the  Jones  collection  are  from  the  Official 
Handbook,  and  are  inserted  by  permission  of  the  Controller  of  His  Majesty's 
Stationery  Office. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

front  panel  bears  the  signature,  "  Robin  H^i-  du  Roy,"  Though 
undoubtedly  of  French  make,  the  outline  bears  a  singular  resemblance 
to  English  productions  of  the  period. 

The  elegant  lyre-shaped  clock  of  Sevres,  illustrated  on  page  410, 
is  another  excellent  example.  A  clock  by  "  Godon,  Paris,"  in  a 
vase-shaped  case  of  Sevres  porcelain  of  Louis  XVI.  period,  which 
was  in  Lord  Strathallan's  collection,  realised  two  thousand  guineas 
at  Christie's  in  1902.  A  quaint  clock  case  of  Chelsea  china  is  to  be 
seen  at  the  British  Museum. 

From  the  middle  to  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century,  the  shops  of 

Fig.  550. 

Fig.  551. 

leading  horologists  in  Paris  were,  it  is  said,  a  great  attraction  to  visitors. 
The  earlier  ones  included  Thiout  I'aine,  at  the  sign  of  "  La  Pendule 
d'Equation,"  quai  Pelletier  ;  Julien  Le  Roy,  at  rue  de  Harley,  where 
also  was  Berthoud  ;  Pierre"  Regnault,  p^re,  rue  Vielle  ;  Le  Paute, 
aux  galeries  du  Louvres,  opposite  the  rue  Saint  Thomas  ;  Lepine,  and 
also  Romilly,  place  Dauphine  ;  Leroux,  rue  Guenegaud  ;  Gosselin, 
rue  St.  Honore.  Later  on  were  Carcel,  at  Pont  Saint  Michel  ; 
Breguet,  at  quai  d'Horloge,  65;  Caron,  rue  Saint  Denis,  224; 
Lepaute  jeune.  Place  du  Palais-Royal  ;  Lepine,  Place  des  Victoires ; 
Pierre  Le  Roy,  Palais-Royal ;  and  Wagner,  at  the  sign  of  the  Carillon, 
Bout-du-Monde,  2. 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        425 

Louis  XVI.  had  from  a  youth  a  hking  for  the  mechanical  parts  of 
timekeepers,  and  Marie  Antoinette  possessed  a  hirge  number  of 
choice  specimens,  notably  those  illustrated  on  pp.  419-20,  but  there 
are  in  existence  clocks  and  watches  purporting  to  have  belonged 
to  her,  and  having  thereon  M.  A.  interlaced,  which  were  really  made 
between  about  181 8  and  1830,  when  enthusiasm  at  the  restoration  of 
the  French  monarchy  induced  people  to  pay  high  prices  for  any- 
thing connected  with  the  Court  of  Louis  XVI.  Watches  apparently 
of    Swiss  manufacture,   the  cases  decorated   with   gold  of  difiFerent 

Fig.  5^2. 

tints  (a  quatre  couleurs),  as  illustrated  in  Chap.  IV.,  or  with  small  oval 
plaques  containing  enamelled  portraits  of  ladies,  bordered  with 
paste  diamonds  or  pearls,  and  surrounded  by  engravings  of  bows  and 
knots,  are  often  seen,  with  a  pedigree  of  former  ownership  which  will 
not  bear  expert  examination. 

Undeterred  by  the  failure  of  Sully's  enterprise  at  Versailles  in  171 8, 
and  the  collapse  of  Voltaire's  venture  at  Ferney  sixty  years  after- 
wards, the  French  Government  in  1786,  on  the  strong  recommenda- 
tion of  Berthoud,  Gregson,  Romilly  and  Lepaute,  established  a 
clock  manufactory  at  Paris,  which,  however,  had  but  an  ephemeral 
existence,  for  it   succumbed   to   the  stormy  events  of    1789.      The 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

episode  is  little  known,  and  might  escape  record  but  for  the  splendid 
medal  issued  as  a  reward  for  meritorious  pupils,  the  obverse  of  which 
is  reproduced  on  page  421.  It  was  designed  by  Duvivier,  engraver  to 
the  Paris  Mint,  and  contains  a  representation  of  Father  Time  journey- 
ing round  the  periphery  of  a  clock.  The  aphorism,  "  Le  tems  a  pris 
un  corps  et  marche  sous  nos  yeux,"  is  a  quotation  from  Delille.  In 
1838  yet  another  attempt   was   made  in  the   same  direction,  and  a 

Fig.  553. 

factory  initiated  at  Versailles  under  the  special  protection  of  the  King. 
This  also  proved  to  be  an  ill-starred  venture,  for  it  languished  almost 
from  its  inception  and  collapsed  in  the  course  of  three  or  four  years. 
With  the  return  of  Napoleon  from  Italy  came  a  marked  change 
in  the  P^ench  style  of  design.  The  soft  harmonious  conceits 
of   Louis  XVI.   artists  gave  place  to  more  severe  and  statuesque 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        427 

productions  with  heavy  draperies,  founded  on  ancient  Roman  models. 
Characteristic  specimens  are  illustrated  in  Figs.  547  and  548. 

Fig.  549  shows  a  fine  clock  in  the  First  Empire  style,  which  is  at 
Windsor  Castle.  It  is  by  Jefferson,  London,  and  dates  from  about  1810. 

Portable  table  or  bedroom  clocks,  cased  in  the  form  of  a  drum,  and 
especially  convenient  to  travellers,  were  in  favour  from  the  latter  part 
of  the  eighteenth  century  till,  debased  and  shorn  of  all  enrichment, 
they  degenerated  both  as 
ornaments  and  timekeepers. 
An  example  in  the  best  style, 
with  well -chased  gilt  Fauns 
as  supporters,  and  surmoun  ted 
by  an  eagle  holding  a  ring  by 
which  the  clock  could  be 
lifted,  is  shown  in  Fig.  550. 
It  strikes  the  hours  and 
quarters,  and  the  striking 
may  be  repeated  at  pleasure 
by  pulling  out  the  knob  on 
the  back  of  the  eagle  ;  it  is 
also  provided  with  an  alarum. 

Table  clocks  with  hori- 
zontal dials  were  revived 
during  the  First  Empire.  A 
pretty  specimen  of  gilt  metal, 
in  which  the  movement  is 
enclosed  by  the  base,  is  shown 
in  Fig.  551.  It  dates  from 
1806-10  and  has  but  one 
hand,  which  may  be  set  by 
turning  one  of  the  little 
ornaments  standing  up  from 
the  lower  part  of  the  case. 
The  band  around  the  dial 
is  pierced  to  a  pretty  design.     It  strikes    the   hours  and   quarters. 

Clocks  with  cases  of  a  nondescript  character,  but  abounding  in 
ormolu  or  gilt  metal  ornament  so  popular  at  the  latter  part  of  the 
eighteenth  and  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  centuries,  seem  to  have 
entirely  died  out  of  favour.  At  Windsor  Castle  is  a  fine  example 
with  a  winged  boy  on  each  side  of  the  dial,  and  a  celestial  globe  and 
mathematical  instruments  above  it,  as  shown  in  Fig.  552. 

Fig.  554. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  553  shows  a  remarkably  well  modelled  figure  of  a  harlequin, 
who  is  represented  as  drawing  attention  to  the  notes  of  the  bird 
peeping  from  an  alcove  above  the  dial. 

Clock  hands  do  not  as  a  rule  lend  themselves  to  decoration 
symbolical  of  a  particular  subject,  but  three  pairs  typical  respec- 
tively of  Sport,  Agriculture  and  Music  which  appear  to  be  worth 
reproduction  are  shown  in  Figs.  554-5-6.  They  are  French,  and 
were,  I  believe,  designed  for  presentation  timekeepers. 

It  may  be  noted  that  up  to  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century 
movements  of  the  French  chamber  clocks  were  rectangular  even 
though  the  cases  were  circular,  as  in  the  example  by  Berthoud  shown 

I'"'^-  555  Fig.  556. 

on  page  409  ;  the  bell  always  surmounted  the  movement  instead  of 
bemg  at  the  back  of  it,  as  the  modern  custom  is,  and  the  pendulum 
was  suspended  by  means  of  a  silken  cord. 

Adjuncts  to  a  clock  in  the  way  of  candelabra,  tazzas  or  figures 
en  suite,  were  not  in  use  till  nearly  the  end  of  the  reign  of  Louis  XVI. 

Italian  Cartel  Timepieces.— By  way  6{  contrast  to  the  French 
treatment  the  two  cartel  timepieces  shown  in  Figs.  557  and  558  will 
be  of  interest.  They  are  reproduced  from  designs  by  Giovanni 
Battista  Piranesi,  which  were  published  in  176 1.  Fig.  558  is  modelled 
upon  the  form  of  an  ancient  Roman  rudder,  a  conceit  particularly  to 
the  taste  of  that  age.     It  will   be  noticed  that  each  of  the  dials  is 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  Fvcncli  Style,  etc.        429 

divided  into  six  hours,  in  conformity  with  tlie  countinj^  of  the  hours 
in  many  parts  of  Italy  at  tliat  time. 

Falling  Ball  Timekeepers.  —  This  remarkably  clever  and 
elegant  piece  of  seventeenth  century  mysterious  horology  consists  of 
a  sphere  of  brass,  to  be  suspended  from  a  bracket,  or  the  ceiling  of  a 
room.     The  upper  and  lower  portions  of  the  ball  are  gilt,  while  around 

Fig.  557. 

Fig.  558. 

a  silvered  band  in  the  middle  are  marked  two  serials  of  Roman 
numerals  from  I.  to  XII.,  and  subdivisions  for  the  quarter-hours. 
The  extremity  of  one  of  the  wings  of  a  cupid  on  the  lower  part  of 
the  ball  points  to  the  hour  of  the  day  or  night.  The  construction 
may  be  gathered  from  the  vertical  and  horizontal  sections  which  are 
given  in  Fig.  559,  borrowed  from  "  Les  Merveilles  de  I'Horlogerie." 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

The  suspending  cord  is  coiled  round  a  barrel,  with  which  is  connected 
a  train  of  wheels  terminating  in  an  escapement  and  balance.  While 
the  top  and  bottom  of  the  ball  are  rigidly  connected,  the  middle  is 
free  to  move,  and  is  furnished  with  a  ring  of  teeth  projecting  inside, 
through  which  the  middle  is  rotated  once  in  twenty-four  hours,  the 



weight  of  the  ball  acting  as  a  driving  force.  The  mechanism  is 
wound  by  simply  raising  the  ball  with  the  hand,  there  being  a  weak 
spring  in  the  barrel,  which  causes  it  to  turn  and  coil  the  suspending 
cord  on  to  itself. 

At  the  British  Museum  are  two  of  these  falling  ball  timekeepers  of 
4  inches  in  diameter.  One  of  them  is  inscribed  "Jacob  Behan, 
Vienna."     The  Society  of  Antiquaries  possesses  a  very  fine  example, 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        431 

measuring  10  inches  across,  but  of,  I  fancy,  much  later  date.  It 
was  given  to  the  Society  by  B.  L.  Vulliamy. 

Figs.  560  and  561  represent  two  of  many  timekeepers  designed  and 
made  by  a  truly  remarkable  mechanical  genius,  Nicolas  Grollier, 
afterwards  M.  Grollier  de  Servifere,  who  was  born  at  Lyons  in  1593, 
and  passed  his  early  manhood  in  the  service  of  the  French  army. 
His  later  years  he  devoted 
to  designing  all  sorts  of 
mechanism,  and,  thus  pro- 
viding himself  with  ample 
occupation,  he  managed  to 
reach  the  good  old  age  of 
ninety-three  years. 

These  two  drawings  are 
from  a  thick  quarto  book 
written  by  his  grandson,  and 
dedicated  to  Louis  XIV. 
In  the  first  example  a  small 
ball  runs  down  inclined 
shoots,  and  by  its  momentum 
unlocks  the  train  as  it 
reaches  the  bottom.  There 
are  two  balls,  and  as  the 
first  disappears  from  view 
the  second  one  begins  its 
descent.  The  balls  are,  in 
turn,  carried  up  at  the  back 
by  a  kind  of  tape  ladder 
with  pockets,  which  passes 
over  a  pulley  at  the  top,  and 
another  at  the  lower  part 
of   the  case. 

Globes,  Urns,  and 
Vases. — In  the  "Atlas" 
timekeeper    by    Grollier   de 

Serviere  (Fig.  561),  the  movement  within  the  globe  causes  the 
central  band,  on  which  the  hours  are  marked,  to  revolve,  the  arrow 
of  course  indicating  the  time.  The  upper  and  lower  portions  of  the 
globe  are  stationary. 

A  taste  for  revolving  band  timekeepers,  formed  as  globes,  urns  and 
vases,  revived  in  France  during  the  eighteenth  century.     The  exteriors 

Fig.  560. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

of  some  of  these  were  of  very  elegant  design,  as  may  be  judged  from 
the  examples  submitted. 

Fig.  562  shows  a  particularly  attractive  one  dating  from  about  1780, 
which  is  at  the  South  Kensington  Museum.  The  boys  supporting 
the  globe  are  of  bronze.     The  moving  band  contains  two  sets  of 

numerals  painted  blue  on 
enamelled  plaques;  the 
lower  set  represents  the  hours 
counted  twice  from  I.  to 
XII.,  and  the  upper  set 
each  fifteen  minutes.  The 
tongue  of  the  snake  forms  a 
bar  across  each  successive 
hour  numeral,  as  an  indi- 
cator, and  reaching  beyond 
it,  points  to  the  minutes 

In  tlie  Throne  room  at 
Windsor  Castle  is  a  globe 
clock  which  has  double  re- 
volving bands,  Roman  hour 
numerals  being  marked  on 
one  band,  and  on  the  other 
Arabic  figures  to  represent 
the  minutes.  It  is  by 
Maniere,  of  Paris,  and 
adorned  with  a  well-exe- 
cuted group,  as  in  Fig.  363. 
The  ball,  enamelled  in  royal 
blue,  forms  a  properly  con- 
spicuous centre,  on  each  side 
of  which  the  statuettes  are 
arranged.  The  houris  shown 
by  the  coincidence  of  a 
numeral  with  the  brass  vertical  bar  supporting  the  globe,  while  the 
Destroyer  is  posed  to  indicate  the  minutes  with  his  scythe. 

The  Wallace  collection  also  includes  more  than  one  fine  globe 
clock  with  hour  and  minute  revolving  bands. 

Fig.  564  represents  a  vase  clock,  which  is  said  to  have  belonged 
to  Marie  Antoinette.  The  movement  was  covered  by  a  handsome 
carved    marble    pedestal,  the  urn    being   of  porcelain   with    bronze 

Fig.  561. 

Fi'Ciic/i   Clocks  and  Cases  in   tlic  French   Style,   etc.         433 

mountings.     A  serpent  coiled  round  the  foot  of  the  vase  had  its  liead 
erect  to  point  to  the  hour  on  the  double  polygonal  band. 

Fig.  565  shows  a  larger  urn  or  vase  mounted  on  an  elaborately 
carved  square  plinth  ;  a  somewhat  similar  clock  by  "  Le  Loutre, 
horloger  du  Roy,  Paris,"  realised  ^"903  at  the  Hamilton  sale  in 

In  Fig.  566  is  reproduced  a  magnihcent  design  l)y  L'alconet, 
wherein  the  Three  Graces  are 
portrayed,  one  of  whom  indi- 
cates the  hour  with  her  finger. 
The  vase  is  supported  by  a 
column  standing  on  a  hand- 
some plinth  ;  tlie  panels  of 
the  plinth  show  very  choice 
carvings  of  groups  of  children 
at  play.  Etienne  Maurice 
Falconet,  w'hose  production  of 
this  and  some  other  clock  cases 
stamps  him  as  an  artist  of  the 
front  rank,  was  born  in  17 16 
and  died  in  1791,  and  seems 
to  have  been  more  appreciated 
after  his  death  than  before. 
The  Three  Graces  clock  was 
sold  in  the  early  part  of  the 
nineteenth  century  for  1,500 
francs,  and  in  1855  was  pur- 
chased for  7,000  francs  by 
Baron  Double,  whose  collec- 
tion was  sold  in  1881  when 
Comte  de  Camondo  secured 
the  Three  Graces  for  101,000 
francs.  His  son,  who  is  the 
present  owner,  has,  it  is  said, 
refused  an  offer  of  over  a 
million  francs  for  the  treasure,  which,  in  accordance  with  the  wish 
of  his  father,  he  will  bequeath  to  the  French  nation. 

Negress-Head  Clock. — Among  the  eccentricities  of  French 
horology  is  one  at  Buckingham  Palace  in  the  form  of  the  head  of  a 
negress,  as  shown  in  Fig.  567.  Figures  corresponding  to  the  hours 
appear  in  proper  order  in  one  of  the  eyes  of  the  negress,  the  minutes 

c.w.  V  F 

Fig.  562. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

being  denoted  in  the  other  eye  in  a  similar  way.     By  closing  the 
eyelids  the  figures  may  be  rendered  invisible. 

Rolling  Clock. — This  ingenious  device  appears  to  have  been 
patented  by  that  universal  genius  the  Marquess  of  Worcester,  in 
1661  (No.  131)-  It  was  also  made  by  Grollier  de  Serviere  probably 
about  the  same  date.  Maurice  Wheeler  published  a  description  of 
it  as  his  invention  in  Lowthorp's  "  Abridgment  of  the  Philosophical 
Transactions  in  1684."     The  construction  of  it  will  be  understood 

Fig.  563. 

from  the  uncovered  view  of  the  front,  Fig.  568.  There  is  a  train  of 
wheels  and  an  escapement  as  in  a  watch.  The  great  wheel  a  carries 
the  hand  and  also  the  weight  h.  The  clock  never  requires  winding. 
It  is  every  morning  simply  placed  at  the  top  of  the  inclined  plane, 
down  which  it  gradually  rolls  during  the  day,  the  hand  pointing  to 
the  hour  marked  on  the  dial,  which  of  course  covers  the  mechanism. 
The  length  of  the  plane  had  better  be  more  than  twice  the  circum- 
ference of  the  clock  case  c.     Its  inclination  may  be  regulated  by  the 

French  Clocks  ami  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        435 

screw  g.     The  hand  may  be  in  the  form  of  a  figure  of  Time,  as  in 
Fig.  569,  a  serpent's  head,  or  otlier  grotesque  design. 

Schmidt's  Mysterious  Clock. — The  weighted  lever  of  the 
roUing  clock,  as  shown  in  l'"ig.  568,  has  been  utilised  in  another  form 
of  mysterious  timekeeper,  an  exterior  view  of  which  is  given  on 
page  439.  It  was  patented  in  1808  (No.  3185)  by  John  Schmidt,  a 
watchmaker,  living  in  St.  Mary  Axe.  He  called  it  "  The  Mysterious 
Circulator,  or  Chronological  Equilibrium."  The  ring  is  divided  into 
hour  and  five-minute  spaces.  The  watch  movement,  with  the 
weighted  lever,  is  contained  in  the  box, 
c,  but  it  is  now  driven  by  a  mainspring 
in  the  usual  way.  The  hand  is  pivoted 
to  the  tail  of  the  dolphin,  n  is  a  counter- 
weight. The  weighted  lever  revolves 
once  in  12  hours  ;  it  would  be  nearest 
to  the  centre  of  motion  of  the  hand  at 
12  o'clock,  and  furthest  from  it  at  6 
o'clock ;  it  is  easy,  therefore,  to  see 
that  by  this  displacement  of  the  centre 
of  gravity  the  weighted  lever  would 
cause  the  hand  to  revolve  and  point 
to  the  time.  It  appears  that  Schmidt 
was  a  Dane,  who  was  taken  prisoner 
at  Copenhagen,  and  brought  to  Eng- 
land. The  clocks  were  sold  by  Rundell 
and  Bridge,  whose  shop  was  in  Ludgate 
Hill.  Several  distinguished  persons  are 
stated  to  have  become  purchasers. 
Some  years  ago  I  saw  one  which  bore 
the  name  of  McNab,  Perth.  It  was 
then  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  Robert  Napier,  but  it  now  belongs  to 
Mr.  Henry  Levy. 

This  device  has  been  several  times  re-invented,  but  never,  I  think, 
in  so  elegant  a  form  as  the  original. 

Fan-shaped  Clocks. — M.  Planchon  has  an  engraving  of  the 
tutor  to  Charles,  son  of  Phillippe  II.  of  Spain,  on  which  is  shown  a 
timekeeper,  the  dial  being  composed  of  a  double  fan  of  white  and 
black  slats  which  expanded  and  contracted  to  suit  hours  of  varying 
length  in  day  and  night  throughout  the  year.  This  dates  from 
about  1570.  Other  forms  of  fan  timekeepers  have  been  con- 
structed and  should  be  mentioned  as  among  horological  curiosities. 

F  F  2 

Fig.  564. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

The  illustration,  Fig.  571,  was  published  some  time  ago  in  La  Nature. 
The  fan,  composed  Df  thirteen  very  light  slats,  is  pivoted  to  a 
backing  covered  with  velvet,  and  at  six  o'clock  in  the  morning  and 
in  the  evening  would  be  wide  open  as  shown,  and  a  serpent,  fixed  by 

Fig.  5r,5. 

Fig.  566. 

its  tail  to  the  velvet,  would  point  to  the  hour  with  its  tongue.  Imme- 
diately after  six  o'clock  the  fan  suddenly  closes,  the  serpent  still 
pointing  to  six,  but  it  would  then  be  the  figure  on  the  right-hand  side 
of  the  fan.  On  a  continuation  of  the  joint  of  the  fan  is  a  pinion 
actuated  by  a  rack  in  connection  with  a  snail-shaped  cam,  which 
causes  the  fan  to  gradually  open  as  the  hours  progress,  and  then 
suddenly  close. 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        437 

Suspended  Bird  Cage. — This,  from  the  Schloss  collection,  is 
probably  a  combined  I'rench  and  Swiss  production  of  about  1780, 
An  enamelled  dial  with  centre  seconds  hand  projects  below  the 
bottom  of  the  cage,  the  actuating  mechanism  being  hidden  in  the 

Fig.  567. — Negress-head  c'ock  at  Buckingham  Palace. 

plinth  which  is  adorned  with  oval  enamels  of  scenery  in  the  Swiss 
style.  In  niches  at  the  corners  are  fine  statuettes  of  Sevres  biscuit. 
At  the  completion  of  each  hour  the  birds  move,  flutter  and  trill  a  sort 
of  duet,  their  actions  and  notes  being  remarkably  natural.  By 
means  of  rotating  pieces  of  glass,  a  double-fall  fountain  appears  to 
be  playing  in  the  centre.     These  motions  can  be  caused  to  repeat  at 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

pleasure  by  pulling  a  string.  The  few  somewhat  similar  clocks 
known  to  exist  are  highly  prized  by  their  owners.  One  not  so 
decorative  as  the  example  here  shown  is  in  the  King  of  Italy's 
summer  palace  at  Monza. 

Magnetic  Timekeepers. — Grollier  de  Serviere  devised  a  time- 
keeper resembling  a  shallow  bowl  with  a  wide  rim,  having  marked 

Fig.  568. 

thereon  the  twelve  hour  numerals,  as  in  Fig.  573  ;  the  bowl  being 
filled  with  water,  the  figure  of  a  tortois3  was  placed  on  it  and  at  once 
floated  round  till  it  pointed  to  the  time,  and  then  gradually  crept  to 

Fig.  569. 

the  figures  in  succession  as  the  hours  advanced.  Underneath  the 
rim  of  the  bowl  was  a  magnet  of  the  horseshoe  type,  which  was 
caused  to  revolve  once  in  twelve  hours  ;  the  tortoise  was  of  cork  and 
carried  the  "keeper"  of  the  magnet.  By  the  same  agency  he  was 
enabled  to  cause  a  lizard  to  ascend  a  column  and  a  mouse  to  creep 
along  a  cornice  with  the  hours  marked  on  the  frieze  below. 

Congreve  Clock. — William  Congreve,  best  known  as  an  inventor 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  llie  French  Style,  etc.         439 

of  war  rockets,  was  an  ingenious  mechanician,  an  officer  in  the 
Royal  Artillery,  and  a  member  of  Parliament.  In  succession  to  his 
father  he  in  1814  became  a  baronet  and  also  Comptroller  of  the 
Royal  Laboratory  at  Woolwich.  In  1808  he  patented  a  timekeeper 
in  which  a  small  metal  ball  rolled  down  grooves  in  an  inclined  plane, 
which  was  movable  on  its  centre.  The  grooves  were  zigzag,  form- 
ing a  succession  of  V's,  so  tliat  the  ball,  once  started,  traversed  the 
whole  surface  of  the  plate  by  rolling  down  one  groove  and  entering 

Fig.  570. 

the  next  at  the  point  of  the  Y.  On  arriving  at  the  lowest  point  of 
the  inclined  plane  the  ball  with  its  acquired  impetus  unlocked  the 
train,  which  thereupon  reversed  the  inclination  of  the  plane  or  table 
by  the  intervention  of  a  crank  and  connecting  rod,  and  the  ball 
started  on  its  journey  in  the  other  direction.  The  ball  should  be  of 
platinum  or  other  dense  material  to  ensure  sufficient  impact  in 
unlocking.  Congreve  clocks,  as  they  are  called,  go  fairly  well  if 
made  with  exactness  and  kept  free  from  dust,  but  in  spite  of  their 
really  attractive  appearance  but  few  of  them  appear  to  have  been 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

made.  At  the  Rotunda,  Woolwich,  is  one  of  these  curiosities  bear- 
ing the  following  inscription :  "  This  first  experiment  of  a  new 
principle  for  the  measurement  of  time,  invented  by  William 
Congreve,  Esq.,  is  humbly  presented  to  His  Royal  Highness  the 
Prince  of  Wales,  1808."  Mr.  R.  Eden  Dickson  has  one  ;  another 
belongs  to  Mr.  W.  W.  Astor ;  I  saw  a  fine  specimen  dating  from 
about  1820,  inscribed  "John  Bentley  and  James  Beck,  Royal 
Exchange."  For  the  example  in  Fig.  574,  which  is  signed  "  Henry 
Bell,  Mount  St.,"  I  am  indebted  to  Messrs.  Jump  &  Sons.  The 
three  dials  indicate  respectively  hours,  minutes  and  seconds. 

Japanese  Clocks  are  peculiar.  Until  quite  recent  years  the 
Japs  divided  the  daylight  and  darkness  each  into  a  period  of  six 
hours,  which  therefore,  except  twice  a  year,  would  be  of  unequal 

Fig.  571. 

duration.  Fig.  575  shows  a  simple  and  very  general  form  of 
Japanese  timepiece,  taken  from  a  specimen  at  the  Horological 
Institute.  There  is  no  dial,  but  the  progress  of  time  is  indicated  by 
the  downward  motion  of  the  driving  weight.  A  pointer  attached  to 
the  weight  projects  through  a  longitudinal  slit  running  the  length  of 
the  body  of  the  case,  and  clasped  on  to  the  front  are  metal  hour 
marks  which  may  be  adjusted  to  different  heights  by  the  thumb  and 
finger.  The  custom  was  to  set  these  hour  marks  once  a  fortnight 
far  enough  apart  to  correspond  with  the  length  of  the  hour  for  the 
particular  period  of  the  year  according  to  a  scale  engraved  on 
the  case. 

In  a  form  of  striking  clock  presumably  used  by  the  more  wealthy 
classes,  dials  were  provided  and  also  two  balances  of  the  cross-bar 
kind,  one  of  which  controlled  the  motion  by  day  and  the  other  by 

French  Clocks  and  Cases  in  the  French  Style,  etc.        441 

night.     At  sunset,  by  means  of  a  pin  in  tlie  locking-plate  of  the 
striking   train,   one   was   automatically  switched  out  of    connection 

Fig.  572. 

with  the  train,  and  the  other  substituted.     Each  arm  of  the  balances 
had  notches  throughout  its  length,  and   the  weights  were  shifted 

442  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 


I    n   minrv^w^mixxxiin 

Fig.  573. 

Ftg.  574. 

French   Clocks  and  Cases  in   the  French   Style,  etc.        443 

444  ^^^  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

by  hand  at  fortnightly  periods  as  in  the  more  primitive  time- 
keepers. Half-hours  as  well  as  hours  were  sounded,  the  strokes  on 
the  bell  being  given  in  the  following  order  :  g,  i,  8,  2,  7,  i,  6,  2,  5,  i, 
4,  2.  The  hours  are  g,  8,  7,  6,  5,  4,  the  halves,  i,  2,  i,  2,  i,  2.  In 
this  way,  when  the  half-hour  was  struck  the  hearer  knew  to  which 
one  of  any  two  hours  it  referred. 

There  is  a  cross-bar  Japanese  clock  with  dial  at  the  Horological 
Institute,  and  one  with  the  automatic  alternating  arrangement  at 
the  South  Kensington  Museum.  Fig.  576  shows  it  very  well. 
This  and  Fig.  577  are  from  La  Nature,  which  two  or  three  years  ago 
contained  an  interesting  article  by  Mons.  Planchon  on  Japanese 
methods  of  timekeeping.  No.  i  of  Fig.  577  is  of  porcelain,  and  No.  2 
decorated  with  Japanese  lacquer.  In  the  latter  the  driving  weights 
are  masked  with  tassels. 

Hogarth's  Dial. — x'Vs  space  permits  in  this  chapter,  I  will  append 
as  a  curiosity  a  strange  dial  published  by  William  Hogarth  in  a  paper 
called  "  The  Masquerade  Ticket,"  which  appears  to  have  been  put 
forth  as  a  satire  on  the  position  accorded  to  Heidegger,  "  Master  of 
the  Revels,"  whose  head  is  drawn  on  the  upper  part  of  the  dial. 
The  date,  1727,  is  indicated  by  figures  in  the  corners.  The  sketch 
is  reproduced  from  John  Ireland's  "  Hogarth  Illustrated." 

(     445     ) 



The  manufacture  of  chamber  clocks  for  domestic  use,  as  distin- 
guished from  the  costly  and  higlily  decorated  timekeepers  made  for 
pubhc  buildings,  or  to  gratify  the  tastes  of  the  wealthy,  seems  to 
have  commenced  about  1600.  These  chamber  clocks  were  of  the 
pattern  known  as  "lantern,"  "birdcage,"  or  "bedpost."  They  were 
supported  on  a  bracket,  and  wound  by  pulling  down  the  opposite 
ends  of  the  ropes  to  those  from  which  the  driving  weights  were 
hung.  In  some  instances  all  the  hours  were  struck  in  regular  pro- 
gression on  the  bell  surmounting  the  structure,  and  sometimes  the 
bell  was  only  utilized  as  an  alarum.  In  all  cases  the  second  train,  for 
actuating  the  hammer,  was  placed  behind  the  train  for  the  watch, 
or  going  part.  The  framing  was  composed  of  four  corner  posts 
connecting  top  and  bottom  plates,  the  pivots  of  the  trains  being 
supported  in  vertical  bars.  In  none  of  them  was  the  train  calculated 
for  going  more  than  30  hours.  At  first  the  escapement  with  \'ertical 
verge  and  a  balance  as  in  De  Vick's  clock  was  used  as  the  control- 
ling medium,  the  verge  being  usually  suspended  from  a  string. 

About  1658  the  pendulum  was  introduced,  and  quickly  super- 
seded the  balance.  The  escape  wheel  was  then  as  a  rule  planted  to 
work  in  a  horizontal  plane,  the  pendulum  being  attached  to  the 
verge,  and  swinging  either  between  the  two  trains  of  wheels  or 
behind,  according  to  the  fancy  of  the  maker.  The  alternate  appear- 
ance of  the  pendulum  weight  at  each  side  of  the  case  led  to  its  being 
called  a  "  bob  "  pendulum,  and  pendulums  of  this  kind  are  still  known 
as  bob  pendulums,  in  contradistinction  to  the  longer  variety  which 
at  a  later  period,  and  with  the  anchor  escapement,  vibrated  in  a 
much  smaller  arc. 

The  movement  was  enclosed  at  the  back  with  a  brass  plate  ;  at 
the  front  with  the  dial,  also  of  brass,  with  silvered  hour  band  and 
engraved  numerals ;  at  the  sides  with  brass  doors,  and  when  the 
pendulum  was  between  the  trains,  a  slit  was  cut  in  each  door  for 
the  pendulum  to  "  bob  "  in  and  out  of. 

446  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers 

Fig.  578. — "  Great  Chamber  Clock,"  1623. 

In  the  earliest  of  these  clocks  the  dials  were,  as  a  rule,  thickly  gilt; 
the  hour  circles  narrow  and  the  numerals  stumpy,  the  front  one  of 
the  frets  surrounding  the  bell  at  top  usually  having  a  shield  for  the 

The  Proi^rcsdon  of  Englisli   Domestic   Clocks. 


crest  or  initials  of  the  owner.  The  doors  were  often  made  of  sun- 
dial plates,  as  may  be  seen  from  the  engraving  on  the  insides  of  early 
specimens ;  doubtless  the  introduction  of  clocks  played  havoc  with 
the  demand  for  the  older  time  recorder,  and  induced  many  sundial 
makers  to  turn  their  attention  to  the  production  of  clocks.  The  maker's 
name  was  engraved  along  the  base  of  the  fret ;  or  inscribed  at  the 
top  or  bottom  of  the  centre  of  the  dial,  just  within  the  hour  ring ;  or 
placed  out  of  sight  under  the  alarum  plate,  the  latter  practice  leading 
to  the  assumption  that  the  clock  was  to  be  sold  by  some  one  other 
than  the  maker.  It  may  be  assumed  that  each  of  the  leading  crafts- 
men introduced  alterations  in  style  from  time  to  time  and  designed 
fretwork  and  other  ornament  for  his  exclusive  use  ;  but  it  is  pretty 
evident  that  such  variations  were 
speedily  copied  by  the  general  run  of 
makers,  for  most  checks  of  the  same 
period  bear  a  marked  resemblance  to 
each  other ;  possibly  much  of  the 
material  was  supplied  from  the  same 
foundry  and  cast  from  the  same  pat- 
terns. About  1640  the  hour  bands 
were  made  wider,  with  longer  numerals, 
and  the  fret  with  the  crossed  dolphins 
came  into  use. 

Among  those  who  subscribed  to  the 
fund  for  obtaining  the  Charter  of 
Incorporation  of  the  Clockmakers'  Com- 
pany in  1630  was  William  Bowyer,  who 
then  appears  to  have  been  a  clockmaker 
of  repute.  It  is  stated  in  Overall's  "  History  of  the  Clockmakers' 
Company,"  that  in  1642  Bowyer  presented  to  the  Company  a  great 
Chamber  clock  in  consideration  of  his  being  thereafter  exempted 
from  all  office  and  service  as  well  as  quarterage  and  other  fees. 

Fig.  578  shows  what  must  be  regarded  as  a  particularly  interesting 
specimen  of  Bowyer's  work.  It  is  a  "  large  Chamber  clock,"  which 
measures  8|-  inches  across  the  dial,  its  total  height  being  i6|^  inches. 
Around  the  centre  of  the  dial  is  inscribed,  "  William  Bowver  of 
London,  fecit  1623."  This  was  doubtless  formerly  covered  by  an 
alarum  disc.  Along  the  bottom  of  the  dial  is  engraved,  "  Samuel 
Lynaker  of  London."  Now  Samuel  Linaker  was  named  in  the 
Charter  of  Incorporation  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  to  be  one 
of  the  assistants,  as  the  members  of  the  Committee  of  Management 

448  Old  Clocks  and    ]Vatchcs  and  their  Makers. 

were  termed,  and  it  seems  to  be  a  fair  inference  that  the  clock  was 

made  by  Bowyer  for  Linaker. 

On  the  side  door  of  the  clock,  which  is  visible  in  Fig.  578,  a  figure 

of  Time  is  engraved  ;  and  on  che  other  door  a  figure  of  Death,  as 

shown  to  a  reduced  scale  in  the  sketch,  Fig.  579.     In  the  right  hand 

of  the  figure  appears  to  be  a  torch,  and  depending  therefrom  is  a 

streamer,  on  which  are  the  words,  "  The  sting  of  death  is  sinne." 

The  left  hand  holds  a  sand  glass,  and  underneath  are  the  following 

lines  : — 

"  Man  is  a  glase,  Life 
Is  as  water  weakly  washed  about, 
Sinns  brought  in  death. 
Death  breakes  the  glase. 
So  runes  this  water  out." 

In  larger  characters  is  the  admonition,  "  Memento  Mory." 

Very  possibly  the  doorn  of  such  clocks  were  engraved  to  suit  the 
tastes  of  purchasers.  There  are  no  particulars  obtainable  as  to  the 
early  history  of  this  example,  which  now  belongs  to  Mr.  Henry  Smith. 
I  remember  seeing  another  large  lantern  clock  by  the  same  maker 
which  was  inscribed,  "  William  Boyear,  in  Ledenhall  Streete,  fecit." 
The  movement  of  this  clock  was  arranged  in  the  usual  manner,  the 
striking  train  behind  the  going,  and  working  in  three  upright  bars. 
It  required  a  great  fall  of  the  driving  weights  to  go  thirty  hours,  as 
each  of  the  main  wheels  made  one  rotation  per  hour.  The  original 
vertical  escapement,  as  usual,  had  been  removed ;  but  from  parts 
remaining  it  could  be  seen  that  it  was  identically  the  same  as  the 
drawings  of  De  Vick's.  The  wheels  and  pinions,  as  one  sometimes 
finds,  were  very  little  cut,  and  though  evidently  rounded  by  hand, 
seemed  beautifully  correct,  and  ran  easily  without  'chattering.  The 
hour  wheel  was  driven  by  a  pinion  of  four,  the  end  of  the  main 
wheel  stafi"  being  filed  up  into  four  pins  to  serve  the  purpose. 

Another  interesting  lantern  clock  of  large  size  is  shown  in  Fig. 
580,  the  dial  measuring  7-^  inches  across.  The  gallery  fret  above 
the  dial  is  particularly  well  designed,  and  bears  the  inscription, 
"  Thomas  Knifton  at  the  Cross  Keys  in  Lothebury,  Londini,  P'ecit." 
Thomas  Knifton  was  well  known  among  the  early  makers.  On  the 
upper  part  of  the  space  within  the  hour  ring  is  engraved,  "  This 
was  given  by  William  Adams,  the  founder  of  this  Schoole,  and  is  to 
be  made  use  of  for  the  benifit  thereof,  1657."  The  reference  is  to  a 
school  in  Gloucestershire  which  was  maintained  by  the  Haberdashers' 

Clocks  of  this  size  were  I  think  exceptional.     Most  that  I  have 

Tlic  Prooycssioii    of  Ei!i:^iisJi   Domestic  Clocks. 


seen  of  the  period  varied  from  about  3  inches  by  2|  inches  to 
5  inches  square.  Larger  movements  were  more  favoured  at  the  end 
of  the  seventeenth  century  and  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century. 
After  about  1660  the  dial  was,  as  a  rule,  increased  in  size  with 
relation  to  the  body  of  the  clock 
so  that  it  projected  more  on  each 
side  of  the  frame.  This  de- 
parture may  be  observed  on  the 
lantern  clock  by  Tompion,  which 
dates  from  about  1665,  and  is 
shown  on  page  270. 

Front  and  side  views  of  a 
good  specimen  by  Thomas 
Dyde,  dating  from  about  1670, 
engraved  by  favour  of  Mr. 
Shapland,  are  given  in  Figs. 
581  and  582.  A  particular 
feature  in  this  clock  is  the 
unusually  elaborate  pierced  work 
attached  to  the  hammer  tail 
detent,  which  may  be  seen  in 
Fig.  582. 

The  engraving  (Fig.  ^8^) 
taken  from  a  drawing  by  Mr. 
William  Newton  shows  well  the 
usual  arrangement  on  a  bracket. 
The  name,  W'illiam  Ruthven, 
on  the  door  of  the  clock  was 
probably  that  of  the  owner. 

Many  clocks  made  during 
the  latter  part  of  the  reign  of 
William  III.  and  in  the  time  of 
Queen  Anne  had  the  dials  pro- 
jecting beyond  the  frames  from 
2  to  3  inches  on  each  side. 
These  are  generally  known  as 

sheeps-head  clocks.  However  much  the  usefulness  of  the  clock 
may  have  been  increased  by  the  superior  legibility  of  its  hour  ring, 
it  cannot  be  contended  that  the  overhanging  disc  improved  its 
general  appearance. 

With  little  variations  in    the  style,  these   brass    clocks   seem   to 

c.w.  G  G 

Fig.  580. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

have  been  made  from  the  time  of  EHzabeth  until  about  the  beginning 
of  the  reign  of  George  III.,  the  later  specimens  being  principally  of 
provincial  manufacture,  and  with  square  arched-top  dials.  They 
are  still  often  to  be  met  with  in  the  country,  enclosed  in  a  wooden 
hood  as  a  protection  from  dust,  with  pendulum  and  weights  hanging 

Fig.  581. 

Fig.  582. 

below.  Sometimes  they  are  without  any  extra  case,  and,  instead  of 
being  placed  on  a  bracket,  are  simply  attached  to  the  wall  by  means 
of  an  iron  loop  and  two  prongs. 

The  "  fret "  at  the  top  of  the  case  may  in  many  instances  be 
somewhat  of  a  guide  in  estimating  the  period  of  a  lantern  clock. 
Appended  are  examples,  for  several  of  which  I  am  indebted  to 
Mr.  Percy  Webster. 

The  Progression   of  English   Domestic  Clocks 


The  heraldic  fret  (Fij(.  5S4)  was  in  use  at  the  earliest  period  up  to 
1630  or  1640.  William  Bowyer,  Thomas  Loomes  and  Peter  Closon 
(Figs.   585,   586,  587)  are  diverse   styles   between    1620   and    1640, 

Fig.  583. 

while  the  Thomas  Pace  fret  (Fig.  588)  may  be  taken  to  represent 
the  period  between  1630  to  1660.  The  crossed  dolphins  came  into 
use  about  1640,  and  were  a  favourite  pattern  from  then  as  long  as 
lantern  clocks  were  made.     An  uncommon  and  unusually  fine  fret 

G  G  2 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

may  be  observed  on  the  clock  by  Thomas  Knifton,  shown  in  Fig. 
580.  J.  Michell  of  Chardstock,  a  village  in  Somersetshire,  was  an 
excellent  maker  of  lantern  clocks  about  1700,  and  judging  from  the 

Fig.  584. — Heraldic. 

number  of  specimens  still  existing,  he  must  have  had  a  considerable 
connection.  His  frets  were  good  and  bore  a  distinctive  character. 
The  one  shown    in    Fig.  590  is  from  a  clock   in  the    possession  of 

Fig.  585. — The  fret  of  William  Bowyer. 

Mr.  S.  Good,  Seaton,  Devonshire.  Michell  was  succeeded  by  the 
family  of  Drayton,  of  which  several  generations  successively  carried 
on  the  business  till  past  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  century, 
the  last   member  being    Thomas  Drayton.      A  fret  as  in  Fig.  591, 

TJic  Progression  of  Eni^lish  Dovicsiic  Clocks. 


einbodyin<::[  somcthin.ij  similar  to  the  supporters  in  the  Royal  arms,  is 
occasionally  to  be  met  with.     The  initials  preceding;  the  date  may  be 

Fig.   5S6, — The  fret  of  William  iJowyer  and  Thcmas  Lcomes. 

those  of  the  owner  or  the  maker.     Frets  similar  to  Fig.  592  are  found 
upon  later  specimens,  particularly  those  made  in  the  Eastern  Counties. 

Fig.  5S7. 

Captain  Edward  Lethbridge  has  a  clock  of  the  kind  referred  to  as 
being  a  transition  between  the  brass-cased  lantern  and  the  wooden 
long-case.     It  is  by  Thristle  of  Williton,  a  village  in  Somerset.     The 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and   their  Makers. 

movement  stands  on  a  mahogany  bracket,  and  is  protected  by  a  hood 
of  the  same  material  having  a  carved  top.  It  requires  winding  twice 
a  week.      The  dial  measures  about    7  inches   across,    and   has   an 

Fig.  58S. — The  fret  of  Thomas  Pace  at  the  Crown. 

arched  top  with  a  figure  of  Time  and  the  motto  "  Tempus  fugit." 
There  is  an  alarum,  but  no  other  striking  work.  It  has  a  long 
pendulum  swinging  in  the  open  air  below  the  bracket,  where  also 

Fig.   589. — Dolphin  fret. 

hangs  the  cord  from  which  the  dri\ing  weight  depends.  The  date 
of  its  production  would  be,  I  should  think,  about  1720.  Mr.  W.  T. 
Harkness  has  one  by  "  Payne,  Hadleigh,"  of  the  same  period,  the 
hood  of  which  is  mahogany. 

The  Pro<^i'cssioii   of  EiiglisJi   Domestic  Clocks. 


An  earlier  hood  clock  is  shown  in  Fig.  593  by  fa\our  of  Mr.  Percy 
Webster.  It  is  of  the  kind  known  as  "  Friesland,"  and  though 
clocks  of  this  pattern  were,  I   think,  not   made  in    England,  they  are 

Fig.  590. — Fret  of  J.  Michell,  Chardstock. 

of  interest  as  an  early  application   of  a  pendulum  longer  than  the 
case.       Through  the  hole  in  the  bottom  of  the  bracket  the  pendulum 


,1  CV/#  ^^ 

Fig.  591. 

bob,  in  the  form  of  a  man  on  horseback,  is  visible  as  it  vibrates. 
There  are  two  bells,  the  completion  of  each  hour  being  marked 
by  strokes  on  the  large  bell,  while  the  same  number  of  blows  given 
on  the  small  bell  denotes  the  succeedinsr  half-hour. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  iliciv  Makers. 

Fig.  592. — Late  period  fret  used  in  the  Eastern  Counties. 

In  Fig.  594  is  shown  a  clock,  probably  German  or  Dutch,  and 

which  appears  to  date  from  the 
middle  of  the  seventeenth  century. 
The  movement  and  case  are  en- 
tirely of  iron,  the  sides  and  front 
being  adorned  wdth  oil  paintings, 
which  are  very  effective. 

Lantern  clocks  were  made  long 
after  the  long  case  was  introduced. 
Indeed,  one  occasionally  sees  an 
adaptation  of  the  bedpost  movement 
to  the  needs  of  the  later  con- 
struction, the  two  trains  being 
placed  side  by  side  to  allow  of 
winding  with  a  key  from  the  front, 
but  witli  six  pillars  instead  of  the 
more  simple  and  convenient  back 
and  front  plates. 

Then,  in  the  old  four-post  Dutch 
movements,  made  at  the  beginning 
of  the  last  century,  a  long  while 
after  the  adoption  of  the  pendulum, 
the  crown  wheel  and  verge  were 
retained  in  a  vertical  position,  and 
the  pendulum  was  suspended  above 
the  movement  at  the  back  of  the 
Fig.  593.  case,  quite  detached,  and  connected 

The  Progression   of  Eiu^lish   Domestic   Clocks. 


witli  the  escapement  only  by  means  of  a  light  wire  crutch,  working 
horizontally  over  the  frame.  Owing  to  this  peculiarity,  clocks  of  such  a 
construction  are  often  supposed  to  be  much  older  than  they  really  are, 
especially  if,  as  occasionally  happens,  the  pendulum  gets  removed  or 
lost ;  for  when  this  occurs,  the 
remaining  part  of  the  movement 
almost  identically  resembles  the 
drawings  of  De  Vick's  clock. 

Another  instance  of  the  slow 
appreciation  of  impro\ement 
is  the  very  gradual  acknowledg- 
ment of  the  minute  hand. 
Clocks  with  an  hour  hand  only 
were  produced  by  country 
makers  till  quite  the  end  of 
the  eighteenth  century. 

Long  -  Case  Clocks. —  It 
would  bedifiicult  to  say  exactly 
when  the  brass  chamber  clock 
with  a  wooden  hood  developed 
into  the  long-case  \ariety  now 
familiarly  termed  "Grand- 
father," but  it  was  probably 
between  1660  and  1670.  In 
the  earliest  the  escapement  was 
governed  either  by  the  two- 
armed  balance  with  weights  or 
by  a  "  bob  "  pendulum.  John 
Smith  in  "  Horological  Dia- 
logues," published  in  1675, 
says  :  "If  your  pendulum  clock 
be  of  the  ordinary  sort  the 
trouble  and  manner  of  hanging 
it  up  is  the  same  with  the 
balance  clock,  viz. :  to  drive 
an  hook  for  it  to  hang  on." 
But  he  also  speaks  of  "  setting  up  long  swing  pendulums  after  you 
have  taken  it  from  the  cofifin  "  and  adds,  "  the  same  rule  that  is  given 
for  this  serves  for  all  other  trunck-cases  whatsoever." 

In  his  "  Horological  Disquisitions,"  issued  in  1694,  Smith  is  much 
more  precise  and  refers   to   the  anchor  escapement  and   improved 

Fig.  594. 


Old  Clocks   and    Watches  and   their  Makers. 

pendulum  "  invented  by  that  eminent  and  well-known  artist,  Mr. 
William  Clement."  He  gives  a  list  of  "  Crown  Wheel  Pendulums," 
from  I  inch  to  12  inches  long,  and  then  a  list  of  "  royal  "  pendulums, 
as  in  his  enthusiastic  approval  he  terms  those  of  Clement,  from 
12  inches  to  65  inches  in  length. 

The  long  or  "royal"  pendulum,  introduced  about  1676,  was 
pretty  generally  adopted  by  the  leading  makers  for  their  best  work 
within  a  few  years]^from  that  date.  The  cases  of  the  balance  and 
bob  pendulum  clocks  were  exceedingly  narrow  in  the  waist,  only 
just  sufficient  width  having  originally  been  allowed  for  the  rise  and 
fall  of  the  weights.      In  some  instances  a  clock  of  this  kind  would  be 

converted  to  the  new  style  and  then  a 

curious  addition,  in  the  form  of  a  wing 

^^  '' ■■'^■^  JB      '-"^  projection  was  made  on  each  side  of 

lM^liii^^|HiE~~'*'^^H      the  case  to  permit  the  swing  of  a  "royal" 

pendulum.  Sheraton  seems  to  have 
suggested  a  revival  of  these  wings  in 
the  case  shown  in  Fig.  655. 

But  for  a  few  exceptions  that  mark  the 
rule,  long-case  clocks  have  the  movement 
contained  between  two  brass  plates  held 
together  by  horizontal  pillars.  This  change 
came  with  the  rearrangement  of  the 
trains  side  by  side,  to  allow  of  winding 
with  a  key  from  the  front  of  the  dial. 

It  may  be  concluded  that  the  earliest 
long-case  clocks  would  go  for  but  24 
or  30  hours  between  successive  windings, 
and  possibly  at  first  they  were  wound  by 
pulling  down  the  driving  cords.  There 
is  an  early  one  by  Tompion  at  the  Guildhall  Museum,  which  has  a 
lantern  movement  and  is  so  arranged.  But  there  is  a  very  fine  30 
hour  clock  by  the  same  maker  in  the  Wetherfield  collection,  which 
winds  through  holes  in  the  dial.  The  introduction  of  the  "  royal  " 
pendulum  and  wheel  work  for  8  days  running,  seems  to  have  been 
almost  coincident.  The  evident  success  of  eight-day  movements 
induced  clock  makers  to  calculate  trains  to  go  for  a  month,  three 
months,  and  e\en  a  year,  of  which  there  are  several  examples  by 
Tompion,  Quare  and  others. 

In    the  striking  part  of  the  earliest  eight-day  clocks  the  locking 
plate  or  count  wheel  was  on  the  outside  of  the  pillar  plate,  instead 

Fig.  595. — Side  view  of  time- 
piece movement  by  William 
Clement,  about  1676. 

Tlic  Pi'ogrcssioii   of  Eiii^lish   Doincsiic  Clocks.  459 

of  bcint^f  altaclied  to  the  great  wheel.  When  the  rack  was  introduced 
it  was  placed  between  the  plates  and  lifted  by  a  pin  in  the  arbor,  the 
superior  niethod  of  an  outside  rack  lifted  by  a  gathering  pallet 
seems  to  have  come  into  use  about  1 700. 

Mr  D.  A.  F.  Wetherfield  has  a  month  timepiece  by  William 
Clement,  who  is  said  to  have  first  applied  the  anchor  escapement. 
It  is  in  an  oak  veneered-walnut  case,  the  case  and  dial  being  very 
similar  to  those  of  the  Tompion  clock  shown  in  Fig.  627.  There  is 
no  door  to  the  hood  which  has  grooves  to  correspond  with  the  back- 
board of  the  case ;  the  hood  thus  slides  upwards  when  taken  off,  or 
when  the  clock  is  to  be  wound.  Preparatory  to  winding,  the  hood  is 
raised  until  engaged  by  a  spring,  which  holds  it  in  the  requisite 
position  to  admit  of  access  to  the  winding-hole.  A  side  \-iew  of  the 
movement  is  given  in  Fig.  595.  There  are  six  pillars  and  catches 
pivoted  on  one  of  the  plates  shut  into  corresponding  slots  in  the 
pillars,  thus  fastening  the  movement  together.  The  escape  wheel 
is  solid,  has  24  teeth,  and  is  i  inch  in  diameter ;  the  pallets  are  about 
^  inch  across.  The  pendulum  is  5  feet  6  inches  long,  each  vibration 
marking  a  second  and  a  quarter,  and  the  seconds  circle  has  48 
divisions  only  instead  of  the  usual  60.  Between  the  plates  is  a 
small  brass  dial  with  figures  i  to  12  engraved  on  it,  and  having  a 
hand  by  turning  which  forwards  or  backwards  the  pendulum  is 
lengthened  or  shortened.  On  the  spindle  to  which  the  hand  is 
attached  is  a  worm  which  gears  into  a  quadrant  carrying  an  arm, 
and  to  this  arm  the  pendulum  is  hung. 

Dials. —  In  estimating  the  age  of  a  clock  many  distinguishing 
features  of  the  dial  may  be  noted.  From  the  first  the  hour  circles 
were,  with  few  exceptions,  engraved  on  a  separate  silvered  ring  as  in 
lantern  clocks  ;  the  double  circles  within  the  numerals  were  retained, 
and  in  the  space  enclosed  between  them  were  radial  strokes,  dividing 
the  hour  into  quarters,  the  half-hours  being  denoted  by  longer 
strokes  terminating  in  a  fleuv-de-lys  or  other  ornament.  The  form 
of  the  hour  hand  differed  but  little  from  the  indicators  on  lantern 
clocks.  Fig.  596  shows  the  dial  of  a  30  hour  long-case  clock 
by  Andrew  Prime,  London,  dating  from  about  1670,  belonging  to 
Mr.  C.  J.  Abbott,  of  Long  Melford.  Except  for  the  difference  in  the 
name,  the  engraving  on  the  30  hour  Tompion  clock  at  the  Guildhall 
Museum  is  exactly  similar. 

It  must  not  be  assumed  that  of  two  long-case  clocks,  one  with  an 
hour  hand  only,  and  the  other  with  a  minute  hand  as  well,  that  the  one 
with  the  single  index  is  necessarily  of  the  earlier  date,  for  though  the 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

minute  hand  was  applied  as  early  as  1 670,  clocks  with  an  hour  hand  only 
were  quite  common  throughout  the  eighteenth  century.  It  is  most 
probable  that  for  some  years  the  minute  hand  was  only  apphed  by  the 
best  makers  and  exclusively  to  clocks  of  a  superior  class  ;  this  assump- 
tion is  justified  by  the  fact  that  though  many  early  one-hand  clocks 
roughly  made  are  met  with,  those  with  the  minute  hand  are  almost  in- 
variably well  finished.  The  form  of  the  hands  is  an  excellent  guide  to 
the  period.  Fig.  597  shows  the  dial  and  hands  of  a  very  fine  long-case 
clock  by  Tompion,  belonging  to  Mr.  Wetherfield,  and  which  may  be 

Fig.  596. — Andrew  Prime,  about  1670. 

safely  placed  as  dating  from  between  1 676  and  1 680.  The  centre  of  the 
dial  is  matted,  and  this,  though  characteristic  of  the  time,  was  not  an 
invariable  custom,  for  some  makers  adhered  to  the  engraved  centre  as 
seen  in  lantern  clocks  of  earlier  times.  On  dials  of  the  William  III. 
and  Queen  Anne  periods,  even  when  the  centre  was  matted,  there  would 
be  usually  a  "herring-bone"  or  laurel  leaf  border  along  the  edges, 
and  engraving  something  in  the  form  of  birds  and  foliage  surrounded 
the  aperture  showing  the  day  of  the  month,  as  in  the  Quare  dial  on 
page  293.  This  had  a  very  good  effect  when  burnished  bright  in 
contrast  to  the  matting.  Further  relief  was  given  by  turning  a 
number   of    bright    rings    around   the   winding   holes.       \\'ith   the 

Tlic  Progression  of  English  Domestic  Clocks. 


exception  of  those  30  liour  adaptations  with  lantern  movements 
as  in  Fig.  596,  the  maker's  name  on  the  earhest  of  the  seventeenth 
century  clocks  was,  as  a  rule,  inscribed  in  a  straight  line  along  the 
bottom  of  the  dial,  usually  in  Latin,  thus :  "  Eduardus  East, 
Londini,  Fecit,"  and  visible  only  when  the  hood  was  raised  or 
remo\ed,  or  the  door  of  it  opened.  Later  it  was  engraved  within 
the  minute  circles  between  the  numerals  VIL  and  V.  and  the  Latin 
form  of  inscription  died  out  so  far  as  the  signature  is  concerned, 
though  it  was  occasionally  indulged  in  for  such  popular  mottoes  as 

Fig.  597. — Dial  of  Clock  by  Thos.  Tompion,  1676 — 80. 

Tcnipns  fugit,  Vigilatc  et  Orate,  Tempiis  edax  reriiiii,  &c.  A  remarkably 
fine  month  clock  by  Tompion  in  a  beautifully  figured  walnut  case, 
dating  from  about  1 705,  which  belongs  to  Mr.  J.  Drummond  Robertson, 
is  shown  in  Fig.  636.  In  this  the  name  is  inscribed  in  a  straight  line 
along  the  bottom  of  the  dial,  and  the  signature  appears  also  on  a  label 
below  the  centre  of  the  dial  as  in  the  Bath  and  Iscoyd  Park  clocks  by 
Tompion,  of  a  slightly  later  date,  shown  on  pp.  277,  279.  After 
about  1710  attached  name  plates  were  occasionally  used,  but  through- 
out the  century  most  makers  showed  preference  for  the  curved 
inscription  between  the  numerals. 


Old  Clocks  and  WatcJics  and  their  Makers. 

Speaking  generally,  it  seems  that  up  to  the  end  of  the  seventeenth 
century  long-case  clocks  were  small  in  size  ;  all  had  square  dials 
measuring  either  9I  inches,  10  inches,  10^  inches,  or  11  inches  across. 
Square  dials,  12  inches  across,  were  later. 

Fig.  598  represents  a  very  early  square  engraved  metal  dial  which 
is  of  particular  interest,  not  only  from  its  handsome  appearance  but 
froin  the  fact  that  it  discloses  a  peculiar  plan  of  denoting  the 
minutes.  The  short  hand  in  the  centre  of  the  dial  is  the  alarm 
index,  which  need  not  be  referred  to  further.  The  hours  and  sub- 
divisions representing  quarter  hours  are  engraved  on  the  dial  plate 
in  the  manner  usual  at  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  century,  and 

the  hours  and  quarters  are  indi- 
cated by  a  pointer  fixed  to  a  plate 
of  the  form  shown,  and  which 
revolves  once  in  twelve  hours. 
The  revolving  plate  includes  an 
outer  ring  connected  with  the 
centre  by  three  arms,  and  pro- 
jecting from  the  outer  edge  of 
this  ring  are  twelve  pointers 
placed  equidistantly  around  the 
periphery.  On  the  upper  part 
of  the  fixed  dial  plate  is  a  narrow 
band  forming  30  degrees,  or  one- 
twelfth  of  the  circumference. 
This  band  is  divided  into  60 
equal  parts,  representing  the 
minutes  in  an  hour ;    and  if  at 

Fig.  598. 

the  beginning  of  an  hour  one  of  the  pointers  is  just  entering  this  arc, 
it  is  obvious  it  will  in  its  course  indicate  the  minutes  which  have  elapsed 
since  thecompletion  of  the  pre\'ioushour.  At  the  bottom  of  the  dial  is 
inscribed,  "William  Clay,  King's  Street,  Westminster,"  and  this 
William  Clay  was  possibly  the  one  recorded  as  the  maker  of  a  watch 
presented  by  Cromwell  to  Colonel  Bagwell  at  the  siege  of  Clonmel.  This 
dial  was  sketched  from  a  clock  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  Percy  Webster. 
An  arched  top  to  the  dial  appears  to  have  been  first  added  early 
in  the  eighteenth  century  for  the  reception  of  an  equation  of 
time  register,  as  shown  in  Tompion's  clock  on  page  279.  It  will 
be  observed  that  the  Hampton  Court  clock  bearing  Quare's  name 
and  which  was  designed  to  show  true  solar  time  has  no  arch  to 
the   dial,  but   a   subsequent   clock    on    the    same    plan    by   Joseph 

The  Proi^rc^^ion  of  Eit'^U^li  Domestic  Clocks. 


Williamson,  has  an  arch  containing  a  calendar  for  the  year  as  shown 
in  l''ig.  612.  On  another  dial  by  \\'illiamson,  the  day  of  the  week 
is  indicated,  as  seen  in  Fig.  613.  Apart  from  its  utility  in  this 
connection,  the  addition  of  the  arched  top  was  certainly  a  great 
improvement  to  the  appearance  of  the  dial,  and  from  this  time  was 
generally  retained  for  the  better  class  of  work  e\en  when  not 
required  as  a  field  for  the  exhibition  of  any  of  the  clock  movements. 
In  such  cases  the  space  was  devoted  to  decoration,  a  fa\oured  device 
being  a  domed  plate  on  which  was  inscribed  either  the  owner's  or 
the  maker's  name,  occa- 
sionally with  a  crest  or 
motto,  and  generally 
flanked  on  each  side  by 
a  dolphin  or  rococo 
ornament  of  the  kind 
apparently  introduced 
by  Joseph  Williamson, 
and  shown  on  his  dials, 
Figs.  612  and  613. 

Among  other  useful 
purposes  to  which  the 
arch  was  applied  the 
"  strike-silent  "  hand 
and  the  "  rise  and 
fall "  register  may  be 
mentioned  as  two  of 
the  earliest.  The  titles 
of  these  are  suggestive 
of  their  use.  The  strike- 
silent  mechanism  for 
stopping  the  striking  of  the  clock  at  pleasure  is  older  than  the  arch, 
and  is  to  be  seen  on  clocks  ha\ing  square  dials.  A  particular  form  of 
strike-silent  mechanism  was  incorporated  in  a  patent  granted  to  John 
Rowning,  M.A.,  in  1732  (No.  535).  The  rise  and  fall  hand  was 
connected  with  the  pendulum  and  served  to  regulate  the  time  of  its 
vibration  by  altering  its  effective  length. 

For  many  years,  but  especially  during  the  latter  part  of  the 
eighteenth  century,  there  was  a  great  taste  for  mo\'ing  figures  placed 
in  this  part  of  the  dial,  such  automata  as  see-saws,  heaving  ships, 
time  on  the  wing,  etc.,  being  especially  favoured.  The  Dutch  seem 
to  have  greatly  excelled  at  this  kind  of  work, 

Fig.  599. — Simple  calendar  work. 

464  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Calendar  circles  in  the  arch  of  the  dial  were  very  popular.  The 
hands  for  these  were  generally  worked  as  shown  in  Fig.  599.  Gearing 
with  the  hour  wheel  is  a  wheel  having  twice  its  number  of  teeth,  and 
turning  therefore  once  in  24  hours.  A  three-armed  lever  is  planted 
just  above  this  wheel  ;  the  lower  arm  is  slotted,  and  the  wheel  carries 
a  pin  which  works  in  this  slot,  so  that  the  lever  vibrates  to  and 
fro  once  every  24  hours.  The  three  upper  circles  in  the  drawing 
represent  three  star  wheels.  The  one  to  the  right  has  seven  teeth 
corresponding  to  the  days  of  the  week  ;  the  centre  one  has  thirty-one 
teeth  for  the  days  of  the  month  ;  and  the  left-hand  one  has  twelve 
teeth  for  the  months  of  the  year.  Every  time  the  upper  arms  of  the 
lever  vibrate  to  the  left,  they  move  forward  the  day  of  the  week  and 
day  of  the  month  wheels  each  one  tooth.  The  extremities  of  the 
levers  are  jointed,  so  as  to  yield  on  the  return  vibration,  and  are 
brought  into  position  again  by  a  weak  spring,  as  shown.  There  is  a 
pin  in  the  day  of  the  month  wheel  which,  by  pressing  on  a  lever 
once  every  revolution,  actuates  the  month  of  the  year  wheel.  This 
last  lever  is  also  jointed,  and  is  pressed  on  by  a  spring,  so  as  to 
return  to  its  original  position.  Each  of  the  star  wheels  has  a  click 
or  jumper  kept  in  contact  by  means  of  a  spring. 

For  months  with  less  than  thirty-one  days  the  day  of  the  month 
hand  has  to  be  shifted  forward. 

The  phases  of  the  moon,  usually  accomplished  by  a  disc  turning 
once  in  two  lunations,  as  shown  in  Enderlin's  clock  on  page  365, 
was  also  a  favourite  device  for  the  arch  of  the  dial.  Clocks  with  a 
globular  rotating  moon  over  the  dial  as  used  by  Fromantil  were 
popular  in  Yorkshire  during  the  eighteenth  century  and  were  known 
locally  as  "  Halifax  clocks."  Mr.  J.  Whiteley  Ward  has  a  fine 
specimen  of  which  I  shall  be  able  to  give  an  illustration.  This  clock 
was  made  by  Thomas  Ogden  and  formerly  stood  at  the  top  of  the 
stairs  of  the  Old  Assembly  Room  behind  the  Talbot  Inn,  Halifax. 

The  spandrels  or  corners  outside  the  circle  of  the  dial  are  another 
sign  of  the  times.  In  some  of  the  very  earliest  long-case  clocks 
flowers  were  engraved  there,  as  in  William  Clay's  dial  on  page  462. 
In  Fig.  621  the  corners  are  filled  each  with  a  line  of  verse,  but 
more  usually  these  spaces  were  occupied  by  raised  gilt  ornaments,  of 
which  the  earliest  were  the  cherubs'  or  angels'  heads,  Fig.  600. 
This  pattern  will  be  seen  on  the  clock  represented  in  the  coat  of  arms 
granted  to  the  Clockmakers''  Company  in  1671,  and  was  largely  used 
until  the  end  of  the  century.  It  was  succeeded  by  larger  and  more 
elaborate  corners  like  Fig.  601.     Then  more  ambitious  designs  came 

Tlic  Pro-^rcssioii  of  English  DcDiicslic  Clocks. 


into  use,  notably  two  Cupids  or  nude  boys  supporting  a  crown  in  the 
midst  of  ornamental  scroll-work  (Fig.  602)  ;  or  a  crown  with  crossed 
sceptres  and  foliage,  as  in  Mg.  603.  This  is  an  unusually  fine 
specimen  taken  from  a  clock  of  the  Queen  Anne  period  by  W. 
Draper,  a  maker  of  wliom  I  seem  to  have  no  precise  particulars, 
tliough  Mr.  William  Norman  lias  a  metal  token  issued  by  W.  Draper, 
watchmaker,  wliich  lias  on  the  obverse  "  Success  to  the  Borough  of 
JMaldon  "  with  the  arms  of  the  town,  and  on  the  re\erse  the  arms  of 
the  Clockmakers'  Company.  Later  in  the  eighteenth  century  different 
figures  representing  the  four  seasons  were  popular  with  some  of  the 
pro\incial  makers,   but   they   are  seldom   to   be  seen    on    clocks  by 

London  men.  The  naked  boys  were  followed  by  various  combina- 
tions of  a  rococo  character,  such  as  Fig.  604.  One  of  the  best  and 
most  popular  of  the  designs  used  during  the  George  IIL  period  is 
shown  in  Fig.  605.  Some  of  the  corners  and  arch  ornaments  of  this 
time  were  sadly  degenerate  in  form  and  execution,  being  merely  a  mass 
of  unmeaning  curves  reproduced  in  rough  castings,  not  touched  by 
the  chasing  tool  or  graver,  but  lacquered  just  as  they  left  the  sand. 
Many  of  the  early  dials  and  corners  were  water  gilt.  Occasionally 
on  clocks  of  a  high  class,  silver  corner  pieces  pierced  and  engraved 
were  substituted  for  the  set  patterns. 

The  hands  on  eight-day  clocks  of  the  William  IIL  period  are 
most   artistic,  not    only  being  elaborately  pierced,  but  also  carved 

c.w.  H  H 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  tlicir  Makers. 

and  shaped  on  the  surface.  At  my  request  Mr.  Wetherfield  has 
favoured  me  with  a  series  of  eight  dials  reproduced  in  Figs.  606  to  613 
from   which    may  be    noted  the   hands,  marks  between   the   hour 

Fig.  603. 

numerals  and  other  distinguishing  features  ranging  over  about  forty 
years  from  the  Edward  East  specmien,  Fig.  606,  which  is  furnished 
with  bolt  and  shutter  maintaining  power  as  described  on  page  301. 

Later  examples  down  to  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century  are  given 
on  succeeding  pages. 

Dials  of  brass,  silvered  all  over,  without  a .  separate  ring  for  the 

hour  and  minute  circles,  and  in  which  the  primitive  practice  of 
engraving  instead  of  matting  the  central  space  was  reverted  to, 
were  introduced  about  1750.  Many  of  these  dials  were  characterised 
by   really   excellent   engraving.      Thomas    Bewick,    the   celebrated 

The  Pro<^n'L'ssio!i  of  Eni^IisJi   Doiiicsiic  Clocks.  467 

Fig.  606. — Edward  East,  about  1680  ;   8  day  clock  ;   10  inch  dial 
Bolt  and  shutter  maintaining  power. 

Fig.  607. — Joseph  Knibb,  about  1690  ;  month  clock  ;  10  inch  dial ; 
unique  corner  pieces. 

H  H  2 

Fig.  608. — Joseph  Knibb,  about  1695  ;   month  clock  ;    10  inch  dial 
skeleton  hour  ring  :  every  minute  numbered. 

Fig.  609.— Thos.  Tompion,  about  1700  ;  month  clock  ;  11  inch  dial 
bolt  and  shutter  maintaining  power. 

Fig.  6io. — Daniel  yuare,  about  1705  ;   month  clock  ;   11  inch  dial. 

Fig.  611. — Jonathan  Lowndes,  about  1710;  S  day  clock;  12  inch  dial. 

470  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

engraver,  who  died  in  1828  at  the  age  of  seventy-six,  was  apprenticed 
to  Bielby  of  Newcastle,  and  during  his  apprenticeship  was  frequently 
engaged  in  engraving  clock  dials.  By  favour  of  Mr.  Thos.  Foster,  I 
am  able  in   Fig.  615  to  show  an   excellent  specimen,  dating  from 

Fig.  612. — Joseph  Williamson,  about  1715  ;  month  clock  ;  square 
of  dial,  12  inches;  inscription,  Horae  indicantur  apparcntcs 
invohitis  aequatioiiibus.     Calendar  in  the  arch. 

about  1 775,  by  James  Whitworth  of  Lussley,  a  village  near  Newcastle. 
The  figures  at  the  corners  to  represent  the  seasons  are  engraved  on 
the  plate.  The  disc,  which  moves  in  the  arch  and  contains  two 
representations  of  the  moon  and  rural  scenes  is  painted,  and  the 
moon  in  its  course  indicates  its  age  by  figures  engraved  on  the  fixed 
part  of  the  arch. 

TJic  Prof^irssion  of  Eiii:^lish  Domestic  Clocks. 


Dials  with  enamelled  centres  were  occasionally  used  for  superior 
long-case  clocks  at  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  and  beginning  of  the 
nineteenth  century,  but  earlier  ones  are  rare.     In  Fig.  617  is  shown, 

Fig.  613. — Joseph  Williamson,  about  1720;  8  day  clock;  square  of 
dial,  12  inches;  lower  hour  numerals  reversed;  day  of  the 
week  indicated  in  the  arch,  an  illustration  for  each  day  appears 
through  an  aperture. 

by  favour  of  Mr.  Wetherfield,  the  dial  of  a  long-case  clock  dated 
1778,  by  Robert  Comber  of  Lewes,  a  maker  of  good  repute  in  Sussex 
for  the  excellent  character  of  his  work,  which  this  example  quite 
justifies.  The  hands  will  bear  examination,  the  corner  pieces  and 
arch  ornaments  are  of  good  design,  well  chased  and  water  gilt ;  but 


Old  Clocks  and   ]Vatches  and  their  Makers. 

the  most  remarkable  feature  is  the  position  of  the  winding  squares, 
which  are  below  the  enamelled  disc  so  that  not  only  is  the  unsight- 
hness  of  the  holes  got  rid  of,  but  one  of  the  chief  objections  to 
enamel,  the  danger  of  chipping  round  the  holes,  is  avoided.     Wheels 

Fig.  614.— Rotating  Moon  Dial  of  "  Halifax  Clock"  by  Thos.  Ogden, 
about  1750,  see  p.  464. 

were  added  at  the  back  of  the  movement  to  bring  the  winding  squares 
down  to  the  required  position. 

About  1780  silvered  dials  shorn  of  all  decorative  engraving  were 
sometimes  used,  and  at  the  same  period  dials  of  iron  or  tin  painted 

The  Progression  of  English  Domestic  Clocks.  473 

over  made  tlieir  appearance  ;  this  last  construction  betokens  a  dep^ree 
of  dej^'radation  beyond  which  we  need  not  pursue  the  lonfj^-case  clock 

On  pages  476  and  477  are  sliown  some  clock  liands,  nearly  all  from 

Fig.  615. — Finely  engraved  dial,  about  1775.     Figures  at  the  corners 
to  represent  the  four  seasons. 

examples  collected  by  Mr.  G.  H.  Newton  of  Watford.  Nos.  i,  2,  3, 
and  4  belonged  to  lantern  clocks  made  between  1630  and  1680. 
No,  5  from  a  clock  by  Henry  Jones  about  1670.  Nos.  6  to  23  are 
from  long-case,  and  24  to  29  from  bracket  clocks.     No.  6  by  John 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Tirry,  York,  about  1680;  No.  7,  J.  Windmills,  1690;  No.  8,  John 
Smith,  1695;  No.  9,  Simon  Lamb,  Rochester,  1700;  No.  10,  Saml. 
Harris,   1710;    No.    11,  George   Hewitt,  Marlboro',    1720;    No.   12 

V//v//.  ^       '(^////'//'.Yl 

-•  >\^ 




r  ' 

Vu:.  (.16.  —  l)ial  -.vith  moving  fiyures.    ihoiU  i  jSu  ;    see  p.  4i)'>. 

(hour,  minute  and  regulation  hands),  Geo.  Graham,  1730;  No.  13, 
Thos.  Vernon,  Ludlow,  1740;  No.  14,  Wm.  Avenall,  Alresford, 
1750;  No.  15,  Thos.  Andrews,  Steyning,  1760;  No.  16,  Wm.  Berridge, 
1770.  Nos.  17  and  18  are  typical  single  hands  from  early  eighteenth 
century  long-case  clocks.     No.    19,  S.  Hoole,  1770  ;  No.  20,  Wm. 

Tlic  Pvo^rc^don  of  English  Domestic  Clocks. 


Skeggs,  1780;  No.  21,  J.  Lorinier,  1790;  No.  22,  Hugh  Stockell, 
Newcastle,  1800;  No.  23,  another  \ariety  of  about  the  same  date  ; 
No.   24,  J.   Lowndes,   i6go  ;  No.  25,  AsseHn    1720;    No.  26,  Win. 

Fig.  617.  —  Enamel  centre,  1778  :  see  p.  471. 

KipHng,  1710;  No.  27,  Joseph  Emery,  1780  ;  No.  28,  Robert  Newman, 
1700  ;  No.  29,  Thos.  Appleby,  1800. 

Cases. — As  material  for  the  cases,  oak  has  been  used  from  first 
to  last,  but  rarely  for  high-class  work.  Walnut  cases,  both  plain  and 
inlaid,  were  largely  made  during  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth 
and  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  centuries.     The  marqueterie  work 

476  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  618 

The  Proi^rcssion  of  Eiii^lisJi  Doincslic  Clock 

:s.  477 


Fig.  6ig. 

478  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  tlicir  Makers. 

rarely  extended  to  the  sides  of  the  case,  which  were  plain  as  a  rule, 
though  occasionally  panelled  ;  the  panels  being  filled  with  parquetry, 
that  is,  set  w'ith  angular  pieces  of  thick  veneer.  Oyster-shell  veneer 
or  inlay  was  another  handsome  style  of  ornament  ;  the  inlay  consisted 
of  roundish  pieces  of  veneer  cut  from  cross  sections  of  small  branches 
so  as  to  exhibit  the  natural  formation  or  ringed  structure  of  the  wood. 

Ebony,  rosewood,  and  hardwood  of  reddish  colour  called,  I  believe, 
kingwocd,  were  occasionally  used  for  cases,  while  laburnum,  olive, 
yew,  holly,  sycamore,  apple  and  pear  as  well  as  tulip  wood,  amboyna 
and  other  fancy  kinds  were  employed  with  good  effect  for  inlaying. 
In  some  districts  chestnut  seems  to  have  been  utilised  to  a  considerable 
extent  for  cases  during  the  eighteenth  century.  Mahogany  was  not 
used  till  about  1716.  The  arched  dialTompion  clock  at  the  Guildhall 
has  a  mahogany  case,  but  it  was  probably  made  at  a  later  date  than 
the  movement.  The  case  of  the  Tompion  one  year  timepiece  at  the 
Admiralty,  w4iich  is  showm  on  page  483,  is  distinctly  later  than 
Tompion's  time,  and  it  is  related  that  the  movement  of  a  similar 
piece  presented  to  the  Royal  Society  in  1736  was  discovered  among 
lumber  on  the  premises  occupied  by  the  Philosophical  Society.  At 
Child's  bank  is  a  long-case  clock  by  Richard  Street  dating  from  about 
1 7 10.  It  is  in  an  oak  case  veneered  with  mahogany,  but  the  veneer 
was,  I  am  satisfied,  not  applied  when  the  case  was  made  ;  doubtless 
the  rich  appearance  of  mahogany  led  to  its  subsequent  application. 

The  arched  head  to  the  long  door  of  the  case  is  not  quite  so  old  as 
the  arched  dial,  but  the  introduction  of  curved  door  heads  may  be  put, 
I  think,  at  about  1725. 

Numbers  of  cases  covered  with  English  copies  of  quaint-looking 
Japanese  or  Oriental  lacquer- work  were  made  between  1720  and 
1750,  and  they  have  many  admirers,  but  marqueterie  and  lacquer- 
work  rapidly  declined  as  mahogany  became  more  known,  and  it 
must  be  confessed  that  some  cases  of  mahogany  in  the  Chippendale 
and  Sheraton  styles,  inlaid  with  satinwood,  etc.,  quite  justify  the 
admiration  with  which  they  are  regarded. 

In  many  of  the  early  cases  a  bull's-eye  of  greenish  glass  was  let  into 
the  door  opposite  the  pendulum  bob,  magnifying  and  distorting  the 
appearance  of  the  bob  as  it  swung  to  and  fro.  The  upper  part  of 
the  case,  or  hood,  which  surrounded  the  dial  was  at  first  made  wnthout 
any  door.  Most  makers  fitted  the  hood  with  grooves  to  the  back  as 
described  on  page  459.  In  other  instances  the  hood  had  to  be  slid 
forward  and  entirely  removed  to  obtain  access  to  the  dial.  In  the 
early  cases  the  moulding  under  the  hood  was  convex  as  distinguished 

The  Progycssion  of  Eii^i^lish  Domestic  Clocks.  479 

from  the  conca\e  moulding  almost  imariably  used  afterwards. 
Corkscrew  pillars  at  the  angles  of  the  hood  were  much  favoured 
during  the  William  III.  and  Queen  Anne  periods.  The  pillars 
supported  an  entablature  which  either  terminated  with  a  Hat  top  or 
was  surmounted  by  a  pediment  or  some  kind  of  ornament.  A  domed 
or  canopied  structure  was  common,  but  there  is  no  particular  pattern 
which  can  be  (juoted  as  absolutely  distinguishing  the  time.  The 
styles  most  in  vogue  may  be  gathered  from  illustrations  of  examples 
which  I  shall  be  able  to  give.  In  nearly  all  cases  a  frieze  or  other 
band  was  pierced  to  emit  the  sound  of  the  bell  ;  sometimes  the  fret- 
work was  of  wood  and  sometimes  of  brass.  The  brass  fret  strips, 
which  were  rather  pretty,  were  often  removed  when  the  case  subse- 
quently underwent  repair.  One  of  them  taken  from  a  clock  dating 
from  1700  is  shown  in  Fig.  620. 

Fig.  627  represents  an  eight-day  Tompion  clock  dating  from  1676-80, 
the  dial  of  which,  g^  inches  square,  is  shown  separately  on  page  461. 
The  case  is  of  oak  veneered  with  walnut  ;  at  the  corners  of  the  hood 

Fig.  620. — Brass  fret  from  head  of  long-case  clock,  about  1700. 

are  pillars  with  helical  or  "  corkscrew "  shafts,  brass  bases  and 
Corinthian  capitals.  Well  executed  brass  festoons  of  fruit  and 
flowers  adorn  the  hood  over  the  dial  and  over  the  side  lights.  Mr. 
Wetherfield,  who  owns  this  clock,  has  a  timepiece  by  William  Clement 
which  is  very  similar  in  appearance. 

By  favour  of  Messrs.  Home  and  Son,  of  Leyburn,  I  am  able  to 
give  an  engraving  of  a  quaint  30  hour  long-case  clock  of  provincial 
make  which  now  belongs  to  Mr.  Thomas  Bradley,  W^ensleydale. 
This  case  is  of  oak  and  panelled.  The  head  is  fixed  on  the  trunk, 
and  will  not  take  off.  Two  slip  doors  at  the  sides  of  the  head  open  to 
get  to  the  works,  and  a  sash  door  affords  the  same  convenience  for 
the  dial.  Both  the  case  door  and  the  sash  door  open  from  right  to 
left.  The  initials  E.  F.  M.  wath  date,  1681,  are  carved  on  the  case. 
The  clock  was  made  for  Edward  and  Margaret  Fawcett  ;  the  former 
was  a  clergyman,  who  lived  at  Hardraw,  close  to  the  beautiful  Har- 
draw  Waterfall.  The  works  are  of  the  lantern  type,  with  a  large 
bell  and  hammer  inside,  and  small  dial  as  shown  in  F'ig.  621.  It  was 
made  by  John  Ogden,  Bowbrigg(e).     In  Ogden's  clocks  of  later  date 

480  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  tlicir  Makers. 

the  name  of  the  place  was  spelled  Bowbridge,  but  the  local  name  is 

Bowbrigge  to-day.     In  each  of  the  corner  spaces  outside  of  the  hour 

circle  is  engraved  one  line  of  the  following  verse  : — 

"  Behold  this  hand, 

Observe  ye  motions  trip  ; 
Man's  pretious  hours 
A  way  Hke  these  do  slip." 

John  Ogden  was  a  member  of  the  Society  of  Friends,  and  a  friend 
of  George  Fox,  who  often  visited  Wensleydale. 

Marqueterie. — The  formation  of  designs  byinlaying  wood  of 
different  kinds  is  a  very  ancient  art.  The  Italians  particularly 
excelled  at  it  in  the  fifteenth  and  sixteenth  centuries.  Early  inlaying 
was  done  by  cutting  out  from  the  solid  wood  which  formed  the 
groundwork  such  parts  of  a  pre-arranged  design  as  it  was  desired 
to  have  of  a  different  colour  and  then  inserting  pieces  of  a  suitable 
and  different  kind  of  wood.  But  in  most  of  the  marqueterie  we  see 
on  clock  cases,  the  design  is  out  cut  of  a  groundwork  of  veneer  which 
is  filled  in  with  other  veneer  and  attached  to  the  surface  of  the  wood 
which  forms  the  body  of  the  case.  This  method  is,  I  think,  of 
French  origin  and  dates  from  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  century, 
but  it  was  first  applied  to.,  clock  cases  about  1685,  and  remained  in 
fashion,  so  far  as  clock  cases  are  concerned,  for  about  25  years  from 
that  date. 

Dutch  marqueterie  is  effective,  of  a  distinctly  bolder  or  coarser 
character,  and,  as  a  rule,  may  be  distinguished  from  what  may  be 
called  English  designs,  which  more  favoured  the  Italian  style. 
Arabesques,  fine  geometrical  patterns,  conventional  flowers  and 
foliage  executed  byinlaying  wood,  which,  though  of  a  different  colour 
to  the  ground,  was  yet  not  in  violent  contrast  to  it,  characterised  the 
English,  while  Dutch  artists,  who  accentuated  more  the  difference 
between  the  groundwork  and  the  inlay,  indulged  in  quaint  and 
fanciful  designs  in  which  grotesque  masks  and  figures,  as  well  as 
vases,  birds,  leaves,  tulips  and  other  flowers  were  pourtrayed  by 
means  of  shading  and  the  use  of  wood  naturally  of  another  colour  or 
stained  to  the  desired  tint.  It  must  not  be  assumed,  though,  that  what 
is  called  Dutch  marqueterie  was  necessarily  executed  in  the  Nether- 
lands ;  there  is  no  doubt  that  when  William  III.  ascended  the 
English  throne  his  followers  included  Dutch  inlayers  who  settled 
here  and  turned  the  public  taste  to  their  particular  methods,  which 
were  followed  by  English  workers 

At  first  the  marqueterie  was  arranged  on  the  front  of  the  case  in 
panels  with  semicircular  ends,  sometimes  with  a  line  border  connecting 

The  Pro;j^)rssio)i  of  Iii!t:;lish   Domestic  Clocks.  481 

the  panels ;  afterwards  the  whole  of  the  front  surface  might  be 
covered  with  niar(]ueterie,  the  door  and  plinth  having  set  designs, 
enclosed  in  floral  or  other  borders.  In  marqueterie  work  of  the  very 
highest  class,  it  will  be  noticed  that  the  whole  of  the  inlay  on  any  one 
surface  forms  a  complete  design  ;  if  birds  or  figures  are  introduced 
they  are  delineated  as  a  whole  and  fall  gracefully  into  the  conception 
of  the  designer.  More  frequently  a  symmetrical  pattern  was  taken 
and  two  pieces  of  veneer  forming  half  of  the  pattern  w^ere  laid  one  on 
the  other  and  pierced  together  ;  the  halves  were  then  placed  side  by 
side  and  of  course  matched  exactly.  But  however  close  the  jointing 
of  the  halves,  the  line  of  junction  down  the  centre  may  be  discerned 
by  close  examination.  Masks  or  vases  containing  leaves  and  flowers 
on  stalks  were  commonly  selected  for  such  treatment  and  were  dis- 
played very  effectixely  in  this  way.  Sometimes  the  halving  would 
extend  to  a  portion  of  the  design  only,  and  advantage  would  be  taken  of 
the  outlines  of  leaves  or  scrolls  to  join  in  the  halved  pieces  very  neatly. 

In  the  South  Kensington  INIuseum  are  a  clock  by  Mansell  I3ennett 
enclosed  in  a  case  decorated  with  marqueterie  in  panel,  and  an 
unusually  fine  example  of  English  scroll  marqueterie  co\ering  the 
case  of  a  clock  by  Henry  Poisson  ;  on  the  staircase  of  the  Soane 
Museum  is  a  clock  by  William  Threlkeld,  the  case  of  which  is 
also  adorned  with  marqueterie  in   the  English  style. 

Soho  seems  to  have  been  a  favoured  district  for  marqueterie 
workers,  though  Tonbridge  in  Kent  and  St.  Ives  and  other  smaller 
places  in  Cornwall  are  spoken  of  as  being  famous  for  marqueterie 
work  in  the  eighteenth  century. 

After  being  neglected  for  fifty  years  or  so  marqueterie  was  to  some 
extent  revived  as  a  decoration  for  clock  cases.  An  example  on  the 
early  lines  which  is  shown  in  Fig.  653,  dates  apparently  from  about 
1770.  Chaste  inlay  in  the  Hepplewhite  and  Sheraton  style,  as  in 
Fig.  659,  is  admirable.  Sheraton's  designs  for  clock  cases  are 
reproduced  on  page  496. 

A  fine  specimen,  with  English  marqueterie  in  panels,  which  is 
in  the  Dean's  Vestry,  St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  is  given  in  Fig.  622. 
The  date  of  this  can  be  well  authenticated  by  the  following  extract 
which  I  have  been  allowed  to  make  from  the  Cathedral  accounts 
for  the  period  from  October,  1697,  to  September,  1698,  when  the 
clock  was  paid  for  : — 

"  ffor  a  pendulum  Clock  for  the  South  East  Vestrey  that  goes  8  dayes  in  a 
Wallnut  Tree  inlade  Case  ^14  00  00." 

There  is  now  no  maker's  name  on  either  the  dial  or  movement, 
c.w.  I  I 


Old  Clocks  and  ]Vaichcs  and  tlidir  Maker's. 

but  the  clock  was  doubtless  the  production  of  Langley  Bradley^  who 
was  at  that  time  the  Cathedral  clockmaker. 

The  clock  shown  in    Fig.  623    is   the    property   of  Mr.    Thomas 



Fig.    621.  —  Primitive 
provincial  style,  1681. 



Fig.  622. — Clock  at  St. 
Paul's  Cathedral,  i6g8. 


Fig.    623.  —    "George 

Ethrington,  London," 

about  1695. 

Boynton,  Bridlington  Quay,  and  was  made  by  George  Ethrington, 
London,  about  1695.  The  case  is  finely  decorated  with  English 

Tlic  Pyo^rcssion  of  liUi^lisJi   Duiiicstic  Clvch 


A  very  fine  chiniini^'  clock  by  Tonipion,  with  canopied  head,  wliich 
is  at  Windsor  Castle,  is  shown  in  V'v^.  624.     The  upper  part  of  the 


Fig.  624. — Tompion 
clock  at  Windsor  Castle. 

Fig.  626. — Tompion  one 
Fig.  625. — Tompion.  year  timepiece  at  the 

about  1700.  Admiralty. 

case  is  particularly  good.     The  trusses  supporting  the  hood,  though 
somewhat  unusual  features,  have  an  excellent  effect. 

I  I  2 

484  Old   Clocks  and   Watches   and  their  Makers. 



Fig.  627.  — Thos.  Tompion, 

Fig.  628.— Ed.  East, 

Fig.  629.— Jos.  Knibb, 

The  Pi'O^^rcssiou  of  English  Domestic  Clocks.  485 

Another  clock  hv  'r()nii)i()n,  Fig.  625,  dating  from  about  1700,  is 
the  property  of  Mr.  Jolni  W  Trotter  of  Hexham.  'J"he  case  is  of 
oak  \eneerecl  witli  wahiut,  and  has  a  rather  tall  plinth  and  narrow 
body  ;  on  eacli  side  of  the  dial  is  a  spirally  fluted  pillar,  and  a  hand- 
some carved  ornament  surmounts  the  entablature.  The  clock  is  in 
perfect  order,  and  Mr.  Trotter  speaks  of  the  hands  as  the  finest  pair 
he  has  ever  seen.  Fig.  626  represents  a  Tompion  one-year  time- 
piece which  is  now  at  the  Admiralty.  'I'he  hours  are  marked  twice 
from  I  to  XII,  and  at  the  top  of  the  hood  is  the  inscription,  "Pre- 
sented by  Queen  Anne."  The  case  is  certainly  later  than  Queen 
Anne's  time,  as  I  ha\e  already  said,  and  the  dial  looks  more  like 
Graham's  production  than  Tompion's.  It  is  quite  likely  that  the 
timekeeper  was  ordered  of  Tompion  and  intended  for  Greenwich 
Observatory  and  that  Graham's  well-known  desire  to  make  as 
reliable  an  astronomical  regulator  as  possible  caused  considerable 
delay  in  its  construction.  A  very  similar  twelve-month  timepiece 
bearing  Tompion's  name,  in  the  possession  of  the  Royal  Society,  is 
inscribed,  "  Sir  Jonas  Moore  caused  this  movement  to  be  made  with 
great  care,  Anno  Domini  1676."  It  was  presented  to  the  Society 
in  1736. 

The  specimen  shown  in  Fig.  628  by  Edward  East  is  from  the 
Wetherfield  collection  and  dates  from  1680-16S5.  It  has  a  dial 
gi  inches  square,  goes  8  days,  and  is  in  a  walnut  case  with  marque- 
terie  panels  showing  flowers,  birds  and  butterflies ;  somewhat  coarse 
but  effecti^■e.  The  hood  has  a  canopied  top  with  brass  side 

From  the  same  collection,  and  of  slightly  later  date,  is  the  fine 
eight-day  clock  with  lo-inch  square  dial,  by  Joseph  Knibb,  shown  in 
Fig.  629.  The  case  of  oak  is  covered  with  burr  walnut  oyster-shell 
veneer,  the  sides  are  panelled  and  inlaid  down  the  front  with  large 
rosettes  of  dark  and  light  wood  mixed.  There  are  gilt  bases  and 
capitals  to  the  corkscrew  pillars  at  the  corners  of  the  hood,  and  over 
the  entablature  is  a  finely  carved  ornament.  There  are  two  bells  of 
Chinese  gong  shape  and  on  the  smaller  of  these  the  preceding  hour 
is  repeated  at  the  half-hour. 

As  a  specimen  of  fine  marqueterie  extending  over  the  whole  of 
the  front  and  sides  of  the  case,  the  clock  shown  in  Fig.  630,  which 
dates  from  about  1695,  i^  worth  notice.  The  dial  plate  is  1 1  inches 
square  and  below  the  hour  circle  is  inscribed,  "  James  Clowes, 
Londini  fecit."  It  is  from  the  Wetherfield  collection,  as  also  are 
the  fine  example  of  bird  and  flower  marqueterie  co\'ering  a  clock  by 

4^6  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

■%    «!   / 

^  I 

Fig.  C30. — Jas.  Clowes, 
about  1695. 

A  I,   ^. 





I  IG.  631. — Jonathan  Lowndes, 
about  1695. 

y  i 

Fig.  632. — Dan  Quare, 
about  1705. 

TJic  Prof^yessioii   of  Eiiglif^Ji  Domestic  Clocks.  4S7 

^  «  / 

:  5^*55 



Fig.  633.  —Joshua 
Hutchin,  about  1700, 

Fig.  G34.  —  1'.  Garon,  about  Fig.  635. — Thos.  Tompion  : 

1705.  month  clock,  about  1700. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 


Fig.  636. — Thos.  Tompion, 
about  1705.     See  p.  461. 

Fig.  637. — One  year  timepiece 
by  Daniel  Quare. 

Fig.  638. — Danl.  Delander 

year  equation  timepiece, 

about  1720. 

Jonathan  Lowndes,  shown  in  Fig.  631,  and  the  splendid  clock, 
Fig.  632,  which  is  of  later  date.  It  has  a  dial  12  inches  square  ;  the 
name  "  Dan  :  Quare  "  being  engraved  between  the  hour  numerals 

TJic  Pro^i^rcssion   of  Ens^lisJi  Domestic  Clocks.  489 




1/  i' 




Fig.  639. — Carved  dark  oak; 




r  ^ 


Fig.  640. — Oriental 

lacquer-work,  about 



\\  \"   / 

Fig.  641. — Philip  Abbot  ;    red 
lacquer  case,  about  1750, 

490  Old   Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Fig.  642. — At   Windsor 

Castle  :  Richard  Vick, 

about  1730. 

Fig.  643. — Reputed 
Chippendale  case. 

Fig.  644. — Simpson, 
Southwell,  about  1790. 

VII  and  VI  and  "London"  between  VI  and  V.  The  case  is 
decorated  with  marqueteile,  birds  and  flowers  arranged  in  panels 
with  scroll  borders  around  the  door  framing  and  the  plinth ;  the 
pillars  at  the  hood  corners  are  also  covered  with  marqueterie. 

The  Progrcsainu  of  English  Domestic   Clocks.  491 

An  example  c^f  iiiarqueterie  arranged  in  geometrical  patterns  is 
shown  in  Fig.  633  which  represents  a  clock  by  Joshua  Hutchin 
belonging  to  Mr.  W.  K.  l>owen.  The  case,  of  walnut,  is  inlaid  with 
stars,  curved  hexagons,  etc.,  and  a  broad  herring-bone  border  which 
runs  around  the  door,  up  the  sides,  and  across  the  top  of  the  body  ; 
a  banding  inside  this  border  is  interspersed  w  ith  bits  of  red  wood  at 
intervals  of  three  inches.  The  stars  and  hexagons  are  picked  out 
with  holly  and  set  in  selected  pieces  of  yew. 

An  eight-day  chiming  clock  by  Peter  Garon,  in  a  very  tine 
arabesque  marqueterie  case,  the  property  of  Mr.  J.  Drunnnond 
Robertson,  is  shown  in  Fig.  634. 

The  Tompion  clock,  Fig.  635,  is  from  the  Wetherfield  collection,  as 
IS  also  the  tw-elve-month  timepiece  by  Daniel  Quare  show-n  in  Fig.  637, 
which  is  remarkable  for  the  somewhat  peculiar  outline  of  the  case 
and  for  its  extremely  beautiful  marqueterie  surface.  Of  the  sub- 
sidiary discs  in  the  upper  corners  of  the  dial  plate  the  right  hand 
one  is  a  twelve-month  calendar  and  that  on  the  left  is  engraved 
"  Tempus  a?quale  "  and  "  Tempus  apparens,"  and  the  main  dial  can 
be  caused  to  show  at  pleasure  either  mean  time  or  solar  time 
according  as  the  pointer  is  set. 

A  one-year  equation  timepiece  by  Daniel  Delander,  shown  in 
Fig.  638,  is  also  the  property  of  Mr.  Wetherfield. 

Dark  oak  cases  carved  in  high  relief  do  not  seem  to  have  been 
the  fashion  of  any  particular  period,  but  the  result  rather  of  occasional 
efforts  by  enthusiastic  artists  in  wood,  and  then  in  most  instances 
they  appear  to  have  been  made  to  enclose  existing  clocks  in 
substitution  for  inferior  or  worn-out  coverings.  Of  the  specimen 
shown  in  Fig.  639,  I  was  fa\-oured  with  a  drawing  by  the  owner, 
whose  name  I  ha\'e  unfortunately  mislaid.  The  maker  of  the  clock 
was  Thomas  Haden,  and  it  possibly  dates  from  about  1720,  but  to 
assign  a  date  for  the  case  would  be  mere  guesswork  ;  its  outline 
is  suggesti\e  of  the  Chippendale  period. 

Oriental  Lacquer. — Cases  coated  with  black,  red  or  green 
lacquer  or  with  a  coating  of  lacquer  on  black,  red  or  green  ground, 
the  surface  being  decorated  in  the  Chinese  or  Japanese  style  more 
or  less  in  relief  and  gilded,  were  much  in  favour  from  about  17 10  to 
1750.  It  is  said  that  at  first  these  cases  were  sent  by  ships  engaged 
in  the  tea  trade  to  China  to  be  decorated,  and  that  a  delay  of  two  years 
or  so  would  occur  before  they  reached  England  again.  Then  the 
Dutch  engaged  in  the  art,  and  afterwards  the  lacquering  or  japanning 
of  cases  was  practised  in  England.     While  a  few  of  the  specimens  now 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

to  be  met  with  are  worthy  of  admiration,  the  greater  number  attract 
merely  by  reason  of  the  grotesque  appearance  of  the  ornament. 


Fig.  645. — Chippen- 

Fig.  646. — Chippen- 


Fig.  647. — Chippendale. 

A  square-headed  clock  case  with  the  Oriental  lacquer-work 
decoration  in  relief,  is  shown  in  Fig.  640.  The  clock,  which  was  in 
the  possession  of  Mr.  John  T.  Trotter,  bore  the  name  of  Anthony 

The  Pi'ogycssion   of  English   Domestic  Clocks.  4Q3 


Figs.  648,  649. — Chippendale  bracket  cases. 

Tigs.  6jo,  651.— Chippendale  bracket  cases. 


Old   Clocks  and   ]]\itcJics  and  their  Makers. 

Marsh,  who  was  free  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  in  1726,  and  it 
may  be  assumed  to  have  been  made  about  1740.     An  unusually  fine 


Fig.  652.— Chippendale.        Fig,   653.— Marqueterie,   177c 

Fig.  654. — Timepiece 

by  Ainsworth  Thwaites 

at  the  India  Office. 

red  lacquer  case,  covering  a  clock  by  Philip  Abbot,  in  the  Wether- 
field  collection,  and  dating  from  about  1750,  is  shown  in  Fig.  641. 

The  Pn\^rcssioii    of  J^iii^iisli    Domestic   Clocks.  495 

Chippendale. — Examples  of  what  is  generally  accepted  as  an 
ortliodox  Chippendale  case  are  represented  on  page  490.  It  is  not 
easy  to  define  exactly  w  hat  constitutes  a  Cliippendale  case,  nor  why 
cases  of  this  pattern  should  be  ascribed  to  Chippendale.  Tliomas 
Chippendale  was  a  noted  upliolsterer  and  cabinet-maker  in  St. 
Martin's  Lane.  He  published  a  splendid  folio  book  of  designs,  of 
whicli  three  editions  appeared  between  1755  and  17^13.  Figs.  645, 
646,  647  and  652  are  copied  from  liis  work  by  fa\our  of  Mr.  13.  T. 
Batsford.  It  must  be  confessed  none  of  them  bears  a  \ery  close 
resemblance  to  the  reputed  Chippendale  patterns.  There  are  also 
representations  of  two  other  long-case  clocks,  the  bracket-clock  cases 
shown  in  Figs.  648,  649,  650  and  651,  a  cartel  case,  and  two  other 
small  wall  timepiece  cases.  The  two  long  cases  I  have  not  repro- 
duced are  carved  very  much  in  the  French  style,  as  I'^igs.  494,  495, 
Chapter  \I.  The  characteristics  of  the  cases  now  usually  known  as 
"  Chippendale  "  are  the  pillars  or  pilasters  rising  at  the  front  corners 
of  the  case,  from  the  plinth  to  the  entablature  under  the  hood,  and 
the  corresponding  pillars  at  the  front  corners  of  the  hood.  Generally 
the  bases  and  caps  are  of  metal,  and  the  shafts  fluted.  The  case 
is  much  higher  than  the  dial,  and  the  top  of  the  pattern  shown  in 
Figs.  642  and  643,  which  is  considered  the  more  correct,  or  of  the 
horn-top  kind,  in  which  the  upper  part  terminates  in  two  carved 
scrolls,  curving  inwards.  It  will  be  observed  that  the  head  above 
the  dial  in  Fig.  642  is  high,  and  niost  after  the  style  of  Chippen- 
dale's drawings.  This  clock  was  made  by  Richard  Vick  and  is  at 
Windsor  Castle,  and  is  earlier  than  Chippendale's  time.  The 
horn-top  style,  which  was  very  popular  with  pro\'incial  makers,  is 
later.  For  the  horn  or  scroll-top  case  shown  in  Fig.  644  I  am 
indebted  to  Mr.  H.  Cook  of  Newark.  It  encloses  a  chiming 
clock  by  Simpson  of  Southwell,  dating  from  about  1790,  and  is 
an  excellent  example  of  that  period.  There  are  no  pillars  between 
the  plinth  and  the  hood  but  the  front  corners  of  the  waist  are  boldly 

Sheraton. — Thomas  Sheraton  was  born  at  Stockton-on-Tees  in 
1751  and  died  in  London  in  1806.  In  1791  was  issued  "  The  Cabinet- 
Makers'  and  Upholsterers'  Drawing  Book"  by  him,  and  in  1S03 
"  The  Cabinet  Dictionary,"  of  which  another  edition  appeared  in 
1808.  No  mention  is  made  of  clock  cases  in  the  first  edition  of  this 
work.  From  the  later  edition  are  copied  Figs.  655  and  656.  Though 
rarely  made  in  this  form  with  square  dials,  the  ornate  style  and 
beautiful    inlaid    work   associated  with    Sheraton    have   been    very 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

successfully   applied  by  clock-case   makers,   and  the    popularity  of 
Sheraton  cases  has  never  declined. 


Fig.  655.  —  Sheraton 

Fig.  656. — Sheraton  case. 

Fig.  657, — Clock  by 

William  Button, 

about  1780. 

In  Fig.  659  is  shown  a  remarkably  fine  musical  clock  with  moving 
figures,  the  property  of  Mr.  E.  E.  Cook  of  Walton-on-Thames.  It 
was  made  by  Pickett  of  Marlboro',  and  dates  from  about  17S0.    The 

Tlic   Pro'^rcssion  of  Eiii^lish   Dnutcsiic   Clocks.  497 

Fig.  658.— At  Windsor  Castle      Fig.  659.— Clock  with  moving    •         Fig.  660.— Jas.  Lorimer, 
by  Recordon,  about  1800.  figures,  about  17S0.  musical  clock,  about  1780. 

silvered  dial  is  engraved  with  urns  and  just  inside  the  usual  numeral 
circle  and  concentric  therewith  is  a  date  circle  to  which  an  index 
from  the  centre  points. 

c.w.  ,..  V 

498  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

At  12,  3,  6  and  9  o'clock  one  of  the  following  tunes  is  played : — 

1.  Marlbro'  |igg.  4.  Batt's  Hornpipe. 

2.  Jack's  ligg.  5.  Ben's  Delight. 

3.  Ned's  Hornpipe.  6.  Head's  Whim. 

These  tunes  are  enumerated  in  the  right-hand  spandrel ;  the  left- 
hand  spandrel  contains  a  chime-silent  hand.  In  the  arch  of  the 
dial  is  a  curtain  which  rises  when  the  clock  chimes  and  a  male  and 
female  figure  are  discovered  dancing.  Below  them  is  a  river  and  a 
bridge  ;  over  the  bridge  people,  carts,  etc.  pass,  including  a  man 
carrying  his  wife  to  avoid  the  toll,  which,  tradition  says,  refers  to  a 
local  bridge  w^here  a  heavy  toll  was  exacted.  Below  the  bridge, 
swans,  boats,  etc.  pass  to  and  fro  on  the  water.  In  the  lower  part 
of  the  main  dial  is  a  moon  calendar.  On  p.  474  the  dial  is  shown 
to  an  enlarged  scale. 

A  musical  clock  of  large  size,  the  property  of  Mr.  R.  Eden 
Dickson,  Glemham  Hall,  Suffolk,  is  shown  in  Fig.  660.  The  case 
of  mahogany  is  8  feet  5  inches  high  and  the  dial  measures  18^  inches 
by  22  inches.  The  quarters  are  chimed  on  eight  bells,  and  at  every 
three  hours,  after  the  quarters  are  chimed  and  the  hours  struck,  a 
tune  is  played.  There  are  sixteen  bells  and  twenty-four  hammers ; 
the  music  barrel  is  14  J  inches  long  and  3  inches  in  diameter.  The 
subsidiary  dials  are  "  strike-silent "  and  "  chime-silent,"  the  name 
"James  Lorimer,  London"  being  on  the  plate  between,  while  in  the 
arch  above  is  the  following  list  of  tunes : — 


La  Promenade. 


I  do  as  T  will  with  my  Swain. 




Lays  of  Paties  Mill. 




Flowers  of  Edinburgh. 


Bagnigge  Wells. 


Cuckoo's  Nest. 


Duke  of  Gloucester's 



Tweed  side. 


Neu  Alamand. 


Portsmouth  Psalm. 

The  pendulum  rod  is  of  ebony,  and  above  the  bob  on  a  small  brass 
plate  is  engraved  "  John  Marshall,  London." 

The  handsome  clock  shown  in  Fig.  654  was  made  by  Ainsworth 
Thwaites  for  the  East  India  Company  about  1770;  the  case  is  of 
figured  wood,  doubtless  of  Indian  growth.  A  companion  case, 
which  originally  held  a  dial  to  record  the  direction  of  the  wind, 
seems  to  have  mysteriously  disappeared  from  the  offices  of  the 
Company  and  to  have  been  found  on  the  Continent,  where  it  was 
purchased  by  an  official  of  the  English  Government,  and  the  two 
now  appropriately  occupy  positions  in  a  room  at  the  India  Office, 
being  symmetrically  placed  one  on  each  side  of  the  fireplace. 

Fig.  657  represents  a  long-case  clock  of  novel  design  by  W'illiant 

The  Pi'Oi^i-cfision   of  Jiiii^^lisJi   Donicsiic  Clocks 


Duttoii,  dating  from  about  1780,  for  which  I  am  indebted  to  Mr. 
Thomas  W'yatt.  The  case,  just  upon  10  feet  in  heip^ht,  is  of  pine 
and  mahogany  painted  light  blue  and  white.  The  dial  is  of  brass 
with  a  convex  enamelled  centre.  The  movement  has  a  dead  beat 
escapement  and  a  gridiron  compensated  pendulum.  The  lunar  ball 
in  the  arch  of  the  dial  is  nutated  from  the  hour  wheel  arbor,  on 
\\hi(-h  is  cut  a  screw  to  dri\-e  tlu'   inlcrmediatc  lunar  train.      IV'low 

Fig.  661. 

the  moon  is  an  oblong  slit  through  which  appears  the  day  of  the 

As  examples  of  the  plain  early  nineteenth  century  clocks  of  the 
best  class  with  circular  enamelled  dials,  and  usually  in  cases  of 
mahogany  with  finely  figured  surfaces,  may  be  taken  the  one  by 
Vulliamy  illustrated  on  p.  351  and  one  by  Recordon  shown  in 
Fig.  658.  For  a  really  perfect  dial  on  this  plan  one  has  to  go  to  a 
comparatively  obscure  provincial  maker,  see  Fig.  617. 

The  introduction  of  cheap  American  clocks  was  disastrous  to  the 

K  K  2 


Old  Clocks  and   l]^ntchcs  and  their  Makers. 

old  English  ones,  and  between  1850  and  i860  thousands  of  good 
serviceable  long-case  timekeepers  were  sacrificed,  the  cases  being 
chopped  up  for  firewood  and  the  substantial  brass  movements 
consigned  to  the  melting-pot. 

Bracket  or  Pedestal  Clocks. — Bracket  or  pedestal  clocks,  with 
enriched  cases,  as  distinguished  from  the  plain  metal  covering  of  the 

Fig.  662. 

ordinary  chamber  clock,  were  in  favour  before   the   advent  of  the 
long-case  variety. 

Of  the  early  types  with  metal  cases,  examples  have  already  been 
■given.  During  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  and  the  beginning 
of  the  eighteenth  centu-ry  the  square  '•  squat"  case  of  wood  with  a 
fiat  top  and  plain  metal  handle  for  lifting  it  by,  or  with  a  perforated 
metal  dome-shaped  addition,  chased  and  gilded,  called  basket-work, 

The  Proi^rcssioii  of  Eiv^lisJ]   Doiiicsiic  Clocks. 


suniunuittHl  by  an  enriched  handle,  was  \-ery  popular.  Engraxings 
of  this  variety  are  given  on  pages  266  and  267. 

Fig.  661  is  a  specimen  by  John  Harris,  London,  dating  from  about 
1680,  for  which  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  \\'i]liam  Newton. 

The   example   shown   in    Fig.  662   is  by  Ben  Collier,  London,  and 

Fig.  663, 

belongs  to  Mr.  G.  H.  Jocelyn,  Writtle,  Essex.  ]\L.  J.  Drummond 
Robertson  has  a  clock  by  Claudius  Du  Chesne,  London,  with  an 
unusually  fine  double  basket  top,  as  shown  in  P^ig.  663.  Fig.  664 
by  Tompion,  is  from  the  Wetherfield  collection.  Mr.  Frank  Jones, 
W'estcliff,  has  a  very  similar  piece.  After  the  "  basket  "  came  the 
"  bell "  shaped  case,  so  called  from  the  hollow  curved  character 
of  the  top,  as  seen   in    Fig.  665.     This   is   a  very  early  example  of 


Old  Clocks  and  IVatchcs  and  their  Makers. 

that  style,  also  in  the  collection  of  Mr.  J.  D.  Robertson.     It  dates 
from  about  1690,  and  is  inscribed,  "Stephen  Asselin,  London." 

Fig.  666  shows  the  back  plate  of  the  John  Harris  clock,  on  page 
499.     It  is  noteworthy  by  reason  of  the  excellent  engraving  and  the 

Fig.  664. — Thos.  Tompion,  eight-day  striking  clock  ;  repeats 
quarters  by  pulling  the  knob  and  string  on  the  right.  Above 
ttie  dial  are  pointers  :  one  at  the  left  hand  corner  for  regulation 
and  one  at  the  right  hand  corner  to  change  from  "  strike  "  to 
"not  strike."  Between  these  is  inscribed,  "  Tho.  Tompion, 
Londini  fecit.'' 

ornamental  "  cock  "  or  cover  over  the  pendulum  suspension.  Another 
admirable  back  plate,  shown  in  Fig.  667,  by  favour  of  Mr.  J.  D. 
Robertson,  bears  the  name  of  Thomas  Parker,  Dublin.  The  cock  is 
similar  to  that  on  Sir  Isaac  Newton's  clock  in  the  Guildhall 

The   Proi:;rcss!oii   af  Jiir^lish    Domestic   Clocks. 


The  "  lu'll  "  top  case  continued  in  faxour  lon^'  alter  the  intro- 
duction of  the  arclied  dial.  Two  views  (Figs.  668  and  669)  are 
appended  of  an  early  arch  dial  bracket  clock,  belonging  to  Mr. 
Schloss,  which  was  made  (juite  at  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth 
century  by  Jeremiah  Hartley  of  Norwich.  The  case  is  of  ebonized 
wood  with  brass  mounts.  In  the  spandrels  of  the  arch  and  at  the 
sides  is  pierced  diaper  work  backed  by  silk,  to  permit  the  sound  of 

Fig.  665. 

the  bell  to  escape  and  yet  pre\ent  the  ingress  of  dust.  The  engraving 
of  the  dial  and  the  back  plate  is  very  fine  indeed,  and  the  work 
throughout  is  really  admirable.  The  clock  shows  days  of  the  month, 
strikes  the  hours  and  quarters,  and  the  strokes  corresponding  to  the 
previous  striking  may  be  repeated  at  pleasure  by  pulling  a  string 
terminating  in  the  knob  which  is  seen  at  the  right  of  the  front  view. 
In  the  arch  of  the  dial  is  a  rise  and  fall  regulator  which  adjusts  the 
length  of  the  pendulum. 


Old  Clocks  and    ]]\iicJics  and  their  Makers. 


A  later  bell   top   case   with   fine   claw  feet,  and   surmounted  by  a 

plain  brass  handle  instead  of  the 
side  handles,  is  show^n  in  Fig. 
670.  From  the  presence  of  tlie 
strike-silent  hand,  one  may  place 
the  date  of  this  at  about  1740. 

Of  the  more  ornate  styles  in 
\  ogue  during  the  second  quarter 
of  the  eighteenth  century,  the 
clock  by  Graham  on  page  287 
affords  a  good  idea. 

\\'hat  perhaps  may  be  termed 

a  sporadic  case  of  very  elegant 

design    is    shown    in    Fig.    671, 

by    favour    of      Mr.     William 

Home,  Leyburn,  Yorkshire.  The 

clock  is  undoubtedly  the  work  of 

Fdward  East,  and  dates  probably 

from  about  1685,  but  the  case  is 

in  many  respects  characteristic 
Fig.  666. 

of  the  Sheraton  style.  It  is 
of  iron  with  brass  mountings, 
finely  chased  and  gilt,  and 
measures  2  feet  2  inches  high, 
and  12  inches  broad.  On  the 
dial  of  brass  is  engraved  a 
peacock  in  full  plume.  On 
the  back  plate  of  the  movement 
is  engraved  a  basket  of  flowers, 
and  underneath  the  inscription, 
"  Ediiardiis  East,  London.'' 

In  Figs.  672  and  673,  are 
shown  a  \'ery  large  musical 
clock  by  "  William  Webster, 
Exchange  Alley,"  and  in  Fig. 
674,  by  way  of  contrast,  a 
diminutive  specimen  bearing 
the    name    "  Chevrier."    Both  ^'''-  ^^7- 

are  from  the  collection  of  Mr.  Eden  Dickson.     The  Webster  clock 
is   26  inches  high,  the  dial  being   it,^  inches  by  9  inches. 


Tltc  Pro!:;irssioii   o/   Iini^lisli   Domestic  Clock:' 




Old  Clocks  and   ]]\itches  and  tJicir  Makers. 

are  24  tunes  engraved  in  three  lines  on  the  dial,  and  of  these  each 
cylinder  plays  eight.     The  tunes  are  as  follows  : — 

ist.  Granadiers'  March.      2nd.   A  youngVirginof  15.     3rd.  ButifuU  Phillis. 

A  Minuet. 

The  Rumer. 

The  Spanish  Jigg. 

A  Riggadoon. 

Thomas,  I  cannot. 

Don't  you  tickle  me. 

3  Generals'  Health. 

A  English  Sible. 

Sweet  is  our  Blessing. 

The  Mouse-trap. 

A  Minuet. 

A  Jigg. 

An  Ayre. 

The  Happy  Clown. 

Gle.Raingeall  round. 
O    Nymph    of    Race 

Hunt  ye  Squirel. 
Bright  Aurelia. 
St.  George's  Minuet. 
A  Minuet. 
Soldiers  Rejoyce. 

The   music   is   played   every  three   hours,  at   12,  3,  6  and  g,  the  air 

being  given  twice  each 
time.  There  are  twelve 
bells  and  two  hammers 
for  each.  The  cylinders 
are  each  10  inches 
long  and  i^  inch  in 
diameter.  Those  not  in 
use  are  kept '  in  a  drawer 
in  the  plinth  of  the  case. 
The  clock  has  also  a  full 
(juarter  movement, 
arranged  to  strike  on  six 
of  the  chime  bells. 

The  Chevrier  clock  is 
in  an  ebony  case,  18 
inches  high,  the  dial  being 
yh  inches  by  5^.  The 
numerals  are  in  Turkish 
characters.  The  following 
six  tunes  are  played  : — i 
An  Italian  air.  2.  A 
Minuet.  3.  Bright  Aurelia. 

4.  Ye  King  enjoys  his  own. 

5.  Italian    Minuet.      6.  A 
seventeen    hammers  on   nine 


Fig.  670. 
The    chime    barrel    plays 


The  charming  diminutive  clock  by  Josiah  Emery,  with  bracket, 
shown  in  Fig.  675,  is  from  the  Wetherfield  collection. 

Towards  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century  the  popularity  of  the 
"  bell-top  "  case  waned,  and  it  was  gradually  supplanted  by  three 
set  patterns,  the  "  broken  arch,"  the  "  balloon,"  and  the  "  lancet." 

The   Proi^rcssioii    of  Eii^tj^lisli    Doiiicslic   Clocks. 


Tlie  "broken  arch"  was  not,  as  mi^dit  be  supposed,  a  circular 
pediment  cut  away  in  the  middle,  but  an  arched  top  not  extending 
to  the  full  width  of  the  dial,  the  moulding  surmounting  the  arch 
being  continued   from    its  springing  along  the  front  of  the  case  in 

Fig.  671. 

two  short  straight  bands.  This  seems  to  ha\e  been  taken  from 
Chippendale's  bracket  cases,  as  in  Figs.  648,  649,  650,  651,  all  of 
which  have  circular  pediments  of  this  kind,  but  the  ornamental 
superstructure  as  suggested  by  Chippendale  was  not  adopted.  What 
is  generally  accepted  as  a  "  broken  arch  "  case  is  shown  in  Fig.  676. 


Old  Clucks   and    ]]^aichcs   and    their  Makers. 

It  enclosed  a  clock  dating  from  about  1790,  by  John  Thwaites,  an 
eminent  maker  who  was  several  times  master  of  the  Clockmakers' 

A  wide  broken-arch  mahogany  case,  containing  a  musical  clock  by 
Stephen  Rimbault,  is  shown  in  Fig.  677.  The  clock  plays  six  tunes 
on  eleven  bells.     One  air  is  "  God  Save  the   King  "  ;  the  others  are 

now  obsolete  and  not  easily 
recognized,  but  ne  doubt 
they  were  most  popular 
about  1780,  when  the  clock 
was  made.  A  fine  musical 
clock  by  Rimbault,  which 
was  formerly  the  property 
of  Sir  William  Drake,  is  in 
the  Ashmolean  Museum, 

Stephen  Rimbault 
carried  on  business  in 
Great  St.  Andrew's  Street, 
St.  Giles,  and  was  a  maker 
of  repute,  particularly 
excelling  in  clocks,  with 
mechanical  figures  dancing 
or  working  on  the  dials, 
and  other  complicated 
timekeepers.  The  artist 
Zoffany  was  for  some  time 
Rimbault's  decorative 
assistant,  and  in  him  his 
master  had  a  man  of  great 
ability  and  taste,  who  no 
doubt  helped  to  make  his 
name.  Zoffany  painted  a 
portrait  of  his  master 
which  pleased  Rimbault  so  much  that  he  introduced  him  to 
Wilson,  the  portrait  painter.  Zoffany  was  then  employed  by  Wilson 
to  fill  in  draperies,  etc.,  at  a  salary  of  £40  a  year,  and  while  with 
him  his  ability  was  recognized  by  David  Garrick,  Avho  put  him 
into  the  channel  of  theatrical  portraiture,  where  he  made  his  name, 
becoming  R.A.  in  1798. 

A   very  excellent   example  of  a    "  balloon  "    case  and  bracket  is 

Fig.  672. — Musical  clock  by  Wm.  Webster. 

TJic   Pro<^i'cssioii   of  Eiif^^lisJi   Domestic  Clocks 


given  in  Fig.  678,  for  which  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  Webster.  They 
were  generally  plain  in  outline,  and  inlaid  after  the  Sheraton  style, 
but  their  beauty  really  lay  in  the  graceful  harmony  of  the  curves 
constituting  the  case  and  bracket  which  together  formed  a  complete 
and  pleasing  design.  The  clock  enclosed  in  this  case  was  made  by 
Robert  Wood,  of  Moorfields,  about  i  jcjo.     The  round  knob  on  top  of 

Fig.  673. — Back  of  musical  clock  by  Wm.  Webster. 

the  case  served  to  regulate  the  time  by  shortening  or  lengthening  the 
effective  part  of  the  pendulum. 

In  Fig.  679  is  a  later  and  more  ornate  form  of  balloon  clock 
at  Windsor  Castle.  Its  appearance  is  somewhat  disappointing, 
for  without  a  bracket  this  style  of  case  is  shorn  of  its  beautiful 

The  "  lancet  "  case,  in  form  the  counterpart  of  a  pointed  Gothic 
arch,  and  named  from  its  resemblance  to  the  well-known  cutting 
instrument   used  by  surgeons,   is  shown   in   Fig.  680.      This  clock. 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

dating  from  about  1820,  was  made  by  George  Orpwood.  Ornamental 
engraving  on  the  back  plate,  which  characterized  all  the  best  bracket 
clocks  up  to  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century,  is  rarely  seen 
on  nineteenth  century  productions.  With  the  engraved  plate 
disappeared,  of  course,  the  glazed  door  at  the  back  of  the  case.  The 
utilitarian  spirit,  which  abolished  these  features  as  redundant,  has, 
however,  caused  fine  specimens  which  survive  to  be  more  highly 
prized.  What  can  look  meaner  than  the  bare  and  often  common 
wood  at  the  back  of  many  pretentious  modern  clocks  if  one  of  them 

happens  to  be  in  front  of  a  mirror. 

Soon  after  its  introduction,  the 
pendulum  was  occasionally  placed 
outside  of  the  case  in  front  of  the  dial, 
especially  in  small  clocks  like  Fig. 
371,  but  I  saw  a  very  fine  bracket 
clock  arranged  in  this  way.  It  was 
by  John  Trubshaw,  of  London,  and 
dated  from  about  1700.  To  put  the 
pendulum  outside  is  not  a  good  plan, 
for  it  is  clearly  more  liable  to  dis- 
turbance than  when  suspended  inside 
the  case.  Captain  Edward  Leth- 
bridge  informed  me  that  in  the  hall 
of  Hinton  Ampner  House,  near 
Alresford,  is  a  timepiece,  probably 
of  German  origin,  in  an  o\al  case  of 
embossed  silver  measuring  about  20 
inches  by  12  inches,  mounted  on  a 
velvet  block.  The  pendulum  reaches 
from  the  top  to  the  bottom  of  the 
case,  and  swings  in  the  front  on  the  outside  of  the  dial.  This  also 
would  probably  be  a  very  early  eighteenth  century  production. 

On  page  516  are  front,  side,  and  back  views  of  an  English  travel- 
ling clock,  dating  from  about  1710,  which  is  interesting  by  its  rarity, 
for  it  is  a  type,  I  think,  but  very  seldom  seen.  From  the  bottom  of 
the  case  to  the  top  of  the  swivelled  knob  below  the  carrying  ring 
measures  8  inches.  The  movement  is  signed  "  Paulet,  London." 
But  little  is  known  of  Paulet  except  that  a  watch  by  him  is  at  the 
South  Kensington  Museum  and  that  in  1730  he  worked  for  EUicott, 
though  by  his  name  he  was  piobably  of  French  descent.  The  gilt 
metal  work  of  the  case  of  this  clock  is  finely  pierced  and  carved, 

Fig.  674. 

'Jlic  rrogirssion   of  Jiiii^lish   nomcstic  Clocks. 


arabesques  and  faces  being  executed  in  a  style  not  usual  at  this 
period  on  clock  cases  of  English  manufacture.  The  dial  and  back 
plates  are  coxered  with  open  lace  work  of  hammered  siher. 
Besides  repeating  the  hours  and  quarters,  the  clock  is  provided 
with  an  alarum,  and  in  a  semicircle  occupying  the  arch  of  the 
dial  the  day  of  the  month 
is  indicated.  It  belongs  to 
Mr.   Schloss. 

Taxes  Relating  to  Clocks 
and  Watches.  —  Legislation 
has  on  more  than  one  occasion 
affected  the  material  used  for 
watch  cases.  In  1719  a  duty  of 
sixpence  an  ounce  was  imposed 
on  articles  of  silver,  and  this 
quickly  led  to  an  increased  use 
of  base  metal  cases.  In  1758 
an  annual  payment  of  forty 
shillings  by  dealers  was  sub- 
stituted for  the  duty,  and  in 
1759  the  amount  to  be  paid  for 
a  licence  was  raised  to  £^. 
But  in  1784  the  duty  of  six- 
pence per  ounce  was  reimposed 
in  addition  to  the  dealer's 
licence.  The  effect  was  remark- 
able ;  the  use  of  silver  inmie- 
diately  declined,  and  for  the 
next  fourteen  years  large  num- 
bers of  base  metal  cases  were 
made.  In  1797  a  tax  of  eight 
shillings  an  ounce  was  levied 
on  gold  articles,  which  doubt- 
less would  have  led  to  an 
increased  use  of  silver  gilt  and 
pinchbeck  cases,  but  that  Pitt, 

not  content  with  taxing  the  cases,  at  the  same  time  imposed  a  tax 
on  all  persons  in  respect  of  the  possession  and  use  of  watches  as 
well  as  clocks.     The  Act  ordained  that — • 

"  For  and  upon  every  Clock  or  Timekeeper,  by  whatever  name  the 
same  shall  be  called,  which  shall  be  used  for  the  purpose  of  a  clock 

Fig.  675. — Josiah  Emery,  eight-day  : 
pull  repeating  quarters  on  six 


Old  Clocks  and   JVatchcs  and  their  Makers. 

and  placed  in  or  upon  any  dwelling  house,  or  any  office  or  building 
thereunto  belonging,  or  any  other  Building  whatever,  whether  private 
or  publick,  belonging  to  any  person  or  persons,  or  Company  of 
Persons,  or  any  Body  Corporate,  or  Politick,  or  Collegiate,  or  which 
shall  be  kept  and  used,  by  any  Person  or  Persons  in  Great  Britain, 
there  shall  be  charged  an  Annual  Duty  of  Five  Shillings.     For  and 

Fig.  676. 

upon  every  Gold  Watch,  or  Watch  enamelled  on  Gold,  or  Gold 
Timekeeper  used  for  the  Purpose  of  a  Watch  by  whatever  Name  the 
same  shall  be  called,  which  shall  be  kept,  and  worn,  or  used,  by  any 
Person  or  Persons  in  Great  Britain,  there  shall  be  charged  an 
Annual  Duty  of  Ten  Shillings.  And  for  and  upon  every  Silver  or 
Metal  Watch,  or  Silver  or  Metal  Timekeeper  used  for  the  purpose 
of  a  Watch  or  any  other  watch,  or  Timekeeper  used  for  the  like 
purpose,  not  before  charged,  of  whatever  materials  the  same  shall  be 
made,  and  by  whatever  name  the  same  shall  be  called,  which  shall 

The  Pi'o<j:;ycssio}i  of  Eui^iish   Domestic  Clocks. 


be  kept  and  worn,  or  used,  by  any  Person,  there  shall  be  charged  an 
Annual  Duty  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence." 

It  recjuires  an  effort  to  realize  that  such  an  impost  prevailed  but 
little  over  a  century  ago.  Among  other  provisions  of  the  Act  was 
one  declaring  tliat  every  watch  or  clock  maker  or  dealer  in  the  cities 




Fig.  6: 

-Chiming  clock  by  S.  Rimbault. 

of  London  and  Westminster,  the  parishes  of  St.  Marylebone  and 
St.  Pancras,  the  Counties  of  Middlesex  and  Surrey  shall  pay  an 
annual  duty  of  two  shillings  and  sixpence.  In  any  other  part  of 
the  country  such  a  maker  or  dealer  was  let  off  by  paying  a  shilling 

The  produce  was  far  from  reaching  the  estimated  yield,  while  the 
operation  of  the  tax  was  such  as  nearly  to  ruin  manufacturers.     The 

c.w.  L  L 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches   and  their  Makers. 

demand  for  clocks  and  watches  decreased  to  such  an  extent,  that  in 
less  than  a  year  the  general  manufacture  of  these  articles  in  the 
kingdom,  and  the  various  branches  of  trade  connected  therewith,  had 
diminished  by  one-half,  and  thousands  of  persons  were  deprived  of 

Fig.  678. 

employment.     It  is  not  therefore  surprising  that  the  Act  was  repealed 
in  April,  1798. 

A  writer  in  Notes  and  Queries  mentions  that  he  met  with  a  printed 
form  of  receipt  for  a  half-year's  taxes,  due  from  a  small  farmer  in 
Essex,  in  which  occurred  the  item,  "  for  clocks  and  watches,  5  ,  7^^," 

The  Prot^ression  of  Iin;^lisJi   Domestic  Clocks. 


The  receipt  was  dated 
April  I  o,  I  798,  the 
month  in  whicli  the  Act 
was  repealed. 

Although  the  imposi- 
tion of  this  obnoxious 
tax  paralyzed  the  horo- 
logical  trades,  it  had  the 
effect  of  creating  one 
new  kind  of  timekeeper  ; 
for  tavern  keepers, 
anticipating  a  scarcity 
of  timekeepers  among 
individuals,  with  one 
mind  seem  to  have 
adopted  a  bold  mural 
timepiece  for  the  benefit 
of  those  who  visited 
their  public  rooms. 
Mural  timepieces  with 
large  dials  were,  of 
course,    in    use    before 

Fig.  679. 

1797,  and  by  favour  of  Sir  George 
Birdwood  I  am  enabled  to  represent 
in  Fig.  684  a  handsome  one,  which 
is  now  at  the  India  Office.  It  was 
formerly  at  the  entrance  to  the 
Special  Assistants'  Room  at  the 
House  of  the  East  India  Company 
in  Leadenhall  Street,  and  dates  from 
about  1740. 

An  "  Act  of  Parliament "  clock 
was  altogether  a  plainer  afifair.  It 
had  usually  a  large  dial  of  wood, 
painted  black,  wath  gilt  figures,  not 
covered    by    a    glass,    and    a    trunk 

L  L  2 



The  Pro<^i'essioii  of  Eii^^lisli  Domestic  Clocks. 


long  enough  to  allow  of  a  seconds  pendulum.  In  country  inns  and 
other  places  Act  of  Parliament  clocks  may  still  occasionally  be  seen. 
The  appended  illustration  (Fig.  685)  of  a  specimen  at  Windsor  Castle 
with  a  white  dial  is  curious,  inasmuch  as  the  fourth  hour  is  indicated 
by  1\'.  instead  of  thealmost  universal  IIII. 

Fig.  684. — Mural  timepiece,  India  Office. 

Fig.  68t. 

Act  of  Parliament  "  clock. 

Watchmakers  obtained  from  Parliament  in  1 798  some  little  recom- 
pense for  the  dire  e.xtremity  to  which  they  had  been  reduced,  for  from 
that  time  watch  cases  have  been  exempt  from  the  plate  duty.  But  watch 
manufacturers  had  nevertheless  to  continue  the  annual  plate  licence, 
although  watch  case  makers  were  absolved  from  the  necessity  of  doing  so. 
In  1803  the  licence  underwent  further  alteration  ;  for  trading  in  gold 
over  2  dwts.  and  under  2  oz.,  or  in  silver  over  5  dwts.  and  under  30  oz., 
an  annual  payment  of  £2  6s.  was  then  demanded,  and  for  trading  in  gold 
or  silver  articles  above  those  weights  an  annual  pavment  of  {^  15s. 

(     5i8     ) 



The  Pendulum. — It  is  not  certain  who  used  the  pendulum  as  a 
controller  for  clocks.  Galileo,  the  famous  astronomer,  in  1582 
remarked  the  synchronous  vibrations  of  the  lamps  suspended  by  long 
chains  from  the  roof  of  the  cathedral  at  Pisa,  and  it  is  said  that  when 
blind  he  dictated  to  his  son  Vincent  a  method  of  using  the  pendulum 
as  a  timekeeper,  which  the  latter  carried  out  in  1649.  From  the 
drawing  of  this  contrivance  it  seems  to  hsLve  been  merely  a  train  of 
wheels  and  a  rude  escapement  to  keep  a  pendulum  in  motion,  in 
order  to  determine  the  time  by  counting  its  vibrations.  It  is 
shown  in  Fig.  686,  and  a  working  model  of  it  is  to  be  seen  at  South 
Kensington  Museum. 

In  the  Vienna  Treasury  is  a  clock  dating  from  the  early  part  of 
the  seventeenth  century,  and  furnished  with  a  pendulum  which  it  is 
contended  was  invented  by  the  maker  of  the  clock,  J.  Burgi,  of 
Prague,  who  was  appointed  as  clockmaker  to  Rudolph  II.  in  1602. 

Then  it  is  stated  that  Richard  Harris  constructed  a  turret  clock 
with  a  pendulum  for  the  church  of  St.  Paul's,  Covent  Garden,  which 
has  since  been  burnt  down.  The  authority  for  this  statement  rests 
chiefly  on  an  engraved  plate  affixed  in  the  vestry-room  of  the  old 
church,  with  the  following  inscription  on  it : — 

"  The  turret  clock  and  bells  of  this  church  were  made  a.d.  1797, 
by  Thomas  Grignon,  of  Great  Russell  Street,  Covent  Garden,  the 
son  and  successor  of  Thomas  Grignon,  who  (a.d.  1740)  brought  to 
perfection  what  the  celebrated  Tompion  and  Graham  never  effected, 
viz.,  the  horizontal  principle  in  watches  and  the  dead  beat  in  clocks, 
which  dead  beat  is  a  part  of  the  mechanism  of  the  turret  clock. 
Thomas  Grignon,  senior,  made  the  time-piece  in  the  pediment  at 
the  east  end  of  this  parish  church,  destroyed  by  fire  a.d.  1795.  The 
clock  fixed  in  the  turret  of  the  said  church  was  the  first  long 
pendulum  clock  in  Europe,  invented  and  made  by  Richard  Harris, 
of  London,  a.d.  1641,  although  the  honour  of  the  invention  was 
assumed  by  Vincenzio  Galilei,  a.d.  1649,  and   also  by  Huygens  in 

Mechanism  of  Clocks  and   Watches. 


1657.  This  plate  is  here  affixed  by  Thomas  Grignon,  of  this  parish, 
the  son  of  the  above  Thomas  Grignon,  as  a  true  memorial  of  praise 
to  those  two  skilful  mechanicians,  his  father  and  Richard  Harris, 
who,  to  the  honour  of  England,  embodied  their  ideas  in  substantial 
forms  that  are  most  useful  to  mankind." 

It  would  be  idle  to  treat  this  as  conclusi\e  evidence  in  favour  of 
Harris  ;  still  it  is  entitled 
to  consideration,  for  the 
elder  Grignon  alluded  to 
was  regarded  as  a  man 
of  integrity.  He  was 
a  contemporary  and 
friend  of  James  Fer- 
guson, and  one  of  the 
first  members  of  the 
Society  of  Arts,  to  which 
society  he  in  1759  pre- 
sented a  regulator,  which 
is  yet  to  be  seen  at  the 
house  of  the  society  in  the 
Adelphi.  Besides,  that 
Galileo's  observation 
would  be  followed  by  the 
application  of  a  pendulum 
to  a  clock  is  only  just 
what  might  have  been 
expected.  The  weak  part 
of  the  claim  on  behalf  of 
Harris  is  that  his  appli- 
cation of  a  superior  con- 
troller should  have  re- 
mained a  solitary  instance  for  twelve  years  or  so,  and  have  evoked 
no  attention  from  scientists  and  others  interested  in  the  subject. 

Huygens,  it  is  certain,  studied  the  action  of  the  pendulum 
between  1650  and  1655,  and  demonstrated  the  fact  that  the  path 
described  as  the  centre  of  oscillation  should  be  a  cycloid  for  vibra- 
tions of  varying  extent  to  be  passed  through  in  the  same  time. 

Dr.  Hooke  also  saw  the  advantage  of  the  pendulum  about  the 
same  time,  and  proceeded  to  apply  it. 

Fromanteel  and  others  have  also  been  named  with  confidence 
by   their  respective    admirers    as    being    entitled    to    the    honour    of 

Fig    686. 

520  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

introducing  the  pendulum  ;  but  indisputable  proof  of  any  one's 
claim  to  originality  in  the  matter  there  is  none,  and  it  is  therefore 
useless  to  pursue  this  part  of  the  subject  further. 

Striking  Work. — Recording  the  completion  of  each  hour  by 
strokes  on  a  bell  has  always  been  regarded  as  an  important  function 
of  public  timekeepers.  In  some  of  the  early  clocks,  notably  the  first 
one  at  St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  the  sound  of  the  striking  was  the  sole 
indicator  of  time  provided,  and  in  many  later  edifices,  where  the 
exhibition  of  dials  was  considered  to  be  incongruous  with  the  general 
design,  timekeepers  similarly  restricted  have  been  adopted  and  their 
convenience  appreciated.  The  Church  of  St.  Vedast,  Foster  Lane, 
may  be  mentioned  as  an  instance  of  a  public  building  with  a  tower 
clock  which  struck  but  had  no  dial.  Clocks  striking  the  quarters 
as  well  as  the  hours  are  common  enough,  but  Westminster  Abbey 
furnishes  a  solitary  instance  of  striking  work  for  the  quarters  only. 
This  is  done,  not  by  the  turret  clock  with  the  well-known  exterior 
dial,  but  by  the  timekeeper  in  the  Poet's  Corner,  which  is  also 
peculiar  in  being  probably  the  largest  spring  clock  ever  made,  for 
the  barrels  and  fusees  are  each  over  seven  inches  in  diameter. 

Some  of  the  early  Dutch  and  German  clocks  were  furnished  with 
two  bells,  one  larger  than  the  other,  mounted  on  the  top  of  the 
case.  The  hour  was  struck  on  the  larger  bell ;  the  first  quarter 
noted  by  one  stroke  on  the  smaller  bell ;  at  the  half-hour  strokes 
corresponding  in  number  to  the  previous  hour  were  given  on  the 
smaller  bell,  and  the  third  quarter  was  proclaimed  by  one  stroke 
on  the  larger  bell.  This  plan  has  the  advantage  of  giving  fuller 
information  than  modern  methods.  Where  one  stroke  is  given  at 
the  half-hour,  as  in  most  modern  French  clocks,  half-past  twelve, 
one,  and  half-past  one  convey  the  same  unmeaning  sound. 

As  described  on  page  455,  the  Friesland  hood  clocks  indicated  the 
half-hour  by  repeating  on  a  smaller  bell  strokes  corresponding  to  the 
hour  last  completed. 

An  excellent  arrangement  for  striking  on  two  bells,  as  carried  out 
by  Joseph  Knibb,  is  described  on  page  310. 

Unless  altered  very  recently,  the  clock  at  the  church  of  St.  Clement 
Danes,  in  the  Strand,  strikes  each  hour  twice.  The  strokes  are  given 
first  on  a  large  bell,  weighing  24  cwt.,  and  then  repeated  on  the 
Sanctus — a  bell  in  the  spire  which  is  said  to  date  back  to  the 
fifteenth  century,  and  to  have  been  one  of  the  bells  used  before 
the  Reformation.  On  account  of  the  roar  of  traffic  along  the  road, 
the  striking  cannot  be  heard  except  at  night,  and  when  it  is  heard 

Mechanism  of  Clocks  and   ]Vatchcs.  521 

the  effect  is  curious,  for  the  repetition  appears  to  the  uninitiated  to 
be  the  tardy  striking  of  another  clock  in  some  adjacent  tower. 

Clocks  are  occasionally  to  be  seen  which  strike  the  hours  from 
one  to  six  four  times  over  during  the  twenty-four  hours.  In  many 
parts  of  southern  Italy  the  hours  were  regularly  sounded  in  this  way. 

The  Japanese  had  a  decidedly  ingenious  method  of  sounding  the 
hour  and  half-hour,  which  is  described  on  page  444. 

Should  the  present  method  of  s|)litting  the  day  into  two  periods 
of  twelve  hours  each  be  abandoned  in  fa\our  of  continuous  counting 
of  the  hours  from  one  to  twenty-four,  the  striking  would  possibly  be 
re-arranged,  and  the  plans  just  described  give  a  choice  for  selection. 

The  earliest  device  for  causing  the  hours  to  be  struck  automatically 
appears  to  be  the  locking-plate  construction,  as  shown  in  De  Vick's 
clock.  A  modification  of  this  principle,  to  ensure  greater  exactness 
by  using  quicker  moving  parts  to  unlock  the  striking  train,  is  still 
the  most  favoured  for  turret  clocks.  For  house  clocks  the  rack 
principle  invented  by  Barlow  is  generally  preferred,  because  in  this 
the  striking  corresponds  with  the  position  of  the  hands  on  the  dial, 
whereas  with  the  locking-plate  the  hours  are  sounded  successively 
without  regard  to  the  hands. 

Watch  Movements. — Most  of  the  early  watches  of  pocket  size 
were  arranged  to  run  for  from  twelve  to  sixteen  hours  between 
successive  windings,  the  fusee  making  from  ten  to  twehe  turns. 
The  train  usually  consisted  of  the  great  wheel  which  drove  a  pinion 
carrying  the  second  wheel ;  the  second  wheel  drove  a  pinion  carrying 
the  contrate  wheel,  and  the  last  named  drove  the  pinion  carrying  the 
escape  wheel.  The  great  wheel  was  fixed  to  its  arbor,  one  end  of 
which  fitted  loosely  into  a  long  hole  in  the  larger  end  of  the  fusee, 
the  other  end  was  carried  in  a  hole  in  that  plate  of  the  movement 
which  is  nearest  the  dial,  and  on  the  very  extremity  of  this  end  was 
a  pinion,  usually  of  the  lantern  kind,  gearing  with  a  wheel  whose 
pipe  projected  through  the  centre  of  the  dial  and  carried  the  hand. 
Pinions  ha^ang  five  leaves  were,  so  far  as  my  observation  goes, 
almost  invariably  used  for  the  train,  and  for  the  wheel  teeth  the 
following  numbers :  great  wheel,  55 ;  second,  45  ;  contrate,  40  ; 
escape  wheel,  15.  A  projection  from  the  verge  "banked"  against 
the  potence  to  prevent  overrunning.  There  being  a  wheel  and 
pinion  less  in  the  train  than  is  usual  now,  the  escape  wheel  ran 
the  reverse  way ;  its  teeth  and  the  verge  therefore  appear  to  be 
left-handed  to  the  modern  watchmaker. 

John  Fitter,  about  1665,  made  a  watch  with   the  extra  wheel  and 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

pinion,  the  contrate  wheel  of  which  turned  once  in  a  minute,  but 
there  is  no  doubt  the  longer  train  was  not  generally  viewed  with 
favour  till  the  balance  spring  was  introduced  in  1675  ;  very  soon 
after  that  date  it  became  universal,  together  with  wheel-work 
arranged  for  a  run  of  thirty  hours. 

Among  earlier  and  exceptional  departures  from  the  three-wheel 
train  may  be  mentioned  an  unnamed  watch  in  the  Guildhall 
Museum  which  has  four  low  numbered  wheels.  The  hand  work 
consists  of  a  three-leaved  lantern  on  the  great  wheel  arbor,  driving 
a  wheel  of  twenty-seven  attached  to  the  hand  ;  the  fusee  being  cut 
for  twelve  turns,  the  watch  would  run  for  fifteen  hours  only.  This 
specimen  dates  apparently  from  about  1650. 

Fig.  687  is  a  view  of   a  very  early   English   watch   movement. 

Fig.  687. — English  watch  without 
screws,  about  1600. 

Fig.  688. — EngHsh  watch, 
about  1650. 

certainly  not  later,  I  think,  than  1600.  There  are  no  screws  used 
in  its  construction,  and  the  mainspring  is  adjusted  by  means  of  a 
ratchet  and  click.  The  train  is  of  the  numbers  already  given,  the 
hand  is  driven  by  four  pegs  projecting  from  the  great  wheel  arbor, 
acting  with  a  hand  wheel  of  thirty-six  teeth.  The  fusee  makes 
barely  eleven  turns.  Inscribed  on  the  plate  is  the  maker's  name, 
"  Simon  Bartram."  Either  he  or  possibly  his  namesake  and 
successor  was  appointed  in  the  Charter  of  the  Clockmakers'  Com- 
pany to  be  one  of  the  "  Assistants,"  as  the  members  of  the 
Committee  of  Management  were  termed. 

The  first  noticeable  departure  from  the  primitive  arrangement 
was  the  adoption  of  a  tangent  wheel  and  screw  for  the  regulation  of 
the  mainspring,  which  was  introduced  about  16 10,  and  is  shown  in 
Fig.  688.  On  the  barrel  arbor  above  the  tangent  wheel  is  a  disc 
of  silver  with  divisions  figured  as  a  guide  in  setting  the  mainspring 

Mechanis))!  of  Clocks  and  Watches. 


up  or  down  ;  this  adjustment  being  evidently  used  to  regulate  in 
some  measure  the  timekeeping  of  the  watch. 

An  alternative  attempt  at  regulation  before  the  ad\ent  of  the 
balance  spring  was  to  fix  on  a  movable  plate  two  pins  to  intercept 
the  arms  of  the  balance  at  longer  or  shorter  arcs,  as  illustrated  in 
Chap.  III.  pp.  79,  140,  144. 

A  pendulum  watch  with  a  slit  in  the  dial  was  illustrated  on 
page  231.  This  proved  to  be  an  inconvenient  arrangement,  but 
in  the  early  part  of  the  eighteenth  century  many  watches  were  made 
with  a  cap  over  the  balance  as  in  Fig.  68g.  The  arms  of  the 
balance  were  weighted,  and  a  semicircular  perforation  in  the  cap 
allowed  one  weight  to  be  visible,  the  motion  of  the  weight  as  it 
vibrated  resembling  that  of  a  pendulum.     Pendulum  watches  having 

•■•■•■•  •••  ^- 


Fig.  GSy. 

Fig.  690. 

caps  decorated  with  painting  on  enamel  were  very  popular  among 
Dutch  makers.  The  watch  illustrated  is  inscribed,  "  Flower, 
London,"  and  dates  from  about  1740. 

As  a  rule  movements  of  w^atches  were  completed  without  reference 
to  the  proximate  owner,  but  an  exceptional  construction  is  shown 
in  Fig.  690.  The  watch  dates  from  about  1700,  and  is  by  "  Massy, 
London."     Around  an  heraldic  shield  bearing  the  royal  arms  is  the 

motto,  "  HONI   SOIT  QUY  MALY    PENSE,"  and    bcloW,  "  SEMPER   EADEM." 

It  is  of  Queen  Anne  period. 

The  movement  of  the  watch  by  Mitzell,  of  which  a  front  view 
appears  in  Fig.  356,  is  covered  by  a  silver  plate,  on  which  the  royal 
arms  with  supporters  are  chased,  underneath  is  the  motto,  "Je  Main 

The  demand  for  verge  watches  continued  till  late  in  the  nine- 
teenth century,  and  they  were  made  to  my  knowledge  in  Clerkenwell 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

till  1882;  the  manufacture  ceased  then  only  because  the  verge 
finishers  died  out.  The  last  specimens  had  lever  cocks,  because 
there  was  no  one  left  to  make  the  orthodox  patterns. 

Balance  Springs. — The  introduction  of  the  balance  spring, 
which  marks  such  an  important  epoch  in  the  manufacture  of 
watches,  appears  to  be  due  principally  to  the  investigations  of 
Dr.  Robert  Hooke,  about  1660.  There  is  no  doubt  that  Huygens 
and  others  also  experimented  with  various  materials  to  find  a  satis- 
factory controller  for  a  vibrating  balance.  Huygens'  labours  in  this 
direction  may,  of  course,  have  been  spontaneous,  but,  as  recounted 
on  page  303,  Hooke  asserted  that  a  communication  from  him  to  the 
Secretary  of  the  Royal  Society  induced  Huygens  to  turn  his  attention 

to  the  subject. 

The  engraving  (Fig.  691}  repre- 
sents a  watch  of  German  origin 
from  the  collection  of  Mr.  Evan 
Roberts.  It  has  a  day  of  the  month 
ring,  and  is  generally  of  the  con- 
struction usual  soon  after  the  middle 
of  the  seventeenth  century.  But  the 
peculiar  feature  of  the  movement 
lies  in  the  application  of  a  straight 
hog's  bristle  to  regulate  the  balance. 
There  is  no  sign  of  any  other  spring 
having  been  attached,  and  the  acces- 
sories of  the  bristle  are  quite  in  character  with  the  rest  of  the  work. 
There  are  two  arms  which  embrace  the  bristle  and  practically 
determine  its  acting  length,  and  by  means  of  a  screw  these  may  be 
shifted  to  act  over  a  considerable  range. 

Steel  springs  were,  however,  found  to  be  the  most  suitable.  The 
primitive  straight  ones  would  of  course  allow  but  a  very  small 
vibration  of  the  balance,  while  the  to-and-fro  motion  between  pins 
where  it  made  contact  with  the  balance  involved  considerable 
friction.  Of  others,  curved  somewhat  to  the  shape  of  a  pothook, 
there  are  still  examples,  but  eventually  the  more  convenient  and 
correct  form  was  found  to  be  a  \-olute  which  had  at  first  but  one  or 
two  coils.  The  coils  were  increased  to  four  or  five  as  the  advantage 
of  a  longer  spring  was  understood,  but  the  very  long  springs  with 
which  we  are  now  familiar  were  not  apphed  till  the  advent  of  the 
lever  and  other  detached  escapements  which  allowed  the  balance  to 
have  a  larger  arc  of  \'ibration. 

Fig.  691. — Hog's  bristle  as  a 
balance  controller. 

Mt'cluiiiisii!  of  Clocks  and   ]]'atchcs 


To  lengthen  or  shorten  the  acting  length  of  the  spring,  Tompion 
appears  to  have  used  the  circular  slide  with  an  index  from  the  first. 
This  arrangement, -which  remained  in   favour  for  a  long  period,  is 

Fig.  692. — Tompion's  regulator. 

Fig.  693.— Barrow's  regulator. 

shown  in  Fig.  692.  Below,  and  attached  to  a  silver  disc,  graduated 
and  figured  as  a  guide  to  regulation,  is  a  pinion  which  gears  with 
teeth  on  the  outer  edge  of  the  circular  slide  ;  from  the  inner  edge 
projects   an   arm   carryingTtwo    upright    pins    wliicli    embrace   the 

Fig.  G94. 

spring.      The   projecting  end  of   the    pinion    is    square,   so    that    it 
could  be  turned  by  means  of  a  watch  key. 

Mr.  Schloss  has  a  clock-watch  by  Nathaniel  Barrow,  dating  from 
about   1675,  in  which  the  outer  end  of  the  spring  is  continued  in  a 


Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

straight  line  to  the  stud  at  the  edge  of  the  plate,  and  the  regulation 
accomplished  very  much  in  the  same  way  as  the  hog's  bristle  watch 
already  delineated.  Fig.  693  is  a  plan  of  this  watch  movement. 
The  curved  stud  on  the  left  is  continued  in  a  sort  of  zig-zag  shape 

to  hold  one  end  of  the  regulating 
screw.  The  upper  end  of  the  nut 
points  to  an  index  engraved  on  the 
plate,  and  the  lower  extremity  is 
notched  to  receive  the  spring. 

An  early  application  of  the  balance 
spring  with  quaintly  worded  instruc- 
tions for  regulating  is  shown  in  Fig. 
694,  which  represents  the  movement 
of  a  large  striking  and  alarum  watch 
by  Edward  East. 

A  fine    movement   by  Daniel   Le 
Count,  dating  from  1680,  and  having 
a  regulator  on  Barrow's  principle,  is  shown  in  Fig.  695. 

The  chief  drawback  to  Tompion's  regulator  is  that  owing  to  the 
backlash  or  freedom  between  the  teeth  of  the  pinion  and  slide,  a 

Fig.  695. 


Fig.  696.— Watch  by  Baltazar  Martinet, 

showing  early  French  arrangement  of 

balance  spring  regulator. 

Fig.  697. 

slight  reversal  of  the  index  has  no  effect  on  the  curb  pins.  The 
simple  regulator  now  generally  employed  consists  of  a  lever,  fitting 
friction-tight  over  a  boss  on  the  balance  cock  ;  the  shorter  end  of 
the  lever  carries  the  curb  pins  which  embrace  the  balance  spring, 
while  the  longer  end  through  which  it  is  moved  serves  also  as  an 
indicator  of  alterations  in  the  position  of  the  curb  pins.  This  device 
was  patented  by  Bosley  in  1755. 

MechaiiisJH  of  Clocks  and   Watches. 


There  is  one  point  about  the  stud  used  in  those  of  Tompion's 
watches  I  have  seen  which  might  well  be  revived.  The  hole  in  the 
stud  for  the  reception  of  the  spring  was  square.  The  modern  system 
of  pinning,  by  squeezing  the  flat  side  of  a  spring  against  the  surface 
of  a  round  hole,  is  altogether  unmechanical  and  must  distort  the 

Fig.  696  represents  the  top  plate  of  an  alarm  watch  by  the 
celebrated  French  maker,  Baltazar  Martinot.  The  balance  is  very 
large,  planted  nearlv  in   tlie  centre  of  the  plate  and   covered   by  a 

Fig.  6g8. 

handsomely  engraved  bridge.  The  pinion  and  teeth  of  the  slide 
for  regulation  of  the  balance  spring  are  uncovered,  and  no  index 
appears  to  have  been  provided. 

A  very  similar  watch  by  one  of  the  Habrechts  of  Strasburg  has 
the  bridge  covered  with  the  picture  of  a  woman  smoking  a  pipe,  as 
shown  in  Fig.  697.     The  painting  is  finely  executed  in  enamel. 

Watch  Cocks. — The  first  of  the  cocks  or  brackets  used  to 
support  one  end  of  the  balance  staff  were  probably  quite  plain,  but 
so  prominent  a  feature  of  the  movement  speedily  became  an  object 
of  enrichment.  Of  the  early  pierced  and  engraved  designs  examples 
are  given  in  Figs.  687,  688,  691,  693,  695,  413.     These  range  from 

528  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

the  end  of  the  sixteenth  century  to  1680,  and  it  will  be  observed  that 
from  its  primal  office  of  carrying  the  balance  staff  pivot  the  table 
of  the  cock  was  gradually  spread  to  protect  the  balance  from  dis- 
turbance. In  No.  I  of  the  subjoined  Fig.  698,  from  a  watch  by 
"Jeremie  Johnson,  Royal  Exchange,"  dating  from  about  1685,  the 
edge  of  the  table  is  of  a  plain  circular  form  and  coincident  with  the 
outside  of  the  balance  rim  ;  the  foot  is  very  wide,  but  its  outer  edge 
is  carved,  and  would  not  correspond  with  the  outline  of  the  plate,  to 
which  it  would  be  screwed. 

No.  2  is  from  a  watch  by  Thomas  Windmills,  dating  from  about 
1700.  Here  the  outside  of  the  foot  followed  the  curve  of  the  plate. 
The  narrow  neck  at  the  junction  of  the  table  and  the  foot  seen  in 
this  and  in  the  preceding  example  appears  to  have  been  originally 
provided  as  a  space  for  pinning  the  cock  to  a  stud  and  to  have 
survived  the  introduction  of  screw  fastenings.  The  floral  pierced 
work  in  No.  i  and  No.  2  is  very  similar,  but  the  basket  or  pot  in  the 
first  is  in  the  latter  discarded  for  a  mask,  and  from  this  period  heads 
or  masks  seem  to  have  been  incorporated  with  most  of  the  designs 
so  long  as  the  pierced  cocks  lasted.  Curiously  enough,  the  streamers 
at  the  sides  of  the  basket,  which  look  appropriate,  are  incongruously 
retained  with  the  head  ;  still,  the  streamers  and  masks  were  associated 
for  thirty  or  forty  years.  About  1720,  cocks  with  solid  feet  were 
made,  though  the  pierced  variety  is  met  with  till  about  1770. 

No.  3,  with  a  jewelled  centre  and  a  representation  of  a  lion  in  a 
cage,  dates  from  about  1770,  and  No.  4,  with  the  military  emblems, 
from  1780. 

With  few  exceptions,  French  and  Dutch  manufacturers  used  a 
bridge  instead  of  a  cock.  No.  5,  a  pretty  specimen,  is  from  a 
pendulum  watch  made  about  1740.  Others  are  shown  on  pages  ig8, 
236,  and  526.     On  pages  198  and  526  are  two  finely  enamelled. 

The  beautiful  pierced  work  was  unable  to  withstand  the  utilitarian 
spirit  of  the  nineteenth  century,  though  it  died  hard.  No.  6  is  from 
a  watch  by  James  Wild,  London,  with  the  hall  mark  for  1788.  The 
solid  lever  form  of  cock  (No.  7)  was  taken  from  a  verge  watch  with 
the  hall  mark  of  1826.  A  few  years  ago  a  taste  for  watch  cock 
necklaces,  brooches,  and  bracelets  arose,  and  thousands  of  interesting 
movements  were  destroyed  in  mad  haste  to  supply  material  for  an 
evanescent  fancy. 

Watch  Pillars. — Though  the  pillars  which  connect  the  two 
plates  of  a  watch  movement  are  now  universally  made  of  a  plain 
cylindrical  form,  they  have  been  formerly  the  subjects  of  considerable 

Mechanhin  of  Clocks  and   Watclics.  529 

enrichment.  In  most  of  the  early  movements  of  a  small  size  the 
pillars  were  round ;  the  larger  ones  were  usually  square,  and  often 
engraved  ;  but  one  of  the  first  obvious  departures  from  the  utilitarian 
form  in  order  to  please  the  eye,  is  shown  in  No.  i  of  the  subjoined 
engraving.  This  is  known  as  the  tulip  pillar,  and  seems  to  have 
been  introduced  in  deference  to  what  may  be  called  the  tulip-mania, 
which  followed  the  introduction  of  tulip  bulbs  into  England  and  led 
artists  to  incorporate  the  flower  with  almost  every  kind  of  decoration. 
For  about  25  years  from  1676  many  of  the  finest  watches  were  made 
with  tulip  pillars.  In  some  instances  the  vertical  division  shown  in 
the  engraving  was  omitted.  The  square  Egyptian  pillar.  No.  2,  was 
introduced  about  1640,  and  continued  in  use  for  many  years,  the 
central  slit  being  often  wider  than  the  example,  with  a  vertical 
division  and  decorations  on  the  face  ;  silver  was  the  material  favoured 
for  the  decorations  and  divisions.  The  plainer  square  pillar,  No.  3, 
has  also  had  a  long  life,  for  it  is  met  with  in  watches  nearly  two 
hundred  years  old,  and  also  in  specimens  produced  in  the  early  part 

Fig.  C99. 

of  the  nineteenth  century.  No.  4  is  a  form  favoured  by  Dutch  and 
some  English  makers  from  about  1730  to  1770,  and  is  occasionally 
seen  applied  to  much  later  productions.  Pillars  like  No.  5,  dating 
from  the  first  half  of  the  eighteenth  century,  are  more  often  seen  in 
French  and  German  watches  than  in  English,  and  are  often  of  silver. 
No.  6  is  taken  from  a  watch  by  EUicott,  the  case  of  which  has  the 
hall  mark  for  1746,  and  the  elegant  outline  is  quite  in  accord  with 
the  popular  taste  at  that  time.  No  7  is  a  little  later,  and  is  taken 
from  a  watch  by  John  Markham,  a  well-known  maker  for  the  Dutch 
market.  During  the  period  devoted  to  fancy  pillars,  repeaters  and 
clock  watches  where  room  was  an  object  did  not  usually  conform  to 
the  popular  taste  in  this  particular,  but  were  furnished  with  plain 
round  pillars,  having  small  bodies  and  collars  formed  at  the  top  and 
bottom,  to  afford  a  more  secure  bearing  on  the  plates. 

Watch  Escapements. — The  verge,  the  earliest  escapement,  was 
explained  on  page  33.  About  1660  the  Abbe  Hauteville  invented  the 
"  Virgule,"  illustrated  in  Fig.  700.  Its  action  will  be  understood  by 
those   conversant  with  escapements.     Tompion  devised  a  form  of 

C.W.  M   M 


Old  Clocks  and   WatcJics  and  their  Makers. 

watch  escapement  shown  on  page  273,  and  subsequently  were  intro- 
duced, among  others,  the  cyHnder  and  duplex.  In  accordance  with 
my  promise  to  avoid  technicalities  and  modern  construction,  I  do  not 
propose  to  descant  on  these  ;  they  are  dealt  with  fully  in  the  "  Watch 
and  Clock  Maker's  Handbook."  The  best  of  all  watch  escapements, 
the  lever,  which  Mudge  invented  and  applied  to  a  watch  for  Queen 
Charlotte,  was  analogous  in  its  action  to  the  present  form  of  double 
roller  escapement,  except  that  the  impulse  pin  was  divided,  for  the 
purpose  of  ensuring  the  safety  action  after  the  finger  enters  the 
crescent,  and  before  the  impulse  pin  is  fairly  in  the  notch,  a  result 
now  attained  very  simply  by  having  horns  to  the  lever.  Curiously 
enough,  the  advantages  of  Mudge's  invention  seem  to  have  remained 
unrecognised  for  many  years,  except  by  a  few  of  his  watchmaking 

friends.  George  Margetts  and  Josiah 
Emery  seem  to  have  been  impressed 
with  it,  and  the  latter  made  for 
Count  Bruhl  a  watch  furnished  with 
a  lever  escapement  on  Mudge's  plan, 
which  performed  so  satisfactorily 
that  Emery  was  induced  to  continue 
its  use.  In  1793  he  told  a  com- 
mittee of  the  House  of  Commons 
appointed  to  inquire  into  Mudge's 
claim  to  the  Government  reward, 
that  he  had  made  thirty-tAVO  or 
thirty-three  such  watches,  and  that 
his  price  for  them  was  £^50  each. 
By  favour  of  Mr.  George  Burrell,  I  had  the  privilege  a  short  time 
ago  of  inspecting  a  very  fine  watch  which  Emery  made  for  the  Duke 
of  Portland.  It  had  a  lever  escapement  and  a  second  roller  for  the 
safety  action,  practically  similar  to  the  arrangement  in  first-class 
timekeepers  of  to-day.  The  impulse  pin  was  of  steel,  and  pivoted 
in  jewel  holes,  so  that  it  rolled  in  and  out  of  the  notch.  The  watch, 
Mr.  Burrell  said,  was  originally  hung  in  gymbals  in  a  wooden  box. 

In  the  collection  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  at  the  Guildhall 
is  an  interesting  watch  by  John  Leroux,  of  Charing  Cross,  who  was 
admitted  an  honorary  freeman  of  the  company  in  1781.  This  watch, 
by  the  hall  mark  in  the  case,  was  made  in  1785,  and  the  peculiar 
feature  of  it  is  the  escapement,  which  is  a  lever,  but  the  pallets  are  of 
unusual  form  and  act  with  teeth  resembling  those  of  the  cylinder 
escape  wheel,  as  shown  in  Fig.  701. 

Fig.  700. — Virgule  escapement. 

Mccha)nsni  of  Clocks  and   Watches. 


Peter  Litherland  in  1791  patented  the  rack  lever  escapement,  in 
which  the  lever  terminates  in  a  segmental  rack  which  gears  with  a 
pinion  on  the  balance  axis.  Although  this  was  an  undetached 
escapement,  and  therefore  wanting  in  the  chief  excellence  of  Mudge's 
conception,  it  met  with  considerable  success,  a  large  number  being 
made  in  the  early  part  of  the  present  century  by  Roskell  of  Liverpool, 
chiefly  for  the  American  market. 

About  1800,  Edward  Massey,  a  Staffordshire  watchmaker,  invented 
the  crank  roller,  in  which  the  impulse  pin  is  projected  beyond  the 
periphery  of  the  roller,  something  like  the  hnger  in  the  going  barrel 
stopwork.  Contact  of  the  extremities  of  the  lever  with  the  edge  of 
the  roller  formed  the  safety  action.  The  final  perfecting  of  the  table 
roller  \'ariety  is  ascribed  to  George 
Savage,  a  Clerkenwell  watch  finisher, 
some  years  afterwards. 

Watch  Je\A/elling. — In  the  early 
part  of  the  eighteenth  century  was 
introduced  the  practice  of  using  highly 
polished  surfaces  of  hard  stone  for  the 
bearings  of  the  smaller  quickly  moving 
watch  pivots  and  other  rubbing  contacts. 

In  1704  a  patent  was  granted  to 
Nicholas  Facio,  Peter  Debaufre,  and 
Jacob  Debaufre,  for  the  application  of 
jewels  to  the  pivot  holes  of  watches 
and  clocks.  Facio,  the  inventor,  was 
a  native  of  Basle,  where  he  was  born 
in  1664,  coming  to  England  in  the  early  part  of  1687.  Here  he 
seems  to  have  busied  himself  with  scientific  pursuits,  and  towards 
the  end  of  the  century  he  was  elected  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal 
Society.  His  co-patentees  were  watchmakers,  living  in  Church 
Street,  Soho,  and  an  advertisement  in  the  London  Gazette  of 
May  II,  1704,  announced  that  jewelled  watches  were  to  be  seen  at 
their  shop,  stating  also  that  they  made  "  free  watches."  A  watch 
bearing  the  name  of  "  Debauffre "  is  to  be  seen  at  the  South 
Kensington  Museum.  Before  the  patent  was  many  months  old,  the 
patentees  applied  to  Parliament  for  a  Bill  to  extend  it  ;  but  this  was 
opposed  by  the  Clockmakers'  Company,  and  on  evidence  produced 
by  them  a  Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  recommended  that 
the  Bill  be  rejected.  In  reporting  the  successful  result  of  their 
opposition,  the  master  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  acquainted  the 

M   M  2 

Fig.  701. 

a.  The  wheel.  6.  The  pallets  c.  The 
lever,  dd.  Banking  screws,  c.  The 
detaining  roller,  below  which  on  the 
same  axis  is  another  roller  or  disc 
with  a  ruby  pin,  as  usual,  for  receiv- 
ing impulse  from  the  lever  fork. 

532  Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

court  that  in  the  proofs  brought  against  the  Bill,  there  was  an  old 
watch  produced,  the  maker's  name  Ignatius  Huggeford  (or  Hugger- 
ford),  that  had  a  stone  fixed  in  the  cock  and  balance  work,  which  was 
of  great  use  to  satisfy  the  committee. 

But  the  best  of  the  story  has  yet  to  be  told.  In  recent  years 
Huggeford's  watch  was  taken  down  by  Mr.  E.  J.  Thompson,  a 
member  of  the  court  of  the  company,  and  he  reported  that  "  The 
movement  is  not  in  any  sense  jewelled,  the  verge  holes  being  of 
brass.  A  piece  of  coloured  glass  or  soft  stone,  fastened  in  a  disc  of 
silver  and  burnished  into  a  sink  in  the  steel  cock,  gives  a  fictitious 
appearance  of  jewelling." 

About  1720  Facio  settled  at  Worcester,  where  he  died  at  the  age  of 
90,  and  was  buried  at  St.  Nicholas'  Church  in  that  city  in  1753. 

Compensation. — Variation  in  the  elasticity  of  the  balance  spring 
when  subjected  to  changes  of  temperature  proved  a  fruitful  source  of 
trouble  to  horologists  after  the  application  of  that  most  useful 
adjunct.  Harrison's  account  of  his  "  Thermometer  Kirb  "  is  given 
on  page  325.  Mudge  strove  to  avoid  the  difficulty  of  regulation 
experienced  by  Harrison  by  using  two  balance  springs,  as  stated  on 
page  334.  Breguet  invented  a  compensation  curb  on  Harrison's 
principle,  but  shaped  like  a  quadrant  in  order  to  get  a  greater  length 
of  laminae,  and  therefore  more  action.  One  end  of  the  quadrant 
was  fixed  to  the  index  and  the  other  carried  one  of  the  curb  pins, 
which  by  the  movement  of  the  laminae  in  changes  of  temperature 
was  caused  to  recede  from  or  approach  the  fixed  curb  pin,  and  thus 
to  give  more  or  less  liberty  to  the  spring.  Various  compensation 
balances  from  the  time  of  Arnold  are  illustrated  in  Watch  Springing 
and  Adjusting,  and  need  not  be  repeated  here. 

Evolution  of  Winding  Mechanism  for  Watches. — One  of 
the  first  references  to  winding  without  opening  the  case  of  a  watch 
is  to  be  found  in  an  advertisement  which  appeared  in  the  London 
Gazette  for  January  10-13,  1686,  where  a  watch  by  R.  Bowen, 
London,  is  described  as  having  one  motion,  and  the  spring  being 
wound  up  without  a  key,  and  it  opening  contrary  to  all  other 
watches.  Then  in  Overall's  "  History  of  the  Clockmakers'  Com- 
pany "  it  is  stated  that  in  1712  John  Hutchinson  desired  to  patent  a 
watch  which,  among  other  improvements,  "  has  likewise  a  con- 
trivance to  wind  up  this  or  any  other  movement  without  an  aperture 
in  the  case  through  which  anything  can  pass  to  foul  the  movement." 
The  Clockmakers'  Company  opposed  the  application,  and  a  com- 
mittee of  the  House  of  Commons  examined  witnesses,  among  others 

Mechanism  of  Clocks  and  Watches.  533 

George  Graham  and  Charles  Goode.  Mr.  Goode  produced  a  move- 
ment made  fourteen  years  before.  Mr.  Hutchinson  confessed 
Goode's  movement  was  hke  his,  and  eventually  withdrew  his 

The  next  in  order  is  Pierre  Augustin  Caron,  a  clever  watchmaker 
of  Paris,  who  in  1752  made  for  Madame  de  Pompadour  a  very  small 
watch,  which  gained  for  him  a  prize  from  the  Academy  of  Sciences. 
This  appears  to  have  been  wound  either  by  turning  the  bezel  or 
with  a  slide  very  similar  to  the  winding  slide  now  used  for  repeaters. 
A  translation  of  his  description  is  as  follows  :  "  It  is  in  a  ring,  and  is 
only  four  lignes  across  and  two-thirds  of  a  ligne  in  height  between 
the  plates.  To  render  this  ring  more  commodious,  I  have  contrived, 
instead  of  a  key,  a  circle  round  the  dial  carrying  a  little  projecting 
hook.  By  drawing  this  hook  with  the  nail  two-thirds  round  the  dial, 
the  watch  is  re-wound  and  it  goes  for  thirty  hours."  Caron  was  an 
accomplished  musician  as  well  as  a  playwriter,  and  is  better  known 
under  the  name  of  Beaumarchais,  as  the  author  of  "  Le  Barbier  de 
Seville  "  and  "  Le  Mariage  de  Figaro." 

In  1764  Frederick  Kehlhoff,  of  London,  patented  a  centre  seconds 
and  going  barrel  watch  with  a  stackfreed  remontoire.  A  watch  on 
this  plan  by  him  was  wound  by  turning  the  bow,  the  arbor  of  which 
terminated  in  a  contrate  wheel  gearing  with  an  intermediate  wheel 
which  engaged  with  a  wheel  on  the  barrel  arbor ;  but  nothing  was 
said  in  his  patent  respecting  the  keyless  work. 

Lepine,  who  was  associated  with  Voltaire  in  the  establishment  of 
a  watch  factory  at  Ferney,  in  Switzerland,  devised  a  method  of  wind- 
ing in  which  the  button  at  the  pendant  was  turned  partly  round,  and 
then  pushed  in  several  times  till  the  winding  was  completed.  This 
was  the  first  of  a  series  of  what  is  known  as  "  pumping  "  keyless 

In  1792  Peter  Litherland,  who  patented  the  rack  lever,  claimed 
(patent  No.  1889)  "  winding  up  watches,  etc.,  by  means  of  an  external 
lever  connected  by  mechanism  by  the  barrel  arbor." 

Robert  Leslie,  in  1793,  patented  (No.  1970)  another  pumping  key- 
less arrangement.  His  claim  says,  "  On  the  square  on  which  the 
key  should  go  is  a  ratch  ;  the  pendant,  being  alternately  moved  in 
and  out,  turns  this  ratch  by  means  of  two  clicks  on  either  end  of  a 
fork  fastened  to  the  pendant." 

A  watch,  dating  from  about  1790,  signed  "  Jacquet  Droz,  London," 
which  is  shown  in  Fig.  315,  is  furnished  with  winding  work  of  this 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

J.  A.  Berrollas,  in   1827  (No.  5586),  patented  a  somewhat  similar 

contrivance,  but  used  a  chain  coiled  round  the  winding  wheel.     I 

wore  for  some  years  a  duplex  watch  by  Ganthony  with  this  keyless 

work,  and  it  answered  well. 

Edward  Massey,  in  1814  (3854),  Francis  J.  Massey  in  1841  (8947), 

and    Edward    Massey  again  in   1841    (9120),  patented  varieties   of 

pumping  keyless  work. 

Charles  Oudin  exhibited  at  Paris,  at  1806,  an  arrangement  shown 

in  Fig.  702  :  k  is  the  barrel,  j  and  g  intermediate  wheels  gearing  with 

the  contrate  pinion  // ;  ^  is  a  disc  at  one  extremity  of  the  rod  n  h. 

The  rod  is  supported  by  the  cock  d,  and  has  two  grooves,  into  one 

of  which  the  spring  /  presses, 
according  to  the  position  of  the 
rod.  One  of  these  grooves  is 
seen  at  c,  the  other  is  hidden, 
owing  to  the  position  in  which 
the  parts  are  shown.  When  out 
of  use  the  disc  a  forms  part  of 
the  ball  of  the  pendant.  In 
order  to  wind,  the  rod  n  h  is 
pulled  up  until  the  nib  at  the 
end  of  h  comes  in  contact  with 
the  interior  of  the  pinion  h, 
where  there  is  a  catch  ;  the 
spring  /  then  falls  into  the 
groove  c,  and  then  the  winding 
is  accomplished  by  turning  the 
ball  at  a.  There  was  no  pro- 
vision for  setting  hands. 

Thomas    Prest,    foreman     to 

J.  R.  Arnold,  at  his  Chigwell  chronometer  factory,  patented  in  1820 

(No.  4501),  a  very  similar  arrangement  to  the  foregoing  as  far  as 

the  winding  is  concerned,  but  no  provision  was  made  for  disconnecting 

the  wheels  from  the  pendant  knob. 

A.  L.  Breguet  applied  winding  work  to  many  of  his  watches,  and 

an  arrangement  to  connect  with  the  motion  work  for  setting  hands 

by  pulling  out  the  bow. 

Isaac  Brown  in  1829  (5851),  patented  a  winding-rack  attached  to 

the  bezel,  the  bezel  being  moved  round  to  wind. 

Adrien    Phillipe,    in    1843,    invented    the    shifting    sleeve    keyless 

mechanism      used     in     many     foreign    watches.       Lecoultre     and 

Fig.  702. 

Mcchaiiisj)!  of  Clocks  ajid   Watches.  535 

Audemars  subsequently  made  alterations :  the  present  construction 
of  shifting  sleeve  mechanism  is,  however,  similar  in  principle  to  the 
device  of  Phillipe. 

Adolope  Nicole,  in  1844,  patented  (10,355)  a  fusee  keyless  work  in 
which  a  knob  or  the  pendant  was  pushed  in  to  niake  connection  with 
the  fusee  wheel,  and  pulled  out  to  connect  with  the  minute  wheel. 

The  rocking  bar  mechanism  for  winding  and  setting  hands  was 
patented  in  1855  (2144),  by  Gustavus  Hughenin. 

Self- Winding  Watches. — Several  methods  have  been  devised 
for  automatic  winding,  of  which  two  examples  are  given. 

Fig.  703  shows  an  arrangement  by  Lebet  for  winding  a  watch  by 
the  action  of  closing  the  hunting  cover.  There  is  a  short  gold  arm 
projecting  beyond  the  joint.  This  arm  is  connected  by  means  of  a 
double  link  to  a  lever,  one  end  of  which  is  pivoted  to  the  plate.  To 
the  free  end  of  this  lever  is  jointed  a  scythe-shaped  rack,  which  works 
into  a  wheel  with  ratchet-shaped  teeth  on  the  barrel  arbor.  A  weak 
spring  fastened  to  the  lever  serves  to  keep  the  rack  in  contact  with 
the  wheel  teeth.  Instead  of  the  ordinary  fly  spring,  there  is  a  spring 
fixed  to  the  plate  and  attached  by  means  of  a  short  chain  to  the 
lever.  As  this  spring  pulls  the  cover  open,  the  teeth  of  the  rack  slip 
over  the  teeth  of  the  wheel  on  the  barrel  arbor.  Each  time  the 
wearer  closes  the  cover,  the  watch  is  partly  wound.  By  closing  the 
case  eight  or  nine  times,  the  winding  is  completed.  The  ordinary 
method  of  hooking  in  the  mainspring  would  be  clearly  unsuitable 
with  this  winding  work,  because  after  the  watch  was  fully  wound  the 
case  could  not  be  closed.  Inside  the  barrel  is  a  piece  of  mainspring 
a  little  more  than  a  complete  coil  with  the  ends  overlapping,  and  to 
this  piece  the  mainspring  hook  is  riveted.  The  adhesion  of  the 
loose  turn  of  the  mainspring  against  the  side  of  the  barrel  is  sufficient 
to  drive  the  watch,  but  when  the  hunting  cover  is  closed  after  the 
watch  is  wound,  the  extra  strain  causes  the  mainspring  to  slip  round 
in  the  barrel. 

The  method  of  winding  just  described  can  be  applied  only  to  a 
hunting  watch.  Fig.  704  represents  a  watch  by  Breguet  wnth  what 
is  known  as  a  pedometer  winding.  Louis  Recordon,  in  1780, 
patented  it  (No.  1249),  and  it  has  been  several  times  re-invented. 
The  motion  of  the  wearer's  body  is  utilized  for  winding.  There  is 
a  weighted  lever,  pivoted  at  one  end,  and  kept  in  its  normal  position 
against  the  upper  of  two  banking  pins  by  a  long  curved  spring  so 
weak  that  the  ordinary  motion  of  the  wearer's  body  causes  the  lever 
to  continually  oscillate  between  the  banking  pins.      Pivoted  to  the 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

same  centre  as  the  weighted  lever  is  a  ratchet  wheel  with  very  fine 
teeth,  and  fixed  to  the  lever  is  a  pawl,  which  engages  with  the 
ratchet  wheel.  This  pawl  is  made  elastic,  so  as  to  yield  to  undue 
strain  caused  by  the  endeavour  of  the  lever  to  vibrate  after  the 
watch  is  wound. 

Repeating  Watches. — While  the  striking  mechanism  of  clock 
watches  such  as  were  produced  by  many  of  the  early  makers  was 
founded  on  that  used  in  De  Vick's  clock.  Barlow's  and  Quare's 
repeating  watches   were   similar   in    principle  to  the    rack  striking 

Fig.  703. 
Self-winding  watch  mechanism  to  act      Fig.  704. — Self-winding  or  "Pedometer 
on  the  closing  of  the  hunting  cover.  watch  by  Breguet. 

work  for  house  clocks  invented  by  the  former.  The  number  of 
hours  or  quarters  struck  depends  on  the  position  of  the  snails  which 
revolve  with  the  timekeeping  mechanism.  The  hammers  were 
actuated  by  a  separate  mainspring,  which  was  wound  every  time 
it  was  desired  that  the  watch  should  repeat.  This  was  done  by 
pushing  the  pendant  in.  Connected  to  the  inner  end  of  the  pendant 
was  a  chain  coiled  round  a  pulley  attached  to  the  mainspring  barrel, 
and  also  a  lever,  which,  by  coming  in  contact  with  the  snail,  stopped 
the  pendant ;  so  that  the  mainspring  was  wound  much  or  little 
according  to  the  number  of  blows  to  be  struck. 

M echanism  of  Clocks,  and  Watches.  537 

The  chain  was  found  to  be  the  most  unsatisfactory  part  of  the 
mechanism,  and  at  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century 
Matthew  Stogden  substituted  a  rack  for  it.  Other  alterations 
have  since  been  made  in  the  arrangements,  one  of  the  chief  being 
the  winding  of  the  mainspring  by  means  of  a  shde  projecting 
from  the  band  of  the  case.  Barlow  and  Quare  used  a  bell  shaped 
to  the  inside  of  the  case,  such  as  had  been  used  before  their  time 
for  clock  watches ;  wire  gongs,  introduced  by  Julien  Le  Roy,  are 
now  used  instead. 

Graham  introduced  a  "pulse  piece,"  which  upon  being  pressed 
kept  the  hammers  off  the  bell,  but  allowed  the  time  to  be  ascertained 
by  counting  the  throbs  or  beats  on  the  pulse  piece. 

Dumb  repeaters,  said  to  have  been  invented  by  Julien  Le  Roy, 
had  neither  bells  nor  gongs,  the  blows  being  struck  on  a  solid  block 
fixed  in  the  band  of  the  case. 

In  1804  Jobn  Moseley  Elliott  patented  (No.  2759)  an  ingenious 
device  for  dispensing  with  the  repeating  train,  as  well  as  striking  the 
hours  and  quarters  and  other  subdivisions  with  one  hammer.  By 
turning  a  rod  running  through  the  pendant  to  the  right,  a  pallet  on 
the  inner  end  of  it  moved  round  a  lever  till  it  came  in  contact  with 
the  hour  snail,  and  while  this  was  being  done,  each  of  the  teeth  of 
a  ratchet  wheel  also  mounted  on  the  inner  part  of  the  pendant  rod, 
engaged  with  the  hammer  stalk  and  caused  it  to  strike  on  the  bell. 
The  number  of  blows  struck  depended  of  course  on  the  position  of 
the  hour  snail.  By  turning  the  pendant  to  the  left,  another  lever 
was  carried  to  the  quarter  snail,  and  the  required  number  of  quarters 
struck  in  like  manner. 

The  time  might  in  this  arrangement  be  ascertained  without  a  bell, 
by  first  turning  the  pendant  rod  as  far  as  the  snail  allowed,  and  then 
reversing  it  and  counting  the  number  of  clicks  or  obstructions  caused 
by  engagement  with  the  ratchet.  The  elder  Grant  made  some  dumb 
repeaters  on  this  plan. 

Hall  Marks. — These  marks  are  impressed  on  watch  cases, 
jewellery,  and  plate  after  the  quality  of  the  metal  has  been  ascer- 
tained by  assay  at  certain  official  Assay  Halls.  The  marking  of 
jewellery  is,  with  few  exceptions,  optional.  The  hall  marking  of 
all  watch  cases  of  gold  or  silver  made  in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland 
is  compulsory.  The  cost  is  only  the  actual  outlay  incurred  in 
assaying  and  stamping.  The  hall  mark  consists  of  several  impres- 
sions in  separate  shields  :  there  are  the  standard  or  quality  mark  ; 
the  mark  of  the  particular  office  at  which  the  article  was  assayed ; 

538  Old  Clocks  and   Watches  and  their  Makers. 

some  character  by  which  the  date  of  marking  may  be  traced,  and,  if 

duty  is  chargeable,  the  head  of  the  reigning  sovereign. 

The  oldest  and  most  important  of  the  Assay  Halls  is  that  presided 

over  by  the  Goldsmiths'  Company  of  London,  which  is  situated  in 

Foster  Lane,  just  at  the  back  of  the  old  General  Post  Office,  St. 

Martin's-le-Grand.     The  privilege  of  assaying  and  marking  precious 

metals  was  conferred   on  the  company  by  statute  in    1300.      The 

company    received   a   charter  of   incorporation    in    1327,   and  their 

powers    have    been    confirmed    subsequently    by    several    Acts    of 


Many  early  watch  cases,  especially  silver  ones  of   London  make, 

are  met  with  which  have  no  hall  mark,  the  powers  of  the  company 

not  being  so  strictly  enforced  then  as  now,  or  the  value  of  the  official 

assay  not  being  so  generally  recognised. 

Repousse  cases,  with  other  artistic  wares  of  a  similar  character,  are 

specially  exempted  from  assay. 

It  was  not  till  1798  that  a  lower  standard  of  gold  than  22  carat 

was  allowed,   18  carat   was  then  recognised;  in   1854  three  further 

standards,  15,  12  and  g  carat,  were  introduced. 

The    standard    mark   of    the    London   Hall   is   a   lion 

passant  for  sterling  silver.     A  lion  passant  was  also  the 

standard  mark  on  22-carat  gold  up  to  1845. 

For  gold  of    22  carats    the   standard   mark  is   now  a 

crown,   and    the    figures    22.      For     i8-carat    gold    the 

standard  mark  is  a  crown  and  the  figures  18. 

For  15-carat  gold  15  and  0625  1      Pure  gold  being  24  carats,    these   decimals 
,,     12  ,,  12     ,,      05      '■  represent   the   proportions   of    pure    geld 

,,       9  ,,  9     ..      0-375  ^  in  the  article  so  marked. 

The    London    Hall    Mark  prior  to  1823  was 

a  crowned  leopard's  head;    from   January    ist^ 

1823,    it    was    uncrowned;    specimens   of    both 

styles  are  appended. 

Date  marks  of  the  London  Hall,  given  on  pages  542,  543,  are, 

with  one  or  two  exceptions,  actual  reproductions  which  I  have  made 

from  watch  cases.     Specimens  of  the  earliest  marks  are  not  to  be 


There  was  a  duty  on  silver  articles  of  sixpence  an  ounce  from 

1 719  till  1758,  but  no  special  duty  mark  ;  in  1784  a  similar  duty  was 

imposed,  and  then  the  head  of  the  reigning  sovereign  was  impressed 

to  denote  the  payment  of  duty.     The  Act  came  into  operation  on 

December  ist,  1784,  and  at  first  the  head  had  a  curious  appearance, 

being  incised,  or  incuse  as  it  is  called,  instead  of  in  relief  as  the  other 

MechautsDi  of  Clocks  and  Watches. 


marks  were.  Cases  with  the  London  mark  and  the  letter  K,  which 
corresponds  to  the  period  from  May,  1785,  to  May,  1786,  have  the 
duty  head  incuse,  after  which  the  head  appears  in  rehef  with  London 
marks.  The  wardens  of  the  Birmin<^ham  Assay  Office  have  a  pair 
of  cases  with  the  head  incuse,  and  the  Birmingham  mark  with  the 
letter  N,  which  would  denote  the  period  from  July,  1786,  to  July, 
1787.  In  1804  the  duty  on  silver  was  increased  to  is.  3^.,  and  on 
gold  to  165.  an  ounce.  In  1815  a  further  increase  to  15.  6d.  and 
17s.  6d.  respectively  was  made,  and  the  duty  continued  at  these 
amounts  till  i8go,  when  it  was  finally  abolished.  Watch  cases  were 
exempted  from  duty  in  1798. 

The  maker's  mark  before  1697  was  some  emblem  selected  by  him ; 
in  that  year  it  was  ordered  to  be  the  two  first  letters  of  his  surname ; 
since  1739  it  has  been  the  initials  of  the  maker's  Christian  and 

On  March  25th,  1697,  the  quality  of  standard  silver  was  raised 
from  II  ozs.  2  dwt.  to  1 1  ozs.  10  dwt.  of  pure  silver  in  12  ozs.  of 
plate ;  a  lion's  head  erased  was  then  used  as  the  standard  mark,  and 
a  figure  of  Britannia  as  the  hall  mark;  but  on  June  ist,  1720,  the 
old  standard  of  11  ozs.  2  dwts.,  and  the  old  marks  of  a  lion  passant 
and  a  leopard's  head  were  reverted  to,  although  the  higher  standard 
with  the  figure  of  Britannia  is  still  occasionally  used. 

Marks  of  other  Assay  Oflfices. 
— Chester.  —  Hall  mark,  a  sword 
between  three  wheatsheaves.  Prior 
to  1779  it  was  three  demi-lions  and 
a  wheatsheaf  on  a  shield.  Standard  mark  for  i8-carat  gold,  a 
crown  and  the  figures  18.  For  silver,  a  lion  passant.  Before  1839 
a  leopard's  head  in  addition.  Chester  date  marks  are  given  on 
page  541. 

Birmingham. — Hall  mark,  an  anchor  in  a  square  frame  for 
gold,  and  an  anchor  in  a  pointed  shield  for  silver.     Standard  mark 

for   i8-carat  gold,   a  crown  and  the  figures   18;    for  silver,  a  lion 
passant.     Birmingham  date  marks  are  given  on  page  541. 

Sheffield. — A  York  rose  and  a  crown. 

Exeter.—  A  castle  with  three  towers. 

York. — Five  lions  on  a  cross. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 

Newcastle. — Three  castles. 

Norwich. — A  castle  and  lion  passant.  (The 
Norwich  Assay  Office  is  now  closed). 

Edinburgh  has  a  thistle  for  the  standard 
mark,  and  a  castle  for  the  hall  mark. 

Glasgow  has  a  lion  rampant  for  the 
standard,  and  a  tree,  a  fish,  and  a  bell  for  the 
hall  mark. 

Dublin  has  a  haip  crowned  as  the  standard 
mark  for  sterling  silver  and  for  22-carat  gold, 
\vith  the  figures  22  added  in  the  latter  case ;  for 
2o-carat  gold,  a  plume  of  three  feathers  and  20 ; 
for  i8-carat  gold,  a  unicorn  head  and  18.  The  lower  qualities  of  15, 
12,  and  9,  are  marked  with  the  same  standard  mark  as  is  used  at  the 
London  Hall.     The  hall  mark  for  Dublin  is  a  figure  of  Hibernia. 

Mccha)iisii!   of  Clocks  and   Watches. 



— The  Date  Mark  is  altered  on 

the  1st  Tu 

y  of  each  year, 


g  from  the 

Date  indicated  in  the  Table  till  the  June  following. 


•■  1773 

a  ...  1799 

A  ...    1825 

A  ...  1850 


•■  1875 


..  1774 


..   iSoo 


..  1826 

B  ...  1851 


..  1876 


••  1775 


..  I80I 


..  1827 

C  ...  1852 


..  1877 


••  1776 


..  1802 


..  1828 

D  ...  1853 


..  187S 


••  1777 


..  1803 


..  1829 

E  ...  1854 


..  1879 


••  1778 


..  1804 


..  1830 

F  ...  1855 


..  1880 


..  1779 


..   1805 


..  1831 

G  ...  1856 


..  1881 


..  1780 


..  1806 


..  1832 

H  ...  1857 


..  1882 


..  1781 


..  1807 


••  1833 

I  ...  1858 


..  1883 


..  1782 


..  1808 


..  1834 

K  ...  1859 


..  1884 


..  1783 


..  1809 


•■  1835 

L  ...  i860 


..  1885 


..  1784 


..  I8I0 


..  1836 

M  ...  1861 


..  1886 


..  1785 


..  I8II 


..  1837 

N  ...  1862 


..  1887 


..  1786 


..   I8l2 


..   1838 

0  ...  1863 


..  1888 


..  1787 


..  I8I3 


..  1839 

P  ...  1864 


..  1889 


..  1788 


..  I8I4 


..  1840 

Q  ...  1865 




..  1789 


..  I8I5 


..  1841 

R  ...  1866 


..  1891 


..  1790 


..  I8I6 


..  1842 

S  ...  1867 


..  1892 


..  1791 


..  1817 


..  1843 

T  ...  1868 


..  1893 


..  1792 


..  I8I8 


••  1844 

U  ...  1869 


..  1894 


••  1793 


..  I8I9 


..   1845 

V  ...  1870 


..  1895 


..  1794 


..  1820 


..   1846 

W  ...  1871 


..  1896 


••  1795 


..  I82I 


..  1847 

X  ...   1872 


..  1897 


..  1796 


..  1822 


..  1848 

Y  ...  1873 


..  1898 


..  1797 


..  1823 


..  1849 

Z  ...  1874 


..  1798 


..  1824 


The  Date  Mark  is  altered  on  the  ist  July,  lasting  from  the  Date  indicated  in  the 
Table  till  the  end  ol  June  in  the  following  year. 




A  I 




B  I 




C  I 




D  I 




E  I 



1 73 1 

F  I 




G  I 




H  I 




1  I 




1  I 




K  I 




L  I 




M  I 




N  I 




0  I 




P  I 




y  I 




R  I 




S  I 




r  I 




U  I 




V  I 




W  I 




X  I 














f  17S 

g  1782 
h  1783 
1  1784 
k  1785 
1  1786 
m  1787 
n  1788 
o  1789 
P  1790 
q  1791 
r  1792 

s  1793 
t  1794 

u  1795 
V  1796 






A  1818 

B  1819 

C  1820 

D  1821 

E  1822 

F  1823 

H  1825 

I  1826 

K  1827 

L  1828 

M  1829 

N  1830 

O  1831 

P  1832 

Q  1833 

R  1834 

S  1835 

T  1836 

U  1837 

V  183S 




n  1864 
h   1S65 

Ii  1867 

t  1868 

f  1869 

0  1870 
1,  1S71 
i  1872 

h  1873 

1  1874 
m  1875 
It  1876 


u  1883 

*  These  are  really  Script  capitals. 


Old  Clocks  and  Watches  and  their  Makers. 


The  shields  represented  in  the  subjoined  tables  are  those  used  for 
shield  is  invariably  in  the  shape  of  a  rectangle,  with  the 

Note. — The  Date  Mark  is  altered  on  the  30th  of  May  in 

the  30th  of  May  in 























































































'  This  letter  appeais  to  have  been  used  only  from  March  to  May,   1697. 

Britannia  and  a  lion's  head  erased  was  used  instead  of  the 

f  Watch  cases  marked  between  December,  1784,  and  May,   1798,  would 

Mccluniisii!  of  Clocks  and   Watclics.  543 


silver   and    for   22-carat   gold.     For    lower    qualities   of    gold   the 

corners  taken  off  like  the  one  suorrunding  the  A  in  1876, 

each  year,  lasting  from  the  date  indicated  in  the  Table  till 
the  following  year. 













































































































From    the    25th    March,    1697,    to    the    ist    June,    1720,    the    figure    of 

crowned  leopard's  head  and  a  Hon  passant,  see  page  539. 

bear  an  extra  stamp  representing  the  head  of  George  III.  :  see  page  538. 

(     544    ) 



The  dates  following  the  names  in  this  alphabetical  list  signify 
the  period  when  the  person  referred  to  was  connected  with  the 
Clockmakers'  Company,  or  known  to  be  in  business,  or  when  some 
example  of  his  work  was  made.  It  does  not  necessarily  follow  that 
he  then  either  began  or  relinquished  the  trade.  Throughout  the 
list  C.C.  stands  for  Clockmakers'  Company,  G.M.  for  Guildhall 
Museum,  where  the  collection  of  the  Clockmakers'  Company  is 
located,  B.M.  for  British  Museum,  S.K.M.  for  South  Kensington 
Museum,  and  h.m.  for  Hall  Mark.  Following  the  names  or 
addresses  of  some  of  the  makers  is  a  slight  description  of  speci- 
mens of  their  work  which  have  been  met  with,  or  of  some  invention 
or  distinguishing  trait.  Of  the  more  important  men,  fuller  descrip- 
tions are  given  in  the  body  of  the  book,  and  reference  is  then  made 
to  the  page  where  such  particulars  may  be  found. 

On  estimating  the  age  of  a  timekeeper  by  a  maker  the  only 
reference  to  whom  is  that  he  was  admitted  to  the  Clockmakers' 
Company,  it  may  in  the  majority  of  cases  be  assumed  that  he  was 
at  the  time  of  his  admission  a  young  man  just  out  of  his  appren- 
ticeship ;  but  there  are  numerous  exceptions.  Many  of  those 
members  who  constituted  the  first  roll  of  the  Clockmakers' 
Company  were  of  mature  years  at  the  time  of  the  incorporation  ; 
and  afterwards  men  who  had  made  some  mark  or  whom  circum- 
stances had  brought  into  notice  were  then  induced  to  join.  Hon. 
freemen,  elected  after  1780,  had  all  made  their  reputation  before 

It  is  easy  to  understand  that  the  roll  of  membership  of  the  company 
at  no  time  represented  the  whole  of  the  clockmakers  and  watch- 
makers within  its  sphere  of  action.  Many  who  did  not  care  to  join 
would  escape  observation,  and  those  who  were  free  of  other  guilds 
at  the  incorporation  made  their  apprentices  free  of  the  particular 
company  to  which  they  were  attached. 

Although  the  addresses  of  the  freemen  at  first  are  rarely  given, 

Foruicr  Clock  and   Watchmakers.  545 

it  may  be  taken  for  granted  that  they  were  nearly  all  within  a  radius 
of  ten  miles,  and  among  the  later  ones  it  will  be  found  that  very 
few  of  them  resided  at  any  great  distance  from  the  metropolis. 

Tracing  the  residence  or  business  location  of  manufacturers  is 
often  more  difficult  than  many  would  imagine.  William  Clement  is 
referred  to  in  scores  of  books  as  "  an  eminent  London  Clockmaker 
who  first  applied  the  Anchor  Escapement  to  clocks,"  and  was 
doubtless  a  leading  member  of  his  trade.  He  was  master  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company,  and  presided  when  Graham  took  up  the 
freedom  on  completion  of  his  indentures,  yet  his  name  does  not 
appear  in  any  Directory  of  the  period,  and  I  am  quite  unable  to  dis- 
cover where  he  resided  or  practised  his  craft.  To  mention  another 
instance  of  a  century  later — Earnshaw,  after  he  had  enlisted  the 
interest  of  Dr.  Maskelyne,  Astronomer  Royal,  who  tried  a  watch  of 
his  at  the  Greenwich  Observatory,  was  told  by  the  Doctor  that  he 
had  lost  an  order  for  two  watches  because  Maskelyne  did  not  know 
where  he  lived  ! 

On  some  of  the  early  clocks  and  watches  the  name  inscribed  was 
that  of  the  owner;  but  in  1777  an  Act  of  Parliament  required  the 
name  and  place  of  abode  of  the  maker  to  be  engraved.  Still  it  must 
not  be  concluded  that  in  every  instance  the  name  engraved  on  a 
timekeeper  indicates  its  maker  or  even  that  the  inscription  repre- 
sents any  corporeal  existence.  In  1682  the  C.C.  seized  from  work- 
men "  using  the  art  of  clockmaking  four  unfinished  movements  two 
whereof  have  engraven  thereon  Ambrose  Smith,  Stamford  and 
William  Burges  fecit,  and  another  Jasper  Harmar,  all  of  which 
names  are  greatly  suspected  to  be  invented  or  fobbed."  The 
practice  of  using  apocryphal  names  has  continued  to  the  present 
day.  Sometimes  it  was  adopted  by  manufacturers  of  repute  for 
watches  of  a  lower  quality  than  those  of  which  they  cared  to  own 
the  paternity.  Occasionally  in  such  instances  the  letters  composing 
the  name  of  the  manufacturers  would  be  placed  backwards.  Many 
watches  marked  "  Rentnow,  London,"  are  to  be  met  with,  and  they 
doubtless  emanated  from  the  Wontners,  well-known  makers  of  a 
century  ago.  The  mark  "Yeriaf"  on  a  watch  in  the  Guildhall 
Museum  is  probably  another  example  of  this  reversion.  Some 
watches  with  fictitious  names  would  be  the  production  of  workmen 
who  occasionally  made  a  watch  for  a  private  customer,  and  preferred 
to  thus  conceal  their  identity  rather  than  brave  the  displeasure  of 
their  employers.  Mr.  Evan  Roberts  has  a  watch  marked  "Notyap," 
London,  which  was  possibly  the  production  of  Payton,  a  case  maker 

c.w.  N  N 

546  Old  Clocks  and  ]Vatches  and  their  Makers. 

who  in  1790  carried  on  business  in  Addle  Street.  But  in  most 
instances  such  pseudonyms  appear  to  be  really  the  trade  marks  of 
wholesale  dealers,  who  in  ordering  watches  would  supply  particulars 
of  the  name  to  be  engraved.  Many  hundreds  of  watches  for  the 
Dutch  market  were  marked  "Tarts,  London,"  or  "Jno.  Tarts, 
London."  Yet  I  do  not  think  anyone  has  been  able  to  trace  a 
manufacturer  named  Tarts.  Between  1775  and  1825  the  custom  of 
having  the  name  of  the  owner  and  not  of  the  maker  was  often 
reverted  to,  usually  with  a.d.  preceding  the  date  figures,  and 
occasionally  also  "aged  21,"  or  "married,"  or  "born." 

The  more  reprehensible  act  of  adopting  celebrated  names  appears 
also  to  have  been  of  early  origin.  In  Overall's  "  History  of  the 
Clockmakers'  Company,"  it  is  stated  that  in  1704  the  master  of  the 
C.C.  reported  "  certain  persons  at  Amsterdam  were  in  the  habit  of 
putting  the  names  of  Tompion,  Windmills,  Quare,  Cabrier,  Lamb, 
and  other  well-known  London  makers  on  their  works,  and  selling 
them  as  English."  It  is  to  be  feared  that  some  English  makers  were 
not  free  from  suspicion  of  similar  misdeeds  both  then  and  since. 

Watches  and  clocks  with  Turkish  numerals  often  bore  more  than 
one  name.  It  appears  that  only  the  timekeepers  of  certain  favoured 
manufacturers  or  dealers  whose  names  were  registered  were  admitted 
into  Turkey,  and  on  watches  for  the  Byzantine  markets  made  by 
others  a  registered  name  would  be  engraved,  followed  by  the 
name  of  the  actual  producer.  This,  I  presume,  was  usually  done  by 
arrangement  with  the  "maker"  who  had  the  right  of  entry.  On 
watches  for  Turkey  the  word  "  Pessendede,"  signifying  warranted, 
sometimes  followed  the  name  or  names.  Occasionally  the  first, 
and  perhaps  the  sole  name  inscribed,  would  be  merely  that  of  a 
registered  agent. 

The  locality  of  the  residences  may  not  in  all  cases  be  readily 
recognised.  A  place  called  Swithen's  Alley  in  early  eighteenth 
century  records,  but  more  generally  known  as  Sweeting's  Alley, 
Cornhill,  or  Roy